Monday, December 30, 2019

A mental assent or nod to the Lord just won't do -
you must let the Truth change the inside of you.
Your will must be broken
till these words are spoken-
(from the real you, inside your heart,
not the intellectual you that thinks he's so smart)

Oh Lord, Jesus my Christ,
I desperately need You on the inside
to live a holy life,
to be remade into
Your Holy bride.....

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Empty me

Empty me of me, oh empty me
Oh my Lord, take pity, take heed
to this my plea -
Empty me of myself (of my carnal destiny)
of all I desire
that comes from Hell,
Of putting myself
before You and others,
of making pleasures my lovers

Oh empty me, empty me
May i decrease
that my eyes may see
You in all Your glory
and beauty.
I seek to glorify You -
it's You I'm honoring
for i am undeserving.
May You be exalted on high in my heart,
empty of all that keeps us apart,
empty me, please empty me........

Friday, December 20, 2019

I'm on the train and i see a Korean man reading his Bible. I say to him "did you learn anything today?" He doesn't understand me but he points to his Bible and says "Samuel", then he says "David", and the Holy Spirit quickens this to me - Prophets birth Apostles,  and they can remove them from office too, as God pleases. God has a "checks and balances " system in place, in his kingdom . It took an Apostle to rebuke an Apostle - but prophets may do it too. We need to care for each other enough to give and receive rebukes from one another .

"My own comfort is not my priority" he said.
"Well, what is your priority?" she asked.
"The welfare of my spirit and soul " he replied .

Saturday, December 14, 2019

I'm on the subway train and this kid shares his homemade candy with me. See, even at that age, he's a giver. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who give ad those who take. Those who spend their lives taking as much as they can and those who spend their lives giving as much as they can. Those who spend their lives on themselves and those who spend their lives on behalf of others. I want to be a giver.  I want to give every bit of the rest of my life away. I've spent far too many years concerned with myself.  Someone ignored me. Someone doesn't like me. I've been so childish and so consumed with me. What a pity. What a waste. I'm so satisfied, so fulfilled wben I'm seeking His face. When my heart is gripped by His grace. When His mercy washes over melike rain, i lose sight of what used to cause me pain. This i find to be paradise - to be a source of pleasure in His eyes.

O my soul, keep focused on His face
For found there are His eyes and lips.
When His eyes are upon you,
nothing can harm you,
and you, my soul, will not be forfeit.
When His words by you are heard,
they are spirit and they are life.
By them you will learn how to be a wife.
They will never fail but always suffice.
More precious than silver or gold,
they are your food, O my soul.
By them you'll live forevermore,
especially these, of all His words to you -
"Welcome to the kingdom My Father has prepared for you"

I don't want to be a guest at the feast
only to be told to leave.
How O God, may i buy the white raimant,
that i may be clothed,
that the shame of my nakedness will not appear?
For i am naked and ashamed,
poor, blind and lame,
I have no gold tried in the fire,
O Lord take pity and grant my desire.....

Saturday, December 7, 2019

When you hear the sound of the mighty rushing wind - breathe!
Breathe deeply - inhale Him deep within!
When you feel His presence as a wind upon your soul - let go!
Let go of yourself- lose control!
He will cleanse you and make you His own.
As you and He become one - He will possess your heart and your tongue,
and the symbiosis of His Spirit and yours will shake you,  remake you, to your very core.
He will tear you down, then build you up,
all the while He'll drink with you and sup.
He will never leave or forsake you
but will lovingly take you
through the pain and the tears,
through every valley, every fear,
till your surrender to Him is complete,
till you're prostrate at His feet,
then with great joy, the words you'll hear are these -

"You are My beloved child
in whom I am well pleased.
Come and dwell eternally with Me.
Rise up now, take My hand,
Behold your promised land.
Together,  forevermore.
So many delights for you I've stored
but the greatest delight we'll ever know,
is the union of our souls!
So breathe My child, breathe in deep,
as My Spirit upon you blows"

Monday, December 2, 2019

Part three

"We have a little sister and she has no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
Deeper intimacy- the kind of intimacy he is looking for in his bride, cannot come without maturity. Maturity is the ability to please and satisfy The Lord and being able to bear him fruit. Religion breeds "saimts" who cannot love as he loves and who do not know Him by his Spirit- these are "immature sisters" to those who have matured.
       "I am a wall and my breasts like towers; then was i in his eyes as one that found favor". May we all find favor in his eyes, may we all have "mature breasts" i.e. hearts full of the sincere milk of his word. May we all know him as he desires to be known - as a husband and wife "know" one another. How can he say to anyone "I know you not"? Is he not both omniscient and omnipresent? Is he not aware of every soul on earth that has ever lived? It is because he knows them as they know him - in his mind, intellectually. With his mind he "knows" everyone on earth, but with his heart, in his "holy of holies" he knows only those who have entered there, the sanctified by His blood and with his Spirit, saith The Lord.

Get on the train without delay
or anguish will be your portion in the last day.

"Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little" Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...