Wednesday, April 22, 2020

So now,
                  in this moment,
Touch your people anew
       touch their hearts
touch their minds
          touch their wounds
Lead them in the narrow path
       wherein there is no room
for all this world adores,
       for all this world consumes

Cleanse me daily,
       O my God
of the stench of this world's compromise,
it's lust of the flesh and eyes and pride
May all these be crucified
dead to me in Christ who for me died,
May all my wickedness no longer remain alive ,
may i now live in newness of life
forever in you my Christ, at my Father's side

Turn my heart's tide
   turn me, turn me i cry!
Till your heart is no longer denied
the fellowship and worship of
my heart's deepest affections inside .
Bathe in the pool of my love for you -
found beside your river of holiness and truth
here in the deepest recesses of my heart
enjoy the sweetest fellowship you've ever had
better than the fellowship you had with Adam.

Break up my heart's fallow ground,
in my heart O God, labor and toil
plant what you will till my heart is found
to be a garden to rival anything in Eden's soil
And we'll walk here together
in the cool of the evening
Just the two of us
as I follow your leading
Use me to touch all you wish to
the lonely, the broken, fatherless and widows
and lepers of this world.
Love them through me,
that every boy, every girl
will know your love, Father,
till their hearts are fully healed
and fully yours.......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...