Monday, November 23, 2020

      The Lord doesn't promise us he will deliver us out of the traps and snares the enemy sets for us, through men who are pawns of Satan. But he does promise he will be with us in every trial, be it fire or lions, nothing men do to us can separate us from Him - He is ours for eternity and that starts now. 

     Know you not you're already there? You're already in eternity, watching yourself here on earth, cheering yourself on from the throne room, wondering at the struggles and doubts you put yourself through, sometimes needlessly. 

     Listen therefore to your spirit, not your flesh - and you will pass every test. Learn to separate your spirit and your soul. One wavers while the other stands firm. One doubts while the other doesn't.  One is meant to lead the other - spirit leads soul, not the other way around. This is what it means to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling",

     You are meant to learn how to disciple your own soul by submitting it to your spirit - for your spirit is in constant contact with Me. Your spirit has awakened but for many of you, your soul still sleeps. AWAKE O SLEEPER! Rise from your sleep! I am rising as the morning star in your heart, your light has dawned! I'm imparting ears to hear to those who desire Me, not flesh - theirs or someone else's. 

     Awaken to these truths - for I have so much more to reveal to you. Be no more babes, drinking milk only. Line upon line, precept upon precept, i will lead you and guide you into all truth. I'm increasing your knowledge of Me rapidly because you've been lacking in times past. In days of old you've relied on the arm of the flesh, knowing it cannot save you.

     Remember,  it is not by your might or power, neither your flesh nor your soul can save you - it is only by My Spirit- this you will see more clearly than you ever have before, My loved ones.

    You will finally learn to simply spread your wings of faith and let the wind of My breath lift you. Your efforts to lift yourselves have left you weak and often in despair.  Let Me breathe upon you and in you. I will sustain you in a dark and dreary world. I will bring you into that season of glory you have been hungering and thirsting for.

     Did I not promise those who hunger for My righteousness shall be satisfied?  You've been sickened by the righteousness of men - for you see it for what it truly is - an affront to My Cross, an insult to the blood i shed for the remission of the sins of many. You are sickened by this world's vain attempts to rule themselves apart from Me. They have become their own gods, emulating their father, Satan. I warned you not to eat from that tree. And they cannot save themselves - though they believe the lie that they can - OH MY CHILDREN! Can you see it? Can you hear the hurt in My voice? It grieves Me that even one soul I've crafted should perish! 

     Yet so many have chosen hell over My company and lordship. They are the blind leading the blind. They are as horses without reins. They are fallen stars, consigned to outer darkness forever, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

     The fear of Me must come upon men or they will perish forever, but how can men learn to fear Me if My own Church doesn't?  Hence, Judgment begins in My house. Then I will bare My mighty right arm for all the nation's to see, in this generation's sight. I will shake all that can be shaken, that some might awaken and fear ME. 

    Remember,  the fear of ME is the beginning of wisdom. Fear not what men can do to you, only fear the One who judges the quick and the dead.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...