Friday, November 29, 2024

Oh My people  - do not regret the Cross  - do not regret what you've lost  - in material wealth  -  in friendship with the world  - in joy, in sorrow, for all that you do, all that you go through,  is worth every tear  -  just to have Me near.

I am your reward and your inheritance  - and you are My portion,  like the Levites, you shall ever stand before Me  - ministering to Me with the love you carry in your hearts for Me.

Perfection is found when you gaze upon Me, without blinking  - I complete you  - I will finish the good work I've begun that is you  - I will not fall short in any task necessary to restore your soul  - I will not rest till you've been made whole  - a worthy Bride to dwell at My side  - ruling and reigning with Me for all eternity. 

You please Me, My child. Do not let doubt and fear rob you of the joy of having Me near. Live for Me for I died for you  - but oh what I've gained through My death and ressurection! I've gained you! And this pleases Me no end! I'LL never stop loving you,  frail one. Be strong in Me, in My power and might, for I am strong in you  - in your weakness   - Do not despise or regret the process  - all that is not of Me must decay  - must die, so let Me kill it in you now, (so) that you will not join the decaying ones later  - let the dead bury their dead, in the grave of uncertainty and doubt and unbelief,  but you  - precious one  - you rise up with eagle's wings to observe your God in all His majesty  - And your breath shall return  to Me, along with your soul  - when you breathe out your last breath in the flesh, you'll breathe in your first breath in Heaven  - yes! Just that quick! In the twinkling of an eye  - you'll put off mortality  and put on immortality...

Can you see it? Can you taste it? Follow the fragrance of My Presence  - if you smell Me not - do not receive for there are many who claim to be of Me but are of the synagogue of Satan - honoring him while despising My presence.  Come away My beloved,  come away with Me. Come to the wilderness where we can know intimacy.....

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Yes there's One who cares for He said
I know how many hairs are on youŕ head,
And I notice when a sparrow 
falls to the ground and dies
and I've counted every tear
thatsfallen from your eyes,
for you're much more worthy than birds
to receive My love, of which you've heard,
though you may feel as if I'm not near,
know that unlike men, My love is sincere
and My desire is to bring you here
where I am , in eternity,
to the place that I've prepared for 
The Paradise where I've always desired you to be....
And join Me you will  -
For nothing on earth, or below, 
or in the Heaven's above  
can take you from Me, My love.
Who can defeat My plans for for you?
What darkness can overcome what is true?
Who is mightier than I?
Who can destroy the apple of My eye?
Oh fear not, for your life is in My hands!
I will not deviate from My plans!
Relax and be at peace -
In My holiness,  in My Spirit, you'll be released
to do My will, not your own,
In this way, you'll succeed  - 
for it is My Will that you be free
to dwell forever with Me...
On My throne.... 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

 You can spend your time
 You can spend your days
 with people that add nothing
 of importance to your life in any way.
Sure they'll drink and laugh with you  -
 discuss the weather or a movie or two,
 or the latest hit song
 by the latest hit group
 but at the end of your days
 they did nothing of significance, 
 nothing to improve your stance
 with The God who wanted you -
 to want Him toi.

Waste your breaths  - go ahead, do  -
 but remember  - you've only so many granted you
 and when they're through
  you'll wish you'd sought wisdom 
  from those I sent to you....

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 There is a company that exists to provide a service.  This service is  - the transferring of wealth from one to another,  from anywhere on earth to anywhere else; and this company is named "Western Union".

Thus saith The Lord  -

   I am bringing a unity to My people in the West that they've never known before  - heretofore they've known primarily distraction from who I am and from My desires - but yea and amen  - NO MORE! Saith The Lord  - My people  -  those whose hearts belong to Me - will no longer be divided  - will no longer recognize man made labels and systems, will no longer bow the knees of their hearts to a spirit that divides them not unites  -

MY SPIRIT ALONE WILL COURSE THROUGH THEM  -  providing love and insight into My will and My ways. I alone will be their God and they shall not worship another. Unity shall be the hallmark of their gatherings, for this must come to pass ere I return.  I will only return for a pure and mature Bride whose agenda is only to pkease Me and unity pleases Me above all - ONE BODY, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE SPIRIT, ONE, ONE, ONE! One God and Father above all! 

This "Western Union" that's coming  - will usher in a great "transferal of wealth" for My people will no longer hoard revelation nor spend money only on themselves or their kind  - those THEY honor and recognize but (from) henceforth they will give as I lead them to, freely, to strangers,  orphans and widows, both spiritual and natural. Man-made boundaries will be obliterated by My mighty right hand  - for I do not recognize flesh. I am no respecter of persons  - after the flesh. I will not have My people give according to some fleshly agenda longer. You will share revelation and truth with all who will receive it  - the walls of your kingdoms you call "your church" will fall - that only My Church will remain. 

You will share the wealth  - by transferring what I've shared with you - to each other and by so doing you will fulfill the Law of Christ  - "love one another". Love is giving - giving is love - the two are mutually inclusive and cannot exist apart from each other. You unify    - not for your own personal gain but so you have someone to give of your own gain to. Your focus is not to bev on you or "your church" but on Me and "My Church", saith the Lord.  Happy is the man that heareth and doeth these sayings of Mine, saith The Lord. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

 My wife spent two years working with a handicapped young lady  - her time with her was nearing it's end. The girl played a song for her "You have made a difference" and she sent her this email: 

You have really made a difference in my live because every time I made you upset and not listing to you you always helped me and I will miss you next year why you are gone I am sorry for all the things I did.

Sheryl replied:
Now this is an email worth reading.  Thank you. My heart is to hrlp you and see you do great things. Even when you think I'm fussing and yelling at you, I'm just trying to get your attention refocused so you will do well. I will miss you very  uch, but will always be praying you do great. Because I love you. You are like my adopted daughter. 

As i write Sheryl's reply, I can't help but think what a clear expression of God's heart - it could be published as a prophecy "now this is a prayer worth hearing...." etc. It would touch the hearts of many, including my own. 

Luke 18:9  -  Spiritually Destitute
"Blessed are the ones who, in their self estimation of their moral and religious capabilities,  are beggars, knowing their spiritual desperation"

Thursday, November 14, 2024

 What if The Lord said to you  - "I'm going to give you untold wealth, riches beyond measure, but to get them you'll have to sit at My feet, learning from Me daily, for the next twenty years."
Could you do it? Much wisdom can only be cultivated through much time  - time spent in The Lord's presence.  It cannot be obtained any other way. It takes great patience to learn some lessons. This is why the old often ( but not always) have more wisdom than the young - not because they're smarter but simply because they've had more time to invest in the pursuit of wisdom.  They have experiential wisdom in spades. They've spent far more time in the Lord's presence  - They've embraced and welcomed the spirit of wisdom,  amen. Not that God can't put that spirit on a child, even at a very young age. Jesus was only 12 when he astonished the wise men in the Temple. That same child who told his parents "I must be about my Father's business" - years later went back to that same Temple and went about his Father's business   - i.e. cleansing the Temple of the money changers and those who had made religion into a business. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

    Unfortunately,  the vast majority of people you'll meet in life are unteachable - so they'll sit their whole lives in churches where they can appear to be teachable but they're pretending by listening to endless sermons, but never becoming "doers of the Word" - just hearers only. They're taught "obedience" by definition is  "keep coming back here, service after service, year after year" and "give your tithes and offerings" - These two things are all it takes to be considered "obedient" and "faithful" in most fellowships - yet they are a far cry from what the Father considers an obedient son (or daughter) to be. I've found, by the way, that often, the most unteachable of all are those in leadership. 

Apostle Chris 

Friday, November 8, 2024

      Sometimes,  some of us need to become "captives of Christ" - "slaves of righteousness"  - our wills completely broken and submitted to Him. There are times when we simply cannot repent, no matter how hard we try  - we cannot turn away from a besetting sin - we need deliverance.  We need to cry out  - Lord, set this captive free! For i cannot free myself! We're helpless but not hopeless.  We're bound. It's a "Stronghold" on our soul. We're gripped tight, stuck fast in the muck and mire of our sin. We cannot free ourselves. 

     Those of us in this kind of bondage  - must by faith (the substance of things hoped for) believe God can and will free us - no matter how many times we've tried to do so in our own will and strength  - and failed. Don't let guilt and shame crush you because you're a Christian  - a minister even - yet still caught in a particular sin. The fact is - you can't quit! You're in so deep you forgot which way is up. You're weak, so weak - admit it! Admit it to God! Admit it to wise counselors He's put in your path. Confess your faults - surrender to Him, who alone can free you from your chains, from your addictions and lusts, from your flesh. He alone can restore your soul but like a fine automobile- restoration can take time - sometimes a long time because there's been so much damage done to your soul.  The rebuilding process can take awhile.  The key is to stay submitted to the mighty right hand of God - stay in His presence.  Don't get off the operating table in the middle of the operation.  Remember  - all things are working together for your good. Remember too - Death is God's conquered servant.  Death is not our enemy, not anymore.  Life conquered death on the Cross. God uses death for His glory! He uses death to deliver us from evil. First  - we die to ourselves- to all in us that rebels against and hates God (sin) - then, after our souls die and are reborn in His image  - now in love with Him and His ways - our bodies follow. Our bodies follow where our hearts lead. Our bodies are the last part of us to die - then be remade in His image:  immortal,  eternal,  glorious forever! Our bodies will dwell forever wherever our hearts are.

Apostle Christopher 

Monday, November 4, 2024

 To Singles in the Body of Christ  -

"Thus saith The Lord  - your singleness of heart and devotion to Me are so pleasing to Me - you are no less important or useful to Me than My married servants.  You do not fall short in any way and I decree you are the equal of any married couple. Do not allow men to lowly esteem you for you are highly valued by Me  - you are single in flesh only for you are My bride, worthy of Me, called to abide IN Me and I IN you  - for does not this describe a marriage? 
Your Maker is your Husba - and you shall be fruitful and you shall multiply - let no man despise you saith The Lord.   I love you just as much as My married servants,  you are called according to My purpose - fitly loined together with those who have married to form a more perfect union. If you are led by Me to marry, know you will not fall short by doing so for your heart belonged to Me first - I am and always will be your first love - remain focused on Me and your spouse will follow and the two of you will be one, single before Me, and our delights will never end, saith The Lord ".

I woke up this morning with this word in my heart. The first words were literally my first conscious thoughts of the day - I jumped out of bed, grabbed pen and paper and the rest followed. Whether we are married in our flesh or not, we're all single before The Lord  - we're all engaged to Him - preparing ourselves to be His bride forever.  Single of heart and mind  - fixated on Him alone and not ourselves or any other god or man.
   Just as we are not to despise someone for their youth - so must we not belittle them for being single, or divorced, or female or any other fleshly consideration. 

Apostle Chris

Saturday, November 2, 2024

More Throne room Perspective

Radical change will take place inside the Throne Room - for the better of course. All for our good. We will no longer fellowship around words. It will be ok to go long stretches without anyone speaking at all. Sometimes,  when the Lord is present  - we are struck dumb by His majesty.  I was once at a Derek Prince meeting when the Lord HIMSELF appeared and walked right down the center aisle of the church,  back to front. The entire church,  hundreds of people,  all fell silent at the same time  - literally speechless! When He is present in this way - there is a holy fear: one dares not speak and many fell on their faces  - and we wait on Him to speak. So, in the future, when we meet in His Throne Room,  we will fellowship around His words, not our own. We will value and honor His words alone  - for they are spirit and they are life.

We will not fellowship around flesh, around one man, one man's ministry,  any longer. Jesus is far too great to be limited to one man or woman. I commit to you to speak only what I hear the Father saying,  no more, no less. If he gives me nothing, I'LL say nothing. He may give words to say to you, not I. He may want actions,  not words. 

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...