We want freedom and we want release
For all those in captivity
For all those who cannot see
For all those bound by religiosity
Freed minds and freed hearts
Free from petty, fleshly parts
From Anti-Christ ways and means
From wicked, ungodly scenes
From Pride, haughtiness, lifted over each other
Refusing to remain under Your Holy, Apostolic cover
Shame! Shame! Remove the stain!
Keep us from all who abuse Your Name,
Misuse Your Name,
Who do not Glorify
The One who dwells on High
Mercy! For Your Name’s sake
And the sake of all who call on You –
Bring us all back to Spirit and Truth
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Friday, July 30, 2010
“Look, the last thing the world needs is another morality play where everyone learns how to be good apart from Jesus, where man, relying only on himself, his own sense of right and wrong, neatly wraps up each story with “good” overcoming “evil”. Bah! No man is good. Neither can he ever be, apart from Jesus our Lord. The biggest affront to God and the quickest path to hell is not by being a blatant sinner, a murderer or rapist, etc. No, far worse to parade around as demi-gods, thinking we can decide and judge for ourselves what is “good” or what is “evil”, presenting ourselves as the only gods this world will ever need. Only Jesus and what is of Him is good and only He knows what is truly good or evil. Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil any longer. Eat rather from the tree of Life – Jesus Himself, for unless we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we have no part of Him. We are what we eat!”
Gen:2:17 3:6
“The devil has a PHD – Permanent Head Damage”
What a terrible thing to do –
to introduce this world to you
This world so full of hate and pain
Because our God they so disdain
But if you could see beyond the Veil
You’d hear quite a different tale
All your life and days on earth
Find their purpose and their worth
In pleasing God – His Will to serve
The only True way to live
Is to God your soul to give
This life will be absolutely nothing worthwhile
Lived in vain, empty trials
If you don’t submit, endure the test
Pick up your cross, daily confess
Your will laid down, your heart laid bare
The Hope of Christ found within you there
The Holy Spirit is like the air we breathe
We’re surrounded by Him – He never leaves
He is in us and we are in Him
Like the air on which we so depend
Without which our lives would end
Through Holy Spirit He daily sends
His seal, His promise, the earnest of our inheritance
Child – you can survive the worldly trials
Cleave close to Jesus, always child
Breathe the Holy Spirit now
And He’ll fill you and you He will endow
With the power to please Him and He’ll prepare you to spend
Eternity as His Bride, Amen.
Gen:2:17 3:6
“The devil has a PHD – Permanent Head Damage”
What a terrible thing to do –
to introduce this world to you
This world so full of hate and pain
Because our God they so disdain
But if you could see beyond the Veil
You’d hear quite a different tale
All your life and days on earth
Find their purpose and their worth
In pleasing God – His Will to serve
The only True way to live
Is to God your soul to give
This life will be absolutely nothing worthwhile
Lived in vain, empty trials
If you don’t submit, endure the test
Pick up your cross, daily confess
Your will laid down, your heart laid bare
The Hope of Christ found within you there
The Holy Spirit is like the air we breathe
We’re surrounded by Him – He never leaves
He is in us and we are in Him
Like the air on which we so depend
Without which our lives would end
Through Holy Spirit He daily sends
His seal, His promise, the earnest of our inheritance
Child – you can survive the worldly trials
Cleave close to Jesus, always child
Breathe the Holy Spirit now
And He’ll fill you and you He will endow
With the power to please Him and He’ll prepare you to spend
Eternity as His Bride, Amen.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sometimes to do what you must do
takes more than muscles and bones and sinew
It takes more strength than what is in you
You must have help – you can’t do it yourself
When you can humbly acknowledge this Truth
It is then God will come to your rescue
When Jesus was chosen and Jesus was sent –
Jesus got up and Jesus went
But He went not in His own power
He went not in His own might
But He went filled with and fully yielded to the Holy Spirit
Power and signs and wonders were known
Through the Spirit sent from God alone
And nothing’s changed – it’s the same today
So hear these words God has to say –
Hear this thought from God’s Holy Word,
It’s not by (mans) might, it’s not by (your) power,
It’s by My Spirit, says The Lord.
takes more than muscles and bones and sinew
It takes more strength than what is in you
You must have help – you can’t do it yourself
When you can humbly acknowledge this Truth
It is then God will come to your rescue
When Jesus was chosen and Jesus was sent –
Jesus got up and Jesus went
But He went not in His own power
He went not in His own might
But He went filled with and fully yielded to the Holy Spirit
Power and signs and wonders were known
Through the Spirit sent from God alone
And nothing’s changed – it’s the same today
So hear these words God has to say –
Hear this thought from God’s Holy Word,
It’s not by (mans) might, it’s not by (your) power,
It’s by My Spirit, says The Lord.
So many know the Word of the Lord
Yet do not know the Lord of the Word
So many think because they have
The Scriptures they’re going to Heaven
But the Scriptures are meant
To testify of Him the Father sent
So many in Hell will rot
Because He came to His own
And His own received Him not
So many seek honour from and give honour to men
That should be seeking for the honour only God can send
Greatly avoid this trap of religious pride
Of knowing the written word
But not the Word Himself inside
For many are they who stand in a pulpit and speak
And yet do not know Me
Says The Lord.
Are you a queen Vashti or a queen Esther? When your husband and king bids you to come, when He wants intimacy, do you refuse or will you come to Me? The result of queen Vashti’s refusal to obey her husband was banishment from his presence forever. When our God desires intimacy with you, when He desires fruit, do not be as the barren fig tree but be instant in season and out, be ready at all times to please Him. Do not miss the day of your visitation.
“Everything you’ve never seen or experienced lies just beyond where you always stop”
Yet do not know the Lord of the Word
So many think because they have
The Scriptures they’re going to Heaven
But the Scriptures are meant
To testify of Him the Father sent
So many in Hell will rot
Because He came to His own
And His own received Him not
So many seek honour from and give honour to men
That should be seeking for the honour only God can send
Greatly avoid this trap of religious pride
Of knowing the written word
But not the Word Himself inside
For many are they who stand in a pulpit and speak
And yet do not know Me
Says The Lord.
Are you a queen Vashti or a queen Esther? When your husband and king bids you to come, when He wants intimacy, do you refuse or will you come to Me? The result of queen Vashti’s refusal to obey her husband was banishment from his presence forever. When our God desires intimacy with you, when He desires fruit, do not be as the barren fig tree but be instant in season and out, be ready at all times to please Him. Do not miss the day of your visitation.
“Everything you’ve never seen or experienced lies just beyond where you always stop”
Monday, July 26, 2010
When we react from our flesh, we often make a mess
When we’re immature and not fully grown
It’s normal to need to be shown
How to maintain a relationship in the Spirit
And not walk after the flesh
Like the wind shields wiped clean by the wind shield wiper
Oh my fellow Saints, sometimes we have to change your diaper!
I’m offended because ___fill in the blank______
Respond with love (or you’ll stank)
Spiritually. How would love deal with you or me?
He’s patient. He’s kind. He often doesn’t mind.
He doesn’t remember wrongs but always strives to get along.
He hopes and believes all things will work out
and He doesn’t go off and pout
He forgives easily and quickly
And He’s soft and warm not cold and prickly
He’s not easily offended
But when He sees a tear in a relationship
He tries to get it mended
Our own sin is what we should contend with
Then our brother’s and sister’s won’t cause a rift
Then your unconditional love and forgiveness
Gives your fallen brother a lift
Ah what a gift!
Mat:5:46&47, 6:12,14&15
Without people to offend and hurt us, we can’t practice the unconditional love of God! So when satan attacks us, he unwittingly provides the means for his own demise. As Christians, we are like trees. When satan comes to shake our tree through trials and tribulations, the fruit of the Spirit falls off, love, joy, peace…. Really, we are all called to emulate Jesus, WE are to be bruised for one another’s iniquities, WE are to bear one another’s burdens (sins), we are to be wounded and yet show love in return. We should say to one another, I will never leave or forsake you. Nothing in Heaven or on earth can separate you from God’s love for you IN ME!
When we’re immature and not fully grown
It’s normal to need to be shown
How to maintain a relationship in the Spirit
And not walk after the flesh
Like the wind shields wiped clean by the wind shield wiper
Oh my fellow Saints, sometimes we have to change your diaper!
I’m offended because ___fill in the blank______
Respond with love (or you’ll stank)
Spiritually. How would love deal with you or me?
He’s patient. He’s kind. He often doesn’t mind.
He doesn’t remember wrongs but always strives to get along.
He hopes and believes all things will work out
and He doesn’t go off and pout
He forgives easily and quickly
And He’s soft and warm not cold and prickly
He’s not easily offended
But when He sees a tear in a relationship
He tries to get it mended
Our own sin is what we should contend with
Then our brother’s and sister’s won’t cause a rift
Then your unconditional love and forgiveness
Gives your fallen brother a lift
Ah what a gift!
Mat:5:46&47, 6:12,14&15
Without people to offend and hurt us, we can’t practice the unconditional love of God! So when satan attacks us, he unwittingly provides the means for his own demise. As Christians, we are like trees. When satan comes to shake our tree through trials and tribulations, the fruit of the Spirit falls off, love, joy, peace…. Really, we are all called to emulate Jesus, WE are to be bruised for one another’s iniquities, WE are to bear one another’s burdens (sins), we are to be wounded and yet show love in return. We should say to one another, I will never leave or forsake you. Nothing in Heaven or on earth can separate you from God’s love for you IN ME!
Friday, July 23, 2010
The baby grew within the womb
as intended by The Lord
A place of warmth and safety too
a place to be adored
A place to be fed and nourished
and prepared to meet the world
A place that God has chosen
to create each boy and girl
A place that has now become
by so many in our land
The greatest act of selfishness
of sinful, fallen man
For no other single act can describe
The horror that lives inside
When we choose to live our lives
By the will of the father of lies
When we reject Jesus and choose self
We make a covenant with death and Hell
(while actually thinking all is well)
that so corrupts and defiles our selfish hearts
that they can offer up their children to be torn apart
The blood of innocents’ cry is loud
Baal and Molech would be so proud
2 Chr:28:3
It’s a good thing Jesus wasn’t aborted. We should all cover our heads in dust, mourn in sackcloth and ashes for the horrible sin of abortion. Our country, the USA, now has the distinction of having murdered more of it’s own children than any other nation in the history of mankind…and yet we call ourselves a “Christian” nation!
Show them you love them
Show them you care
Show them you miss them
When they are not there
But do not withdraw your love
If they withdraw theirs
But love them no matter what they do
Whether or not they love you
If they leave – let them go in peace
Like the prodigal son, give them their release
Wrong or right – they are precious in God’s sight
“Too much Religion will vaccinate you against the Truth”
as intended by The Lord
A place of warmth and safety too
a place to be adored
A place to be fed and nourished
and prepared to meet the world
A place that God has chosen
to create each boy and girl
A place that has now become
by so many in our land
The greatest act of selfishness
of sinful, fallen man
For no other single act can describe
The horror that lives inside
When we choose to live our lives
By the will of the father of lies
When we reject Jesus and choose self
We make a covenant with death and Hell
(while actually thinking all is well)
that so corrupts and defiles our selfish hearts
that they can offer up their children to be torn apart
The blood of innocents’ cry is loud
Baal and Molech would be so proud
2 Chr:28:3
It’s a good thing Jesus wasn’t aborted. We should all cover our heads in dust, mourn in sackcloth and ashes for the horrible sin of abortion. Our country, the USA, now has the distinction of having murdered more of it’s own children than any other nation in the history of mankind…and yet we call ourselves a “Christian” nation!
Show them you love them
Show them you care
Show them you miss them
When they are not there
But do not withdraw your love
If they withdraw theirs
But love them no matter what they do
Whether or not they love you
If they leave – let them go in peace
Like the prodigal son, give them their release
Wrong or right – they are precious in God’s sight
“Too much Religion will vaccinate you against the Truth”
You can rage, you can rail
You can weep, you can wail
But against the hardness of the human heart you will not prevail
If the love of the God of Grace
Cannot pierce their veil of hate
and self
Do you think you can keep them from Hell?
Many who claim to follow Christ
will turn away
when they will not receive what He has to say
When they choose to hear but not obey
Because of sin
Many can’t within
Forgive from their hearts,
the hate they impart
But where sin abounds
Grace does much more
So please let Love
Pierce you to your core
You can weep, you can wail
But against the hardness of the human heart you will not prevail
If the love of the God of Grace
Cannot pierce their veil of hate
and self
Do you think you can keep them from Hell?
Many who claim to follow Christ
will turn away
when they will not receive what He has to say
When they choose to hear but not obey
Because of sin
Many can’t within
Forgive from their hearts,
the hate they impart
But where sin abounds
Grace does much more
So please let Love
Pierce you to your core
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Psalm 147
When you’re poor and the light bulbs burn out – you don’t replace them
When you’re poor and you go to a church full of the rich –
It’s hard to face them.
You eat noodles and baloney and whatever else is cheap
And you long for the days when you used to be able to eat
Chicken and fish and steaks – now all you eat is mistakes
When you’re poor you don’t like to answer the phone
Instead you pretend nobody’s home
(it might be them bill collectors strippin’ you to the bone)
When you’re poor it humbles you –
You just can’t afford to be arrogant and proud
You have to pray to The Lord out loud
For just a scrap to eat,
Clothes on your back, shoes on your feet
You have to cry out from the depths of your being
Not just mouth an empty prayer
That comes from a heart that’s unbelieving
When you’re poor the Lord is not your last resort but your first
He is the One who fills your hunger and thirst
And you know Him as the God of all comfort
Your Saviour, the One who hears your cry
The Only One on whom you can rely.
1 Joh:1:7
When you’re poor and you go to a church full of the rich –
It’s hard to face them.
You eat noodles and baloney and whatever else is cheap
And you long for the days when you used to be able to eat
Chicken and fish and steaks – now all you eat is mistakes
When you’re poor you don’t like to answer the phone
Instead you pretend nobody’s home
(it might be them bill collectors strippin’ you to the bone)
When you’re poor it humbles you –
You just can’t afford to be arrogant and proud
You have to pray to The Lord out loud
For just a scrap to eat,
Clothes on your back, shoes on your feet
You have to cry out from the depths of your being
Not just mouth an empty prayer
That comes from a heart that’s unbelieving
When you’re poor the Lord is not your last resort but your first
He is the One who fills your hunger and thirst
And you know Him as the God of all comfort
Your Saviour, the One who hears your cry
The Only One on whom you can rely.
1 Joh:1:7
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Do not receive against your brother
gossip, slander or accusations
For him you should receive
only godly salutations
If someone tries to tell you lies
Do not give them heed
Even if their words are true
They can still be ungodly seeds
For if a brother’s fallen
You should go to him not another
Do bring correction, if needed
In love, or don’t bother
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less”
Our hearts beat as one for You
Here as we’ve come for You
For You for You For You
You are why we’re here
why our hearts are clear
You are who we seek
It’s for You that our hearts beat
Oh Jesus, we can’t worship You and have hate for our brother
Any stains on our hearts will affect our corporate worship
As well as our personal time of consecration and adoration
Oh we take our son ship seriously Lord
We want to walk upright and clean before You
The heart of David we want to be restored to
Let nothing come between us
From sin You have redeemed us
You have highly esteemed us
And taught us how to love
Like You love us from above
Let us love each other below
And make our heart’s whole
Clean and pure our hearts must be
Then oh Lord Your face we’ll see
gossip, slander or accusations
For him you should receive
only godly salutations
If someone tries to tell you lies
Do not give them heed
Even if their words are true
They can still be ungodly seeds
For if a brother’s fallen
You should go to him not another
Do bring correction, if needed
In love, or don’t bother
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less”
Our hearts beat as one for You
Here as we’ve come for You
For You for You For You
You are why we’re here
why our hearts are clear
You are who we seek
It’s for You that our hearts beat
Oh Jesus, we can’t worship You and have hate for our brother
Any stains on our hearts will affect our corporate worship
As well as our personal time of consecration and adoration
Oh we take our son ship seriously Lord
We want to walk upright and clean before You
The heart of David we want to be restored to
Let nothing come between us
From sin You have redeemed us
You have highly esteemed us
And taught us how to love
Like You love us from above
Let us love each other below
And make our heart’s whole
Clean and pure our hearts must be
Then oh Lord Your face we’ll see
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Behold He comes
Riding on the clouds
Hear the trumpet’s call
Hear it blowing loud
On the great white Horse
The sword at His side
And in His mouth draws nigh,
Faithful and True
He answers our heart’s cries!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
On His clothes and on His thigh (Rev:19:16)
With eyes of flaming fire
Coming with great desire
To set His people free
To avenge the Bride to be
Who alone belongs to Him, cleansed of every sin,
And rescue every soul
Written on the scroll
As He takes His people home
Where His Glory will always be known
Riding on the clouds
Hear the trumpet’s call
Hear it blowing loud
On the great white Horse
The sword at His side
And in His mouth draws nigh,
Faithful and True
He answers our heart’s cries!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
On His clothes and on His thigh (Rev:19:16)
With eyes of flaming fire
Coming with great desire
To set His people free
To avenge the Bride to be
Who alone belongs to Him, cleansed of every sin,
And rescue every soul
Written on the scroll
As He takes His people home
Where His Glory will always be known
Monday, July 19, 2010
Your hardened hearts
are not able to prevent
what God is doing in the earth today.
Sooner or later all of you will hear
what it is God has to say
Sooner or later all your knees will bow
and your tongues confess –
The Lord (Jesus) is our Righteousness!
The enemies’ plans
The rebellion of man
Neither one will be able to withstand
The Righteous indignation
And cup of God’s wrath
About to be poured out
On this world at last
are not able to prevent
what God is doing in the earth today.
Sooner or later all of you will hear
what it is God has to say
Sooner or later all your knees will bow
and your tongues confess –
The Lord (Jesus) is our Righteousness!
The enemies’ plans
The rebellion of man
Neither one will be able to withstand
The Righteous indignation
And cup of God’s wrath
About to be poured out
On this world at last
Lord show me Your prophets who’ve not bowed the knee
Let’s find their caves, let’s set them free
Jezebel’s defeated – You’ve won the victory!
Now bring forth Your prophets who are cowering.
May they speak boldly, may they prophecy
and not hold their tongues while the enemy lies
May Your voice ring forth with Glory and Power
and drown out the enemy’s voice in this hour.
Come forth oh you prophets, come out of your caves!
The Lord is your shield and you He will save!
Come forth and speak to the dry, dusty bones
All that’s left from Religion are these lifeless clones
Religion brings death, division and hate
But these bones shall live – Your judgment won’t wait
Your people will rise out of religious constraints
To greet You in the air – a mighty army of saints now
Satan, Jezebel, whatever your name
We will rise victorious to your eternal shame
Ha! Ha! Devil – you are nearing your demise
We will never stop hearing your tormented cries
He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh at His enemies
He shall hold them in derision as they turn and they flee
We too, laugh devil, knowing of your fate
You’ve defied the Church of the living God – your judgment will not wait!
Ha! Ha! Devil – we laugh in your face!
Ha! Ha! Devil – we put you in your place!
Ha! Ha! Devil – you are a disgrace!
We run you from this place!
Your defeat is what we taste!
Eze:37:5 Rev:19:11
Abram became Abraham. What’s the difference? HA! So whenever the devil told childless Abraham, you’ll never have any children, you? Father of many nations? HA!
AbraHAm replied – HA! HA! HA! devil, you are a disgrace!
I am called by the Most High God to bless the human race!
You devil are destined to fade away without a trace!
While I will forever inhabit your former place,
Forever I will abide with my God face to face!
“He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision”
Lord, I want to be free so I can set others free
I want a clear understanding of who I’m called to be
I want others to benefit
From the fruit of our relationship
So I won’t quit
till You’ve had Your way
completely with me today
so many will You touch
from us will become much
for Your great Name’s sake
so many will recline
at Your banqueting table they will dine
their soul’s deepest aches
will be quenched as they partake
of the Love Feast You’ve prepared
where their every need and care
is met by You and I
together side by side
becoming just like You
means for others I will die
Let’s find their caves, let’s set them free
Jezebel’s defeated – You’ve won the victory!
Now bring forth Your prophets who are cowering.
May they speak boldly, may they prophecy
and not hold their tongues while the enemy lies
May Your voice ring forth with Glory and Power
and drown out the enemy’s voice in this hour.
Come forth oh you prophets, come out of your caves!
The Lord is your shield and you He will save!
Come forth and speak to the dry, dusty bones
All that’s left from Religion are these lifeless clones
Religion brings death, division and hate
But these bones shall live – Your judgment won’t wait
Your people will rise out of religious constraints
To greet You in the air – a mighty army of saints now
Satan, Jezebel, whatever your name
We will rise victorious to your eternal shame
Ha! Ha! Devil – you are nearing your demise
We will never stop hearing your tormented cries
He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh at His enemies
He shall hold them in derision as they turn and they flee
We too, laugh devil, knowing of your fate
You’ve defied the Church of the living God – your judgment will not wait!
Ha! Ha! Devil – we laugh in your face!
Ha! Ha! Devil – we put you in your place!
Ha! Ha! Devil – you are a disgrace!
We run you from this place!
Your defeat is what we taste!
Eze:37:5 Rev:19:11
Abram became Abraham. What’s the difference? HA! So whenever the devil told childless Abraham, you’ll never have any children, you? Father of many nations? HA!
AbraHAm replied – HA! HA! HA! devil, you are a disgrace!
I am called by the Most High God to bless the human race!
You devil are destined to fade away without a trace!
While I will forever inhabit your former place,
Forever I will abide with my God face to face!
“He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision”
Lord, I want to be free so I can set others free
I want a clear understanding of who I’m called to be
I want others to benefit
From the fruit of our relationship
So I won’t quit
till You’ve had Your way
completely with me today
so many will You touch
from us will become much
for Your great Name’s sake
so many will recline
at Your banqueting table they will dine
their soul’s deepest aches
will be quenched as they partake
of the Love Feast You’ve prepared
where their every need and care
is met by You and I
together side by side
becoming just like You
means for others I will die
Saturday, July 17, 2010
These are the days of Jeremiah
Babylon’s judgment is written
The Lord will exalt the humble
The proud will all be smitten
The Spirit of God is rising in Judgment
The Day of Vengeance is here
No man can stand in His Presence
All men will be taught to fear
He’s returning in the clouds – He’s humbling the proud
He’s lifting up the humble – drawing us to His side
He’s exposing what is hidden, revealing the hearts of men
From the judgments that are written
The Judge of the whole earth will send
His Holy Angels, His Holy Apostles and Prophets too
And we will enforce His perfect Will
The Proud will all be brought low until
The Saints of the living God alone
Rise up by Divine invitation to His Holy Throne
and there find themselves an Eternal Home
prepared for those whom God has known,
intimately known
Oh adoring, oh loving God, our husband
The only true and wise God
Always resisting the proud but persisting in love for the humble
The only non-created being
All knowing, all seeing
Wanting only our good
Forever with You
Life will be as it should
Babylon’s judgment is written
The Lord will exalt the humble
The proud will all be smitten
The Spirit of God is rising in Judgment
The Day of Vengeance is here
No man can stand in His Presence
All men will be taught to fear
He’s returning in the clouds – He’s humbling the proud
He’s lifting up the humble – drawing us to His side
He’s exposing what is hidden, revealing the hearts of men
From the judgments that are written
The Judge of the whole earth will send
His Holy Angels, His Holy Apostles and Prophets too
And we will enforce His perfect Will
The Proud will all be brought low until
The Saints of the living God alone
Rise up by Divine invitation to His Holy Throne
and there find themselves an Eternal Home
prepared for those whom God has known,
intimately known
Oh adoring, oh loving God, our husband
The only true and wise God
Always resisting the proud but persisting in love for the humble
The only non-created being
All knowing, all seeing
Wanting only our good
Forever with You
Life will be as it should
Friday, July 16, 2010
I was born in the heart of God
before the dawn of time
In Him I have always been
I am His and He is mine
And I have always been on His mind
We’ll be together, forever and ever
I am precious in His sight
I am Jewish, I am Greek
I am Red and Black and Yellow and White
I am Mighty and I am meek
I am the Bride of Christ
I am man and I am woman
I come from every nation
This world is not my final destination
but simply a stage He’s using to reveal me
No longer will my flesh conceal me
For I am full of Resurrection Life
All creation groans for the wonderful sight
That is I, the Bride of Christ
before the dawn of time
In Him I have always been
I am His and He is mine
And I have always been on His mind
We’ll be together, forever and ever
I am precious in His sight
I am Jewish, I am Greek
I am Red and Black and Yellow and White
I am Mighty and I am meek
I am the Bride of Christ
I am man and I am woman
I come from every nation
This world is not my final destination
but simply a stage He’s using to reveal me
No longer will my flesh conceal me
For I am full of Resurrection Life
All creation groans for the wonderful sight
That is I, the Bride of Christ
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Battle is engaged
The enemy is enraged
all that will come to be
has all been previously staged
The warfare must be waged
The lions will be uncaged
and all will know and all will see
who are His and the enemies’
The masks are coming off
The deceivers are being exposed
The doers do while the posers pose
For those who walk in the Light
those in darkness cannot abide
They will shine so bright
While satan’s own commit suicide
And when all is said
And when all is done
Those who are Righteous
Will shine as the Sun
Forever and ever
In the presence of
The Holy One
The enemy is enraged
all that will come to be
has all been previously staged
The warfare must be waged
The lions will be uncaged
and all will know and all will see
who are His and the enemies’
The masks are coming off
The deceivers are being exposed
The doers do while the posers pose
For those who walk in the Light
those in darkness cannot abide
They will shine so bright
While satan’s own commit suicide
And when all is said
And when all is done
Those who are Righteous
Will shine as the Sun
Forever and ever
In the presence of
The Holy One
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
There is no end
to what the minds of men
can comprehend
when it comes to evil –
There is no limit
to the capacity
for men to think up
evil things
Just as nothing can separate the Saints from the Love of God
So can nothing separate the wicked from their evil thoughts
God will soon separate all creation
from their filthy imaginations
all of their horrifying depravity
will soon be but a distant memory
Glean from His Garden
The sweet mercy of our Lord
He has never failed to make provision
For the lowly and the poor
You and I are poor and hungry
Naked and in need
But in the garden of our Lord
We lack for no good thing
to what the minds of men
can comprehend
when it comes to evil –
There is no limit
to the capacity
for men to think up
evil things
Just as nothing can separate the Saints from the Love of God
So can nothing separate the wicked from their evil thoughts
God will soon separate all creation
from their filthy imaginations
all of their horrifying depravity
will soon be but a distant memory
Glean from His Garden
The sweet mercy of our Lord
He has never failed to make provision
For the lowly and the poor
You and I are poor and hungry
Naked and in need
But in the garden of our Lord
We lack for no good thing
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Lord You, Lord You, choose us
Lord You, cleanse and sooth us
So Lord it would behove us
To turn to You not away
To learn to do and not just say
To find out what pleases You
Then as in a mirror remember who
Has bought us with His Blood
That even now He may flood
Our very hearts with the greatest Love
We can ever know, oh
So Holy Spirit teach my heart to stay
Oh Holy Spirit I don’t want to stray
I want my Father revealed to me
No longer concealed to me
That I might inhabit Eternity
With the One who set me free
Behold, Lord, I prepare a place for You
As my heart is Your throne
May my heart be Your home
That when this flesh has failed
On the Cross where they nailed
My Jesus, my Saviour
The changer of my behaviour
My Lord, my King, my offering
I’ll will, I’ll hope, I’ll sing and take wing
You cleanse, You Love, You renew
All who come to You
Lord You, cleanse and sooth us
So Lord it would behove us
To turn to You not away
To learn to do and not just say
To find out what pleases You
Then as in a mirror remember who
Has bought us with His Blood
That even now He may flood
Our very hearts with the greatest Love
We can ever know, oh
So Holy Spirit teach my heart to stay
Oh Holy Spirit I don’t want to stray
I want my Father revealed to me
No longer concealed to me
That I might inhabit Eternity
With the One who set me free
Behold, Lord, I prepare a place for You
As my heart is Your throne
May my heart be Your home
That when this flesh has failed
On the Cross where they nailed
My Jesus, my Saviour
The changer of my behaviour
My Lord, my King, my offering
I’ll will, I’ll hope, I’ll sing and take wing
You cleanse, You Love, You renew
All who come to You
Monday, July 12, 2010
If meetings are ever limited to me,
Lord, what a tragedy.
May You minister through the whole Body
Go way beyond me, Lord,
go way beyond me.
Don’t let me get in Your way
but use me to bless, today.
Don’t let this meeting be
in any way limited to me
Go way beyond my capacity
Lord, take me and divide me asunder
that You may do Miracles, signs and wonders.
Oh let me decrease as You increase
That Your Kingdom in me
May never cease
Oh release,
The fullness of You - not me.
1 Cor:14:26
The tragedy of so many meetings is that one person shares the whole time. If God is sharing through them, fine, but still, we must make time and space for all members of the Body to share the rich deposit of Glory embedded in them – everyone must be given a chance to share their hearts, to spread their wings and fly, to become who God has called them to be.
Lord, what a tragedy.
May You minister through the whole Body
Go way beyond me, Lord,
go way beyond me.
Don’t let me get in Your way
but use me to bless, today.
Don’t let this meeting be
in any way limited to me
Go way beyond my capacity
Lord, take me and divide me asunder
that You may do Miracles, signs and wonders.
Oh let me decrease as You increase
That Your Kingdom in me
May never cease
Oh release,
The fullness of You - not me.
1 Cor:14:26
The tragedy of so many meetings is that one person shares the whole time. If God is sharing through them, fine, but still, we must make time and space for all members of the Body to share the rich deposit of Glory embedded in them – everyone must be given a chance to share their hearts, to spread their wings and fly, to become who God has called them to be.
I’m tired of rehearsing in my heart
all the times I’ve failed or people have failed me,
Lord, this isn’t how I want to be
I Don’t want to use my mind
to stage a play that remembers all who are unkind
Cause really Lord, in light of You, in Your Presence
What man has done or what I’ve done that isn’t pleasant,
fades to white,
Righteousness, Peace and Joy become mine
Oh God, I won’t rehearse my failures
No more am I a loser but You’ve taken up my cause
For me You took pause left Your throne
that to me You would become known
All this life, all of it really
is a dress rehearsal for Eternity
When we breathe our last breath,
what will we find with our next –
Eternal life or Eternal death?
Are we properly dressed? In robes of Righteousness?
Are we flying in the midst of Heaven?
Are we found in His image and likeness?
Are we made ready for our marriage to the Lamb?
Are we one with the Great I Am?
Will we fall or will we stand?
I want my heart to be consumed with Your love
Not with the lack of love so prevalent here on earth
Lord, I don’t need You to move
No, I see -
Lord I need You to move me.
all the times I’ve failed or people have failed me,
Lord, this isn’t how I want to be
I Don’t want to use my mind
to stage a play that remembers all who are unkind
Cause really Lord, in light of You, in Your Presence
What man has done or what I’ve done that isn’t pleasant,
fades to white,
Righteousness, Peace and Joy become mine
Oh God, I won’t rehearse my failures
No more am I a loser but You’ve taken up my cause
For me You took pause left Your throne
that to me You would become known
All this life, all of it really
is a dress rehearsal for Eternity
When we breathe our last breath,
what will we find with our next –
Eternal life or Eternal death?
Are we properly dressed? In robes of Righteousness?
Are we flying in the midst of Heaven?
Are we found in His image and likeness?
Are we made ready for our marriage to the Lamb?
Are we one with the Great I Am?
Will we fall or will we stand?
I want my heart to be consumed with Your love
Not with the lack of love so prevalent here on earth
Lord, I don’t need You to move
No, I see -
Lord I need You to move me.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Start With Me
Lord, start with me
then set the other captives free
Don’t let me preach to those around
While I myself remain yet bound
Don’t let me speak of being loosed
while I am still caught in Satan’s noose
Don’t let me share about crucified flesh
While I am yet bound by sin and death
Saviour, start with me
though my flesh may disagree
though I don’t go happily
Jesus – start with me
Over my tongue give me Victory
Don’t let preaching to others be my goal
Yet in the end I lose my own soul
Oh no, Lord when You start –
Let it be with my very own heart
Oh God start with me
May I approach You humbly
For I am truly of low degree
Father, when I approach Your Throne
I don’t want to criticize
The mote in my brother’s eye
While there’s a beam in my own
Guard and keep me
Holy Spirit set me free
Apart from You
I can do nothing of consequence
Apart from Your Presence I can’t even repent
Finish me Lord, for I am Your highest Art
So finish what You began to start
That one day soon
No one will be able to tell us apart
May I speak only what I hear You say
In the secret place of my Most High God
May I make love to You
and evermore
may we explore
the only Love that’s True
Start with me…
Psalm 51
then set the other captives free
Don’t let me preach to those around
While I myself remain yet bound
Don’t let me speak of being loosed
while I am still caught in Satan’s noose
Don’t let me share about crucified flesh
While I am yet bound by sin and death
Saviour, start with me
though my flesh may disagree
though I don’t go happily
Jesus – start with me
Over my tongue give me Victory
Don’t let preaching to others be my goal
Yet in the end I lose my own soul
Oh no, Lord when You start –
Let it be with my very own heart
Oh God start with me
May I approach You humbly
For I am truly of low degree
Father, when I approach Your Throne
I don’t want to criticize
The mote in my brother’s eye
While there’s a beam in my own
Guard and keep me
Holy Spirit set me free
Apart from You
I can do nothing of consequence
Apart from Your Presence I can’t even repent
Finish me Lord, for I am Your highest Art
So finish what You began to start
That one day soon
No one will be able to tell us apart
May I speak only what I hear You say
In the secret place of my Most High God
May I make love to You
and evermore
may we explore
the only Love that’s True
Start with me…
Psalm 51
Friday, July 9, 2010
My God Your Love is inextinguishable
I plumb the depths – still I’ll never know
The end of Your Love poured out for me
Oh my God Thank You for Gethsemane
From there, Your humble Will led to Calvary
And God I know, no matter where I go
To Heaven above or to Hell below
There Your Love will find me
and deliver me completely
From all that opposes and resists You
My God, this is True –
For my sins I won’t be held liable
Your Love is unextinguishable, that’s undeniable!
Mat:6:13 26:42
One day soon, Church will no longer be known as “The Silence of the Lambs” but rather “It’s a Wonderful Life”. God is giving His House an “extreme makeover”!
I plumb the depths – still I’ll never know
The end of Your Love poured out for me
Oh my God Thank You for Gethsemane
From there, Your humble Will led to Calvary
And God I know, no matter where I go
To Heaven above or to Hell below
There Your Love will find me
and deliver me completely
From all that opposes and resists You
My God, this is True –
For my sins I won’t be held liable
Your Love is unextinguishable, that’s undeniable!
Mat:6:13 26:42
One day soon, Church will no longer be known as “The Silence of the Lambs” but rather “It’s a Wonderful Life”. God is giving His House an “extreme makeover”!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
O what raptured bliss
hath been born of my Lord’s Grace
that I might taste His kiss
when I meet Him face to face!
The Joy of this new Dawn
Surpasses all I’ve known
As into His arms I’m drawn
and there great wonders shown!
For want of my God’s presence sweet
I pant, I cry, I prostrate lie
For Him my heart doth leap and beat
For Him my immortal soul cries
And if I must from Him take pause
and in moments leave His side
I can bear this only just because
His Spirit with me abides
His Spirit daily guides
But oh how I long for
that moment when Time will cease
when I and the One I love and adore
Forever as one, enjoy love’s full release
hath been born of my Lord’s Grace
that I might taste His kiss
when I meet Him face to face!
The Joy of this new Dawn
Surpasses all I’ve known
As into His arms I’m drawn
and there great wonders shown!
For want of my God’s presence sweet
I pant, I cry, I prostrate lie
For Him my heart doth leap and beat
For Him my immortal soul cries
And if I must from Him take pause
and in moments leave His side
I can bear this only just because
His Spirit with me abides
His Spirit daily guides
But oh how I long for
that moment when Time will cease
when I and the One I love and adore
Forever as one, enjoy love’s full release
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
How deep and how wide
is the love You share with me inside
How wide and how deep
is the safe place where my soul You keep
How great and unsearchable
are the riches of Your love for me
Open the eyes of my understanding that I may see –
How You love me!
Father, as Your son I’m crying
with me may You be pleased
through me may captives be released
In every atom of every cell of my body
I find You Trinity
Each cell in our body is stamped with His undying love for us.
is the love You share with me inside
How wide and how deep
is the safe place where my soul You keep
How great and unsearchable
are the riches of Your love for me
Open the eyes of my understanding that I may see –
How You love me!
Father, as Your son I’m crying
with me may You be pleased
through me may captives be released
In every atom of every cell of my body
I find You Trinity
Each cell in our body is stamped with His undying love for us.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
While I was caught up in The Spirit, I looked and beheld a Mighty rushing river. I heard the Father say “this river represents My Spirit in the midst of My people”. As I looked and beheld this mighty, breath-taking River He said “do you know what man does when I flow freely in the midst of My people?” I said, no Lord, I don’t know and I looked and I beheld a great Dam, a massive Dam and He said “man dams up the flow of My Spirit. This Dam represents the “Religions of men”. He showed me that when man is in control, he dams up the flow of God’s Spirit, he redirects and redistributes the flow according to man’s purposes, man’s wisdom, man’s timing. He measures it out to the people in small amounts to keep the people weak and dependant on man. The Religious spirit is a very controlling spirit. God’s presence is only allowed as long as he (the religious spirit) is in control.
As I looked, I saw a tiny leak appear. The voice cried - That’s Toronto
Then I saw another leak – That’s Pensacola! Then another (Japan) and another (China) and another (Australia) till tiny leaks were rapidly springing up all over the Dam.
Then I saw a small crack appear. Then another and another. They began to grow larger and larger, more and more until eventually the whole Dam collapsed and immediately He said “AND GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF”. I knew these exact words were significant. I later found them in Mat:7:27, referring to the fall of the house built on sand, also representing Babylon.
I heard the Spirit say that for those who are longing for this Day, who are crying out for it, it will be a time of great rejoicing but for those who are trying to hold the Dam together even as it collapses around them it will be a dark and terrible Day, the Day of Judgment of our God. The Holy Spirit then warned me not to gloat over dead, dry, religious churches and denominations He is judging (judgment begins in the house of the Lord) but rather pray for them, cry out for them because even as their ministries collapse around them, like the jailor in the book of acts, many will turn and be saved, and their whole house (church).
For more on this revelation, see my book “Freedom from Babylon”. Remember, the Dam is hard. Religion hardens the human heart, God’s presence softens it. Let us all look forward to, and rejoice and pray for, the Glorious Day when God’s Spirit is freed once again to flow in the midst of His people, mightily.
More recently, a plane ran into a flock of birds and crash landed in the Hudson river. Not one person perished. God showed me this was a prophetic sign. The plane represented flight through the ability and wisdom of man. The birds represented true, God created flight. When they collided, the plane came down BUT LANDED IN THE RIVER. He is saying, only those who end up in the River of my Presence in these last hours, will survive the fall (or crash) of Babylon, of the man-made, satan sponsored system that God is judging. Amen.
O Holy rushing River!
O True, Eternal Life-giver!
No force on earth, no plan of man
Can keep You held within this Dam!
You will break free, flow mightily, in the midst of the earth
The parched land will soak You up
The souls of men so dry and shrivelled will come to life again -
like a Desert’s bloom, when the life-giving presence of the Holy Spirit moves.
Mighty Dam, constructed by man to hold back the Holy Spirit’s flow –
to contain Him, to redirect, to measure Him where
the will of man would have Him to go –
You are the Dam of the Religion of man
And you will shatter from the force of God’s master plan
For those who are in the mainstream of the Holy Spirit’s flow
Working with Him, not against Him, our hearts to Him will bow
It will be a day of great Rejoicing, like no other seen before
Victory and Freedom will be ours forevermore
But for those resisting Him – trying to hold the Dam together
Through their own strength and will
It will be a dark day and hard –
The Day our God’s Judgments are fulfilled
Pray for them that they would repent and survive and be saved
Not forever “Damned”, rebellious to God, depraved.
A note about rivers – they can only flow where earth has been hollowed out and removed. For the Holy Spirit to flow through us, a channel must be carved out, our flesh must be removed, our fleshly lusts and desires must be dealt with.
As I looked, I saw a tiny leak appear. The voice cried - That’s Toronto
Then I saw another leak – That’s Pensacola! Then another (Japan) and another (China) and another (Australia) till tiny leaks were rapidly springing up all over the Dam.
Then I saw a small crack appear. Then another and another. They began to grow larger and larger, more and more until eventually the whole Dam collapsed and immediately He said “AND GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF”. I knew these exact words were significant. I later found them in Mat:7:27, referring to the fall of the house built on sand, also representing Babylon.
I heard the Spirit say that for those who are longing for this Day, who are crying out for it, it will be a time of great rejoicing but for those who are trying to hold the Dam together even as it collapses around them it will be a dark and terrible Day, the Day of Judgment of our God. The Holy Spirit then warned me not to gloat over dead, dry, religious churches and denominations He is judging (judgment begins in the house of the Lord) but rather pray for them, cry out for them because even as their ministries collapse around them, like the jailor in the book of acts, many will turn and be saved, and their whole house (church).
For more on this revelation, see my book “Freedom from Babylon”. Remember, the Dam is hard. Religion hardens the human heart, God’s presence softens it. Let us all look forward to, and rejoice and pray for, the Glorious Day when God’s Spirit is freed once again to flow in the midst of His people, mightily.
More recently, a plane ran into a flock of birds and crash landed in the Hudson river. Not one person perished. God showed me this was a prophetic sign. The plane represented flight through the ability and wisdom of man. The birds represented true, God created flight. When they collided, the plane came down BUT LANDED IN THE RIVER. He is saying, only those who end up in the River of my Presence in these last hours, will survive the fall (or crash) of Babylon, of the man-made, satan sponsored system that God is judging. Amen.
O Holy rushing River!
O True, Eternal Life-giver!
No force on earth, no plan of man
Can keep You held within this Dam!
You will break free, flow mightily, in the midst of the earth
The parched land will soak You up
The souls of men so dry and shrivelled will come to life again -
like a Desert’s bloom, when the life-giving presence of the Holy Spirit moves.
Mighty Dam, constructed by man to hold back the Holy Spirit’s flow –
to contain Him, to redirect, to measure Him where
the will of man would have Him to go –
You are the Dam of the Religion of man
And you will shatter from the force of God’s master plan
For those who are in the mainstream of the Holy Spirit’s flow
Working with Him, not against Him, our hearts to Him will bow
It will be a day of great Rejoicing, like no other seen before
Victory and Freedom will be ours forevermore
But for those resisting Him – trying to hold the Dam together
Through their own strength and will
It will be a dark day and hard –
The Day our God’s Judgments are fulfilled
Pray for them that they would repent and survive and be saved
Not forever “Damned”, rebellious to God, depraved.
A note about rivers – they can only flow where earth has been hollowed out and removed. For the Holy Spirit to flow through us, a channel must be carved out, our flesh must be removed, our fleshly lusts and desires must be dealt with.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The United States of Amiracle
Righteousness exalts a Nation
but sin is a reproach to any people
Let the message of Salvation
ring loud and clear from every steeple
Let this land so full of rebellion and sin
no longer so brave, no longer so free
Let us each turn our hearts to Him
whom we each must worship, eventually
Let us each to Him bend our knees
and if we
humble ourselves and pray
and if we
turn from our wicked ways
then The Lord He
will look down from Heaven above
and The Lord He
will restore us with His Love
and the world will see the rebirth of a country –
From shining sea to sea
we will be
The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach
A question was asked in bygone days
about a flag that flies, a flag that waves
The question asked “Does it still fly today?”
“Over the land of the free, over the home of the brave?”
Now ask yourself this as you ponder these words –
Is our Nation free? Do our men have courage?
Or have our minds been seduced by Hollywood’s sorceries?
(some call them movies)
Or have the eyes of our souls been blinded by the light of our TV’s?
Have we bowed ourselves down to idols?
Have we committed spiritual adultery?
Is our land full of the blood of Innocents?
Blood that never should have been shed?
The men of our Nation are impotent
When it comes to producing the fruit of Righteousness
Our men are spiritually lame –
Just give them a beer and a football game
and suddenly a generation passes
from Freedom to bondage, the seduction of the masses
and as we calmly go to Hell
We’re distracted into thinking all is well
(we no longer think for ourselves)
From the time we exit the womb
to the time we enter the grave
We’re brainwashed and taught to consume
The lies that make us their slaves
Yes we’re a Nation of consumers,
A Nation of baby-boomers
and what we buy, what we eat, what we wear, what we sell,
is all dependant on someone else
They want us to think that we’re free
As long as they control our destiny
You seek to spawn then control our thoughts
Babylon – You mother of harlots
You traffic in the souls of men you’ve caught
The land is full of the stench of your sin
Oh how the mighty have fallen!
Release them! Release them! Release them!
Your kingdom will come to naught.
Our families are falling apart
as each one seeks his own pleasure
As each of us hardens our heart
Divorce is so common it cannot be measured
Our Nation’s only hope is and has always been
To repent and call on the Name of The Lord – then and only then –
Will the Lord He
Look down from Heaven above
And the Lord He
Will restore us with His Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
Will be
The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood removes our reproach
The people of God in the midst of man
are as trees growing in a desolate land
Oh people of God, we are trees of Righteousness
The planting of The Lord in a desert wilderness
As Christians – we are this Nation’s only chance
We bear the precious seed from the Tree of Life
Seed the Holy Spirit implants
Oh the Way, the Truth and Eternal Life
Lies within the precious seed of Christ
that is found within you and found within I
It’s Harvest time! It’s Harvest time!
Our Redemption draws nigh!
To bring all who are His swiftly to His side
To redeem to Himself all born of Christ –
We are His seed, His crop, His wheat,
Lord of the Harvest! Are we ready?
Are we ready?
The Hope of all mankind lies within our breast
But we must sow the Gospel to reap the (eternal) Harvest
The outer shell of the old man must die and fall away
That the lost may see, that the lost may taste
Those who thirst for Righteousness
Lost in the desert called Sin
May freely come and freely drink
of the fountain of Life springing up within
You and I (even these very words of mine)
That they may live forever and not die
As I decrease He will increase
Of His Kingdom there is no end – His Kingdom will never cease!
For truly with Yeshua The Messiah is found everlasting Peace!
So people of God, we must be
The Light in the darkened hearts of humanity
Oh people of God we must reveal
Christ to the world so they’ll know He’s real
As the people of God, we must sacrifice
We must die to self, we must lay down our lives
Or surely dear ones, our Nation will die. Selah.
But how can the lost partake of our fruit,
If we remain in our churches in our three-piece suits?
Those lost and dying in the desert of Sin
Don’t have the strength to make it in
To these oasis’ we call “Church”, no
WE must go to THEM (carrying the water of the Word of Life)
Alas we must not continue to ignore
The cry of The Spirit – the knock at the Door
If we continue to choose Religion instead of choosing Him
How many more will perish from their sin?
Therefore Hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth
Without measure,
Descending into her are the souls of men –
Lost to The Lord forever
Forgive us Lord, so many perish
because Your people are held captive, because we have no knowledge,
Please restore to us understanding, Lord,
That we may walk uprightly
And we will make of men disciples of Thee
And signs shall follow them that believe
And blind eyes will open and captives will go free
For we don’t live to ourselves and we don’t die to ourselves –
It’s You we seek to please so You
Will look down from Heaven above and You
Will restore us with Your Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
We will be
The United States of Amiracle
As our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
As we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
As we keep Covenant once again
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness, Lord Jesus, our only Hope!
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach!
1 Chr:6:28:31 7:14&15
What a clarion call in the Spirit! I sat and wrote this in one hour. It just poured out. If ever a nation needed to hear a message, that nation is America and this message is it. 911 was a prophetic sign from God to our nation that very few saw. He was basically saying, through the collapse of the twin towers (of world trade, representing Babylon) that I can take anyone High and mighty, full of Pride and arrogance, and I can bring them low in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, sudden destruction came upon them. I will resist the proud but give Grace to the humble. As a nation, the USA has no problem humbling ourselves and praying during a national crisis, our problem is in turning from our wicked ways. We’d just as soon leave that part of the scripture out, yet if we do not, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. And great was the fall thereof…
but sin is a reproach to any people
Let the message of Salvation
ring loud and clear from every steeple
Let this land so full of rebellion and sin
no longer so brave, no longer so free
Let us each turn our hearts to Him
whom we each must worship, eventually
Let us each to Him bend our knees
and if we
humble ourselves and pray
and if we
turn from our wicked ways
then The Lord He
will look down from Heaven above
and The Lord He
will restore us with His Love
and the world will see the rebirth of a country –
From shining sea to sea
we will be
The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach
A question was asked in bygone days
about a flag that flies, a flag that waves
The question asked “Does it still fly today?”
“Over the land of the free, over the home of the brave?”
Now ask yourself this as you ponder these words –
Is our Nation free? Do our men have courage?
Or have our minds been seduced by Hollywood’s sorceries?
(some call them movies)
Or have the eyes of our souls been blinded by the light of our TV’s?
Have we bowed ourselves down to idols?
Have we committed spiritual adultery?
Is our land full of the blood of Innocents?
Blood that never should have been shed?
The men of our Nation are impotent
When it comes to producing the fruit of Righteousness
Our men are spiritually lame –
Just give them a beer and a football game
and suddenly a generation passes
from Freedom to bondage, the seduction of the masses
and as we calmly go to Hell
We’re distracted into thinking all is well
(we no longer think for ourselves)
From the time we exit the womb
to the time we enter the grave
We’re brainwashed and taught to consume
The lies that make us their slaves
Yes we’re a Nation of consumers,
A Nation of baby-boomers
and what we buy, what we eat, what we wear, what we sell,
is all dependant on someone else
They want us to think that we’re free
As long as they control our destiny
You seek to spawn then control our thoughts
Babylon – You mother of harlots
You traffic in the souls of men you’ve caught
The land is full of the stench of your sin
Oh how the mighty have fallen!
Release them! Release them! Release them!
Your kingdom will come to naught.
Our families are falling apart
as each one seeks his own pleasure
As each of us hardens our heart
Divorce is so common it cannot be measured
Our Nation’s only hope is and has always been
To repent and call on the Name of The Lord – then and only then –
Will the Lord He
Look down from Heaven above
And the Lord He
Will restore us with His Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
Will be
The United States of Amiracle
as our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
as we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness – our only Hope
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood removes our reproach
The people of God in the midst of man
are as trees growing in a desolate land
Oh people of God, we are trees of Righteousness
The planting of The Lord in a desert wilderness
As Christians – we are this Nation’s only chance
We bear the precious seed from the Tree of Life
Seed the Holy Spirit implants
Oh the Way, the Truth and Eternal Life
Lies within the precious seed of Christ
that is found within you and found within I
It’s Harvest time! It’s Harvest time!
Our Redemption draws nigh!
To bring all who are His swiftly to His side
To redeem to Himself all born of Christ –
We are His seed, His crop, His wheat,
Lord of the Harvest! Are we ready?
Are we ready?
The Hope of all mankind lies within our breast
But we must sow the Gospel to reap the (eternal) Harvest
The outer shell of the old man must die and fall away
That the lost may see, that the lost may taste
Those who thirst for Righteousness
Lost in the desert called Sin
May freely come and freely drink
of the fountain of Life springing up within
You and I (even these very words of mine)
That they may live forever and not die
As I decrease He will increase
Of His Kingdom there is no end – His Kingdom will never cease!
For truly with Yeshua The Messiah is found everlasting Peace!
So people of God, we must be
The Light in the darkened hearts of humanity
Oh people of God we must reveal
Christ to the world so they’ll know He’s real
As the people of God, we must sacrifice
We must die to self, we must lay down our lives
Or surely dear ones, our Nation will die. Selah.
But how can the lost partake of our fruit,
If we remain in our churches in our three-piece suits?
Those lost and dying in the desert of Sin
Don’t have the strength to make it in
To these oasis’ we call “Church”, no
WE must go to THEM (carrying the water of the Word of Life)
Alas we must not continue to ignore
The cry of The Spirit – the knock at the Door
If we continue to choose Religion instead of choosing Him
How many more will perish from their sin?
Therefore Hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth
Without measure,
Descending into her are the souls of men –
Lost to The Lord forever
Forgive us Lord, so many perish
because Your people are held captive, because we have no knowledge,
Please restore to us understanding, Lord,
That we may walk uprightly
And we will make of men disciples of Thee
And signs shall follow them that believe
And blind eyes will open and captives will go free
For we don’t live to ourselves and we don’t die to ourselves –
It’s You we seek to please so You
Will look down from Heaven above and You
Will restore us with Your Love
And the world will see
The rebirth of a country
From shining sea to sea
We will be
The United States of Amiracle
As our hearts are turned to Him
The United States of Amiracle
As we forsake our sin
The United States of Amiracle
As we keep Covenant once again
The United States of Amiracle
His Righteousness, Lord Jesus, our only Hope!
The United States of Amiracle
His Blood alone removes our reproach!
1 Chr:6:28:31 7:14&15
What a clarion call in the Spirit! I sat and wrote this in one hour. It just poured out. If ever a nation needed to hear a message, that nation is America and this message is it. 911 was a prophetic sign from God to our nation that very few saw. He was basically saying, through the collapse of the twin towers (of world trade, representing Babylon) that I can take anyone High and mighty, full of Pride and arrogance, and I can bring them low in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, sudden destruction came upon them. I will resist the proud but give Grace to the humble. As a nation, the USA has no problem humbling ourselves and praying during a national crisis, our problem is in turning from our wicked ways. We’d just as soon leave that part of the scripture out, yet if we do not, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. And great was the fall thereof…
A Bridal Prayer
Lord, let me hug Your heart (with mine)
Yeshua let me embrace You (deep inside)
Oh let my soul taste You and know
That You are good and You are mine
My food is to do Your Will, touch me
Lord as I lie still (at Your feet)
Lord let me kiss Your soul
As I lay down my life take full control
and know pleasure as You receive my love
Let me be Your source of pleasure
Let me be Your Bride forever
Find me an endless treasure
That will always keep You satisfied
Lord, I remember the hour that You cried
I will always remember the reason why You died
and I will look up as my Redemption draws nigh
oh hold me, Lord, my heart is open to You, open wide
Have me Lord,
I await Your reply…
Holy Communion
That sanctified union
Between God and man
Always Your plan
Lord, help us to enter in
July 3
Draw nigh to God
and He will draw nigh to you
Show Him love and passion
and there’s nothing He won’t do
If we loose the Holy Spirit
and put in Him our Trust
Then He in turn will free and loose us
How we respond to Him determines how He’ll respond to us
Are you satisfied with where you’re at, have you had enough?
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for they will be filled
Blessed are those who wonder and hurt for they will be thrilled
For there isn’t a broken heart He won’t mend
There isn’t a wounded soul He won’t tend
There isn’t anyone He won’t befriend
“Anyone who believes America is paradise has obviously never been to Paradise”
Yeshua let me embrace You (deep inside)
Oh let my soul taste You and know
That You are good and You are mine
My food is to do Your Will, touch me
Lord as I lie still (at Your feet)
Lord let me kiss Your soul
As I lay down my life take full control
and know pleasure as You receive my love
Let me be Your source of pleasure
Let me be Your Bride forever
Find me an endless treasure
That will always keep You satisfied
Lord, I remember the hour that You cried
I will always remember the reason why You died
and I will look up as my Redemption draws nigh
oh hold me, Lord, my heart is open to You, open wide
Have me Lord,
I await Your reply…
Holy Communion
That sanctified union
Between God and man
Always Your plan
Lord, help us to enter in
July 3
Draw nigh to God
and He will draw nigh to you
Show Him love and passion
and there’s nothing He won’t do
If we loose the Holy Spirit
and put in Him our Trust
Then He in turn will free and loose us
How we respond to Him determines how He’ll respond to us
Are you satisfied with where you’re at, have you had enough?
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for they will be filled
Blessed are those who wonder and hurt for they will be thrilled
For there isn’t a broken heart He won’t mend
There isn’t a wounded soul He won’t tend
There isn’t anyone He won’t befriend
“Anyone who believes America is paradise has obviously never been to Paradise”
Friday, July 2, 2010
Master Musician the chords of my heart
Respond to Your touch as Your song You impart
Master Artist You’ve reached the core of my being
And there You’re painting a picture well worth seeing
(my destiny You’re un-veiling)
Master Gardener You’ve tilled the soil of my mind
Till the thoughts that now grow there are of the purest kind
Master Carpenter You’ve taken the days of my life
And You’re building me a proper dwelling as the one You call Your wife
Master Potter You’re shaping me and making me understand –
In the midst of the oven’s fires I am still safely in Your hands
For there are times when these eyes have beheld the lies
And times when this heart has searched for alibis
And times when these feet have refused to meet
The manifest Destiny of God – paths given for me alone to trod
But now is a time to turn my heart
To search me and to know me oh God to impart
The Way and The Truth and The Life
I’m undivided, on purity decided
I’ll never turn away again
Oh God, my heart is Yours to befriend
Unclean no more, Holiness is my reward
I will know You Face to Face
as I accept my proper place
And Lord You’ll not say – depart from me I never knew you
because my heart is transparent to You
Now I know Love can endure any pain
Now I know Love can rinse any stain
And now I no longer fear pain
For I know it’s just a means to a higher gain
Much more will I attain and my heart will never be the same
No, my heart will never again be the same
For Love believes all things
Love receives what I bring
in humility, with passions aflame
oh my heart is forever changed
Since Love first spoke my name
I’ll never be the same…
1 Cor:13:7
Master Musician the chords of my heart
Respond to Your touch as Your song You impart
Master Artist You’ve reached the core of my being
And there You’re painting a picture well worth seeing
(my destiny You’re un-veiling)
Master Gardener You’ve tilled the soil of my mind
Till the thoughts that now grow there are of the purest kind
Master Carpenter You’ve taken the days of my life
And You’re building me a proper dwelling as the one You call Your wife
Master Potter You’re shaping me and making me understand –
In the midst of the oven’s fires I am still safely in Your hands
For there are times when these eyes have beheld the lies
And times when this heart has searched for alibis
And times when these feet have refused to meet
The manifest Destiny of God – paths given for me alone to trod
But now is a time to turn my heart
To search me and to know me oh God to impart
The Way and The Truth and The Life
I’m undivided, on purity decided
I’ll never turn away again
Oh God, my heart is Yours to befriend
Unclean no more, Holiness is my reward
I will know You Face to Face
as I accept my proper place
And Lord You’ll not say – depart from me I never knew you
because my heart is transparent to You
Now I know Love can endure any pain
Now I know Love can rinse any stain
And now I no longer fear pain
For I know it’s just a means to a higher gain
Much more will I attain and my heart will never be the same
No, my heart will never again be the same
For Love believes all things
Love receives what I bring
in humility, with passions aflame
oh my heart is forever changed
Since Love first spoke my name
I’ll never be the same…
1 Cor:13:7
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Finally my brethren, I leave one thing to do
Think upon whatsoever is worthy of Praise and True
Think upon whatsoever is honest, just, lovely or pure
Because as you dwell on good reports,
Of this you can be sure –
As you think on whatsoever has any virtue,
Know this my brethren,
This is exactly how God thinks of you!
The ability to care
The ability to share your life
Is the hallmark you know Christ
To see the other’s need
To hear their heart’s plea
And then pick up your cross
And take heed –
This is beauty
Think upon whatsoever is worthy of Praise and True
Think upon whatsoever is honest, just, lovely or pure
Because as you dwell on good reports,
Of this you can be sure –
As you think on whatsoever has any virtue,
Know this my brethren,
This is exactly how God thinks of you!
The ability to care
The ability to share your life
Is the hallmark you know Christ
To see the other’s need
To hear their heart’s plea
And then pick up your cross
And take heed –
This is beauty
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