Thursday, May 31, 2012

I lost my way
through darkened days
wandering, stumbling, nothing to say

Didn't know if love was real          or not
I can't conceal what I haven't got
but it sounded like something worth living for
yet no message in a bottle ever found my shore
But because my heart was longing,
because I hurt so much,
Love came and found me
and offered me his touch.
His nail scarred hand told me he too knew of pain
How wonderful it was when he first spoke my name,
when he first held me in his embrace
as his tears soaked my hair
as they fell off his face....

and I finally knew a Father's care
and my thirsty soul was satisfied and filled up
and I knew I'd never be alone again
for my search for love had come to an end

Thank you Jesus for being my friend
my feeble heart is yours to mend

if you can make use of me than please do
all I want is to please you.......

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Fourth Watch

Deep in the night
when the world's fast asleep
Who will arise
for the fourth watch to keep?
The world is asleep, spiritually
they've slumbered a long time
Who is alert and awake to see
the wonders he sends and the signs?
Events that capture the world's attention
are often used by his loving intervention.
God's prophets are speaking still
revealing to all who will listen - his will.
A sign without an interpretation
is like a party with no invitations.
A wonder that no one sees
is like a treasure that remains buried.
This generation is blind
because their eyes are closed
because they're asleep.
Unless they're awakened
their souls won't be reaped
but instead will be taken
by our enemy.
We need the voice of the groom
to arouse the bride,
For very, very soon,
she'll be swept by the tide
of his Spirit, flowing back again
to the One who deeply loves women and men...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What can I share with you that wouldn't be a waste of your time and mine?
What could I write with these few words that might be worthy to opine?
With the billions of words generated daily in this world -
will my few stand the test of time?
Only and if their genesis is beyond the realm of human ken,
would they be worthy of your attention.
As he did of old, the Holy Spirit can mold
and shape these words in my heart.
That when they arrive on this page they're alive
and life to you they'll impart.
So my job then
is to put paper to pen
but only when
overshadows me
consumes      me
nudges and moves   me
So i wait           patiently...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I was asked "What do you do for a living"?
I replied "I follow Jesus Christ"
For that's the only way to truly live, right?
I don't work just to earn money or things,
why do that for what God is providing?
My work is to do the will of he who sent me.
Obedience to him with every breath i breathe
is my destiny, my heart's desire, who I want to be.
As I focus on his kingdom
all I need on this earth will come
Food and clothes? Hey, our Father knows!
Isn't he a good provider?
Has he ever failed you yet?
Would you call him a liar?
How could you forget?
All he has to do     to remember you
is look at his hands
Oh, he cares for you as only he can
Like a mother cares for her newborn child -
His love is so tender and mild.
Think of the detail he put into a single wild flower
then, that he knows how many hairs are on your head -
what he could do with all that power!
But he chooses to watch you fall asleep in bed.
He created the whole world just to have a place to fellowship with us,
so, then, why can't you trust?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The nice thing about God's love is that we can have flaws. We can make mistakes. We can be honest with Him and real. We don't have to be fakes, pretending we're all set, no, as Smitty put it - we don't have to be "picture perfect".
Of course we try to do our best to do what is right;
but if you fail the test don't get uptight
For he took all our failures, and weaknesses (sins)
and the Father laid everyone of them upon Him
Jesus died because he knew
the truth about me and you -
We're frail vessels of clay
with hearts that easily stray
Unable to make it day by day
without falling in some way...

"My Grace is sufficient for thee. Where sin abounds, Grace abounds more abundantly.
I won't fail you, don't you fail to come to Me, when you're weak with no integrity".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be brave, little one, in the face of your fears
Always remember the Lord is near
His angels watch over you all through the night
Brushing away your tears and your frights
So don't be afraid of the darkness around
Don't be afraid of every strange sound
Jesus will always keep you safe from harm
As you snuggle in bed all cozy and warm
He's holding you close in his loving arms
And daddy and mommy are also close by
And if in the night we hear your cry
We'll quickly rush in to be by your side
So hush little one and fall fast asleep
You're safe in God's love and your soul he keeps

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blandishments and aggrandisements,
salutations and advertisements,
In print and on screen,
on radio and in magazines -
we're forever bombarding
ourselves with communications
of the highest disorder
jumbled together without borders
Meant to subtract, amidst the cacaphony of hollers
our congregation of almighty dollars.
It's mind-numbing to say the least
To sit and watch the one-eyed beast
It's yelps and shouts and never ending pleas
meant to seduce and entice and tease
are enough to make the strongest man weak-kneed.
Yet most never entertain the thought -
Slay the beast! Turn it off!
They keep it on even as background noise,
never ceasing to subject themselves to Babylon's voice.
Reading's becoming a lost art
The outdoors seen only on a screen
We've lost the ability to chart
our lives back to reality
Instead accepting someone else's version of what our world should be.
We spend our lives trying to be entertained
reducing to mush our magnificent brains
Submitting ourselves to everlasting chains
to our eternal shame.....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We try our best to avoid
trials and tribulations,
ungodly salutations,
choices we'd rather another make,
uncomfortable situations,
people we're offended with
or who are offended with us.
We'd rather life be neat and tidy
with very little fuss.
Yet hardships we encounter each day
are often sent by God our way
and are meant to form Christ inside
and break in us all forms of pride.
Often all we must endure
will cause our faith to become pure
and will build godly character in me and you
that we may walk in spirit and in truth
Nothing can really harm us
or conquer us unless
we fail to bring it to God and confess.
He is our strong, high tower
rising above as our enemies cower -
Our ever present help in trouble.
It is by his might and power
that we learn to be overcomers.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...