Friday, June 7, 2024

 There is nothing good inherent in me. Nothing at all. I am not merely a "sinner" - someone who is basically good but commits sins once in awhile,  no, I am wicked and deceitful through and through.  ALL my righteousness is as filthy rags. In other words: I'm completely filthy.
The only way for there to be good in me is for me to invite Christ in - by His Holy Spirit.  Then, I must decrease so He can increase. When someone is,  quote "Born Again", they have taken the first (very important) step in their walk with God  - they've invited Him to dwell inside them  - but, they are still full of themselves.  Christ in them, the hope of glory, at that point, is like a tiny seed, not fully formed. This seed must grow.  -  it must be watered, given plenty of light  - the more of "self" that's removed, that dies, the more Christ can fill us till eventually He overflows out of us. The "old man" (who we were before we met Christ), does not die all at once, quickly. This is why Jesus chose crucifixion for the manner of His sacrificial death for us all  -  for it is a slow, agonizing, painful death  - exactly the same type of death our "self will", our "old man", the one that is wicked and deceitful, who loves to sin, goes through. In fact, Paul declared "I die daily" - so too must we experience the pain of death daily, for we never really escape it completely this side of Heaven. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...