The most significant thing about the wedding in Cana that we read about in John chapter two was not the miracle of water being turned into wine.
The most significant thing about the wedding was that the presence of the ONE who was able to turn the water into wine was there. And the only reason HE was there was because He was INVITED!
John 2:2 says Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. I think a large portion of the Church has it's focus on the production of the service rather than focusing on what it looks like for a family of believers to come in and express a full blown INVITATION TO THE PRESENCE of Jesus to come in and do WHATEVER HE WANTS!
People don't need to encounter a production. They need to encounter HIS PRESENCE! Maybe many pastors have forgotten who the great Shepherd of the sheep is. And it's not them - it's Jesus. And listen, I'm a set pastor of a local church But Jesus is the ultimate shepherd of us all. So let's make our gatherings about Him!
I want to see leaders let go of controlling things and allow the people to have real raw encounters with the presence of God. And real, raw encounters will only be a byproduct of the focus being on the ONE thing and that's an invitation for Jesus to come!
- Pastor Blake Perez
The Summit church