Sunday, December 29, 2024

 A true pastor, a pastor after God's own heart  - will welcome Apostolic oversight,  will welcome Apostolic fathering  - fathers sent to them by God. They'll joyfully abandon the Babylonian system of service and worship and embrace the New Jerusalem's standard of community  - they'll make the decision to abandon the traditions of man that deny God His proper place in the midst of His people  - These pastors after God's own heart will redefine their role in the lives of the people they pastor  and by so doing they'll become "ushers of the anointing", causing all attention and glory to go to Jesus,  the Holy Spirit and the Father and none to themselves. 

 "And He is able to keep you from slipping and falling away, and to bring you, sinless and perfect,  into His glorious presence with mighty shouts of everlasting Joy"

See? We are all invited into "His glorious presence"! Now! Only there will we find everlasting joy.  "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless  before the presence of His glory, with exceeding Joy  - to the only wise God (all other gods are foolish) our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and forever, Amen"!  See it? NOW and Forever! We can enter "faultless before the presence of His glory "now"! Throne room perspective! We can give Him dominion over our souls - now. Religion puts Him in some utopian future or relegates Him to a glorious past. This all comes from the flesh - from a desire to maintain the status quo  - Religious leaders laud their and their denominations past accomplishments  - often camping around a move of God that took place years before  - when the cloud of His presence has long since moved on  - They never enter into His presence NOW  - and this will be the key to the Throne Rooms God will be establishing around  the earth  - His presence! Him! And our response to Him:  on our faces in adoration and worship,  opening ourselves,  our hearts, fully to Him  - giving Him all the glory. One important aspect of His glory! We are His reward and we are His inheritance.  We glorify Him by giving ourselves to Him completely,  fully, holding nothing back from Him. 

Part two soon

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

 Churches here on earth should be what i like to call "mini throne rooms". These will be a literal establishing of God's Kingdom/Throne Room on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Just as we all go to Heaven  - to God's Throne Room when we die - we must bring His Throne Room  to us before we die. As we die physically to enter His Throne Room physically,  we must die to ourselves so that our souls may enter His Throne Room- before we die, physically: We don't go to Him later if we don't invite Him to us now. We must all NOW fellowship around His Throne,  as we will be doing for all Eternity.  We must "see no man anymore", save Christ.  We must see Him, and the Father, side by side  - we must do His Will and no man's  - He may choose to speak through the lowliest member of the fellowship (in man's eyes), He may want to heal, He may want to hug someone,  etc., etc.  The point is  - every moment of every service belongs to Him to do with as He pleases.

"The steps you take don't need to be big  -  they just need to take you in the right direction"

"Worldly wealth cannot be proof of God's favor, since it is what Satan promised to Jesus if he would worship him."
"One man's footstool is another man's throne".

Friday, December 20, 2024

 Many teach today that they are essential to your walk with The Lord  - that The Lord cannot or will not raise you apart from them. They teach that man (men) are essential to your maturing process, that if you aren't submitted to them  - you can't possibly mature and fulfill God's purpose and plan for your life. In this way, they keep millions of people in bondage to their will - not God's. They use "submission" as an excuse to amass followers who must submit your will to them - no matter what God tells the believer, they, the leadership, have the final word  - in essence,  they become gods to the people.  They teach that the true test of humility (to them) is if you are willing to obey them rather than God  - and do it with a good attitude! Be reasonable,  they'll tell you:  God would never tell you something they'll disagree with because He put them over you! Why? Because they have far greater wisdom and experience than you. In God's heart - it would be a joy to submit to His kind of leadership because their heart would be for you to become so strong in your walk with God you don't need Him anymore.  They'll serve you, not Lord it over you - yes, hear me now, yes, there will be times when you thought you've heard from God - but you haven't.  You should then humbly receive leadership's council, knowing from experience they have your best interests at heart - not their own. They are godly, real shepherds  - not hirelings. At other times - leadership will be dead set opposed to God's will, or words for you. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

   The more time you spend with the Holy Spirit- the more mature you'll become.  One aspect of maturity is a willingness to question literally everything you've been taught and believe. Questioning in and of itself is fine if the goal is to arrive at the truth.  We do not question out of a place of doubt and unbelief  - with an argumentative spirit, no, we do it out of a desire and love for the truth. So, as you grow, you should periodically take what you're receiving from people and check it with Him  - ideally,  you should be filtering all you're taught through Him anyway   - this way you can "check it at the door" before it gets inside you  - but, there are times things we're taught when we're really young by people we trust, that are wrong. Ideally,  everyone should arrive at a place they're taught by the Holy Spirit personally  - but, just as we should run everything men teach us by the Lord - we should also run what we hear the Holy Spirit is telling us by men - men (or women) put in our lives by God for just that purpose  - to help us guard against error and deception. The problem  for the vast majority of people in religious churches is that their leadership are not hearing from God, nor are they obeying Him, so if a believer begins to commune with God personally,  through His Holy Spirit, he begins to share truth with them, often truth that the leadership has rejected as deception. 

Now the young believer is confused. Sure they heard from God  - but they're told "no, you didn't". Religious churches believe God no longer reveals and speaks to people by His Spirit,  only through His written word, which they learn from men.
So, follow the Lord, or their leadership? Sadly, most often, the young believer obeys their ungodly leadership,  learning that the voice of the Lord they heard is really the enemy. That's right! Many denominations believe Satan speaks today, tempting us and decieving us, but God doesn't speak and reveal truth. Which, by the way is the primary ministry of the Holy Spirit "to lead us and guide us into ALL truth". 

Peer pressure  too is often brought to bear - how dare you question the pastor? You're so young! He knows what he's talking about! He went to Bible college! Anytime someone's teaching cannot be questioned  - it's a sign you should get out. Maturity brings a willingness to let go of deception  - so we may grab hold of the truth - we can only cling to one or the other. 

Sometimes our beliefs aren't wrong, per se, just immature.  Some things that are perfectly acceptable for a baby are not tolerated in a ten year old. As we grow in Christ the path we're on becomes narrower and steeper. As our understanding deepens so do our doctrines.  There are churches,  indeed entire denominations,  drinking only milk, or worse, they're full of still borns. Remember the writer of Hebrews lament? By now you should be eating meat but you're still drinking milk! If you aren't a baby and you start going to a church full of babies, or still borns, you'll quickly grow tired of milk and long for more. 

Peer pre

Friday, December 13, 2024

 This happened awhile ago  -

     I'm laughing and lamenting at the same time. I sent out 20 Facebook requests to friends and family regarding a ministry i'm trying to raise support for  - Out of those 20, 5 replied, out of those 5, one, I repeat,  one - actually gave an offering.  The ministry rescues trafficked women and children in Nepal from being sold into slavery, by the way. 
So, God says to me - "Now you know how I feel. I send out "requests" all the time that are largely ignored.  I often get no response whatsoever.  Others, a few, reply to Me "I'LL think about it" or "I'll pray about it", they'll say. Very few respond to My gentle promptings with immediate action,  instantly obeying My will without hesitation.  Welcome to the club, Chris!"

Oh Lord! This is one of the saddest things I've yet written! Like Paul, I know what it means when he said "no man stood with me" but i never knew how badly you've been treated,  Lord. I wish we would all learn to do Your Word (for your word IS your will) rather than hear it only. Do not ever let me love in word only, ignoring my brethren when they cry out for help. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 Don't know if you've noticed but every living thing on earth  - from the smallest to the largest  - has something to eat. What a caring,  loving Father He is!
Now, since the fall - since man submitted to sin, death entered into the eternal life cycle of planet earth  - death is unnatural, all creation was designed to live forever but now all creation devours itself  - this is what it really means to sin - we devour ourselves and one another  - till there's nothing left to save: sin and death feed upon life and rob us of the eternal fellowship our Father granted us and desires to have with us.
When God restores all things by resetting His creation  - with a new heaven and a new earth  - life will again continue uninterrupted by death, because sin will no longer exist. Don't you long for this glorious Day, long ago promised by your loving, heavenly Father? When death, the last foe, will be swallowed up by life  - never to be tasted again?

Thursday, December 5, 2024

 The Word of the Lord came to me - 
 Hear the Word of the Lord which the Lord speaks to you - oh people of the living God - Thus saith The Lord  - Learn not the way of the Heathen  -  do not trust in nor follow after their ways, for their customs are vain - they do lift themselves up in pride  - they are full of naughtiness   - believing they are wise when they are not.

Oh My people  - do not be afraid of them -  it is not in them to do good - only to do what appears to be good in the eyes of men  - yet, I have hedged you about so they cannot do evil to you - though they wish to.   Thus saith The King of Nations - Fear Me, not man, for there is none like Me - neither among the living or the dead. None is able to save but I alone. All the heathen are altogether foolish  - they teach a doctrine of vanities. They exalt themselves while abasing the humble.  They take advantage of My Anointed, and cast them out when they cannot. All they do is pleasing in their own sight, designed to appeal to man - But I Am the true and living God - I am the everlasting king  - the earth shall tremble and the natiins shall not be able to abide My coming. The gods of men -  who have not made the heavens and the earth  - shall perish, along with all who worship them - As the seas cover the ships that sink - so that there is no sign of their passing  -  so shall they all perish without a trace.  It is My power and wisdom alone that has made the earth and established it  - I alone bring forth the wind out of My treasures,  I alone provide the lightnings with rain, I alone sustain all life on earth. Without Me nothing could continue to live. Oh vain ones, who believe it is by your own hands that you are sustained  - all that you do, oh religious ones, is vanity, is the work of errors; in the time of your visitation  - you shall perish. 

My Bride is not like unto Thee  - My Bride shall abide forever in My Presence  - for My presence is all she sought from the time of her womanhood,  till now. She pants for Me, she longs to have Me near - she shall not be denied!  Whereas you - oh vain ones  - you desire your own presence  and prefer a nest of vipers to Me - you take poison into your bosom and spew it forth again  - calling it "the Anointing of the Lord" and "The Lord's blessings!"   I will sling out the inhabitants of the land who resist Me at every turn, both small commandments and large - turning My ways into a sermon to be spoken rather than a life to be lived. I will distress them and they will say to Me  "Satan, we rebuke you".

My tabernacle is spoiled, My cords are broken  - My children have gone forth from Me and are swallowed by the traditions of man  - for their pastors are become brutish - they have not sought Me, therefore they shall not prosper - all their flocks shall be scattered, all their riches that they trusted in and lusted sfter shall be put into a cistern with holes, as it were. All their plans shall not come to fruition  - but shall wither and die before the sapling is tall.

I am now separating the wicked from the good, the wheat and the tares, the Saul's and the David's.  I am now, even now, drawing a line in the earth  - a plumb line  - that you shall know now who are the children of  Pharoah and those who belong to Me. I am now separating the land of Goshen - that the coming plagues shall not touch those who abide therein. Everywhere I see My Blood shall escape My wrath to come, saith The Lord. 

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...