Monday, December 31, 2012

I'm like a seed pushing it's way up through the soil
The seed is my soul, the soil is my flesh (ly ways)
I'm fighting, I'm pushing, I'm the struggling one
trying to reach the Son.

And I won't quit, I won't be foiled
till I've broken through this stubborn soil
Till I breathe the air of freedom
till I feel the Son's light
I'll never cease to fight.

But without the water of your Word
I can't keep growing, I can't mature
I can't win this battle fierce
my topsoil I cannot pierce
Except with the sword of the Spirit.

Yet once I've broken through
I must keep reaching towards You
so high,
yet visible to every human eye
I must go on
to become strong
And when I've become attuned
to your voice, your will
I must be pruned,           still

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The True Christmas Tree

Every Christmas,   every year
our hearts are filled with cheer.
We love the season,  we love the day
we love to eat, drink and be merry.
Turkey, egg nog, lights all aglow,
stockings hung, soon to bestow
our youngest faces with smiles galore
at the wondrous gifts they'll soon explore!

But in our house, I must confess
what brings us the most happiness
is the Tree.
But the tree we set up in plain sight
in our house is the cross of Christ!
It's the only tree
that is worthy
to be revered in our life.
And the only gift under this tree that's worth finding
and unwrapping and receiving
Is the blood that Jesus shed that cleanses us
and redeems us by which we're believing
we'll live endlessly -
This is our True Christmas Tree
with which we celebrate joyfully!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Floating Up

Walking in the Spirit
lightens my burden
I turn to Him
whenever I'm hurtin'
Within my heart
he and I sup
and I realize
I'm floating up

 Upward bound
Upward trajectory
High above ground
I'm soaring free

I don't look down
but keep my eye
On the One who blazed a trail
through the welcoming sky
The One who flew before me
on whose wings I rise

When trials come
as I know they must
I don't come undone
I don't raise a fuss
For this I know -
In this truth I trust,
when I fall,
I'm falling up!

Upward bound
                                                                    Upward trajectory
                                                                   High above ground
                                                                  I'm soaring free
                                                                 I don't look down
                                                                but keep my eye
                                                               on the One who blazed a trail
                                                              to this pristine sky
                                                             the One who flew before me
                                                            on whose wings I am soaring
                                                           who will ever live and not die

The Higher I rise
the more I see
I'm not going home            no
my home's coming to me
For his very throne
is in my heart
To God I'm known
from the very start

I'm floating up
like a Spirit-filled balloon
Yes I'm floating up
and I know that very soon
I'll meet Him here
in the midst of the sky
He'll wipe each tear
from the midst of my eyes
And I'll never
know pain again
because our union
will never end............

(Down floats the dust but I'm floating up)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Gift

He stood before us
He was about to speak
He was just another voice
in just another week.
To be quite honest
(because you can't hear the snoring),
Wednesday nights at our church
can get rather boring.
But the first thing he said was
pay no attention to me,
give me no mind, pay me no heed,
for I've only come, this is all, this is it,
I've only come to share with you my gift.
All you'll receive
on this Wednesday eve
is only what God has given to me.
I can take no Glory
for myself at all             for
I am a sinner - unworthy to be called
And from that moment on
he shut up and let the Lord share
And we were transformed
by such sumptuous fare
For God's words are Spirit
and they are Life
And it was His words
we dined on that night
When he stepped aside
and gave God place
Our hearts rejoiced
for the feast we ate....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We're unlearning even as we're learning.
We're discarding things we've been taught
     when we haven't been discerning.
Even as we receive, we're busy removing
     things not given by God.
At the same time we're unraveling
     the ropes of doctrine
the enemy's using to bind us to falsehoods,
   we're braiding the rope
the Holy Spirit's unveiling
  to tie us to all He's revealing that's good.
Even as we're tearing up the plantings
from the devil's seeding,
the seeds God's planted
we're nurturing and watering.
As we tear down with one hand,
we're building up with the other,
ousting all that is of Satan's kingdom
while embracing all that God's uncovered.
This duality
is our reality.
Pain and pleasure
are what we live with daily.
We make this confession -
We carry within the same breast,
both our cross (our death)
and our ressurection,
both joy and sadness,
both sorrow and gladness,
both defeat and victory,
but in Christ, it all will be
for our blessing.
So Amen good brethren!
Continue the fight,
continue the struggle
to do what is right.
Though sin and godliness
play tug o' war within,
never stop struggling
to let Holiness win......

Sunday, December 9, 2012

like the thief on the cross
we've all stolen from God
we've all taken what is His
what I'm speaking of is this -
We've stolen our hearts
our minds and bodies, too
we've stolen our time
our very lives, it's true
and unless we give it all back and quickly
at our trial we'll be found guilty
and our sentence will be
more than we can bear -
He'll tell us "get out of here,
far away from Me,
out of my sight"
Our reality
we'll be
out of paradise
for eternity...

Please do not be forsaken
please return what you've taken

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...