Tuesday, November 28, 2023

I love the way You speak to me,
so tenderly,  so sweetly,
through the sure word of prophecy  -
You encourage and edify
and you sometimes make me cry....

You speak by faith
to a me i can't wait 
to meet, someday...
I love Your Voice!
You never condemn. 
You're never harsh or mean.
Whenever You speak
it's like I'm in a waking dream.
You are my Source,
You re my North Star.
You set my course, 
that will take me far,
so far away...
To where sin and sorrow and shame
do not exist
because Jesus, You came.....

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"Blaze Of Glory"

I heard the Lord speak these words  -

My Bride
 will rise

She'll perform miracles 
greater than any I've done.
She will shine as brightly as the Son.
She'll walk in the realm of the miraculous daily
and manifest My Presence to all she meets.
She'll be hated of all men for My name's sake. 
She'll reveal quite clearly 
who is real and who is fake.
The Fire of My Presence 
will consume her entire heart.
She'll rise on the flame of My love for her
to My bosom  where we'll never be apart:
For she is Mine and I AM hers  -
Her love for Me stays true no matter what occurs.

Yet even as My fire brings her higher, 
the fire of Hell brings the world lower:
For all are set ablaze 
in these last days.
To My Bride I will prove
that I AM Faithful,  Just and True.
All I've promised I will adhere to:
Till every word is fulfilled -
Then all souls will stand before Me,   still,
beholding My Bride and I
before I cast them all aside
where there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth 
as they cry out to Me for relief.
Forever before My Throne
their torment will be known.
We'll ever hear their cries,
the cries of the damned,
who chose to be foolish 
                                       and not wise

Sunday, November 19, 2023

 I noticed while walkin' by the "Peace" wall today  -
many of the murals are full of hate.
I've noticed too hearts round here have grown quite bitter.
When it comes to genuine forgiveness, 
well, they're a bunch of quitters.
I realize now what they need
(i hope these words pierce their hearts like seeds)
is something they can't do for themselves- they really can't  -
For what each one needs is a heart transplant!
They need Jesus   - the Great Physician,
to do heart surgery-  and give them what they're missin'.
They need to exchange their hearts full of bitterness and hate
with a heart full of love  - something only God can create  -
A soft heart, not hard, near to God, not far,
can only come when the Gospel is shared
and people find out how much God really cares.
When people receive the Love shed at Calvary 
and when they respond with humility 
and confess their own sins, not anothers, 
then they'll receive those on the other side of the Wall
like long lost sisters and brothers.

Religion divides us  - Religion is ok with that,
but the Holy Spirit unites us
and brings us to where we should be at  -
Living together as one Body,
not "us" vs. "them"
where pride and hate are prixed commodities. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

 Once there were two churches 
sitting side by side. 
One was very humble, 
the other was full of pride.
The prideful church 
had lots of people inside. 
Meanwhile,  the humble church 
had just a few coming to abide. 

One day, there came a man
lonely as he could be. 
He was homeless,  he was dirty,
and he was so, so hungry. 
He saw the prideful church, 
with many well-dressed people there
and asked them for a meal
and "do you have a few pounds to spare"?
But all he got in return was "get real"!
And their haughty, hateful stares.

Sp he went across the street
to the wee church of but a few.
They quickly noticed him
and asked "can we help you"?
"Yes" he replied,  somewhat desperately 
"I'm homeless,  without food, shelter or money".
"Oh, you poor man! Come in, here's a meal.
Sleep here at our church 
till your soul begins to heal.
Everything we have is yours. For free."
"Thank you" Jesus replied 
"for taking care of Me."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

 O love,  O love, reign supreme over me!
 I'll love no other, Lord, more than Thee!
O love, O love -  my heart you're conquering   -
Wherever you lead  - I'm willing. 

Neither wife, nor children, 
nor mother, or father,
will I love more than You.
Neither possessions or things
or sister or brother
will I give my affection to.

and this Truth above all
I will hold most dear  -
for this truth in my heart
has no peer  -

I love not my own life
but give it in sacrifice, 
I will follow You, Lord,
wherever You lead,
For no one else but You my Christ 
allowed himself to bleed        for me

So love, reign over me,
no other will I hold
in higher esteem.
My life     is too small a price
to give to you in sacrifice   -
compared with what You've given me.

O Lord, reign over me.
I forsake all I have,
I abandon all I am
That I might be
Your disciple and not man's. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

 One of the saddest scriptures in the entire Bible, for it applies to many today,  is John 6:36  -

"But i said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and believe not"

You have seen Me, Presbyterians,  and believe not! You have seen Me, Methodists, and believe not! You have seen Me, Baptists, and believe not! You have seen Me,  Seventh Day Adventists,  and believe not! All of you who have read My Word  -  who have seen the Truth  - who know what is expected of you  - and do it not  - you are unbelievers! It is only those who see me AND believe me that will be saved. Pentecostals,  are you listening? 

"everyone that seeth The Son AND believeth on him, may have everlasting life "

   -  not just believe Him for everlasting life but for His power and anointing to defeat the kingdom of darkness here and now. To destroy the works of the devil NOW! To believe Jesus for the same Spirit that dwelt in Him to dwell in us too! To not just sit but do! 

Why do we sit still? Indeed, why! Why do you believe you are to sit at all your gatherings? Believe Me and you shall live! My baptism is not John's baptism: for I baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire  - so you may do the works I did and greater, so you may go where The Father sends you and say what you hear Him saying.  You are to be just like Me! You know so you may go. You learn so you may discern.  You must not hoard knowledge but give it away. You must not safely guard your lives in your comfortable churches  but give your lives away. Go to the suffering,  lost souls I died for. How dare you keep the abundant life I died to give you to yourself! Lay it down in service to Me or I will take it from you and give it to someone who will use it, for My glory.  No more, saith your Lord, no more! You are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and yet because you are increased with goods and lack nothing of this world, you believe you are set for the world to come  - You are lazy and know not your true condition.  You believe not on My word.  Repent! Repent now, or perish.


Sunday, November 5, 2023

 I liked it best having my children sit on my lap when they were small. Since they're grown  - not so much. God is the same way. There's a delight a parent gets when their children are small that he can't enjoy any other time. Yes  - adult children give us other delights but I'm just trying to say  - never get so grown up that you can't crawl up on God's lap and giggle with delight as He bounces you on His knee. " AND JESUS CALLED A LITTLE CHILD TO HIM".

A little child might sit on Jesus' lap, and not know who he really was, but just wanted Him for His lap! For his company! For his gentle hands and loving eyes. They are comfortable with him  - they feel safe in his arms  - and this is how He wants us to approach him  - with total trust that whatever he does with us, we'll be safe for it will always be for our good. He wants us to want him for his company,  not for what he can give us or do for us. Amen.



In the kingdom of God, we grow more and more childlike   - we adults become children,  we get smaller and smaller,  not bigger,  in his kingdom.. ..not in understand,  our understanding matures, but in heart....in spirit.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...