Wednesday, August 10, 2011

These are the days of wonder and joy
   that I have longed for since I was a boy

Since I was a boy it has been God's plan
   to move me to a distant land
         far from the thoughts of man...

My beloved is mine and I am his
and I have kept myself for a time such as this
His coming is near as the dawn to my eyes
this longing of mine is soon satisfied
Come quickly Lord Jesus! Says the Spirit, says the Bride
I'll not arise complete till you draw me to your side

My God in my heart is an all consuming fire
Come quickly my Lord for now I so desire
Come quickly my Lord and heed my heart's choir

Until then My Lord I will prepare for you this goal -
My spirit without spot, no blemish in my soul
my flesh will not my life control
Come quickly my Lord, your return I await my sire
for you are, my Lord, my heart's sole desire
I thirst for you, I long for you
no other love will ever do
Come quickly I am faint with desire,
come quickly.....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

                               "Faith is the marriage bed
                                      upon which our love for God is consummated"

The Holy Spirit spoke this to me shortly after I became his.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part sixteen

Let us consummate our marriage to him. Let us enter in fully to his presence. As a congregation, let us not pledge our love to him but then hold back our love. To love him is to love one another. We cannot separate the two. We must lay our lives down for one another as he did for us. We must love one another with unfeigned love, fervently! These are not idle words but the cry of God's heart for his people! One of his last acts on earth was to wash our feet. So do ye likewise to one another! Whole congregations should go and wash each other's feet. Wash away all the dirt and grime we all accumulate in this life as we walk through this filthy world. Our feet are that which make contact with the world on a daily basis. We must make contact with the lost, corrupt flesh around us each day. Yet, we must also cleanse ourselves of this daily with the washing of the Word. White churches - go to a black church and wash their feet. Black churches - go to a white church and wash their feet. Break down all fleshly, soulish barriers between us. Do it with a meek and contrite spirit our of a pure heart. Destroy all divisions and boundaries with love (which, by the way, was Martin Luther King Jr.s' weapon of choice).
The goal of all five-fold headship ministry is love, that is, to mature us all into the fullness of Christ, who is love incarnate. Here's a good way to remember this -


God will use all of the above to perfect our walk, so let love have it's perfect work in us. Let us all, of all denominations, knit our hearts together in love. Against such, there is no law because God's love needs no governing for it works no ill or harm to it's neighbor. Let us all fulfill the cry of Jesus' heart as he knelt in fervent prayer for you and I. Let us be One as he is One. This is my commandment, that you love one another; that your joy may be full. God models his love to us as an example to us that we may learn to follow. How many times has he forgiven our sins? Too many to count. Go and do likewise. Woe to those servants who, when I come, I find them lording it over their fellow servants!
Each and every one of you are precious to the Father and to me. Change is coming to the Church because it must. Great change came to the earth quickly because of the flood in Noah's day and great change has come quickly to the earth today because of the flood of knowledge and understanding being poured out in the natural realm and likewise great change is coming to the Spirit realm because of knowledge and understanding being released by the Holy Spirit. It will happen quickly. Prepare for it by being receptive to all the Holy Spirit reveals to us. Maturity will come very quickly as a result. My nine year old is much more mature than I was at her age.
Whom the Lord loves he chastens. Change is a natural result of both life and death. Let it be life! Change is a natural result of either growth or destruction. Let is be growth and maturity! Choose wisely! Rejoice all you saints of God, again I say rejoice!

Note from author: I begin my summer vacation today, so blogs from now till September will be sporadic. I invite you to explore past blogs and I look forward to, God willing and I live, sharing with you again soon. God bless and keep you and may his face continually shine upon you. Once in awhile, send me a comment or question! Chris Michael Waxman

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part fifteen

Leaders, let us never take the revelation of Christ that God imparts to us, that he entrusts us with, and use it to make disciples who follow us; rather let Christ make disciples of himself, through us. Let us not make man in our image. Sure, a certain amount of our personality and charachter will be deposited in those who become our spiritual children or who accept our guidance and friendship. In fact, leadership can be compared to a cow. A cow will digest food, then regurgitate it for it's young to eat, after breaking it down in it's stomach. Leadership will often take the Holy Spirit's revelations and digest them first before regurgitating it for those less mature in a form they can swallow. In the process, sometimes some of what is in us, good and bad, will be swallowed too. Only let us not wield our authority in such a way as to keep God from inhabiting his temple, as the Pharisees did. Who gave Jesus the right to overturn those tables where doctrines and religion are bought and sold? Who gave him the right to be in this temple at all? Crucify him!
Let us go on to know Him, corporately as a covenant keeping people, not just know about him. In the bosom of his love for us, all our shame is covered, all our needs are met, Ruth. Our Boaz will surely pity us. We will glean all we will ever need from his field of abundance. Then, as we lie quietly at his feet, as a people in one accord, in one spirit, as we approach him with a meek and contrite spirit, our marriage will be consummated. Let us practice this when we meet together! He will then have his way with his bride! With us! He will shower forth gifts to adorn his bride, as Abraham's servant brought TEN CAMELS LADEN WITH GIFTS so does the Holy Spirit do to us.  His gifts will meet every need and delight and satisfy us and are sweet to the fullfilling of every longing, dry and thirsty soul. Truly our churches will become like well-watered gardens full of shade and good fruit and the leaves will heal the nations! Once they are free of the spirit of Babylon, that is to say the spirit of religion, satan's lies and deceptions.
Oh, the world is indeed a dry and arid place, a desert, deserted of all we need to birth and sustain eternal life and the only place a human soul can go to survive is God's Church, the kingdom of heaven on earth. We alone have what they need. We alone have Him!

to be continued....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part fourteen

One change we will see will be emergence of the true Body of Christ on earth led by the Holy Spirit alone. We will no longer see a Greek-Hedonistic style of meeting but a Jewish-Hebraic model. The Greeks eventually came to worship knowledge for knowledge's sake. They became passive observers of life and not participants. In Jewish thinking, you are a vital member of your family and have somthing important to contribute, something we all need. Many churches today have their very foundations laid in worldly patterns of fellowship and behaviour and this will change. We must all become doers of the Word and not hearers only. We must learn how to interact with the Body during meetings in a healthy way. We must learn to submit so completely to the Holy Spirit that he may flow as freely through us as he did Jesus. Leadership must allow us to minister in the power of His might, by His Spirit. This was Jesus' goal for his disciples and it should be ours also. HE DID NOT WANT TO KEEP HIS DISCIPLES BY HIS SIDE BUT HIS DESIRE AND GOAL WAS TO SEND THEM. Unless the Lord builds the house, church, denomination, they that labor, labor in vain. Indeed, unless the Lord conceives the child, they that labor, labor in vain. How many churches are built on sand? How many are not keeping his commands? Take this simple one for example - how many are washing one another's feet? How many are inviting the poor to their church suppers, to their love feasts? The Lord's simplest instrucions are often ignored in most fellowships because they are not following him but rather men. Most simply do not know how to follow him. When he called his apostles, he bid them to "come and follow Me". In other words, quit following men, the pharisees, the sadducees or whoever else has said they represent me. He led them away from all that is of man. He led them away from the religious system of his day. He was branded a rebel as a result and all they could do was desire and plot his death. There was no love in them for their father was the devil and he is the same one to spawn denominations on earth today. They too, like the pharisees, will not follow Jesus but despise him and all who are his. They too seek to kill him, to destroy all who are of him, all who are free and flowing like the wind, which cannot be controlled by them. Like the pharisees, they use the word of God to legitimize all they do and say. They are puffed up with pride and look good outwardly but inwardly are a brood of vipers. In other words, follow them and you will be poisoned over time, with their lies and deciets till you can't tell the truth apart from their lies. Oh sure, everything will appear outwardly to be godly, but it will be a form of godliness they have devised and it is outward only. Inwardly they are denying the power of God to transform them into his image. Their churches are void of the presence of God. The Holy Spirit is shunned and not welcome, though their songs say differently. He will still, out of intense love for them, show up when and where he can in their services but he is not condoning them by doing so, he is not giving them his stamp of approval, rather he is trying to save them from themselves. I have seen for myself how sick God is of Babylon on earth today and I can assure you, he is not sitting idly by  while the churches remain in bondage to Babylon. The church is not Babylon but the denominational churches are in bondage in Babylon. Few are the Daniels who are thriving there. Soon, we will see a mass exodus from Babylon, I pray, I fervently hope. Soon, millions will awaken to the truth that they have been captives to religion their entire spiritual lives but they will clearly see the path to freedom for that path is the truth, the truth presented in this blog, the truth the Holy Spirit is speaking to any one who will listen. Do you, dear reader, have ears to hear?

to be continued.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part thirteen

The Day of the Apostle is upon us. How will change, maturity, come to the world wide Body of Christ? I believe it will be the result of this new breed of leadership (new in the sense of rebirth after a long absence) God is raising up and releasing even now. Apostolic revelation and Apostolic Faith will once again change the spiritual landscape of this world forever. Apostles and prophets will be agents of great change. Let us rejoice to see their day! Pastor, there is no competition here. You too should rejoice to see their day and welcome them wholeheartedly. You need them as much as they need you. Rejoice to see your brother blessed and your people blessed by them and together we will grow into the full and complete stature of Christ. Amen.
Let us not compare ourselves to one another, rather let us endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Let the bond of peace and love for one another be the only bonds we allow to tie us to one another. Leadership - let there be peace between us. Each one of us is vital and important just as both a father and a mother are important. Let us each esteem the other more highly than ourselves.
All of God's leadership will see themselves and the role they play in the lives of God's people in a different light. In the end, nothing will remain that has been designed, planned,  or built by man. Every practice, tradition, custom, habit we have will be thoroughly examined and that which the Holy Spirit prunes from our existence will be discarded, thrown out! Hallelujah! Everything will under go a revamping, a renewing. Amen. In the natural realm, computer manufacturers, automobile designers, etc. are constantly redesigning their product in order to keep up with new technology (new knowledge and understanding) that becomes available. As wisdom and revelation is released to the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, we should also be constantly adjusting who we are and what we do. Because we are maturing. There are many things a five year old can do that an infant cannot. Likewise, there are many things a ten year old has learned that a five year old doesn't know. And onward to adulthood. This is an exciting process! It should thrill us. But too many churches are clinging to the revelation they've learned as toddlers, refusing to learn any more, rejecting the very knowledge they need to mature because they've accepted doctrines of devils or because they are still fleshly and carnal in their walk or both. They often refuse anything that seems to contradict their doctrines when what is being contradicted is their understanding because it is immature. Believe me, immature children cannot handle the knowledge and understanding adults can posses. It must be handled line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, till the fruit of it manifests into full blown maturity. But mature, sound doctrine must be swallowed and not rejected or it will do no good. I have found that in every denominational church, there is a steadfast refusal to allow the Holy Spirit to breath on them, to usher them into a greater place of maturity, to recieve any knowledge that their denomination does not approve of. Their growth process is stunted and withered because they are following men, the leaders of their denominatin rather then Christ himself who leads through his Spirit and because they will not allow apostolic and prophetic ministry, the means by which God has chosen to grow up his people. See Ephesians 2:20. I will not at this time try to defend the fact that apostles and prophets still exist today and are a gift from God to his people. I am aware of the devil's doctrine that they died out after Paul. But if you wish, and enough readers request it, I will expound on this in a future blog. I suspect however, those who read my blog do not need convincing of this. Excelsior!

to be continued...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part twelve

I would like to say that the decision to leave a church should be made by mature saints but unfortunately, most pastors keep their flock in a state of immaturity. Maybe it's because they themselves are immature. Remember Paul's frustration in Hebrews 5? Should a child remain in a family where their needs aren't being met and they aren't being properly prepared for and guided into adulthood? Should a wife remain in an abusive relationship? Yet often she will, believing she has no where else to go. Saints, never put up with spiritual abuse from your pastor and leadership for it is just as deadly, just as harmful in the long run, as physical abuse.
Make no mistake though, there is a difference between the Holy Spirit compelling you to leave a fellowship and your flesh or the maturing process making you uncomfortable so you find a fault or an excuse to leave. The truth is, you can't leave the Body of Christ. You can choose not to fellowship with a certain group of people but dear one, this doesn't mean you are no longer a christian. Do you cease to be an American when you travel to another land? Of course not. Your citizenship remains the same. You belong to the household of faith. You are a christian wherever you are, whomever you are with. Certainly we all need to remain in fellowship with other saints but it must be a healthy relationship where the love and Spirit of God is flowing freely back and forth between us.
The emphasis, once again, should be, what spirit are you of? Is it the Holy Spirit leading you or a spirit of rebellion? How will you know the difference? It takes intimacy and maturity and many of us are in a state of immaturity but the Holy Spirit will never abandon you, no matter what condition you are in, if you sincerely desire the truth and freedom he will not fail you but will lead you to safety. I have faith for you. I see and believe for the day, the glorious day, when we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, the day of the perfect man (Adam) once again, even unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. I see this day and I groan for it as does all creation. Oh we see in part, we know in part, truly the Bible can only be revealed to us in glimpses because if we saw him in the fullness of his glory at this time, in our condition, we would be overcome, overwhelmed. Often he must come to us in disguise. We see through a glass darkly, for our own protection. Who can look directly at the sun without songlasses?

to be continued.......

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part eleven

Here we are referring to your heart's condition. What spirit are you of? Is it one of rebellion or submission to the Holy Spirit? The key is to always follow him, wherever he leads. By all means, obey him if He is leading you out of Bondage and into Freedom but do not mistake a spirit of rebellion against the sometimes painful maturing process you must go through within a church family, as freedom. The point is - are you maturing? A good way to tell the difference is this - in bondage, you are sitting there, year after year, chained to a pew, slowly dying in your prison cell. In a proper setting, you are growing, living, changing for the better. If you are at the same level of maturity after attending a church for several years - check yourself and your church. One of the two is the problem. Are you intimate? Intimacy with other saints in a local assemblage will expose our weaknesses and wounds as well as our strengths. This will lead us down the path to healing and maturity.
But if the Holy Spirit leads you to leave a fellowship, do not believe you are alone. Do not believe your church is the only oasis in the desert of life and you will die in the wilderness of the world if you leave. Many pastors are jailors who keep their congregations in religious bondage all the while holding the keys to freedom, to death, hell and the grave. They do not enter in and the prevent others from doing so and they often use fear to keep you in line. Toe the party line as they say! Any dissention in the ranks, any disagreement with party doctrine is often met harshly. And they often curse those who leave them, telling them they will go to hell if they don't continue to attend their church, though their church has nothing to do with the kingdom of God on earth.
Many of these pastor/jailors will be like the jailor in the book of Acts, who, when the power of God showed up to set Paul and Silas free, was saved along with his whole house (church). Let us continue to believe and pray for all churches in religious bondage. Do not give up on them.
Christian, you do not forfeit your salvation or right standing with God by following HIM to the uttermost parts of the earth. Your identity is found in Christ. You are not a Baptist, Charismatic, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, etc. You are a Christian. Who you fellowship with or don't fellowship with doesn't affect this eternal fact. Trust me. If God leads you out of a fellowship it is usually because He knows you are not being properly cared for and greater blessings and maturity lie elsewhere and He will guide you into them.
God is raising up shepherds after his own heart. Shepherds who are uncorrupted guides who will attend to the sheep of his pasture, to his bride, without raping or abusing her in any way. Shepherds who know their solitary goal is to see her prepared for the Bride Groom, mature, without spot (not too young) or blemish (not too old) but ready to be joined with her promised betrothed in one final act of Holy matrimony, forever. Praise God!

to be continued...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part ten

And the question Jesus asked at the pool of Bethesda remains today. Will you be made whole? Will you, spiritually sick, lame, blind christian, will you be made whole? You may have been lying in your sick bed (church, denomination) for 38 years, will you rise, take up your bed and walk? Will you leave the comfort of your traditions? Will you allow Jesus (The Lord Saves) to touch you in such a way (through his word, by his Spirit) as to cause spiritual energy and strength to become imparted to you? On a daily basis? Will you allow the healing of your walk? Jesus would say to you today, right now at this very moment - rise up out of your bed of legalism, comfortable traditions, familiar experiences and walk!
Walk wherever he leads you, even into the unknown, Abraham. You cannot "come and follow Me" unless you will walk where I walk. Will you? Even forsake your denomination or church if they refuse to be made whole?
But where will I go? I've been taught that all other churches are spiritual wastelands and I've also been taught that I must be in fellowship with other saints and properly submitted to my covering in order to survive as a christian. Does not God know how to cover you? Will he deny you the fellowship of the saints? No. Just know and be sure you are hearing His voice, following the chief shepherd and another you will not follow. Always remember - your first and foremost covering will always be the blood of Jesus.  This will always be our ultimate protection and covering. There are two extremes to avoid - those who remain in a church to their own hurt and those who leave to their own hurt. But if you are led by the Holy Spirit to leave a congregation of people, he will give you the grace to see it through. It can be a very painful time. Do not leave with bitterness, anger or hate for your brethren or leadership. Do let love show you the truth. Sometimes forgiveness will mean sticking it out, staying and seeing it through till he leads you elsewhere. At other times God will clearly be leading you onward and upward to realms your church will never know. Sometimes he will lead you out of a church though they have done you no harm, rather you have reached a point of maturity beyond which they will not let you pass. Though at the time, the valley of decision can seem like you are being led backwards, down, not up to new realms but to get to that higher mountain on the otherside you must go through the valley first.

to be continued...

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part nine

Which brings us back to our main point - the answer for the man at the pool of Bethesda was a personal encounter with Jesus. Our very existence as born-again christians begins this way and it must continue this way. There is no other way. He chooses now to meet with us by His Spirit (how much more intimate!). Our gatherings should be continueing encounters with Jesus for each of us personally and collectively, encounters with the deposit of Christ within each of us. Whenever two or three are gathered together in my name, meaning we are married to him, there am I in the midst of them. He is there in the midst of us, to meet with us, to fellowship with us. If our gathering together is an encounter with our pastor or spiritual elder only, what a shame because Jesus is then limited to that one man to meet the needs of an entire congregation of people.
Praise God that the pastor is a protector, a watchman and many other things but he is only what he is as the Spirit of God enables him to be so. This means a total yielding to the Holy Spirit to be effective. Then and only then can the leadership be to the people the blessing God meant for them to be because then the leadership is one with the people in Spirit, making a perfect whole - one in God's sight. One in love for God and each other. Then, as one (not leadership and laymen), we can properly submit to and receive from one another because then we are properly submitted to and receiving from God, together.
The pastor is no longer a professional christian while I am an amateur but we are both one in Christ with love binding us together and his role of blessing me flows out of Christ's love for me and I am accepted in the Beloved. Amen.
Leadership then is to be more mature in love. Rebellion usually comes when leadership is not leading as Christ did - by loving people more than himself, by loving them by knowing them personally, heart to heart. Not by making people fit into a tradition or any system of contact that talks and teaches the Word but does not touch and love the people, does not do the Word. The same is true in natural families where children, usually as teen-agers, rebel. If love isn't flowing properly in the family, the children will usually rebel or die from lack of love.

to be continued...

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...