Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween thoughts

See, here's the thing about Halloween -
it's just a fun day for kids, no what I mean?
If that's what you really believe -
you've been seriously deceived.
Because it's a thoroughly pagan day
dedicated to their god, Samhain.
(Just another name for Satan)
It's never had anything to do with Christ
It's a completely reprehensible and vile night
Given over to the worship of (the god of) death
and depravity and all kinds of nastiness.
As saints we should not celebrate it
for to Christ we are wholly consecrated
And besides, just because something is fun,
well, that's no reason to accept it
Satan's smart enough to make evil (sin) fun,
so lots of people won';t reject it (him)
If you open the door to him even an inch
He'll become your ruler
So even though sin looks alot cooler,
trust me God is far more fun and cool
than satan will ever be so
celebrate the days God set aside
and have nothing to do with Halloween...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

You must clear out the old ashes to build new fires
You must abandon man's traditions to fulfill the Lord's desires
You must live your life on the proper foundation
The Gospel is love in action without hesitation
I'm going to be real with you - right on the level -
Much of what you've been taught are doctrines of devils
They're experts at teaching in churches, see,
they'll take advantage of every opportunity
Only the Holy Spirit can truly teach God's Word
So carefully examine all you've heard
Lift up your knowledge with open hand
Let the Holy Spirit blow on it as only He can
That which remains is of Him
The rest is chaff - let it not stay within

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Lord, I yield my heart to you
Place it on the altar to
give you my heart in sacrafice
May all my heart now be made right

When temptations come, as I know they must
May I then set my heart to trust
That your deliverance is sure
For my heart's disease you are the cure

There is no other to which I flee
But to my source of purity
For you my Jesus alone are Holy
And you alone can rescue me

I yield my soul to you most High
Hear my plea, oh hear my cry
May all my sin within me die
That I may join you in the sky

I am wicked, I am wretched
I am poor and blind and naked
Without you my heart a desert waste is
You oh God are my oasis

Find my heart a furrowed field
To you my Lord doth my heart yield

Saturday, October 22, 2011

No more business as usual

God's house has fallen into disrepair
It's gotten so bad you'd be crazy to go there
             (does anyone still care?)
Cobwebs and filth and a rotten foundation
It's a down right shame we're in this situation
So what should we do about it?
There's nothing we can do, just bein' sober
but after thinking it over
Tear it down then build it up again
This time following his blueprint and plan
No more embracing the traditions of man
We'll obey God and only his commands
We'll love each other and not religion
We'll submit to God each and every decision
We'll let the Holy Spirit lead our hearts therefore our tongues
That our meetings may please the Father and Son
In each service we'll humbly serve God and each other
and all may participate - every sister and brother
In our day and in our eyes
We'll see God's house transformed by Resurrection Life
Till we're a worthy habitation for Him
worthy in His sight

So be it. So be it now. Amen.
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus,
Redeemer of all men.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Day will come when all days will fade
and all that remains is what God has made
And in that time and in that place
we will all meet with God face to face
We'll give account for our words and our deeds
Our harvest will reveal our planted seeds
And all will then know their eternal fate
From the judgment seat of Christ none can escape

So shore up your soul
live soberly and wise
Be one who is pleasing in God's eyes
Be ready to give an answer to all men
as to the hope that lies in you deep within
Be tenderhearted and kind, forgiving sins
that the Lord may forgive you when you face him

And know now what you will know then
None can escape the Judge of all men

Jesus of Nazareth - born in Bethlehem

Saturday, October 15, 2011

As I sit and ponder
     I hold in my hand a pen
And I realize someday
     there'll be no ink within
This pen is like my body
     the ink is like by blood
Someday it will all dry up
     and I'll return to mud

But just as in my own hand
     this pen can be used for good
May my life be guided by my Father's hand
     to do whatever he would
May every last drop of blood in me
     be used to give my Father Glory
And when my breaths have all been breathed
     may I breathe in my Father's mercy
Yes when my breaths have all run out
     May I then hear the Arch Angel's shout -

Rise up you saints - rise into the air!
Rise up, rise up and behold the One so Fair!
Your Hope Eternal - the One that for you cares!
Rise up now to meet him in the air!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem!
To you my heart consigns
To see your sight sublime!
And see your spires shine!
I long for you, my Holy Land,
           Jerusalem!     Jerusalem!

I lament that I walk not your paths
I long to touch your earth at last
I'll not know peace
I'll not know rest
I'll not know lasting happiness
Until my lips confess -

At long last I dwell within thy walls
At last I see thine enemies fall
At last I see thine Eastern gate
Welcome back thy royal prelate
When thy streets flow abundantly once again
with the fragrance and the steps of the Hope of all men!
Oh it is then -

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Israel's heart! Israel's elation!
When Messiah is found in you -  oh such jubilation!
For it will mean the consecration
of the entire jewish nation;
making them Holy, making them free,
filling my heart with melodies!
Oh how I long to be
within thy walls for eternity!
Living under the rule of my now and future king
With the angels and the saints I will forever sing -
      Of thee, Jerusalem,
                             to whom my heart doth cling!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A lullabye

Should the sleep escape your eyes
Listen to my lullabye
Like the moon shines softly down
You'll soon hear my soothing sound

And soon you'll fall fast asleep
Because this knowledge your heart keeps -
And in knowing this you'll rest,
You are loved and you are blessed.

You are loved without measure
To mommy and daddy you're a treasure
You're a gift from God above
Given to us to hold and to love

So close your eyes and listen close
To angel's wings - Heaven's host
As they guard your precious child's soul
The Word of God will keep you whole

Goodnight my child, close your eyes
My love is with you through the night
My face you'll see come morning's light
When I'll hold you close and hug you tight.....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am the Lord's tributary
flowing lower and lower still
Till we are one in Holy Spirit
and I'm fulfilling your will

May your heart's desires be satisfied in me
May we,   forever be,  in perfect unity
May your power, this very hour
Set the many, captives free

 Humbled, ever humbled,   may my heart ever be
That my Lord, who had no home, may find his home,     in me

And may many come to the light of all humanity
For you Lord, are ever risen,  O'er death in victory...

I was teaching social studies to my fifth graders and it talked about a tributary, which is a river or stream that flows into a larger River. I thought, that's us! The Holy Spirit is like a mighty river in the earth and we are smaller rivers that flow into him and become one with him, making him even mightier! Then it said all rivers flow down, from mountains to the sea, but always down. Again, that's us! We are ever becoming more and more humble and better servants, the longer we are with the Lord.
By the way, I get about a hundred and fifty hits a month on this blog, for which I'm grateful. If you have any questions about anything spiritual or biblical, send it to me in the comment section. Also, if you need prayer for anything, let me know, Just use your first name. I walk in the realm of the prophetic and I'd be happy to ask the Lord for a word for you. God Bless, Chris

Monday, October 3, 2011

This Miraculous World

Every moment of every day
And I mean what I'm about to say
Is a miracle,     is God's embrace
Is the pulse of the love He's sending our way

Every breath we take
Is a gift from God that can't be faked
Every joy and every heartache
Every triumph and mistake
All are worth going through
If they draw us closer to You

Every sunrise     that greets my eyes
Cannot fail to testify
God loves me with a love so vast
Even Eternity cannot compass
The love my God each day unfurls
To every boy and every girl
In this miraculous world

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...