Monday, February 13, 2012

Fireflies and evening skies
The setting sun seen in your eyes
Gently, night wraps here cloak
around us as we pause to soak
the evening's calm and solitude
It's nice just being here with you

The stars come out one by two
slyly winking as if to prove
Even the stars like flirting with you
Sometimes it's good, this thought to absorb,
there's life beyond this shining blue orb
Our bodies will one day rise and soar
where our hearts have pioneered before
but for now it is enough
that you are near and I have your touch
That last breath, yes that last one too
are sweeter because I am with you

The lake beyond our sloping lawn
has settled into a restful calm
Nature's soothing symphony
is carried to us on this evening's breeze
No words are spoken, none are needed
Knowledge passes unimpeded
with but a touch, a look,
our love trancends
beyond the realm of human ken
I'm as content as I am with paper and pen...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...