Monday, February 28, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses thirty - thirty two

"Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets, and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the Lord. Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud saith the Lord God of Hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. And the most proud shall stumble and fall and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him".
Again we see this truth - "Pride goeth before desctruction and a haughty spirit before a fall"Pro:16:18. This time they will be destroyed with fire, not a flood 2 Pet:3:6-8. The proud will always stumble and fall, whether they are Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim, they are all blinded by their pride and they will all fall into a pit (where is the lake of fire) and there none can raise them up. All who walk in pride will be brought low, just like the twin towers, I gurantee it. If God is against you and he says you will fall and none will raise you up, you are finished. The "fire" he kindles to "devour" will burn forever (Rev:20:14). Once you are in Hell, and consequently in the lake of fire, none can raise you up, no one can rescue you, ever.
Do not be as the rest of this generation, of which God says "they do always err in their hearts; and have not known my ways"(Heb:3:10). Do not let there be found in you "an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God"(Heb:3:12), not fleeing to him. While it is "Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Heb:3:15), "But with whom was he grieved forty years?" (Heb:3:17). Was it not WITH HIS OWN PEOPLE, the very ones he had delivered from Egypt, now carcasses fallen in the wilderness? In fact, most of those delivered from Egyptian bondage never made it to the promised land. Don't let pride blind you to the fact that though you've been mightily delivered from Egypt, you must continue on with him all the way to the New Jerusalem. It isn't those who start the race who get the reward, it's only those who finish the race. What good is it to get free of Egypt only to be taken captive to Babylon later on? What good is it to be set free from a lifestyle of sin only to submit to Satan's will in the form of the religous spirit later on?
Remember, the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it" (Heb:4:2). If you, dear reader, do not receive the word preached to you in this blog, if you do not receive it by faith, it will not profit you and you will remain in bondage, perhaps forever. Whatever state we enter Eternity in is the state we will be in forever. If we are apart from him, we will always be so. If we are one with him, we will always be so. Why do we as "christians" so nonchalantly read about God's severe response to all who walk in pride in the scriptures and somehow think we can get away with it ourselves? We are deceived. We are "wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and KNOW IT NOT" (Rev:3:17). Are we really so arrogant that we think we can judge the Jews for their sins, all the while committing them ourselves? Do we really think we are exempt from the consequences they suffered? It's in fact much worse for us because his judgments on the jews were all in the natural, temporal realm, while for us it is in the spiritual, eternal realm. Read Romans 11 again, this time with a humble heart - "Be not high-minded but fear, for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell ,severity; but toward thee, goodness. IF THOU CONTINUE IN HIS GOODNESS (not our own religious idea of what is good or evil but in HIS goodness); otherwise THOU ALSO SHALL BE CUT OFF".
All religion stems from pride. The only religion acceptable to God is "to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27). Can you, O man of God, visit the spiritual orphans and widows in the body? Can you give them a home? Can you give them the Father's heart? If not, you are a hireling and not a true shepherd. For many are there who have no one with the Father's heart to care for them, to gather them in and disciple them to the place of maturity and purity God's destined them to walk in BUT A CHILD CANNOT MATURE PROPERLY WITHOUT PARENTS. God is longing for a mature and a pure Bride, without spot (not too young) or blemish (not too old). Can you lay your life down by keeping yourself unspotted from the world, from the ways of Babylon? Can you lay your life down for others, once you are free and healed, allowing God to use you to free and heal others along the road to eternity?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse twenty nine

"Call together the archers against Babylon, all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the Lord, against the Holy One of Israel".
This is similar to Rev:18:6 - "Reward her even as she hath rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works, in the cup which she hath filled, fill unto her double". Remember Merathaim - double bitterness? I have on occasion heard christians talk of wanting to forgive the devil. Folks, this is a perversion of God's grace and mercy that God never intended us to walk in. We are to have NO MERCY on the devil and his demons. Yes we want people trapped by him to be free but if your commander in chief orders you to "kill every man, woman and child", as he did the Israelites, you had better obey. Of course I am not saying you should literally kill someone, what I'm saying is there is no room for questioning him, for deciding what is right or wrong on our own, for a misplaced sense of Grace and Mercy. We must never forget we are in a war and no matter how strange it may seem at times, God's directions to us must be obeyed. Our place is to take the attitude of unworthy servants only doing what we're told. We either follow him without hesitation or we spend the rest of our lives reasoning away why we didn't obey him. In these verses and throughout the rest of Jeremiah 50 and 51, God is acting as our captain of the host and he is giving us specific instructions and strategies on how to defeat Babylon. Again he calls for archers, for prophets, for the prophetic anointing to be released against her. Now is the time to speak out against Babylon, now is the time to lift your voice in prayer and supplication before the only one who can free you and all you love from Babylon's insidious grasp. We are to camp round about and let none escape. We can't let one single person remain infected with the religious spirit of Babylon or it could spread throughout the local Body with devastating results. Just a little leaven will leaven the whole lump. The leaven of the Pharisees was pride, the very spirit of Babylon. One little compromise, one person bringing forbidden gold into his tent (his body, his temple) can bring judgment on the whole camp. If you are a leader reading this and you are free from Babylon, you must be vigilant. If one person enters your fellowship walking in a religious spirit guised as the Holy Spirit, you must deal with them quickly and decisively or they can infect your entire fellowship. Jezebel is particularly good at binding people with a critical, judgmental religious spirit that consistently strives with the Holy Spirit, resisting him at every turn. I cannot overemphasize the fact that Babylon is inhabited by all those who walk in Pride, who trust in man's strength and wisdom instead of our Lord's "for she hath been proud". If you are a leader reading this and you are not free from Babylon, if you are trusting in your religious customs and traditions, those who God is setting free in your fellowship will resist you. They are not in rebellion to the Holy Spirit, only to you, as well they should be, when you are the one in rebellion to the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many who have meek and contrite hearts mistakenly believe humility means they should blindly submit to you, though you may be leading them astray, on a path straight to Hell. This blind obedience is taught by those who rule in Babylon, this is Satan's way of ruling, not God's. Yes we must obey the Lord but he does, in his timing, share with us why he leads us in a certain direction, he does allow questioning but only after he knows where our hearts are. Again, I call for saints who will follow God and not man, who will obey his voice alone, who, when they see or hear another voice, another spirit coming from their pulpits, will earnestly pray for their leadership but will not sit idly by and embrace deception, but will walk in freedom, even if it means confronting leadership in love, even if it means leaving (or being given the left foot of fellowship, as the case may be).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses twenty seven and twenty eight

"Slay all their bullocks, let them go down to the slaughter: woe unto them! For their day is come, the time of their visitation".
Each of us will have our "time of visitation", each of us will have the Lord approach us, desiring fruit. Will you be found barren like the fig tree in Mark 11:13 or Luke 13:6-9? Will you be a foolish virgin who because you didn't have enough oil to keep your light shining, you miss your day of visitation? Or will you be alert and ready for Him, fruitful and pleasing to Him, ready to abide with Him forever because you are abiding with Him now?
Also, notice from this verse, when we sin, when death reigns over us as a result of sin, we don't just affect ourselves but all we are responsible for too. Our families, our lands, our crops, our cattle. Again, God is cutting off their ability to reproduce, whether man or beast, all under Babylon's influence are cursed and will be cut off forever. Death is the final result for all who commit the sin of submitting to Satan. First our spirits are taken captive, then our souls and finally our bodies. Those who take the mark of the beast in their body are they who have already taken the mark in their souls, their souls already belong to him. Our bodies will always follow our hearts, whoever our hearts belong to will be manifested in our bodies and our tongues. This is why many cannot dance before the Lord in worship, because their hearts do not belong to Him, fully. Please also note that "bullocks" can also refer to the strong, young men, the warriors of a nation, as well as actual cattle.
"The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God, the vengeance of His Temple".
I am this voice, you are this voice. This voice is a prophetic clarion call in the Spirit today declaring in Zion the vengeance of our God. Apostles and Prophets, free of Babylon, are being sent forth as never before, in unprecedented proportions, to set my people free! There is a remnant today who have never bowed the knee to Baal, who have never lived in Babylon! Just as a remnant was left in Israel and were not carried away captive, so are there some today who have been free from their youth. We, the Body of Christ, are His Temple and we will have revenge on Babylon, God will see to it. "Rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets: for God hath avenged you on her" Rev:18:20. It is only after we have escaped out of Babylon and have arrived in ZION that our voice will truly have an impact on both Babylon and Zion. For Babylon, our voice is the sound of destruction, for Zion, our voice is the sound of hope, of joy, of the Bridegroom and of the Bride. How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? How can we rejoice and be glad while captive to Babylon, to Religion? Ah, but when we escape out of the land of Babylon, when we are set free from the spirit of Religion, then we shall sing a new song, then our hearts are full of gladness and joy at being delivered from such an awful fate into such a glorious destiny, that our hearts burst with joy at the thought of it. And always, out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak. Hallelujah!!! Thank you Lord for setting us free, for giving our blind eyes sight, for binding up and healing our broken hearts! Thank you that we will not allow our christianity to be a religion any longer but a vital, life changing, intimate daily walk with you!! Again I say rejoice!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses twenty five and twenty six part two

God will always confirm and establish every word in the mouth of two or three witnesses and it's no different with this word against Babylon. Witness these passages from Isaiah 13 in light of what we've been reading here in Jeremiah - "The burden of Babylon which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. Lift up a banner on the high mountain (of pride, the cloak all in Babylon where). I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones, even them that rejoice in my highness (the opposite of pride). The Lord of Hosts mustereth the Host of the battle, they come from a far country, to destroy the whole land. The day of the Lord is at hand, it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty, to lay the land desolate and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. AND I WILL PUNISH THE WORLD FOR THEIR EVIL AND I WILL CAUSE THE ARROGANCY OF THE PROUD TO CEASE AND BABYLON, THE GLORY OF KINGDOMS SHALL BE AS WHEN GOD OVERTHREW SODOM AND GOMORRAH, HER TIME IS NEAR TO COME, HER DAYS SHALL NOT BE PROLONGED".
I say to you this day, these scriptures are coming to pass in your sight. The days of Luke 17:28-30 are very near for Jesus is again referring to the judgment and fall of Babylon, as these verses in Isaiah testify. We can clearly see Babylon is a WORLD WIDE PRINCIPALITY, affecting everyone, everywhere. In both Isaiah and Luke, he likens her fall to that of Sodom and Gomorrah, making their destruction a prophetic sign to all who are alive on earth today.
Again, God says he is bringing a host from a far country. Those God will use to judge and destroy Babylon will not come from within her borders, they will be those who are free of her influence and control entirely. We cannot remain in Religious bondage and try to set our brothers and sisters free, we will only end up back in bondage ourselves only this time convinced we are free when in reality we are worse off than before. I've met many who are in religious, denominational churches, who tell me they are free of religion but remaining in their church to try to reach their brethren. My people, unless God places you in jail, like he did Paul and Silas, you should get out and from a position of freedom, try to rescue others. Usually it is apostles or prophets that have the anointing and mandate to go into prison to rescue the captives from inside the prison.
"Come out and be ye separate" says the Lord 2 Cor:6:17.
But as to these passages from Isaiah, chapters 13 and 14 are must reading for a serious study and understanding of Babylon, as are certain passages from Revelation, especially Rev: 17&18. These chapters are God's judgments on spiritual Babylon while the passages in Jeremiah are his judgments against natural Babylon. Ultimately though, all authority and power in the spirit realm has a corresponding effect in the earthly realm. That is why when God destroys Babylon in the Spirit, the result will be plagues, earthquakes, utter destruction by fire and flood, here on earth in the natural. The natural realm is often a mirror of the spirit realm.
As we journey out of Babylon to Jerusalem, we can't take anything from her with us. Remember the man who kept the gold and silver and the Babylonian garment after Jericho's destruction? (Josh:7:21). He lusted after the glory, the ways of Babylon in his heart. The glory of Babylon is money. No wonder pastors under her sway spend so much time and attention on money. This man is a lesson to us - as God uses you to destroy Babylon (Jericho is a type of Babylon here), do not lust for or try to posses any of her riches. The man lusted after Babylon in his heart, the lifestyle, buying and selling, material possesions, money, and he wanted to look good outwardly. Those caught in Babylon are caught up in pride and the worst form of pride manifests itself as Religion, so we see Religion is a prideful way of approaching God, a system of relating to him void of true humility. In Revelation 17 we see that the woman, the great whore, is "decked with gold" Rev:17:4, in other words, she is layered with gold outwardly whereas the bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem is pure gold, through and through (Rev:21:18). A true disciple of Christ belongs to him completely; he loves him with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. A tare among the wheat will look and sound like a true disciple but will honor God with his lips only because their hearts are far from him. Their seeming love for God is only skin deep, it doesn't extend to their hearts. Everything they do is an outward show to impress people, to convince them they are godly. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. They will honor their fellow saints with false handshakes, hugs and smiles (sometimes they won't even give these) but their hearts cannot knit together in love with the wheat saints because their hearts do not belong to God. If you are a wheat saint and you try to knit your heart together with a tare saint, your heart will be bruised and torn as a result, because a tare saint's heart is hardened so much that even the love of God can't pierce it. But when a wheat saint knits their heart together with another wheat saint there is great joy and celebration in the Spirit at finding another saint with like mind and heart, full of the Holy Spirit, who has shed his love abroad in their heart. There is great joy in earth and heaven at the fulfillment of Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses twenty five and twenty six

"The Lord hath opened his armory, and hath brought forth the WEAPONS OF HIS INDIGNATION: for this is the work of the Lord God of Hosts in the land of the Chaldeans. Come against her from the utmost border; open her storehouses: cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly: let nothing of her be left".
The Lord God of Hosts is perhaps the most common way God chooses to refer to himself. "Hosts" means "a mass of persons organized for war, an army, soldiers, waiting upon warfare in an attitude of worship". This refers to the angelic host at God's command but it also refers to us - God's great last days army of saints "waiting upon warfare in an attitude of worship". Much of the Bible is taken up with this war we are all involved in, this war that began in the heavens but will be finished here on earth. Indeed, we the "Ekklesia", the called out ones, are all called to do battle against the spiritual darkness of this present age. We are all called to "fight the good fight of faith" 1 Tim:6:12, we are all in "training for reigning", we are all in "schooling for ruling" with our Christ, forever. Many believers look forward to the day when they will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years, here on earth. I tell you the truth, dear reader, if you do not learn to rule and reign with him now in the spirit realm, you will not rule and reign with him later in the natural realm.
He says come against her from "the utmost border", indeed, all saints everywhere are called to this battle. No matter where you live on this earth, you are conscripted into God's great army and you are called to fight, and defeat, the enemy. It's time you entered your spiritual boot camp, if you haven't already. I pray you have an apostle or prophet that can help you with your training but if not, the Holy Spirit can lead you Himself. Ask God for it, ask him to prepare you for battle and he will teach you how to war in the heavenlies.
There were three Arch Angels in Heaven and God wants his people to walk in the anointing of all three. Lucifer was anointed to lead praise and worship in heaven and after his fall, God gave his position and anointing to us, His bride. We are now the worship leaders in heaven! Michael's anointing is for war - he is the leading general of all the warrior angels and God wants us, his saints, to be able to do battle in the heavens, in the spirit realm. Our weapons are prayer, prophecy and the Word of God. Speaking of the Word of God, Gabriel is the prophetic angel, always bringing the Word of the Lord and God wants all of his saints to be able to walk in this anointing too. We must all learn to prophecy, though not all of us are Prophets. To have a healthy local church, the saints should be trained and equipped to walk in all three anointings. Pastors and all leadership who refuse to come out of Babylon and keep people bound therein are in for a woeful time.
"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword" Rev:13:10. They that use the "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God" Eph:6:17, to kill people, that is kill their faith, teach doctrines that produce death in people, will themselves be killed. Those who take the saints captive, who turn their churches into jails, who "smite their fellow servants" Mt:24:19, lording it over them, behaving as kings of their own little fiefdoms; they will all be taken captive, and will find Satan smiting and lording it over them.

to be continued...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses twenty three & twenty four

"How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon and THOU WAST NOT AWARE: thou art found and also caught, BECAUSE THOU HAST STRIVEN AGAINST THE LORD".
I like how the Lord goes from prophecying about Babylon to speaking directly to her. It's as if Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both speaking on behalf of the Father. At times, this has happened to me during the prophetic flow. Remember Nimrod? Verse 24 plainly reveals his spirit bound to Babylon and this also sums up what Babylon is all about - "striving against the Lord". In Genesis God says "My spirit will not always strive with man" (Gen:6:3) and we would do well to heed this warning today. "But as the days of Noah were so shall the coming of the Son of man be" Mt:24:37.
Those who dwell in Babylon will be completely surprised when their world crumbles around them, going up in flames. Like an earthquake, God's judgments are "suddenlies". One second you're fine, the next a plane has crashed into your office window. Just like those poor souls going about their daily business in the twin towers when "sudden destruction came upon them", so will it be for all caught in Babylon. They are a prophetic sign to our complacent, self centered generation. I pray this blog reaches as many people as possible, though narrow is the way and few there be that find it. You can tell from my daily counter, not many have found this blog but I will still keep it going, day after day, in the hopes that more and more will be set free.
Just as she was a hammer that broke the will, (or enslaved people in their pride), of all who dwell in the earth who's names are not written in the Lamb's book of life, so shall she be broken. As she caused God's kingdom to become a desolation, robbing God of souls that rightly belong to him, so shall she become a desolation among the nations. Keep in mind that judgment from God is an act of mercy on his part. The worst thing he could do to a nation or indivisual on a path to hell is nothing. Judgment is his way of shaking them to wake them, one last chance to wake up and repent. As the thief on the cross can testify, better late than never.
Notice how she isn't aware of the snare the Lord has set for her. So many are in churches, day after day, going through their religous ceremonies, completely unaware that God is against them and they are soon to be judged for judgment begins in the house of the Lord. "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say Peace and safety; THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMETH UPON THEM, as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" 1 Thes:5:2-4. Yes, just as it was in Noah's day, so it is today. People, consumed by their internet, tv shows and movies, have no idea what is about to happen to their world of wickedness. "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be when the son of man is revealed" Lk:17:28-30. You could substitute "Babylon" for "Sodom" and "the Bride of Christ" for "Lot" in this passage and have an accurate picture of our day and age.
As Babylon is judged and "weighed in the balances and found wanting" Dn:5:27, as Satan's kingdom is suddenly departed from him, all those ensnared therein will be completely surprised but not so "the children of the light and the children of the day" 1 Thes:5:5, we aren't surprised at all. Like Noah, we are prepared and ready for the Day of the Lord's vengeance and we will hide in the cleft of the Rock (Jesus) until he passes us by. He is not just a "shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy" Psalm 61:3, he also shelters and protects us from his own wrath, which we need fear far more than the enemy's. Yes, "when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I" Psalm 61:2. This verse reveals the secret to riding out the storm of his wrath coming on the world, that is, ALWAYS ACKNOWLEDGING HE IS HIGHER THAN WE ARE, always esteeming him more highly than ourselves, always, in the secret chamber of our hearts, keeping him on the throne of our hearts and not we ourselves, for he will always be "higher than I". When our hearts are overwhelmed with pride it is only by being led to him, by the Holy Spirit, that we can know true humility for in the light of him we clearly see ourselves and know our proper place. Still, there will be those who will be overcome by the enemy and even martyred and this too is the Lord's doing for there is no higher honor than to be sacraficed for him, as he was for us. Those who suffer greatly for the Lord will also have the greatest reward in Eternity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses nineteen - twenty two

"And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashon, and his soul shall be satisfied upon Mount Ephraim and Gilead. In those days and in that time, saith The Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve". Carmel means "a planted field, fruitful, plentiful". See, even as God is judging Babylon, cutting off the sower, making her a barren wasteland, He's blessing Israel, calling Judah back into a place of fruitfulness and plenty, where "the soul shall be satisfied". Unlike Mick Jagger, those in covenant with the God of Israel can get satisfaction. Gilead means "a heap of testimony" and Ephraim means "double fruit" or "doubly fruitful". He's saying their testimony will be one of being doubly blessed, doubly anointed. For all the grief they suffered in Babylon, God will return to them double just as he did Job when his trials and sufferings ended. In this way, Job is a type of Israel then and the Church now. Of course, the greatest blessing of all is found in verse 20 - the pardoning of their sins! This is the fulfillment of Romans chapter 11 - "When all Israel shall be saved!" HalleluJAH! Since Israel represents God's dealings with mankind in the natural, and the Church represents his covenant with mankind spiritually, through the blood of the Lamb both are made one. We receive through his pardon the double blessing of God's covenant love and protection in the natural and in the spirit realm, in the here and now present earth and in the world to come. We are blessed on earth and in Heaven, though the Lord makes it clear our focus in this life should be on heavenly riches, not earthly. Truly we are blessed, doubly blessed, as is Israel when they are joined with us through the Cross as one new man, forever. The destiny of Israel and the Church is forever intertwined though as a whole, neither can see it right now. Israel represents the Church's past while the Church represents Israel's future. There is "double fruit" when the two become one.
The exact opposite is promised the inhabitants of Babylon - "Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the inhabitants of Pekod: waste and utterly destroy after them, saith the Lord, and do according to all that I have commanded thee". Merathaim and Pekod are both pseudonyms for Babylon. Merathaim means "Double bitterness" (both here and now and later in Hell and the lake of fire), and Pekod means "punishment". These names are graphic descriptions of the destiny of all who choose Babylon over God's destiny for all mankind, which is to redeem them to himself and love them forever in intimate companionship. Submitting to Satan's kingdom brings double bitterness in this life and in the one to come. God will waste and "utterly destroy" all who rebel against and reject the love of God found in Jesus our Christ.
"A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction", is happening today, right now, in Babylon, in the natural. Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear of someone dying in Iraq. Truly there is the sound of battle and it is the same in the spirit realm. We are all in a time of intense battle to free ourselves from the grip of Babylon and as more and more of God's people are set free from spiritual Babylon, more will turn and set themselves in array against her and we will clearly hear, in the Spirit, the sound of battle. As we align our hearts with God's heart they are automatically "arrayed against Babylon round about", hallelujah! God's bride is awakening to the truth of the power and authority she posseses through her husband's name and radical warriors are being trained and sent forth into battle against Babylon around the world.

Authors note: The preceding was written in the summer of 2007 but even today there is unrest and blood shed in Iraq. The battle is not over and won't be till the victory is complete.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses sixteen - eighteen

"Cut off the sower from Babylon and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest: for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people and they shall flee every one to his own land". God pronounces judgment here on the sower and "him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest". It seems good strategy to cut off the enemy's food supply during a time of war. Her harvest is the souls of men and IT WILL BE CUT OFF, she will no longer consume the souls of men and women but will be purged of those she has swallowed. Notice the phrase "for fear of", as I have stated, the fear the enemy has used against God's people will come upon him, at the end. Satan fears us, whether we know it or not and he will flee from us when we resist him. (see vs. 43)
"Israel is a scattered sheep: the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. Therefore, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; behold I will punish the king of Babylon and his land as I have punished the king of Assyria". God refers to himself here as the "God of Israel". Always remember how serious God is about covenant and that when He enters into covenant with a people his own identity becomes wrapped up in them, as well as theirs with him, just as a woman takes on her husband's identity through marriage. They become a holy people because he is a holy God. They become a peculiar people because he is a peculiar God. It is a wonderful thing how serious God is about his covenants. He says he will punish the king of Babylon as he did the king of Assyria. We witness the end of the king of Assyria in 2 Chron:32:21 - "And the Lord sent an Angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valor, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth out of his own bowels slew him there with the sword". We are in the day when all of Satan's "mighty men of valor" are being cut off (sorcerers, witches, etc.) and we will see him return with shame to his own land and leave this world forever (after having been cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years). In Satan's kingdom, they backbite and devour one another, slaying each other with the sword (the tongue) while in God's kingdom we nourish and build each other up (with our tongues), hallelujah, and we will also see this as a prophecy that "they which came from his (satan's) own bowels will turn and slay him with the sword (the word of God), Hallelujah! Satan's own children will divorce him and marry Jesus!
Another interesting point we can derive from this passage is that God himself used these kings to punish Israel, then punishes them for it! I believe that if they had shown mercy to the Israelites they would have received mercy from God, however God foreknew their hearts and knew ahead of time how they would behave. Remember the king of Babylon is a type of Satan, spiritually, as Isaiah 14 reveals and God is assuring us that every word and action Satan has ever taken against God's covenant people will be punished by the Lord. Certainly, our hearts can take great comfort in knowing all nations and all powers are completely under our God's authority and control and NOTHING can happen to his people without his permission. Indeed, "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to HIS PURPOSE". Rom:8:28

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse fifteen

"Shout against her round about: she hath given her hand: for her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: for it is the vengeance of the Lord, take vengeance upon her; as she hath done, do unto her".
Just as Babylon destroyed the foundations of the Lord's house, so now her own foundations are fallen. It's called reaping what you've sown. God's house is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph:2:20). For many years, this foundation lay in ruin. The twin ministries of the apostle and prophet were missing from the Church, so the whole house could not be built without them. "And the wall of the City (New Jerusalem) had twelve foundations and in them the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb" Rev:21:14. "For lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privately shoot at the upright in heart. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"Psalm 11:2&3
The answer is absolutely nothing. The righteous can do nothing without the proper foundation. The wicked "privately shoot at the upright in heart", in other words, they talk behind their back, they gossip about them and slander them, they bend their bow by speaking curses against the Lord's anointed. They say in their hearts "let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us" Psalm 2:3. In other words, let us cast Righteousness away from us. These are they God is giving over to a reprobate mind.
So God's response is, as she hath done, so do unto her. As she has spoken against God, and his anointed, so speak out against her. He said to his apostles, whosoever sins ye retain are retained, whosoever sins ye remit are remitted. This is an amazing statement from Jesus giving his apostles the same authority he had to remove or retain sin. As they are fully restored to the Body, so will a Godly fear, even as Peter spoke to Ananias and Saphira and they were struck dead.
Ezra and Nehemiah are prophetic books about the great last days move of the Holy Spirit to rebuild and restore the Bride of Christ, the Lord's house, to prepare him a Holy habitation for eternity (the new Jerusalem). This city is made up of living stones, us, both Jew and Greek, as one new man, married to him forever. Ezra 3:6 states "The foundation of the temple was not yet laid", the apostles and prophets had not yet been restored to the Body. Verse eight states "And all they that were come out of captivity unto Jerusalem", these are the ones God has set free from Babylon, gathered together as one, with one purpose, to build God's city, His house, his temple "For ye are the Temple of the Living God" 2 Cor:6:16, "And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the Foundation of the House of the Lord was laid" Ezra 3:11.
We who are free from Babylon, who have moved back to Jerusalem are rejoicing greatly to see the Apostles and Prophets restored to the Body again. Even as the foundation of the Lord's house is being restored with a shout - all false apostles and prophets, pastors and teachers are being exposed and deposed, "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God" 1 Peter 4:17. Even as we shout against Babylon as we did against Jericho, even as we are shouting to see God destroy Babylon, we are shouting for joy at seeing the apostles and prophets restored to the Body, Hallelujah! The shout is a weapon of war very often under utilized in the churches. As we shout, the fruit of Babylon, which is confusion, will come back on her, just as Gideon's army shouted and caused great confusion in the enemy's camp. And Gideon won with a vastly outnumbered army and so shall we, though we are few, because God is with us. As she hath done, do unto her. She uses fear and confusion to keep the saints in bondage so fear and confusion will come upon her. As she bent her bow to shoot against the righteous, as they prophecied and spoke curses against God's apostles and prophets and all who are righteous, so shall God use those same apostles and prophets and righteous sons and daughters to prophecy their destruction. I believe the statement "she has given her hand" is a reference to the fact that Satan's end time strategies to defeat us are being revealed and exposed.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses thirteen and fourteen

"Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: everyone that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished and hiss at all her plagues"
This sounds exactly like the judgments pronounced by God against Israel for their disobedience. "And at this house, which is high, everyone that passeth by it shall be astonished and hiss" 1 Kings 9:8. In fact, every curse spoken over Israel in Deuteronomy 28 will come on Babylon. We don't often speak of or think about the wrath of the Lord but we had better understand it's a vital part of who he is. It's funny how christians love to claim the blessings of Dt:28 but refuse the curses if they disobey. God is filling up with wrath, like a cup and He'll soon be poured out (even now) on Babylon. We should thank God for his wrath because through it, Babylon is finally judged. While his wrath is being poured out, he invites us to hide. See Isaiah 26:20&21. And always remember Isaiah 61:2 - "To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God". See it? His favor lasts for a year, his judgment only for a day. This reveals his great heart of love and mercy. He must render vengeance for he is a fair and just God but he will do it quickly, for like any father, he doesn't enjoy it. This is why when the end of Babylon finally comes it is a "suddenly", it happens in "one hour" (Rev:18).
"Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about: all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows: for she hath sinned against the Lord". Contrast this verse with verse seven - they justified killing God's people because "they have sinned against the Lord" while all the while, partly because of their heart attitude of hate and revenge, they are due to die by the Lord's decree for the same reason they are killing God's own. There is a big difference between a man accusing you of sinning against the Lord and using that as an excuse to hate you and God saying "you have sinned against me". Once again, all who are skilled in archery (prophecy) are to array themselves against her. How much more effective for an army of archers to work together as opposed to a lone archer here and there. When apostles and prophets finally join together and prophecy as one voice - Babylon will quickly fall. Typically in ancient battles, the archers would shoot first, then the ground troops went in. They took the air (spirit realm) then the ground (the flesh) and so it is today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses eight - twelve

Verse eight is the very heartbeat of God's will for all of his people today - "Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans and be as the he goats before the flocks". Like our father Abraham before us so must we all obey God as he calls out of "the land of the Chaldeans" - the place of religious bondage many in churches are caught in. We must separate ourselves from religion in all its subtle forms for it is all as filthy rags before God. Just as only the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from sin, so can only the Holy Spirit cleanse us from the spirit of religion blanketing this fallen world. As Satan led his angels, fallen from Heaven, in rebellion against God, so is he doing now with man, though I suspect he is leading more than one third of men astray.
Why should we obey God and let him deliver our hearts out of the "midst of Babylon?" Listen, "For lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the North country: and they shall set themselves in array against her, from thence she will be taken: their arrows shall be as a mighty, expert man; none shall return in vain". Arrows in scripture typically represent prophecy - prophetic words sent forth from the mouth of the Lord. The prophets God is raising up today truly are "mighty expert men" in the Spirit, some even greater than the prophets we read about in scripture. Some will even have a world wide impact with their prophecies. Nothing they speak will "return in vain" for they will walk in true humility. Through these Apostles and Prophets, through their ministries in the earth today, Babylon will fall.
"And Chaldea shall be as a spoil: all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord. Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye DESTROYERS OF MINE HERITAGE, because ye have grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls; your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert". Hear the cry of God's heart - "O ye destroyers of mine heritage, you will be destroyed!" God is jealous over his heritage, his inheritance. What is his inheritance? It is us! It is his Covenant people, whether Jew or Christian. It is every precious soul he died for - snatched from him and swallowed up in Babylon (Rev:18:13). As she spoiled God's heritage, so shall she be spoiled. Notice the feminine derivative in verses 9 & 10, SHE shall be taken, all that spoil HER. This is purposeful for Revelation 17 reveals Babylon to be a great whore and mother of harlots. It is amazing to me how those used in Babylon to destroy God's heritage, pastors and church leaders, rejoice to do so! They are all in for quite a shock on the Judgment day. I hope and pray they repent before it's too late.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse six and seven

For far too long "My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place". How succintly does this describe the Body of Christ today, or at least all those who claim to be a part of the Body. "To the Jew first, then also to the Greek" (Rom:1:16). Just as the Jews had (have) false shepherds who led them astray; so it is today with God's Second covenant people, the Church. The word "Church" means "called out ones". Called out of what? Babylon! The world, the world system and Babylon are one and the same. They are wandering from mountain to hill having forgotten their first love, their eternal resting place - Jesus. "Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest"Mt:11:28. Religion is a heavy yoke indeed, a burden none of us were meant to carry. God's "yoke is easy and my burden is light"Mt:11:30. But how can we remove the yoke of Religious christianity and put on the yoke of Jesus if we cannot discern between the two? Many cannot recognize Jesus today, the greatest lover their souls will ever know, for he would appear to them as a Jew, he would appear to them as an apostle or prophet, but they will not receive him as such. Their pastors have led them far astray, to the point where most people attend church so they can avoid God. If God's presence ever really shows up, they flee or tell God to. I have personally experienced this on a number of occasions. People don't want an encounter with God, they want to appear as if they do. False shepherds hate the presence of the Lord and would much rather carry on as if he is present when he is not. People want their guilty consciousness to feel better by attending a church and by letting every one see "look at me, I am a good person, I am Holy because I am here faithfully every sunday" when the night before they were beating their wife or drinking or who knows what else. Not that people that do those things shouldn't come to church if they are TRULY ENCOUNTERING GOD THERE but they aren't. If they were, they would be truly repenting and becoming like him, Holy and pure.
The sad result of being scattered, led astray and turned away from the path of Life God set them on is verse seven - "All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, we offend not because they have sinned against the Lord, the habitation of justice, even the Lord, the Hope of their fathers". Religion, which is Babylon disguised as Jerusalem, will always separate people and provide excuses for them to hate one another. This is the rotten fruit (Jer:24) that comes from being under Satan's dominion. Jesus alludes to this in Mathew 24 when he says them many will betray and hate each other. It's happening today. For example, many Irish, in the name of their God, their Church, have devoured each other, saying in their hearts "we offend not (God) because THEY HAVE SINNED against the Lord". This is the exact same voice the Muslims are hearing when they kill and hate in the name of their god, Allah. Men will always try to justify their hardened, religious hearts toward one another and the best justification they'll ever have is when Satan, posing as God, tells them he is pleased when they kill each other in the Name of Jesus. That's what makes the anti-christ's strategy more effective when he tells them to make peace with each other, people will really believe he is of God because that's God's line, isn't it? Make no mistake, religion kills, for religion is fulfilling Satan's mission on earth to steal, kill and destroy. While God will divide and separate us from all that is of Satan, from all that is impure and unholy, Religion will separate us from God, from all that is pure and Holy, while leading us to believe just the opposite. Jesus will always lead us to love and join with each other, that is, join with all who truly are a part of the Body. Just as Jesus first came to the lost sheep of Israel (to the Jew first), he is now come (in the form of the Holy Spirit) for the lost sheep of the Church. Many of the ones that have found them and devoured them are the "wolves in sheep's clothing" Paul wrote about. Sheep are so easily led astray and devoured - false shepherds and cults are full of them.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Timely prophetic word from prophet Darren

Well, this is a rare occasion indeed - it's only the second or third time I've posted someone's words beside my own. The following is an email I received a few days ago. I was so impressed I thought I must share it with you -

I want to send you guys a few things to consider concerning where we are at right now. I believe and have for some time that we are already under judgment in our land as most of you know, but I would like to share a few things as warning. As you know I'm not a doomsday prophet, as a matter of fact I believe that this kingdom must fall before the Kingdom of God can fully manifest here on earth, with that said, I believe that not only can we survive the hard times we are in and the ones still ahead but that we can also prosper and thrive in them.

Don't get me wrong I don't mean prosper in worldly things but in the power of the Lord as well as bringing the harvest into the Kingdom, but we must be prepared and I'm afraid that most are not spiritually or physically.

I get a lot of email and calls asking me what should we do to be ready for this shaking that we are in and the hard times we are facing and until this time I really haven't said a lot but now I feel it is time to share what I believe will help see us through. Many believe that the church will not have to endure this time and if you believe that I will not argue with you over the point, I believe however, that we will have to and that it will not only make us stronger but we will be purified through the trial to be the Bride of Christ. I want to give you a few points that I believe will help you prepare for the storm that is upon us even now.

1. First of all we must get clean before the Lord repent and bring all your darkness to the light of the Lord. This is key for us to be able to hear the voice of the Lord. All of the hidden sin that is on our life must be exposed so it can be washed by the blood of the Lamb. Do a check up on what is in the hidden places of your heart and bring them before the Lord.

2. Make the things you find right! Nothing else you do in the physical will matter if the spirit is not right with God. Many will not get past this point because they are very comfortable with their sin. Sins such as lust, greed and unforgiveness are easy to hide away and leave un-dealt with. If this is in your life, confess it and get clean. Many are under the power of these and feel they can never confess them in fear of shame, but the Lord is faithful and just to forgive don't fear what man thinks, get clean.

3. Once clean, pray for guidance from the Lord. No plan that we can come up with will carry us through this time, only the voice of the Lord can carry us through. With this, seek like minded believers who are willing to get clean with God to pray with you for direction there is power in the Body, we are not designed to function alone.

4. Don't look to the strength of man nor the government to provide for you. Jeremiah says cursed is the man that trust in man. We must provide for ourselves through the Lord. This country is under judgment and we must remember we are only travelers here this is not our home.

5. Store up provision for at least 6 months. They are about to devalue our currency, so having money stored will not do you any good. We are already in hyperinflation, milk is $4.50 a gallon and bread is $3.00 a loaf, gas is $3.00 a gallon just for a few examples. I find it suspect that when inflation is measured they do not include fuel or energy in the mix if they did we would already know we are in hyperinflation. With our nations debt and the inflation rate, we are spinning out of control and it is about to crash.
There are talks taking place now to remove the dollar as the world reserve currency because of this and I believe it will happen this year. Once it does, everything we buy will increase by a hundred percent thus the need to devalue the dollar.
With that said about money, pay close attention to this: when I say store up I don't mean rat-hole for yourself as you store. Be willing to share with the needy and take care of the widows and orphans as this unlocks Gods economy in your life. If you only think of yourself, God will not bless you, but if you share, your store will not run out. In the story of Elisha and the widow, as long as they found empty vessels to fill, the oil never ran dry. This will be a key to survival.

6. Pray for a place to go out of the major cities. I believe that we will see riots and looting when the change in the dollar takes place. If God tells you to stay where you are, stay, but if HE tells you to look for a place of refuge be ready to flee. There are a lot of believers who feel this is coming and are ready to receive brothers who have to flee. Where ever you are, plant food and pray over your plants. God will supernaturally bring provision. This will also be a sign for those who don't believe. We already do this and God multiplies our food. Speak life into the plants and they will respond, they are Gods. You can do this even if you believe you are to stay in a city, but remember your provision is for you to share for Gods glory as long as you give your oil will never stop flowing.

7. Pray for ways to communicate with other believers, when the chaos starts they will shut down the Internet. Remember this, they already monitor everything you say on it if you don't believe me contact me and I will share whats happening to me because of some of the Words I have shared with you guys. So pray for ways to get the word out without Internet or phones for that matter. Also pray that we would be able to recognize each other as brothers even though we have never met.

8. Act now, we are out of time. If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to share facts that will show you I'm not crazy, this is happening now. The fall of the dollar will happen shortly, the facts are already out there, most just are not paying attention. WE are not paying attention because we are to comfortable.

Please hear the Word of the Lord from Amos 6:1 Woe to those who are asleep in Zion! I ask you to remember this as you read these words to consider. I ask you for nothing, I have no agenda other than to warn you, as a matter of fact it is words like this that has put me on the governments radar, but I must be faithful to my calling.

Please pray over this and judge it and act accordingly. Again, feel free to contact me for more informatio. I'm also traveling, speaking to groups over these matters as we speak and will go anywhere there is an ear to listen, free of charge. We must act now!

Darren Smith

One Love
One God
One Way

In Him alone I stand

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse five

"They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, come and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten".
This is the single most important question any of us can ask the Lord, who are lost and in bondage in Babylon - "How can I get to Zion?" Really, if we set our hearts to truly know him and obey him, we will be crying out for freedom from the religious bondage "christians" around the world are in. And we will remain faithful and true to the covenant the Lord has cut with us. It will be perpetual, it will always be kept. We must all seek the way out of Babylon to Zion, to God's dwelling place, with our faces thitherward. Not just saying we want out of Babylon, but going and weeping (going with the right attitude of brokeness and repentance). "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord, our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem, for there are set thrones of judgment" Psalm 122:1,2,5.
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea we wept when we remembered Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem over my chief joy. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us, happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones" Psalm 137.
I ask you, what is your chief joy? Is it movies, lust, fishing, etc.? Or is it the Lord, his eternal dwelling place, the New Jerusalem? At the time the psalm was written his dwelling place was the Jerusalem in Israel. But in Psalm 137 we find God's desire and passion being passed to us - a deep longing for Zion (Zion is Jerusalem, spiritually). In other words, we must all ache to return to him, with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength. Jerusalem is a physical manifestation of a spiritual reality for it is where he has chosen to call home and we must all dwell there with him, first in spirit, then in truth. We must hate Babylon as much as we love Zion, so much so that we "rejoice to dash her little ones against the stones". In other words, Babylon is so devastated, her very seed is destroyed so she can never bear fruit again, Hallelujah! She cannot and will not continue.
Of whom will they "ask the way to Zion?" The Holy Spirit. He alone can lead us and guide us into all Truth but who does the Holy Spirit use to show the way to Zion? His Holy apostles and prophets, just as he has always done so does he now. As proof positive, I received an email yesterday from a prophet out of Texas and let me tell you, it was wonderful for it truly was the voice of the Holy Spirit resonating throughout. He said in the email what I have been teaching for twenty years and I will try to copy and paste it to this site for you tommorrow.
Zion is the true seat of judgment and authority on earth. "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion" Psalm 2:6, even as the kings of the earth take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, he shall laugh at them and then speak to them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure (Psalm 2). The word laugh in that psalm means "to strut about as a lion". This is no lamb we're seeing here, no from Calvary the lamb goes to Mt. Zion where he becomes the mighty lion of Judah who will roar his judgments over all the earth. We must all say in fear and trembling "Let us join ourselves to the Lord (not to man or any man-made, man run, man ruled church, denomination or group) but to the Lord himself, in a "perpetual covenant that shall never be forgotten" or broken. We must be one in spirit, not flesh. With man ruling our fellowships are fleshly and carnal. We must be willing to join with each other in this spiritual covenant for it is the new covenant of the blood of Jesus that makes us "One Body and One Spirit in One Hope in One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism. One God and Father of all". Does this sound like the state of christianity today, with it's many denominations and camps? Remember the Lord's prayer? OUR Father, not MY Father. He is constantly drawing us together as one whereas the religious spirit of Babylon is constantly seeking to draw us apart. THE BODY OF CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED BUT IS "ONE AS HE IS ONE". "Come let us" is the right attitude and heart all saints should take today. "Come let us JOIN OURSELVES TO THE LORD" is the right heart, not "Come visit my church, come to my fellowship and join us, come and become a baptist or a presbyterian or a catholic or" ect, and on and on forever.
Where there is division, they are submitting to another spirit, living in Babylon, in bondage. Selah.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse three and four

"For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein, they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast"
Departing from Babylon is God's goal, one way or another. Do it voluntarily or be forced out for complete destruction is promised, in fact, the same thing they did to Israel has now come upon them, only worse. This is a fulfillment of Genesis 12:3. God's goal is that, when he's finished judging her, no one, man or beast, will inhabit Babylon because of a truth Babylon has become a "habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird" Rev:18:2. The reference to devils obviously represents fallen angels that united with Satan in rebellion against God, the foul spirit's mentioned are referring to every human spirit that is not cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit's presence within and birds in scripture are often symbolic of the saints of God, or God's people and he is referring here to saints that choose to remain in Babylon after God has offered them freedom by his Spirit. They become unclean before God (they touch the unclean thing) and they become hateful, full of hate, unable to truly love, loving with lips only and not hearts. And notice they are caged. Saints who dwell in Babylon have no spiritual freedom whatsoever. The only place of true spiritual freedom on earth is "where the Spirit of the Lord is". "And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another"Mt:24:10. The hearts that belong to Satan, those dwelling in Babylon, are even now being exposed. They are easily offended, they betray their very own brothers and sisters in Christ, they hate others instead of loving them and they are quick to judge others but can not receive correction themselves. Hearts that belong to God are also being exposed at this time for "they loved not their lives unto death"Rev:12:11, "of whom the world is not worthy"Heb:11:38
Verse four - "In those days and in that time, saith the Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah, TOGETHER, going and weeping: they shall go and seek the Lord their God".
This is for all who would be delivered from Babylon - true, heart broken repentance, for true heart felt repentance will produce tears, weeping, and a clear result of deliverance from Babylon is that God's children, his people, come together in unity. At Babel, they were seperated, and ever since, wherever that spirit of Babel is, there is seperation, division. When we see any group of Christians coming together in love for one another (careful though, the anti-christ will be able to unite the false christians too, except it won't be in love or in obedience to God), when we see them identifying themselves more with Christ than they do their own church or denomination, then we'll know Babylon is broken in them, when V 5 - "They shall ask the way to Zion with their face thitherward, saying, come let us join ourselves TO THE LORD IN A PERPETUAL COVENANT THAT SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN".

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse two

"Declare ye among the Nations,and publish and set up a standard; publish and conceal not: say - Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken into pieces, her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces". Here, God tells Jeremiah to publish (twice) and "declare among the nations". With this blog, I am doing exactly the same thing today, publishing and declaring among the nations, this word against Babylon for this word is for all nations are caught in the web of deceit Satan has woven through the spiritual principality of Babylon. It is a true spiritual "world wide web", trapping most on earth today. God told Daniel to "shut up the words, seal the book" Dan:12:4. Here, it is plainly time to speak plainly and I say it is the same time today. Idolatry is a hallmark of Babylon, Satan's kingdom, and God immediately confronts it here in verse two. He wastes no time but declares war, among the nations, because among the nations is where Satan is currently ruling from.
It is time for God's people to say "BABYLON IS TAKEN (Hallelujah!), BEL (or Baal) IS CONFOUNDED, MERODACH IS BROKEN IN PIECES, HER IDOLS ARE CONFOUNDED, HER IMAGES ARE BROKEN IN PIECES!". This is a short synopsis of the word that follows - God has had enough and even as he began all things he is now ending all things.
In the apostolic and prophetic ministries today, we are called by God to "set up a standard". God's people desperately need a banner to rally to in this war against Babylon (a war that affects us all, a war we must all fight, like it or not). We need a clarion call in the Spirit - awakening them and rallying them to "come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. For what concord hath Christ with Belial?" Someone must pioneer the way out of Babylon in order for others to follow and God's modern day apostles and prophets are doing just that today, along with a remnant of saints all over the world who have not bowed the knee to Baal (Satan). Hallelujah!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse one

Verse 1 - "The word that The Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet".
Remember that nothing happens that God doesn't first prophecy (Amos 3:7). There is an order to the universe and all times and seasons, all happenings and events are pre-set and pre-known by the Lord. Nothing happens by chance or mistake - when you were born, who you are, what nation you live in, God is in complete control and he uses prophecy to bind it all together, to create and then trigger events that he foreknew before the world began. Even YOU have been prophecied in scripture when he said "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you" Jer:1:5. He wasn't just referring to Jeremiah for he knew you also before you were born. Really, all that will happen has already been prophecied in the Logos (written) word. Still, God is raising up modern day prophets who will speak forth his will into the earth today and who will turn logos word into rhema again, just as the prophets of old turned the rhema (spoken) word into logos. Prophets today give revelation knowledge and understanding of the scriptures as to what the Holy Spirit is revealing through them as well through the rhema word. Really, the rhema and logos word are both one and are in perfect agreement and are interchangeable because they are from the same source, the same author. Those who exalt the logos over the rhema are those who because of pride, do not have the rhema, so they must attack anyone who does and try to get the rhema and logos to conflict with each other, to exalt one over the other and my brethren, all this comes from the flesh, from a false spirit of humility, from a religous spirit of Babylon that promotes division wherever it can, even trying to divide the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Yes, this foul spirit is so divisive, not only does it try to divide the spoken and written word but it's caused christians to camp around one member of the Godhead or another. Whole denominations have sprung up, exalting Jesus over the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Spirit over Jesus, etc.
Truthfully, we should give honor and worship to all three and learn to relate to each one! Many have met Jesus but have not gone on to know the Father and the whole reason Jesus came was to reveal the Father to us! Even a relationship with the Holy Spirit is not enough if we do not go on to know the Father. Really, each member of the Godhead esteem each other more highly than themselves. They are an example for us all.
Babylon was a city in the land of the Chaldeans, now known as Iraq. It's no coincidence there's war and great unrest there at the time of this writing (June 07). This parallels what is happening in the natural realm what is happening in the spirit realm - war has come against Babylon! Just as our father Abraham had to leave this land on a journey that eventually took him to Jerusalem (Mount Moriah is just outside Jerusalem) and a land "I will shew thee" (Gen:12:1), so must we leave our father's house of religous bondage and journey to that place of freedom and true riches God has promised to all who follow him. Right away, from the very first verse of Jeremiah chapter 50, we see GOD IS AGAINST BABYLON and so must we all be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Introduction to Jeremiah 50 & 51

By far, Jeremiah is used the most by God to pronounce his judgments against Babylon - Satan's kingdom on earth. Satan wants his kingdom to mimic God's, to look just like God's kingdom in order to fool as many people as possible. Everything Satan does, disguised as God, is a copy because he cannot originate or create anything except sin, especially lies. There can't even be a lie without the truth. No, he has to carbon copy what God has done. In the end, it is all designed to get his followers to say in their hearts, to justify their rebellion as well as his own, "Isn't he glorious and worthy of our worship? He's a much better god than Jesus could ever be". This is what will be revealed in that Day of Judgment so often spoken of in scripture. In that Day, all mankind's hearts will be opened like a book, wide open for all to see. Our God, the only true God, worthy of our worship and everlasting honor sees it all and has already pronounced judgment. He used Jeremiah primarily to pronounce his judgments on Babylon, though all major old testament prophets mention Babylon, including Micah and Zechariah. But Jeremiah is the main man God used, mentioning Babylon in his writings a staggering 171 times compared to the next most prolific mentioner of Babylon, Ezekiel, at 17 times.
Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 are the definitive chapters concerning Babylon, where it all reaches a sort of crescendo of judgment, where God in his Holy passion and anger, vents his wrath. As sick as Babylon makes me, from God's perspective it must be infinitely worse. In fact, all prophetic scripture is his perspective and we are very privileged to see and know the thoughts and intents of his heart about and for Babylon. As we shall see, God has already planned and purposed Babylon's Judgment long before our day. Isaiah was also given some very important insights into Babylon, much of which confirm Jeremiah's prophecies and we will touch on them later. But chapters 50 & 51 of Jeremiah mention Babylon an amazing 55 times therefore we will focus on these two chapters in particular, to examine God's heart and mind towards Babylon, both then and now.
Remember, the Jews represent God's dealings with mankind in the natural, while the Church represents God's dealings with mankind in the spirit realm, therefore Revelations 17 & 18 parallel Jeremiah 50 & 51, with one book pronouncing judgment on physical Babylon while the other pronounced judgment on spiritual Babylon.
Everything we see God proclaiming against physical Babylon then, in the old testament, he is simultaneously proclaiming against spiritual Babylon now. He is judging both the natural and spiritual realms at the same time. Though the physical city of Babylon was destroyed, the ruling spirit over Babylon was never broken and lives on in the hearts of people all over the earth today. In fact, it is the MAJOR RULING PRINCIPALITY on earth today and just as physical Babylon was judged and destroyed, so will the spirit of Babylon be broken and removed from off the face of the earth and heavens forever. Amen.
PS: Remember and know that there is not a single nation on earth that is free from this ruling principality of Babylon. It's power and reach are everywhere, though there are varying degrees of godliness among nations, with some nations more godly than others in the sight of God.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Greetings brethren, Holy and sanctified through the blood of Christ, wherever you may be in the world. I hope this blog has been liberating for you. I hope you have seen that spiritual Babylon is Satan's kingdom on earth and that his greatest achievement has been to raise up a false kingdom mimicking God's kingdom. Remember, Satan comes disguised as an angel of light, an angel of God! Basically, he disguises himself as a Christian. The entire realm of denominational Christianity is his construct, and the sooner you realize this the better off you will be. I know this comes as a shock since most of you reading this have probably been in a church for various lengths of time. Hang in there. You will continue to see, from scripture, how that God is revealing truth in these last days and you will see that truth set you free. Remember, there are godly men caught up in this satanic trap of denominational christianity who mean well and are sincerely deceived. I do not judge the hearts of these men, that is not my place to do so. Many are wicked before God though. As I previously stated, the concept of pastor as head of the local church is not scriptural. You can not find even one example where God placed a pastor as the head of the flock. In fact, almost all scriptures in the old testament referring to "shepherds" are negative. God is rebuking them for their wickedness. Yet there is a silver lining in that God promises to raise up shepherds after his own heart. These will be men who rejoice in the entire five-fold ministry found in ephesians and they will humbly accept their proper place. First apostles, then prophets, then evangelists and lastly teachers and pastors. None of what i am writing is meant to foster a spirit of "I am greater than you because I am an apostle or prophet", Lord knows, that is the attitude many pastors walk in. True apostles will demonstrate humility as an example to the flock and to other leadership. It's not about titles but rather about fulfilling one's calling on this earth. If a man is called by God to be a godly father and husband and he faithfully fulfills this calling, his reward in heaven is just as great as an apostle called by God to influence entire nations. It is not about making a name for ourselves but rather glorifying his name. Jesus will personally receive all the glory from our good works accomplished in his name for truly he is responsible for all good done on this earth from start to finish.
For the next month or two I will continue to expose the deception called Babylon and I will show you God's perspective on this subject. I am so excited that freedom is coming to souls around the world, from Togo to the Netherlands, from Europe to the USA to south Korea. Try to direct as many as you can to this blog but keep in mind, if they aren't willing to be set free or embrace the truth, they will become your enemies, though they use the name of Jesus. Satan's grip is strong but God is stronger. God richly bless you as you walk into total freedom, fellow lover of truth. Chris Tripp/Waxman

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Lord shall rule over you

One of those in the Bible who got it right is Gideon, though he later made mistakes. Still, God listed him in the "Faith Hall of Fame" found in Hebrews chapter 11. See, just like the Christians today, Israel put their eyes on the world and wanting to emulate them they desired a man to rule over them. God's desire was to rule over them himself, with aposltes and prophets being the chief revelators of his will. Instead, Israel insisted on a king. They wanted Gideon but look closely at Gideon's reply - "Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon - rule thou over us both thou and thy son and thy son's son also, for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian. And Gideon said unto them - I SHALL NOT RULE OVER YOU NEITHER SHALL MY SON RULE OVER YOU, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU" Judges 8:22&23. Many of today's denominations started just this way. God used a man in some way, anointed him to bring wisdom and deliverance to people, so they put him on a throne above them and rallied around that man, whether he be Luther or Wesley or Calvin, etc. In truth, every single leader of God's people today should have this same heart. Any one God uses to bless his people, to bring deliverance or healing or prophecy, must say the same. And notice that the Israelites had fallen so far away from God that they actually thought it was Gideon who had delivered them! They thought their deliverance came from a man! How sad and yet today the whole Churchianity system of pastor as ruler in the local churches stems from people's desire to have a man rule over them, to the point where they believe THEY MUST HAVE A PASTOR to survive as a Christian. God never put pastors in charge of the local assembling of the saints, they were meant to be a part of an apostolic team of elders set in place by God himself, not man. Aposltes and prophets have governmental authority in the Body, then teachers, evangelists and pastors and until we recognize this truth and submit to it, the local churches will never become who they are destined to be. Of course pastors, being fleshly and carnal, like the current system and most will refuse the truth presented here, that they must come under apostolic and prophetic authority. I have had pastors tell me just that,that they are indeed the head of every local assembly and apostles must submit to them. This is a scriptural travesty and it comes from a doctrine of devils. In fact, most denominations today do not even accept that apostles and prophets exist today, how convenient. Another doctrine of devils embraced by apostate denominational churches. Apostles and prophets are like the oil and gas in a car, without which none of the other three headship ministries can function properly. Why do you think the churches are so weak and divided across the world? Where the local church is strong, truly making an impact in their community, you will find an apostle somewhere in the background, I guarantee it. They may not call him an apostle, or recognize him as such but an apostle is nonetheless what he is. Where the churches are weak, there is a void of apostolic and prophetic anointing. And may I say, just having large numbers of people attending a church does not mean it is a godly place, blessed by God. All leadership in the Body today are being set free from Babylon's grip so that they may set their people free. If they refuse to be free themselves they will find themselves outside the walls of the New Jerusalem forever. So leader, whoever you may be, if this epistle has come to your attention, take Gideon's stance and declare to your fellowship, "I WILL NOT RULE OVER YOU BUT THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU". Leader, your place is to serve them, to lower yourself among them, not lord it over them. Selah.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Arise Complete part four

This theme of freedom from bondage to and dependence on man is found throughout Paul's epistles. Look at Colossians 3:23 - "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men". When we serve one another in love, it is the Lord of Love we are serving for did he not say, as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me? God is love. Love comes from God and will return to him one day. Only that which is born of love will remain forever. God grants authority in the Body of Christ and raises up leadership and God is love therefore Love grants authority in the Body, so as soon as a leader ceases to love people, with a godly, pure love, motivated solely by a deep desire to love God and people, he removes himself from the realm of authority God has placed him in and he no longer has true authority.
With Jesus, we must all say "My meat is to do the Will of him that sent me AND TO FINISH HIS WORK" Jn:4:34. Once again the second Adam repudiates the great sin of the first Adam; that of putting man's will above God's and so must we all. We must suffer in our own private Gethsemane till we come to the place of humility, of saying sincerely from our hearts, not MY will but THINE be done, heavenly Father. Jesus served the Will of his Father, not man's. It was his Father's will for him to lay down his life for all; for God (the Father) so loved the world he gave his only begotten son but the son also loved the world to the point that he obeyed the father and gave himself freely to the Father's will. Make no mistake, your path on this earth may at times lead to suffering but it will always benefit you or someone God loves. Perhaps his enemies. We also, out of obedience to the Father must lay our lives down for one another and a fallen world that hates and despises us but as we do, remember, we are doing it out of obedience to his will, not our own or any man's. This way, we can never take any glory for any good that comes from us for it all originates with him and it all goes back to him and this way we can not fail for love can not fail. He is our righteousness, our peace and our joy. If he didn't share his nature with us, his very life blood, we would all be lost to him forever. Never, ever can we take any glory for ourselves. Selah.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Arise Complete part three

Look at chapter three, verse 21 of 1 Corinthians - "Therefore LET NO MAN GLORY IN MEN, for all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come - ALL ARE YOURS AND YOU ARE CHRIST'S and Christ is God's". Oh Hallelujah! Ultimately, we all belong to each other and we all belong to Christ and he is God the Father's! Division is of the devil, Holy communion is of Christ. You do not belong to your church or denomination or any man made organization, which glory in men, whether Luther or the Pope or Peter or Paul, no you belong to every real believer on earth and they belong to you and we all belong to the Father through Christ. Believe me, the day will fully come when petty, fleshly denominational boundaries rooted in pride will be destroyed and God's people will be one as he is one and it is then we will be ready to marry him forever. Believe with me for this day to come sooner rather than later. God is currently crying out to his bride - "Come my beloved, let us go forth into the field, make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of spices" S.O.S. 7:11 & 8:14. Beloved, we all must come to the place of maturity in our relationship with him so that when he invites us to that place of intimacy, we can respond with as much passion as he approaches us with. Haven't there been times when you felt you could hardly breathe another breath without him, without his presence filling your soul? When he comes to us, for intimacy, may our breasts satisfy him, may we be able to provide the sincere milk of the Word to those he desires us to disciple. Those in Babylon, caught up in Christianity as a religion, are not maturing. "We have a little sister and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our little sister in the day she shall be spoken for?" S.O.S. 8:8.

My beloved is mine and I am his
and I have kept myself for a time such as this
His coming is near as the dawn to my eyes
this longing of mine is soon satisfied
Come quickly! King Jesus! Says the Spirit, says the bride
I'll not arise complete till you draw me to your side
My God in my heart is an all consuming fire
Come quickly Lord Jesus for now I so desire...

Until then, my Lord, I will prepare for you this goal -
My spirit without spot, no blemish on my soul
I will cleave to you my God, I will cling to you so close
and by your side I will abide, I will never let you go
My heart cries for you
your return I await my sire
Yes arouse my Love, awaken
for now I so desire...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Arise Complete part two

Continueing in Corinthians look at chapter two, verses four and five - "and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words OF MAN'S WISDOM but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith SHOULD NOT STAND IN THE WISDOM OF MEN but in the power of God". If your denomination is not a "demonstration of the Spirit and of power" than it is based in man and not God. Oh my people, the wisdom of man is enticing to our carnal, fleshly minds but we must not, as many in these last days do, heap to ourselves teachers, having itching ears. These are they who will not endure sound (apostolic) doctrine but shall turn away their ears from the Truth and shall be turned to fables (to lies), my people, from such turn away! Heed not men who have not the wisdom that comes down from above, who do not speak as the Holy Spirit inspires them, repeating only what they hear the Father saying, who do not DEMONSTRATE THE SPIRIT WITH POWER, from such turn away. And the greatest demonstration of the Holy Spirit's power is not a healed body but a transformed heart. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. From what? From demons, from diseases, from death, fear, diverse lusts and all that is in the flesh for the "flesh" referred to throughout scripture is the flesh of man. This is what he frees us from, for our flesh is abiding in death, if we remain bound to it, it will become our grave. We will surely abide in death forever for our flesh is that part of us that was cast out of his presence for rebelling against him, for choosing our will over his and it must die. That part of us that strives against God, that seeks to return to Babylon, must "die daily" 1 Cor:15:31.
Again, look at 1 Cor:2:13&14 - "Which things we also speak, not in the words which MAN'S WISDOM teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are spiritually discerned". As you, dear reader, come out of Babylon, as your mind is renewed, indeed transformed from a carnal mind to a spiritual mind, those still in bondage to the religious spirit of Babylon will not be able to understand "for the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, NEITHER CAN HE KNOW THEM, because they are spiritually discerned" 1 Cor:2:13. "The carnal mind is AT ENMITY AGAINST GOD" Rom:8:7. They will be at enmity with YOU if it so be that you are spiritually minded. They (those caught in religious christianity) will hate you, call you all sorts of things behind your back, rebel, heretic, etc. and all this shows whose spirit they are walking in. If this happens to you, take heart and rejoice! "Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and SAY ALL MANNER OF EVIL AGAINST YOU FALSELY for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven for so they persecuted the prophets which were before you"Mt:5:11&12. Yes, Jesus Himself went through the exact same persecution we all must go through. He was called all manner of evil things including a "prince of devils". The Holy Spirit is still teaching today, still revealing the Word to us and it is his voice you should hear and no man's. "And ye need not that any man teach you" 1 John 2:27. Every apostle, prophet, pastor or minister of any kind you submit to should be a vessel the Holy Spirit is using to touch your life. If not, do not submit to them.

to be continued...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Arise Complete

Paul's writings, being inspired by the Holy Spirit, are full of admonitions to avoid putting man out of order, of following or worshipping man. Look at his first letter to the Corinthians - "now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos and I of Cephas and I of Christ" (1:12). Here we have the beginnings of denominationalism, which has it's roots in the book of Judges when "every man did that which was right in his own eyes". I am of Calvin, I am of Luther, I am of Wesley, I am of the Pope, etc., for each denomination on earth today is founded on some man. "Is Christ divided? Was Paul (or Calvin or Luther or the Pope) crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? (1 Cor:1:13) Paul is clearly rebuking them for following man, EVEN HIMSELF, for forming their own divisions within the ranks, from starting their own little cliques. Even though Paul, Apollos and Cephas (Peter) were all apostles, sent by God to them, a true apostle will always divert attention and adoration away from himself if he knows that attention is misplaced or inappropriate. A true apostle will steer men's worship and adoration to Christ where it belongs. We are all unworthy servants just doing what we're told. Jesus may call us friends but he must invite us to that place, we must not presumptuously take it.
Is Christ divided? To look at so called Christianity today, with it's thousands of denominations, one would think so but no, the scriptural reality clearly reveals he is NOT divided. It is Satan's kingdom that is full of divisions and will fall. By his very nature, his own devour themselves and destroy one another. This shows us that the true spirit behind denominations is Satan and not God. When God scattered them at Babel, he confused their language. When God restored us and brought us again into proper fellowship with Him and with each other, when they were all one in spirit in the upper room, he restored their language so that every man understood them. This was a complete reverse of the curse of Babel, taking place in Jerusalem, showing us in a type and fore shadow that the New Jerusalem is the complete opposite of spiritual Babylon.
So we see that a hallmark of Babylon is confusion and this is yet another sign that denominations are spawned by Satan and not God for christians caught up in denominationalism are unable to understand or communicate with one another and are unable to JOIN TOGETHER AS ONE. When God confused their language at Babel, he also scattered them, thereby dividing them from one another. So we see another mark of Babylon is division. Those who go by the name "Christ" are extremely divided all over the world but Christ himself is not divided and all who are truly of him speak the same spiritual language and fully understand one another and are instantly connected to each other in the Spirit though they may be complete strangers in the natural. "So, we being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone members of one another" Rom:12:5. "There is one body, and one Spirit, One Lord, One faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all" Eph:4:4. The true body of Jesus the Christ is NOT DIVIDED AT ALL BUT IS IN PERFECT UNITY (not uniformity).

to be continued...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man is the beast when he dwells apart from God

As with all the prophets, Ezekiel clearly reveals God's loathing of the worship and idolization of man, and look, society today is as full of it as they were in Ezekiel's day. We truly worship and are obsessed with our own image today through TV and movies. Movie stars are idolized from afar as our billions we spend each year on movies and entertainment can testify. Millions spend their whole lives on the pursuit of entertainment, on self pleasure. Truly we are "lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God". It must be an abomination to the Father, seriously, that we spend BILLIONS of dollars every year (in America) just to entertain ourselves. I believe Hollywood is full of sorcerers and witchcraft. I personally do enjoy movies but we must all be very careful which ones we allow in to our hearts and homes.
Look at Ezekiel 16:15-18 (sounds eerily like Rev:17:4&5) - "But thou didst trust in thine own beauty (Satan's original sin) and playedst the harlot because of thy renown and pouredst out thy fornications on everyone that passed by, his it was. Thou hast taken fair jewels of My gold and My silver, which I had given thee and madest to thyself IMAGES OF MEN and didst commit whoredoms with them. And tookest thy broidered garments and coveredst them and thou hast set MINE oil and MINE incense before them".
Remember, God is not speaking here to the pagan, lost peoples of the world, but to his very own chosen ones. Like they did in the Exodus from Egypt with the golden calf, they took the blessing of God and made an idol out of it. They worshipped the gods of the world around them, the golden calf was an Egyptian deity and in Babylon they worshipped man! They were becoming very sophisticated in their idolatry in going from a calf to "images of men". Did not Nebuchadnezzar set up a giant image and command all in his kingdom, Babylon, to worship it? This image was most likely an image of man, of Nebuchadnezzar, for like the Roman ceasars, the king was worshipped in Babylon as a deity. All in Satan's kingdom will be forced to do the same thing in the end for Satan desires to take all that rightfully belongs to God and when man worships his own image it is Satan who triumphs.
The giving of oil and incense symbolizes the giving of the anointing and prayers to this Babylonian system of the exaltation of man. Look at Rev:13:8 - "All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (Satan, the dragon) whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world". There is no neutral ground. Everyone on earth will either worship the beast or the Lamb and those in the churches who are false, who are tares, will give their gifts and anointing from God and their prayers to this false religious spirit of Babylon.
Look at verses 17 & 18 - "and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is THE NUMBER OF A MAN". Satan's mark, his means of enslavement is to mark us with us, with ourselves, with man! His goal is to lift us up and exalt us, to get us to worship US, thereby destroying us forever for this is the exact sin Satan himself committed, the sin that got him thrown out of Heaven. One might say Satan is an expert at rebelling against God, at sin, and all sin is his fruit in the earth, and all sin is rooted in self-exaltation, namely, Pride. We could say sin stand for Self Indulgence Now. So we see that Satan's fruit in our hearts is to lift up self, not Satan outright. When man exalts and worships man (or woman), he falls neatly into Satan's trap.
Just think about all the time we spend staring at our own image on TV and in movies. What we give the most time and thought to is often what or who we worship.
Psalm 73:22 - "So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee".
Psalm 49:12 - "Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish"
Apart from Christ, we are no better to God than beasts.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Will you be made whole? part five

See, blessed reader, everyone that is born of God is like the wind and THE WIND CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY MAN, neither does it originate with man. Where it comes from and where it is going is completely up to God. This is why the Holy Spirit is likened to "air". He is completely free from all bondage and taint from man. In churches where man is in control, they hate and cast out anyone who comes in who is free, like the wind. God's people go where he sends them and they follow no man. When God places them in a fellowship or church he has the right to take them out anytime he pleases. In fact, he will do this often because he wants his saints to get a balanced diet. Most churches focus on one narrow area of scripture or doctrine. If I invite you to my home twice a week and feed you a delicious steak, even if it's good, if it's all you ever eat you will get sick over time. You need balance. Likewise, even if your churches doctrines are sound, if they always focus on just one area of scripture or the same similar ideas, you will get spiritually sick over time, you need balance. You either must read books or watch programs or visit other churches to get a balanced diet.
Any "member" of a church is there in submission to God, not man. Hopefully, the leadership have been chosen by God and placed there out of love for his sheep and the sheep are following Christ in the leaders and no one else. House fellowships are springing up everywhere and this is the soveriegn work of the Holy Spirit as he moves on the hearts of his people. In fact, we are starting one in our home here in Korea, this week, the Korean new year. This movement is independent of any man, though the spirit of bondage and control is trying to infiltrate the House church movement. We must still be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing coming in to devour the flock but we must also beware of "men from among ourselves arising and speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them" Acts 20:30. We often hear pastors warn us about wolves (a wolf usually defined as anyone who disagrees with them) coming in to devour (they like to use fear to motivate the flock to stay put) but what do you do if your own pastor is a wolf?
God has shown me that from hence forth, only those with clean hands and pure hearts will be allowed to touch his bride. He is jealous over her and he said only leadership with a eunuch anointing will be allowed to minister to his bride. The eunuchs were the ones that prepared Esther to be with her king and they anointed her with oils and sweet odors, etc. and God is saying today, only those with my anointing may touch my bride from now on. Eunuchs have no hidden motives or agendas; they will not desire the bride for themselves or seek to gain from her. Amen.
If God is leading you out of fellowship he will lead you in to fellowship with believers of like mind and heart. DO NOT leave with bitterness or anger but rather love and pray for those left behind. If you do not boldly make the move to freedom from the religious spirit, how can anyone else? ANd remember, he might lead you out even if there isn't anything majorly wrong with your church. You're the one reading this blog, you're the one God has chosen to set free, maybe the first in your area, who knows! You could be the "firstborn among many brethren"! More than likely there are in your area with hearts aching to be free, you're just not aware of them yet. Hallelujah! Maybe you just need apostolic anointing and covering to unite you in faith and love. Pray for this and God will send you your Moses or Paul and the rest of the story is spiritual history! Wouldn't you like to be famous in heaven for the mighty exploits you accomplish during your time on earth and for the love of God you shared?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Will you be made whole? part four

God is setting his house in order. Ephesians 2:19-20 says "the household of God" is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone". No man can be the cornerstone of the work God is doing in the earth today save "Jesus Christ himself" but God does choose men whom he anoints as apostles and prophets to birth and found his household all over the world. Jesus surrounded himself with twelve apostles, not pastors. The apostles were the ones to ordain and set in place pastors in the local churches. The concept of the pastor as the head of the local church does not come from the Bible. A careful study of scripture will reveal this. In the New Testament there are 246 mentions of apostles and prophets. The next most mentioned headship ministry is that of teacher with 13. Evangelists are mentioned three times with pastors just once in ephesians chapter 4. Shepherds are mentioned 17 times but 11 of those refer to Jesus as our "Great Shepherd" or to the shepherds present at the birth of Jesus, almost all New Testament mentions of shepherd do not refer to pastors. So we see the overwhelming emphasis in the New Testament is on apostles and prophets.
A pastor after God's heart will rejoice for true apostlic and prophetic ministry, recognizing they are sent by God as a blessing to his fellowship, a sign from God that he is willing and wanting to build their fellwoship his way. Under a true apostle's care, everyone else's ministry will flourish and blossom as never before. If there are no apostolic training centers in your part of the world, ask God to start one! He will respond to your passion, if you are hungry and thirsty enough, for he sends his apostles to the poor and needy, not the rich and greedy. The thing about the poor is that they are always hungry. It wasn't until the Israelites "cried by reason of their bondage" that God sent them a deliverer, Moses. God is releasing the Moses anointing today in his apostles and prophets wherever his people are desperate enough to cry from the depths of their hearts for freedom.
If you cry out to him, he will start an apostolic work in your area that will bring freedom to the captives, set at liberty them that are bruised, that will bind up the broken hearted - all these, the captives, the bruised and the broken hearted have all become that way from being in Babylon! Christianity as a religion steals, kills and destroys all of the blessings, the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus died to give us. Religion leaves people broken and disillusioned about God or worse yet, deceives them into thinking they are right with God when in truth they are "wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked" Rev:3:17. Religion quenches the hearts on fire for him but God is rescuing those same hearts for even as I write this, your heart is being rescued from a religious oblivion, from a spiritual black hole that will suck out all the light, all that is godly in your life, leaving an empty shell that has a form of godliness but no power, for REAL POWER CAN ONLY COME FROM HIM, FROM HIS PRESENCE.
Be free! Where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. Is the spirit of the lord abiding in you? Then freedom and liberty are abiding in you, in your heart. "The wind blows where it wills and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it came from or where it goes, SO IS EVERYONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT" Jn:3:8. Religious people are forever wanting to know WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND WHERE YOU ARE GOING because they aren't walking in the spirit, they cannot understand anyone who is. They are driven by the religious to define you (what church do you go to?) so they can accept or reject you. They only have a concept of love in their minds, not real love in their hearts.

to be continued...

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...