Friday, April 29, 2011

Made Without Hands

Made without Hands

The time is coming and is even now
When this Truth will manifest across the land
Don't stop to question or reason how
For God dwells in a Temple made without hands

Religion keeps God in a prison of man's devising
Stopping up the flow of His Spirit - like a Dam
Giving in to Satan's whims - consistently compromising
Denying that God now dwells in a Temple made without hands

God now dwells in a house of His choosing
It's really not too hard to understand
The Holy Spirit is even now loosing
The people who make up His house, made without hands

When man's in charge - it brings a curse
So it-s time now for us all to make a stand
Cause Religion will only get worse and worse
And hate and kill those built by God's hand

So stand - don't fall - be an example to all
Be a part of this Truth so grand
You are God's and God's alone, big or small
And you have nothing to do with the kingdom of man
For you are God's Temple - made without hands!

Be blessed!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Tale of Two Temples part five

This is a major foundation stone in our Theology, a living stone of Truth, not some dead, stale doctrine of man but a truth we all must grasp to help to deliver us from Babylon. Stephen knew it. Acts 7:48 - "Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands as saith the prophet". The Holy Spirit included this salient point to the hard hearted religious leadership of the day, of whom Paul was a member. This same Paul, who was present when Stephen was stoned to death (remember Jesus prophesied this would happen in John 16:2), this same Paul heard this Truth and later repeated it to the Greeks in Acts:17:24 - "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with men?'s hands". This Truth is so offensive to those in Babylon, it so pricks their guilty consciences that the heathen who heard it used it as an indictment against Paul's ministry just as some did earlier against Jesus (like Father, like son) - Acts 19:26 - "This Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people (praise God!) saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands". The Truth was getting out whether they agree with it or not! Even the lost are preaching it! Paul later expounds further on this wonderful truth "know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you"? "for the temple of God is Holy, which temple ye are." 1 Cor: 3:16&17.

In the "temples made with hands" or put another way, in the Religious structures made by man, with his wisdom and judgments, in denominational churches where Man is in charge, not God, it doesn't matter at all if God is present in their midst, in fact, it's preferable if He isn?t because He'll have the audacity to rebuke and interrupt their traditions and rituals and demand they follow Him instead. The tares won't do it but the wheat will (follow Him). He comes to His own today in the person of the Holy Spirit and His own receive Him not. But those who do receive Him go on to become His sons and daughters. Mt: 24:23 - "Then if any man shall say unto you, lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not". All Christians bound by religion say of their church or denomination "here is Christ" and they deceive many. Believe it not because dear believer, where is Christ found on earth today? In You! "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles, which is Christ in you the Hope of Glory; whom we preach" Col:1:27. The God of all creation, the Hope of glory is found today in you and I, His people but the religious Pharisees of today cannot admit or acknowledge this because it would mean the end of their kingdom, their grip on you, their control of you. If they acknowledge Christ is in you and not in the religious structure they've built and approved of, then they must give honor and respect to and love and treasure Him in you! You must be released and allowed to minister (1 Cor: 14:26). No, instead they say Christ is here or there, in our church, in this building made with hands, in this system of worship and service we've devised and you can't partake of Him apart from us. Sure they will give lip service to the concept of Christ in you but Their attitude is - you must join us, assemble with us, to take communion, you need us to validate you, when it should be, we need you, we need the portion of Christ in you, to bless us, to enhance and complete us. Some even go as far as to believe you can't function or live spiritually with out them. Believe it not!

He's not even in the desert or the secret chambers - "behold I have told you before" HE IS NO WHERE YOU MUST GO TO FIND OR EXPERIENCE HIM for He is with you and in you, always, even to the end of the world. Does this mean you don't seek out the fellowship of the saints? Of course not, for the love of God shed in your heart will compel you to seek out other's in the Body to relate to, to serve and to learn from. But you follow no man unless they are following Christ, in other words, you are following Christ in them, you are submitted only to men or women who are submitted to Christ, this way, all they speak to you and instruct you to do come from Christ himself. You are in a family, not a man made organization patterned after the world. This means you will always have parents and older siblings you are under, that are there to help you to mature. Leadership from God is a great blessing because they are a reflection of the Father's heart for us and treat us as their own children and love to see us mature. Under religious "hirelings" you can sit for years and never grow at all but remain in the same baby, immature condition you started with. Remember what Jesus said of the Religious ones of His day for it holds true today -

"These things have I spoken to you, that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues (churches) yea, the time cometh (and now is) that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service and these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father or Me" John 16:1-3.
In the next chapter after Matthew 24, Jesus deals with those who think or pretend that they're His followers but are not - "depart from Me ye cursed" see, God is love, if they knew Him they would never hate and kill in His name. This is how we know them, by their fruit. If they hate you and say they are of God, they are liars (1 John 4). No one can be a "Christian" anyway without the Holy Spirit. By this definition, much of so-called "Christianity" today really isn't because christian by it's very definition means "of Christ" or "little Christ" and the word "Christ" means the anointed one of God. How was Jesus anointed of God? With the Holy Spirit! Without measure! So for us to be a Christian, or of Christ, we must also be anointed of the Holy Spirit, walking with Him, fellowshipping with Him, loving Him and being embraced by Him, daily. Yet in most churches He simply is not welcome. He comes to His own and His own receive Him not. Ah, Lord God! My people love to have it so. Forgive us our spiritual whoredoms, Lord, Forgive us! Deliver us from all that is of us to only that which is of You! God Help us!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Tale of Two Temples part four

See, as the Nations rise against each other "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come" MT:24:14. This is saying this Gospel of the kingdom (of love) must be preached and lived out before them as a witness. For those who receive the example we set it will result in their salvation, for those who don't our witness will testify against them. Then the end will come. Remember, the disciples asked Him in verse three, "what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world"?, see whenever Jesus shows up it spells the end of the world, it's worldly ways and religious system, so Jesus answers their query here essentially saying wherever My gospel is preached, I will show up because I accompany My Word with signs and wonders, and When I show up in every nation it will mean the end of Satan's grip on this world.

God will knowingly send you as sheep among wolves, knowing they will hate and devour and kill you, or try to, because He loves them! And He will do it to train you in His ways. The only way you can learn to love even your enemies is to go out and meet them and their hate and animosity and malice. The only way you can learn to respond to the things Jesus experienced is to go through what He went through. Many of us however will avoid confrontation at all cost and simply will not go out into all the world, not even our own highways and byways to confront Satan and his kingdom, sadly enough. Conflict and confrontation aren't things to be avoided but rather embraced.

What happened to the Temple when Jesus departed from it and after the veil was torn and the Father departed? Nothing! It went right on operating, business as usual, as if God was still there. It wasn't till over seventy years later that it was destroyed, in all that time they kept up the charade that everything was business as usual, that God was still there and this is exactly what most churches do today. Whether God is actually there or not, they keep right on going with their rituals and religious traditions. And those in the Temple, supposedly the guardians and safe keepers of all that is Holy and God, decried and denounced Jesus, the very One they claimed to worship and serve in that very Temple! They did this because He left them and would not submit to their religion. He went outside the boundaries they had set for Him with their religious traditions. Therefore He must be false and a usurper because he (God) wouldn't submit to them. You (anyone not with them) can't be of God because He dwells here, in this Temple, in our Church, fellowship or denomination, with us. We have Him and no one else. All denominations fall into this same prideful attitude and if they're not careful, non-denominational fellowships can too. Even house churches can be lifted up in pride. Long after God departs they stay where He was and refuse to follow Him and abandon what they have made with their own hands and hearts, doctrines they have concocted with their intellects or traditions they have followed not of His Spirit but of their flesh.

This conflict between those espousing the Temple made with hands (religious Christianity) and the true Temple that is God made (not man made), made without hands, continues to this day and it was clearly on the Holy Spirit's agenda as He birthed and nourished the infant church. The religious crowd used it as an indictment against Jesus - to them it posed the ultimate threat to their house built on sand. Mark 14:58 - "We heard Him say I will destroy this temple that is made with hands and within three days I will build another made without hands". I have no doubt Jesus spoke this and I long to see this scripture come to pass. If a day is as a thousand years to the Lord, then we are in the third day since this was spoken by Jesus, we are in the third millennium, so sometime soon the "Temple made without hands" will be completed and the glorious New Jerusalem will come bursting out of the sky and we'll all rise up at His bidding, and meet Him there, in the air, where we'll be wed to Him forever for the New Jerusalem is us, His Bride! Hallelujah!

to be continued.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Tale of Two Temples part three

Guard you heart! "For then many shall be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another". The many referred to here are the many mentioned earlier in this chapter that are deceived by the false ones who come "in my name and deceive many". If you are following a false saint, a religious Christian instead of a real, this will be the fruit. The tares will become offended and not be able to love and forgive. They are following the path Cain took and are his seed. "A bad seed cannot bear good fruit". In the end, all who are Satan's seed will reveal their true nature. This is necessary - for Satan to succeed he must mimic God and he must raise up false prophets to preach and declare his lies Mt:24:11 - "And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many", notice the false prophets are rising even as God's prophets and people are falling. As God's own are hated and killed and betrayed "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them" Rev:13:7, the false will condone it, often to save their own skin. This is the true "Mark of the Beast", hate for one's brother or sister, unforgiveness, becoming offended and betraying the other. God's true prophets will always lower themselves, humble themselves, go in the opposite direction of the ones who "rise". While all this division and hate and killing is going on (in the Name of God, by the ones in the Temple Jesus departed), the false prophets will be saying "All is well", speaking "Peace, peace, when there is no peace".

Don't let your love be affected by their hate, don't let it fade. Mt:24:12 - "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" v 13 - "But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved". It's not those who start the race that win the prize but those that finish and it's a long distance race so endure (in love) to the end and don't ever give in for one second to bitterness and unforgiveness and hate, instead "love your enemies" "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household". Our spiritual household is whatever church we attend. As you continue to follow Christ those who aren't but pretend to be will become your foes, endure I say! Be as steadfast as Jesus was (and is today) in His love for all, even his enemies. He said, even as He was dying from the wounds they inflicted "Father forgive them". This is our example to follow, this is the love we must manifest even as we pick up our cross daily and follow Him, even as we are put to death, emotionally, mentally and in every other way, for all He went through in His physical body is a prophecy in the natural realm of what we, His world-wide body, or house, or temple, if you will, the one now made without hands, will endure in the end. Even as their temple is being "thrown down, not one stone left upon another", they will be trying to destroy God's temple "made without hands". Everything He endured, the scourging, mocking and crucifixion will happen to His true saints, to varying degrees, before the end will come. In fact, Satan's desire, fulfilled in the Religion called "Christianity", can clearly be seen in Mt:26:57 - "And they that had laid hold on Jesus, led Him away". Religion leads God! Tells Him what He can and can't do! Tells Him what is acceptable to them instead of "proving what is acceptable to The Lord" Eph:5:10. Religion, in short, invites man to switch places with God, binds Him and leads Him instead of following Him as all true disciples do (come, follow Me). No, religion puts Him on trial and judges Him and ultimately tries to kill Him. So many churches crying out for revival, for God's presence and it never happens! Why? God will never again submit to man in this way, as a meek lamb, led to the slaughter, though for us, "for thy sake, we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" Rom:8:36, which is why we are called upon to be "patient in tribulation" Rom:12:23, and why of the Apostles it was said they taught many "confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God". No, our God is returning on "a white horse; and he that sat upon him is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes are as a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns- and out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword" Rev:19.

To be continued.....

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Tale of Two Temples part two

Immediately, He begins to fulfill His own words, He begins to throw down the temple, he begins to dismantle Babylon, that kingdom of lies, with Truth and the first thing He says after the prophetic utterance that the temple will fall, is an arrow stabbing at the very heart of Babylon "Take heed that no man deceive you" Mt:24:4. This strips bare the very core of Babylon - deception! A kingdom based on deceit, from Satan, through man. In Satan's kingdom man becomes his primary channel through which he rules because God gave man dominion over this earth, so to rule here, he must go through men.

See, today, Satan uses a religion called "Christianity" to deceive and destroy many. Mt:24:5 - "For many shall come in My name, saying I am Christ and shall deceive many". Truer words were never spoken! Add up all the "Christian" denominations on earth today, every one of which says "We are Christ" or "We are of Christ?, I am or we are blessed of God and sent by God, we are His representatives on earth today", and you certainly have MANY. There are literally thousands of christian denominations on the earth today. Honestly, do you believe there are denominations in Heaven? Didn't Jesus instruct us to pray "Father, may your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven? We should all be reflections of our Heavenly Father's face, of his perfection, here on earth and in Heaven, we are all one people, simply brother's and sisters with NO MAN ORIGINATED, DENOMINATIONAL LABLES PUT ON EACH OTHER. Yet we can't acknowledge and live this truth until we come out of Babylon, out of denominationalism. We can't truly be one as he is one till we are all submitted to the Holy Spirit alone, till God himself is ruling and reigning in our hearts and spirits alone. Look at the fruit of this Satanic deception called "Christianity". What is his fruit? It is this -

"Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars". This perfectly describes denominationalism. The last thing they do is get along with each other, love one another. No, even churches within a denomination within a given city rarely get along and work together. They can't because the spirit they are of won't let them. The spirit of the world engenders competition and striving with each other for dominance. Jesus' spirit is the opposite "Esteem each other more highly" "Let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth".

Fellow saint, do not be troubled at the hate, division and rebellion to God's heart and desire manifested throughout scripture - "Love one another" (In fact, God models this for us each day the sun rises and sets or the rain falls - all an act of love from God to all mankind, testifying that not only did He send His only begotten son but continues to send Him through us, through missionaries and believers all over the world). Be not troubled when they kick you out of their fellowships and kill you, kill your ministry, believing they're doing God a favor (well, they are doing the god they serve a favor).

Mt:24:6 - "For all these things must come to pass". With Babylon in charge, "Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and earth quakes and pestilences in divers places". Satan always breeds hate and division for one another, the opposite of love one another. In fact, under him, if they do achieve unity, it is out of hate for each other that they come together, hoping to advance themselves at their brother's expense. A famine of God's Spirit and therefore His Words always results when Satan rules. Religion kills true Christians! Tries to bind them like they did Jesus and ultimately kill them. Mt:24:9 - "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted" Just like they did Me! Your ministry, your very name and person will be maligned and attacked "And shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for My name's sake".

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Tale of Two Temples part one

For a time and a season, God humbled Himself and dwelt in a house made with hands. But the day came when the veil was torn and God departed from the Temple made with hands. This was when God the Father departed from the Temple but Jesus preceded him in Mathew 24 verse one - " And Jesus went out and departed from the Temple". He no longer dwells in a temple made with hands but Religion has tried to keep Him in a place where He can be controlled, where He is surrounded by, kept by, man rather than where man is surrounded by and kept by God. In fact, the next time Jesus showed up there, he was in chains. He was bound by men. This is a clear picture of what Religion does to God, or wants to do.

"His disciples came to Him" Mt:24:2. All true disciples of Jesus will follow Him wherever He leads. If He departs from a church or fellowship they will follow Him out but their attention and focus was still on their church or denomination - "For to show Him the buildings of the Temple" Mt:24:2. They were still focused on what man had made. Hey, God, aren't you impressed with what we've made? Aren't you impressed with what we create and build, with our pomp and circumstance, our religious traditions and ceremonies? (All for you, all to honor you, of course).

Jesus' reply? See all this? See all these religious structures (denominations) built and designed by man to impress God? "See ye not all these things"(for what they truly are - a result of man's pride and arrogance, designed to impress men and glorify men, not God). "There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down". In other words, I'm gonna see to it that every last bit of Religion, of pride, of Babylon and it's rebellious ways, will be thrown down. Like Jeremiah 50:15 and 8 - "Her walls are thrown down, Her foundations are fallen". God did, for a time and a season, dwell in the temple made with hands but no more. He could, for a time, be found in denominational churches, but no more. Forget about Elvis, Jesus has left the building!

"And as he sat upon the Mt. of Olives". In order to avoid being in the Temple that will be torn down (like the one the Philistines were in when Samson was used by God to tear it down), we must follow Jesus out of it. He went to the Mount of Olives. The Olive is a wonderful gift from God, very healthy. It's oil is the best in the world. But to get that oil, it must be crushed, great pressure must be put on it. So it is with us. To get the anointing of the Holy Spirit out of us, God must put us through times of pressure and crushing, where he removes all that is impure from us. "The discilpes came to him privately saying TELL US". All true disciples of Jesus will follow him wherever he goes. In verse one, they came to him publicly, here they come to him privately. True disciples will meet with him in both places. One is not enough. If we meet with him only in public, where men can witness, we become proud and our walk becomes a display to impress others. To become his bride, we must meet with him privately, we must enter into a place of intimacy with him. We must spend time with him when no one else is around but If we only meet with him privately and we never witness of him publicly, this too is a tragedy. We must do both. And when we meet with him it is natural and good to say "tell us". He is the one we seek knowledge and understanding from and no other.
"When shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" This chapter of scripture is very prophetic and speaks loudly to us today. He is about to describe conditions at the end of days for he will destroy the temple made with hands (Babylon) by his returning physically but first he has returned spiritually. And when he shows up it always means the end of the world. Physically and spiritually. When he returns the second time physically, the world will be judged and destroyed by fire, but when he enters a human heart by his Spirit, the spirit of the world relenquishes control and dominion in that person and they are set free and the worldly spirit inside the person is also destroyed by fire, the fire of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

To be continued...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My prayer

My prayer for all who are caught in Religion -

"She shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them: and she shall seek them; but shall not find them: then shall she say I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now" (Hosea 2:7)

"Oh God, rescue us from watchmen that are blind and ingorant, that cannot bark, that love to slumber. Deliver us from greedy dogs which can never have enough, from shepherds that cannot understand, that all look to their own way, everyone for his own gain, from his quarter" (Isaiah 56:10&11)


"Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: and they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away"

As we flee Babylon, sorrow and mourning shall flee from us.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Parting thoughts part two

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I command all that hinders you from complete and total freedomto leave you right now. I declare you free - so be free! It is for freedom that he set us free. God is even now raising up shepherds after his own heart but he will personally shepherd you if you have none in your area. Trust these words, dear one, for I say to you by the Spirit of the True and Living God we are now living in the beginning of the end of days. The judgement of Babylon has begun. We are truly in the Day of Judgment of Our God. We are in the day of Isaiah 2:11 - "The lofty looks of man will be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day". Do not listen to the false prophets in the Body, declaring peace, telling you all is well for it most certainly is not. 9-1-1 was a prophetic sign to America (and the world). When the twin towers fell, God was saying to us, "I can take those who are proud and arrogant, who have exalted themselves, who trust in the world's system of buying and selling, who choose to live in Babylon, and I can bring them low in a moment". Yet in the midst of judgment, God showed mercy in that it took the towers something like 45 minutes to collapse, during which time thousands escaped that otherwise would have perished. The Lord showed me Angels he had sent, holding up the towers during that time. He has also told me Angels are propping up the economy in the U.S., delaying judgment, so thousands can repent of following the ways of Babylon and "come out and be separate".
Remember, the Lord comes as a thief in the night. All who dwell in Babylon will rejoice to see the rise of the physical anti-christ (his spirit is already here), for he will come as a man of peace. He will embody the hopes and aspirations of the whole world, that is, the idea that we can build a paradise apart from God. We don't need God at all, is their philosophy. The whole world will rejoice that they are able to achieve peace and unity without God, but "when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Th:5:3). Pay no heed and DO NOT BE DECEIVED INTO ACCEPTING THE FALSE PEACE THE ANTI-CHRIST SPIRIT OF BABYLON OFFERS ALL CHRISTIANS, peace obtained by submitting to him! Many, many christians will be taken in by this (christians who do not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit) and will think it wonderful that divisions in the Body are finally fading and we're all becoming one. Only we're not becoming one as HE IS ONE, but rather one under a false, deceiving spirit, masquerading as an angel of light. One clue is that this false spirit will allow, nay encourage, all faiths to become one. Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, etc. The lie is that "a true Christian has lvoe and compassion for all people, no matter what religion". Of course we do, but our love compels us to show them JESUS is the only name given to man whereby he may be saved, our love compels us to speak the truth to them. Every other name is a lie designed to send souls to Hell.
I salute you courageous reader. We are fast coming to the day of 2 Chronicles 5:14 when "the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud, for the Glory of the Lord had filled the house of God". Soon, no man will be able to stand in his presence but all flesh will fall before him, prostrate at his feet, as his Glory fills US, his house. Set your gaze upon the New Jerusalem and keep it there like flint. You're going to make it! The desire of your heart, to be with the lover of your soul, forever and ever, is soon coming upon you! Don't let ANYTHING, especially fear, keep you from obeying him. Be careful it is the Lord who leads you to share this blog with others. If your leadership is caught in Babylon and do not wish to be free they will not be able to receive this blog. They will feel threatened or intimidated by it if they are under Babylon's influence. God still might wish you to share it with them, just do not be too disappointed it they tell you to delete it. Really, it is far more preferable for a man or woman of God to hear God's voice for themselves, telling them to get out. If an Apostle or Prophet is sent to them to tell them to leave it's as a last resort. Please contact me with questions or comments and know that I love you. In Jesus' matchless name, selah. Chris Michael Waxman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Parting thoughts

The following is the final chapter from my book "Freedom from Babylon". written in Ireland in June of 2007 -

"During the genesis of this book, written over a three week period in the summer of 2007, hardly a day has gone by without a headline in the newspaper USA Today telling us about another tragedy in Iraq. On April 27th, 2007 I came across this article - "General: Iraq war will get tougher" (US just getting started). Two years into the war there and we're just getting started? The top U.S. Commander in Iraq states that conditions there will get harder before they get easier and will require "an enormous commitment over time" by the United States. This is also true of us, all of us in the Body of Christ today. As we "put ourselves in array against Babylon round about", it will get harder before it gets easier and our commitment to fighting this spiritual war must be absolute and firm. The American general called the war "the most complex and challenging I have ever seen". This is the last, greatest battle we must fight. The next great scriptural event after the fall of Babylon is the Wedding Supper of the Lamb! The general cited some progress but stated "there is vastly more work to be done across the board...we are just getting started", and so it is with us. This book is an opening salvo against Babylon, a sounding of the trumpet in Zion. The Holy Spirit has commissioned me to write it for such a time as this. Moses' anointing is upon me to set my people free! Like Jeremiah, I am declaring freedom and deliverance from Babylon to my people. How sad that the Israelites (also my people) were so mightily delivered from Egypt (sin) only to be taken captive to Babylon (pride)! Do not, dear reader, leave Egypt only to exchange one form of bondage for another! Don't be so proud of the fact you've escaped Egypt that you fail to minister to the One who delivered you. Do not let leadership in your life take your rightful place before his throne of Grace, daily. Revelation without relationship produces Religion, always. An intimate, deeply intimate relationship with our Holy, loving Father is the antidote to religion, is the key to unlocking the door out of Babylon. When you are so in love with him you are willing to SUFFER for him by forsaking all, including your loved ones still trapped in Religion, in Babylon. "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple" (Mt:14:33). We must forsake all the ways of Babylon, lust for wealth, pride of life, exaltation of self, to follow him. Israel and Babylon are complete opposites, and they are the only two choices for each of us today. You must join one or the other. "Israel" wrestled with God, he strove with him but it was because he was so passionate for God that he would not let him go till he received his blessing, the blessing only God can give. Nimrod strove with God also, but it was because he wanted to reject God and cast him away. He wanted nothing whatsoever to do with God and his blessings. Each of us must follow Israel's lead and wrestle with God, be so passionate for him we WILL NOT LET HIM GO until he gives us the blessing only he can give - an eternal life completely free of Babylon and her influence. And after he's blessed us and changed our name, our walk with him will be forever changed and then, after we're prospering, after we're blessed, we turn back to him and say we will not take another step without him. We do not ever forget him. Love for him and from him will deliver us from all that is not of him. Freedom, I say FREEDOM is yours this very moment. It is not enough to simply live, we must live free. Lazarus was raised from the dead but it wasn't until his stinking grave clothes were removed that he was able to live free! Let's allow the Holy Spirit to take all that stinks off of us, off our spirits, off our souls. Let's allow him to blow the chaff of religious stinking thinking far away from us now.

Part two tommorrow, God willing and I live.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Dear readers, as you can see, this is no longer a daily blog. I am taking weekends off! Spending more time with family as spring finally stops flirting with us and commits herself to a relationship. Still, I will be blogging monday through friday each week so don't despair. Feel free to comment once in a while! I value your opinions. So, till tommorrow, ta ta. Chris

Friday, April 15, 2011

Obey God rather than men

"Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you" (Lk:6:26), Jesus warned. Because man is under the influence of Satan, because he lives in Babylon, Satan's kingdom, he is in direct opposition to God's kingdom, all that is of God. So when unredeemed men speak well of us, we'd better do a check up. It was the false prophets who received the praise and honor of men. So when men praise us, when they befriend us, something's often wrong. "Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4). He did say beware when ALL men speak well of you, when they seek to befriend you without changing their ways, without surrendering to Christ. It irks me to see so called "christian" leadership seeking to make peace with Muslims and others caught in a lie without ever rebuking them for their worship of false gods. We do not seek the praise of men but of God! We do seek to live peaceably with all men but not at the sacrafice of the Truth. Look at Romans 2:29 - "But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart (he's embraced and entered into the New Covenant of the Blood of Jesus in the spirit and not just in letter), whose praise is NOT OF MEN BUT OF GOD". Don't we want to please God? We cannot please God and man at the same time. If we pleases one, the other will be offended. We should all be seeking God's praise and not man's. We should all be following the Apostle's example found in Acts - "Then Peter and the apostles answered and said - WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN" (Acts 5:29)./ I love the fact God says PETER AND THE APOSTLES, singling out Peter because He's so proud of him because he did have a problem with fear of man but he repented of it and overcame. This must become our mantra also, the very heartbeat of our walk with God. We must, in our heart of hearts, choose one or the other. I pray you choose God over man. If you choose God, he will teach you to love your fellow man in a manner that pleases him, not men. And when Satan comes to sift you like wheat, Jesus has already prayed for you and you will endure and overcome, just as Jesus did in the desert with his encounter with Satan.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is your Theological Duck-billed Platypus? part two

The Pharisees had not his word abiding in their hearts, only in their minds. The same is true today of many pastors. Their churches become so focused on correct doctrine (which cannot come from man anyway, only from the Holy Spirit) and teaching the Word by standing and talking about it that they become unable to DO the Word, to perform it. Listen to Paul - ""And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Cor:2:4). Paul is pointing to a trap he knew many in ministry can fall into, that is being hearers of the word only and not doers. Pride leads them to let doctrine become the focus of their fellowship whereas the Holy Spirit would lead us to camp around Christ, even as the Tabernacle of His Presence was the central focus of the Israelites camp, with God himself at the very center of their daily existence. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt:18:20). We are in fellowship around our risen, living Savior, the only true source of life and godliness and healing we will ever know. Religious saints are forever wanting to know - what church do you go to? This is so they can satisfy the demands of the religious spirit they are following which wants to prevent them from knitting their hearts with yours in love, so it makes them immediately define you in their minds as someone who "goes to another church". The only question the Holy Spirit would have us ask, or know, when meeting someone who claims to be of Christ is exactly that - are you born of God? There are no competing, separate churches in God's kingdom, in fact there is no division whatsoever in his Body! Read Ephesians chapter four again. In his Body, all are one and all are being perfected in love for God and each other. THe truth is, his Body is very healthy today, he is raising up a beautiful Bride, who perfectly reflects him, all over the world. Wherever you find division and hate in the so called "christians", they are not under God's influence and rule but are in Babylon!
When God looks at a city, he sees his Blood and that alone defines who is his and who is not. All the labels "christians" put on each other come from man, not from God. It is a truth that if a "christian" cannot knit their heart with GOD"S in love, they will certainly not be able to knit their heart with yours. Especially if your heart is full of genuine love and not faked. They will hate you and put you out of their fellowships because you are a constant reminder of who they're not. Take courage dear one, if you are reading this and you can relate to these truths for it is a sign you are on the right path. In these last days, many will not endure sound doctrine but will heap to themselves teachers (2 Tim:4:3). The only teacher we need, or should ever give heed to, it the Holy Spirit, yet Bible colleges are turning out teachers by the dozen who have no idea how to discern the written word by the one who originally inspired it, the Holy Spirit. They have been trained instead to listen to man's voice, man's wisdom, they've been taught to interpret the Word according to their churches teachings passed down from generation to generation, without ever learning how to hear from the only one who really know how to correctly teach it to begin with. And the many who do not wish to hear sound doctrine, which only the Holy Spirit can teach, naturally reject the Holy Spirit from their midst and are more than happy to surround themselves with teachers who will support them in their error, teachers who do not know the Holy Spirit. Those who do not love the Holy Spirit love to submit themselves to teachers who do not know him. In fact, "heaping teachers to themselves" is a way for them to justify their hardened, religious hearts which produce doctrines of men and honor doctrines of devils that are contrary to the word of God. Yes, devils teach doctrine just as readily as the Holy Spirit will, if allowed. The churches are full of their teachings. By heaping teachers, they believe their false doctrines are validated, because how could so many be so wrong? There is safety in numbers. Don't you believe it. Narrow is the way and few there be that find it...A false prophet may harm an individual, a church or maybe a country but a false teacher can infect a whole generation and his false teaching can be passed down to the next generation and on and on. This is why James warns that Teachers will receive the "greater condemnation".

We are truly living in a day when Peter's prophecy has come to pass "But there were false prophets among the people, even as THERE SHALL BE FALSE TEACHERS AMONG YOU, WHO PRIVILY SHALL BRING IN DAMNABLE HERESIES (prophecy doesn't exist today, God only speaks through his written word), EVEN DENYING THE LORD THAT BOUGHT THEM and bring upon themselves swift destruction. AND MANY SHALL FOLLOW THEIR PERNICIOUS WAYS, BY REASON OF WHOM THE WAY OF TRUTH SHALL BE EVIL SPOKEN OF. AND THROUGH COVETOUSNESS SHALL THEY MAKE MERCHANDISE OF YOU" (2 Pet:2:1-3). OH how many today have been led astray by false teachers and been made merchandise of. How many have been fleeced of their money by snakes in sheep's clothing, teaching that "Gain is godliness"! This has caused great shame to come to his great name all over the world as the world associates the name of Jesus with money more than anything else. And many, many are deceived by these false teachers Peter speaks of. The crowd mentality will send more people to Hell than just about any other motivation. Many will simply choose the wrong path because everyone else is. Many of the 70 disciples that left Jesus were probably on the fence till they saw more and more abandoning him and they must have privately thought, how could so many be so wrong? I'm out of here too. The path of Life IS NARROW and FEW there be that find it and remain on it their entire lives. It is ultimately a lonely path. Jesus was a man of sorrows and so will we be if we follow him. It will grieve us as it did him to see so many lost and living in Babylon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What is your Theological Duck-billed Platypus?

To further summarize some thoughts expressed previously in this blog, a dangerous result of abiding in Babylon, of remaining therein, especially after the Holy Spirit has called us to come out, is that our hearts grow more and more hardened to God, to His Spirit's leading, to his presence. And the religious spirit of Babylon is always more than ready and willing to take his place, disguised as God. When and if this happens, our "Christianity" becomes purely an intellectual excercise. We no longer know him, we only know about him. We cannot then know him in our spirits, that is in our hearts because our spirits are bound to another spirit, our hearts belong to another. Though we seek him with tears (emotionally, soulishly), we do not find him. We become ever learning but never arriving at the truth, the personification of truth, Jesus himself. Churches that know God only with the mind, and do not engage him (and each other) with their hearts, become doctrinally centered and not Christ centered. They meet and camp around a set of doctrines, remaining there, long after the pillar of fire has left them. This is why they exalt their doctrines above Christ himself, just as the Pharisees did when confronted with the Word made flesh. They denied him, strove against him, choosing their doctrines instead. They chose their interpretation/understanding of the Word over the very Word himself.
There is a Duck-billed Platypus in all of our theology somewhere. A Duck-billed Platypus is a creature that does not fit neatly into scientists understanding of the world. It is an amalgamation of several species, part mammal, part bird, etc. I believe God put them there on purpose, to show man that he is in charge and he can change the rules if he pleases. God will purposely, at some point in our walk with him, do or say something that does not fit into our understanding of him. He will do this to test us, to see where our loyalties lie, to see if we are willing to follow him or make him submit to us, to our understanding. He knew that when he taught his followers to "eat my flesh and drink my blood" he would lose many of them but he taught it anyway. He was weeding out all those who would choose a comfortable set of doctrines their minds could agree with over the truth. Doctrines that make sense! Doctrines that come from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus broke the law, not of God but of man, laws that man had added to the Word, laws that came from hardened, religious hearts. Actually, Jesus is the only man that ever lived that kept the Law perfectly. We never see him bring a sacrafice to the temple for sin because he was sinless. This is why he said an often misunderstood passage of scripture - "For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law UNTIL ALL BE FULFILLED" (Mt:5:18). Jesus is the only one that could ever fulfill the law and he did so, perfectly. The commandments he is referring to in verse 19 are the NEW commmandments he is giving through the Gospels, do not lust, do not hate, etc., not the law of Moses. He is now dealing with our hearts, writing the Law on our hearts. Verse 20 shows us we have to exceed the righteousness that comes from keeping the Law, which the Pharisees did about as well as anybody ever could because it doesn't change our hearts. Our righteousness can only come from Jesus himself, who far exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees because the righteousness that comes from keeping the Law will always come from something we have done, it will always originate with us. We can take credit for it because we did it. Since Jesus alone fulfilled the Law, we as his disciples, his sons and daughters, can also fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law by LOVING ONE ANOTHER. Love works no ill to his neighbor; therefore Love is the fulfillment of the Law. If we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength and we love our neighbor as ourself, we are under a higher law than the law of Moses, we are under the Royal Law, according to James, the perfect law of liberty: liberty from sin and death and all of Babylon's ways, liberty to live in a manner pleasing to the Father.

to be continued.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verses 59 - 64

"The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince. So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon. And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, when thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words; then shalt thou say, O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate forever. And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it and cast it into the midst of Euphrates: And thou shalt say, thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah".
The chapter ends here with Jeremiah giving instructions to Seraiah, a quiet prince (quiet from doing evil). These two names sum up the prophetic thrust of the whole book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah means "God will rise" and Seraiah means "God will prevail". So we see that, in the end, it is God who will "rise and prevail", while it is Satan's kingdom, Babylon, who will "fall and fail". Seraiah spoke what Jeremiah wrote. By speaking all the words of the prophecy out loud, in Babylon, then physically throwing them into the Euphrates - he is sealing the fate of Babylon. First of all, the word is confirmed in the mouth of two witnesses, a Godly principle for all prophetic ministry (2 Cor:13:1). Secondly, prophetic gestures are powerful confirmations of prophetic words and are indeed prophecies in and of themselves. The book of Daniel contains the outworking of this prophecy to the physical kingdom of Babylon, Revelation contains the result of this prophecy to spiritual Babylon. And for us today, I am proclaiming this prophecy over Ireland, as a first fruit unto God among the gentile nations. The word was to be thrown into the river Euphrates, which means "to break forth, rushing" and so will this word, this prophecy against Babylon, break forth from Ireland and rush upon the world. Ireland is perhaps the most religious nation on earth but it also has one of the richest christian heritages. This is why Satan has focused so much time, energy and attention here; he knows how much damage was done to him in the past from the powerful christian witness in this land. Irish missionaries kept the light of the Gospel burning while the rest of Europe let it go out, then relit fires of the Gospel across Europe. As Ireland is set free, it will mark the beginning of the end for the spirit of Religion found all over the earth. Join your heart with mine as together we see "the wall of religion" fall all across this land and the world. Join me as we erase all religious divisions and we all "become one as He is one" (Jn: 17:22).
As you receive the truth contained in this blog, do not despair, rather rejoice! Rejoice that you are being freed and rejoice that many, many others will follow you on your path to liberty. If you haven't already, please renounce the spirit of religion, which is the primary spirit of Babylon, from out of your life. Here is a sample prayer - "I do hereby renounce, rebuke, cleanse my soul and spirit of all influence of, presence of, bondage to the spirit of Religion, to any false spirit that masks itself as Holy, as light. From henceforth and forever I will only receive from God the Father's true Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I pray you continue to lead me and guide me into complete truth and may the truth set me free of Babylon completely. Thank you for freedom and for teaching me to walk the path to the New Jerusalem where I desire to dwell, not Babylon. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and all family members living with me, thank you for grafting me into Israel, your family tree on earth. Amen."

Author's note: I wrote the above in 2007 and left Ireland in March of 2009. Since then, they have begun to regress and they continue to struggle with apostolic and prophetic authority and revelation. They continue to abound with pastors after their own selfish agendas, building their own fiefdoms and not God's kingdom. They continue, in other words, to embrace Babylon. Please war for them in prayer, please seek their safety and freedom and pray that the religious spirit so prevelant there will be defeated soundly. Thank you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verses 57 & 58

"And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not wake saith The King, whose name is The Lord of Hosts". This verse is a virtual repeat of verse 39, with one important exception - here, He refers to Himself as "THE KING". All who read this should take heed, for he is our true King, the only King any of us are meant to have and He will be the only king we will have forever. Leadership in the Body should be likened more to stewards, then kings. Really, we are all kings and priests, serving one another, not "lording it over one another as the gentiles do". Whenever God repeats himself in scripture, it's something very important to Him, somthing He's very passionate about. He repeats himself again in verse 58 - "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts; the broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labor in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. Remember, the second and final judgment of mankind will be by fire. The ultimate judgment for anyone found in Babylon will be the same Jesus bore on the Cross - the will be forsaken by the Father. Only unlike Jesus, for them it will be forever. This verse repeats 50:15 and 51:44 when it speaks of the broad walls of Babylon being "utterly broken". Her high gates being burned with fire speaks to me of the gates of Hell Jesus spoke of. The fact they are high speaks to me of Pride for Pride is the very gate through which all who enter Hell must pass through. Humility of mind and meekness of heart is the gate through which all who enter Heaven must pass. Jesus is the gate, the door into Heaven of whom we are told "let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant - He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross, wherefore God (The Father) hath highly exalted him" (PH:2:5-9). These verses will also be said of all who enter Heaven to abide with him forever, for all who end up there will have "humbled themselves to death". They will have crucified "self", self will, self pleasure, exalting self over God, in essence setting self up as God, worshipping self, and when they do die to self, God will "Highly exalt them" forever by marrying them and putting them on his throne with him, at the right hand of the Father "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with My Father in his throne" (Rev:3:21). The Father will always be above all but there will be no one else higher in his kingdom than his son and his bride. Yes, those who overcome Babylon, rather than be overcome by her, will rule and reign at his side forever, yet, the second half of this verse describes many "churched saints" today -
1) They are laboring in vain - "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it" (Ps:127:1). See, the Lord is the only source of true humility we have. Unless we are co-laboring with him, we build in vain, in vanity, in pride, as well as in vain, meaning a useless effort. Many are laboring to build their own houses, not God's, yet trying to cosmetically make it look like their house is God's (Babel all over again).
2) Many are also as "folk in the fire". Everyone will be found in the fire, either the fire of the Holy Ghost that purifies us and prepares us to be with our Jesus forever, or the fire of Hell. Many in what we commonly call the Church are on fire of Hell as their tongues will testify tto. We will all have fire either destroy all that is unholy and impure in us or it will destroy all that is Godly out of us. Our God is an all-consuming FIRE "Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be REVEALED BY FIRE; and the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is. If any man's work abide, (souls he saved remain), which he hath built there upon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved YET SO BY FIRE" (1 Cor:3: 13-15).
3) Many, many today are weary. Weary of eating the fruit of, or bearing the fruit of, Babylon. This fruit satisfies not. They labor and labor with no results, no Glory, no Anointing, no Power, no Authority. Yet, if we come to Jesus, if we humble ourselves as he did, he promises to give us rest. There is no rest for the wicked but for those who come to Christ, great rest and "times of refreshing from the Presence of the Lord" (Acts:3:19). "He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength" (Is:40:29).
Isaiah aptly describes the ways of those in Babylon - "Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: that say, let Him (God) make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come that we may know it! Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet ofor bitter! WOE UNTO THEM THAT ARE WISE IN THEIR OWN EYES AND PRUDENT IN THEIR OWN SIGHT! Woe unto them that are mighty to drink (the) wine (of her fornication) and men of strength to mingle strong drink: which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! Therefore as the FIRE devoureth the stubble, and as the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rotteness and their blossom shall go up in dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel" (Is:5:18-24). IN sharp contrast, Psalm One describes the Godly as having "leaves that shall not wither" and "whatsoever he doeth shall prosper". If we are sustained by eating from the Tree of (Eternal) Life than whatsoever we do will prosper forever.
Isaiah also describes those God is raising up against Babylon. As she roared, she shall be roared against, as she wearied others, so shall she be wearied. As she bent the bow, so shall her bows be broken and other's bows bent against her. This is the army God is raising up against her - "None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken: whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent, their horses hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind: their roaring shall be like a (the) lion (of Juda), they shall roar like young lions: yea they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey and shall carry it away safe, and none shall deliver it" (Isaiah 5:27-30).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verses 54-56

"A sound of a cry cometh from Babylon, and destruction from the land of the Chaldeans: because the Lord hath spoiled Babylon, and destroyed out of her the great voice; when her waves do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is uttered: Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the Lord God of Recompenses shall surely requite". How often do you hear a sermon referring to our God as "The Lord God of Recompenses"? Yet he most certainly is that. It will bless us all to know him in this way. He does recompense everyone, both the just and the unjust. In Luke 14:14, Jesus speaks of recompensing us for the good we do, especially when we love and serve those who cannot recompense us themselves. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul states it a "righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you". Paul knew him as "the Lord God of Recompenses".
I love verse 55 - The Lord hath destroyed out of her "The Great Voice". Truly, like as when Paul was surrounded by the angry mob (Acts 19:34), no matter how long or how loud they cry out against the Holy One of Israel, their voice will be silenced and the only voices that will continue to be heard in the New Jerusalem, in eternity, are those who are now praising and worshipping the Holy God of Israel. When WE shout WE devastate the enemy's camp. When WE shout, the walls of Jericho and Babylon fall. When THEY shout, when THEY curse, when THEY speak, THEIR voice will be silenced forever, except when we hear the cries of Their torment rising before the throne of God. Their voice will have no effect whatsoever on the New Jerusalem. IN the end, the only "Great Voice" to be heard will be out of Heaven (Rev:21:3). Forever we will hear "the voice of joy, the voice of gladness, the voice of the Bridegroom and the voice of the Bride, the voice of them that shall say -PRAISE THE LORD OF HOSTS FOR THE LORD IS GOOD FOR HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER" (Jer:33:11). So forever the saints will rejoice in him while forever the "aints" will mourn him. The great voice of rebellion against him, full of lies and unbelief, the voice we hear each time we turn on the TV or watch a movie or read a newspaper will be silenced forever. All the weapons of the enemy will be broken along with his "mighty men", anyone working witchcraft and sorcery in the earth today. The mightiest witch on earth today is no match for the least in the Kingdom of God. As the saints come out of Babylon, they will awaken to their awesome authority and power bequeathed to them by their Father through Christ for Christ came to demonstrate that a man, one made of flesh, could walk in perfect obedience to the Father, the One who is Spirit and Flesh and could completely be controlled by the Spirit with all the power and authority he posseses. All over the world, workers of darkness will know they have chosen the wrong side in the coming final battle for the souls of mankind.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verses 52&53

"Wherfore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan. Though Babylon should mount up to Heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord". Since we began our study of Jeremiah chapter 50 verse one until now, this is the fifth time God mentions Idolatry and graven images and his reaction to them. How must God hate it! No wonder he commands us to flee, to get as far away from it as possible, to stand not still. Even if you aren't involved in idolatry, if you dwell among a people that are, you will be judged along with them, as if you are committing this sin youself.
Verse 53 is a direct response to the spirit of Nimrod, founder of Babylon. He boasted he would build a tower that would, through his own strength and wisdom, through sorcery and witchcraft, "reach unto Heaven". They boasted they'd become so strong even God could not "spoil them", even God would not be able to judge them. Well, in a moment, like those in the path of the recent Tsunami that hit Japan, she'll find herself so destroyed she can never be rebuilt, spiritually. Like the twin towers, we will never see Babylon built again, once God judges her. Did you know the European union has a depiction of the tower of Babel on their headquarters building? They are brazenly stating the obvious - "We are uniting in rebellion against God, to prove we don't need him, to create a utopia, a paradise of our own, apart from him, through our own wisdom, strength and glory. Though you scattered us once, yet will we reunite and this time we will not be denied". God's response? "Yet from me shall spoilers come".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 51

Verse 51 sadly depicts the state of churches today, taken as a whole "we are confounded, because we have heard reproach: shame hath covered our faces: for strangers have come into the sanctuaries of the Lord's house". As in verse 24, we see that strangers are serving in God's house. Many who do not know him at all are ministering in his name. At the wedding feast, they will be told to leave, for they won't have proper wedding garments (their robes are not white with the blood of the Lamb but rather through their own works do they believe they are righteous). Many will say to Him in that day, did we not do (fill in the blank) in your name Lord? And he will profess to them "I never knew you, depart from Me you that work iniquity" (Lk:13:27). NOt everyone that says "Lord, Lord" but he that does the Father's will, belong to him. But before they are banished from his presence forever, these strangers in his house, an interesting thing will happen. "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan (Satan has a church too, that appears to be just like God's), which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie (like their father, Satan), behold, I will make them to come and to worship before thy feet AND TO KNOW THAT I HAVE LOVED THEE" (Rev:3:9). Christians always want to replace Israel until they read a scripture like this one. Read another way, it says, they "which say they are christians (from God's perspective, christians are jews, remember) and are not, but do lie". All scripture is God breathed (spoken by God, inspired by the Holy Spirit) and is for our profit, for our example. Believe me when I tell you Jesus is not just referring to Jews here but all who are false, all who are of Babylon, all who pretend to be in covenant with him but are not, but are actually members of the "synagogue of Satan". Saint, if you have been mistreated, abused, slandered and killed by the hate in their hearts for you, by the treatment of all who are false, pretending to be in the Body of Christ but are actually in the body of Satan, rejoice for Jesus will personally make all who have attacked you come and worship at your feet and THEY WILL KNOW THAT HE LOVES YOU! What an amazing scripture. We do not ever have to defend ourselves. Our righteous judge will come to our defense. He will make known, he will make it abundantly clear, those who are his and those who aren't. We were once a part of a church in Killarney, Ireland, when this happened. We were expelled from the fellowship (our crime was that we obeyed the Holy Spirit). This churches pastors became very hateful and antagonistic towards us yet the Lord instructed us not to defend ourselves. Oh how I wanted to stand up in the midst of that congregation and exlain what was really happening. But the Lord had us turn the other cheek, which we did. The pastors there were at the least, immature and not fit to lead, at the worst in open rebellion to the Lord. And the enemy had people ready to whisper in their ear, bad advice, which they swallowd. When your brethren turn on you and cast you out of their fellowships, rejoice I say, again I say rejoice! Jump for joy, you are in good company!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 50

"Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still; remember the Lord afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind". As Babylon collapses, as this world goes up (or down) in flames, we must remember to keep our focus on (New) Jerusalem, our final destination, for she is glorious and beautiful almost beyond description and she is worth giving our lives for, for she is where we'll find him! Jerusalem has always been, in the mind of God a place where God and man live together in perfect harmony. This is what he died for and this is what we live for. "Remember the Lord and let Jerusalem come into your mind" - the churches, often "afar off" from the Lord need to hear this, need to "remember Jerusalem", need to be reminded of where they came from and where they're going. Every gentile (non jewish) believer on earth should at some point in their lives, travel to Israel, the land of their birth to see where they came from and where they're going. Israel, at this time, is the spiritual capitol of the world and one day soon will be it's physical capitol. Those who desire a "one world government" will soon get it, only it will not be as they envisioned for the entire world will become a theocracy, with Jesus himself reigning from Jerusalem.
All those who escape the sword of religious pride need to remember the Lord and Jerusalem. This scripture is especially poignant in the light of the jewish survivors of the Holocaust, for out of the ashes of the many victims of the Holocaust rose the modern day state of Israel and every survivor could then dare to let Jerusalem come into their mind, every one that escaped the sword. Even so, every saint who survives the coming holocaust of the judgment of Babylon on earth, should remember the Lord and let Jerusalem come into their mind, for out of the ashes of the saints sacraficed in these final days will rise the New Jerusalem, Glorious, Eternal, a place where God and Man will never again be separated, hallelujah!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 49

"As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth". Satan will reap what he has sown. Indeed, all who have mocked and cursed Israel will themselves be cursed. Someone recently told me that in Revelation, the number of people who die in the various plagues and judgments released in the end days, two thirds, is in direct proportion to the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. I've also noticed that if you study Israel carefully from 1948 onward, for every Jew killed about six of their enemy's have died. Why? Because God's hand is upon Israel again! His heart is toward her therefore who can be against her? If we are in Christ, our hearts should be towards her also. Satan is against anyone who is in Covenant with God. We, the saints, are included in "Israel" today. We are inheritors with and are now a part of "the commonwealth of Israel". See, at one time, every gentile, that is every non-Jew, was "without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world, but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ" (Eph:2:12&13). Never forget that the blood shed at Calvary was Jewish blood. Our covenant by his blood is not new in the sense that he has turned away from Israel to the gentiles, but rather it's a New Covenant with Israel, in that it is now written on their hearts with the blood of the risen lamb, shed once, for all and we as gentiles can now be grafted into them, into their covenant with God, Hallelujah! God graciously includes all peoples on earth but lest we forget, Jesus was a Jewish saviour who came naught but for the lost sheep of Israel and it is for Israel he will return. His bride is Israel! He states several times in scripture that he is married to her. Isaiah 54 is a wonderful expression of his heart for his beloved Israel and it is also a declaration of the fulfillment of Romans 11, that "all Israel shall be saved". "All Israel" meaning all who have become one new man with her, all who have joined themselves with her in her new, eternal, covenant with God. "All Israel" means you and I and every believer on earth. IF their falling away was our salvation, what will their return be but life from the dead!
The destiny of the church and the destiny of Israel are one and the same - to be married to God forever! It's about time the "Church" (The called out ones, from Babylon into Israel), awakened to the fact they have been privileged to join Israel, not replace her. Every rite and ceremony we have as christians is an extension of a biblical Jewish custom or tradition. Everything, from communion to baptism to applying the blood of Jesus to our sin record is thoroughly Jewish. Read Romans 11 again very carefully, with a humbled heart. You will why the Holy Spirit is birthing such a love for Israel in the hearts of his people everywhere. You will see why he is bringing an understanding of our Jewish roots because without an understanding of where we came from, we cannot understand where we are going. We are all going to join Israel at the wedding supper of the Lamb for a thoroughly Jewish wedding! Hallelujah! And this brings out another sign as to whether someone or some church is in Babylon or not - Do they love the Jewish people? Do they have a heart of gratitude for them and what they have suffered on our behalf? Or do they despise and hate them or worse, ignore them completely?
Some christians believe the "Old Testament" is for the Jews and the "New Testament" is for christians. The truth is, the New Covenant in His blood is for Israel. One cannot have a "New" without an "Old". He was speaking to THE JEWS when he said "But this shall be the covenant that I will make WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts" (Jer:31:33). This "New Covenant" isn't unique in that God suddenly developed a heart for the gentiles. No, the Old covenant also made provision for the stranger, for any gentile that wished to join Israel in their God granted covenant. This New covenant is the one all christians claim as their own, yet see that God has not made two separate covenants with mankind, one with the Jews and one with the gentiles. No, he has only one covenant at a time with mankind, always through Israel and he has invited all "strangers in the land" to become citizens of the commonwealth of Israel, to become adopted into God's family forever. How wonderful! He always meant for Israel to be the means by which he would evangelize the world, to introduce himself to the world, to show the world through Israel that God "Is real", but Israel turned inward and became proud of the fact they were God's chosen people. Chosen for what? To show the world who the only true, living God is, to reveal his character and nature and name to the world, as the Church today is also mandated to do. Yet most churches today are far more interested in drawing people to their church, rather than the kingdom of God, mistakenly believing their church is a true representation of the kingdom of God. Many cannot bring them into the kingdom of God because they themselves do not dwell there.
Do we all have to become Jewish in every way? No, the apostles made it clear, gentile believers DO NOT have to keep the feasts, and honor various Jewish traditions and customs except to "abstain from the POLLUTIONS OF IDOLS and from fornication, and from things strangled with blood" (Acts:15:20). NO, we don't HAVE TO keep the feasts, we GET TO! We don't do it as we are under a law, we do it of our own free will as a Bride would do what she knows will please and honor her husband. The feasts after all are from the Lord (our husband) and are expressions of his heart for his people, ways of pleasing him. Remember, he changes not. You better believe there will be feasting in Heaven! What pleased him then, pleases him now, and will please him forever. He is pleased not with the blood of bulls and goats but with the concept of bringing flesh to him in sacrafice.
But if you do not keep the feasts, O gentile believer grafted into Israel, make sure what you do is pleasing to him and is not born out of a misplaced sense of freedom or independence, for we have not been set free of sin and death and brought into liberty (in Christ) so we can do whatever we please but so we can do whatever pleases HIM. Americans have struggled with a spirit of independence sever since we came out from under British rule. This same spirit permeates the churches across our land, in the USA. This is one reason why so many separate denominations have sprung up there. We are all now in a place where we can do the Will of the Father, amen. All you do must be birthed by, led by, and finished by the Holy Spirit. Everything else comes from a false representative of the Holy Spirit known as the Religious Spirit. The religious spirit does not operate by real faith of and from God. It is Jesus' faith imparted to us from the Holy Spirit that we walk in and not our own. NO, the "faith" most walk in is faith in man and his ability to do right on his own, apart from God. Their faith is in man's interpretation of God, not God's interpretation of man. They trust in themselves to know and do what is pleasing to God. Like the book of Judges, many churches today are doing what is right in their own eyes.
In most modern churches, what pleases God or whether or not God shows up at a service is inconsequential. Oh, he might show up during worship, in response to the people's heart cries for him, but the typical reaction to his presence is to quench him and go on with the rest of the "service". Time for announcements! Really, this is like a woman wooing her husband, arousing him, then, just when he's ready for intimacy, she quits and leaves the bedroom to go shopping! We all need to learn to "wait upon the Lord" corporately, as well as individually. We need to wait on him like Ruth did for Boaz when she lay naked at his feet. We need to do all that our mother in law (Israel) bades us do in order to please him for she knows better than we in many ways. We need to wash ourselves, anoint ourselves and put on proper garments when we approach him (Ruth 3:3). Ruth, as a gentile brought into an Israeli home through marriage, is a type of all gentile believers today coming forth into intimacy with the God of Israel. Boaz represents Jesus and we all need to humble ourselves, as Ruth did, and become naked at his feet and say to him "I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid" (Ruth 3:9). It is his righteousness that covers us, it is his love that redeems us. The "white raiment" he counsels us to buy in Revelation three is "robes made white in the blood of the Lamb". He is our true "kinsman redeemer". It is his skirt we must all become covered with and this can only happen when we become completely submitted to him, naked and vulnerable. Get rid of your man-made fig leaf! Get rid of religion, man's attempt to cover his guilt and shame by using something God provided in a way he never intended. We must declare to him, from beneath his skirt, in the midst of our nakedness, "I cannot survive without you. I am completely dependent on you to survive". From there, we are also saying "I exist to give you pleasure. The rest of my life is dedicated to pleasing you".

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 48

"Then the Heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the Lord". Oh yes, all creation shall rejoice along with the children of God when Babylon is overthrown! "Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now" (Rom:8:21&22). Being free from the bondage of Babylon, which is sin, will free all of creation from the penalty of sin, which is death.
I saw a special on TV the other day on tigers. Let me tell you, it is no picnic being a female Bengal Tiger. They have a very tough job of raising and guarding cubs and feeding them and themselves and many do not survive. Then think about being one of the animals they kill and eat, deer for example. No, when all creation is delivered from death, when they all eat herbs and plants again, when there is NO MORE CURSE, no more killing, oh all creation will rejoice, will sing for joy, believe me! That tiger in the special looked right in the camera at one point with this tired look that seemed to say "Would you quit sinning already? We're all really tired of having to deal with mankind's sin and rebellion against the Creator. Hurry up already and quit disobeyeing him! I'd much rather relax and eat these plants right here than those creatures over there that are most often very hard to catch" (Is:62:25). Yes, the "spoil" the spoilers will rob her of is nothing less than Eternal life promised to all creation at the beginning, when there was no sin and therefore there was no death. Hallelujah!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 47

"Therefore behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her". God really, really hates idolatry - man trusting in his own strength, worshipping something he made, trusting in his own wisdom to deliver him, man worshipping self on the throne of his heart instead of Jesus. God's hatred for this is found throughout scripture, Mic:5:13, Ex:20:4, Lev:26:1, Dt:5:8, to name a few. But he especially hates it when his own people do it. This is "RELIGION" in a nutshell. When his own people who are called by his name, trust in themselves for deliverance, when they use their own wisdom to come up with a form of godliness that denies his presence, that prevents him from meeting with his own people, that presents an outward shell that appears to be Holy and righteous but in truth is far from it, O how he hates it! For their holiness is of their own devising, according to what they believe is right or wrong. If we do not completely forsake Babylon, with all her religious ways, and learn to know him, to become intimate with him, we will be "slain in the midst of her".
Do all his very clear warnings against Idolatry throughout scripture change the hearts of his people? Most often, NO! Look at the tribe of Dan in Judges 18:30. Look at 2 Kings 42:8, 42:17, 44:9 and so on. The judgment for the tribe of Dan's (whose very name means "Judged"), idolatry, in clear rebellion against God and his will for them, is so severe that they are removed from the common wealth of Israel, never to be heard from again! This is exactly what God warned would happen "that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken My Covenant" (Gen:17:14). Look at Revelation chapter seven. Where is Dan? Does God's warnings of an eternal, torment filled Hell in the lake of fire stop billions from going there? Unfortunately, NO!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 51 verses 45 & 46

"My people, go ye out of the midst of her and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord". It is "My people", it is us, his saints he is crying out to today, GO YE OUT OF THE MIDST OF AND DELIVER YOUR SOUL. Oh how my heart aches to see brothers and sisters in Christ (my people) refusing to "turn from their wicked ways". We must have nothing to do with Satan but to crush his head under our feet (2 Cor:6:14-7:1). This passage from Jeremiah is not an option, it is not a suggestion, it isn't just a good idea,no IT IS A COMMAND from our commander-in-chief that must be obeyed. If you are a follower of Christ then know that he has led you to read this at this moment and he will lead you out of Babylon, if you'll go. Will you be one of the 70 to abandon him when his doctrine got in the way of their theology? Or will you be one of the twelve who recognized, no matter what he taught them, no matter where he led them, he is the only source of life and truth anywhere on earth or off of it? Anyway, always write your theology down in pencil, because too often it is man or devils teaching you and not the Holy Spirit.
"And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year,and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler". Again, this passage reminds me of Mathew 24 where Jesus warns us to "be not troubled" when "nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" and indeed "brother against brother". He also speaks there of "wars and rumours of wars". Again, I would point out that it is a very real possibility that Jesus was referring to the final judgment of Babylon in Mathew 24. One of the reasons Jesus goes into such detail in Mathew is so that the elect, those who truly belong to him, will not fear when these things come to pass but rather respond with increased faith. "Behold I have told you before" (Mt:24:25) is his way of saying "Don't be surprised when these things come to pass, though your false teachers have been telling you peace, peace, when there is no peace". "Lest your heart faint" sounds a lot like "let not your heart be troubled" (Jn:14:1&27). And remember John 16:1&2 - "These things have I spoken to you (in this blog!) that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues (churches), yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you (hates you in their heart), will think that they doeth God service". Sounds like Jeremiah 50:7! This has happened to us and if it hasn't happened to you then most likely you aren't walking with Jesus.
One of the greatest challenges we will face as Babylon crumbles around us is keeping our hearts free from offence. When your own brothers and sisters in Christ become your foes, when they "put you out of their churches", when they seek to destroy your ministry and anointing through gossip and lies, not becoming offended with them is your greatest challenge. Forgiving them becomes a daily exercise of your faith, this is partly what "dieing daily" is all about. One of the signs of a true disciple is their ability to forgive quickly while at the same time being very hard to offend. We must have the same heart Jesus has, who even as they were crucifying him, he forgave them. This too, is another stamp on the ticket out of Babylon. As their hate in creases so does our love.

 The love of God        is so rich and so pure On His love I can depend        of this I am sure. The love with which        He rules from H...