Saturday, April 27, 2019

President Trump's rallying cry is MAGA - "Make America Great Again", and he's succeeding on many levels, despite fierce opposition. However, we, as a nation, cannot succeed in becoming great unless we define greatness from God's perspective, then seek that greatness. We must become spiritually great or our natural successes will avail us nothing, in the long run. So I say make the Church in America great again.
We, as Christians, should adopt this as our rallying cry! We should abandon our "religion" and embrace Christ instead for the Church in America is a far cry from the vibrant, Spirit filled and led, blood bought Church we see in the Book of Acts, where miracles and the Holy Spirit's presence are the children's bread.
Throughout the New Testament, we see references to the saints as warriors, with ultimate power and authority given by God so they may literally be His ambassadors, His representatives on the earth in their generation, yet America spiritually continues to stink. We are like the Laodicean church in America today - wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, spiritually yet focused on our physical riches and money, saying to ourselves we are increased with goods and have need of nothing. I find it interesting that "MAGA" , Trump's rallying cry, in Hebrew means "contact combat". We must make contact with our enemy in order to defeat him. We cannot stand on one side of the valley and shout at him on the other side but never actually engage him in combat. When he sends his Goliath, we must not cower in fear. Like David, we must engage him in warfare in the spirit realm, as well as lay hands on the demon infested and cast them out. We must rid America of it's demons!
(side note: Sheryl and I are available to come and visit you in the first three weeks of November if you wish Apostolic and Prophetic insight and anointing. Contact me by private email to see about a visit, anywhere in the world you may be )
Back to this article, to continue the thought of "MTCIAGA" - "Make The Church In America Great Again", just as Trump (an apostle to America) has encountered great opposition from people whom he only wishes to help and do good to, so too will anyone wishing to help the churches and the saints in them caught in religion. It's amazing to me that people who could be mightily blessed by embracing Trump and his agenda, choose instead to hate and resist him, yet many today do the same thing to Jesus. As He tries to rescue and deliver them from mediocrity and a life lacking true spiritual riches, they resist Him and quench the Holy Spirit at every opportunity.
So do the never-Trumpers and Democrats who refuse to accept any blessing Trump may provide, though it's for their good. Madness has gripped some of the citizens of the USA and madness has gripped some of the citizens of the kingdom of God. Let's all wake up and arise and be doing! Let's get this message out there to as many people as possible, copy and paste, share, share, share! Download it into your heart so you can speak it again. Let's submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and His agenda for the Father's children, our brethren. Let's individually obey Him, then corporately we'll become the people He wants us to be. LET'S MAKE THE CHURCH IN AMERICAN AND AROUND THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN! Selah.
"There be many that say, Who will show us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us" "Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory into shame?" How long will you take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed? He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh! He shall hold you in derision. Then shall He speak to you in his wrath. The vain thing you imagine will come to naught, just as the tower of Babel came to naught. I did it before and i shall do it again, this time by fire. Do you not tremble at My words? Yet, in your arrogance, you refuse to bow the knee or the head. You are a stubborn and stiff necked people. Behold, i draw nigh with clouds and every eye shall see Me, and they also which pierced Me and all peoples of the earth shall wail because of Me. For they had the opportunity to know Me and they would not. I have a sword in My mouth which no man can resist. Repent or perish was my first message and it is my last. Rise or fall, the choice is yours. But know this, you cannot rise in your own strength or wisdom, only in Me can you become the Holy ones my Father has promised to me...only by My Spirit can you break the bands asunder, the bonds of iniquity and deceit the wicked so easily submit to. Repent or perish for I do not wish to remove your lamp stand from it's place. Stop gathering together to cater to the whims of your flesh and become broken before Me and I will raise you up to rule and reign on high. My glory will shine on you and in you from which the enemy will flee in terror. Spiritual wickedness in high places shall be exposed and brought low and spiritual righteousness shall be exposed and exalted. I know those who have ears to hear, who attend to My every word, who value my words above meat and drink, who live for me. They will be made known in the day when I reveal all who are mine to all who are not. For those who belong to me have my Father's mark upon their foreheads, not the mark of the beast. They have my Father's spirit abiding in them. They have welcomed Him and embraced Him and they rejoice to know Him and they make my Father's heart glad. I alone can make you great for I alone am great, saith the Lord. In me you shall know greatness, apart from me you can do nothing of  consequence, nothing of eternal value. Be a living stone I can use to build my house. Dead stones will be reduced to rubble, even as the greatest temple man ever built was reduced to nothing, for it was for their glory not mine, saith the Lord. When I departed, they remained, even as in church after church, I depart and they remain, saith the Lord. They do not follow me but remain camped around an image of me. Wisdom and understanding are coming to those who seek me. You shall survive without even the smell of smoke upon you. Heed my words, heed me and you shall live, saith the Lord. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Word without the Spirit quickening it availeth nothing. The Pharisees memorized entire books of the Bible but could not recognize or understand the "Word" they knew with their minds when He became flesh without the Holy Spirit. We too cannot recognize or understand the Word, written or spoken, when we encounter Him without the Holy Spirit. The scriptures can only be understood and profitable to us when the Holy Spirit reveals them to us, illuminates them for us. The Pharisees had the Word - and it profited them nothing. They thought they had eternal life because they had the Word but without the Holy Spirit they wielded the Word through their carnal, fleshly minds thereby bringing death upon themselves - not the life they thought they had. Jesus said to them - "You have not His word abiding in you, for whom He has sent, Him you believeth not. Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life."
They accepted His word but not him. They had not his word abiding in them, that is in their hearts, only their minds. They thought they had eternal life because they had the scriptures, but the scriptures are there to testify of Christ - in Him we have eternal life, if we do not allow Him (his word) inside us, inside our hearts but only follow Him intellectually, all we do then, feed the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned, even prophecy, is done in pride, to make us look good, whereas when we do all those things from the directions and desires we receive from Him, personally, all we then do is for HIS glory, not our own. By His Spirit dwelling in us, awareness comes, understanding comes, revelation comes. Without Him, we substitute our own intellect and worldly wisdom, which causes us to misunderstand and misinterpret the scriptures. We cannot, like the Pharisees, recognize the Truth when we see it, therefore we accept the "teachings of devils" and proclaim them to be the teachings of God. We also accept "teachings of men" as the teachings of God.
Men world wide hold their Bibles high, service after service and proclaim they are teaching "the truth of God's word" when they are actually teaching falsehoods. They think they have eternal life because they have the scriptures but without the Holy Spirit they avail them nothing. Wielding/teaching the scriptures with pride and arrogance causes men to create 33,000 separate interpretations of the Word, each one believing their understanding is the right one, each with a slightly different (or vastly different, as the case may be) take on the scriptures. Often, a denomination will choose one area of scripture and camp around it...making their understanding of that area of scripture their "specialty". Anything the devil can imagine, will be embraced and taught by men, somewhere, as gospel truth. There is only one perspective, only one true interpretation of God's Word- The Holy Spirit's.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Lord's been sharing some insight with me. A short, but powerful word. This week, Marvel's latest movie will open, literally around the world. It could very well become the most viewed, and highest grossing movie in history. This is no coincidence, says the Lord, for the title of the movie is "Avengers: End Game". For the Lord is saying; we are all entering into the "end game" prophesied so often in scripture. All bets are off and the stakes are high. The Lord is our "Avenger" - Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. He will avenge all wrongs, all injustices, not a single one escapes His notice. We're entering mankind's final season, the last quarter...the END GAME is truly upon us! For some, a new level, a stronger, deeper anointing is coming. For others, exposure is coming....revealing the tares and the wheat, revealing sins long hidden as well as saints long hidden, prepared by God for such a time as this. Those who have waited patiently upon the Lord will see their faith well rewarded. Mind blowing miracles will occur, even as this will be a mind blowing movie. Hardly anyone on earth at this point has not heard of Iron man, Captain America and co. and soon, hardly anyone on earth will be unaware of Jesus and what He is capable of. So take heart, people of God, vengeance is coming as we enter God's "end game", His perfect plans for us, in this, the end time, in which Babylon is judged and found wanting. Babylon will fall, even as the New Jerusalem is rising, saith The Lord.

PS...Just as in Avengers: Infinity War (another very prophetic name, for we are in a war for our eternal, infinite souls, as well as the souls of all mankind) it appears as if the Avengers, earth's mightiest warriors have lost, only to end up in the new movie winning, so will it appear for a season as if God's people are losing, yet we will win it all in the end.

Friday, April 19, 2019

One of my life's greatest challenges has been the need to be liked. I want to crucify and bury this sin with my old man, and all the rest of his ways that keep me so full of myself. I'm not sure why I'm this way, but I was rejected by my father who abandoned me while I was still in the womb. Subsequently, my step-father barely knew me, though he adopted me at the age of four - spending very little time with me, and he too abandoned me. Once I left home at the age of 18, he never contacted me once, ever.
As a prophetic, Jewish apostle, I've experienced plenty of rejection, some my fault, some not but the desperate need to be liked can be a kind of torment.
Jesus says I'm blessed when men revile and persecute me and He says "take my prophets for an example of suffering" but it hasn't been easy. Some cannot enter into fellowship with me because they're carnally minded. Some are tares. Only true brethren can (and will) show me love. Really, only the Holy Spirit and my wife have stuck with me through thick and sin. Really, in the midst of my rebellion they never forsook me. May they both be rewarded with rich, vibrant fellowship with me for all my remaining days.
Here at the English Village I work at (in South Korea), I was completely ignored when I first arrived here, this with over 50 co-teachers. When they would make plans to get together, i could hear them, but they never invited me. Even in the office, they used to chat and joke with each other but never with me. Some would not even say hello or good morning to me. But I didn't realize then what a blessing that was for me. During those first few months I entered into the sweetest fellowship with the Holy Spirit since I first met Him thirty years ago. It's been wonderful. And if people here were friendlier to me, I wouldn't have spent so much time with my Lord's sweet Spirit. Really, His friendship is better than any humans, it's better than the friendship of everyone on earth combined. I'd rather He like me than anyone, really. Time alone with Him is so much sweeter and satisfying than anything else I can think of. I want to take a moment and Thank God for being such a good friend to me, for sharing His heart with me and wisdom. I love revelation from the Holy Spirit more than food or drink. Selah. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the patterns of the world, and not after Christ"  Some men wield the scriptures with pride, creating teachings and traditions that say "hey, we've got this! We have this figured out" when really - the goal of all scripture is to simply teach us to love, God and each other, by entering into and maintaining a personal relationship with the God who is love. We must not allow ourselves to become the enemy's "Spoil" by submitting to men who want to use us for their own gain...whether that gain be glory for themselves or money or both.
To summarize, my point is, having people adhere to a set of rules and doctrines that they are only required to agree with in their minds, that they then try to keep with their minds, their strength, will set them up for failure. What we should be teaching them is not to follow a set of rules or laws or doctrines or traditions, with their minds and intellects but to follow Christ with their hearts by inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell inside. He will lead them into what He calls holy, what He says is righteous, and it comes from the inside out - holiness stems from our relationship with Him, it comes from who He is. Righteousness comes from Him, what He did (and does). Our place, our part, is to submit to and obey Him daily - not a set or rules or doctrines our church makes us "Christian". We are to be defined as Christians by our knowledge or even wisdom but by our relationship with Him. We must, like the Apostles, follow Him "Come, follow Me".
Revelation, directly from His Spirit to ours, is what brings wisdom and understanding. Knowledge, in and of itself, appeals to our pride. It puffs us up inside. Christ within us, on the other hand, humbles us....if He is in our hearts, not just our minds, we are constantly bowing before Him, surrendering to Him daily.
Every religious church service in America (and around the world) is full of traditions of men. Everything from when they meet, where they meet, when the service starts, how it's conducted, who speaks when, how worship is done - all of it is "traditions of man"! I've seen services led by the Holy Spirit and they look and feel nothing at all like the typical service you are used to. Why is this so? Why do so many accept man's leadership and not God's? Because flesh wants flesh to rule over it. The people desire a king. "All seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christs" "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes".

Monday, April 8, 2019

Father has shown me why Moses could not enter into the Promised Land. He represents the Law while the "promised land" represents Heaven (or our return to paradise) and the Law of Moses cannot take us into Heaven (our promised land), only the Law of Christ can.
I can imagine Moses - at the Resurrection, gazing upon the Promised land and finally getting to enter it. This is also why Joshua was the one to lead his people to their promised home, for "Joshua" is Greek for "Jesus". This analogy continues to hold true when we examine the Biblical reason Moses was denied entrance into the Promised land. He struck the rock rather than speak to it. Through the law, man is trying to become Holy enough to enter the Promised land, i.e. Heaven, through his own strength and effort. Even though they tried their best to obey all 666 of God's commands, they could not do it, which was the whole point of the Law after all - to prove to, to reveal to mankind our desperate need for a Savior - we simply cannot save ourselves.
When Moses struck the rock, the rock represents Christ, our source of (eternal) life (water came from the rock, water is essential to life). With the Law, we are trying to get what we can only get from Christ - holiness, righteousness, by using our strength (this is religion). Moses used his arm; the only thing WE, in and of ourselves can do to get what we need from Christ, our Rock of Salvation, is speak to Him (confess with your mouth), words of repentance, words of humility, asking Him for mercy, asking Him for His blood to be the atonement for our sins. Speaking (as Moses was commanded to do) represents our spirits, striking represents our flesh. The Law represents our flesh, our own efforts to be "good", good enough to gain entrance to Heaven but Jesus emphatically declared NO MAN IS GOOD except Christ the man, Why is our flesh dying? Because of our sin, because our sinful flesh cannot gain entrance to Heaven. This is why we're given a "glorified body", one that is sinless, that has never sinned, when we enter into God's Holy presence forever.
The sad thing is, both Jews and Christians today are still trying to please God and gain His favor, by keeping a set of rules and laws. All man made religions do this - Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and all who follow them will perish with the using All religions deceive men into believing - follow us, our instruction, our doctrine, and you will become holy enough to have God grant you Eternal life in paradise. Just believe our doctrines, our is enough.
Jews use God's word in pride, making it into a set of teachings to follow, teachings given by men trying to interpret and obey the Word apart from the Spirit that inspired it to begin with, but Christians do the exact same thing. Even "Pentecostal holiness" churches whose point of pride is that they allow the Holy Spirit into their meetings are full of do's and don't's, all of which are outward but do nothing to provide inward holiness, which can only come from our holy God dwelling within.
"WHEREFORE IF YOU ARE DEAD WITH CHRIST FROM THE RUDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, WHY, AS THOUGH LIVING IN THE WORLD, ARE YOU SUBJECT TO ORDINANCES (rules, laws, touch not, taste not, handle not, which all are to perish with the using), AFTER THE COMMANDMENTS AND DOCTRINES OF MEN? All will perish with the using! If we trust in a set of rules and doctrines to save us, we will perish! Because we are still doing it in our own strength and wisdom. If our hearts are focused on a set of doctrines, of we think something we do can save us, we will perish. Only by believing upon Jesus, not a set of teachings about Him, can we be saved It is Christ Himself who saves us - He must be the focus of our hearts, and when our hearts are full of Him, we will gain access to His mind, His thoughts, not man's. The "commandments and doctrines of men" "HAVE INDEED A SHOW OF WISDOM IN WILLING WORSHIP AND HUMILITY AND NEGLECTING OF THE BODY". Religious Christianity appears to be holy and right, but it's a show - it's all about a public display proving how humble and worshipful we are. Like Judaism, they use (and twist and misrepresent) Scripture, which babies swallow without question, having no idea what is God's wisdom and what is man's.

To be continued.... 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

We do not want the "Christ in us" to remain immature, a baby. Just as Christ grew within Mary, so must He grow within us. Just as Christ grew "in wisdom and stature before God and man", we want Him to grow in wisdom and stature in us, but to do this, we must decrease so He can increase. As John the Baptist declared "He must increase but I must decrease". This is a truth of all ministry....if we wish for our "ministry" to grow in wisdom and stature before God (He always comes first) and man (inwardly, then outwardly), we must decrease, continually. Each time we give up more ground to Him, each time we die a little more to self - that portion of our soul that died can then be resurrected by Him, only now, in His image and likeness. Indeed, we cannot experience His resurrection life without experiencing our deaths. In this way "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it". Paul said - "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" - Paraphrased - "In order for me to live (real life, eternal life) I need Christ, so the more I, that is self, that is my old man, die, the more I gain Christ".
The life we lose for His sake is the life the old man lives, where we hate Christ and all His ways, where we cling to our religion in His name but not to Him, where our old man dresses up real nice and sings songs to Him and gives Him money but doesn't know Him. No matter how much we dress up our old man in three piece suits and ties and cologne, he still stinks to God. The old man may look pious outwardly but he never changes inwardly - he cannot change. He's made his deal with the devil. He will secretly feed on fleshly lusts and desires which is why he must be crucified (lost) daily. If we lose him (the old man), we find him (the new man). By the way, once we've crucified the old man, it's possible to resurrect him, and if we've crucified our new man, we can resurrect him too. If you've crucified the wrong version of you, it's not too late to switch sides, to join the winning team. In Christ, we win by losing. We lose self, we gain Christ and we find self, we find ourselves, who we were always meant to be, not the false version of ourselves the world loves and embraces.
Feed your new man and starve your old man. "IF any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me". We cannot follow Christ unless we deny ourselves. Self and Christ don't mix. We will serve one and deny the other but we cannot serve both. Either the old man or Christ will live inside us. As we deny ourselves and follow Christ instead, we will find ourselves growing in wisdom and stature before God and man - Stature: The degree of development (maturity) attained i.e. the level of achievement. Paul, rightly so, complained of encountering too many Christian babies, able to drink milk only, unable to eat meat. Oh if Paul were alive and teaching today! He'd be shocked at all the babies who think they're mature Christians! He'd be appalled at the milk people believe is meat. "I have yet many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now". "Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing you are dull of hearing - for when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat".
Again, the scriptures reiterate that everyone should be ministering to everyone, not just a few to the many. And again, we see a maturity problem. Folks, time and again I've asked Christians to name the foundational doctrines of Christ, the first principles of the oracles of God, and they cannot. I mean, in thirty years not a single Christian I've met can name them, much less understand and teach them, yet the writer of Hebrews calls them foundational, all other doctrines of Christ (not of devils or men) are built upon these six foundational doctrines found in Hebrews 6:1&2. 

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...