When a baby breathes his first breath
Her parents are filled with happiness
All the family rejoices,
filling the air with joyful voices
Expressing the gladness they are feeling
For this new life God is revealing
Now the same thing happens in Heaven
When we are Born Again
The angels take a stand and leap for joy
At the spiritual birth of each girl and boy
All Heaven celebrates as God creates
A brand new life, an Eternal wife
Someone to love forever,
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It’s a sweet sadness, watching them grow
Knowing the day is coming when I’ll have to let them go
I rejoice and am glad that they are mine to raise
In Your house and in Your presence
may they remain for all their days
May the adults they each come to be
reflect who You are, perfectly
May their bodies, souls and spirits
in Heaven be with You
As they’ve gladly believed
they’ll be gladly received
Embraced by You when their mortal lives are through
They’ll joyously be transformed with me
as all things are made new
A father’s fondest hope is that his children will join him in Heaven.
Knowing the day is coming when I’ll have to let them go
I rejoice and am glad that they are mine to raise
In Your house and in Your presence
may they remain for all their days
May the adults they each come to be
reflect who You are, perfectly
May their bodies, souls and spirits
in Heaven be with You
As they’ve gladly believed
they’ll be gladly received
Embraced by You when their mortal lives are through
They’ll joyously be transformed with me
as all things are made new
A father’s fondest hope is that his children will join him in Heaven.
Cover me Daddy
“Cover me daddy” were the words that she shared
looking to see if I’d show that I cared
Rediscover me daddy –
take thought for me anew
For my blessing of being covered
comes directly through you
I thought about her heart’s cry
and I slowly began to realize
I am to model for her The Father’s love
So she will forever know
what His heart is full of…
1 Joh:3:1
To you I speak this Truth most fair –
Love is real only when shared
If kept to one’s self
And never let go
Than love of self is all you will know
PS: Happy Birthday Sheryl!
looking to see if I’d show that I cared
Rediscover me daddy –
take thought for me anew
For my blessing of being covered
comes directly through you
I thought about her heart’s cry
and I slowly began to realize
I am to model for her The Father’s love
So she will forever know
what His heart is full of…
1 Joh:3:1
To you I speak this Truth most fair –
Love is real only when shared
If kept to one’s self
And never let go
Than love of self is all you will know
PS: Happy Birthday Sheryl!
An open letter to my mother –
Thank you, mom, that you didn’t abort me. Thank you that you chose to let me live. Thank you that you didn’t abort me but bore me, laid your life down for me, gave all you had to give. For if you had aborted me, I would never have known my so beautiful a Saviour, my Jesus, My Christ, the way I do. And if you had aborted me, I’d never have known my Sheryl, my love, my wife and the two most beautiful girls to ever walk this earth wouldn’t be enjoying this wonderful life if you hadn’t first given me birth. For your sacrifice and generous act of giving birth to me and caring for me when I couldn’t survive on my own is something I’ll be grateful for and remember you for long after you are gone.
So thank you mom for not aborting me, choosing instead generosity, when so many never get to be, just be.
- Chris
Life is so precious a gift right from the start
I don’t ever want to waste another minute of it
with a cruel and selfish heart but please Lord,
renew in me a right spirit and a clean heart
that will please You and honour You and from You never depart
Lord, I want the pleasure of knowing that You are pleased with me
I want Your pleasure to be all my heart ever seeks
I want the knowledge of knowing
You delight in the fact that I am growing closer to You
No earthly pleasure will from now or ever
Compare to the glorious treasure that is YOU
I dedicate my heart anew to loving You.
May my longing for You
May Your longing for me
Make us one of two
For all Eternity
Thank you, mom, that you didn’t abort me. Thank you that you chose to let me live. Thank you that you didn’t abort me but bore me, laid your life down for me, gave all you had to give. For if you had aborted me, I would never have known my so beautiful a Saviour, my Jesus, My Christ, the way I do. And if you had aborted me, I’d never have known my Sheryl, my love, my wife and the two most beautiful girls to ever walk this earth wouldn’t be enjoying this wonderful life if you hadn’t first given me birth. For your sacrifice and generous act of giving birth to me and caring for me when I couldn’t survive on my own is something I’ll be grateful for and remember you for long after you are gone.
So thank you mom for not aborting me, choosing instead generosity, when so many never get to be, just be.
- Chris
Life is so precious a gift right from the start
I don’t ever want to waste another minute of it
with a cruel and selfish heart but please Lord,
renew in me a right spirit and a clean heart
that will please You and honour You and from You never depart
Lord, I want the pleasure of knowing that You are pleased with me
I want Your pleasure to be all my heart ever seeks
I want the knowledge of knowing
You delight in the fact that I am growing closer to You
No earthly pleasure will from now or ever
Compare to the glorious treasure that is YOU
I dedicate my heart anew to loving You.
May my longing for You
May Your longing for me
Make us one of two
For all Eternity
Friday, February 26, 2010
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
Why are all the playgrounds disappearing?
Why is the sound of children laughing no longer reaching my hearing?
Have we counted the cost of innocence lost?
Have we seen the error of our ways?
As society decays the children no longer play.
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
Remembered only in the words of this poem?
Replaced by TV, video games and movies?
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
They’ve gone the way of the family –
broken, shattered, no longer to be
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
When a city has more topless bars than playgrounds,
something’s wrong.
Why is the sound of children laughing no longer reaching my hearing?
Have we counted the cost of innocence lost?
Have we seen the error of our ways?
As society decays the children no longer play.
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
Remembered only in the words of this poem?
Replaced by TV, video games and movies?
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
They’ve gone the way of the family –
broken, shattered, no longer to be
Where have all the playgrounds gone?
When a city has more topless bars than playgrounds,
something’s wrong.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A Wife's Plea
Please don’t take me for granted
I am a seed in the Garden The Lord has planted
If you want this one with the title you call “wife”
To be a true companion for the rest of your life
Then water this seed, watch it grow and bear fruit
With love that meets my needs, with Spirit and with Truth
With gentle hands that touch and caress
With kind lips that speak words that bless
With an open heart, always willing to communicate
These are the things I desire in my mate
If these things you will always sow
Then as a seed in the garden of your life
My love for you will grow and glow
And never grow old.
I am a seed in the Garden The Lord has planted
If you want this one with the title you call “wife”
To be a true companion for the rest of your life
Then water this seed, watch it grow and bear fruit
With love that meets my needs, with Spirit and with Truth
With gentle hands that touch and caress
With kind lips that speak words that bless
With an open heart, always willing to communicate
These are the things I desire in my mate
If these things you will always sow
Then as a seed in the garden of your life
My love for you will grow and glow
And never grow old.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Here, Holy Spirit, You can do anything that pleases You
We’ll not lean on our own understanding
but trust ourselves completely to Your handling
For Holy Spirit – Your ways are not our ways
Your thoughts are not our thoughts
You are higher than us
So the desire in us
is for You to rule within us
You are our best friend – it’s You we trust
Holy Spirit, please teach us to do anything pleasing to Father
No matter how strange
Rearrange our carnal minds
Realign them with Yours
Restore them to that place renewed
That forever they are one with You
Here Holy Spirit, You may do
Anything that pleases You
Completely have Your way with us today
Wash us anew, bring us to our Father
May all Truth permeate us through and through
We’ll not lean on our own understanding
but trust ourselves completely to Your handling
For Holy Spirit – Your ways are not our ways
Your thoughts are not our thoughts
You are higher than us
So the desire in us
is for You to rule within us
You are our best friend – it’s You we trust
Holy Spirit, please teach us to do anything pleasing to Father
No matter how strange
Rearrange our carnal minds
Realign them with Yours
Restore them to that place renewed
That forever they are one with You
Here Holy Spirit, You may do
Anything that pleases You
Completely have Your way with us today
Wash us anew, bring us to our Father
May all Truth permeate us through and through
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Come River flow
through this dry and thirsty land
Come Spirit fill
every woman, child and man
Drench every heart
with the Wine of Your Word
Quench every soul
till all Nations have heard
Your Mighty Spirit is the only one
Who can preach the Word with Power
What we need, most desperately
in these final hours
is The River of God, fully flowing
watering and bringing the Kingdom to full flower
So all may hear and all may see
You satisfying all who are hungry and thirsty
through this dry and thirsty land
Come Spirit fill
every woman, child and man
Drench every heart
with the Wine of Your Word
Quench every soul
till all Nations have heard
Your Mighty Spirit is the only one
Who can preach the Word with Power
What we need, most desperately
in these final hours
is The River of God, fully flowing
watering and bringing the Kingdom to full flower
So all may hear and all may see
You satisfying all who are hungry and thirsty
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wherever the wind blows
that’s where I want to go
As it blows through the Trees
The Saints of God move mightily
The Holy Spirit, oh He knows
those the Father’s called and chose
And He won’t rest until He’s seen
The fulfilment of all the Father’s dreams
We are lights in a dark land
We are as Jesus to our fellow man
Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily
And as He is, so are we
Together we represent Him, completely
(we, not I, have the Mind of Christ)
1 Joh:3:2
1 Cor:2:16
that’s where I want to go
As it blows through the Trees
The Saints of God move mightily
The Holy Spirit, oh He knows
those the Father’s called and chose
And He won’t rest until He’s seen
The fulfilment of all the Father’s dreams
We are lights in a dark land
We are as Jesus to our fellow man
Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily
And as He is, so are we
Together we represent Him, completely
(we, not I, have the Mind of Christ)
1 Joh:3:2
1 Cor:2:16
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Come Fly with me
Oh God made our spirits
to soar with Him in the Heavens above
We are one with Him oh hear it
One with Him, His Spirit of Love
His Spirit is as the Wind
which blows over the whole face of the earth
and I and you in Him
find freedom and flight
through the wonder of our second birth
Oh, come fly with me
For we are free,
Free to fly where He has flown,
Free to see as we are shown,
Free to know as we are known
As He cannot be contained
Neither can we, in His name
Know bonds or boundaries
For our spirits cannot be chained
So come now, fly with me,
Come on now, try with me
Just believe and spread your wings
As the fowl of the air
Come fly with me, I’ll meet you there
Soar high with me in this love affair…
to soar with Him in the Heavens above
We are one with Him oh hear it
One with Him, His Spirit of Love
His Spirit is as the Wind
which blows over the whole face of the earth
and I and you in Him
find freedom and flight
through the wonder of our second birth
Oh, come fly with me
For we are free,
Free to fly where He has flown,
Free to see as we are shown,
Free to know as we are known
As He cannot be contained
Neither can we, in His name
Know bonds or boundaries
For our spirits cannot be chained
So come now, fly with me,
Come on now, try with me
Just believe and spread your wings
As the fowl of the air
Come fly with me, I’ll meet you there
Soar high with me in this love affair…
Saturday, February 20, 2010
You call Me Lord and Lord so I am
but from henceforth I now call you friends
for a servant knows not whether his master is coming or going
but to My friends great mysteries I’m revealing and I’m showing
And from My friends I will choose My Eternal Bride
And from her there is nothing I will conceal or hide
She has the privilege of knowing Me – the Most High
More intimately than any other creation of Mine
She will be My equal in all ways but one
She will never be greater than My first born Son
But with Him she’ll sit on His Holy Throne
And all knowledge and all wisdom will by her be known
I love her with all My heart, soul and strength
And Eternity cannot contain the breadth or the length
of My Love for My Bride
I’ll forever serve her with pride
My Bride is My Joy, the reason I live
The reason I gave all I had to give
I’m excited beyond words, yes it’s true
When you , My Bride, love Me
the way I love you.
but from henceforth I now call you friends
for a servant knows not whether his master is coming or going
but to My friends great mysteries I’m revealing and I’m showing
And from My friends I will choose My Eternal Bride
And from her there is nothing I will conceal or hide
She has the privilege of knowing Me – the Most High
More intimately than any other creation of Mine
She will be My equal in all ways but one
She will never be greater than My first born Son
But with Him she’ll sit on His Holy Throne
And all knowledge and all wisdom will by her be known
I love her with all My heart, soul and strength
And Eternity cannot contain the breadth or the length
of My Love for My Bride
I’ll forever serve her with pride
My Bride is My Joy, the reason I live
The reason I gave all I had to give
I’m excited beyond words, yes it’s true
When you , My Bride, love Me
the way I love you.
I counsel you to buy from Me
gold tried in the Fire
purify every desire
and buy white raiment
that you may not lament
your nakedness on the Day of Judgment
And I counsel you to buy
eye salve for your eyes
that the Anointing that comes from Me
will enable you to see
and grow wise
Zealousness with repentance
will commute your sentence
that when I stand at your door and knock
I will come into you and sup
and when I take you home
you will sit with Me on My throne
and our fellowship so sweet
will be Eternally complete
“Zeal without knowledge is not a good thing but knowledge without zeal is just as harmful.”
gold tried in the Fire
purify every desire
and buy white raiment
that you may not lament
your nakedness on the Day of Judgment
And I counsel you to buy
eye salve for your eyes
that the Anointing that comes from Me
will enable you to see
and grow wise
Zealousness with repentance
will commute your sentence
that when I stand at your door and knock
I will come into you and sup
and when I take you home
you will sit with Me on My throne
and our fellowship so sweet
will be Eternally complete
“Zeal without knowledge is not a good thing but knowledge without zeal is just as harmful.”
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The days of thy sojourning in thy weary wilderness
The days of thy mourning in thy times of great distress
Are over are over.
For you are now called “Sought Out”
Who once was called “Forsaken”
You are now called “Married”
Who was abandoned and not taken
No more will you be desolate
No more will you be upset
But now you shall not forget –
My delight is in you It’s you I’m married to
My Holy people, My redeemed
Things are not as they’ve seemed
But are becoming as you have dreamed
You shall be satisfied with the fatness of the land
I’ve brought you to
And My Peace, like a River, in this land will flow through
And I will gather all nations and tongues
That they may see the Glory of My Holy One
And your seed and your name
Before Me shall always remain
And the most low
shall dwell with the Most High
and all tears shall be wiped from their eyes…
From the One who inspired
Isaiah 62 and 66.
The days of thy mourning in thy times of great distress
Are over are over.
For you are now called “Sought Out”
Who once was called “Forsaken”
You are now called “Married”
Who was abandoned and not taken
No more will you be desolate
No more will you be upset
But now you shall not forget –
My delight is in you It’s you I’m married to
My Holy people, My redeemed
Things are not as they’ve seemed
But are becoming as you have dreamed
You shall be satisfied with the fatness of the land
I’ve brought you to
And My Peace, like a River, in this land will flow through
And I will gather all nations and tongues
That they may see the Glory of My Holy One
And your seed and your name
Before Me shall always remain
And the most low
shall dwell with the Most High
and all tears shall be wiped from their eyes…
From the One who inspired
Isaiah 62 and 66.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Come away with Me, come away My Bride
Come away from all that keeps Me from your side
Come away My darling, My love, My joy
draw close and embrace Me
and let us know each other
For there is none I desire besides you
No other Bride, no other’s love will do
My heart is reserved for you
there is nothing hidden, nothing kept from your view
You will see Me face to face, breast to breast,
before our journey’s through
I long to hold you
I long to know you
Come into My chambers and there I will show you
Love not the world or the things that are in it,
things meant to win your affections;
things meant to comfort you in your place (time) of need
but let Me be your comfort, let Me bear your grief
do not turn to another source, give no other heed
I am all, I am all you need
Seek Me, seek Me and My love,
We will be joined Eternally
How can I seek another? How can I know another?
You are the one given by My Father…
S.O.S 2:10
Come away from all that keeps Me from your side
Come away My darling, My love, My joy
draw close and embrace Me
and let us know each other
For there is none I desire besides you
No other Bride, no other’s love will do
My heart is reserved for you
there is nothing hidden, nothing kept from your view
You will see Me face to face, breast to breast,
before our journey’s through
I long to hold you
I long to know you
Come into My chambers and there I will show you
Love not the world or the things that are in it,
things meant to win your affections;
things meant to comfort you in your place (time) of need
but let Me be your comfort, let Me bear your grief
do not turn to another source, give no other heed
I am all, I am all you need
Seek Me, seek Me and My love,
We will be joined Eternally
How can I seek another? How can I know another?
You are the one given by My Father…
S.O.S 2:10
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
As many as I love, I rebuke and I chasten
that your maturity and your purity I may hasten
My Son, despise not the chastening of The Lord
nor faint when you are rebuked of Him;
For as a son in whom He delights He cleanses from all sin
And whom The Lord loves, He chastens from within
He makes sore and binds up
He wounds and His hands make whole
He draws us close and finds us perfect in His sight –
this is our goal
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God
that He may exalt you in due time
For I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction
I have formed you without contradiction
My heart’s purpose for you never wavers, never doubts –
I will have you for Myself
You will always be My pleasure and I will always be your reward
I rejoice in You, Lord, forevermore
Our love song will always be sung as the Universe we explore -
The Lord is my Universe
My never-ending story
Jesus is my galaxy
My delight and my glory
He is my yesterday my
Today and tomorrow
He gives hope and joy
In exchange for every sorrow
The Lord is my breath, my victory over death, my happiness
that your maturity and your purity I may hasten
My Son, despise not the chastening of The Lord
nor faint when you are rebuked of Him;
For as a son in whom He delights He cleanses from all sin
And whom The Lord loves, He chastens from within
He makes sore and binds up
He wounds and His hands make whole
He draws us close and finds us perfect in His sight –
this is our goal
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God
that He may exalt you in due time
For I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction
I have formed you without contradiction
My heart’s purpose for you never wavers, never doubts –
I will have you for Myself
You will always be My pleasure and I will always be your reward
I rejoice in You, Lord, forevermore
Our love song will always be sung as the Universe we explore -
The Lord is my Universe
My never-ending story
Jesus is my galaxy
My delight and my glory
He is my yesterday my
Today and tomorrow
He gives hope and joy
In exchange for every sorrow
The Lord is my breath, my victory over death, my happiness
Monday, February 15, 2010
Go Deeper
The deeper the roots go
The greater the water’s flow
Tell yourself, this will keep
Deep calls out to Deep.
So wake from your sleep
Cry out to Me
Release those tears if you want to weep
And quench this thirst
That only I can satisfy
So come to Me and meet with Me
Face to face and eye to eye
Go Deeper
Oh I desire nothing else
And no one else but you My lover
You My dove, you my deep spring well
Pure and clean and one with Me
Oh let us never be incomplete
Not so shallow anymore
But when you call to Me
As deep to deep, well I answer
Go deeper
lower yourself
Go deeper
humble yourself
rise from your slumber
Go deeper
The greater the water’s flow
Tell yourself, this will keep
Deep calls out to Deep.
So wake from your sleep
Cry out to Me
Release those tears if you want to weep
And quench this thirst
That only I can satisfy
So come to Me and meet with Me
Face to face and eye to eye
Go Deeper
Oh I desire nothing else
And no one else but you My lover
You My dove, you my deep spring well
Pure and clean and one with Me
Oh let us never be incomplete
Not so shallow anymore
But when you call to Me
As deep to deep, well I answer
Go deeper
lower yourself
Go deeper
humble yourself
rise from your slumber
Go deeper
Sunday, February 14, 2010
When the stream of this river called life
Has reached it’s final destination called Eternity
When the blueprint for the Body of Christ has done
All God’s hands and heart have begun –
You dear one, yes you – are vital to The Son
You are irreplaceable, you are invaluable
There’s no one who could ever replace you.
When the Joy that was set before Him
Is placed before His open arms and you are embraced
Oh you will know Him face to face
And you dear one, could never be replaced
At the sound of the trumpet on that last Day
You’ll rise to meet Him in victory
And the Wedding feast will finally begin
When you take your place beside Him
Oh enter fully in to My Joy
My faithful servant in My employ
Oh take your place inside My heart
For from Me My Bride you’ll never part
I love you through and through
I am so pleased with you
Enter into Eternity
Where forever you’ll abide with Me!
“Faith is the marriage bed
upon which our love for God
is consummated”
How sweet is our love for one another
How tender and timeless is the touch of my Lover
Attuned to Your Presence – Your Spirit inside
And I in You I lay down and I hide
And there You speak this to me,
Intimacy is IN TO ME, SEE?
Like lying on a bed of rose petals
Your love is gentle, soft and fragrant
As I timidly approach You, my heart settles
I grow calm I’m no longer a vagrant
And I realize You don’t despise
The gift my broken heart’s offering
No matter what I say or do
When I humbly approach You
Like my child when she brings me her drawings
Sloppy and outside the lines –
You look at mine and cry
Son, in you I delight!
Your drawing looks just fine!
In my Christ I can do no wrong
For my Love truly covers me my whole life long
Ah, my Eternal Lover
Ah, I pant, I sigh
Ah my Love, come quickly now
And lift me up on High…
Has reached it’s final destination called Eternity
When the blueprint for the Body of Christ has done
All God’s hands and heart have begun –
You dear one, yes you – are vital to The Son
You are irreplaceable, you are invaluable
There’s no one who could ever replace you.
When the Joy that was set before Him
Is placed before His open arms and you are embraced
Oh you will know Him face to face
And you dear one, could never be replaced
At the sound of the trumpet on that last Day
You’ll rise to meet Him in victory
And the Wedding feast will finally begin
When you take your place beside Him
Oh enter fully in to My Joy
My faithful servant in My employ
Oh take your place inside My heart
For from Me My Bride you’ll never part
I love you through and through
I am so pleased with you
Enter into Eternity
Where forever you’ll abide with Me!
“Faith is the marriage bed
upon which our love for God
is consummated”
How sweet is our love for one another
How tender and timeless is the touch of my Lover
Attuned to Your Presence – Your Spirit inside
And I in You I lay down and I hide
And there You speak this to me,
Intimacy is IN TO ME, SEE?
Like lying on a bed of rose petals
Your love is gentle, soft and fragrant
As I timidly approach You, my heart settles
I grow calm I’m no longer a vagrant
And I realize You don’t despise
The gift my broken heart’s offering
No matter what I say or do
When I humbly approach You
Like my child when she brings me her drawings
Sloppy and outside the lines –
You look at mine and cry
Son, in you I delight!
Your drawing looks just fine!
In my Christ I can do no wrong
For my Love truly covers me my whole life long
Ah, my Eternal Lover
Ah, I pant, I sigh
Ah my Love, come quickly now
And lift me up on High…
Saturday, February 13, 2010
There are so many things in this life in which we can glory
Oh, if you asked me I could tell you many a story
But in all of this life’s breaths, in all of it’s heartbeats
Nothing is more sweet, none is more worthy,
There is no greater feat –
Says The Lord, than that you glory in knowing Me
All wisdom and knowledge is hidden in my God, Jesus, Christ
Oh to know Him is to know true, Eternal Life
Where will your heart be found when your mortal life is through?
Enter in fully to My glory or depart from Me I never knew you?
There are many distractions in this life to keep us from knowing You
Teach us discipline, Lord, our desire is to press on through
Our desire is to know You
Lord, receive my soul in this life and the one to come
You are the only worthy pursuit on which to spend my life on
And when all is said and done and I have breathed my last
I can die in peace knowing I have accomplished the task
I have kept to Your path
Amen at last.
Oh, if you asked me I could tell you many a story
But in all of this life’s breaths, in all of it’s heartbeats
Nothing is more sweet, none is more worthy,
There is no greater feat –
Says The Lord, than that you glory in knowing Me
All wisdom and knowledge is hidden in my God, Jesus, Christ
Oh to know Him is to know true, Eternal Life
Where will your heart be found when your mortal life is through?
Enter in fully to My glory or depart from Me I never knew you?
There are many distractions in this life to keep us from knowing You
Teach us discipline, Lord, our desire is to press on through
Our desire is to know You
Lord, receive my soul in this life and the one to come
You are the only worthy pursuit on which to spend my life on
And when all is said and done and I have breathed my last
I can die in peace knowing I have accomplished the task
I have kept to Your path
Amen at last.
Friday, February 12, 2010
For whom I did bleed
I will allow it to be bruised for you
For whom I did bleed I will not close My heart to you
Oh why did I bleed?
I see your need
And I could not refuse you My Love
You are too precious, My Love
Oh why did I bleed? For you.
For I need to be loved by you.
I cannot refuse you, My Love.
For whom I was bruised
For whom I foreknew would be
One with Me in Spirit and in Truth
I love you.
Why did I bleed? I see your need.
Do not hold anything back from Me
Oh precious one
For whom
I did bleed.
For whom I did bleed I will not close My heart to you
Oh why did I bleed?
I see your need
And I could not refuse you My Love
You are too precious, My Love
Oh why did I bleed? For you.
For I need to be loved by you.
I cannot refuse you, My Love.
For whom I was bruised
For whom I foreknew would be
One with Me in Spirit and in Truth
I love you.
Why did I bleed? I see your need.
Do not hold anything back from Me
Oh precious one
For whom
I did bleed.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Echo My Love
When I whisper My love to your heart –
Echo My love, My Love.
When My Spirit to you I impart
Echo My love, My Love.
When I draw near with desire
When for you My heart is on fire
Oh echo My love, My Bride, My Dove,
Echo My love.
Let Me see
A corresponding ring in thee,
Let Me hear
As I draw near,
Your heart cry for Me
Let Me know you
That forever I may bestow you
With My love, My Love.
Oh, echo My love…
All I long for is for mankind to long for Me
oh, echo My love…
Echo My love, My Love.
When My Spirit to you I impart
Echo My love, My Love.
When I draw near with desire
When for you My heart is on fire
Oh echo My love, My Bride, My Dove,
Echo My love.
Let Me see
A corresponding ring in thee,
Let Me hear
As I draw near,
Your heart cry for Me
Let Me know you
That forever I may bestow you
With My love, My Love.
Oh, echo My love…
All I long for is for mankind to long for Me
oh, echo My love…
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
God He cleans up my messes
Showing me that His best is
Continually saving me
And I am not so impressive
So my very best guess is
Without His never-ending love for me
My life would be one big tragedy
Thank God He cleans up my messes
Really what I want to confess is
He is more than my one time Saviour
He cleanses and renews me
And daily gives me favour
1 Cor:15:31
Our mindset should not be
“Lord, how much of my money should I give?”
Rather it should be –
“Lord, how much of Your money may I keep?”
Showing me that His best is
Continually saving me
And I am not so impressive
So my very best guess is
Without His never-ending love for me
My life would be one big tragedy
Thank God He cleans up my messes
Really what I want to confess is
He is more than my one time Saviour
He cleanses and renews me
And daily gives me favour
1 Cor:15:31
Our mindset should not be
“Lord, how much of my money should I give?”
Rather it should be –
“Lord, how much of Your money may I keep?”
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Don’t let 3 ½ pounds drag you down
Why make Hell the place you’re bound,
all because of 3 ½ pounds?
Your mind is a throne
For God to call His own
You must submit your intellect
To the One you haven’t yet met
Don’t let your mind be
A stumbling block to an Eternity
With the God who is greater
Than you will ever be
Humility can’t be bought
But only when you cast your thoughts
Down at the feet
Of Him who you desire to meet
Can you then be free
Of pride, of self-sufficiency
Of eating from the wrong tree
Of thinking you know better then He
One of the Cross’ missions
Is to show you your true condition
Look long and hard, look close
What you see on the Cross
Is your very own soul
Your very own heart’s reality
Is reflected on the Cross for you to see
Your own ways – your own rightness
Is altogether filthy
Don’t let 3 ½ pounds take you down
Let God make your heart soft
Take all your pride and nail it to the Cross
Make your mind Holy ground
Forever wearing the crown
Of the knowledge of Him, not sin
You guessed it, the average human brain weighs 3 ½ pounds.
Let Me have your fears, child
Let Me form a salve with your tears, child
Let Me to you draw near, child
Open your heart to Me and hear, child
As I make this perfectly clear, child
Oh be of good cheer, child
For I love you
I really do, child, love you
Through and through, child
It’s you I choose, child
Thank You Father for Your love for me
Thank You Jesus, it’s for me You did bleed
Thank You Holy Spirit for You meet my need
My need for Jesus
My need for Father
You’re all I need for Eternity
And while I’m in this frail flesh
Submitted to You I’m blessed
You keep us in this state of weakness
And brokenness to teach our hearts to bow to You
Always we will confess –
May You become more as we become less
Why make Hell the place you’re bound,
all because of 3 ½ pounds?
Your mind is a throne
For God to call His own
You must submit your intellect
To the One you haven’t yet met
Don’t let your mind be
A stumbling block to an Eternity
With the God who is greater
Than you will ever be
Humility can’t be bought
But only when you cast your thoughts
Down at the feet
Of Him who you desire to meet
Can you then be free
Of pride, of self-sufficiency
Of eating from the wrong tree
Of thinking you know better then He
One of the Cross’ missions
Is to show you your true condition
Look long and hard, look close
What you see on the Cross
Is your very own soul
Your very own heart’s reality
Is reflected on the Cross for you to see
Your own ways – your own rightness
Is altogether filthy
Don’t let 3 ½ pounds take you down
Let God make your heart soft
Take all your pride and nail it to the Cross
Make your mind Holy ground
Forever wearing the crown
Of the knowledge of Him, not sin
You guessed it, the average human brain weighs 3 ½ pounds.
Let Me have your fears, child
Let Me form a salve with your tears, child
Let Me to you draw near, child
Open your heart to Me and hear, child
As I make this perfectly clear, child
Oh be of good cheer, child
For I love you
I really do, child, love you
Through and through, child
It’s you I choose, child
Thank You Father for Your love for me
Thank You Jesus, it’s for me You did bleed
Thank You Holy Spirit for You meet my need
My need for Jesus
My need for Father
You’re all I need for Eternity
And while I’m in this frail flesh
Submitted to You I’m blessed
You keep us in this state of weakness
And brokenness to teach our hearts to bow to You
Always we will confess –
May You become more as we become less
There are certain Truth’s inclement to all of mankind –
1. We all need hugs and kisses.
2. We all need The Saviour.
3. We all need to cry (hopefully from laughing so hard we can’t hold it back).
4. The Holy Spirit wants our complete and unconditional surrender.
He loves people.
He loves to see people.
He loves to hear us.
He loves to watch us, be with us.
He can’t get enough of us.
He delights in us, rejoices over us, dances with us,
sings to us –
he loves to watch us sleeping and waking, walking and talking, eating and playing and loving and being.
He is truly, deeply in love with us.
He wants us all at the wedding feast to forever feast on His great heart of Love for us.
1. We all need hugs and kisses.
2. We all need The Saviour.
3. We all need to cry (hopefully from laughing so hard we can’t hold it back).
4. The Holy Spirit wants our complete and unconditional surrender.
He loves people.
He loves to see people.
He loves to hear us.
He loves to watch us, be with us.
He can’t get enough of us.
He delights in us, rejoices over us, dances with us,
sings to us –
he loves to watch us sleeping and waking, walking and talking, eating and playing and loving and being.
He is truly, deeply in love with us.
He wants us all at the wedding feast to forever feast on His great heart of Love for us.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
God’s revenge is to make His enemies His friends!
In our God’s presence all wars come to an end
And then –
He makes all His enemies to lie at His feet
This time as lovers awaiting to greet
The One they’ll spend Eternity with
The One who initiates the never-ending kiss
Ah what Joy! Oh what bliss!
To be His lover forever, oh rejoice in this!
There is no one beside You, oh Lord
But us Your Bride
There is no one like You, oh God
But the Body of Christ
1 Cor:13:7
God’s heart really is that all mankind be saved. Obviously not everyone that hates Him will surrender and become His friend but Love continues to believe and hope that they will.
In our God’s presence all wars come to an end
And then –
He makes all His enemies to lie at His feet
This time as lovers awaiting to greet
The One they’ll spend Eternity with
The One who initiates the never-ending kiss
Ah what Joy! Oh what bliss!
To be His lover forever, oh rejoice in this!
There is no one beside You, oh Lord
But us Your Bride
There is no one like You, oh God
But the Body of Christ
1 Cor:13:7
God’s heart really is that all mankind be saved. Obviously not everyone that hates Him will surrender and become His friend but Love continues to believe and hope that they will.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Openly loving God and being openly loved by Him
Openly loving our fellow man without ceasing
Openly exalting Him while I am openly decreasing
Openly giving and openly receiving
Openly worshipping and openly believing
This is how the Glory cloud
will descend oh Shout out loud!
And never again will it depart
As forever we’ll dwell deep in Christ’s heart
Oh Lord I see it now – there’s nothing we can’t do
as long as it pleases You
Oh Lord there’s no limit to
Your heart’s desire to see us through
11 Chr:5:13&14
Jesus spent as much time out in the streets as He did in the Synagogues.
And that’s just where He wants to be today – out among the people that are dying and dirty and that desperately need Him (many of those in churches are not desperate for Him). When the Church was born in the upper room, the first thing God did was thrust her out into the street, not keep her hidden behind closed doors. And as she began so will she end, out in the street, openly…
Openly loving our fellow man without ceasing
Openly exalting Him while I am openly decreasing
Openly giving and openly receiving
Openly worshipping and openly believing
This is how the Glory cloud
will descend oh Shout out loud!
And never again will it depart
As forever we’ll dwell deep in Christ’s heart
Oh Lord I see it now – there’s nothing we can’t do
as long as it pleases You
Oh Lord there’s no limit to
Your heart’s desire to see us through
11 Chr:5:13&14
Jesus spent as much time out in the streets as He did in the Synagogues.
And that’s just where He wants to be today – out among the people that are dying and dirty and that desperately need Him (many of those in churches are not desperate for Him). When the Church was born in the upper room, the first thing God did was thrust her out into the street, not keep her hidden behind closed doors. And as she began so will she end, out in the street, openly…
Friday, February 5, 2010
I was wounded in the house of my friends
In the place I let my guard down, where my heart was open
there it was I was hurt again
Oh you’d think the household of Faith
the living personification of Jesus would be the place
where love would be reality
and the norm would be forgiveness and Grace
But too often we find
Ourselves hurt time after time
By the ones we look to for light –
Our brothers and sisters in Christ.
They become the devil’s partners in crime
And the wrong battles they fight
They become like those who dwell in the dark
When love and forgiveness they fail to impart
How can these things be?
You cry as tears fall easily
How can the one I love hurt me in return?
How can I trust again oh when will I learn?
Oh my friend don’t lose hope within
Don’t stop loving because of their sin
Give to them that which you seek
Give them the gift of the lowly and meek
When they wound you - to them turn the other cheek
Then your love will be like The Fathers’
A love that loves His enemies
Then your love will reach farther
Than their hate will ever reach
And as the children of our Heavenly Father this you will learn –
To love without expecting or receiving love in return.
I once found myself at a very unloving church. They had formed cliques and if you weren’t on the inside you were largely ignored, treated as if it was your great privilege to be among them and you should just be thankful they allowed you to show up at meetings. I didn’t fit in. I used to go home and cry to The Lord, literally cry. One day He said this to me. Stop whining! Stop telling me how unloving everyone else is when you’re not loving them the way you expect them to love you! Now go back to them and love and serve them with all your heart. What a valuable lesson I learned, for this is how the Father loves! We must learn to love those who do not love us in return. It is only then we can love our enemies. All of us start out as enemies of the Father yet He still sent His Son and He still sends His Spirit. He is the purest example of Love we will ever know.
In the place I let my guard down, where my heart was open
there it was I was hurt again
Oh you’d think the household of Faith
the living personification of Jesus would be the place
where love would be reality
and the norm would be forgiveness and Grace
But too often we find
Ourselves hurt time after time
By the ones we look to for light –
Our brothers and sisters in Christ.
They become the devil’s partners in crime
And the wrong battles they fight
They become like those who dwell in the dark
When love and forgiveness they fail to impart
How can these things be?
You cry as tears fall easily
How can the one I love hurt me in return?
How can I trust again oh when will I learn?
Oh my friend don’t lose hope within
Don’t stop loving because of their sin
Give to them that which you seek
Give them the gift of the lowly and meek
When they wound you - to them turn the other cheek
Then your love will be like The Fathers’
A love that loves His enemies
Then your love will reach farther
Than their hate will ever reach
And as the children of our Heavenly Father this you will learn –
To love without expecting or receiving love in return.
I once found myself at a very unloving church. They had formed cliques and if you weren’t on the inside you were largely ignored, treated as if it was your great privilege to be among them and you should just be thankful they allowed you to show up at meetings. I didn’t fit in. I used to go home and cry to The Lord, literally cry. One day He said this to me. Stop whining! Stop telling me how unloving everyone else is when you’re not loving them the way you expect them to love you! Now go back to them and love and serve them with all your heart. What a valuable lesson I learned, for this is how the Father loves! We must learn to love those who do not love us in return. It is only then we can love our enemies. All of us start out as enemies of the Father yet He still sent His Son and He still sends His Spirit. He is the purest example of Love we will ever know.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Civil War
Many Americans died in the Civil War
More than any war since or had gone before
For it was American against American, brother vs. brother –
North against South, it was a war like no other.
Now there’s a similar situation in the Body of Christ
Through Civil disturbances more saints have died
More have been wounded, more have been killed
Than by any curse the enemy has fulfilled.
For it’s brother against brother, child against mother,
Different denominations draw up the battle lines
You go to your church, I’ll go to mine
And never the twain shall meet.
If I am right than you are wrong
God forbid that we should all get along
United we stand, divided we fall
Oh my friend hear the Holy Spirit’s call –
Christ died for you like He died for me
We’re all the same at the foot of the Tree
The same Blood that cleanses you cleanses me
There are twelve tribes in Israel yet all the same nation
The Body of Christ includes every race, tongue and station
And yet all are one in the Son.
If I eat meat and you do not
Let peace rule and reign in our hearts
If I believe in tongues and you disagree
Hear my cry, oh hear my plea
Regardless of what I teach, short of heresy,
Won’t you love me unconditionally?
Let us war against our common foe
But against each other let only love grow
Let not our hearts wax cold
But rather let them grow bold in Love.
Quite often it is doctrines that divide us but Christ Jesus didn’t say, “Love one another, unless your brother believes differently that you”.
We are to owe no man anything except our love. This is unconditional, even if you teach what I believe to be heresy, I am still required to love you. Of course I will (lovingly) point out to you your false doctrine and prove to you from scripture why I believe it’s false but I will still love you. A true friend tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
Peace Treaty
I, being of sound mind do hereby resolve to make peace with all who call on the name of Christ – Jesus. To the best of my ability I will endeavour to live peaceably with all men, especially those who are of the household of Faith. If any man is disagreeable and denies the teachings of Holy Scripture, and obeys not the desires of the Holy Spirit, that we would be one, as He is one, let his blood be upon his own head. As for me, I will seek peace and unity (not uniformity) as much as men’s hearts allow. Amen. In the bond of love –
More than any war since or had gone before
For it was American against American, brother vs. brother –
North against South, it was a war like no other.
Now there’s a similar situation in the Body of Christ
Through Civil disturbances more saints have died
More have been wounded, more have been killed
Than by any curse the enemy has fulfilled.
For it’s brother against brother, child against mother,
Different denominations draw up the battle lines
You go to your church, I’ll go to mine
And never the twain shall meet.
If I am right than you are wrong
God forbid that we should all get along
United we stand, divided we fall
Oh my friend hear the Holy Spirit’s call –
Christ died for you like He died for me
We’re all the same at the foot of the Tree
The same Blood that cleanses you cleanses me
There are twelve tribes in Israel yet all the same nation
The Body of Christ includes every race, tongue and station
And yet all are one in the Son.
If I eat meat and you do not
Let peace rule and reign in our hearts
If I believe in tongues and you disagree
Hear my cry, oh hear my plea
Regardless of what I teach, short of heresy,
Won’t you love me unconditionally?
Let us war against our common foe
But against each other let only love grow
Let not our hearts wax cold
But rather let them grow bold in Love.
Quite often it is doctrines that divide us but Christ Jesus didn’t say, “Love one another, unless your brother believes differently that you”.
We are to owe no man anything except our love. This is unconditional, even if you teach what I believe to be heresy, I am still required to love you. Of course I will (lovingly) point out to you your false doctrine and prove to you from scripture why I believe it’s false but I will still love you. A true friend tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
Peace Treaty
I, being of sound mind do hereby resolve to make peace with all who call on the name of Christ – Jesus. To the best of my ability I will endeavour to live peaceably with all men, especially those who are of the household of Faith. If any man is disagreeable and denies the teachings of Holy Scripture, and obeys not the desires of the Holy Spirit, that we would be one, as He is one, let his blood be upon his own head. As for me, I will seek peace and unity (not uniformity) as much as men’s hearts allow. Amen. In the bond of love –
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Warmed by your Welcome
I was warmed by your welcome
like a cup of hot cocoa
that takes the chill out of my bones
For I instantly knew your heart was open
and if I needed it – I had a home.
I was warmed by your welcome
and you left no doubt in my mind
this church was a place I’d be loved every time
I was warmed by your welcome
and I could really see
what Christ would do if He were here with me.
I was a baby in the family of Christ
and I was warmed by your love as I entered true Life
Your constant generosity of sharing your heart
Made the milk of the Word sweet from the start
And so I grew, and so I knew with each passing day
Because of the example set before me
Because you chose to adore me - I was a healthy babe.
Now I welcome others too
I look for new babes in Christ
And for them I make the sacrifice
If they are worth the very blood of Christ
My prayers, my tears, indeed my very life,
is too small a price.
May they find your love through me, Lord
and not just hype or hyperbole.
1 Pet:2
like a cup of hot cocoa
that takes the chill out of my bones
For I instantly knew your heart was open
and if I needed it – I had a home.
I was warmed by your welcome
and you left no doubt in my mind
this church was a place I’d be loved every time
I was warmed by your welcome
and I could really see
what Christ would do if He were here with me.
I was a baby in the family of Christ
and I was warmed by your love as I entered true Life
Your constant generosity of sharing your heart
Made the milk of the Word sweet from the start
And so I grew, and so I knew with each passing day
Because of the example set before me
Because you chose to adore me - I was a healthy babe.
Now I welcome others too
I look for new babes in Christ
And for them I make the sacrifice
If they are worth the very blood of Christ
My prayers, my tears, indeed my very life,
is too small a price.
May they find your love through me, Lord
and not just hype or hyperbole.
1 Pet:2
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
When writing this poem I thought
the best place I could start
Would be to love The Lord my God with all my heart
And if I had to give advice to you
the best would be each time -
Love the Lord your God with all your mind
And if I had to give to you
a solitary goal -
Love the Lord your God with all your soul
And if this poem continued
there would be found within it’s length -
Love the Lord your God with all your strength
But if I decided that these things are what I should set about to do –
Then I would love my God by loving you!
the best place I could start
Would be to love The Lord my God with all my heart
And if I had to give advice to you
the best would be each time -
Love the Lord your God with all your mind
And if I had to give to you
a solitary goal -
Love the Lord your God with all your soul
And if this poem continued
there would be found within it’s length -
Love the Lord your God with all your strength
But if I decided that these things are what I should set about to do –
Then I would love my God by loving you!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Brethren, do not take offence
Do not seek to recompense
evil for evil, sin for sin
For when, for when
We harden our hearts
By the hate they impart
We become no better
and it sure ain’t smart
For love to mature
To become like the Father’s
We must love those who don’t love us
Though loving doesn’t mean you submit to abuse and hate
But you always desire their good and to relate
Never fellowship where the Holy Spirit isn’t welcome.
Do not seek to recompense
evil for evil, sin for sin
For when, for when
We harden our hearts
By the hate they impart
We become no better
and it sure ain’t smart
For love to mature
To become like the Father’s
We must love those who don’t love us
Though loving doesn’t mean you submit to abuse and hate
But you always desire their good and to relate
Never fellowship where the Holy Spirit isn’t welcome.
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