Sunday, December 18, 2022

Air is a very spiritual thing, for it is something outside of us that we must internalize in order to survive.  We must take something outside of us and welcome it inside of us to continue living.  It's the same with food and water but we can go for quite some time without internalizing those, compared with air, which we must take in every few seconds, every day, for our entire lives.

Spiritually  it's exactly the same for us. If we want to survive spiritually,  we must breathe in the Holy Spirit-  every moment of every day.  The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin word "spiritus"; meaning "breath" or, in it's earliest form -  "to breathe".

We are like new born babies when we first enter His kingdom-  and like them -  we must take that all important first breath, and we never stop breathing in the Holy Spirit after that. I used to think water baptism was symbolic of our baptism into the Holy Spirit-  but being baptized into the atmosphere,  like a baby coming out of the womb, is a better analogy. The baby is in the air (after being surrounded by water, which represents the Word), then the air is in the baby. We are in the Spirit,  then the Spirit is in us -  and all our lives our flesh is completely surrounded by and submerged in air - an ocean of air -  and all our spiritual lives our fleshly lusts and desires must be submerged in the Spirit-  that we might not sin against the One who gave us the breath we need to survive.  And all that comes inside us must pass through us to the outside again.  It nourishes us and encourages us -  gives us energy to do all we are called to. Food and water carry with them impurities when they leave us, but air -  we breathe upon each other whenever we meet, as Jesus did to his disciples  in the upper room. We breathe out the same Spirit we breathe in, do we not? Some -  the spirit is holy, others, demonic, but all are intaking, partaking of, a spirit of some kind, every moment of every day.  Either the spirit our Christ was full of, which is holy, or the spirit of the Anti-Christ,  which is unholy. Think about your next breath -  who's spirit are you breathing in?

People will end up in Heaven or Hell based on which spirit they inhaled their luves. The Father will one day inhale his Spirit, withdrawing him from the earth -  then the only spirit available will be the one full of hell.

Angels then as spirits -  are like gusts of wind God sends forth -  blowing where he pleases. When we are born, "not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" -  we are like Adam, when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God breathes his Spirit into us and like Adam, we become eternally living souls once again  -  We are the restoration of all God lost through Adam's fall, when he breathed in, when he partook of, Satan's spirit.  It is the Father's good pleasure to give to the second Adam's brethren what He originally wanted to give to the first Adam's seed. I thank God that we are so intimate with the Holy Spirit that we cannot survive at all without Him. We get to welcome Him inside us, and share Him with others, so they may breathe Him in, our entire lives. Hallelujah! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

  Is it possible to read His word without desiring His presence? Can we use His word soulishly? Selfishly? To benefit our flesh not crucify it? The answer is yes! A resounding yes! Unfortunately,  many read the Word and it profits them nothing. 
    "Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me".
Men can read the scriptures and yet deny those same scriptures made flesh. They not only deny Jesus access to their hearts -  they deny Him their flesh. They do not read the scriptures to commune with Jesus-  for He testified of those pompous,  religious scholars-  "You will not come to Me, that you might have life".
I used to think 1 John 4:1-3 was all about how to discern demons, for they cannot confess Jesus our Christ has come in the flesh, but now i see they are also about human spirits. It says "every spirit" -  this includes demons and humans alike. If a human will not confess that Jesus Christ is come in THEIR flesh, they are not of God. They are of the Anti-Christ.  Their spirit is against Christ - to deny Him access to their flesh,  to their hearts.  Though they purport to represent God! Their minds acknowledge the scriptures only so far as they can use them to build their own kingdoms on earth.  They are not interested in helping the poor,  the broken,  the destitute.  Those they will leave bleeding and naked on the side of the road.  They are only interested in helping those who can benefit them in return. 

Love helps those who cannot help themselves. 
Love rescues souls and keeps them out of hell. 
Love heals our diseases and nurses us back to health -
LOVE        NEVER        FAILS 

Love does not reject us, 
does nothing to upset us. 
Love will not forget us  -
He's gentle and He's kind, 
does not keep wrongs in mind 
LOVE        NEVER         FAILS 

Love is holy, love is pure,
Love is faithful,  love is sure. 
Love is humble beyond compare, 
Love will never cease to care. 

Oh! I'm in love with love! 
Oh Jesus is who I'm thinking of!
I'm not worthy of my good Samaritan, 
never will be - 
Yet still  -  Love has chosen me.
Jesus! Oh my Jesus!
Knowing all Your death entailed  - 
Let's me see, eternally,  Love never fails!

Friday, December 9, 2022

 Tonight at dinner,  the Lord began to speak to me about the loaves and the fishes. When we give ourselves to Him, when we FULLY release ourselves into His care, He blesses us by breaking us and giving us away to feed others -  the hungry, starving for godly affection and love, love that won't hurt them, abuse or use them, selfishly, but rather sacrificially. He will feed us to the multitudes starving for Him. 

When we lay our lives down voluntarily, they become never-ending - "never-ending stories"! When we freely give what we've freely received (Jesus didn't charge the multitude for the bread and fishes, He could have! By His example,  neither should we ever charge or ask money for what God's given to us for free. I wonder if Judas asked for a few bucks while handing out some fish?) His love, we get more and more and more returned to us, we get an endless supply in return.  Fishes represent lost souls. Jesus told Peter and his brother Andrew "Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become Fishers of men". Jesus took the fishes and gave them away. He used them to feed the multitude.  Pastors, God will use the fishes in your congregation to feed each other! Don't cling to them too tightly! Let Jesus use them to satisfy the thirsty, those hungry to "eat His flesh". In fact, we pastors should make a habit of periodically giving some of our healthiest fish to other pastors we know that need healthy examples to follow in their congregations.  Sometimes even exchange congregations with them for a month. This would become fresh and exciting for all involved.  

Jesus the Greatest Shepherd used fish to feed His flock. I once started a radio ministry called "Youth 4 Truth". The idea was to have young people come on the program each week to reach out to their peers. Each week, local youth groups would come on and share music, teaching and testimonies.  

I was also a children's church pastor once. One evening,  the Holy Spirit told me to anoint certain children in the audience,  I'll never forget it, they in turn laid their hands on the rest of the children present-  a mighty revival broke out that included angelic visitations and children being caught up to the Throne room of God. The point I'm making is that God mightily blesses when we leaders release the people to minister to one another. This is the "body edifying itself in love". Our chief job as pastors is to stay out of God's way. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

 Some thoughts about "racism" -

Let's suppose white people decided to get together and celebrate "being white". Ridiculous! They'd immediately be labeled "racist". But if black people celebrate "being black", they're applauded! They're encouraged by certain white people to do that because those same white people fear they'll be called "racist" if they point out it's as ridiculous for black people to recognize and celebrate the color of their skin as it is for white people,  or Asians, or anyone else for that matter. 

Why isn't there a "white history month"? How about a "White Entertainment Television Network"? The point is, if black Americans would like white Americans to completely ignore the color of a person's skin, if they want us all to see one another,  no matter who we are, as the same, equal in every way, then they too should be held to the same standard.  It's a double standard when they're allowed to rejoice in their "blackness" but whites are considered racist if they rejoice in being white.

Personally,  most of the time, unless given a reason to,  i don't pay much attention to a person's skin color. I think many African American brethren in America have been deceived by Satan into constantly being aware of and dwelling on their skin color.  Certainly  actual racism contributes to this. I can't imagine growing up with it but since i moved to Asia I'm much more aware of how different i look from the local populace. I know what it's like to be a minority! As a Christian who is Spirit filled and who walks in the prophetic anointing- i also know what it's like to be in the minority.  But still, even living in Asia-  where literally everyone looks different from me -  i do not walk around consciously aware that I'm white. I do not feel the need to celebrate being white - and yes, i have encountered racism here. I do not feel i should be singled out and recognized in any way because I'm white. But just as i think black Americans should not celebrate being black,  so do i think they should not be denigrated in any way because of it. Racism does exist -  of course it does, but our reaction to it should not be "I'm proud to be black" or " I'm proud to be white" but rather "I'm  not proud in any way for something I haven't achieved-  rather I'm proud of personal accomplishments, and most of all, i boast in the Cross of Christ". I'm proud of my Lord Jesus,  who truly does treat all equally. He is no "respecter of persons" and neither should we be.  

"After this i beheld,  and lo, a great multitude,  which no man can number,  of all nations,  and kindreds, and people,  and tongues,  stood before the Throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying,  Salvation to our God which sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb". 

Certainly no one should be put down or looked down upon because of the color of their skin but neither should they be lifted up for it....we should recognize one another based on what spirit we are of.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...