Saturday, June 30, 2018

Like Jesus, I will not receive the honor that comes from men - If I receive accolades from man, I put myself either above them or below them - both should be avoided regarding honor. Regarding servanthood, I should esteem them more highly than myself (as David did Saul) but I do not wish for them to esteem me more highly. Truly, I desire the honor that can only come from God for His honor does not exalt the flesh in any way. Beware of men's flattery, for it will subtly work it's way into your heart till you (inwardly) accept the place of honor they bestow upon you (outwardly). They will give you a platform, raised above everyone else, signifying that you are above them in wisdom, in God's calling and in the ministry He's called you to. They will offer to become your servants, they will name a special day in your honor and they will joyfully submit to you - while never submitting to God, never seeking to serve Him, never becoming His followers, only yours. They will believe and will convince you that their service to you and submission to your will is sufficient and indeed shows true godly character and sacrifice and humility. They will measure themselves with you and they will hold you up as the standard for godliness that all other's in the church must strive to live up to. They will follow your words, your teachings - never seeking to hear His words themselves - for they will convince you that your mouth is the only one God uses to speak to them You will come to believe you alone are essential to the life of the fellowship. You will come to believe that you alone are wise enough to decide which doctrines the people must believe and which are false. Apart from you, from your approval, they can do nothing, In this you will become as God to the people and they love to have it so (Jer:5:31).
You will embrace all of this, all the while convincing yourself it is God's will for His sheep....after all, you're their shepherd....but no shepherd has ever put sheep in charge of the flock, and no sheep has ever fed other sheep. When Jesus told Peter to "feed my sheep", he meant, "let me feed my sheep through you", hence, Peter ended up writing two books of the New Testament. Our one and only shepherd is and always has been Jesus himself - "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine". A good sheep knows his shepherds voice and another they will not follow. They certainly will not follow the voice of another sheep - "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep". "But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not..." hear that? The sheep belong to Jesus and Him alone - they are not the pastor's nor any other man's flock - they are God's. "And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even My servant David, he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd" (EZ:34:23).
Learn this lesson - Pastor's are not the shepherds. They are sheep who have learned to follow THE SHEPHERD, Jesus, so that others may learn to follow Him too. By following their example. "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" (1 Cor:11:1).

Part two coming soon...  

Monday, June 25, 2018

When you read my writings you're reading the revelation God has shown me, meat I hope, for your hungry soul, but not the main diet your soul consumes but an appetizer, whetting your appetite for the main course he's personally prepared for you.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man open the door I will come into him and SUP WITH HIM AND HE WITH ME" .
My writings, or those of any other author, should never supplant your personal communion with Jesus himself through His most Holy Spirit. Hearing from God is my chief joy in life - surpassing all others except winning souls for my precious Christ. I hunger and thirst for him yet the more he reveals to me to give to you..the more i desire you to hear from him for yourself. I do not want you to ever make me or any man your only source of revelation. That is unhealthy. You should be in direct communication with God yourself, or learning how to. I want the anointing I walk in to pass on to you, even as you read these words. May you hear his voice clearly and may he become your chief joy and pleasure in this life and in the life to come, amen. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Don't dwell on your flaws
dwell instead on Jesus' perfection.
Don't examine yourself
too closely, except to
see that you're in the faith.
Think upon whatsoever is
pure, lovely, of a good report,
in other words, think upon
Keep looking at Him,
and soon you'll see
your face reflected
in His eyes - like a mirror
and, eventually, you'll
see yourself, not as the
world sees you - but
as He sees you -
altogether perfect and lovely
without spot or blemish,
not too young,
not too old,
A Bride worthy of Him!
Set your heart on
heavenly pursuits -
set your heart
on Him
daily drink deep
of the pure well
He has dug in you
The water of life
that so satisfies
that when you drink of it
you will never thirst again -
And eat and be satisfied
with the Bread of Life
which satisfies your soul forever.
Dwell beside still waters
in good pastures
in perfect peace and safety
And when battles come -
you will see - The Lord
is mighty on your behalf,
you will stand and not fall
in the evil day,
though 10,000 fall at your side
it will not come nigh you.
Your enemy will fall
but not you -
you will sleep soundly
amidst lions
and walk in the fiery
furnace and not even
have the smell of smoke
upon you.
You shall run and not grow weary,
walk and not faint
and all you do shall prosper
for you are about your Father's business,
and all you do is for His glory
You will journey with Him
far from the things of man.
Mount up now, with wings of Eagles,
and soar above the fray.
May the Grace and Peace
of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with your soul, forever. Amen.

"These are the days of wonder and joy
that I have longed for since I was a boy!
Since I was a boy it has been God's plan
to move me to a distant land
far from the thoughts of man.."

Friday, June 15, 2018

I've heard Pastors who refuse to allow the prophetic ministry into their churches give vague warnings about "false prophets" coming in. Yes, scripture warns us about them but we are also warned about false teachers. Teachers in general  have a heavier judgment because while a false prophet may harm an individual or a church, a false teacher may infect an entire generation with a false teaching that may then be passed down to succeeding generations...repeated till Jesus returns. The same can happen with false prophecy too, but far more churches accept false teachings than they do false prophecies. So, whether false teachings or prophecies, the only safeguard is the Holy Spirit's abiding presence within us. When in doubt - ask him! He delights in leading us into all truth (Jn:16:13).
You can trust him with your whole heart - he will never lead you astray. He will teach you how to recognize his voice so that another you will not follow, and he will do this quickly when you seek him for it - when you seek him in order to know the truth, not to validate what you think is truth. He will expose every lie spoken to you by the devil through men, and he will expose the lies you tell yourself. You will learn to discern what spirit the one teaching you is really of, by becoming intimate with the Holy Spirit yourself. Lastly, may I add, as you get to know the Holy Spirit, you will recognize him in others. Surround yourself with wise counselors, filled with the Spirit...there is safety out other men and women who know the Spirit, who are full of him.....who bear his fruit, who speak his words....who demonstrate his gifts....remember, the anointing is caught more than it's taught.....

Monday, June 11, 2018

I'm sitting here drinking "filtered" water. The filter is an admission that the water provided by man is not pure. The filter is meant to remove any impurities from the water, purifying it.
The Word of God refers to itself as water - and it certainly starts out pure, but when it's given to us to drink by men without the Holy Spirit, it becomes mixed with man's spirit, or sometimes demonic spirits, and it's full of man's wisdom and it becomes full of impurities.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to "filter" the Word taught to us by men not anointed by Him to teach, so that the "impurities" - the false doctrines, are removed, that only that which the Holy Spirit teaches remains. His teaching is water our souls should drink in deeply. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot "rightly divide the Word" and we end up "wrongly dividing (understanding) the Word".
The first thing Pastor's seek to do is learn to teach God's Word. They go to Bible college for this reason (among others). Ephesians 4:11 shows us Pastor and Teacher are separate ministries yet Pastors believe they are called to teach. Some are, most aren't. James 3:1 - Revised version says - "Be not many teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment". Indeed - denominations full of teachers, with no Apostles or Prophets, are a fulfillment of 2 Timothy 4:3&4. Exalting the teaching ministry over all others is a clear sign of the end times

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Should it come to pass that a man would declare to his Maker that he is unjust? Oh man - that would decree to thy God - and pass judgment on the Judge of judges - who are you to judge Me? Your tongue shall turn to dust and your hope shall fail you as your blood shall not sustain you in the day that I shall visit you.
It cannot be that a man would judge Me, yet you have only done as your father desires - for he too sought to judge Me - to sit upon My throne and declare himself wiser than I - this shall never happen again, as I live and breathe saith the Lord - this will be My final judgment - those who will rise and those who will fall, shall never be judged again - it is finished.

For every soul has been judged already - I know before it comes to pass - who shall die and who shall live and I say now to those who live - your life is a precious commodity, a thing unlike any other in all My creation - a reflection of My beauty in holiness that shall please Me forevermore.

Lord, in your eternal presence, time does not exist, earthly boundaries fade away, there are no limitations in You, Lord - anything is possible in Your presence.

Oh Lord, there's so many words in the world now - far more than there's ever been before. I only know one thing for sure - only your words are truth, for sure. And the abundance of the enemy's words - cannot drown out the voice of the blood of innocents crying out to You, oh Lord, from the ground and they shall not go unpunished who have slain My innocents, saith the Lord. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

How often have I cried out to thee, oh My wayward son? How often have I patiently desired to redeem thee from the pit of destruction but you would not? How do I desire thee? As the deer pants for water, as the hawk searches for prey - diligently have I sought thee, yet, you would not....come out from your hiding place - though I shine as the noon day sun, you still choose darkness. What darkness is this that can stand the light of day! It is the darkness of a soul unclean, unredeemed and unclaimed.
Therefore says The Lord - I will give one more season of salt, one more season of sanctity - that those who choose to bow their hearts as well as heads may escape the wrath to come - for come it shall and all the enemy's plans shall burn up as a dry leaf - tinder for the wrath of My Spirit poured out upon the unjust and the unclean who dare to defile My bride.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...