Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The following was written in 2018  -

The Lord's been trying to teach me for eight months now  - He must be my priority  - His presence must be my passion  - if I can't or won't seek Him daily now  - when there's no ministry at all happening  - I won't do it later when ministry starts up again  - and that is deadly  - it is death to any ministry  - to minister without Him, without His daily presence.  We can end up seeking to minister,  with the joys and pitfalls that come along with ministry,  the highs and lows- but we don't seek Him. The Israelites followed Him in the wilderness  - they followed His presence  -  but after they got to their "promised land" it was much harder for them to follow Him. We may seek Him with all our hearts  - beseeching Him to launch us into our calling  - but when He grants us tge desire of our heart we must continue to seek  Him just as diligently. We must be the leper that returned to Him! We must seek His face in thankfulness and humility  - daily. Weekly church "services" must never become the only time we seek Him, and meet with Him  -  whether we're the ones ministering or being ministered to. We should never seek Him publicly while avoiding Him privately.  This can easily become hypocrisy.  This is the basis of religion   - a public show of faith that does not reflect an inward reality. And the more successful we become  in our public ministry  - the more tempting it is to neglect our private ministry to The Lord.  Jesus Himself, who had the most successful public ministry ever, was careful to draw aside to the mountains or wilderness to be alone to spend private time with His Father. So should we. If we become the flavor of the month  - the latest in demand minister,  who everyone wants to hear from personally  - we must guard our hearts against not only pride, but against listening to people while not also listening intently to the Holy Spirit's still, small voice within. We do not lead the Holy Spirit  - no, He leads us  - unless we're too busy ministering to follow Him.  Could you, at the height of your popularity as a minister  - take off alone to the mountains to be alone with the Lord? Could you see a crowd gather to hear you preach and minister, and walk away? Jesus did. He cared nothing for the praise and adoration of men  - His primary purpose was pleasing His Father.  So must ours be.

Amen.  Written from Cyprus 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...