Sunday, April 29, 2012

Say have you met,
the Christians who act like they're not?
Who act like they haven't got
the love of Jesus in their hearts?
They can quote the Word like they're really smart
but they can't seem to do the Word, that is, love one another.
It's the simplest command yet so few bother
to show the most basic concepts of love and fellowship -
as if they can pick and choose,
who to love and who not to.
What if God loved that way too?
Often those in the world behave better than them
yet they walk around proudly declaring they're Christian.
It's a bit of a shame really,
they sully his name, really,
when they refuse to love and care for each other,
much less strangers too.
Will they be the ones of whom
Christ says depart from Me,
I never knew you?

The Moses principle -  "Those who aren't intimate with God will always flee from those who are"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Take the elderly Korean farmers for an example of quiet dedication to a daily task
Consistently doing without being asked
Faithful to the end in what they're called to do
They're a testimony to us all of hard work and integrity too
I admire them their humble servitude
but I'm saddened that so many of the youth are not following in their steps
But instead are finding their own happiness
And many traditions and customs may be lost
and with the last of the elderly may die off
And this will be a shame to today's generation
who think only of themselves and their own situations
I hope some will preserve the old way of life
after removing traditions that cause harm or strife
Otherwise the ancient Korean ways we love and know
will only be found in movies, on TV or in videos...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A couple of things that I have found
No matter what happens to get you down
The world's gonna keep on spinning around
The sun will rise again
And whatever it is you're going through
You'll find that, as faithful as the sun and the earth -
our God is our friend
He really cares about us -
even when we've ignored him for a very long time.
Just talk to him again, he won't mind.
Even if you wait till you're dying on a tree
like the repentant thief, he will still receive you faithfully.

You say you want proof?
He only reveals himself to human hearts, not minds.
You can't know him intellectually
till you accept proof of a different kind
You have to soften your heart
You have to humble yourself
Open your heart to him and He'll keep you from Hell
He desires you - he really does
He wants to prove to you how much he loves
Once your heart is available to him
your mind will be filled with awe and wonder
at knowing the God who rides the thunder,
who calms the wind, who walks the water -
You'll be thrilled to personally know your heavenly Father
isn't out of your reach
but can be approached, can be beseeched
He's not distant and cold and unavailable
but he's near and dear and completely entreatable

The warmth of his touch, the sound of his voice
The truth is that he's made the choice
to be with you forever
If you'll simply value and treasure
him in return
Then the only way you'll burn
is with the intense love you share
with the one, true God who cares.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't be like me, don't walk around wounded and angry
Let your heart be light - humble and contrite
Keep a loose grip on your bitterness and hate
So that a slight nudge from the Holy Spirit
can cause it to abate
Let Love rule and reign in your deepest parts
Let God have his place in your heart of hearts
Focus on his goodness and grace
Healing comes when you look upon his face
The Cross reminds us - we're all lost - don't forget
That hateful one is just a brother you haven't yet met
Love hopes for and believes for him
and Love covers a multitude of sins
Love doesn't remember the wrong he's done
that in the end, Love will have won....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit
It's the same with us - unless we die to fleshly pursuits
We will remain barren, unable to reproduce
As the firstborn among many brethren, Jesus taught us this
When he died and was buried then rose to eternal bliss
As the second Adam he's the progenitor of a new race
Able to fellowship with the Father and meet him face to face

In fact, the same example was set by Joseph
Who died to his old life when thrown in the pit
Then rose to bear much fruit from worldwide promenance
Much fruit indeed, for which our Lord has been the source
His body has been the soil from which we have all sprung forth
But unlike the first Adam, Jesus is obedient and wise
And so remains in fellowship with his Father in paradise
We too are called to bear fruit unto his name
The call to Christ and the call to us is exactly the same
If you want to prove to the Lord your everlasting worth
Then let the soil of your heart be found to be good earth

His Word is the seed by which many believe
But it first must be planted in us deeply
And then bear fruit in our soul and life
Before others eat of it and it tastes right
The Word in us must come to maturity
It must ripen before it tastes sweet
Though at all times it remains anointed indeed
It's better if it matures in our hearts before they eat

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I now want to write the greatest thing I've ever written. There. I did it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

If possible, be as friendly as possible
Forget the harms done
Be quick with a smile but slow to shun
the ugly ones
Ugly in heart and soul - needing to be made whole
Absorb the hate but don't retaliate
Let love have his way with them
He'll have his way with you
And everyone you forgive will know him too
Be a listener -
Make your word sure
Be trustworthy - someone others can lean on
And maybe they'll remember you when you're gone
But if so or not the only thing that will rot
is your body, cause your soul will be long gone
Flown away - singin' the Lord's song
of redemption and Glory
Hey - it's not the end of your story!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I was at the fish pond the other day.
I was there with Tiffany and Kari.
They fished Korean style - it was fun,
just kickin' back in the afternoon sun.
It got more exciting still when Kari caught one!
Now the policy of this particular pond is
after you catch em' you throw them back in -
So the fish feels kinda like he's been born again!
But too many churches have a similar policy.
When souls come in they end up getting fleeced.
They refuse to care for and disciple them
but instead throw them into religion,
and that, my reader, is a sin.
They should become partakers of Christ's wealth,
taught and discipled by the Holy Spirit himself.
They should be citizens of Heaven - not religion.
They should soar like eagles not be chickens in a pen.
They should bear much fruit unto Him
who first bought them
with His precioius blood.
They should with Him, with Truth, fall in love...

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...