The old Manger lay there
Having fallen into disrepair
Cobwebs and dust its most faithful companions
For many a long year
To see it now you would never have guessed
How once it had been so honoured and blessed
(not forgotten and useless)
For these old, musty beams once lay privy to
Oh the witness they saw, oh what they knew!
A most wonderful scene –
The fulfilment of all mankind’s dreams!
For here, long ago, on a clear early morn
The Saviour of all humanity was born
No greater event has history known
Then when God Himself left His Heavenly throne
And made the flesh of man His humble home
Now the very beams that saw His birth
Will see His very last day on earth
For these very beams, yes these very ones,
Are the ones they are using to crucify the Son
They thought they were no longer useful to man
But our Father God had a different plan
For when the Romans made the awful decree
That they were short on wood to make crosses of Trees
They found the old Manger and they tore it down
For they saw that it’s wood was still firm and sound
And off they hauled it to Jerusalem town
Now we are like this wood that once was alive
But was even more valuable after it died
For if for God’s Kingdom we give up our lives
Tis then we will gain the ultimate prize
An Eternity spent with Jesus in paradise
So when many a year slowly ebbs by
And in your old age you oft wonder why
Why am I still here? Of what use am I?
Just give serving God the old college try
For in giving your life up for someone else
In God’s eyes my friend, you’ll be living well
And when your last day on this earth arrives
You’ll hear –
“Well done, good servant, faithful and wise
Your labour for Me has touched many lives
Now enter into the everlasting Joy of Your Lord
Where you will never, ever be bored!”
Inspired by “Where love is, God is” by Leo Tolstoy
Praise to the Star lighter!
Praise to the snake fighter!
Praise to the wrong righter!
Again I say, Praise Him today!
Praise to the planet provider!
Praise to the wind rider!
Praise to my hearts’ abider!
Again I say, give Him Praise!
Young people of the Nation, listen to my dissertation
Ever since the dawn of creation, you are a Revelation Generation!
If you’ll obey and make the right choice
Than you are called by God to hear His voice
Great and Mighty things to you He’ll reveal
Secrets long hidden He’ll no longer conceal
And you will find that your destination
Is to be a Generation of Divine Revelation
Yes God is revealing Himself and showing things to you
That the prophets of old only wish they knew
Yes the angels of God, they desire to see
What God is sharing with you, personally
So when you hear a still, small voice let there be no hesitation –
Say, “Speak, Lord for Your servant is listening
for I belong to Your Revelation Generation!”
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
When you reach the valley’s bottom
When you reach your lowest ebb
When you think all is forgotten
When all you do is dread
It is there that you will find Me
a bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God that eases minds
When you hit the bottom rung
When you can’t take another step
When your dreams are all far flung
When your hopes are all unmet
Oh do not forget –
It is then that you will find Me
A bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God who eases minds
Be wise as serpents
Be gentle as doves
Be full of The Spirit
Moving in Love
Always be what you seem
And be
As harmless as a can
Shaving cream!
When you reach your lowest ebb
When you think all is forgotten
When all you do is dread
It is there that you will find Me
a bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God that eases minds
When you hit the bottom rung
When you can’t take another step
When your dreams are all far flung
When your hopes are all unmet
Oh do not forget –
It is then that you will find Me
A bridge that is timely
An ever present help in troubled times
I am the God who eases minds
Be wise as serpents
Be gentle as doves
Be full of The Spirit
Moving in Love
Always be what you seem
And be
As harmless as a can
Shaving cream!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Let us reap and let us sow
Let us speak of things we know
Let us plant and let us grow
Till all of us are made whole
Then He comes
Then He shouts
Then He turns us inside out
Then we’ll see as we are seen
and nothing will ever more come between
us and our Lord.
1 The:4:16
without procrastination
or hesitation
because of
Divine Revelation
about our
current situation
we are on our way
to our Eternal Habitation
forever assured
is our
Let us speak of things we know
Let us plant and let us grow
Till all of us are made whole
Then He comes
Then He shouts
Then He turns us inside out
Then we’ll see as we are seen
and nothing will ever more come between
us and our Lord.
1 The:4:16
without procrastination
or hesitation
because of
Divine Revelation
about our
current situation
we are on our way
to our Eternal Habitation
forever assured
is our
Sunday, March 28, 2010
There’s a force in this world
that’s greater than the evil that men do.
There’s a desire in my heart
that no harm would ever come to you.
I desire your good only
and may you prosper all of your days.
And to The Lord your God
And to Him alone
May you commit all of your ways.
Then the evil in this world
can never conquer you
And God Himself will carry you through.
that’s greater than the evil that men do.
There’s a desire in my heart
that no harm would ever come to you.
I desire your good only
and may you prosper all of your days.
And to The Lord your God
And to Him alone
May you commit all of your ways.
Then the evil in this world
can never conquer you
And God Himself will carry you through.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Be glad, be encouraged in the Presence of The Lord
It is Him we love and worship and adore.
No greater strength can be found within the length
Of our days then when we give Him Praise.
We’re practicing for what we’ll do
For all Eternity through.
We’ll join with the white-robed, Blood washed Saints
Eternally grateful, always giving thanks.
Even the Seraphim and Angels round Your Throne
Can’t claim the sacrificial love found within Your Blood
No, it is ours alone.
Be glad, be encouraged in the Presence of The Lord
It is Him we love and worship and adore.
To see what the eyes of Adam saw
The fruit of the Tree of Life to eat
To obey the Scripture’s royal law
To crush the serpents head beneath our feet
These are the joys His life can bring!
These are worthy of tongues to sing!
These are ours when to God we cling
When all our flesh to the Cross we bring
Jesus! Jesus! The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness –
Truly we are blessed!
To labour with favour as Noah did
To usher in His second coming
No longer from Him is Israel hid
Soon to be fulfilled, His patient longing
Even so, come quickly Lord Yeshua!
Jesus! Jesus!
The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness!
Truly we are Blessed!
It is Him we love and worship and adore.
No greater strength can be found within the length
Of our days then when we give Him Praise.
We’re practicing for what we’ll do
For all Eternity through.
We’ll join with the white-robed, Blood washed Saints
Eternally grateful, always giving thanks.
Even the Seraphim and Angels round Your Throne
Can’t claim the sacrificial love found within Your Blood
No, it is ours alone.
Be glad, be encouraged in the Presence of The Lord
It is Him we love and worship and adore.
To see what the eyes of Adam saw
The fruit of the Tree of Life to eat
To obey the Scripture’s royal law
To crush the serpents head beneath our feet
These are the joys His life can bring!
These are worthy of tongues to sing!
These are ours when to God we cling
When all our flesh to the Cross we bring
Jesus! Jesus! The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness –
Truly we are blessed!
To labour with favour as Noah did
To usher in His second coming
No longer from Him is Israel hid
Soon to be fulfilled, His patient longing
Even so, come quickly Lord Yeshua!
Jesus! Jesus!
The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness!
Truly we are Blessed!
If your heart is made of stone
It can still become His Throne
Forever to be His Home
Never more to be alone
Cry out to Him
Oh break me, God, within
Teach my soul to be
Filled with humility
I want to see You
I want to be You
I send this plea to You –
God, take me apart
And put me together again
A perfect reflection of Your Holy Heart
Here I am, Yours to mend
Some of us need open heart surgery. Some of us need a whole new heart, a heart transplant!
Sometimes Lord, in the midst of a heavy burden or trial
You say “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile”
And sometimes in that Desert place,
we get lonely, begin to lose hope
It is then You tell us –
“Cast your net on the other side of the boat”
Sometimes when we think we’re in a time of testing
God is wanting us to enter into His rest and refreshing
What seems to be a time of decrease
Is often a prelude to a mighty release
Of the Destiny God’s created for thee –
A time of increase and prosperity
God’s bringing you to that place of fulfilment of wishes
Just trust Him for He knows exactly where that fish is
So if you’re called into a desert place for a season
Know assuredly God has His reason
He sometimes has to remind us that it is His plan
To draw us aside and away from all that is of man
As from the ways and strength and wisdom of man, He weans us off
He reminds us that all that comes from man had to die on the Cross
And that the place of deliverance from His wrath
Is a very narrow and lonely path and few there be that find it
Though our hearts break to see so many take
The road to destruction
We ourselves will never stop following His instruction
So a Desert place can be filled with Grace
(when we take our eyes off man and behold His face)
So when He leads us there, whether beside still waters
in green pastures or in a wilderness –
We’re safely in His care
Sometimes we fast from us
So we may cast from us
All that is unkind and unclean
In the Potter’s hands He removes impurities
And there’s nothing there to distract us from the fact our flesh is dying
And in that place we desert all our trying
And we realize we’re completely helpless and naked and in need
And there we fall on our face
Before the only God of Grace
And we plead
And there we find rest
And there we are refreshed
And there we come to know
What it means to be Blessed
By true riches
From His Spirit
And not flesh
I’m in the midst of a Miracle
Caught up in a whirlpool of blessings
Couldn’t escape if I tried
So I’m confessing –
I’m in the middle of a Miracle
I’m being swept along
By a River so strong
I’ve lost all control
In this river’s flow
My destinies’ become clear to me
My servant is adversity
For all things work for the good of the godly
I’m right in the middle of a Miracle, really!
It can still become His Throne
Forever to be His Home
Never more to be alone
Cry out to Him
Oh break me, God, within
Teach my soul to be
Filled with humility
I want to see You
I want to be You
I send this plea to You –
God, take me apart
And put me together again
A perfect reflection of Your Holy Heart
Here I am, Yours to mend
Some of us need open heart surgery. Some of us need a whole new heart, a heart transplant!
Sometimes Lord, in the midst of a heavy burden or trial
You say “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile”
And sometimes in that Desert place,
we get lonely, begin to lose hope
It is then You tell us –
“Cast your net on the other side of the boat”
Sometimes when we think we’re in a time of testing
God is wanting us to enter into His rest and refreshing
What seems to be a time of decrease
Is often a prelude to a mighty release
Of the Destiny God’s created for thee –
A time of increase and prosperity
God’s bringing you to that place of fulfilment of wishes
Just trust Him for He knows exactly where that fish is
So if you’re called into a desert place for a season
Know assuredly God has His reason
He sometimes has to remind us that it is His plan
To draw us aside and away from all that is of man
As from the ways and strength and wisdom of man, He weans us off
He reminds us that all that comes from man had to die on the Cross
And that the place of deliverance from His wrath
Is a very narrow and lonely path and few there be that find it
Though our hearts break to see so many take
The road to destruction
We ourselves will never stop following His instruction
So a Desert place can be filled with Grace
(when we take our eyes off man and behold His face)
So when He leads us there, whether beside still waters
in green pastures or in a wilderness –
We’re safely in His care
Sometimes we fast from us
So we may cast from us
All that is unkind and unclean
In the Potter’s hands He removes impurities
And there’s nothing there to distract us from the fact our flesh is dying
And in that place we desert all our trying
And we realize we’re completely helpless and naked and in need
And there we fall on our face
Before the only God of Grace
And we plead
And there we find rest
And there we are refreshed
And there we come to know
What it means to be Blessed
By true riches
From His Spirit
And not flesh
I’m in the midst of a Miracle
Caught up in a whirlpool of blessings
Couldn’t escape if I tried
So I’m confessing –
I’m in the middle of a Miracle
I’m being swept along
By a River so strong
I’ve lost all control
In this river’s flow
My destinies’ become clear to me
My servant is adversity
For all things work for the good of the godly
I’m right in the middle of a Miracle, really!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Handfuls of Purpose Removing the curses Far from our lives We’re being revitalized As we realize Handfuls of Purpose As the very God of Life Answers our heart’s cry!
Handfuls of Purpose The enemy can’t hurt us Like he could before Now God has restored Our Divine Destiny To us once more With the knowledge of the Holy One We shall surely overcome The Lord’s Will, will be done!
Handfuls of Purpose He’ll never desert us Nor forsake us, my friend No our God is faithful And He is well able For us to defend Our God is for us He loves and adores us And He’ll never end!
Oh there’s a reason why each of us is alive. It’s not just to exist then die.It’s so we can all become His Bride!
Handfuls of Purpose The enemy can’t hurt us Like he could before Now God has restored Our Divine Destiny To us once more With the knowledge of the Holy One We shall surely overcome The Lord’s Will, will be done!
Handfuls of Purpose He’ll never desert us Nor forsake us, my friend No our God is faithful And He is well able For us to defend Our God is for us He loves and adores us And He’ll never end!
Oh there’s a reason why each of us is alive. It’s not just to exist then die.It’s so we can all become His Bride!
An elderly woman in the church I was attending lost her husband after many years of marriage. I asked The Lord for words that would somehow comfort her -
There are seasons of sorrow that can’t be denied When tears of griefWe just cannot hide Like losing a loved one The pain is so much Really, all that can helpIs The Lord’s touch
But in your trial here’s a Truth I can share, To comfort your heart, to show that I care For if that loved one was Born-again Then they’re much better off with The Lord now, my friend So remember this in the midst of your pain – Your loss is The Lord’s gain.
The Lord gave me a picture of the loved one leaving her arms on earth then being embraced by the Lord in Heaven. He told me, we lose our loved one for a moment, a blink of an eye, while He gains them forever.
There are seasons of sorrow that can’t be denied When tears of griefWe just cannot hide Like losing a loved one The pain is so much Really, all that can helpIs The Lord’s touch
But in your trial here’s a Truth I can share, To comfort your heart, to show that I care For if that loved one was Born-again Then they’re much better off with The Lord now, my friend So remember this in the midst of your pain – Your loss is The Lord’s gain.
The Lord gave me a picture of the loved one leaving her arms on earth then being embraced by the Lord in Heaven. He told me, we lose our loved one for a moment, a blink of an eye, while He gains them forever.
An elderly woman in the church I was attending lost her husband after many years of marriage. I asked The Lord for words that would somehow comfort her -
There are seasons of sorrow that can’t be deniedWhen tears of griefWe just cannot hideLike losing a loved oneThe pain is so muchReally, all that can helpIs The Lord’s touch
But in your trial here’s a Truth I can share,To comfort your heart, to show that I careFor if that loved one was Born-againThen they’re much better off with The Lord now, my friendSo remember this in the midst of your pain –Your loss is The Lord’s gain
The Lord gave me a picture of the loved one leaving her arms on earth then being embraced by the Lord in Heaven. He told me, we lose our loved one for a moment, a blink of an eye, while He gains them forever.
There are seasons of sorrow that can’t be deniedWhen tears of griefWe just cannot hideLike losing a loved oneThe pain is so muchReally, all that can helpIs The Lord’s touch
But in your trial here’s a Truth I can share,To comfort your heart, to show that I careFor if that loved one was Born-againThen they’re much better off with The Lord now, my friendSo remember this in the midst of your pain –Your loss is The Lord’s gain
The Lord gave me a picture of the loved one leaving her arms on earth then being embraced by the Lord in Heaven. He told me, we lose our loved one for a moment, a blink of an eye, while He gains them forever.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God puts action to the Love that He shares
It’s through His actions that He shows that He cares
If He never actually laid down on the Cross
Then all of us would forever be lost
And today He’ll still do whatever we say
When humbly we seek Him
When humbly we pray
And thank God His actions they back up His words
Or long ago we’d have destroyed ourselves
From off of this earth
His love prevents us from destroying ourselves
His love seeks to make all of us well
His love never quits, never gives up, no not one bit
His love takes action and refuses to sit
When our enemy attacks He takes notice of it
Of loving us and protecting us, He’ll never quit.
Thank God He is a doer of His own Word and not just a speaker, as in Gen:21:1. If you put a baby in a crib and walk around him all day, telling him how much you love him, how beautiful he is but never actually touch the baby – he will die. So it is with spiritual babies.
“One person practicing Christianity is worth fifty people preaching it”
It’s through His actions that He shows that He cares
If He never actually laid down on the Cross
Then all of us would forever be lost
And today He’ll still do whatever we say
When humbly we seek Him
When humbly we pray
And thank God His actions they back up His words
Or long ago we’d have destroyed ourselves
From off of this earth
His love prevents us from destroying ourselves
His love seeks to make all of us well
His love never quits, never gives up, no not one bit
His love takes action and refuses to sit
When our enemy attacks He takes notice of it
Of loving us and protecting us, He’ll never quit.
Thank God He is a doer of His own Word and not just a speaker, as in Gen:21:1. If you put a baby in a crib and walk around him all day, telling him how much you love him, how beautiful he is but never actually touch the baby – he will die. So it is with spiritual babies.
“One person practicing Christianity is worth fifty people preaching it”
God is not sitting still
God is fulfilling His own Will
God is not idly standing by
While the hearts of His people break forth and cry
Holy God, Holy Friend
When Stephen was stoned You saw it all and then
You left Your Holy Throne –
You leapt to Your feet
Out of love for Stephen Your heart did beat
and today when we’re attacked
or spiritually stoned
You see all our battles, You hear all our groans
And we’re never forsaken, we’re never alone
And Lord we can’t wait to meet You face to face
And Lord this world it can’t replace
The love You have for Your human race.
God is fulfilling His own Will
God is not idly standing by
While the hearts of His people break forth and cry
Holy God, Holy Friend
When Stephen was stoned You saw it all and then
You left Your Holy Throne –
You leapt to Your feet
Out of love for Stephen Your heart did beat
and today when we’re attacked
or spiritually stoned
You see all our battles, You hear all our groans
And we’re never forsaken, we’re never alone
And Lord we can’t wait to meet You face to face
And Lord this world it can’t replace
The love You have for Your human race.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I’m on that long slope home, descending
Ah, where have the days gone?
But as time passes through me
I’m drawing ever nearer to my Eternal Destiny
The Spirit from You flows
And Eternal One, back to You He goes
Ah, that long, long slope
Whether you fear or whether you hope
The end of all your days
Will be before the Throne of Grace
You can’t go back up that slope,
Let me make this clear,
Your life’s journey has no reverse gear
Looking back through your rear view mirror
Won’t make your future any clearer
It’s only by gazing steadily at God’s face
That you can be safely directed to that Holy place -
Ah, where have the days gone?
But as time passes through me
I’m drawing ever nearer to my Eternal Destiny
The Spirit from You flows
And Eternal One, back to You He goes
Ah, that long, long slope
Whether you fear or whether you hope
The end of all your days
Will be before the Throne of Grace
You can’t go back up that slope,
Let me make this clear,
Your life’s journey has no reverse gear
Looking back through your rear view mirror
Won’t make your future any clearer
It’s only by gazing steadily at God’s face
That you can be safely directed to that Holy place -
There are many tears shed in the heart
that never reach the eye.
There are many souls who weep in the night
and we never hear their cry.
But there is One, yes there is One
Who counts your every tear.
And even as I write, at this moment,
to your heart He’s drawing near.
So open up, let Him in
there is no shame, there is no sin
that will make Him flee
open now and embrace your God
this is your Destiny
even so come quickly
Lord Jesus,
to me.
1 Pet:5:7
that never reach the eye.
There are many souls who weep in the night
and we never hear their cry.
But there is One, yes there is One
Who counts your every tear.
And even as I write, at this moment,
to your heart He’s drawing near.
So open up, let Him in
there is no shame, there is no sin
that will make Him flee
open now and embrace your God
this is your Destiny
even so come quickly
Lord Jesus,
to me.
1 Pet:5:7
The Heart Matters
The Heart has its reasons that reason cannot understand
The Heart has its seasons that ebb, that flow
as tides upon the sand.
The Heart has a way of communicating without speech
and the Heart matters much, yes the Heart matters to me.
In being human, the Heart given to God is a place of purity.
Yes, the Heart entrusted to His care is a place of security.
It’s a place to Worship Him, an Altar of greeting.
It’s a place to fellowship with our Maker,
a place He made for meeting.
It’s the seat of the emotions – a place full of feelings.
It’s a place without walls, windows or ceilings
Yet it’s a place with a door and rooms and hidden chambers
Full of joys, full of sorrows and sometimes full of anger.
It’s a place we can know Him even as He knows us.
It’s a place we can be naked before Him without shame.
It’s a place of Trust where there is no one to blame.
For it is a place where we are called by His Name
Sanctified by His presence, cleansed of every stain.
A place we can give into His care
For when we do, He meets us there
the Heart matters much
the Heart matters
to Him.
The Heart has its seasons that ebb, that flow
as tides upon the sand.
The Heart has a way of communicating without speech
and the Heart matters much, yes the Heart matters to me.
In being human, the Heart given to God is a place of purity.
Yes, the Heart entrusted to His care is a place of security.
It’s a place to Worship Him, an Altar of greeting.
It’s a place to fellowship with our Maker,
a place He made for meeting.
It’s the seat of the emotions – a place full of feelings.
It’s a place without walls, windows or ceilings
Yet it’s a place with a door and rooms and hidden chambers
Full of joys, full of sorrows and sometimes full of anger.
It’s a place we can know Him even as He knows us.
It’s a place we can be naked before Him without shame.
It’s a place of Trust where there is no one to blame.
For it is a place where we are called by His Name
Sanctified by His presence, cleansed of every stain.
A place we can give into His care
For when we do, He meets us there
the Heart matters much
the Heart matters
to Him.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Oh I am at a loss
to comprehend what You did on the Cross
Yet through the Cross I see
You gave Your life for me
You gave Your life for me
So of this one thing I will sing
You bravely endured suffering
with each breath I make this offering
You gave Your Son for me
You gave Your Son for me
In nothing else will I ever glory
Save in My Saviour’s wondrous story
For such a love lay on that tree
When You gave Your life for me
You gave Your life for me…
We all know that The Father so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son but what we sometimes fail to think about is the fact that the Son obeyed the Father and was given. Like Isaac obeyed his father, so did Jesus, Thankfully. And when it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us, we must also obey, we must also say, not my will Father, but Yours be done.
to comprehend what You did on the Cross
Yet through the Cross I see
You gave Your life for me
You gave Your life for me
So of this one thing I will sing
You bravely endured suffering
with each breath I make this offering
You gave Your Son for me
You gave Your Son for me
In nothing else will I ever glory
Save in My Saviour’s wondrous story
For such a love lay on that tree
When You gave Your life for me
You gave Your life for me…
We all know that The Father so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son but what we sometimes fail to think about is the fact that the Son obeyed the Father and was given. Like Isaac obeyed his father, so did Jesus, Thankfully. And when it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us, we must also obey, we must also say, not my will Father, but Yours be done.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Can’t you see?
Because you’ve separated from me,
What spirit you are of?
It’s not one of love.
If you can’t receive me
Examine your heart
Examine your self
If you can’t love me
Then all is not well
If you quote the Word
But forget what you’ve heard
If you claim to love God
But hate me, your brother
You are then known to be a liar
Acceptance, love and forgiveness
Are our Divine Birthright
We must love one another
To be pleasing in God’s sight.
1 Joh:4:20&21
Because you’ve separated from me,
What spirit you are of?
It’s not one of love.
If you can’t receive me
Examine your heart
Examine your self
If you can’t love me
Then all is not well
If you quote the Word
But forget what you’ve heard
If you claim to love God
But hate me, your brother
You are then known to be a liar
Acceptance, love and forgiveness
Are our Divine Birthright
We must love one another
To be pleasing in God’s sight.
1 Joh:4:20&21
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Heart Hugs (a little ditty)
oh give a heart-hug away today
it’s all in how you love through what you say
You can hug someone’s heart
through kind words and kind deeds
And you can rest assured –
The Lord will be pleased!
So give away a heart-hug, hey don’t delay!
Soften someone’s heart up with a what you say
and then watch Love grow
and then before you know
They’ll be giving heart-hugs away, hey, hey,
They’ll be giving heart-hugs away, today!
These are the days of Wonder and Joy
that I have longed for since I was a boy
Since I was a boy it has been God’s plan
To move me to a distant land
Far from the thoughts of man.
it’s all in how you love through what you say
You can hug someone’s heart
through kind words and kind deeds
And you can rest assured –
The Lord will be pleased!
So give away a heart-hug, hey don’t delay!
Soften someone’s heart up with a what you say
and then watch Love grow
and then before you know
They’ll be giving heart-hugs away, hey, hey,
They’ll be giving heart-hugs away, today!
These are the days of Wonder and Joy
that I have longed for since I was a boy
Since I was a boy it has been God’s plan
To move me to a distant land
Far from the thoughts of man.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
There’s an inner drive to be recognized
Self-worth coming from the positions we hold
in other people’s lives.
By my success I desired to impress
but it didn’t add up to my happiness.
Here I am with my well-crafted and diversified personality
but God is the One who designed my individuality.
All my efforts to be me are better off left at Calvary.
So quit trying to live other people’s lives
When will your spirit and soul finally realize
that your personal destiny is found in Him?
It’s a life time free from the bondage of sin.
I couldn’t take correction
because I couldn’t stand rejection,
constantly striving to live up to “perfection”
let it die, let it die and experience His Resurrection.
My death brings His life to me
Thank You Lord for teaching me
Thank You Lord for Your Ministry.
Self-worth coming from the positions we hold
in other people’s lives.
By my success I desired to impress
but it didn’t add up to my happiness.
Here I am with my well-crafted and diversified personality
but God is the One who designed my individuality.
All my efforts to be me are better off left at Calvary.
So quit trying to live other people’s lives
When will your spirit and soul finally realize
that your personal destiny is found in Him?
It’s a life time free from the bondage of sin.
I couldn’t take correction
because I couldn’t stand rejection,
constantly striving to live up to “perfection”
let it die, let it die and experience His Resurrection.
My death brings His life to me
Thank You Lord for teaching me
Thank You Lord for Your Ministry.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Interstate 84
Here where the clouds kiss the mountains
His mercies they forever surround us
His Breath is upon us and within us lives His Joy
No more can Death contain us – our sin He did destroy
Now Love has filled His Temple
Now Love exacts His Toll
Here where the clouds kiss the mountains
My Lord has kissed my soul
Here where the clouds kiss the mountains
My heart His heart enfolds
S.O.S. 4:9
I used to live in Waterbury Connecticut but I worked in Fishkill, New York at the TBN TV station there. I loved the drive back and forth in my 280zx, a gift from my wonderful friend and mentor, Daniel Warner. Often, the view was so breathtaking I would pull over to the side of the road to worship. It was during one of these “worship breaks” that I wrote this poem, hence the title “Interstate 84”.
His mercies they forever surround us
His Breath is upon us and within us lives His Joy
No more can Death contain us – our sin He did destroy
Now Love has filled His Temple
Now Love exacts His Toll
Here where the clouds kiss the mountains
My Lord has kissed my soul
Here where the clouds kiss the mountains
My heart His heart enfolds
S.O.S. 4:9
I used to live in Waterbury Connecticut but I worked in Fishkill, New York at the TBN TV station there. I loved the drive back and forth in my 280zx, a gift from my wonderful friend and mentor, Daniel Warner. Often, the view was so breathtaking I would pull over to the side of the road to worship. It was during one of these “worship breaks” that I wrote this poem, hence the title “Interstate 84”.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
If you don’t swallow your Pride
Your Pride will swallow you.
Like Jonah in the belly of the whale,
Your Pride will consume you, without fail,
And take you where you don’t wish to go
Yea, your pride will swallow you whole.
And only true repentance
From the depths of your heart
Will from your pride set you apart
By the way, it stinks in that belly, too
And spiritually speaking
Pride stinks on you –
Quite a mess, really
I must confess, really
Pride stinks on me, too!
God help us all to avoid the fall
that pride brings us to
Only by You and Your Cross
Will we make it through
Only when pride has been spewed
and we’ve learned humility
can we be
PS: Happy Birthday Mary! Eze:7:10
Your Pride will swallow you.
Like Jonah in the belly of the whale,
Your Pride will consume you, without fail,
And take you where you don’t wish to go
Yea, your pride will swallow you whole.
And only true repentance
From the depths of your heart
Will from your pride set you apart
By the way, it stinks in that belly, too
And spiritually speaking
Pride stinks on you –
Quite a mess, really
I must confess, really
Pride stinks on me, too!
God help us all to avoid the fall
that pride brings us to
Only by You and Your Cross
Will we make it through
Only when pride has been spewed
and we’ve learned humility
can we be
PS: Happy Birthday Mary! Eze:7:10
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Is your heart a very nice home for God?
To settle in?
Or do anger and bitterness room
where His footsteps trod within?
Do you keep His house clean of malice, hate and fear?
Do you realize God dwells here?
Is your heart a nice place to live?
How much rent does The Lord have to give?
Have you invited Him to stay?
Or is He only welcome on certain days?
Does He own your heart or do you make Him pay?
Is the furniture of your heart Righteousness, Peace and Joy? Or
do you make The Lord stay out in the foyer?
Are there rooms He’s not welcome in?
Are there closets full of hidden sins?
How much room have you made for Him?
To settle in?
Or do anger and bitterness room
where His footsteps trod within?
Do you keep His house clean of malice, hate and fear?
Do you realize God dwells here?
Is your heart a nice place to live?
How much rent does The Lord have to give?
Have you invited Him to stay?
Or is He only welcome on certain days?
Does He own your heart or do you make Him pay?
Is the furniture of your heart Righteousness, Peace and Joy? Or
do you make The Lord stay out in the foyer?
Are there rooms He’s not welcome in?
Are there closets full of hidden sins?
How much room have you made for Him?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
the Wind touches me
it speaks of simple things, hush
it blows my thoughts clear
Life has conquered death
By the power of His Breath
Oh! The Victory!
The Joy of Life is
not in the living of Life
but in the giving
nothing is more sweet
nowhere in this Universe
than God’s Mercy. Mine.
Our life is a gift
given by God that we must
now give to others
all the world’s a stage
will you please God or man? Choose.
Know your destiny.
it speaks of simple things, hush
it blows my thoughts clear
Life has conquered death
By the power of His Breath
Oh! The Victory!
The Joy of Life is
not in the living of Life
but in the giving
nothing is more sweet
nowhere in this Universe
than God’s Mercy. Mine.
Our life is a gift
given by God that we must
now give to others
all the world’s a stage
will you please God or man? Choose.
Know your destiny.
“An official act of oblivion or pardon on the part of a government, absolving without trial all offenders or groups of churches. Intentional forgetfulness or over looking, especially of wrongdoing.”
They will be Delivered
because they have heard
They will be set free
because of Me
They’ll be astounded
because they abounded
In Love for Me
So hear My decree –
For every captive prisoner
For every Son and Daughter
This is My offer
This is My generosity
This is My heart
For all who will believe
Freedom for the captives
Freedom for those bound tightly
Oh Amnesty, Amnesty
O deaf and blind, hear and see
My Amnesty
They will be Delivered
because they have heard
They will be set free
because of Me
They’ll be astounded
because they abounded
In Love for Me
So hear My decree –
For every captive prisoner
For every Son and Daughter
This is My offer
This is My generosity
This is My heart
For all who will believe
Freedom for the captives
Freedom for those bound tightly
Oh Amnesty, Amnesty
O deaf and blind, hear and see
My Amnesty
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
From the East, West, North and South
Let Your Praises rise from every mouth
Let every heart rejoice in You
As all things are made new
Let every creature that has breath
Celebrate Your victory over death
As we are made new in the Son
Your light will shine on everyone
Joy for us who worship Your Name
But for those who hate You – Eternal shame
Thank You, oh thank You to make men see
Before it’s too late – their destiny
Your true Saints, Your Bride is arising
And shedding all religion, all compromising
Your true nature and character are being shown
As we, Your people gather before Your Throne
And there, O Jesus, Your Glory is known
Oh Father – bring us all Home
And may we bring with us many who now don’t know You
Our gift, our offering, is souls embracing Truth
Forsaking lies living forever
With the only One who is wise.
Daddy, we love You.
Let Your Praises rise from every mouth
Let every heart rejoice in You
As all things are made new
Let every creature that has breath
Celebrate Your victory over death
As we are made new in the Son
Your light will shine on everyone
Joy for us who worship Your Name
But for those who hate You – Eternal shame
Thank You, oh thank You to make men see
Before it’s too late – their destiny
Your true Saints, Your Bride is arising
And shedding all religion, all compromising
Your true nature and character are being shown
As we, Your people gather before Your Throne
And there, O Jesus, Your Glory is known
Oh Father – bring us all Home
And may we bring with us many who now don’t know You
Our gift, our offering, is souls embracing Truth
Forsaking lies living forever
With the only One who is wise.
Daddy, we love You.
…and Love was born of a single Name
and Love was born of a single flame
of desert cries and labour pains
and earthquakes, plagues and days of change
of tides that ebb and tides that flow
of life enthralled by moon beam’s glow
and sunrise and sunset
and world denies it’s Judgment
of heart’s held in unbelief
as angels gather and angels reap
Was there a man who saw? Did any weep?
And Righteousness will rule and Righteousness will reign
And hurt and sorrow and sin and pain
Will find no place in His Kingdom
He will remove every stain
And Love was born of a single flame
And Love was born of a single Name
Look up! For our redemption draws nigh…
Even so, come quickly to my side,
I sigh…
and Love was born of a single flame
of desert cries and labour pains
and earthquakes, plagues and days of change
of tides that ebb and tides that flow
of life enthralled by moon beam’s glow
and sunrise and sunset
and world denies it’s Judgment
of heart’s held in unbelief
as angels gather and angels reap
Was there a man who saw? Did any weep?
And Righteousness will rule and Righteousness will reign
And hurt and sorrow and sin and pain
Will find no place in His Kingdom
He will remove every stain
And Love was born of a single flame
And Love was born of a single Name
Look up! For our redemption draws nigh…
Even so, come quickly to my side,
I sigh…
Monday, March 8, 2010
When the Wind of The Spirit blows
oh there’s something you should know
When The Holy Spirit comes to you
the best thing you can do -
is spread your wings and fly
Don’t stop to question why
Just enjoy my friend and fly, high
Higher than you’ve ever been before
With The Holy Spirit you will truly soar
High above the Heavens far beyond earth’s shores.
The secret hopes and dreams of all mankind
by the Wind of The Holy Presence of
The Spirit of God are realized
just flow
let go
and flow
trust me, I know.
oh there’s something you should know
When The Holy Spirit comes to you
the best thing you can do -
is spread your wings and fly
Don’t stop to question why
Just enjoy my friend and fly, high
Higher than you’ve ever been before
With The Holy Spirit you will truly soar
High above the Heavens far beyond earth’s shores.
The secret hopes and dreams of all mankind
by the Wind of The Holy Presence of
The Spirit of God are realized
just flow
let go
and flow
trust me, I know.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
There will come a time
When all Time is through
When all that is left
Is all that is You
When the thoughts and ways of man
Have all passed away
When You’ve cleansed all existence
When You’ve wiped it all clean
And the New Heaven and the New Earth
Make up a brand new scene
When we start all over, Lord,
You and I, side by side
Eternally together Lord,
You and Your Glorious Bride!
When all Time is through
When all that is left
Is all that is You
When the thoughts and ways of man
Have all passed away
When You’ve cleansed all existence
When You’ve wiped it all clean
And the New Heaven and the New Earth
Make up a brand new scene
When we start all over, Lord,
You and I, side by side
Eternally together Lord,
You and Your Glorious Bride!
“Blinded by our Blessings”
We’ve been blinded by our blessings
till we no longer see
We’re here to meet the other’s needs
We’re here to lose our lives for His Name’s sake
Not live for ourselves till it’s too late
We’re so fat, we’re so lazy, we’re so blind spiritually
We’ve been led captive into Babylon
Where the cries of the bound go on and on and on
Oh Lord, hearken unto me
Open our eyes that we may see
Babylon must loose us and set us free
Because You greatly desire our Victory
You greatly desire the freedom of Your people
You won’t rest until we are all delivered
Back to the land You’ve promised us –
The New Jerusalem, The New Heavens and the New Earth
Clean and good.
One of the hallmarks of Babylon is an inordinate amount of time and attention spent on money. Money is a direct result of Satan’s presence in the world. God’s kingdom does not require money for it operates on Love. Freely we receive and freely we give. Love compels us to feed and care for each other. We have all things in common and no one suffers lack. God said to me, of saints in the U.S.A. – “My people often give in order to get whereas I would rather they get in order to give”. He told me the reason many Pastors and leaders in the Church in America spend so much time talking about money is because they don’t trust Him to meet their needs. The Truth is, anyone who is truly born of God does not need to be taught about giving, for them, giving is as natural as breathing. It’s part of their spiritual DNA! God also told me “you don’t take offerings from My people, My people give them”. He told us when we began to minister full time for Him, never ask for offerings (except for special occasions as The Spirit leads) for He is the one we look to for sustenance and He said He would put it in the hearts of His people to give to us and frankly, it’s none of our business!
We’ve been blinded by our blessings
till we no longer see
We’re here to meet the other’s needs
We’re here to lose our lives for His Name’s sake
Not live for ourselves till it’s too late
We’re so fat, we’re so lazy, we’re so blind spiritually
We’ve been led captive into Babylon
Where the cries of the bound go on and on and on
Oh Lord, hearken unto me
Open our eyes that we may see
Babylon must loose us and set us free
Because You greatly desire our Victory
You greatly desire the freedom of Your people
You won’t rest until we are all delivered
Back to the land You’ve promised us –
The New Jerusalem, The New Heavens and the New Earth
Clean and good.
One of the hallmarks of Babylon is an inordinate amount of time and attention spent on money. Money is a direct result of Satan’s presence in the world. God’s kingdom does not require money for it operates on Love. Freely we receive and freely we give. Love compels us to feed and care for each other. We have all things in common and no one suffers lack. God said to me, of saints in the U.S.A. – “My people often give in order to get whereas I would rather they get in order to give”. He told me the reason many Pastors and leaders in the Church in America spend so much time talking about money is because they don’t trust Him to meet their needs. The Truth is, anyone who is truly born of God does not need to be taught about giving, for them, giving is as natural as breathing. It’s part of their spiritual DNA! God also told me “you don’t take offerings from My people, My people give them”. He told us when we began to minister full time for Him, never ask for offerings (except for special occasions as The Spirit leads) for He is the one we look to for sustenance and He said He would put it in the hearts of His people to give to us and frankly, it’s none of our business!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Love will catch you when you fall
Hear you when you call
Jump start you when you stall
Tear down your walls,
Be your all in all.
God’s love will heal you,
As He reveals you,
He will seal you
And forever steal you away from it all.
I call the wise-hearted I bid you come
Help me to build the Tabernacle – the New Jerusalem
The Eternal Home of the Holy One
His Church, His Holy Habitation
Oh hear the Divine Invitation
Every wise-hearted one
From every tribe, nation and tongue
Oh no matter your station
Join all of creation in this Holy convocation
Each one of us a stone in His House
Each one of us His Eternal Spouse.
Your Father has a plan
and it’s not hard to understand
Every thought that He has for you
Is to lovingly see that you make it through
So stand, loved one, don’t fall
But if you do, hear the call –
Of God’s Eternal heart for you –
My love will remain true, ever true.
I have a notion
To dive into the ocean
Of Your great love for me
I want to drown
Go so far down
I’ll never be found
Apart from You again
(no longer bound to men)
I surrender – no longer a pretender
I’m living In You completely dying to
All that resists or exalts itself against You
My heart’s bowed down
I’m laying my crown
At the feet of my God and King
Lord, it’s to You that I sing
And throughout this life I’ll be
As I am Eternally - dedicated completely
To being with You
You make all things new
You keep and preserve
All who trust and serve
You in this life and the next
Forever we are blessed…
Hear you when you call
Jump start you when you stall
Tear down your walls,
Be your all in all.
God’s love will heal you,
As He reveals you,
He will seal you
And forever steal you away from it all.
I call the wise-hearted I bid you come
Help me to build the Tabernacle – the New Jerusalem
The Eternal Home of the Holy One
His Church, His Holy Habitation
Oh hear the Divine Invitation
Every wise-hearted one
From every tribe, nation and tongue
Oh no matter your station
Join all of creation in this Holy convocation
Each one of us a stone in His House
Each one of us His Eternal Spouse.
Your Father has a plan
and it’s not hard to understand
Every thought that He has for you
Is to lovingly see that you make it through
So stand, loved one, don’t fall
But if you do, hear the call –
Of God’s Eternal heart for you –
My love will remain true, ever true.
I have a notion
To dive into the ocean
Of Your great love for me
I want to drown
Go so far down
I’ll never be found
Apart from You again
(no longer bound to men)
I surrender – no longer a pretender
I’m living In You completely dying to
All that resists or exalts itself against You
My heart’s bowed down
I’m laying my crown
At the feet of my God and King
Lord, it’s to You that I sing
And throughout this life I’ll be
As I am Eternally - dedicated completely
To being with You
You make all things new
You keep and preserve
All who trust and serve
You in this life and the next
Forever we are blessed…
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Never Forget
to forgive those who sin against you.
Never forget to forget the wrongs that people do.
Never forget to return to your enemy
Love, Forgiveness and Mercy
It is only then, over them, we’ll have the Victory.
Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord, Mine alone to keep.
You have all gone astray, every one of you just like a flock of sheep.
You have no right to exact revenge against your motherland’s brother,
For another sin can never make right the grievous sin of another.
So lay down your arms
cease to do each other harm.
Make Love your weapon of choice.
Then we’ll see a new dawn arrive
and all the land will give voice
To a brand new reality –
“Behold how good and pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell in unity”
This was written during my first trip to Belfast. It was in response to signs and murals I saw everywhere depicting men with ski masks on and guns, with the words “never forget”. Afterwards, this poem was published in the East Belfast Observer!
Never forget to forget the wrongs that people do.
Never forget to return to your enemy
Love, Forgiveness and Mercy
It is only then, over them, we’ll have the Victory.
Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord, Mine alone to keep.
You have all gone astray, every one of you just like a flock of sheep.
You have no right to exact revenge against your motherland’s brother,
For another sin can never make right the grievous sin of another.
So lay down your arms
cease to do each other harm.
Make Love your weapon of choice.
Then we’ll see a new dawn arrive
and all the land will give voice
To a brand new reality –
“Behold how good and pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell in unity”
This was written during my first trip to Belfast. It was in response to signs and murals I saw everywhere depicting men with ski masks on and guns, with the words “never forget”. Afterwards, this poem was published in the East Belfast Observer!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Apostles are coming forth
As the river of time runs it’s course
Into the sea of Eternity
From the East and the West and the South and the North
The Apostles are coming forth!
What do I hear?
It is the sound of the broken hearted being healed
What do I see?
The lonely captives in Religious bonds being finally set free
Spiritual sight being restored to the blind
As the light of Revelation begins to shine
What do I do?
Set at liberty them that are bruised, oppressed, confused!
For whom do I rejoice?
For the Gospel once again being preached to the poor and needy
Not the rich and greedy
This is my choice, for whom I give voice
For it is for the poor that the Apostles are coming forth –
Poor in spirit, desperate and dying in these prisons we call “Churches”
These are the ones the Apostles will free
As well as all in the world who choose Christ’s destiny.
Oh leader of God’s people – will you lay down your reputation?
Will you leave your comfort zone without hesitation?
Will you join in the fellowship of His sufferings?
Give up the security of the traditions of men?
Only then
Will true Resurrection Life flow through the Body again
Oh the Apostles are coming forth!
The purposes and plan of God they’ll enforce
And nothing, I repeat nothing,
Can stay them from their course.
For God forever is our source.
Amen! Hallelujah!
We are in such an exciting time in the history of mankind. As Jesus, the Apostle of our faith restores Apostles and Prophets into right relationship in the Body again – the impact will be felt from now to Eternity. They will totally transform the spiritual landscape of this world till we won’t even recognize the Church anymore, such radical change is coming. Time for spiritual boot camp! Radical warriors require radical training! Training for reigning! Schooling for ruling! Hallelujah!
As the river of time runs it’s course
Into the sea of Eternity
From the East and the West and the South and the North
The Apostles are coming forth!
What do I hear?
It is the sound of the broken hearted being healed
What do I see?
The lonely captives in Religious bonds being finally set free
Spiritual sight being restored to the blind
As the light of Revelation begins to shine
What do I do?
Set at liberty them that are bruised, oppressed, confused!
For whom do I rejoice?
For the Gospel once again being preached to the poor and needy
Not the rich and greedy
This is my choice, for whom I give voice
For it is for the poor that the Apostles are coming forth –
Poor in spirit, desperate and dying in these prisons we call “Churches”
These are the ones the Apostles will free
As well as all in the world who choose Christ’s destiny.
Oh leader of God’s people – will you lay down your reputation?
Will you leave your comfort zone without hesitation?
Will you join in the fellowship of His sufferings?
Give up the security of the traditions of men?
Only then
Will true Resurrection Life flow through the Body again
Oh the Apostles are coming forth!
The purposes and plan of God they’ll enforce
And nothing, I repeat nothing,
Can stay them from their course.
For God forever is our source.
Amen! Hallelujah!
We are in such an exciting time in the history of mankind. As Jesus, the Apostle of our faith restores Apostles and Prophets into right relationship in the Body again – the impact will be felt from now to Eternity. They will totally transform the spiritual landscape of this world till we won’t even recognize the Church anymore, such radical change is coming. Time for spiritual boot camp! Radical warriors require radical training! Training for reigning! Schooling for ruling! Hallelujah!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The sleeping giants are awakening
The maelstrom of souls is hastening
The urgency of the hour
Like grasshoppers no longer cower
Works cannot replace relationship –
“here son, here’s 10 dollars,
go to a movie”
“father I need you don’t you need me?”
Relate, not works, alas
the moment is passed
The son is grown
The son I had not known.
The wounded bird recovers flight
The darkened soul escapes the night
The eyes of blindness restored to sight
The sleeping giants awake to fight
Truly it was Goliath who was a grasshopper in David’s eyes.
1 The:5:6-9
The maelstrom of souls is hastening
The urgency of the hour
Like grasshoppers no longer cower
Works cannot replace relationship –
“here son, here’s 10 dollars,
go to a movie”
“father I need you don’t you need me?”
Relate, not works, alas
the moment is passed
The son is grown
The son I had not known.
The wounded bird recovers flight
The darkened soul escapes the night
The eyes of blindness restored to sight
The sleeping giants awake to fight
Truly it was Goliath who was a grasshopper in David’s eyes.
1 The:5:6-9
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