Monday, April 27, 2020

Hello all -
The following news is nothing to be concerned about. I'm not concerned so don't you be. I was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer. The doctor found a 5" mass in my left kidney. They've scheduled an operation to remove the kidney May 28th, but on the 27th i get admitted to the hospital for an MRI...I'm believing at that time the mass will be gone. Listen to this wonderful poem the Lord gave me a week before i found out about the cancer.....based on Psalm 118 -

This is the Day the Lord has made!
He is still our God in the midst of plagues.
He is still mighty to rescue, mighty to save!
Still righteous and perfect in all His ways!

Save now, save us mightily,
send now true godly prosperity!
Accept our service, our very life,
as Your offering - a living sacrifice.

The voice of rejoicing and salvation
is in the tabernacle of Your holy nation.
Your righteous rejoice and shout and sing
for You oh Lord doeth valiently!

Therefore I shall not die but live
and declare Your works oh God who forgives.
You have chastened me sore,
oh holy, oh righteous Lord -
but you have not delivered me to death
but rescued me by Your mercy and lovingkindness.
You've opened to me the gates of righteousness
and i will enter in and declare i am blessed

For You have heard me
and You have become my salvation
in the midst of the mockers and scorners
the stone which the builder's rejected
has become the headstone of the corner.

This is the Lord's doing
and it is marvelous in our eyes
in You all our hopes and dreams are realized!
You are the foundation stone upon
which Your entire house is built -
Apart from You our souls dry up and wilt.

but with You
                         all things are possible
in these days of man's increasing shame
All power is ours in Jesus' name,
so we give praise and we proudly proclaim
Your mercy endures forever
     O God, our soul's priceless treasure!

So there you have it. My soul trusts my body with the God who heals all my diseases.......Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...