Thursday, November 19, 2020

 I was awoken by the Lord with these words - 

                                                          "ROARING TWENTIES"

   and He reminded me that the 1920's were known as the "roaring twenties" and He said the 2020's shall be known thus also, spiritually speaking . He was opening the eyes of my understanding yet again- here is what followed verbatim - 

"Behold, I, even I, the Lion of Judah, the First and the Last, the Redeemer of your soul - will roar out of Zion till the whole earth shakes at the sound. 

I will not be ignored any longer. I will awaken  men from their deep slumber for deep darkness causes deep slumber, but you My children will run TO Me when I roar, not away.

For you are My offspring- you rejoice to hear My voice as thunder resound over the earth till the uttermost parts turn their face to Jerusalem - My eternal abode.

This decade will be like no other, for has it not begun so? Yet still, I will harden the hearts of these last days Pharaohs, and I will raise up My deliverers who will survive the enemy's slaughter, SATAN! You cannot abort My personal saviors I have ordained since before you fell - for I foreknew your rebellion and planned for it - you cannot surprise or outwit Me.

My people, do not be afraid or dismayed as I roar throughout this decade - all nations follow My plans and My purposes. You will be My witnessess to the uttermost parts of the earth, then the end shall come.

Continue to heed My Prophets, continue in My Apostle's doctrines, let brotherly love continue. I will not leave you or forsake you, behold I am with you even to the end of the world."

Remember that the most prominent way God refers to Himself in scripture,  more than any other, is "Lord Sabaoth" - "The Lord of Hosts". In Genesis 2:1 it says " Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all The HOST of them." The word "Host" in the original Hebrew is "Tsaba and the literal meaning is - 

            "A mass of persons organized for war; an army; soldiers waiting upon warfare in an attitude of worship"

My prayer for you, my fellow servant of the Most High in the Body of Messiah, is the same as Elisha's - "Lord i pray Thee, open his eyes, that he may see" and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw that "they that be with us are more than they that be with them", so fear not - those who are with us vastly outnumber those who are with them. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

I pray also that The Lord smite His our enemies with blindness - even as He opens the eyes of his people. Stand still and see the salvation of The Lord. Be of good courage, neither be dismayed - continue in the Truth, continue in the Way, and you will see in this life and in the next - the power of My breath.

You will not be disappointed, for the seasons long ago appointed are soon coming upon you. Have I not provided in My wisdom and foresight times of rest and refreshing  by My Spirit of power and might.

Have I not foretold of the desert's blooming, in days of old? All may seem barren to you - oh ye of little faith, but the desert you're in is really a womb - about to give birth to My plans for you - just wait - The bridal veil is soon lifted off My bride's face -  and all will know and all will see, the bride I've prepared and chosen to be with Me - your words cannot describe this beautiful bride of Mine - oh how she will outshine every other star in the heavens! 

As the brightest star drew near to Me, at the moment of My birth, so shall she, draw near to Me, at the moment of My return to the earth I once trod, as the Son of man and The Son of God.....

....and as I strode upon the earth as a man, so shall My Bride, match Me stride for stride, here in the Heavens.

That New Jerusalem - that spiritual city in the sky, soon to be revealed to those with dove's eyes, cannot be compared to any city made by man, no matter how grand. So, My people, flee your spiritual cities you call "denominations", yes, flee them for the New Jerusalem,  where I am king and I alone: for no one else is worthy to sit upon My throne.

It's spires are tall, it's foundation's deep, there is room for every saint who chose My will to keep.

Remember this then - 

In Revelation, (those with ears to hear), the first sin I rebuke is fear. Many of you are speaking out of fear, not faith, therefore the first gift of My Spirit you should be seeking is faith - once you've received that, believing for the others is simple. 

Remember also, one of the hallmarks of My true Apostles, and a prayer all of you should pray -

                       "Lord, increase our faith"

Yes! Pray this daily along with another cry of My Apostle's hearts -

                         "Show us the Father"

Pray these as often as you gather near to one another, as often as you gather. For if you see the Father, you see Me, and if you see Me, you'll see the Spirit I was anointed with - In our fullness lies your salvation, not just in one of us. Remember,  these three must bear witness in you - THE SPIRIT, THE WATER AND THE BLOOD, ( all three bore witness on the Cross). The Blood is not enough, without the Spirit and the Word, just as blood is not enough to keep you alive in your flesh, you need air and water. So it is with My Body.

Many claim My blood but reject MySpirit - they do so out of pride. Their hearts are high and lifted up, void of love, for My Spirit they resist is the Spirit of love. A heart fullnof pride is a heart in which I will not abide.

It is the lowly and the meek that My Spirit longs for and seeks. It is to the humble that I draw near for it is the humble who draw near to Me. This is the first reason I send My Spirit to abide in thee, to keep you in a never-ending state of humility, oh My loved ones, for whom I did bleed."

Finally, He woke me up a third time and pronounced these "woe" judgments- 

Woe to those who assemble together in My name but never with Me.

Woe to those who talk and talk endlessly,  but DO not. I warned about the house built on sand, not the rock, did I not.

Woe to those who call what I call evil, good, and who call what I call good, evil, for you are the spawn of your father, the devil.

Woe to you, who think you are true, yet are not - for you are wise in your own eyes, not Mine. You are weighed in the balances and found wanting.

Woe to all who reject and quench My holy Spirit of Promise whom I have sent, for you cannot become the Holy ones I desire to abide here by My side without Him.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...