Monday, June 29, 2020

I saw the leaves that had fallen
and i remembered a forest ......long ago
I hear your whisper on this breeze a callin'
me back home.....

You haven't left or forsaken
the childlike joy i did partake in
though the tether to my childhood's whims
has grown thin...

Yet still Your Spirit is speakin'
through this waterfall i am beside
It's tellin' me again to drink in
Your Spirit,     deep inside

I'm never alone        in my solitude
this my soul well knew
   yet chose to wander and forget
that i am ever with you

Still, as i grow calm and still,
like the waters of my youth
You draw me near again with skill
for you have never let me loose

The clouds that drift by so gently
the birds that sing their sacred songs
all have wooed and all have kept me
where my soul has always belonged....

Love lent me     the strength to stay weak
and dependant on Thee
Love has righted every wrong
to my heart love holds the key
Oh Jesus.......come quickly

Sunday, June 21, 2020

This violent reaction to the status quo in the USA - is speaking to me. While the violence, the looting and the rioting is contemptible, the goal is not: for they are saying, quite loudly-

                  WE WILL NOT LET LIFE RETURN TO NORMAL. WE WILL NOT LET THINGS                                        GO BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE.

and folks, that is straight from the heart of God!
We must not let "life", America's spiritual life, return to normal.
Think about it - the entire pandemic has been a huge wake up call - the cry of God's heart, a shaking, a disturbance, an opportunity to disrupt and displace "normal" with something much better!  We are living in Hebrews 12:27&28.
"Normal" was la la la, let's just float merrily along in this dream life, focusing our lives on ourselves, our needs, our comforts, our desires - after all, it's "My Life" as Billy Joel put it, always consuming, a nation of consumers, getting,  getting,  getting, not giving, giving, giving- and I'm not just talking about money. Let's go to "Church" once a week (or twice for the super super spiritual) and call it a life given to God. Yes, our religion taught us to give God that one day a week and that's enough, to make God a part of our lives instead of teaching God has made us a part of HIS life! Indeed, He is our life! In Him we live and move and have our being! And even in that one day we give to God, we decide to submit to flesh (our pastor's) rather than Spirit (our God's). Let's be content to pray for our needs, our wants, not God's! What does God want? Or need? Our very lives! Our souls matter! To Him! He wants our souls, for His pleasure and glory. He wants every minute of every day. He wants every heartbeat to beat for Him! Surely the virus, with it's resulting lock down has taught us this much!

He hates being denied His proper place - which is the highest place in our hearts - our heart's throne. He is a very intimate, romantic God! In His love for us, He is saying


"Come apart, be separate, let's get to know each other better, more deeply, more intimately" - can't you hear Him?

So, we see in the spiritual realm a great unrest with things as they are reflected in the natural realm. No, i do not condone violence, ever - but i do condone a hard slap to America's collective face, if it will provide the wake up call she needs - the realization "normal" , as it used to be before the virus, is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!
If the kingdom of God can suffer violence and the violent can take it by force - could what we're seeing on the streets of America be an example of that, a taste? Violence,  after all, is misplaced passion, fueled by hate instead of love, but could God be saying "get violent, get passionate about your relationship with me!" No more Laodicean Christianity in America!
We need to change! We need transformation!  We need to break out of our Chrysalis and fly! We need Jesus! We need Yeshua Himself to break us out of our religious prisons. We need Him to visit us personally like He did the man at the pool of Bethesda. America, will you be made whole?  If He comes down off His throne and visits us again in His flesh or He visits us by His Spirit, it matters not - we just need Him! More and more of Him, not our religion that supposedly honors Him but denies His power and presence. We need His touch - we must become as desperate for His touch as a leper without hope, for that is what we are! Like the woman with the issue of blood, we must become so desperate for Him we will not allow anyone to keep us apart from Him, even His own disciples! He always responds to passion, violent passion that tears the roof off the house to get to Him!
Cry out My people!  Cry out to Me! Do not cease till you hear Me say "let My people go!" Cry out till your reality is what it should be - tear the veil of your religion, your religious fantasy of who I should be, and enter into My Holiest of Holies - enter into Me! My heart, My very soul has been laid bare before you - I humbled myself and became naked before you that you may now become naked before Me as you were in the garden - for lover's requires nakedness! We are to be lovers, not just friends!

When will it end? When will your "elation with creation" and your "obsession with possessions" end? Stop giving Me lip service! When will it end? When will you give Me your hearts? When will you strip your souls bare of your religious fig leaves and quit hiding from Me? Seek to know Me! Only Me! Rest and abide in My presence - as lovers do. Babylon is full of whores, who will only approach Me for what they can get from are not to be so! You've been bought with a great price! I paid your wedding dowry! I purchased you with My blood! You belong to Me and I will not share you with another! I am a jealous God, have I not told you so?
Did you not see My son overturn the tables of tbe money-changers in My temple? Those who profit from My people, who use Me for their own personal gain? Watch now as I overturn a society that is using the blessing I've given to pursue wealth - not the wealth of My kingdom, not the treasure of My love for them, but riches that are soon vanishing.
Watch as I answer the cries of those who are truly in love with Me, whose souls are set on that which is above, who desire My presence above man's, who reject Jezebel's flatteries and Abalom's rebellion.
Watch as I cleanse My bride of all the filth this world loves to wallow in - you who desire pleasures more than Me, go back to your movies  go back to your sports, your soul's pursuit of entertainment and your reward shall be the reaping of what you've sown - a life void of My presence, forever.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Holy Spirit spoke this to me today, and it sent chills up and down my spine -

"You can receive the gift without receiving the gift giver"

Oh God, may I never desire Your gifts above You!
Oh Lord - if I had to choose between the two - I would much rather have You than any gift You give. May I never receive the Word of the Lord without receiving the Lord of the Word. May i value and pursue Your presence over your word, your gifts, and anything else You give - family, wife, children, church, ministry, all of it, I lay at Your feet.
You are my heart's highest honor, my sole (soul) pursuit, my bread and my wine, all i am is thine.
Oh God! Please keep me
ever in Your presence, deeply.
I don't want anything You give to satisfy me to the point where I  don't  care if you're here or not.....may all that is satisfied without You rot....

And reader, how about ...the gift of Salvation!  How many receive such a great gift, yet never go on to know the giver? How many are satisfied to attend endless church services without His presence? How many know all about him yet don't know him? Can our souls receive from him without giving to him? Can we remain self-centered instead of Christ-centered, even after we're quote "saved"? Can we receive the gifts of the Spirit without the Spirit? Food for thought.....comment below....

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Opinions are so easy to gather,
in these days of social media blather.
Everyone can share what they think they know
but the only opinion that truly matters,
amidst the cacophony of chatter,
is Mine, says The Lord, yout master....
Listen to My voice
                          and Mine alone
That is if you care
                     to honor My throne.....

Yes there are many thrones today,
exalting all that men do or say,
giving honor to each other incessantly
but never giving honor to Me -
only lip service....
Am I making you nervous.?
Don't be.....   be at peace
by listening to Me.
I will calm you
by leading you beside still waters.
My yoke is easy, My burden is light
and you are so precious in My sight.
In My Father's presence
is the rest your soul needs....
It's for your good that I command you to follow Me,
to take heed,
to My words,
Mine alone
                        will guide you home....

My voice alone will lead you down the path
of righteousness
               where you'll find yourself
eternally blessed....
You'll be full of the works of My Father,
full of His Spirit
who alone breaks mighty yokes,
who alone delivers you from despair to hope.
Shut down
all the doors you've opened to the enemy!
His ways are seductive,
      the flesh they will appease
yet, in the end,
                           they will leave you empty,
                             of all that is of Me.....

No child, put a stop to it now.
Give My word a look,
instead of Twitter.....or Facebook
or any other source
                 that will lead you off course....

Stay fixated, stay focused,
on Me, My son
and I will set you free,
your bonds will be undone
till you become
                 the disciple I've desired
since I formed you in the womb of My desire for you,
In My womb of warmth and safety,
You'll stay
                    till all that you are
                                                               .......praises Me.....

Thursday, June 4, 2020

When the water flows,
You gotta go!
Where the water flows,
You gotta go!
When the water leaves the womb
         you gotta go too!
And ever after may we deliver
ourselves into God's mighty river.
We must stay submerged
in God's presence and Word.
Wherever the Spirit flows,
we must also go.
I want to be in the deepest part of His flow,
till i no longer have over my life
any semblance of control.
I want to be swept along,
completely helpless, ever drawn
deeper, closer to You
     my rest and my refreshing -
            my life's richest blessings,
                   my God, who never stops confessing
His love for me,
                              ever seeking intimacy....

May i ever be
                        in the midst of the Deep
so deep
                        in my God's Spirit so sweet.

May i never return to that which i learned......

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...