Monday, May 31, 2010

The most wondrous thing You do
is passionately love me through and through
Oh Lord this Truth I’ve come to see –
Oh Father - You can’t resist me!

Yes, I am irresistible to You
You’re helplessly in love with us
When we cry out to You - there’s nothing You won’t do
When You said –

“Ask my Father for anything in My name and He’ll do it”

You said it passionately, as a lover would promise His Bride,
who pleases Him so together we’ll flow
You said “anything in My power I’ll do”
And all power and authority is Yours, whew!
Oh God, I love You and truthfully,
You are irresistible too!

Love Chris


“A Father is God’s love reflected. A Mother is God’s love perfected”

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lord, I want to go further and deeper
In You than anyone’s gone before

I want to nail my ear to the door-post of Your heart

I want to receive from You all You want to impart

I want to walk with You closer than anyone has before

I want You Lord, more and more and more

Jesus won’t You please
Heed my deepest need
Water my deepest seed


Saturday, May 29, 2010

The most private thing a man and woman can do
is but a reflection of my deep love for you
The deepest love of two people can be
but a shadow of the love You have for me
When our hearts intertwine
I am Yours, You are mine
I become naked before You, Lord
And in the Garden I am restored
to perfection as You meant it to be
as I’m submitted to You, the devil he flees
and in the garden of our love we fulfil our destiny…

I want to tend to Your Garden of Eden
I want to serve anything You’ll be needin’
I want to be all You want me to be
I want You my Lord for Eternity

S.O.S. 4:16

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Never-Parting

I want to be as intimate with You, Lord
as it’s possible to be
I know my Lord that that is why
You have created me

Many are there who come to the Altar
and pledge their love to You
but of those who consummate their vows
(sanctified) there’s but a few

Let me Lord, enter the inner chambers of Your heart
It is there dear Jesus that our souls will never part

Your love burns hotter, stronger as we fast approach the Day
When I complete the Joy set before You –
When we’re joined for Eternity!

May Your Spirit delight in me, Lord
as Your enemies are lain at Your feet
I draw closer to our never-parting
Closer with every heart beat
Closer to our never-parting
Your lips I await to greet.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Arise Complete

My Beloved is mine and I am His
And I have kept myself for a time such as this
His coming is near as the Dawn to my eyes
This longing of mine is soon satisfied!
Come Quickly! Lord Yeshua!
Says The Spirit Says the Bride
I’ll not arise complete till You draw me to Your side.
My God in my heart is an all-consuming fire
Arouse my love, awaken, for it’s now that I desire
Yes, awaken my Love, for now sings my heart’s choir!

Until then, my Lord, I will prepare for You this goal –
My spirit without spot, no blemish in my soul
The lusts of my flesh will not my life control
I will cleave to You my God
I will cling to You so close
And by Your side I will abide
I will never let You go

My heart cries are for You
Your return I await my Sire
Yes, arouse my Love, awaken
For now I so desire…

S.O.S. 2:16 & 8:14
Eph:5:27 Heb:12:29

The central theme of the entire Bible can be summed up in the words of Jesus, Come unto Me. When we come, He wants us to come humbly, as Ruth approached Boaz, so we may cleave to Him spiritually, as a man and wife become one flesh from two, naturally. Do not deny Him the pleasure of your soul but give Him full control. Let Him have His way with you. This is the only reason you exist, to give Him pleasure. Come to Him now, with your heart laid down. This will be the greatest act you’ll ever do, becoming intimate with the One who made you.

Lord, I want to be broken
So You can shine through
I really do.

Others can’t taste of You
In me
As long as I live selfishly
I must be broken completely

Shatter all my sinful ways
Cleanse me completely today

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cleave to me

My God doesn’t love His Throne so much that He won’t leave it
My God so desires intimacy with us oh believe it!

Oh God, cleave to me
I so desperately
need You to receive me and cleave to me

Closer than a man and wife
O God You are to me in this life
And forever I
Won’t be denied
When You meet me, deep inside Gen:2:24
O God, cleave to me Det:13:4
I oh so desperately Jer:13:11
Need You to receive Psa:34:2
Me and cleave to me Eze:15:8
The goal of all breaths that I breathe Jos:22:5
Is to love You oh God and to You to cleave Rom:12:9
All the desires of my lonely heart Act:11:23
Are for Your Presence Lord, to never depart

O God, cleave to me
I need You so desperately
To take me seriously
And cleave to me yes,
Cleave to Me!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd
The Keeper of my record
I shall not want
He also protects me from my enemies’ taunts
He makes me to lie down in green pastures
He keeps me, He loves me, forever after
He leads me beside the still waters
And He’s given me three lovely and anointed daughters
He restores my soul
and doesn’t quit until I am whole
He leads me in the paths of Righteousness
Insuring that I’ll be Eternally Blessed
For His Name’s sake
I am able to partake
Of the Holy Spirit’s fellowship
Oh what an awesome benefit!
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will never be left comfortless
I will fear no evil, nay, evil will fear me
For the Lord He protects me and that right gladly
Because He is with me I am comforted by His staff and rod
I will go nowhere that He hasn’t first trod
The Lord prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies
He sets me as a jewel in His crown and shows me off with glee
He anoints my head with oil – I cease from my own toils
My cup runs over and over and over
I am continually filled by the steadfast touch of my lover
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
After all, this is my royal birthright
I will cease from my own labours
By His Spirit I will rest and be refreshed
He treats me as His Bride
I will in the House of the Lord, evermore abide. Amen.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I’ve been offended
but I haven’t taken offence
I’ve been hurt
but I haven’t remained wounded
I’ve sinned
but I haven’t remained a sinner
I’ve fallen
but I’ve gotten back up
I’ve failed
but I’m not a failure

I’ve asked, I’ve sought and I’ve found
And through it all I’m Heaven bound
Lord – You’re able to keep this man
and finish the work that You began
Lord – You’re able to deliver me
and lay me one day at Your feet
not defeated but complete


I’m full of mixed emotions
Stranded devotions
Holdin’ on to old fashioned notions
About love and God and children and family
And what’s important and what’s not to me
And if there’s one thing I’d like you to see –
It’s that the reason God died on that tree
Is so we could be with Him Eternally
So when I’m goin’ through rocky weather
I’m holdin’ tight to that tether
That is my faith, given by Grace
So no matter come what may
I’ll enjoy the Day
When God and I
Are face to face

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Oh Lord You are high and lifted up
And Your Glory fills Your Temple
Like the Sun fills the sky
And it cannot be denied
So do You fill up my soul
with a bright and shining light
Like the earth soaks up the rain
poured fresh from Heaven again and again –
So does my spirit soak up this refrain,
Your words, freshly spoken each day
The Holy Spirit communes with me
Gently, tenderly, passionately
I am overjoyed, overcome
each day I am undone
I am weak in Your Presence, Lord
By Your Spirit I am strong
You are my life long song
You are my strength – the strength of my ways
You O God are the strength of my days
Listen now O God to what I say –
Keep my family,
My wife and my daughters
Close to You, always
And keep my spiritual family
In perfect safety
Under the shadow of Your wings.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Shadow

Oh Lord, we’ve all betrayed You
We’ve all drawn near with a kiss
Then turned on You like Judas did
We’ve all tried to hide You
Like Peter we’ve denied You
Lord, we want to ascribe to You
All that is Your due
But too often we misconstrue
And we don’t do
What our lips say to You
Teach us to obey
Rather than betray
Teach us to do what we say
To love You today in such a way
That our reality will be
We’ll never again turn on Thee
And treat You like an enemy
May love abound not sin
May love warm us all within
May we enter in to Your Holiness
Till You confess –
There is no shadow of turning
in us.

The Lord has shown me there is a difference between betraying Him and denying Him. One is inward, the other outward. Judas honoured God with his lips (he kissed Him) but his heart was far from Him. Peter dishonoured Him with his lips but his heart belonged to Him…

Friday, May 21, 2010

I could write a million poems
Move the hearts in a million homes
but comparatively, it would all be
just a drop in the ocean of Your love for me
You love people
Not programs or pulpits or lofty church steeples,
Cliques or clichés – Reality not religious ways
You love people, You’re a part of everyone’s story –
You see our shame, You see our glory
An older woman near her death
A baby taking his first breath
You see it all and through it all You desire to Bless
Your goodness is better than life
I could sing a million songs
Praise Your Name my whole life long
but it would all be not nearly enough
to compare to the Love you have for us

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Song of the Century

Lord I give to You this minute
May everything that is in it
be clean, be pure, be pleasing to Your heart
I am the sickness, You are the cure
May we never part.
May all of my ways for all of my days
Exalt You to Your rightful place
May I know the Glory of Your face
I don’t desire a mansion
I don’t desire gold
But I do desire You, my Lord
You my Jesus are my reward
You are my only goal

From the cradle to the grave
You desire us to save
You desire for us Your best
You desire to us refresh

So we want the desires of Your heart filled
We come before You now and lie still….


“If you don’t die to self you will most assuredly die of self”

I was drowning, I was falling,
Trying my best to keep stalling,
Yet I never did stop calling.

I was dying, dying in my sin
Yet You came and rescued me from within
And even as I make my desperate plea
I find myself surprisingly free

You unbound me when no one else could
You found me so far from good
Yet all that I was at my filthiest
Did not stop You from calling me Blessed
And when I struggle to touch Calvary
You still make me lovingly, surprisingly, free

I’m the leper no one else would touch
I’m the cripple without even a crutch
I’m the thief taking all the blame
but at one weakened cry of Your Name
You reach out to me unashamedly
And I’m unabashedly surprisingly


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You still desire to save all mankind
though You know what fills most men’s minds
Truly You love us.

You’re reaching out with Your heart still
Though most of us follow Satan’s will
Truly You love us.

Your Love is beyond our wildest dreams
Your Love has paid off all of the liens
Sin has held against us.
No more must we remain in jail
You’ve paid for more than just our bail
You’ve paid off ALL our debts completely
O God You’re love even now is sweetly
Drawing us and wooing us and calling us home
To forever worship You alone
Teach our hearts no more to roam
Truly You love me.

Let me take such tender care
For the fruit that unto You I bear
inside is Your precious, Holy Bride
for whom You died
Truly Lord - I love You.

Holy Spirit please, come to me
and together you and I will please
My Holy Father for Eternity

Mat:18:14 2 Pet:3:9

This poem is somewhat similar to June 8th. The June 8th poem is the first I ever wrote as a Believer so it is very special to me. As I pondered it, I wrote this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lord –
Deliver me from my own heart
a heart that strays and disobeys
Deliver me from love of death
from hating You, from ungodliness

Take my heart – the core of me
remove my sinful ability
to run from You, to embrace untruth
and continually, from You, to flee

Enslave me now, oh Master God, oh Lord
If I could be but a servant of Yours – I implore
let me wash the feet of the Saints
Worthy I am not to even touch Your Anointed
but Mercy, I pray, is still for me appointed
Lord, please come and inhabit my flesh
(and I no longer)
that I may inhabit Your Spirit
(to grow stronger)
Forever, with who I am, to give You Honour

Cleanse me Lord, Anew
With the Blood that comes from You
Make my heart to see
How I’m supposed to be
What I’m supposed to do


Lord, I don’t want to be an Over comer
I want to be overcome

I don’t want to be victorious
I want to be conquered

I want to surrender all
And really Lord,
I want to fall
On You and be broken

Oh God, this is my stance
Oh God, renew our romance
Oh God, You are a faithful lover
beside You there is no other
You are forever true
You are forever pure
May I forever be with You
May I forever be Yours –
Faithful lover of my soul
Faithful God Groom who makes me whole
Who has made room for me who is unworthy

S.O.S. 7:10

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lord, I want to help to make up
for some of the pain that You suffer.

I want to be a sort of buffer
overcoming evil with good.

Lord, make this Your goal –
Overcome my soul.
Overwhelm me, so completely
I’ll never let You go.

When my heart has that yearning
that’s when I’m learning
It’s not what I know but who
It’s not what I say but do

May Emmanuel make you well.


“Often we are grasping at flaws when we should be examining ourselves daily to see if we’re in the flesh”

"Always point out the others fruits, not their faults"

Sunday, May 16, 2010


We are called to keep Covenant.
Our hearts circumcised till every thought and intent
is in accordance with His Word.
Our souls can no longer afford
to neglect this Covenant we have with our Lord.
We will perish from the way if we continue to ignore
this Blood Covenant God has cut with those that He adores.
For so long now, God, You have faithfully kept Your word to me
You said You would come and die to set Your people free
Even so, Yeshua came and He bled upon the Tree.
You are the God who His word of Covenant keeps. Always
So now I come, Lord and Covenant with You.
I will fulfil my destiny, all You have called me to.
I will finish this race and when my life is through,
I will receive my reward – Eternity with You!
As Your Love has never ceased
My Love for You will ever increase
Till this all-consuming fire
Burns away every other desire
but You.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


A Prince is born.
A Prince is born this day.
He wrestled with God and he overcame, they say.
A Nation is born.
A Nation is born this day.
Born of the seed of Abraham, it’s memory will never fade.
A desire.
A desire is born this day.
A proto-type community for the whole human race.
A people who will love and obey God, even know Him face to face.
A Love is yearning.
A Love is burning strong this day.
A Love for the people of Israel – every Jew who does not know the Way.
A longing to witness their Salvation;
to see their hearts’ wide open invitation,
holding Yeshua in their embrace.
Oh God, Oh God please bring them to this place,
No more to know shame, no more to know disgrace.
Take away the veil, Lord, take the veil away from their face!
Oh bring them to a resurrection knowledge of saving Grace!
I now bless you, Israel
In the Name above all names
Your Saviour and your Master
He who bears your pain
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
Soon to return again
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord
I now charge you, Church,
Not to think more highly
of yourselves than you ought
Lest by any means concerning Israel,
You find yourselves being caught,
Rejecting the very roots
Through which the blessings
You now enjoy have flowed
Jesus is the Great Shepherd
And He’s not limited to just one fold
Indeed without dear, precious Israel
Our story could not be told.
Indeed with precious Israel,
This saying will now be said –
If their falling away was our Salvation
Their returning shall be life from the dead!
Hallelujah! Amen.

The scriptural principle is “to the Jew first, then the Greek”. God initiated His romance with mankind through Israel and it will never end. We as Christians are known to God as “Israel”, not replacing them but joining them! He’ll be married forever to Israel and no one else! Both Jew and gentile are one in Christ forever. Israel represents the Church’s past while the Church represents Israel’s future! Israel, to God, represents passion! Jacob showed such passion for God, he wrestled with Him all night till he got his blessing! This is why they (and we) are known as “Israelites”, not “Abrahamites” or “Isaacites”. God is saying He wants a passionate people!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Psa:16:5 You are my portion.

Joh:6:35 When I am hungry, You are my bread.
Joh:4:10 When I thirst, You are my fountain of living water.
Psa:59:9 When I am attacked, You are my defence.
Phi:4:19 When I lack, You supply all my needs.
2 Cor:1:3&4 When I am lonely, You are my comforter.
2 Cor:8:9 When I am poor, You are my riches.
Psa:103:3 When I am sick, You are my healer.
2 Sam:22:3 When I am homeless, You are my shelter, my strong tower.
Psa:73:26 You are my God. You are my portion.
Pro:15:3 When I am ignored, You see me.
Rom:5:8 When I am not valued or appreciated, You died for me.
Det:8:2 When I am proud, You humble me and teach me humility.
Jam:4:10 When I am humble, You lift me up.
Col:2:13 When I sin, You forgive me.
Joh:3:17 When I deserve death, You show me mercy and resurrect me.
Rev:1:5 When I am ashamed, YOUR BLOOD COVERS ME!

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to memorize each scripture noted above. Whenever the enemy attacks with his lies, it’s good to pull this out and read it and go through each scripture again.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love through me, Lord, love me through
Touch this world, Lord, with the Truth
(as I touch You)
and when they’re touched let them know who
meets their every need.
Let them know that when they hate You
You don’t hate them back
You opened Your arms wide
Lay upon the Cross and died
When they attacked
And You’ll be back


Those who stand before the Judgement seat of Christ, who are going to Hell, will not see an angry God, full of wrath – GO TO HELL! No, they will see tears in His eyes, as they see Him for the first and last time, they will see such love and compassion and sadness and this will haunt them forever because forever they’ll know what they could have had.

Lord, let me see things about myself
That I can’t see without Your help
Lord, let me see only what You have for me
Lord, it’s only by Your light
That the eyes of my understanding
Can be given sight

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All that glitters is not gold
Not all we see we should behold
All that feels good is not pleasure
All that is valued is not treasure

The stars at night or a wind-blown kite,
It’s in the simple things that we should delight –
A baby’s smile, a walk for awhile,
on a sandy beach. A lover’s reach,
or the wind in our hair
To know through each other our God’s precious care.

In repentance and rest will our Salvation be found
With a still, small voice comes the wonderful sound
Of His Spirit, whispering in my heart –

“Be gentle, be simple
and from you My strength will never depart.
Be loving, be harmless, harmless as a dove
And from you the world will know
What it really means to love”


Monday, May 10, 2010

But what about the Rich?
For what happens when they die
If they have no relationship
With the One who owns the sky?

For all their wealth and dreams
For all their plans and schemes
Won’t amount to a hill of beans
If their souls remain unclean

What does it profit a man
To gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul?
What worldly pleasures are worth the price
Of missing out on Eternal Life?

You can’t buy a place in God’s sky
Not with money but only with
The Blood of the Lamb can you draw nigh
Freely given to every man
Repent or perish
Renewed you’ll cherish
All God’s heart holds for you
Nothing in this world is true
Except what God imbues

So what about the Rich?
If they can somehow take their eye
Off this world’s gilded, beautiful lie
Then they might turn and repent and grow wise


“You cannot serve both God and mammon but you can serve God with your mammon”

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I wanted things so I could enjoy Life
You gave me Life so I could enjoy Eternal Blessings
Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost
I worship You with the Heavenly Host
The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink
but much more than that I think
I can’t have Peace without Righteousness
And I can’t be made Right apart from Jesus the Christ
And the Holy Spirit – He personally teaches me
The very words of Life – yes He reaches me
And into all Truth He guides
No, I don’t need meat or drink,
They can only sustain the flesh
When it’s the Kingdom of God I seek –
Eternal sustenance
I hunger, I thirst for the Righteousness
That is only found in the Holiness
Of the given Blood of the Lamb of Love
No more, no less…

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My poems are uniquely mine
Different from anyone else’s rhymes
I’m glad my writings take a different tack
Than anyone else I’ve read, as a matter of fact
But there’s a certain tone all our thoughts are tinged with
The fingerprints of God are found in all who are His
The lovely fragrance of His Presence
Graces us all with the essence
Of who He really is
We all smell the same, spiritually
Who allow Him to be, naturally,
Intimately, our reality
But the beauty of this Truth is
That the fragrance does not come from without
It is not put on us like a perfume or oil
Rather, it comes from within us, we are the soil
Naturally, as a result of knowing Him
Like a flower our scent resonates from within
1 Joh:2:27
In the Old Covenant, His anointing came upon us but in the New, which is greater in every way, He abides within us.

Friday, May 7, 2010

When God dips my heart in His love
It’s a wondrous thing I’m unworthy of
I am so inclined to shame
I have no right to bear His Name
Yet still He humbles Himself for me
It didn’t just end at Calvary
Still He weeps and washes my feet
And restores my soul and makes me complete
When God dips my heart in His love
My heart fits in His like I’m wearing a glove
Then the coldness of sin
Can’t reach within
Ever again
Thanks to Him
Don’t be a tourist in the Kingdom of God
You know, just passing through whenever you want
Stoppin’ by for a visit when times back home are tough
But then deciding later “I’ve had quite enough”
There are times in Life when you need to get a clue
And being a tourist in Heaven will never do
God wants you to take up permanent residence
He doesn’t want you in and out depending on circumstance
Be a stranger and pilgrim on this earth –
Just passing through
But in God’s Kingdom, never move on,
Stay where He wants you to.
1 Pet:2:11
“Some people are relentless in their pursuit of ignorance”

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Love won another

Jesus went down to His knees
Jesus begged His Father please
May each and every disciple see
How to love like You and me
May we –
Love one another
A simple way for us to live
May we –
Love one another
The greatest commandment
God could give
May we –
Love one another
If we’ll do this
Each and every day
Love won another
Is what we’ll say!
Inspired by my daughter Tiffany, 6 years old. She came to me one day with a drawing of a heart, in the middle she had written “Love Won another”! Out of the mouth of babes…

The Blood

If you searched the entire Universe
You’d find no substance of greater worth
Nowhere within or upon this earth
No silver, gold or diamond ring
Nothing that is valued by man – No Thing
Compares with the Blood of Jesus!
Oh the glorious Blood of the Lamb!
Without which no man can stand
Before The Father in Eternity
Only by His Blood are we made clean
His Blood fulfils all our dreams!
Oh God,
Take this fallen heart
And to it may Your Blood impart
Your life and love bathed in Mercy
And may I forever be found Holy
Oh, the Blood is the love and the life of Christ
Poured out for us in sacrifice
And we must now expose all our shame
To He who has taken all the blame
That I may now be called by His Name
Forever wed to the One who bled
Oh the Blood, the Blood, it let’s me know
My God gave His all so I may now go
To Heaven, surrounded by His loving embrace
Where there won’t ever be found even a trace
Of my former sinful self
(shed forever like a caterpillars shell)
oh Heaven is a place far from Hell
Oh I worship You
The Lamb of the Blood
Given so I could know true love
And I could never give back enough
To pay back what You did for me
The price You paid at Calvary
So I will be, yes I will be
Bound to You Eternally.
Lord I want to put another log on the fire of my desire for You
Want it to burn brightly, passionately, till I’ve accomplished
all You’ve called me to that
when I’ve finished the last chapter of my life’s story
May I hear “Well done good and faithful Son,
enter in fully to My Glory”
May I have held nothing back from You on that final Day
May I have spoken all You’ve given me to say
May I have loved You with all my heart, mind, body and soul
Till the last Trump sounds and my name is called from the Eternal scroll…

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Three O’clock this morning
It struck without a warning
The eastern sky was split in two
And I instantly knew.
The Trumpet’s sound was loud and clear
Oh my God what am I still doing here?
I thought I knew You
Thought I was prepared
but all I am now
is lonely and scared.
How could I have missed You?
Why did You leave me behind?
Here in the darkest hour
Ever faced by Mankind?
Oh my God, oh my God I plea
Oh my God, please come back for me……


“My attempt to portray the horror one would feel moments after the “Rapture” and you’re still here…If you have inner darkness, you’ll be cast into outer darkness”
Those in darkness will never stop whinin’
While those in the Light will never stop shinin’
And which place you end up
Yeah, wherever you’ll be
You’ll be there because you chose your own destiny
When you think about Hell or the lake of fire
No one will end up there
Because God is mean or strict
Or He just isn’t fair
No, the truth is He’ll have done everything
In His power to get you to surrender your soul
And join with Him
And give up the stupid path of rebellion
We sometimes call “sin”
He would love for all mankind to join Him in Paradise forever
But the truth is the Truth is something most people
Don’t want and they’ll refuse it when offered
Often thinking themselves too clever
Well, precious soul whom God created for Himself
If you do end up forever in Hell –
It’s because you chose to live apart from Him
And reject Him, oh well
But if these words of mine cause you to repent
Know it’s not too late to receive the One who’s Heaven sent
Ask Jesus to come into your humbled heart
Where by the Power of His Blood He’ll give you a new start
And the Holy Spirit Himself will take up residence in you
And forever you’ll belong to the One who is True –
Who so loves you, Jesus.


“Hell is not a place for those I’ve rejected but rather it’s a place for those who have rejected Me” - God

Monday, May 3, 2010

As it was in the days of Noah
Very few are gonna know a
When the end will come upon em’
Cause the devil’s been able to con em’
The only way for the Truth to bring you Life
Is to let God’s Word cut your heart like a knife
Let it go deep in you like a seed
Cause you’re the reason Jesus had to bleed
So open your heart to these words that I’m sayin’
Or forever in Hell there’s a price you’ll be payin’


My heart is smitten and withered like grass
How long O Lord will my iniquity last?
I cannot live, I cannot go on
Till You have corrected every wrong
Create in me a clean heart
And renew a right spirit within me
Or God, You will lose my fellowship
For Eternity


I can remember that first breathless excitement, that first time I kissed a girl, think I was 13. As a teenager we had an expression “going all the way” as in “Did you go all the way with him?” What an exciting time of exploring our human sexuality! Now I do not condone sex outside of marriage but when we do meet our lifetime lover, our spouse, the only way to consummate the marriage is to “go all the way” and it’s the same with our loving God. We should all be “breathless with excitement” at the thought of being His Eternal lover, at the prospect of “going all the way” with Him! We should desire to do just that, right now. Say
Lord, I want to go all the way
Please listen to what I have to say
I’ve nothing held back or kept from Your view
Lord, I’m going all the way with You!
Lord, I’m not in this for just awhile
Only needing You when I’m going through a trial
No, You’re the only pursuit that’s worthwhile!
Jesus, nothing but all of You will do
Because I’m going all the way with You!

Signed ____________________________

This is my pathetic attempt
to get you to fall deeply in love with Jesus
cause He’s worth falling in love with!
Once you get to know Him, you’ll agree with this
So here I am, trying my best
To be to you a true witness
Of the best thing that’s ever happened to me
Jesus died so He and I could marry
When I fell for Jesus, well,
To the door of my heart I gave Him the key
Cause He’s worth falling in love with!
Once you get to know Him I think you’ll agree
There’s no one else with whom you’d rather be
Throughout Eternity.


 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...