Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unless The Lord builds the House
They that labour, labour in vain
How many, Lord, churches that bear Your Name,
How many of them cause You pain?
How many of them, Lord, are built by man?
So You must uproot, so You must tear down still,
Before You can plant them, before You can build
Before You can form them according to Your Will
Oh Lord, free us from man,
From Satan’s kingdom
Oh Lord, may Your Will alone be done
Remould Your people
In Your image alone
That that which is built,
Is worthy of You,
I groan.


“God equips every word He speaks with enough faith to bring it to pass”

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Task

Lord, though all men forsake me
I’ll not forsake You
You have the Words of Life
The Words of Truth

No man, no one has what I need
To no other should I take heed
I know the spirit behind the mask
I know what is in a man
To be free of them is my task
For I know the evil they plan
My task –

Only flesh burned
On the altar of Your Will
Consumed by Your Spirit
Lying still
Heeding Your call
To give my all
Nothing less will do
My task, oh my task
Is to obey You
Before You ask…

1 Sam:15:22

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Please Don't Return

Please don’t return
Till many more learn
Who You are to them
To turn from self and repent
Get right and with You get along
And not stay wrong
But return to the place
They’ve always belonged

Too many don’t know You
Hell is where they’ll go to
So, though my heart swoons
Please don’t return anytime soon
As much as I’d love to see Your face
I want many more to join me in that place
Of fellowship forever with You
Forever refreshed, forever clean, forever true

Hold back, Lord, pause, no not yet
For there’s far too many
That You haven’t met


This was a shock to some when I wrote it but I really do want the Lord to delay His return as long as possible so the maximum amount of people will be saved.

My Lord gave me His body

My Lord gave me His blood

And then my Lord gave to me

His very own Spirit from above

There is nothing He
Has held back from me
His love

Oh Hallelujah!
Praise be to Yeshua!

Of all the love this world’s been shown
The best by far I’ve ever known
Is Your love oh God,
Your love so sweet
This song my heart will ever repeat –
I love You Lord, I love You here
I love You Lord, You are so dear
My heart and eyes they realize
Beholding You alone satisfies
Oh God, my King, my Lover, My Lord
May You be pleased with these meagre words

Father, Son, Spirit, Bride
Together, forever in love abide
The Trinity was always meant to be
A foursome for Eternity! 1 Joh:3:1

Friday, August 27, 2010

Constantly, consistently in Communion
Everlasting, never-ending union of God and men
Oh my God Your heart’s always been towards me
Oh my God Your Holy Spirit implores me
Explores me Adores me Restores me (is for me)
Calls me back Calls me back Home
Calls me back back to Your Throne
Calling me, calling me, Reinstalling me
Cleansing me, Mending me, Amending me
Befriending me and sending me
In and out, in and out
You take me in to send me out
You sacrifice me
You give me today in the very same way
You gave Your first begotten Son
Firstborn among many ones
Now also given away – still today
You’re still in love with this fallen world
You’re casting Your pearls
Not before swine but for those who
Time after time Yearn for You
Burn for You Learn of You
Return to You.

2 Cor:13:14

I don’t know how to untangle this moment
Ah, from the messes we create
It’s so often hard to extricate
our souls, excuse me, selves
ah, hey, all is well
except for the stench, the smell
of the fires of Hell
My tongue, small though it may be
Has done more to shape my Destiny
What will be my legacy?
What was the focus of my life?
Was I exalted or did I exalt Christ?
Broken and humbled was God able to use me?
Was I ever able to let go and lose me?
Oh God, please don’t let my life be wasted on me


“The more God’s going to do with you, the more He has to deal with you”

Thursday, August 26, 2010

You restore Hope and Happiness to the human heart
You restore us back to the place where we were at the start
For Thine is the Kingdom, Power and Glory
Thine is the true never-ending story
Deliver us from the evil within us and without us
Deliver us from the evil against us and about us
Deliver us from the evil thoughts and deeds men do
Deliver us from evil into all that’s Holy and True
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from every situation
Meant to entice us, to invite us, to degradation
Forgive us our sins, our debts, our transgressions
As we forgive those with evil intentions
Give us this day our daily bread
Keep our bodies, souls and spirits well fed
And nourish and keep us with the very presence of Your passion
You are the One we seek, Your very essence brings satisfaction
Thy Will, oh Father, completely and perfectly be done
May my will, oh God, with Yours become one
Until nothing You desire is held back from You
But all You desire – that will we quickly do


“Break my heart into pieces
set my feet on the ground
I wanna be more like You, Jesus
Come and turn my life around”

“Sweet Catastrophe”
“Sweet Catastrophe”

“I wanna be real with You”
“I wanna be real with You”


by Mary Ann Lopez (age 20)

“How do you get a dog to give up his bone? Offer him a steak.”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lord, please take me
Do whatever it takes to break me
But never, ever forsake me

Long ago I made a pledge to You
I gave You my heart and all I aspire to
I now sense the time is drawing near
When You’re taking me up on my offer
Consuming me now, here

I once again pledge
To walk with You over the edge
I won’t look back I’m lost in You
Kill me, slay me do whatever You want to

My time is come
To be sacrificed
To gain Yours Lord, I gladly give my life
Use every bit of me
Spirit, Soul and Body
As is becoming of Your wife


Most of us would never think to disrespect another man’s wife, yet how often do we lowly esteem, mistreat, do not respect each other – the very Bride of Christ? Or allow leadership to mistreat us, not honour us or esteem us?


Oh Jesus, I’ve been chosen by Your Father
Just for You, just for You
Oh Jesus, no one else’s love will do will do
but Yours alone, for I am Yours alone
I’m preparing my heart inside
I’m readying myself, it’s true
To become Your royal Bride
Dwelling forever beside You
Oh I’m being adorned both inside and out
To be Your loyal lover – of this there’s no doubt
As pure and clean as You are to me
So shall I forever Yours be
Together, never apart again, ever
My pleasure, my treasure, my Jesus forever

The excitement’s building
Oh I ache with anticipation so sweet
Oh I long for, my heart pants for
That moment in the sky when we will meet
Eye to eye and face to face
We’ll enter into that Holy place
Where we’ll consummate forever
Our love without measure
I in You and You in me
We’ll enjoy everlasting ecstasy…


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kissed by God

All my life I’ve desired to be
Intimate with The One who is Holy
Since I was young
and my heart was sprung
and set free
by the One who loves me
I’ve wanted to live for
The only One who gives more
Than anyone ever has or will
I breathe for The One
who breathed His last on that hill
and though you may find this odd
The Truth is
I’ve been kissed by God (selah)

I want to eat Him and drink Him
and continually think Him
I confess, I’m obsessed, I’m possessed,
I’m consumed by Him!
All that I am and all I’ll become
Is a result of the love of my Holy One
And as I look back and ponder my life
I discover I’ve truly become His wife
So you see, dear reader,
Though it may sound odd,
I’ve truly, dear reader,
been kissed by God.

S.O.S. 1:2

P.S. Happy birthday, Tiffany!

Friday, August 20, 2010

O God You are mindful of me
O how You love me
You lovingly formed me
Then You adorned me
With all I’ll ever need
To be with You, Eternally

O God You take notice of me
Though You’re so far above me
Yet You stooped low
That I may go
Wherever You lead through Eternity

O Jesus You were forsaken
So I could be taken
Purchased by Your Blood
Purified by Your Love
No more hidden from You
Forever You’ll be in view

Psa:8:4 115:12

“Some people are married to their traditions more than they are to God”

Thursday, August 19, 2010

O Lord, give me the Grace
to look upon Your face
For when I see
Your face before me
I’m abiding in a sinless place
Then I’ll know where I’ll go
When I breathe my last breath
For You have conquered Death
For I can only behold Your face
because my sins are all erased
So the reality of Calvary
is Your face ever before me
When You turned from Jesus’ face
You then beheld mine for the first time
When Jesus You did forsake
You made me able to partake
Of the fruit of knowing You

Oh Father, we’re one from two


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When it’s cold and wet and rainy outside
I like to be where I’m warm and dry
I like to Wonder, sometimes why
And when I’m lost in Life’s mystery
When the ache runs so deeply
Knowing You leaves me empty
Of all that was for all that shall be

A longing, a whisper, a presence in the pit
Saying “this is the Way, walk ye in it”
Lower still, lowered Will, more empty, more filled
As I die, as the sword of Your Word cuts me like a knife
I find You pulsing in me - Resurrection Life
Eternal Life is more abundant than this life I cling to
I’ve given in, I’ve given up
any wicked way that keeps me from You

A love of Life, a life of Love
You’re sweeter than I could ever ask or think
Please take me to the very edge, to the brink
And slay me on the altar of Your Will
Let all that denies You now be killed


“If you resent (Godly) Authority, you’ll never be in Authority”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thank You for You

Oh Lord, You have been faithful to every Nation
Your Love has been extended to every generation
And here in the midst of these last hours of Earth
We declare to all Your everlasting worth
Yes here in this world’s final days
We give our hearts fully to You in Praise!
We lift up far above this fallen world
Your mighty banner, high and unfurled
And the flag that we fly so high above
Is that Your mighty heart beats full of love!
There is no one beside You
That would ever deserve to
Receive our worship
Thank You for son ship
Thank You for life everlasting
Thank You for each breath
We are privileged to breathe
But most of all, oh God we choose
Above all else we thank You for You!
Thank You for You for You are who
Alone oh my God is faithful and True
Thank You, oh God yes, thank You for You!
It’s You alone oh God that I aspire to
Oh thank You Abba for You
Thank You Jesus for You
Thank You, Holy Spirit for You

S.O.S. 2:4

Monday, August 16, 2010

Number Two

One thing I know
to always be true
Is that forever Lord
compared to You
I’ll always be
Number two

You are far greater than my greatest sum
You will forever be number One
And no matter what I do
I’ll always be
Number two

In this scheme of Life,
In Eternity
Oh my Father You’ll always be greater than me

And though I may be
A perfect reflection of Thee
And though I may do
Greater works than You

This one thing my heart knows through and through
Oh Lord,
next to You
I’ll always be
Number two


Dear Theopholis –

Hello old friend. Yes, the last act is about to begin. Have you found your seat yet? Good. Ah, but you know who wins! The play has been going on rather longer than usual,
the cast is quite good, though. I’m not going anywhere. We are witnesses of the final days of man. How will it all end? You know! We repossess the Garden! That devil is cast out this time (and all who love the lie) but man regains paradise and Adam personally leads the way. Eve? Yes, she’s there too – she puts away her fig leaf and gives that snake a bruise.
The Garden! It’s beautiful! More so than I ever knew! The old world seems dull by comparison! Even the sunsets and starry skies that used to fill us with so much joy are nothing compared to this Garden – oh boy! It’s the Tree ! The Tree of Life! It’s HUGE! It’s the biggest tree I’ve ever seen! It’s leaves are Holy, it’s fruit is sweet, wow! It’s lovelier than all the other trees combined! It’s fruit is for me? Father, thank You! Oh it’s so tasty; nothing can compare, not fish or meat oh the fruit of the Tree of Life is sooo wonderful to eat! Now drink from the River? Oh Father, You’ve thought of everything! Now hurry up and get dressed? And prepare for the Wedding? Yes, sir, Father but what will I wear? You’ve personally made me garments like You did for Adam and Eve? You care, Father, You’ve always cared! You’ve always loved me too but one thing, Lord, who’s wedding, who?
Huh? It’s the wedding between me and You?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

You come to me for silver and gold
Of which I have none
But what I give to you
Is of God’s Holy Son
I give you Peace and the Joy of Righteousness
I give your Body, Soul and Spirit
A touch from the One who is Blessed
I give you all that you will ever truly need
Now I will arise, I will be exalted, says The Lord, indeed
I am your Salvation, your reward and recompense
I am the One to whom you come to be cleansed
I am the Lord your God who alone the Holy Spirit sends
who alone the human heart mends
who alone can make us
Eternal friends


The Father sent His Son. Then He sent His Spirit. The Spirit sends us!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Live Free

Tear the Veil (over our minds)
Shake the earth (the fleshly ways of mankind)
Rend the rocks (our stony hearts)
Our graves will burst (we’ll partake of Your Resurrection)

And the Saints which slept arose
And put off their grave clothes
All that is of man is stinking and rotten
But in God’s Glorious presence
The stench of Death will soon be forgotten
I’ve come to give you Life!
It’s not enough just to live –
I want you to live free!
Come to Me all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Rest from the thoughts and sinful intents of man
I’ll give you Righteousness, Peace and Joy in abundance!
Soon I’ll be returning
Soon the world will be learning
I have a deep, deep burning desire
That will not keep
Till I’ve gathered every last precious Saint of Mine
Right up to Me


Inspired by the book “Live Free” by Tom C. McKenney

Friday, August 13, 2010

There’s a longing inside you
There’s a desire to know
There’s more to this life
Than what you’ve been shown
You’ve been short changed so often
You can’t hardly tell
That you’re in a coffin
In a prison cell
But God is awaiting
Your desperate plea
Oh God is just longing
To set you free
Oh wake up to know Me
In a greater way
And you’ll start to growing
Day by Holy Day
And you’ll go on, child so dear
Yes, you’ll go on far from here


“God is not looking for ability but availability”

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I’ve always had a remnant
Who have not bowed the knee to Baal
I’ve always had hearts who’ve been free of religions’ jail
I’ve always had those whose Destiny
Has been to minister to Me, Intimately
Pure and unspotted from the World
Free of Babylon and Jezebaal –
Tearing in two
The veil that separates Me and you
Passionate for My Presence
Pursuing My Purpose
Following Me where the enemy can’t be
Helping to set many others free

I’ve always had a remnant
Who have bowed the knee
only to Me

1 Kin:19:18

“You can only lead people as far as you’ve gone yourself”

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beyond Babylon

I want us to go beyond Babylon
Far past the false Religious Spirit of this fallen world
I want the world wide Body of Christ
Every man, woman, boy and girl
To go much further than we’ve ever gone –
To be completely free of Babylon
“Come out and be ye separate” says The Lord
“Flee from the midst of her –
Her judgment is nigh, oh hear My heart’s cry,
Don’t be found in her when I appear in the sky!
My people, I’m setting you free,
For this is your Destiny,
The destiny of all who come to Me –
To shake even the dust of that city
From off of your feet, that when I return, when we fully meet,
The religious pride of Babylon won’t be found inside My Holy Bride
So My people – sing this song –
Deliver us Father, from Babylon!
Don ‘t go through a single day
Where you don’t cry out to Me and pray”
Restore us, oh Father, restore us today
Holy and True are You, the Life and the Way
Judge of the whole earth – we love You not Babylon
We are the people prepared for You – the New Jerusalem
Not Babylon, the bride of satan
So we’ll forsake every earthly care
And rise right now to meet You in the air
We’ll join You in Spirit, then of a truth,
Our bodies will follow You, forever renewed.

Jer:50:8 51:6

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

For so long Lord, I’d cry, I’d seek
I’d long for, weep, barely speak
Lie here still, strength gone, weak
Saying Lord, “I’ll not take another step
unless Your presence goes with me”

Then You spoke in the midst of my pain
Revealing to my heart this glorious refrain –
“My son it’s true!
I’ll not take another step without you!
I’ll not go on, no I’ll wait too
I’ll never leave or forsake you
Without you I’d be incomplete
At My Wedding feast
I want no empty seats”


Free and yet adored
daily renewed
daily my Lord’s
Mercy abounds
upon this rocky shore
My heart surrendered in part
Yet sought after none the less
The long suffering and non-quittingness
Of my God’s love for me - Blessed!

Monday, August 9, 2010

You speak what I speak
You say what I say
Be quiet when I am quiet
Flow with Me, intimately, today
Move when I move
Stop when I stop
I’m in this Life-Dance with you
As I lead and you follow
Our romance will bloom
And not remain shallow
We are partners, you and I
You’re the apple of My eye
You’re My lover, you’re My dove
I desire to fill you with My love

Oh my God, my love, my Groom
You have prepared for me a room
A place for us to be, forever intimately, lovers
Oh God, my King, my Husband, my Maker
Forever I will be a partaker
Of You, Your heart, Your touch, Your self
Oh Father You’ve rescued me from Hell
And brought me near where all is well


Why do we each have a Mansion in Heaven? It’s so that each of us can, forever, have a place where we can meet with Him, privately.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

“Each one of us must be allowed, freed, taught, endowed to serve each other intimately”

Unless I wash your feet
Unless you allow me
to serve you, intimately
to touch you where you’re dirty
You have no part with Me

And likewise do to one another too, to be a part of each other you
Must intimately serve your brother, your sister who
Bears My Blood, bears My Name
And you will never be the same
And so fulfil the law of Christ
And so receive Eternal Life

For My Body to edify itself in Love
Each heart must be found worthy of
The opportunity to share the fruit of the seed
Of My Word planted in each so deeply

Each one of My people, My Bride
Should no longer be made to sit and hide
The glorious Treasure that is “I Am” inside

For each one of My Saints, My love
Has been called by My Father above
To lose their lives to gain My life inside
To grow and mature just as I did
To reveal My Father’s love – no longer hid
Gloriously shown where He is unknown

For each of You are called to remove the stone
Keeping My people trapped in their tombs
Each of you will rise, Holy and True
New Creations with My life inside of you

No longer the same empty show
But hearts ablaze with My Father’s glow
Hearts laid bare, exposing every care
Drink deep from the cup from which I have drank
Suffering for others without even a thanks
In loving others who don’t love in return
It is this lesson you will finally learn –
The value of the love you share with each other.

If precious is the Blood that is your cover,
Given in love for you,
how precious then is the love you return to Me?
More precious to Me than anything
It’s why I died and why I live
It’s why I sighed My last breath and why I give
It’s why I rejoice and dance and sing
Your love for Me has kept Me from destroying (burning)
The Field (this world) so full of weeds, chaff and deadness
For I might harm you, dear one, in the process
But the Day is soon coming, dear one, it’s so near
When I’ll harvest your soul, then the earth I’ll clear
Of all that is rotten and filthy and diseased
But where I am, dear one, you will also be
Together, dear one, for Eternity.

John 13

“Intimate servitude is what I’ve called you to”

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I saw your heart, I saw your need
I gave My all ah, for you I did bleed
And long before you came to Me
I chose you and I knew
As I formed you in your mother’s womb
Oh I knew
You’d be with Me, Eternally

And I want you to know
It was worth forming the thousands who would never be Mine,
just to get to you
You make the giving of My life a worthy sacrifice
Because of you I’m long-suffering those who hate Me
but they’ll soon taste of My wrath, you’ll see
But when they do, remember who your God is
Some I’ll allow to suffer for My Name’s sake
That in the end they may partake
Of the Glory I’ve known from My Father’s Throne
Because I loved not My life unto death
Giving to Father My every breath
So endure every trial, endure every test
With Faith, Hope and Patience

1 Pet:2:4
1 Cor:1:27&28

Jesus, You’re the architect of my soul, the conductor of my soul’s symphony, submitted to You, I find reality.

Friday, August 6, 2010

This one’s for all those
who when told to go
got up and went
Yes, this one’s for all those
that like Me,
The Father’s sent
Yea, what I really like to see
Is My people behavin’ just like Me

This one goes out to all those
Who love Me in deed and not just in name
Who are doing My Word not just playin’ games
Who have laid their lives down –
The ones who have lost their heads
Are getting’ crowns

Yea, the ones who have the Victory
Are the ones who look just like Me

And one more thing,
I’ll tell you this –

They’re the ones My Father can’t resist!


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Come to Me
All you who are weary
and I will give you Rest
Oh My Beloved
your hungry, thirsty soul
will be refreshed
For I only desire to Bless
My only desire is to name you Blessed
And with Me, My Beloved you shall not want
My love for you is an Eternal font
For I, Jesus, care for your body
For I, Holy Spirit, care for your spirit
For I, Father, care for your soul
There is no part of you I will not touch (and make whole)
For the very heart of you I love so much
And though you are weary
See this thought clearly –
My heart is to prosper and benefit you
And bring you safely to
My home Your home
Where My love will always be known
Where you have passed every test
Where you will always know perfect peace


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I have not called you to be disheartened
but through trials and tribulations to be sharpened
You are to love yourself
not through your flesh but through My Spirit
You must respect My Will
Yea, you must fear it
My Word is My Will revealed to all
Yet very few hear and obey My Call
When you forsake your flesh
When you make it My offering
You will forever Praise Me and sing…

Can sometimes weave
A tapestry
of Love

a Symphony
a gentle breeze
can move me
to Love

Love is the glue that binds me to you
Love is the we when you are with me

If I cry ten thousand tears
If I live a hundred years
The hand I hold right here,
The love I hold so dear –
(it’s all become so clear)
It’s Sheryl that I want near


Monday, August 2, 2010

As our days slowly fade into years
through the laughter and the tears
the faithfulness and the fears
I will be here
And our God of Love
He is enough
So to Him draw near

As our days Fall gently down
like leaves fall to the ground
this is my heart for you
as we both grow older –
You will always have my heart and my shoulder

As our Tree of Life is slowly stripped bare
as we enter the winter of our lives
it’s so good to know that you are here
constant and faithful in my eyes
and spring is waiting on the other side –
In Paradise


For Sheryl…..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh Lord You turn what was meant for evil into our good
Though Joseph was in prison You changed his neighbourhood
You delivered him from all of his afflictions
And gave him favour in the sight of the Egyptians
Then indeed turned his bondage on to the whole earth
Silencing the sounds of the wicked one’s mirth
That through Joseph they might be saved
Though they were so depraved
And You do the same today –
Though evil is what many say
of us, trying hard to curse
You, oh God, put it all in reverse
And You will use us to save
All who curse us today
For You turn what was meant for evil and cause only good to result
Therefore we stand in this day’s tumult
Rejoicing! In this Truth we trust –
If You are for us, no one can succeed against us.
You were put in the pit
That we might come out of it
You went to Hell that we might be well
You suffered from our fall
That we might enjoy all
Our Father’s Kingdom – for it is His good pleasure
To give it to us without measure!


A quick note of clarification: I do not believe Jesus suffered in hell, rather hell suffered humiliation and defeat when He showed up. He went there as a mighty conqueror to “set the captives free” to “lead captivity captive”. All those in paradise (Abraham’s Bosom) were brought out by Jesus the day He died. It was for them (and us) that He died.
Also I'm going camping for three days starting August 2nd so no blogs till friday! A Korean Pastor has invited us to join him boating fishing swimming by the sea. Yippee!!
Here’s something
I must start confessing –
You get blessed
When you are a blessing!

Here’s something I’d like to say –
Something that’s true –
Do unto others as you would have them
do unto you.
Then those others
Will do as you have done to them
Unless their hearts are false
And their love is only pretend

So Love reveals who we really are
For Love exposes the fruit of the heart


The Choice

We all make choices everyday
What road to take what to say
Where to go where to stay
Yes we all make choices everyday

You must know that God is
And that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him
You must know that you can give
Your heart to Him completely, deeply
But you have a choice
You have a chance
Turn from Jesus
Or with Him dance
Through all of Life’s twists and trials
The Choice is yours all the while…


I like to watch the shadows of the clouds
Moving across the mountains, tall and proud
Yet even the most proud will be humbled and will fall
As will these mountains, no matter how tall
For one Day every knee shall bow
And every tongue shall confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord and He is our Righteousness
All that is of pride, has been convicted, has been tried
By the Judge of the whole earth
That all that will remain has true, everlasting worth

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...