Saturday, June 29, 2019

Your feet are the part of you which keep in daily contact with the earth. Scripturally, earth can represent fallen flesh - since our flesh is made of dirt "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground" - this, incidentally, is why our feet must be "shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace" i.e. we must always be ready to invite the to join us - to rise with us. This is also why Jesus washed our feet and commanded us to do likewise for each other - "let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit", because we live in a fallen world, we are constantly coming into contact with filthiness, so we need a constant cleansing - and when we do this for each other, righteous flesh cleanses righteous flesh, by washing with water, so can we cleanse one another by speaking His Word to each other - "that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the the Word" - just as the priests of old had to wash in the "water of separation" , so has the Word become our "water of separation", for we must maintain a separation from the filthiness of sins all around us, yet at the same time we must come into contact with "filthy flesh" that we may extend God's love to them, preaching as we go this "gospel of the kingdom" and demonstrating the kingdom that they may see and be saved.
Miracles are "dinner bells to salvation", especially the miracle of prophecy "but if all prophecy (stop right here - what a clear expression of God's desire for his people! Wouldn't it be wonderful to attend a fellowship where 'all prophecied'? I'm with Moses "would to God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them!" Joshua represents leadership with the wrong heart and attitude - "My lord Moses, forbid them!" Moses had God's heart, as did Paul - "and there come in one that believes not, or one unlearned (again, let's pause for a moment because "unbelievers" and believers who are "unlearned" in the ways of God's Spirit are kind of in the same boat here - there are countless "Christians" today who are "unlearned", who know the Word but do not know the Spirit) "he is convinced of all, he is judged of all, and so falling down on his face, he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth"). When was the last time this happened in your church's service? Probably never.
Don't be satisfied with the status quo, with less than your full inheritance that Jesus died to give you, child of God. I want unbelievers to declare "of a truth, God is in YOU", not just your pastor or elders. I want YOU to prophecy - I want all to manifest His mighty Spirit.
Just as Christ washed his disciples feet then, so does He now. Ask him to wash your spiritual feet and cleanse you from all contact with "spiritual wickedness in high places". These "high places" are the mountain thrones in men's hearts - the highest seat of honor, which they refuse to give to God, instead, sitting there themselves, keeping all authority and glory for themselves. This is "the abomination that causes desolation", for when we choose to rule ourselves, when we make Christ bow before us in our own hearts, we become desolate, void of His presence, we become "anathema" (a person accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction) - God himself will write "MENE MENE TEKEL" on the door of every heart that does not open to Him, and as he leaves that door wherein he is unwelcome he will wipe the dust from his feet (dust we should have washed off his feet ourselves, after having invited him in to sup with us) "woe unto thee Chorazin! Woe unto thee Bethsaida! Woe unto you America! for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon ,they would have repented long ago.

Part two in five days

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Part Two

Far, far too many churches are like Paul, while he was still Saul. They are full of pride in their religion, their church, their pastor, themselves. Like Paul, they need to be knocked off their "high horse", they need to be humbled "and he fell to the earth". Like Paul they need to be blinded outwardly so they can see how blind they are inwardly - they need to be blinded to man and his ways and his wisdom that they may see God - this is a key for spiritual maturity "and when his eyes were opened he saw no man". We must arrive at a place where we are looking for and to "Christ alone". We should not even look to the Law and the Prophets when we can see Christ himself, for they (the law and the prophets) point us to Christ.....when we see Jesus transfigured, we see Him meeting with Moses, representing the Law and Elijah, representing the Prophets but we also see the Father himself interrupting this get together, pointing to and praising His Son "This is My beloved Son: HEAR HIM", not Moses, not Elijah, not your Pastor or favorite teacher, hear HIM! "My sheep hear MY VOICE, and I KNOW THEM, and they FOLLOW ME".
     We follow HIM! Not Paul, or Moses, or our pastor or mentor. We all must arrive at the place Peter, James and John (and Paul) did - "AND SUDDENLY, WHEN THEY HAD LOOKED ROUND ABOUT, THEY SAW NO MAN ANYMORE, SAVE JESUS ONLY WITH THEMSELVES". When we put our eyes on Jesus, when He alone becomes the focus of our walk with God, we will only notice Him and those who are like us, focused on Him, obeying the Father by HEARING HIM....
     When our eyes are on man, any man, living or dead, and not on Christ, when the focus of our walk is our pastor or even ourselves, we will end up ensnared in a religion or our own devising, which leads us to resist and persecute Christ at every turn, spurning and rejecting (persecuting) truth whenever they meet him. Jesus would say to denominations and countless churches today "Why persecutest thou Me?" Like Paul while he was Saul, their reply will be "who are you Lord?" for they do not know Him. They proudly study their Bibles, teaching their false doctrines - remember, Satan had the audacity to use God's own word against him, he quoted scripture to Jesus, taking it out of context, teaching the Word falsely, and so do churches today - they quote the scriptures to the Holy Spirit, taking them out of context, to excuse their excommunicating the Holy Spirit from their midst.
     We must "seek HIM with the whole heart" - we must desire truth in the inward parts, we must all become like Paul, whose name means "small, humble", every time this once haughty, arrogant, pride filled man said his new name, he was reminding himself of this truth "GOD BIG, us small". The more humility we walk in (Paul said he was the chief of sinners), the greater the glory we can give to God - not ourselves. Being the center of attention of every service is death to any man's ministry to God and His people. Jesus should be, the Father should be and the Holy Spirit should be the center of our attention whenever we meet together, not any man. OH that we would all see "no man anymore, save Jesus". He will open our eyes to see Him in one another, that He may remain our focus, that He may touch and speak to us, through each other.
     May the day of the "pastor led churches" instead of "Holy Spirit led" churches, come to an end......Soon.
                                 Isaiah 58:13

Friday, June 21, 2019

When Jesus died on our behalf, indeed as soon as he "yielded up the ghost" - "The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom". There is now supposed to be nothing separating God and His people, yet modern Christianity functions as if the veil is still up. The veil was something made by man, through his own strength and effort. Today's religious form of Christ puts man-made doctrines and practices (traditions) between God and His people. Churches treat their pastors like priests of old (indeed, Martin Luther admitted that he modeled the role of pastor, in the reformation movement, after the Catholic priesthood, and said the two were identical in every way but one). Old Testament priests went in to meet with God on the people's behalf and pastor's do the same today. The priests of old were mediators between God and man, offering sacrifices on behalf of the people. Now, we have but one mediator - "Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant", yet today, the people depend on their pastors to hear from God for them, and they are convinced this is godliness. They seek for and look to their pastors for knowledge and understanding, for wisdom too. They passively sit week after week, year after year, seeking understanding from their pastor's mouth when all along it is found in the Lord's mouth "for the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding", but rather than hear instruction from God directly, they submit themselves to elaborate religious ceremonies that appeal to men, who look on the outward appearance, but do not please God, who looks on the heart. The pastor decides the order of the service, he decides how to interact with God - just as the priests of old did. They act as if the veil is still up. Perhaps it is, covering their hearts, preventing them from meeting with God directly, blinding them to the Truth himself, if we do not meet with the Truth on a regular basis, if we do not personally seek Him out as Nicodemus did, if we instead get our Truth through our pastors only on a regular basis, if we make an iron clad agreement with out pastors that we will never question what they teach us - that we will believe everything they ever say as if it's coming directly from God's mouth, then we play right into Satan's plan, to introduce lies to us, false doctrines, and a form of religious ceremony that appears to be godly (of God) but in fact is void of God's presence completely.
Churches think that their goodness is godliness. They hold up their goodness, such as feeding and clothing the poor, as a sign that they are godly. Yet the world is full of people, far from God, doing good. In fact many will say to Him on that day "Hey, we did a lot of good" and He will tell them to depart for He never knew them. So doing good works alone isn't enough, if they're done from a sense of religious duty or obligation, if they are done in pride, they are done apart from him, for all he does is birthed in humility. If we do them because our pastor instructed us to, instead of from the genuine love of God being poured out in our hearts, we will have no reward in heaven.
Yes, their endless religious "form of service" appeals to the flesh of man, which likes to boast, to do all it does for God openly, to be seen of men, to receive glory and honor from men, to point out to each other how godly they are and how wonderful their pastor is, all the while using him as a veil, denying God their hearts, giving Him lip service instead.

Part two in five days

Monday, June 17, 2019

In Luke 11:35 Jesus said a very interesting thing - He said "Beware that the light that is in you is not darkness". On the surface, it makes no can light be darkness, until we understand it from God's perspective. From His point of view, "light" means "revelation knowledge", i.e. knowledge revealed to us by God himself by His Spirit. It is by the Holy Spirit's  ministry to us that we first come to Christ and see Him as our Savior and throughout our walk with Him the Holy Spirit continues to "lead us and guide us into all truth". So here, Jesus is saying be sure that the revelation you have of me is accurate and true and pure for if it is a false revelation it could cost you your very soul.
He said if the light that is in you is darkness - how great is that darkness! Because anyone in this circumstance believes their darkness is light! They can never find their way out of this type of darkness because they're not looking to - they think they're in the light! Every cult on earth thinks they're in the light, from the big ones like Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons to the smallest ones, they all believe their false revelation of God is the real one. So do denominations who are teaching and believing false doctrines. They, each and every one, all 33,000 of them, believe their false teachings are true.
Those who say they can see when they are actually blind are in the worst place of all, for they can't be taught. If you show them truth, they'll reject it because they think the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. Pride keeps us all blinded to truth - the truth of our own condition as well as the condition of others. Himility (actually humility but i made a typo and i think I'll keep it...I just made up a new word....himility....the act of focusing ourselves on Him and not on us). Humility, teachableness, these are anti-dotes to blindness caused by pride. We must never think we know it all but we must confess we know the One who does know it all, who generously shares His knowledge and wisdom and understanding with us, who, when we ask for wisdom, does not upbraid us or rebuke us but gives it to us freely, but we must also continually remind our hearts - it isn't knowledge we are seeking and pursuing with all our hearts and minds, it's Him.
Knowledge and understanding are byproducts of knowing Him. Without Him, without the Holy Spirit, true wisdom and understanding can never come. The greatest Theologians on earth have nothing if they cannot love. Hearers and doers please God, not hearers only. He is greatly pleased when we remain teachable and He is able to prune false doctrines from our souls. Amen. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Part Two

Now to all those in Babylon God says "My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord". And this is the word to all fleeing from religion, to all humbling themselves to receive truth in the inward parts - "Therefore also NOW, saith The Lord, turn you even to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart and not your garments and turn unto The Lord your God - for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil", "Gather the people", "Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar and let them say "Spare your people O Lord, and give not Your heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them; wherefore should they (the heathen) say among the people, where is their God?"
And my heart is gladdened, as I am burdened like never before for my people, the Koreans, as I intercede for the North Koreans as well as the South, God says in verse 20 "But I will remove far off from you the northern army and will drive him into a land barren and desolate - his stink will come up, his ill savor shall come up, because he has done great things" - his wickedness is very great. I believe, as I sit here writing within 175 miles of the North Korean border, the "Northern army" he will remove is the massive North Korean army, and "him" whom He will drive away because he stinks is Kim Jong Un.....and soon, the land of the North shall be rid of the stench of him. All these many years that religion has robbed us of a healthy, vibrant, victorious, living relationship with our living God, shall be restored (vs. 25). And, oh rejoice mightily, in this "Day of the Lord" "it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of The Lord shall be delivered: for in Mt. Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call".
If ever there was deliverance needed for God's people, it is now - both in Mt. Zion (the Church) and in Jerusalem (Israel). The name of the Lord, in Babylon, had no power to deliver, when called upon from hearts full of wickedness and unbelief, but from Mt. Zion, wherein is God's Holy mountain, sanctified by His presence, a heart that welcomes Him, not religion's version of Him, shall mightily be delivered forevermore.

I've been rending my heart before the Lord a lot lately, declaring my wickedness, how hopelessly lost and depraved I am without Him. I am not known because I do not deserve to be known. When and if I publish, I shall do so under "that disciple whom Jesus loves" - my old name shall be heard no more.

Oh God! How you long to love them! Not from afar but up close and personal!

Monday, June 10, 2019

"I see men as trees walking" "And he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper"

Each and every saint - every child of God, is meant to be a conduit through which the Holy Spirit, like a river, flows. "He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (but He spake of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive)"  When the river is flowing through all the saints present - they join together to form one mighty river of His presence in our midst. When only one person's river is flowing, this is a much weakened anointing than what could be. Notice too that the river flows out of the belly - the exact opposite of what takes place when we're in the flesh, feeding our flesh; usually we take into our belly, we consume, not give, yet, when a woman gives birth, out of her belly flows "living water", water that sustained life within her, so, as we release the Spirit to flow out of us, we release life unto one another - we water one another, with the words of life God speaks through us, as well as the anointing to heal, etc. As trees, we partake of the Holy Spirit's flow out of each other, we drink deep and are satisfied.
Our souls are like trees that drink of the Spirit's flow, as a river. As trees too, we stand and occupy the place He has put us in, not church necessarily, but the ministry He has called us to. We do not crowd our brother's place, or take it over with our roots, we send our roots down, not sideways. In any place where many trees gather, we see different kinds of trees standing together as one forest/army "neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk everyone in his path".
Some trees provide fruit, others provide shade, others shelter from the rain and some sacrifice their very flesh and blood on behalf of others. The time has come to flee Babylon for her judgment is upon us "BLOW YOU THE TRUMPET IN ZION, AND SOUND AN ALARM IN MY HOLY MOUNTAIN: LET ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND TREMBLE: FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD COMETH, FOR IT IS NIGH AT HAND" - This day, spoken of in Joel chapter two, is upon us. This is a prophetic chapter for the world wide Body of Christ today - This chapter is all about God reestablishing who He really is to His people and to the world. Religion has misrepresented Him for far too long and the time is now come to reveal Himself. "Joel" meand "Yahweh is God" - He will be who He is, not who Babylon says He is, an impotent, emasculated God, weak and unable to do much about the wickedness so prevalent in the world today. In Babylon, Satan counterfeits all God is, and replaces every aspect of God with a falsehood. Babylon has a form of godliness, that isn't real. Babylon practices a false love, a fake love that appears real outwardly but is self-serving and self-centered, designed to often make "self" look good. In Babylon, they turn to man for healing, for knowledge of spiritual matters, and for all God would provide. If we'd only seek Him alone, in this "Day of the Lord" we are entering into "a day of darkness and of gloominess" a "great people and a strong" shall rise up and appear "there hath not been ever the like - neither shall be anymore after it". They shall be "as a strong people set in battle array". No more playing church in religious ceremonies and traditions that have no power - "before their face the people shall be much pained". For they shall bring the power and the presence of the Lord God almighty Himself, before whom none can stand - they will rob the enemy of souls he's hoarded "they shall enter in at the windows like a thief". "The earth shall quake before them." "And the Lord shall utter His voice before His army; FOR HIS CAMP IS VERY GREAT" "For He is strong that executeth His word: for the Day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?"

Part two in five days 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Part Two

They continue, week after week, year after year, teaching their Bible stories, truth mixed with false doctrines, singing their songs, all the while submitting to and following each other, but never Christ. They seek each other's presence but never God's. They submit to flesh, not spirit (not the Holy Spirit, anyway). They submit to men, be it pastor or priest, rather than follow Christ. They substitute their religion for the relationship He's invested so much for them into, where He's alive in their hearts and services, choosing instead a dead religion, following a dead Christ, following self instead. Jesus' presence is cast away from their midst, they live for their flesh not for His Spirit.
They seek knowledge, not Christ. In Satan's kingdom, we're taught to become consumers, constantly seeking to feed and care for ourselves, whether it's pleasures, or food or possessions, and this pattern, this life style permeates our churches also. We're taught our Christianity is all about us, about consuming knowledge each Sunday. We're encouraged to be "hearers only", never doers, never walking in the Spirit but rather sitting in the flesh, despising the Spirit and pampering the flesh, which is where Satan wants to reside (after all, God cursed him by causing him to "eat dust"...we are made of the dust of the ground.....Satan curse is that as a disembodied spirit he will forever crave when he inhabits flesh he passes this craving on to whomever allows him in). When, however, we crucify the Christ in us instead of our self, it allows Satan to have his way with us. Where, I ask you, are "doctrines of devils" taught? In churches! Churches that claim to be of Christ. To whom does Satan appear as an "angel of light"? To Christians, in churches that belong to him. He loves to pastor and teach us his ways, not God's. He will prophecy to us if we'll hear him. In short, he wants to be our god.
Who deemed Christ worthy of death at His first coming? His people, Satan's flock. Not the world, not the lost, his own people who thought they were God's. Who rejects Christ today when He comes in the person of the Holy Spirit? His people, Satan's flock. His people crucified Christ's flesh then and his people crucify Christ's spirit now. The same sin Israel committed has been repeated by churches, except that concerning Israel, it was God's will that they crucify Him, He blinded them so they would, but it is emphatically not His will that Christians today "quench the Spirit" and cast out the Holy Spirit from their midst. There can be no void - in the absence of the Holy Spirit, Satan will take the reins of our hearts and subsequently our services, every time.
The end result of leading Christ instead of following Him (MT:27:23) is "Let HIM be crucified". Religion makes a mockery of Christ. Religion puts a crown upon His head but it's a crown of thorns. Religion gives Him robes to wear but not to honor Him but rather to honor themselves. Religion says "look at me, outwardly I look like I am honoring God but I'm really dishonoring Him inside". They will take their reed/rod of authority and smite Him with it, rather than smite the devil and his ilk. And they will do all this to you too, if Christ dwells in you.
The Herod's of this world will always seek to kill the Christ's in this world. The false authority set up by man, by flesh, will always want to destroy true authority sent by God, by His Spirit "But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, EVEN SO IT IS NOW". "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. To be carnally minded is death, because THE CARNAL MIND IS AGAINST GOD - THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD, but you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, IF SO BE THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU, IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, HE IS NONE OF HIS".  Selah.
In church after church, in America and around the world, they have not the Spirit of Christ, The Spirit of God does not dwell in them. They are of the flesh therefore they cannot please God, no matter how beautiful their services and buildings appear. They have not the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. They have not a love for the truth. And so, judgement has begun in the house of the Lord, as He promised it would, for which I am glad. I welcome judgment so that God's people may be set free from an invisible prison in their minds and hearts, built by an invisible god (not invincible god), who lost the war for men's souls long ago. Selah. 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The very mandate of Babylon - which expresses the very heart of Satan, is revealed in Mt: 26:57 - "And they that had laid hold of Jesus led him"....
In denominational Christianity, anywhere people meet in Jesus' name but under the influence of Satan's spirit - this is the fruit, they lay hold of Jesus, His name, His word, His promises, even His spirit and THEY LEAD HIM, rather than following the Apostle's example, who, when they heard Jesus say "Come, follow Me", they dropped everything and immediately followed Him.
No, in church after church today, where Christianity is their religion, no matter how grand or beautiful they may appear outwardly (because after all, man looks on the outward appearance), no matter how magnificent the building they meet in, all they say, for God's glory - they lead Christ. They tell Christ what to say and do, or not say and do. Jesus prophesied the destruction of the "temple made with hands" - He no longer dwells there but now in the "temple made without hands", that is to say, our bodies, our hearts, humbled before Him, desiring to follow Him, not lead Him.
Yes, in religious services/churches, they're in charge, they're in control at all times from beginning to end.
They pretend to honor Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. Every part of the "service" from the worship to the offering, to the message to the altar call is all soulish, fleshly,not spiritual - it's all designed to build their kingdom, not God's. They use Christ for their gain, not give themselves for His gain. They desire to gather souls under them, to serve them, to glorify the name of their pastor, church or denomination. Christ is neither welcome nor free in their services. You are given no honor, no place in the service to minister in the anointing you walk in for they tightly control who may or may not speak and no one sent by God is ever allowed to speak or minister, though "he that receives you, receives Me". He comes to his people in the form of an Apostle or Prophet, in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, to deliver His people but alas "he came unto his own and his own received him not" but as many as received him, to them gave he power...)  They reject Him so they may remain in charge. He may say only what they choose. They put words in His mouth, rather than letting him put words in theirs. They pick what scriptures to share, and the understanding of those scriptures is their own, often influenced by Satan, who twists their meaning to keep people from knowing the truth. The Word alone without the Holy Spirit to illuminate it profits nothing. The Holy Spirit is not welcome even in many so called Pentecostal churches. Instead of "apart from Him we can do nothing", they say in their hearts "apart from us He can do nothing". Christ must have their permission - He may minister only when they say and what they say "And in their pride and in their flesh, they go from their service declaring they're blessed, not seeing this sin - Christ must submit to them".
They need their "world turned upside down". They need God's Spirit leading them, not Satan's. They need to become "followers of Christ", for the next step after they obey Satan's desire to "lead Christ", is found in Mt:27:2 - "And when they had bound Him, they led Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor". They bind Christ in their midst! They restrict Him and force Him to submit to man's will and authority. They use His name and His word, the Bible, all the while binding Him and preventing Him from ministering in their midst, as He wills, leading Him AWAY FROM THEM to His final destination - in their hearts they fulfill Satan's greatest desire - they judge Christ to be worthy of death and they crucify Him instead of themselves, who truly deserve it, in their midst, all the while singing hymns and psalms to him, and giving Him "offerings".
Yes, these churches crucify Christ and set Barrabas  free. Barrabas led a rebellion, which is what they're doing unto God. Then, after he's been crucified in their midst, in their hearts, they prop Him up and celebrate and worship Him, a dead Christ, a Christ who isn't alive to them, who cannot influence or direct them at all.

Part two in five days.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...