Thursday, February 27, 2025

 I love the songs I've heard.
 I love the songs I listen to,
 but what i'm about to say,
 may sound absurd 
 but what about you?

Have you written songs
 by Him or for Him too?
 Have you shouted out loud
 your love for Him of whom you're proud?
Has your pen become
 the tongue of a ready writer?
Have you let Him bear your burdens
and by so doing, make your soul lighter?
Don't just worship to other people's heart cries,
write something unique from your heart life.

We should all be writing our own book of Psalms...

Sunday, February 23, 2025

 People flit by at the speed of life -
  some slow dòwn, others go on by...
Some interact briefly 
 a few remain close to me,
but amidst all the busyness
and lives I've met,
You, Lord, haven't left me yet.
You, Lord, have faithfully remained 
with me in Spirit and in Name.
You've stayed 
 when I've strayed
 and i cannot repay
 I cannot give
 anything near what You deserve
 but what i can, i will  -
I give You my heart 
my lips, my hands, to serve
I will no longer waver
I will not swerve
but remain in love with my Savior...

again i moan
from this broken tomb
not my will be done
but thine own.....

Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Our primary responsibility as "leadership" is not to be the source of truth in people's lives, but to lead them to the One who is the source of all truth. When people fellowship with us  - they should be in fellowship with Him simultaneously.  We want them to hear Him  - not depend on us to hear Him. We want them to learn what His voice sounds like when they hear our voice.  We want them to know Him - to depend on Him  - not us. Our ministry is to encourage,  edify and nourish,  and yes, rebuke when necessary  - but all done in love for them, not ourselves.  We do not need man-structured Christianity any longer, we need Holy Spirit designed and built Christianity,  where the focus is where it should be  - on Jesus and the Father. We do need one another  - to keep us balanced  - and to help us back up when we fall, to bear our burdens with us and guard each other in prayer from the enemy's attacks and to share revelations we get from Him - both to edify one another and to safeguard each other from false revelation (even the very elect).

Monday, February 17, 2025

 Generally speaking.....the Holy Spirit does not lead us to gather in large buildings ....this started happening several hundred years after Christ rose from the dead, when Christianity became the official "religion" of the land. Satan's strategy was (and is)  - if you can't beat em', join em'. Prior to that time the believers met house to house, where the Holy Spirit was welcomed and where His will was done. Large buildings became an excellent way for Satan (through men) to control and influence large amounts of people. One reason is because people are more comfortable in crowds - they can remain anonymous and they feel if large numbers of people are accepting it - it must be ok. In a house setting,  we are much more likely to be exposed to intimacy  - with God and with each other. And it's harder for a man to replace the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people (Satan's goal) in a house setting.  False doctrines and demonic spirits can be much more easily exposed and confronted....

Having said all this  - God did sanction and call the people to gather together in "solemn assemblies" - feasts  - some somber, others joyous celebrations - so, it would be a good thing for saints to meet together in large numbers seven times a year, in my opinion.

Friday, February 14, 2025

 God's love is so great
  His love is so much
He had to relate
  it with both a
father and a mother's touch.

A father alone
cannot display His love.
He needed a mother
to display His love for us  -
Both of them together
express who our God truly is.
Male and female both
came from Him  - remember this.

         Though we call Him Father,
           though He is our dad,
         All that is a mother,
            that makes our hearts so glad  -
          came from Him too  -

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 O R 

Now you can believe
 the words you receive 
  from your enemy 

         O R

You can believe ME

Now you can speak
 what makes you weak
  and full of fear

         O R

You can say
 MY words today
  (Full of Faith)
  You can choose to hear and obey

 You can live
  The Abundant life
   I died to give

        O R

You can die
 believing the lie
  your enemy speaks
  to all who seek
   to live without MY 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Part Three


My message  - our message  - the message of modern day Apostles and Prophets can be summarized in Isaiah 2:3  -

"Come, let us go, to the House of God - and HE Will TEACH US, of HIS WAYS and we will walk in HIS PATHS  - And HE shall judge among the nations and HE SHALL REBUKE MANY PEOPLE  - neither shall they learn war anymore!"

No more denominations! No more being taught man's ways! He will rebuke all who exalt and honor man  - who exalt one another, who prefer darkness to light:
"Come ye - let us walk in the light of The Lord". "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the naughtiness of men shall be bowed down - and The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day!"

Oh how I long for this day! Oh how I long to see The Lord alone exalted in every heart and "church" that claim to be His!  Everyone that has lifted themselves up shall be brought low - 2:11&17  both repeat - meaning - God is really,  really,  serious about what He's saying  - namely, GOD WILL BRING LOW THE PROUD starting with His own people  - every church and denomination rooted in pride -  "BECAUSE THEIR TONGUE AND THEIR DOINGS ARE AGAINST THE LORD" but, i  the midst of Judgment  - God says  (v 3:9) - "SAY YE TO THE RIGHTEOUS  - THAT IT SHALL BE WELL WITH HIM  - FOR THEY SHALL EAT THE FRUIT OF THEIR DOINGS" but "WOE TO THE WICKED  - IT SHALL BE ILL WITH HIM - FOR THE REWARD OF HIS HANDS SHALL BE GIVEN HIM".
As for God's people  - He has this to say to them  - to you - to all who name the name of Christ today  -
"As for My people, O My people  - THEY WHICH LEAD THEE CAUSE THEE TO ERR, and destroy the way of thy paths"  -  A truer word was never spoken! Today's church leadership is far worse than any other corrupt leadership exposed in the Bible because they have access to the Holy Spirit! They are, consistently,  leading God's people  into error  - for they do not lead them into a relationship with Him whereby they are no longer needed  - no  - they fight and teach doctrine that keeps them in power and authority over their "houses" never relenting their grip on power and position  - never releasing God's people into the fulness of their calling, often aborting them and "the spoil of the poor is in your houses" Oh how true today! From local pastors to televangelists  - they "spoil the poor" - poor in spirit  - as well as worldly wealth  "WHAT MEAN YE THAT YE BEAT MY PEOPLE TO PIECES, AND GRIND THE FACES OF THE POOR?" "THEY ARE JUDGED AND FOUND WANTING SAITH THE LORD  - I SHALL NO LONGER STAND BY WHILE YOU ROB MY PEOPLE OF THEIR INHERITANCE  - YOU SPOIL THEM AS AN ARMY YOU'VE CONQUERED BUT I SAY AWAKEN! AWAKEN MY PEOPLE! THROW OFF THE BONDS OF THE OPPRESSOR  - DISCERN BETWEEN ME AND THE UNCLEAN -  THOSE WHO SEEK TO DEVOUR YOU FOR THEIR OWN GLORY AND GAIN  - DO NOR ANY LONGER SUBMIT TO THEM  - CAUSE MY WRATH TO ABATE AND MY ANGER  - MY SORE DISPLEASURE TO BE ASSAUGED  - DRAW NEAR TO ME WHILE I MAY BE FOUND, SAITH THE LORD ".

- Apostle Chris 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Part Two

Verses 14 & 15 are clear - He hates religious ceremonies  - done to appear as if we are obedient,  yet we're not. Though we say many prayers - He will not hear: YES, GOD PROMISES NOT to hear the prayers of those who pray from their minds but not their hearts. How can we change our ways? How can we give ourselves to Him, not our religion which exalts us, not God? God's solution is found in verses 16&17 - Wash, Cease, Learn, relieve and Judge: 
Wash and cleanse your heart through the washing of the Word - applied to your heart by the Holy Spirit. 
Cease to do evil - how?  by
Learning to do well. When we give our Father's Spirit complete access to our hearts, He will teach us how to do good and not evil, how to do what He calls good, not men. We will no longer gather together endlessly while ignoring the oppressed,  the fatherless,  and the widows in our communities  - we will no longer sing endless songs about our loving, all powerful,  compassionate God while not extending His love and compassion to those who need it most:  
To the poor (lacking in love, not just food and shelter)  - we will live our lives, corporately and individually,  outwardly - not inwardly alone. We will care for the fatherless  - The weak, the least  - those who have no one to care for them - yet our Father sees them and cares for them and desires to care for them through us  - His people,  His BODY  - who did nothing but touch and feed and heal people when he (Jesus) walked the earth in obedience to His Father's will! Jesus heard and obeyed His Father's voice to go to the lost sheep of Israel doing good  - preaching the Gospel by demonstrating God's love - not just speaking about it - Can we do any less than obey His call to go into all the world? 

God is crying out in verse 18 to His people today - even as I write this  -  Come Now! Do not hesitate! Do not procrastinate! Now is the time, the appointed time of your salvation  - Let us reason together,  saith The Lord.  Let the Lord speak to your heart - let Him show you the "more excellent way" - let Him free you from bondage to man, from man's fallen ways  - dressed up outwardly to look holy....  Let the Lord free you now by welcoming Him as Spirit  - for where the Spirit of the Lord is - there is LIBERTY! Two choices - Be willing and obedient or refuse and rebel.  To obey you must be willing - your will must freely submit to His  - you must want to obey - from your heart  - refusal brings death  - by the sword - by the words of the Lord's mouth - which cannot be undone - and cannot fail to come to pass  - either He speaks your name now "Obedient One" or later "rebellious son".

Isaiah 1:22  - Remember- one of the hallmarks of Babylon is mixture.  There used to be righteousness in the "Faithful city" - now, it's unfaithful, a harlot, full of murderers -  hear me now - our churches are full of murderers - pastors,  leaders, who kill, steal and destroy the people's destiny - the people's calling in Christ- they make them sit at their feet and call it "faithfulness". They render them powerless and call it "faith" -  They do not raise up spiritual sons and daughters to the Lord but instead commit the sin of Onan. They  "love gifts and follow after rewards" . They love the honor and praise of men but care not for God's respect. They judge not (love not) the Fatherless neither does the cause of the widow come before them ( this is where you pause and weep for yourself,  for your church, for your denomination). 

Part Three coming soon

Monday, February 3, 2025

 Isaiah - A Prophet used by God to speak to His people  - directly - first person- but not only to speak to his natural people   - The Israelites,  but also to His supernatural people  - the saints of today: for the Jews had forsaken Him and set up a religion  - Judaism  - that they used to "appear to be" God's obedient,  favored people  - but really weren't. They honored God with words but not deeds, with lips but not hearts. They had forsaken their God and refused to acknowledge this inwardly or outwardly.  They were hypocrites  led by hypocrites,  blind led by blind. 

So God sent Isaiah and many other Prophets to open their eyes to truth. He judged them because He loved them. And because He loves His people today He is again sending Apostles and Prophets to a backslid people  - a people who have created a religion called "Christianity" that they too, like the Jews, use as a fig leaf to hide from God, not meet with Him. Like Judaism,  it's a clever religion because it uses God's name and His Word to make them appear to be holy, to look outwardly like they are (man's idea of) what God's people should look and sound like - but they do not follow and obey the Holy Spirit.  Like the religious Jews of Jesus' day, they deny the Holy Spirit's lordship and sovereignty  - they acknowledge Him in name only - not in spirit. They speak the name of Jesus but deny the power thereof. 

As an apostle of the Lord, raised and set apart by Jesus to do His bidding  - I've been given a similar burden to Isaiah's - a burden i call the "burden of Babylon" - it is my cross to bear - but it's really the burden of the sins of my people  - an affront to God, who need to hear this word and take it to heart - but so must i! I must seek and find His holiness  - I must live a holy, sanctified life - I must welcome the Holy Spirit and follow Him alone, before I can instruct others to do so. Here then, are Isaiah's visions presented to my brethren, The Church of today  -

Isaiah 1:2  - This sums up the whole Book and the state of affairs in the Body of Christ today - "I HAVE NOURISHED AND BROUGHT UP CHILDREN  AND THEY HAVE REBELLED AGAINST ME".
Religion draws people away from God! Religion replaces God with man in the hearts and minds of His people. Religion puts the veil back up! Religious leadership says " you are not a priest and king before God - we are. You are a sheep - we are your shepherds- Only a few, special ones, rise to this level, those we recognize and approve of: It's flesh and God calls this an abomination.  We are ALL to rise to meet Him in the air, in the Spirit, together. Those more mature are to give to those less mature what a father and a mother give - LOVE - with the sole purpose of seeing them become mature also.

Thank God for 1:9 - Thank God there is a remnant left! A small remnant but enough (like Noah and sons) to replenish the earth, to raise up an army of true sons and daughters  - who are forsaking the yolk of religion Satan (through men) seeks to place upon them. God's true sons and daughters will go forth and multply and accomplish His will alone - not man's and certainly not Satan's.  Throughout the earth they will bear witness of Him  - not of their religion  - demonstrating His kingdom (with power) on earth - flesh submitted to spirit (The Holy Spirit) not spirit submitted to flesh.

Verses 10 - 20 - God hates religious ceremonies  - He's after our hearts! If we come before Him continuously with our endless religious ceremonies but we don't give Him our hearrs - our own "holy of holies", then all we do becomes "vain oblations" - offerings to God in vain - whether money, or praise or good works - all in vain, if we aren't in love with Him - for if we are in love with Him we'll abandon our flesh for His Spirit. We'll let Him lead us in The Dance, the Divine Romance. We'll forsake our meetings where all we do is meet with one another. All our "traditions of men" will fall prey to the wonderful fullness and joy of doing His will and His will alone. 

Part Two soon - apostle Chris

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...