Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A hug is an expression of love's intent
that our heart's would knit together with the one for whom the hug is meant
As our hearts become one, make this prayer your own -
"May your heart reap the love that you have sown"
May nothing come between us
that does not highly esteem us
For God has knit his heart to ours with the love that fully redeems us
So as our hearts draw near
Let the love that's sincere
pure and Holy, be found here.
May the only fragrance our hearts exude
be the balm of a love that's in full bloom....

This is my attempt to convey the fact that God desires to knit his heart together with ours in love. Nothing would delight him more than our hearts becoming one with his....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A kiss is an expression of love's intent
that our lips would only bless the one for whom the kiss is meant
All that passes through our lips, all words and all speech
will only bless, edify and nourish the one who's ears they reach
May nothing I say taste bitter in your heart
but sweet water only may my tongue impart
As our hearts are knit together, make this prayer your goal -
"Oh may my words be as a kiss upon your soul"
Remember now this saying found in Holy writ
"Let us greet one another bretheren, with a Holy kiss"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

March winds blow idly across the manicured landscape of a forgotten city.
A businessman pauses near a homeless beggar trying to decide whether to extend disdain or pity.
In the distance a dog barks plaintively.
Hearts disconnected will soon die of lack of intimacy.
Once we love only ourselves,
we're on a path to Hell.
Once we can't obey God's prompting to
love someone we're not wanting to -
We're wasting our days with our selfish ways.
Love chooses indiscriminately
and love responds to needs,
and love's eyes are open wide.
Love sees;
Who we contact each and every day
provides love with many opportunities.
When you leave someone's presence,
think -     did I love them?
Is God pleased?

The beggar looks the businessman in the eye
saying without speaking -         why?
The businessman's thoughts have already moved on
to where should I eat dinner tonight and who should I invite along?

At church that Sunday he raises
his voice in praise
for the wealth he's been given
by God's amazing grace...

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."   Mt: 11:15

"We have piped unto you and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you and ye have not lamented."      Mt:11:17

Friday, February 17, 2012

We are the flourishing souls
Well watered and able to grow
Living in the light of the Son
Rejoicing in our Holy One!

We are the salt of the earth
Showing off the Cross and it's worth
Proving that Jesus is alive
That's worth at least a high five!

We are the true witnesses
We are those who are blessed
We are the Eternal Ones
Heaven's air is filling our lungs!

You want to join our party than do
Now the choice is all up to you
But if you pass then don't you complain
When He opens the Book and we can't find your name...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Fireflies and evening skies
The setting sun seen in your eyes
Gently, night wraps here cloak
around us as we pause to soak
the evening's calm and solitude
It's nice just being here with you

The stars come out one by two
slyly winking as if to prove
Even the stars like flirting with you
Sometimes it's good, this thought to absorb,
there's life beyond this shining blue orb
Our bodies will one day rise and soar
where our hearts have pioneered before
but for now it is enough
that you are near and I have your touch
That last breath, yes that last one too
are sweeter because I am with you

The lake beyond our sloping lawn
has settled into a restful calm
Nature's soothing symphony
is carried to us on this evening's breeze
No words are spoken, none are needed
Knowledge passes unimpeded
with but a touch, a look,
our love trancends
beyond the realm of human ken
I'm as content as I am with paper and pen...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our God loves celebrations
Feasts and parties and jubilations
Happy hearts full of elation
He even commanded them to take their tithe
and spend it on themselves for whatever their heart desired including strong drink, oh
Ever heard that taught in Church? I didn't think so!
The point is - He's not all do's and don'ts
or will's and won'ts
He's also relax and have fun
in the light of the Son!
Enjoy this life he's given -
Be happy that you're livin'!
Enjoy your family.
Enjoy the wonderful God that is he!
He gave the Israelites seven different feasts -
Some were solemn, sure
but others were joyous occasions
full of laughter, games and close relations.
Stop the work! Take a break,
It won't hurt to party and play.
He even commands it once a week on the Sabbath day.
He knows the road of life can get long and hard and hot,
so he's built into it along the way plenty of rest stops!

Authors' note:  For anyone interested, the reference to tithes above can be found in Deuteronomy chapter 14. God actually commands them to spend their tithe on "whatsoever thy soul lusteth after". Just always remember to remember the Levite and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, which your heart will naturally be inclined to do because the God who commands this of you lives in you!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The prophets of Baal are all big mouths
But when it comes to the goods - they're all dried out
No matter how hard they try
No matter how loud they shout
Their god is impotent and weak
with no power to tout
He's got nothing to offer, really
All he is is greedy
He takes and takes but gives nothing back
His followers are all out of whack
(I really feel sorry for them as a matter of fact)

Elijah's God - now there's a different story!
He's the one with all the power and glory!
When Elijah called on him
He didn't have to wait long
before fire fell from Heaven
and Baal's guys started singing a different song!
Soon enough they were all dead
which is where all Satan's followers are being led
Most gods require their followers to sacrafice
but our God, for his people, laid down his life!
And he gave us his Spirit with all his gifts
What a generous, giving God he is!
Only Elijah's God has the power to save souls -
He's the only One we should follow and all come to know.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...