Tuesday, December 13, 2022

  Is it possible to read His word without desiring His presence? Can we use His word soulishly? Selfishly? To benefit our flesh not crucify it? The answer is yes! A resounding yes! Unfortunately,  many read the Word and it profits them nothing. 
    "Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me".
Men can read the scriptures and yet deny those same scriptures made flesh. They not only deny Jesus access to their hearts -  they deny Him their flesh. They do not read the scriptures to commune with Jesus-  for He testified of those pompous,  religious scholars-  "You will not come to Me, that you might have life".
I used to think 1 John 4:1-3 was all about how to discern demons, for they cannot confess Jesus our Christ has come in the flesh, but now i see they are also about human spirits. It says "every spirit" -  this includes demons and humans alike. If a human will not confess that Jesus Christ is come in THEIR flesh, they are not of God. They are of the Anti-Christ.  Their spirit is against Christ - to deny Him access to their flesh,  to their hearts.  Though they purport to represent God! Their minds acknowledge the scriptures only so far as they can use them to build their own kingdoms on earth.  They are not interested in helping the poor,  the broken,  the destitute.  Those they will leave bleeding and naked on the side of the road.  They are only interested in helping those who can benefit them in return. 

Love helps those who cannot help themselves. 
Love rescues souls and keeps them out of hell. 
Love heals our diseases and nurses us back to health -
LOVE        NEVER        FAILS 

Love does not reject us, 
does nothing to upset us. 
Love will not forget us  -
He's gentle and He's kind, 
does not keep wrongs in mind 
LOVE        NEVER         FAILS 

Love is holy, love is pure,
Love is faithful,  love is sure. 
Love is humble beyond compare, 
Love will never cease to care. 

Oh! I'm in love with love! 
Oh Jesus is who I'm thinking of!
I'm not worthy of my good Samaritan, 
never will be - 
Yet still  -  Love has chosen me.
Jesus! Oh my Jesus!
Knowing all Your death entailed  - 
Let's me see, eternally,  Love never fails!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...