Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don’t frown. Don’t look down
Upon another man’s gift or offering
Don’t think yours is better,
a superior thing.
So what if that man raps,
As unto The Lord?
Or has a style different from yours?
So what if he rocks, so what is that to you?
God is honoured, blessed and pleased
That His children offer Him variety.

Don’t judge your brother’s heartfelt gift
This comes from Religion and no good will come from it
If his sound or look
is different from you,
Rejoice and give thanks
that your brother loves God too.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

We believe in plenty of hugs and kisses
We believe in falling on our faces
and lying flat out on the rug
As we worship our God of Love
We believe that giving and receiving
Living and breathing, rejoicing and grieving
Are all part of the rhythms of Life
we’re all enduring as we’re on this side of Paradise
But at the end of this ride –
No more tears
No more lies
No more fears
No more cries
No more pain
No more shame
No more sin
No more blame

We’re all the same –

A perfect reflection of
The only One worthy of
Our undying, Eternal Love

1 Joh:3:2&3

Friday, October 29, 2010

No man is an Island
That’s what I have heard
We all need each other
To make it through this world
And though it’s True
You need me and I need you
When all is said and done
God’s the only perfect One
Who won’t ever fail me
Or leave me unloved
Who won’t ever say or do
Something He shouldn’t of
No, He’s the only perfect love I know
With Him in control
We’ll be able to show
That perfect love to each other
When we’re in control our love is imperfect
So let’s share who we know not what
Let’s share His Glory and not just His Story
Let’s share His reality not superficiality
Let’s do and not just say
Let’s work and not just play
Let’s rise and not fall
Let us all heed the Call


Thursday, October 28, 2010

I want to be flexible, I want to be fluid
I want to be able to just let go and do it
Not think so much as drink
Action brings satisfaction, I think
Use me Lord, in this moment
Any way You Will –
Laugh out loud or just be still
Whatever You require
That will I desire
And that may You inspire
Me to do

I’ll lean not to my own understanding
But with Your thoughts landing
In my mind, sanctified
No more Pride
No more lies
No more disguise
I’ve realized
My own glorious demise

1 Cor:15:31
Lord, help me to recover
From the effects of a life spent on me
Oh the flame is so weak
I’m so selfish with my life
Help me to die
To self ambition, self pleasure
Pour out Your Spirit without measure
Get violent and reckless with my soul
Just never let go
Shake me, wake me, make me, grow
Take my life and sow me as a seed
In the soil of the Destiny You’ve prepared for me

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Holy Yours

Lord, I want to stay connected
Lord, as I’m being perfected

Don’t want to pull back from You
till all of me is made new
So I’m asking Lord,
No matter how painful
Take the sword of Your Spirit
Cut me deeply, let me hear it
And yes, Lord, Your Word – I’ll fear it
Enough to remain on the Altar
Till I’ve been fully altered

Only through Your strength
May I never falter
Consume all of me, not just part
Take all my heart
Pierce me to my core
Till I am,
Holy Yours

1 The:3:13

The closer to the source of the River we go
The more pure becomes the water’s flow
The closer to my Heavenly Father I am
The purer is my revelation of Him

Paradise is wherever You are, Lord
Though surrounded by fear,
Though poverty is near,
No matter what my outward circumstance
I’m caught in the sacred romance
Of having You here

We don’t have “Church”, Lord - You have us
We belong to You, in You we trust
No matter, no matter if I abound or I’m abased
So long as I can meet with You face to face
When I look into Your eyes
That’s when I realize
I’m in Paradise


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Hymn of Worship and Release

Oh my Father, I adore You
My heart pumps just for You
My skin, my breath
I exist to confess
All I am is Yours to do with as You please
So please, take me, an offering

Father, I beseech You
Oh Father may I reach You
And remain before Your face
I can’t even raise my eyes
To Your Throne of Grace
I can’t even speak in Your Presence
Unless You bid me to
Oh Father – I’m so in love with You

May I revere You alone
May I fear You alone
And if I dare
From Your presence to leave
Enslave me, chain me to You
Please don’t let me be


Monday, October 25, 2010

Restore (Isaiah 42:22)

We wait on You, Lord. We wait on You.
Whatever You say Lord, that’s what we’ll do
We don’t need to hear from man
We don’t want man’s touch anymore
Oh Lord, it’s true – we desperately need You!
You’re who we’ve come here for
We will take the time
and do nothing but wait for You
Your presence, Your touch, Your voice
Are what we desire above any other choice
Any agenda, any plan
Any service laid out by man
Where we go through the motions
And sing as if it’s true –
(Lord, it’s all about You, we desire You)
but we never get to be
in that (corporate) place of intimacy
Open our eyes to see, open our hearts to hear
Let us be honest with You and each other
that Your presence isn’t here

Set us free, set us free, SET US FREE!
We implore You, oh Lord
To restore us to, Oh Lord
That place of relationship
Where You have our hearts and not just our lips

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Circumcise my heart

Circumcise my heart
Cut away all that still keeps us apart
Please remove all my fleshly desires
Circumcise my heart than set it afire

Circumcise my heart
That I may know the Holiness You impart
May what remains be pure and pleasing to You
Circumcise my heart

Oh the heart of me
Oh God it can be
So full of Pride
May humility bring transparency
Till I’ve nothing left to hide

May my heart be Your Throne of Grace
A mirror that’s reflecting Your face
And oh God may my heart be the place
From which Your Spirit flows
Bringing healing to the nations of souls
Bringing Your presence wherever I go

Circumcise my heart!


Saturday, October 23, 2010

The ultimate service that we can do
Oh Lord, is to minister to You
There are many Martha’s in the Body we know
Troubled and busy, running to and fro
But You Lord want us to guard ourselves and be wary
For You Lord preferred the ministry of Mary
The woman that anointed Your feet – You did not rebuke
So often we see this message of Biblical Truth –
Oh Lord we should busy ourselves with ministering to You
Bring us to that place
Where You’re able to erase
All our selfish ways
That keep us apart from You
And this thing we will do –
From Ezekiel 44:16
We’ll take our cue –

And Lord, we’ll minister to You!

Ravage my soul, Lord
Take full control, Lord
May this moment be
Yours completely

Ransack my heart, Lord
Take it apart, Lord
Then put it together again
Rend me, then mend

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Will

I will mount up with Eagle’s wings Isa:40:31
Where You will show me unknown things Jer:33:3
You will reveal what eyes can’t see 1 Cor:2:9&10
Your mysteries made known to me

I will run and not grow weary Isa:40:31
I’ll outrun Ahab though he’s in his chariot 1 Ki:18:46
I’ll run through a troop, leap over a wall Psa:18:29
And oh my God, through it all

You lift me up, You give me strength Psa:27:6 19:14
You give me wisdom the entire length
And breadth of my days
Oh my God I give You praise!
I acknowledge You in all my ways
Oh God, it’s You I laud
Yahweh, it’s You I applaud!

On Eagle’s wings I will mount
I’ll drink deep from Your Eternal fount
Wherein I’ll never thirst again
The fount that quenches the souls of men

You are that fount – Your blood and Your Word 1 Joh:5:8
Your Spirit applies both to this fallen world
We are so in need but You’ve taken heed
And not left us in prison bound
But with Freedom we’ve been crowned

(In response to Satan’s list of “I wills” in Isa:14, I came up with my own)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Thank You Father, for the Cross
Oh God thank You that what I cost
Was not too high a price for You to pay
But instead upon the Cross Your body lay
You took the stripes, You took the taunts
You fulfilled within Yourself all my needs and wants
You are Worthy, so Worthy to be my God

You have proven Yourself far more than once
Again and again, every moment of every day
Your love and Your Mercy are poured out abundantly
Continually given, continually renewed
Which is why I continually choose You

Never once do You go back on Your Word
You are a Faithful witness to this fallen world
Thank You Father for the Cross
Through it You’ve regained what You’ve lost –
My heart forever with You in love
And iniquity, deep in me
Forever replaced by Your Purity

1 Cor:6:20 7:23

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You knew all the answers but
You forgot to ask the questions
You knew all the reasons
Still your heart committed treason
And will you? Surrender?
Which will you choose? Pretender?
or just tender?
How can you learn more
When you already know it all?
How can you rise again
When you don’t realize you had a fall?
How can your heart be mended
When you continue to pretend that
Every thing’s fine. And you?
Fine. Ok. Alright.
And will you? Surrender?
Just one more time?
No more pretender - just tender.


Some things cannot be spoken
Until your heart has been broken
Some things cannot be known
Until your heart is His home
Some things cannot be done
Until the battle is won
And if you’ll see the Victory
It can only rise out of humility

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I want our meetings to be so full of You
People are touched
People are changed
I don’t want just empty words
but I want us to shower in Your Presence and Power
Lord, I can’t stand another minute
of gathering together when You’re not in it
We go on and on and on and on
Thinking it’s Faith – no, too often it’s a disgrace
When You are here –
We get a taste, a glimpse of You
But too often we don’t press on through
We hesitate, we don’t enter in
(forgive us this sin) fully to Your Presence
As we savour the sweet incense
Oh, the smell of You, the taste, the touch
Lord I desire You so much
yet they stop! time for announcements
A sermon. An offering.
Then go home, untouched, unchanged –
We remain ever the same to our shame
God, please open our eyes, help us to realize,
We’re bound by the traditions of men,
Which make void the commandments You sent
Love Me by loving each other
Let us remember the lesson of the fig tree
We must through intimacy
Bear much fruit unto Thee
Or cursed is how we’ll end up to be


Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh sure, sin is pleasurable
if only for a season
The enemy will be happy to
give you any ol’ reason
To go ahead and enjoy
the appetites of the flesh
But the wages of sin are always death.

But just as surely as the above is true
I’d like to submit these thoughts to you –

Righteousness is painful
if only for a season
It’s hard sometimes when it’s The Lord you are pleasin’
It’s hard to die to
The lust of the flesh, the eyes and Pride
But if we persevere then we will find

The wages of Righteousness are Eternal Life!



Yes, I know, Righteousness is a gift. But it sure pays to be Righteous! Eternal dividends!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What wouldn’t Jesus do to save you?
Where wouldn’t Jesus go
to rescue you and bring you home?
He’s already gone to Hell and back
Do you think He can’t reach you where you’re at?
Is there anything He wouldn’t try?
To save your soul and make you wise?
Is there anything He wouldn’t give?
That forever with Him you may live?
The answer my friend
is blowin’ in the wind,
the Wind of His Spirit,
refreshing you again –

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t give
nowhere I won’t go
I gave all I had to give
So you could come to know



Really, He’s given us all we need, including the very Faith to believe! If you have trouble believing, just ask Him “Lord, help thou my unbelief”. The Scriptures are clear, He has given every man a “measure of faith”, so none are without excuse!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can I express, in a moment of stress
Or happiness what weighs within my heart?

Can words really convey
what it is I have to say?

Can they really do justice to
The language of the Spirit?

Deep calling out from me to you?

If I strike a chord in your heart –
It must resonate beyond mere words
Till you feel a lifting inside, a light
A touch rather more than what you heard
The hand and breath of God
Doing what words alone can’t do
Touching much deeper than I could ever touch you

Let Him touch you now
It’s an easy yoke to wear
Let Him love you now
It’s an easy burden to bear
It’s a blessing that He’ll share
With Eternal ramifications,
Salutations !


Friday, October 15, 2010

Undam your heart man, undam your heart!
Let the River of Life flow through and tear it apart
Let the pieces form the bed upon which the River will flow
To so many dry and thirsty souls –

Flow, River, flow! Say –
Let my heart of stone be made flesh
River flow through me, quench all my thirstiness
Undam my heart, Lord, Undam my heart!
Here, now is where my repentance starts.
Love leaves me a weak and softened heart
No more hardening the arteries
Through which Your love flows in and out

I break, I break, I break,
Before Your mighty outpouring of
Love for me and others through me
That You bring to me
Oh renew me,


“We are not put on this earth to be entertained by the world. Since when did entertainment become an industry?”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We should have been the ones to be crucified
We should have been the ones to lay down and die
But like Barrabas, we’ve been set free
Though it should have been us slain on the Tree
And what will you do with your freedom?
Will you make it back to the Garden of Eden?
Will you join the One who never stopped bleedin’?
Or selfishly take for granted every breath that you’re breathin’?
Jesus gave every last drop of blood that He had
Don’t let Him waste the drop He shed for you –
Cause one drop is all it takes to make you new.

There were two thieves crucified with Jesus that day
One went up, the other down - you choose your way
Will you be the thief who was filled with grief
At his own sinful condition?
Ashamed of himself, declaring Jesus didn’t deserve His position?
Or will you be the one who joined the mockers and the proud
Who even as he was dying he scorned along with the crowd?
You are one of these two thieves – which one are you?
You are dying, your only choice is – where are you going to?


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Give to The Lord all that is due His Name
He’s carried our sorrows, He’s carried our shame
Give to The Lord all the Glory and the fame
The impossible now is brought near
Ah, the Truth now is made clear
The Truth is embraceable, irreplaceable,
Completely faceable but never erasable
The Truth is without a doubt
Pure and lovely inside and out
The Truth is bleeding and needing you still
And gentle as a dove
The Truth is pursuing us, is fulfilling God’s Will, is Love
The Truth is on trial, being Judged, being put to death today
It’s no different now than when Jesus had His say
In order to justify the swallowing of the Lie
They must kill the Truth and put Him far from their minds
If you walk in Truth and Truth walks in you
You’ll get the same treatment Jesus did too
So you should know the score
Behold I have told you before.


Why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?
Know you not the One with whom you speak
Is the very One your heart seeks?
I am the lover of your soul, cling not to me though,
But it is to your brethren you must go
But oh my Love, I’ll return to you soon
Oh my Love let not your heart swoon.. Joh:20:14-18

(He always turns our hearts back to our brethren, where His heart is)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It’s time to quit the “Big Show”
Cause if there’s one thing I know
Jesus commanded us to go

Stop expecting them to come to you
And sit in your comfortable pew
But go and obey the great command
To go and make Disciples of your fellow man
Go and spread the Gospel seed throughout the land

Show the One by One
That His Kingdom’s come
Demonstrate His presence with power
Set the world ablaze in these final hours

Don’t stop till each one learns
Unless they repent, unless they turn
Forever in torment they will burn and burn


Sin - Self

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear Child,

Your mommy and daddy love you so much!
But your God loves you more than us.
He is the true lover of your soul,
More than mom or dad will ever know.
Oh child, let Him love you,
Keep your heart available for Him to.
Don’t harden your heart when people are mean,
Keep your eyes on Him, this will keep your heart clean.
Don’t let bitterness or ugly hate
Cause the love in your heart to abate
Do let Him express His Spirit in you
Free to do all He wants to

And your very breath and hearts’ cry
Will be lifted up on high
And you, dear child,
Will spread your hearts’ wings
and fly

And you will rise complete
And in the sky we’ll meet
Then you and I
Will be together,
Side by side
Alive forever


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Precious Moments

Touching your face gently
Watching you watching me
Playing with our baby, Tiffany
Or watching her play with TJ or Mary
Lying and holding you still in bed
Kissing you softly on the head
Playing horse shoes, almost getting beat
And looking for Christmas gifts is neat
Sometimes just holding your hand
Worshipping God with you is Grand
Knowing you’re my wife
For the rest of my life
Makes each precious moment
Twice as nice


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Don't leave me Daddy

“Don’t leave me daddy” she said to me
and it could very well have been the plea
of an entire generation of children,
lost without daddies
The father’s hearts must begin to start
To turn to their children again
Leave the sin and selfish thing
Of abandoning your offspring
Dad, how can you do it?
Dad, how can you go through it?
Life without your son or daughter?
Hearing the sound of joyful laughter,
When Daddy arrives home,
She zooms across the room,
Jumps in my arms, laughing out loud!
Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!
And boy am I proud!

There is no price you can pay
For the love of a child or the trust of a mate
Please don’t hesitate
To once again relate.
You gave them life,
Now they’re your fate
Love them
Hold them
Before it’s too late


Friday, October 8, 2010

I had an epiphany one day
While watching my baby Tiffany at play
So content so at peace
Just knowing she’s near me

Now why do we struggle and fear?
Knowing Daddy God is always near?
Yet still we wander still we stray,
From the Peace of just resting in Him each day –

Like a child at play
Content to just be
Near her daddy


Listen my friend, why do you spend
Your days in needless fears?
You worry away the Peace He gave
Forgetting He’s so near
When your future appears so dim
Don’t trouble your heart just think of Him
Who for you gave His blood, that in this time you would find love –
Don’t worry about it oh no
Don’t worry about it He’s close
Don’t worry about it take it slow
Don’t worry about it He won’t let go
Don’t worry about it cause Jesus cares for you!
He’s wrapped His loving arms around you
His mercies will always surround you
When your fears rob you of your peace
It’s in your praises you’ll find release!
Don’t worry about it! Oh no
Don’t worry about it! He’s close
Don’t worry about it! Just take it slow
Don’t worry about it! He won’t let go
Don’t worry about it! Jesus cares for you!
Looking at the future, many are blinded by their past
But in the heart of God, my friend, is the love that will last –
Don’t worry about it!

What is the sum of a man’s life?
To what aspirations do we gaze?
Do we rise above the dust of this strife?
Or do we waste these mortal days?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The old man lay still, remembering, full of days, full of years
Some memories distant and hazy, others crystal clear
Fragments of Glory, embedded deeply, like a mole
Gave rise to an ache deep in his soul
But Joy comes in the mourning
Where so often that well of tears had been dry,
The dam of his heart broke, tears flooded his eyes
He knew this would be
The last time he’d see
His loved one’s gazes
He knew he’d never in this life again caress their loving faces
His wife, daughters and son gathered close
Somehow, they’d all come to know,
As they held the old man’s gentle hands
It was time for him to go
From the love in their eyes
From their heart’s sighs
The old man knew that he’d be missed
But even as he breathed his last
As his wife gave him his final kiss
He was looking on the face of God
And the face of God he kissed…
“enter now, My son,
into Eternal bliss…”

2 Cor:5:6-11

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

There’s so much more yet to be revealed
So much still that You have concealed
We’ll no longer settle for cheap imitations
We’ll dig much deeper for Divine Revelations
No more a weakened and impotent and powerless Church
No longer on a fruitless search
For what only He can provide – now the tide is turning
Now He satisfies our yearning
But from here I can taste the Glory of Your Grace
Eternity beckons me to meet You face to face
The Glory of joining to You, of knowing You,
No other goal or agenda will do
But us being one as You are One
All things perfected in The Son
Then presented to The Father
A family for Him to forever love and be a Father to
This is why,
The Son and the Bride are joined,
To live side by side
So we can The Father Glorify
This is why, oh this is why
We exist oh people of The God most High
To be our Father’s family
Yes, that is our ultimate Destiny


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To my daughters –
An open letter,
That someday your husbands might read,
A reminder to you all, to hear The Spirit’s call
To listen to Wisdom and choose to take heed
May the man you choose (or allow to choose you),
Be modest and humble in all he will do
May he lay down his life in service of others
And treat you as Christ would have him to.
But above all else may the spouse that you choose
Love Jesus more than he loves you!
May he have a zeal for God
and not the religions of men
May he choose his Lord over passing trends
And not let Pride get in the way
of deeply loving his God and his family
Self must be sacrificed
On the altar of family life
And fear of God must motivate him
To be faithful to you, his wife
He must be gentle in words and in touch
Be teachable, have faith and courage
If, my daughters, he does all of this –
I will consent to give your hand in marriage to his.

Love Dad


Monday, October 4, 2010

Bumps Happen

Oh my little girls as you grow so beautiful, wise and strong
As you passionately live each day your whole life long
Remember this, as part of the process –
Count your Blessings and not your losses,
And don’t be caught nappin’
Cause darlin’s – Bumps Happen!

Remember this each and every time you stumble
God allows some things just to keep us humble
And you’ll go through your ups
And you’ll go through your downs
And you’ll have your share of smiles
And you’ll have your share of frowns
And you’ll have a few defeats
And many more Victories,
But don’t let the bruises keep you sore
Cause darlin’s my lips aren’t just flappin’
For yes my darlin’s bumps do happen!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Aunt Renee’s pool or the springs
We’re gonna take our girls and do happy things!
Don’t forget Karianna’s earplugs!
And make sure you give the girls lots of hugs!
It’s Saturday!
We’re gonna spend all day with our girls and then
Kiss em’ and bless them as much as we can
And let them know we’ll love them as much as they can stand!
Tiffany really likes to laugh (a lot)
And she likes to write and draw
(just in case you forgot)
Karianna likes to giggle and hug her mom and dad
And when you’re with her
You just can’t help but be glad!

They are both my blessings
So I will once again say –
Boy, I sure am glad
It’s Saturday
And I’m their dad!


I like to take the tune “This is the Day the Lord has made” and change the words to “These are the daughters the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad for them” and sing it to them. Children need the blessing only a Father can impart. Singing over them is a great way to bless them!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Were All Teenagers Once

Sometimes the Teenage years just aren’t so easy
Your kid’ll do stuff that just makes ya queasy
But sometimes when ya just wanna pull out your hair
When they dress so funny ya can’t help but stare
Just remember mom and dad – you were once there

So go easy on the kid – he ain’t backslid
He’s just feeling his way, testing’ what ya got to say
So when sometimes ya feel like yer kid is a dunce
Hey, remember, we were all teenagers once!

So when his grades aren’t quite up to par
Just give her hope and she’ll go far
Or when she crashes your car
Don t react too hard –
So the kid flunked a test, dad
Don’t get too upset, don’t get too mad
Just remember as you’re freakin’ at the lad
As you raise your voice, as you start to shout
His brain might be out to lunch
But we were all teenagers once!
How’s he gonna learn without makin’ mistakes?
How’s he gonna know just what it takes –
To be a man?
Unless you show some compassion?
Unless you show him the plan?
So when yer kid feels like a chump –
Remember pop, we were all teenagers once!


Friday, October 1, 2010

This evolutionary Theory
sounds kinda funky –
I mean really,
Can I seriously query
The idea that man came from a monkey?
But it seems to me, lookin’ round this land,
Seein’ the way some people behave,
And then too, seein’ the monkeys at the zoo,
I might just take this stand –
Monkeys came from man!
Sometimes they act more civilized
Than mankind with all his tribes
Hating and killing each other
At least the monkeys care for one another
Man on the other hand
Left on his own
Without God on the throne
Of his heart
Is much worse
Than the beasts of the earth
He must go through a second birth
In the image of God he must be made again
Or forever He’ll remain depraved in sin


Just in case you’re not sure, no, I do not believe monkeys came from man. I’m just being facetious and poking fun at the theory of evolution.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...