Friday, March 13, 2020

A word about the doctrine of laying on of hands. "Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands" (teach them this along with the other 5 foundational doctrines of Christ, found in Hebrews chapter 6, and they will flourish). Our God is a very intimate God, thankfully. .I am glad He is not some distant, aloof God who rarely involves Himself in the affairs of men, aren't you? I am glad He desires to know me, personally, on a first name basis (both mine and His) and I am glad He wants to take up residence in me, in my body, in my heart. He spoke all creation into existence except us - when it was time to create us, He "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life" - He used His hands to mold us like clay - He got dirty! When we are being used by God to birth another soul into the Kingdom, we must also be willing to get dirty! We cannot just stay in our pristine, white-washed churches....and never get messy for another precious soul....Jesus went to the sinner's homes! Oh did the religious establishment frown on that! Unclean sinners, and the holy man ate and drank with them! How dare he! This proves he did not come from God.
When He breathed into our nostrils, He had to get really close to us. He was intimate with us from the very beginning and it's those who are intimate with Him at the very end who will end up back in the Garden in sweet fellowship with Him forever. He models intimacy for us because He wants us to be intimate with one another too. He said, as I have loved you, so love ye one another, and as I have established, He loves us intimately, hence, He wants us to love one another fervently, passionately, intimately, therefore - laying on of hands. As He laid His hands on us, to form us in His image, He wants us to lay hands on each other, to facilitate Christ and His ministry in one another.
Touch is a vital part of loving. Whether it is a baby or a child, or a lover - touching is essential to our well-being, for a healthy heart and soul. We all need to be touched! We should never fail to give each other a hug or a kiss ( or both - Greet one another brethren with a holy kiss, these aren't just idle words, they aren't put in the Bible for the early Believers, but we are exempt, no, God put them there to urge us to be intimate in our love for one another, for many souls are lost because of this, because a profound lack of genuine love in the local churches.)It is very hard to remain offended with someone who is hugging and kissing you! Sure, we give a superficial smile and a quick hand shake or hug, but our love usually doesn't get much deeper than that. Isn't it true we only touch the ones we love? (Besides a hand shake). Are we not called to "love one another?" We would all be much healthier if we would but lay holy hands on one another, far more often -  "they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover". We are also told "the prayer of faith shall save the sick" but even here we are instructed to also "anointing him with oil in the Name of the Lord", this too requires getting close to the one being prayed for. This is not a hard and fast rule, Jesus healed people with his word alone from time to time but it is a general principal in God's kingdom that love and it's expression, requires intimacy, first with God and also with one another. And remember, homes are far more intimate than church buildings, which God never instituted anyway. Remember, there are two kinds of laying on of hands mentioned in scripture. For healing and for ordination. For healing, as I have discussed, we should practice often, for ordination, it is the opposite, "lay hands quickly on no man", in other words, do not ordain deacons and elders too soon, for they must prove a godly character over time, amen.  

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...