Chapter one -
"Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord".
Isn't this the primary goal of our lives? To glorify the Lord? Don't we want to give him pleasure? If so, then we must set about building him a house "made without hands", in other words, not made by man to glorify man but made by the Holy Spirit through men and women he has chosen for the task. I would imagine the wood used from the mountain, most pleasing to the Lord, would be the wood from the altars they had set up there to other gods. And for us, we should take the idols out of our hearts and dedicate the place they had in us to the Lord. He commanded physical Israel to build him a physical house, he is commanding us, spiritual Israel to build him a spiritual house, no less a house than the one Israel built (remember, he hasn't replaced physical Israel with us but rather grafted us into them).
"Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of Hosts, because of mine house that is waste, AND YE RUN EVERY MAN UNTO HIS OWN HOUSE".
Again, I can't stress strongly enough, the "every man unto his own house" spoken of here is the many denominations and churches within the denominations that exist on the earth today. Each one is a seperate "house" that people run to and inhabit and they are not God's House and they do not please him. Again he reminds us that they who do so, who live in and attend to their own homes at the expense of God's, will labor in vain. All their work will come to little until they attend to God's house. We are his house, every soul he has redeemed. We are living stones built up into a proper dwelling for God. It is a supernatural work that transcends all boundaries we might impose upon it. It is beyond our ability to grasp with our natural, carnal minds. We can only understand it through the mind of Christ, through the spiritual mind we gain through the Holy Spirit's presence within us. It is a fearful and wonderful thing to be a part of something we can not control, where we have to place complete trust in our God, really abandon ourselves to him. It is impossible for those in spiritual Babylon to do so. They cannot let go this way. They must remain in control at all times, or the leadership must, anyway. At it's most basic, it really is a battle between flesh and spirit. I'm reminded of the old song - "torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool...", well all who give in to the flesh will end up looking foolish. The carnal mind and spiritual mind are dire enemies and cannot coexist. But to resist the flesh and follow the Spirit will become a great sacrafice to those who do it, yet the reward is so worth it. Ridicule and scorn will be your portion because the majority of "christians" are followers of the religious spirit of the world, not Christ. Steel yourself now to remain gentle and kind to those who attack and accuse you, and do not hate them back. In so doing, you will find yourself being built as a proper house for the Lord and you will end up building others up in this his Holy love and forgiveness and mercy AND AS YOU BUILD HIS HOUSE YOU WILL FIND OUT ONE DAY THAT HE IS BUILDING YOURS IN HEAVEN. Attend to his house now and he will attend to yours in eternity. Amen.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Haggai part four
Chapter one verse six & seven -
The following verse perfectly describes christianity as a religion. As any true believer knows, religion, whether it be muslim, jewish or christian, or any other, originates with man. Man is the author of it, with a few subtle pushes in the right direction from Satan. What religion does, is, it pretends to honor God and indeed, worship him, but never truly puts God on the throne of the heart. He is honored with lips only, not with hearts. His name is used to lend legitimacy to all they say and do. In christianity, his name gives them the appearance of authenticity (many will come in MY NAME, deceiving many). Yet, for all their effort, for all the time and attention they give to their religion, to the bi-weekly gatherings most churches are accustomed to, they have very little to show for it. Even the mega-churches are quite empty of anything of real spiritual substance. It's all a big show, appealing outwardly to the soulish, carnal side of man, but inwardly having very little impact in a lasting spiritual way. Yes, they impact people emotionally but they are not preparing souls for an eternity with Christ. Hear the word of the Lord - "YE HAVE SOWN MUCH, AND BRING IN LITTLE; YE EAT, BUT YE HAVE NOT ENOUGH; YE DRINK, BUT YE ARE NOT FILLED WITH DRINK; YE CLOTHE YOU, BUT THERE IS NONE WARM; AND HE THAT EARNETH WAGES EARNETH WAGES TO PUT IT INTO A BAG WITH HOLES."
They try and try and try apart from the Holy Spirit to produce something valuable spiritually but it can never be. They end up laboring to get more people into their churches, not into the kingdom of God. Really, they become zealots for their particular church or denomination, trying so hard to get people to visit and perhaps join, thinking this is going to save their souls, that is, sitting in a pew in thier services for the rest of their lives will get them to heaven. What a tragedy. Oh sure, many churches have altar calls and in them, some are genuinly born again but once that happens, the babies are fed religious pap and never grow up to maturity. They are kept in an immature state for the rest of their lives. Any sign of maturity is most often met with condemnation. No, _________________________(put your name here), you arent ready for that, you arent mature enough, sit at my feet, listen to my sermons AND BY LISTENING TO ME EVERY WEEK YOU WILL COME TO MATURITY EVENTUALLY, when we deem it so. There is a time and place to sit and listen to Holy Spirit filled teachers but it must be balanced with action, we must also be given opportunity to practice what is being preached, if what is being preached is inspired by the Holy Spirit, who desires to raise up powerful warriors capable of moving in his giftings and anointing. "THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, CONSIDER YOUR WAYS".
The following verse perfectly describes christianity as a religion. As any true believer knows, religion, whether it be muslim, jewish or christian, or any other, originates with man. Man is the author of it, with a few subtle pushes in the right direction from Satan. What religion does, is, it pretends to honor God and indeed, worship him, but never truly puts God on the throne of the heart. He is honored with lips only, not with hearts. His name is used to lend legitimacy to all they say and do. In christianity, his name gives them the appearance of authenticity (many will come in MY NAME, deceiving many). Yet, for all their effort, for all the time and attention they give to their religion, to the bi-weekly gatherings most churches are accustomed to, they have very little to show for it. Even the mega-churches are quite empty of anything of real spiritual substance. It's all a big show, appealing outwardly to the soulish, carnal side of man, but inwardly having very little impact in a lasting spiritual way. Yes, they impact people emotionally but they are not preparing souls for an eternity with Christ. Hear the word of the Lord - "YE HAVE SOWN MUCH, AND BRING IN LITTLE; YE EAT, BUT YE HAVE NOT ENOUGH; YE DRINK, BUT YE ARE NOT FILLED WITH DRINK; YE CLOTHE YOU, BUT THERE IS NONE WARM; AND HE THAT EARNETH WAGES EARNETH WAGES TO PUT IT INTO A BAG WITH HOLES."
They try and try and try apart from the Holy Spirit to produce something valuable spiritually but it can never be. They end up laboring to get more people into their churches, not into the kingdom of God. Really, they become zealots for their particular church or denomination, trying so hard to get people to visit and perhaps join, thinking this is going to save their souls, that is, sitting in a pew in thier services for the rest of their lives will get them to heaven. What a tragedy. Oh sure, many churches have altar calls and in them, some are genuinly born again but once that happens, the babies are fed religious pap and never grow up to maturity. They are kept in an immature state for the rest of their lives. Any sign of maturity is most often met with condemnation. No, _________________________(put your name here), you arent ready for that, you arent mature enough, sit at my feet, listen to my sermons AND BY LISTENING TO ME EVERY WEEK YOU WILL COME TO MATURITY EVENTUALLY, when we deem it so. There is a time and place to sit and listen to Holy Spirit filled teachers but it must be balanced with action, we must also be given opportunity to practice what is being preached, if what is being preached is inspired by the Holy Spirit, who desires to raise up powerful warriors capable of moving in his giftings and anointing. "THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, CONSIDER YOUR WAYS".
Friday, May 27, 2011
Haggai part three
Chapter One, verse five -
"Now Therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; CONSIDER YOUR WAYS". Consider all that you do as it pertains to God, all that you think is pleasing to him, all your religious ceremonies and traditions, your rituals. Consider the possibility that you might not be pleasing him, that you might not know what spirit you are truly of. Consider that you might be one of the captives he has come to set free, you might be one of the blind who needs to receive sight, you might be "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked", yes, consider your ways. Though all your religious ways seem to be right in the eyes of man "there is a way that seems right to men whose end result is death". Religion, with all it's trappings, looks so good on the outside and it appeals to the carnal, fleshly mind of man. It appeals to our pride and our need to be led as sheep. Most church "services" blindly follow a preset pattern of meeting that excludes the Holy Spirit and his divine leadership. He has no say in the matter and indeed, though Christ is declared to be Lord and King in song and sermon, he most definitely is neither, for a King is only thus as long as his Will is being done and in most "services" his will is ignored. I could expound upon this for twenty pages, insight the Lord has given me as to how a service led by him would look like. Indeed, he has taken me in the Spirit to a time in the future and let me sit in on a service unlike any I had ever seen, for it was wholly Holy Spirit led. It was wonderful. Perhaps I will describe it to you in a future missive, suffice it to say for now, God is attending to his house, long neglected by our so called Christian leaders. God is going to soon give his house an "extreme makeover". Like the TV show where they go into a home and very quickly so transform and alter it that it is unrecognizable from it's former state, God is going to do this to his house. And make no mistake, when he is done, it will be like the show in that his house will be vastly improved from what it was before. Amen.
Let us all, now, consider our ways. Let us now each one privately, hold up with open hand and heart all our habits, practices, traditions before the Lord AND LET THE HOLY SPIRIT BLOW UPON THEM AND THAT WHICH IS CHAFF, THAT WHICH IS DEAD OR PRODUCES DEATH, LET HIM BLOW IT AWAY, LET HIM CLEANSE US OF IT, THAT THAT WHICH REMAINS IS OF HIM AND HIM ALONE. Amen. Breathe on us now, Holy Spirit, drive far from us all that opposes you or does not come from you. Open our blind eyes and show us the truth, show us what is good to you and what is evil in your sight. Not just blatant sins like lust and murder but those sins that guise themselves as good deeds, as Holy and righteous, as pleasing acts unto you. Please reveal our nakedness now, that we might still have time to repent and be covered properly, rather than later at the judgment seat, when it will be too late to seek garments only you can provide. Let us be covered by robes of righteousness from the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and not be covered by unrighteous, sinful man, no matter if he has a title bestowed upon him by man, by some seminary or organization, by some denomination not born of you. Deliver oh Lord, this day, from all evil, and in particular the evil that our own hearts allow, that encourages us to deny you and receive the false religious spirit of satan, disguised as a being of light, instead. Amen.
"Now Therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; CONSIDER YOUR WAYS". Consider all that you do as it pertains to God, all that you think is pleasing to him, all your religious ceremonies and traditions, your rituals. Consider the possibility that you might not be pleasing him, that you might not know what spirit you are truly of. Consider that you might be one of the captives he has come to set free, you might be one of the blind who needs to receive sight, you might be "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked", yes, consider your ways. Though all your religious ways seem to be right in the eyes of man "there is a way that seems right to men whose end result is death". Religion, with all it's trappings, looks so good on the outside and it appeals to the carnal, fleshly mind of man. It appeals to our pride and our need to be led as sheep. Most church "services" blindly follow a preset pattern of meeting that excludes the Holy Spirit and his divine leadership. He has no say in the matter and indeed, though Christ is declared to be Lord and King in song and sermon, he most definitely is neither, for a King is only thus as long as his Will is being done and in most "services" his will is ignored. I could expound upon this for twenty pages, insight the Lord has given me as to how a service led by him would look like. Indeed, he has taken me in the Spirit to a time in the future and let me sit in on a service unlike any I had ever seen, for it was wholly Holy Spirit led. It was wonderful. Perhaps I will describe it to you in a future missive, suffice it to say for now, God is attending to his house, long neglected by our so called Christian leaders. God is going to soon give his house an "extreme makeover". Like the TV show where they go into a home and very quickly so transform and alter it that it is unrecognizable from it's former state, God is going to do this to his house. And make no mistake, when he is done, it will be like the show in that his house will be vastly improved from what it was before. Amen.
Let us all, now, consider our ways. Let us now each one privately, hold up with open hand and heart all our habits, practices, traditions before the Lord AND LET THE HOLY SPIRIT BLOW UPON THEM AND THAT WHICH IS CHAFF, THAT WHICH IS DEAD OR PRODUCES DEATH, LET HIM BLOW IT AWAY, LET HIM CLEANSE US OF IT, THAT THAT WHICH REMAINS IS OF HIM AND HIM ALONE. Amen. Breathe on us now, Holy Spirit, drive far from us all that opposes you or does not come from you. Open our blind eyes and show us the truth, show us what is good to you and what is evil in your sight. Not just blatant sins like lust and murder but those sins that guise themselves as good deeds, as Holy and righteous, as pleasing acts unto you. Please reveal our nakedness now, that we might still have time to repent and be covered properly, rather than later at the judgment seat, when it will be too late to seek garments only you can provide. Let us be covered by robes of righteousness from the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and not be covered by unrighteous, sinful man, no matter if he has a title bestowed upon him by man, by some seminary or organization, by some denomination not born of you. Deliver oh Lord, this day, from all evil, and in particular the evil that our own hearts allow, that encourages us to deny you and receive the false religious spirit of satan, disguised as a being of light, instead. Amen.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Haggai part two
Haggai 1:3 & 4 - "Then came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet saying, Is it time for you to dwell in your cieled houses, and this house lie waste?"
Oh my people, what a cry from God's heart, what a word in due season from His Spirit! For he is crying out now IS IT TIME FOR YOU TO DWELL IN YOUR CIELED HOUSES AND THIS HOUSE LIE WASTE? When I read this, the Holy Spirit immediately showed me "cieled houses" means the many denominational and religious churches across the world. I looked up the word "cieled" and it basically means "a covering, a panel, on the inner walls". This is religious christianity in a nut shell for the churches in Babylon are seeking to provide thier own covering. They themselves wish to cover themselves. They say if you arent submitted to them you arent "covered". My people, the only covering you will ever need throughout eternity is the Blood of Jesus. He is and will forever be our covering. The head of every man is Christ. Leadership in the Body, rather then "cover" people is actually there to serve them as a foundation tool. We are there to provide a godly example to people to model thier walk with God by but we DO NOT LORD IT OVER THEM but rather submit to them, mutually esteeming the other HIGHER THAN OURSELVES. How twisted the churches have become as they've embraced the anti-christ spirit of this fallen world rather than embracing Christ through his Holy Spirit. And note also that it is on the inside that the walls are paneled and it is on the inside of each heart that we choose to put up walls of our own devising to keep the Lord out, to keep his love and presence from impacting us within. We build jails around our hearts that imprison us and keep us from ever truly being free, free to embrace him and all that is Holy.
And as they continue to dwell in their "cieled houses" the house of God lies waste! Trust me, by the Spirit of the Living God I declare to you, we are entering into the time of Nehemiah, prophetically. God is preparing and sending Nehemiah apostles and prophets to build up his house once again and it shall never again be destroyed and lie waste. If denominational pastors and leaders refuse to come out of their "ceiled houses", God will bypass them, writing "Ichabod" on their doors, and use those who are willing to follow him wherever he leads. Verse five - "Now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; CONSIDER YOUR WAYS".
Oh my people, what a cry from God's heart, what a word in due season from His Spirit! For he is crying out now IS IT TIME FOR YOU TO DWELL IN YOUR CIELED HOUSES AND THIS HOUSE LIE WASTE? When I read this, the Holy Spirit immediately showed me "cieled houses" means the many denominational and religious churches across the world. I looked up the word "cieled" and it basically means "a covering, a panel, on the inner walls". This is religious christianity in a nut shell for the churches in Babylon are seeking to provide thier own covering. They themselves wish to cover themselves. They say if you arent submitted to them you arent "covered". My people, the only covering you will ever need throughout eternity is the Blood of Jesus. He is and will forever be our covering. The head of every man is Christ. Leadership in the Body, rather then "cover" people is actually there to serve them as a foundation tool. We are there to provide a godly example to people to model thier walk with God by but we DO NOT LORD IT OVER THEM but rather submit to them, mutually esteeming the other HIGHER THAN OURSELVES. How twisted the churches have become as they've embraced the anti-christ spirit of this fallen world rather than embracing Christ through his Holy Spirit. And note also that it is on the inside that the walls are paneled and it is on the inside of each heart that we choose to put up walls of our own devising to keep the Lord out, to keep his love and presence from impacting us within. We build jails around our hearts that imprison us and keep us from ever truly being free, free to embrace him and all that is Holy.
And as they continue to dwell in their "cieled houses" the house of God lies waste! Trust me, by the Spirit of the Living God I declare to you, we are entering into the time of Nehemiah, prophetically. God is preparing and sending Nehemiah apostles and prophets to build up his house once again and it shall never again be destroyed and lie waste. If denominational pastors and leaders refuse to come out of their "ceiled houses", God will bypass them, writing "Ichabod" on their doors, and use those who are willing to follow him wherever he leads. Verse five - "Now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; CONSIDER YOUR WAYS".
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Haggai part one
Well, I've been seeking the Lord about what to write next after "A Tale of Two Kings" and the answer came last night through my nine year old daughter Karianna. Each night I sit down with the children and we seek the Lord. Karinanna came up with a verse from Haggai and right then the Holy Spirit began to expound upon it and other verses there. So thanks Karianna for the following revelation -
In verse one of Haggai, he establishes the fact that the following word from God is to Zerubbabel and Joshua, one a governor and one a priest. Notice that "Zerubbabel" means "descended of Babylon". There is hope for all who have been captive to Babylon, to the false religious worldly system called "christianity"! Isn't that wonderful news? To anyone caught in denominationalism, God is still reaching out to you, he is still speaking to you, today, through his Spirit. Listen to his word to you, all you leadership following the spirit of Babylon and not the Holy Spirit -
"This people say, the time is not come, the time that the Lord's house should be built". For too long now, I and many other apostles and prophets have been crying out - stop building the house made with hands, stop building your own houses, your own churches and denominations and attend to the Lord's house. Build his house and body, which has nothing to do with denominations. His people are Holy and peculiar and do not belong to any man made, man ruled organization. HIS PEOPLE ARE A SUPERNATURAL PEOPLE BORN OF HIS SPIRIT, SEPARATE FROM THE SPIRIT OF THIS FALLEN WORLD, WHICH EXALTS MAN AND PUTS MAN IN CHARGE AND USES MAN'S WISDOM AND STRENGTH TO LEAD AND RULE". No, his people are like the wind WHICH CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY MAN NOR DOES IT ORIGINATE WITH MAN. Amen.
Listen, it is time to build his house through apostolic and prophetic leadership and revelation, no other way will suffice because this is God's way - Eph:2:20-22 - "And are built upon the foundation of the APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord, for a habitation of God through the Spirit".
While God uses apostles and prophets as a foundation without which no house can be built, it is Jesus himself in whom the body grows, as living stones, into a house that God can dwell in by his spirit. If God isnt dwelling in you by his spirit, you are not a part of his house. If he isnt in your church or denomination by his spirit, they arent a part of his house. The single defining hall mark of a true christian is love BUT IT IS THE LOVE OF GOD SHED ABROAD IN OUR HEARTS BY HIS SPIRIT that sets us apart. Any one can love but only those with the Holy Spirit dwelling within can love with the love of God.
Next up, verse three of Haggai chapter one...
In verse one of Haggai, he establishes the fact that the following word from God is to Zerubbabel and Joshua, one a governor and one a priest. Notice that "Zerubbabel" means "descended of Babylon". There is hope for all who have been captive to Babylon, to the false religious worldly system called "christianity"! Isn't that wonderful news? To anyone caught in denominationalism, God is still reaching out to you, he is still speaking to you, today, through his Spirit. Listen to his word to you, all you leadership following the spirit of Babylon and not the Holy Spirit -
"This people say, the time is not come, the time that the Lord's house should be built". For too long now, I and many other apostles and prophets have been crying out - stop building the house made with hands, stop building your own houses, your own churches and denominations and attend to the Lord's house. Build his house and body, which has nothing to do with denominations. His people are Holy and peculiar and do not belong to any man made, man ruled organization. HIS PEOPLE ARE A SUPERNATURAL PEOPLE BORN OF HIS SPIRIT, SEPARATE FROM THE SPIRIT OF THIS FALLEN WORLD, WHICH EXALTS MAN AND PUTS MAN IN CHARGE AND USES MAN'S WISDOM AND STRENGTH TO LEAD AND RULE". No, his people are like the wind WHICH CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY MAN NOR DOES IT ORIGINATE WITH MAN. Amen.
Listen, it is time to build his house through apostolic and prophetic leadership and revelation, no other way will suffice because this is God's way - Eph:2:20-22 - "And are built upon the foundation of the APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord, for a habitation of God through the Spirit".
While God uses apostles and prophets as a foundation without which no house can be built, it is Jesus himself in whom the body grows, as living stones, into a house that God can dwell in by his spirit. If God isnt dwelling in you by his spirit, you are not a part of his house. If he isnt in your church or denomination by his spirit, they arent a part of his house. The single defining hall mark of a true christian is love BUT IT IS THE LOVE OF GOD SHED ABROAD IN OUR HEARTS BY HIS SPIRIT that sets us apart. Any one can love but only those with the Holy Spirit dwelling within can love with the love of God.
Next up, verse three of Haggai chapter one...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Addendum to "A Tale of Two Kings"
Please add this to "A Tale of Two Kings". As we ponder the revelation the Lord's given in this epistle, turn your attention to Hosea 13:9-11. This is God's heartfelt response to Israel's desire for a man to rule over them instead of God - listen to God plead with them (and today with us)
> "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help. I WILL BE THY KING: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? And thy judges of whom saidst, give me a king and princes? I GAVE THEE A KING IN MINE ANGER, and took him away in my wrath".
> O my people, this confirms what I've said in "A Tale of Two Kings". Yes, God gave them a king but it was not His will for them then and it is not His will for us now. If it displeased Him then, God changes not, it displeases Him now. And the whole denominational system of Pastor-ruled churches is nothing more than a fulfillment of people's desire for a man, for a king and princes, to rule over them.People are basically lazy, especially when it comes to spiritual disciplines. They would rather turn over their spiritual responsibilites to a Pastor, to a man in other words, a king, then have to deal with it themselves. God hates this. He died so he could have a personal relationship with each one of us. We are not to approach him through our church or pastor or anyone else. We are to approach him directly, though we do recieve correction and counsel from wise elders he places in our lives. Catholicism is firmly entrenched in this, in having men rule and lord it over the people, but when Martin Luther came out of Catholicism, he did it physically but not spiritually. Spiritually, the protestant system he set up was identical to the Catholic Church. What I mean is, the Pastor took on the role of Priest in the lives of the people, performing every duty the priests did except for one major change (the confessional). So the protestants under Martin Luther were in just as much spiritual bondage as the Catholics because they are all submitted to the spirit of religion. He just wears a different guise in different churches. They're all in a mess, no one is better off than any one else. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Come out and be separate, my people! Let no man lord it over you, Jesus himself is your head and no man. When you submit to a man it must be a man chosen by God who is fully submitted to Him and therefore it is Christ you are submitting to, not that man. Amen. Selah.
> God Bless, Chris Waxman
> "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help. I WILL BE THY KING: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? And thy judges of whom saidst, give me a king and princes? I GAVE THEE A KING IN MINE ANGER, and took him away in my wrath".
> O my people, this confirms what I've said in "A Tale of Two Kings". Yes, God gave them a king but it was not His will for them then and it is not His will for us now. If it displeased Him then, God changes not, it displeases Him now. And the whole denominational system of Pastor-ruled churches is nothing more than a fulfillment of people's desire for a man, for a king and princes, to rule over them.People are basically lazy, especially when it comes to spiritual disciplines. They would rather turn over their spiritual responsibilites to a Pastor, to a man in other words, a king, then have to deal with it themselves. God hates this. He died so he could have a personal relationship with each one of us. We are not to approach him through our church or pastor or anyone else. We are to approach him directly, though we do recieve correction and counsel from wise elders he places in our lives. Catholicism is firmly entrenched in this, in having men rule and lord it over the people, but when Martin Luther came out of Catholicism, he did it physically but not spiritually. Spiritually, the protestant system he set up was identical to the Catholic Church. What I mean is, the Pastor took on the role of Priest in the lives of the people, performing every duty the priests did except for one major change (the confessional). So the protestants under Martin Luther were in just as much spiritual bondage as the Catholics because they are all submitted to the spirit of religion. He just wears a different guise in different churches. They're all in a mess, no one is better off than any one else. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Come out and be separate, my people! Let no man lord it over you, Jesus himself is your head and no man. When you submit to a man it must be a man chosen by God who is fully submitted to Him and therefore it is Christ you are submitting to, not that man. Amen. Selah.
> God Bless, Chris Waxman
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part fourteen
Are you asking yourself at this point – how can the one who slew Goliath, who’s done nothing but good to Saul, who has mightily delivered Israel and is God’s chosen one, be hounded and hunted in the wilderness with but a few on his side? Now picture the Church today. Such is the level of deception those bound in religion are living in, though the anointing has departed and they are no longer God’s chosen, they carry right on as if they are. Their foolish hearts are darkened and they cannot see their true condition. Those who belong to Him, who are truly God’s, are cast out and hunted and crucified. “They that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”. From his experience with Nabal, David knows he doesn’t have to come against Saul, God will do it for him. This is why he often pleads his case before God in the psalms he wrote, praying for God to judge his enemies. (26:10). We too, who are prophetic and apostolic, will not attack those who attack us, knowing God will judge between us. When we turn the other cheek, as David did to Nabal, we heap coals of fire on our enemy’s head.
David has numerous chances to slay Saul but he will not. We have the power to curse our enemies but should not. Love doesn’t curse. Let brotherly love continue. Still, the Holy Spirit himself will sometimes rise up in an apostle or prophet and pronounce judgment like He did with Paul did in Acts 13:10&11.
Soon, David confronts Saul yet again, hoping he’ll wise up and see the error of his ways. And he finally does! Believer, never stop reaching out to the dead apostate church, as the Holy Spirit leads, you never know when you’ll get through to them. (26:21) – “behold I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly”. This is a goal of apostolic and prophetic ministry today – to enlighten those whose foolish hearts are darkened. Prophets are often used by God to reveal people’s true heart condition. We want them to recognize truth and repent. We greatly desire this. Would to God we would all know the true condition of our hearts.
In chapter 27, Saul finally quits chasing after David. May this day soon arrive for us! David is still fleeing from place to place, avoiding Saul. Know this – a lot of moving often takes place when we are fulfilling our Divine destiny. In verse eight, Davis goes to fight an enemy that shouldn’t even be there. The Joshua generation before him should have wiped them out. We often have to battle family curses or demonic strongholds that our parents or ancestors allowed to take hold of us. They should have defeated them but didn’t. David actually goes and takes refuge in the enemy’s land for awhile, even feigning madness. Meanwhile, Saul is showing why he was judged and found wanting – fear of man. In 28:5 – “he was afraid and his heart greatly trembled”. Fear of man, or seeking man’s respect or honor, has destroyed more churches and pastors than anything else. It is why Jezebel can influence them and why they’ll listen to Satan but not God for Satan “savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of man” (Mt:16:23) When Jesus was going to sacrifice himself in obedience to the Father, when He was on his way to DENYING HIMSELF, Satan, through Peter tried to rebuke him and get him to preserve his own life selfishly, to value his own flesh above the souls of all mankind. This is exactly what Satan tries to get us to do today, and there are plenty of churches out there that will let you preserve and pamper your own flesh till the day you die, never fulfilling your God given destiny to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and pick up your cross and die (to self) daily.
Saul even consults a witch to try to bring Samuel’s spirit back from the dead. Some interesting thoughts arise here – the witch says in verse 13 – “I saw gods arising out of the earth”, could she have seen the resurrection? Didn’t Jesus remind us he said in the law “ye are gods”? Also, Samuel confronts Saul, rebukes him and prophecies his death! So he is still operating as a prophet after he dies! Do we also retain our ministry, after we die? Is what we are now going to be what we are in Eternity? If so, you’d better get cracking at fulfilling your call! Certainly, in Revelation, the twelve apostles of the lamb continue as such for they become the twelve foundation stones of the New Jeruslaem.
Remember, God is always working for our good. In chapter 29, when the philistine lords prevent David from fighting with them, their rejection proves to be providential for David and his men, for in chapter 30, they arrive home to find their city raided and all their wives and children stolen. The people in their grief rise up against David to stone him (this will also happen to pastors and leaders from time to time, if the people in your care end up suffering).“But David encouraged Himself in the Lord his God” (30:6), so
should we also find our God an ever present help in a time of trouble, a rock of refuge and strength when all turn against us, a strong high tower that we can flee into, the one whom our soul pants for as a deer does for water. The result of David’s faith and the fact he always turns to God when trouble confronts him is found in verse 19 – “David recovered all”. So shall we, so shall we. David proves to be a wise ruler when he declares those who stayed with the stuff get the same reward as those who went to the battle. He also wisely shares the spoil with various cities across the land, helping his cause later when he’s finally recognized as king. Rare is the ruler that gives money back to the people and not just take from them all the time.
The tragic death of Saul and his sons in chapter 31 is a lesson and warning to us all. We must all “consider our ways” (Hag:1:5-7). Religion leaves us empty and always wanting more, it never satisfies. If “ye have sown much and bring in little, if ye eat but ye have not enough, if ye drink but are not filled with drink, if you earn wages only to put it in a bag with holes” then I urge you again to “consider your ways”. If you’re laboring in a denominational church, or any church, and you put forth a lot of effort but rarely win souls, if people attend your meetings but rarely grow up, if “you looked for much but it came to little” then consider your ways. It was those who “obeyed the voice of the Lord their God (through) Haggai the prophet” that prospered. Believe, honor and respect God’s apostles and prophets today and you shall live for God will be with you (Hag:1:12&13). We are in the day of the “famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord” (Amos 8:11). Of your church or fellowship, pastor, don’t let it be said of you “I will not pass by them anymore”.(Amos 8:2). “Surely the Lord will do nothing without first revealing it to his servants the prophets”(Amos 3:7). Heed this word! See today’s apostate church paralleled in the life of Saul, and see today’s true apostolic and prophetic church paralleled in David’s life. See this and live. See this and choose wisely. OUTWARDLY SAUL SEEMED TO HAVE IT ALL AND SEEMED TO BE THE ONE BLESSED BY GOD. HE HAD THE PALACE AND THE POWER AND HE HAD THE RESPECT OF MEN. OUTWARDLY DAVID SEEMED TO LACK GOD’S FAVOR AND GRACE AS HE WAS HUNTED AND HOUNDED AND FORCED TO HIDE IN CAVES IN THE WILDERNESS. DAVID WAS IN THE MINORITY WHILE SAUL HAD THE MAJORITY. WIDE IS THE PATH TO DESTRUCTION BUT NARROW IS THE PATH TO ETERNAL LIFE AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. ARE YOU WILLING TO SUFFER IGNOMITY, HUMILIATION AND REJECTION IN ORDER TO FOLLOW CHRIST AND NOT MAN?
Choose wisely for “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing – therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live”. “That you may love the Lord thy God and obey His voice and cleave unto Him for He is your life and the length of your days – that you may dwell in the land the Lord swore to give your father Abraham (paradise, Heaven, Eternal Glory and happiness and Joy in His presence). Choose wisely for the result of disobedience is death.
In chapter 31:4, Saul takes his own life. No one can send you to Hell. No one can take your soul. Everyone who ends up there will do so because they made a choice. In their heart of hearts, they made a choice. No one goes to Hell because God rejected them, no, He loves the whole world. No, they go to Hell because they’ve rejected God. Choose you this day to follow your God and not religion. Shake off the religious bonds Satan tries to put you in. Come out and be separate, come my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Make haste, my beloved, set me as a seal upon thine heart, let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, there will I give thee my loves. Rise up my love and fair one and come away. Behold thou art fair my love, behold thou art fair. Who is he that cometh out of the wilderness? It is my David company of saints, pure and undefiled from the world, it is my Bride, who even now maketh herself ready, it is my longed for loved one with whom I shall be forever satisfied. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, says the Spirit, says the Bride……
David has numerous chances to slay Saul but he will not. We have the power to curse our enemies but should not. Love doesn’t curse. Let brotherly love continue. Still, the Holy Spirit himself will sometimes rise up in an apostle or prophet and pronounce judgment like He did with Paul did in Acts 13:10&11.
Soon, David confronts Saul yet again, hoping he’ll wise up and see the error of his ways. And he finally does! Believer, never stop reaching out to the dead apostate church, as the Holy Spirit leads, you never know when you’ll get through to them. (26:21) – “behold I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly”. This is a goal of apostolic and prophetic ministry today – to enlighten those whose foolish hearts are darkened. Prophets are often used by God to reveal people’s true heart condition. We want them to recognize truth and repent. We greatly desire this. Would to God we would all know the true condition of our hearts.
In chapter 27, Saul finally quits chasing after David. May this day soon arrive for us! David is still fleeing from place to place, avoiding Saul. Know this – a lot of moving often takes place when we are fulfilling our Divine destiny. In verse eight, Davis goes to fight an enemy that shouldn’t even be there. The Joshua generation before him should have wiped them out. We often have to battle family curses or demonic strongholds that our parents or ancestors allowed to take hold of us. They should have defeated them but didn’t. David actually goes and takes refuge in the enemy’s land for awhile, even feigning madness. Meanwhile, Saul is showing why he was judged and found wanting – fear of man. In 28:5 – “he was afraid and his heart greatly trembled”. Fear of man, or seeking man’s respect or honor, has destroyed more churches and pastors than anything else. It is why Jezebel can influence them and why they’ll listen to Satan but not God for Satan “savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of man” (Mt:16:23) When Jesus was going to sacrifice himself in obedience to the Father, when He was on his way to DENYING HIMSELF, Satan, through Peter tried to rebuke him and get him to preserve his own life selfishly, to value his own flesh above the souls of all mankind. This is exactly what Satan tries to get us to do today, and there are plenty of churches out there that will let you preserve and pamper your own flesh till the day you die, never fulfilling your God given destiny to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and pick up your cross and die (to self) daily.
Saul even consults a witch to try to bring Samuel’s spirit back from the dead. Some interesting thoughts arise here – the witch says in verse 13 – “I saw gods arising out of the earth”, could she have seen the resurrection? Didn’t Jesus remind us he said in the law “ye are gods”? Also, Samuel confronts Saul, rebukes him and prophecies his death! So he is still operating as a prophet after he dies! Do we also retain our ministry, after we die? Is what we are now going to be what we are in Eternity? If so, you’d better get cracking at fulfilling your call! Certainly, in Revelation, the twelve apostles of the lamb continue as such for they become the twelve foundation stones of the New Jeruslaem.
Remember, God is always working for our good. In chapter 29, when the philistine lords prevent David from fighting with them, their rejection proves to be providential for David and his men, for in chapter 30, they arrive home to find their city raided and all their wives and children stolen. The people in their grief rise up against David to stone him (this will also happen to pastors and leaders from time to time, if the people in your care end up suffering).“But David encouraged Himself in the Lord his God” (30:6), so
should we also find our God an ever present help in a time of trouble, a rock of refuge and strength when all turn against us, a strong high tower that we can flee into, the one whom our soul pants for as a deer does for water. The result of David’s faith and the fact he always turns to God when trouble confronts him is found in verse 19 – “David recovered all”. So shall we, so shall we. David proves to be a wise ruler when he declares those who stayed with the stuff get the same reward as those who went to the battle. He also wisely shares the spoil with various cities across the land, helping his cause later when he’s finally recognized as king. Rare is the ruler that gives money back to the people and not just take from them all the time.
The tragic death of Saul and his sons in chapter 31 is a lesson and warning to us all. We must all “consider our ways” (Hag:1:5-7). Religion leaves us empty and always wanting more, it never satisfies. If “ye have sown much and bring in little, if ye eat but ye have not enough, if ye drink but are not filled with drink, if you earn wages only to put it in a bag with holes” then I urge you again to “consider your ways”. If you’re laboring in a denominational church, or any church, and you put forth a lot of effort but rarely win souls, if people attend your meetings but rarely grow up, if “you looked for much but it came to little” then consider your ways. It was those who “obeyed the voice of the Lord their God (through) Haggai the prophet” that prospered. Believe, honor and respect God’s apostles and prophets today and you shall live for God will be with you (Hag:1:12&13). We are in the day of the “famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord” (Amos 8:11). Of your church or fellowship, pastor, don’t let it be said of you “I will not pass by them anymore”.(Amos 8:2). “Surely the Lord will do nothing without first revealing it to his servants the prophets”(Amos 3:7). Heed this word! See today’s apostate church paralleled in the life of Saul, and see today’s true apostolic and prophetic church paralleled in David’s life. See this and live. See this and choose wisely. OUTWARDLY SAUL SEEMED TO HAVE IT ALL AND SEEMED TO BE THE ONE BLESSED BY GOD. HE HAD THE PALACE AND THE POWER AND HE HAD THE RESPECT OF MEN. OUTWARDLY DAVID SEEMED TO LACK GOD’S FAVOR AND GRACE AS HE WAS HUNTED AND HOUNDED AND FORCED TO HIDE IN CAVES IN THE WILDERNESS. DAVID WAS IN THE MINORITY WHILE SAUL HAD THE MAJORITY. WIDE IS THE PATH TO DESTRUCTION BUT NARROW IS THE PATH TO ETERNAL LIFE AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. ARE YOU WILLING TO SUFFER IGNOMITY, HUMILIATION AND REJECTION IN ORDER TO FOLLOW CHRIST AND NOT MAN?
Choose wisely for “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing – therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live”. “That you may love the Lord thy God and obey His voice and cleave unto Him for He is your life and the length of your days – that you may dwell in the land the Lord swore to give your father Abraham (paradise, Heaven, Eternal Glory and happiness and Joy in His presence). Choose wisely for the result of disobedience is death.
In chapter 31:4, Saul takes his own life. No one can send you to Hell. No one can take your soul. Everyone who ends up there will do so because they made a choice. In their heart of hearts, they made a choice. No one goes to Hell because God rejected them, no, He loves the whole world. No, they go to Hell because they’ve rejected God. Choose you this day to follow your God and not religion. Shake off the religious bonds Satan tries to put you in. Come out and be separate, come my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Make haste, my beloved, set me as a seal upon thine heart, let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, there will I give thee my loves. Rise up my love and fair one and come away. Behold thou art fair my love, behold thou art fair. Who is he that cometh out of the wilderness? It is my David company of saints, pure and undefiled from the world, it is my Bride, who even now maketh herself ready, it is my longed for loved one with whom I shall be forever satisfied. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, says the Spirit, says the Bride……
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part thirteen
The Body of Christ, those who really are His, are rising up out of the bondage of Religion all over the world and are “being” the church, not “having church”. As David spent his time in the wilderness, as Moses did and Paul did and even Jesus, so are we. We are truly today in a spiritual wasteland. In many towns and cities, one cannot even find one fellowship free of religious bondage. so we compromise and say to ourselves, “It’s better than nothing”. See my book “Freedom from Babylon” for more on this subject. Email me at for a copy. (cost $10).
As the religious spirit tries to pursue you saint – guard your heart. Like David, don’t respond to their hate by hating them back. In chapter 24:5 (of 1 Samuel), “David’s heart smote him”. Because his heart smote him, Saul never did. If we have the right heart and attitude towards our enemies, they too will not be able to touch us. But notice this – David is deceived when he still calls Saul ((24:6) “The anointed of the Lord”, remember 18:12? At this point, Saul is no longer God’s anointed but David still loves and respects him (though he’s no longer with him). David gives Saul wise counsel and exposes a reason for Saul’s downfall in 24:9 – “Wherefore hearest thou men’s words”? Men’s words are flesh and death, the opposite of God’s words, spirit and life. Jesus knew what was in men and would not receive their honor or counsel. Even from Peter, for God knows man is Satan’s channel through which he operates here on earth “get thee behind me Satan”. Still, before the end, Saul finally sees the light – in 24:17 he confesses to David “thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil”, yet like many today, they see the truth but do not act on it, for Saul still continues to hunt David. Yet we would be wise to follow David's example. Like David, we should flee from ungodly "Saul" pastors and churches but also like David, we should continue to respect them and love them and hope and pray for their best. We should desire freedom for all caught in religious bondage and seek to do them no harm. We should not hunt and persecute them the way they do us.
Chapter 25 is a clear depiction of despising God’s anointed prophets and apostles or anyone with the anointing. In the wilderness, David behaved himself honorably and protected a man named Nabal’s flocks and men. Nabal means “fool” and he represents all the pastors who reject the apostles and prophets God sends to them. When David asks for help from Nabal, when he seeks sustenance, Nabal questions David’s identity and credentials (25:10) – “Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? Many apostles today have to endure this, “who are you?” “You think you’re an apostle?” “You’re self promoted”, Don’t call yourself an apostle, etc. “Shall I take my bread and water and flesh and give it unto men whom I know not whence they be?” My people, this is a great wickedness in the sight of God that is very common in churches today. God teaches us to be “careful to entertain strangers”, to follow the example our Father Abraham set when he took in the three strangers and fed them. When Jesus commends the sheep in Matthew 25, he says “I was a stranger and you took me in”, yet in many churches if you show up and they “know not whence you be”, they will not accept you or the gifts (of the Spirit) you bring. You are despised and dishonored, not welcomed and honored. These fellowships have more faith in the devil to come in and curse them then they do in God to send someone to bless them. We need to know those who come among us, whether a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a blessing from God. It grieves the Lord and will lead to the death of their ministry. They will end up as Saul did. Or in this example, Nabal.
You know the story. Nabal’s wife Abigail, placates David’s wrath and saves her husband and his whole house, at least all “who pisseth against the wall”. She even prophecies over David, giving him more than physical food. Quite a lady! David sets a good example for us in that he heeds her soft words and turns away his wrath. He can take counsel and wisdom, not just dish it out. But in verse 36 we glimpse the truth that “when they say peace and safety, sudden destruction cometh upon them”. Nabal, like many pastors, is comfortable in his house (his church), eating and drinking and carrying on with no idea he’s about to die. He has absolutely no wisdom when it comes to judging himself, his own heart or ministry. They are a reflection of the coming judgments on America and indeed, the whole world. They are all on the brink of great destruction. First their hearts will be judged and found unable to receive the Lord any longer, then “and it came to pass that the Lord smote Nabal that he died”.
David blesses God for this “for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head”. “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord”. We must love our enemies but all must realize they will reap what they sow. God will not be mocked. David then takes Abigail as his wife, pleasing God because he’s caring for a widow. As he gains a wife he loses one, for Saul goes back on his word to David and gives Michal to another.
As the religious spirit tries to pursue you saint – guard your heart. Like David, don’t respond to their hate by hating them back. In chapter 24:5 (of 1 Samuel), “David’s heart smote him”. Because his heart smote him, Saul never did. If we have the right heart and attitude towards our enemies, they too will not be able to touch us. But notice this – David is deceived when he still calls Saul ((24:6) “The anointed of the Lord”, remember 18:12? At this point, Saul is no longer God’s anointed but David still loves and respects him (though he’s no longer with him). David gives Saul wise counsel and exposes a reason for Saul’s downfall in 24:9 – “Wherefore hearest thou men’s words”? Men’s words are flesh and death, the opposite of God’s words, spirit and life. Jesus knew what was in men and would not receive their honor or counsel. Even from Peter, for God knows man is Satan’s channel through which he operates here on earth “get thee behind me Satan”. Still, before the end, Saul finally sees the light – in 24:17 he confesses to David “thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil”, yet like many today, they see the truth but do not act on it, for Saul still continues to hunt David. Yet we would be wise to follow David's example. Like David, we should flee from ungodly "Saul" pastors and churches but also like David, we should continue to respect them and love them and hope and pray for their best. We should desire freedom for all caught in religious bondage and seek to do them no harm. We should not hunt and persecute them the way they do us.
Chapter 25 is a clear depiction of despising God’s anointed prophets and apostles or anyone with the anointing. In the wilderness, David behaved himself honorably and protected a man named Nabal’s flocks and men. Nabal means “fool” and he represents all the pastors who reject the apostles and prophets God sends to them. When David asks for help from Nabal, when he seeks sustenance, Nabal questions David’s identity and credentials (25:10) – “Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? Many apostles today have to endure this, “who are you?” “You think you’re an apostle?” “You’re self promoted”, Don’t call yourself an apostle, etc. “Shall I take my bread and water and flesh and give it unto men whom I know not whence they be?” My people, this is a great wickedness in the sight of God that is very common in churches today. God teaches us to be “careful to entertain strangers”, to follow the example our Father Abraham set when he took in the three strangers and fed them. When Jesus commends the sheep in Matthew 25, he says “I was a stranger and you took me in”, yet in many churches if you show up and they “know not whence you be”, they will not accept you or the gifts (of the Spirit) you bring. You are despised and dishonored, not welcomed and honored. These fellowships have more faith in the devil to come in and curse them then they do in God to send someone to bless them. We need to know those who come among us, whether a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a blessing from God. It grieves the Lord and will lead to the death of their ministry. They will end up as Saul did. Or in this example, Nabal.
You know the story. Nabal’s wife Abigail, placates David’s wrath and saves her husband and his whole house, at least all “who pisseth against the wall”. She even prophecies over David, giving him more than physical food. Quite a lady! David sets a good example for us in that he heeds her soft words and turns away his wrath. He can take counsel and wisdom, not just dish it out. But in verse 36 we glimpse the truth that “when they say peace and safety, sudden destruction cometh upon them”. Nabal, like many pastors, is comfortable in his house (his church), eating and drinking and carrying on with no idea he’s about to die. He has absolutely no wisdom when it comes to judging himself, his own heart or ministry. They are a reflection of the coming judgments on America and indeed, the whole world. They are all on the brink of great destruction. First their hearts will be judged and found unable to receive the Lord any longer, then “and it came to pass that the Lord smote Nabal that he died”.
David blesses God for this “for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head”. “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord”. We must love our enemies but all must realize they will reap what they sow. God will not be mocked. David then takes Abigail as his wife, pleasing God because he’s caring for a widow. As he gains a wife he loses one, for Saul goes back on his word to David and gives Michal to another.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part twelve
Saul even turns on his own faithful son, Jonathan because he won’t join him in his hate for David. When pastors speak out and reject the Lord’s anointed today, more people should rise up and say “Wherefore shall he be slain? What hath he done? (verse 32).
Chapter 21 illustrates a common occurrence today. When David meets Ahimelech the priest, Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David and said unto him – “Why art thou alone and no man with thee?” (21:1) Most pastors today will question us if we are not part of a denomination or church. They cannot believe God sent us or that we are approved of God, if we are not part of a group they recognize. This is a common problem, for like themselves, they seek man’s approval for your ministry and will not accept you unless you are validated by men. Being “alone and no man with us” doesn’t necessarily mean we are rebels, and unfit to minister, wolves in sheep clothing. Jesus himself was abandoned by all but the twelve, and later by all but John. Paul, at one point said “At my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me” (2 Tim:4:16&17). “Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me”. No, quite often, when a man or ministry is rejected by the Saul churches of today and he is alone, it is more a sign of that man’s godliness and dedication to follow Christ, even when “all men forsook me”. The sad fact is that many pastors have more faith in the devil then they do in God. They have no problem believing the devil can send in a wolf to devour their flock but they cannot believe God could send in an apostle or prophet, on any one of the five fold head ship ministries, to bless their flock.
As time goes on – more and more people are waking up and realizing the bondage they are in, more and more are leaving religion behind and joining the apostolic and prophetic company of David’s in the wilderness. In 22:2 we see more and more are going outside the camp and coming out and being separate from the Babylonian church system so many are caught in where they drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils at the same time.
In 22:5, the prophet Gad counsels David. Here is a sign of true apostolic leadership for they do not despise and reject prophets but rather they listen to them and heed their counsel. They often work hand in hand with prophets to accomplish God’s will. They appreciate them!
As David is drawing closer to God in the wilderness, Saul is drifting further away. In 22:8 he questions everyone’s honor but his own and he falls into self-pity – “there is none of you that is sorry for me”. He is full of fear and delusional, knowing God has departed from him but refusing to admit it. He slays Ahimelech and his house and the whole city of Nob because Ahimelech fed David and gave him Goliath’s sword. If you are reading this and you are a Saul pastor, you are one who has had “Ichabod” written across the door of your heart, know that it is not too late for you, you may still repent and turn the sword, the Word of God, on yourself (as Saul eventually does) instead of against the David’s of this world. You can still repent and “you and your house may be saved”.
Prophetically speaking, the Church is currently somewhere in chapters 23-30 of first Samuel. We are in the wilderness, on the run from the apostate Saul church, the false form of God that denies His power, the religion called “Christianity”. “And Saul sought him every day but God delivered him not into his hand” (23:14).
Jonathan knows the truth. In 23:17, he says to David –“Thou shalt be king over Israel and I shall be next unto thee”. He doesn’t even desire the throne for himself! This is truly “esteeming his brother more highly than himself”. I’m convinced Jonathan has a high place of honor in God’s Eternal kingdom and I’d like to meet him someday. To me, he is one of the most impressive people in all the Bible. Truly humble, he is.
In verse 21, Saul meets some Ziphites and he greets them by saying “Blessed be ye of the Lord”. Those from whom God has departed often carry on as if nothing’s happened. They honor Him with their lips, giving out blessings they don’t have to give, using His Name, counting on the fact the false churches are full of carnal, ignorant, soulish Christians who know not, neither care for God’s true presence or will for their lives. There are churches and whole denominations full of these kind of “saints”, perfectly content in their pride and arrogance to continue till the day they die pretending they know God and are born of Him (some deny even this) when in truth they are far from Him. Yes there are true saints, wheat, inside the dead churches but I tell you the truth – they are being drawn out by the Holy Spirit himself and they are joining the David company of apostles and prophets, giving up comfort, willing to live in caves (we call them house fellowships). The wind is blowing away all that is chaff, all that is dead, out of our lives, including all doctrines and traditions that are of man that in the end, only that which is of Him will remain.
Chapter 21 illustrates a common occurrence today. When David meets Ahimelech the priest, Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David and said unto him – “Why art thou alone and no man with thee?” (21:1) Most pastors today will question us if we are not part of a denomination or church. They cannot believe God sent us or that we are approved of God, if we are not part of a group they recognize. This is a common problem, for like themselves, they seek man’s approval for your ministry and will not accept you unless you are validated by men. Being “alone and no man with us” doesn’t necessarily mean we are rebels, and unfit to minister, wolves in sheep clothing. Jesus himself was abandoned by all but the twelve, and later by all but John. Paul, at one point said “At my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me” (2 Tim:4:16&17). “Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me”. No, quite often, when a man or ministry is rejected by the Saul churches of today and he is alone, it is more a sign of that man’s godliness and dedication to follow Christ, even when “all men forsook me”. The sad fact is that many pastors have more faith in the devil then they do in God. They have no problem believing the devil can send in a wolf to devour their flock but they cannot believe God could send in an apostle or prophet, on any one of the five fold head ship ministries, to bless their flock.
As time goes on – more and more people are waking up and realizing the bondage they are in, more and more are leaving religion behind and joining the apostolic and prophetic company of David’s in the wilderness. In 22:2 we see more and more are going outside the camp and coming out and being separate from the Babylonian church system so many are caught in where they drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils at the same time.
In 22:5, the prophet Gad counsels David. Here is a sign of true apostolic leadership for they do not despise and reject prophets but rather they listen to them and heed their counsel. They often work hand in hand with prophets to accomplish God’s will. They appreciate them!
As David is drawing closer to God in the wilderness, Saul is drifting further away. In 22:8 he questions everyone’s honor but his own and he falls into self-pity – “there is none of you that is sorry for me”. He is full of fear and delusional, knowing God has departed from him but refusing to admit it. He slays Ahimelech and his house and the whole city of Nob because Ahimelech fed David and gave him Goliath’s sword. If you are reading this and you are a Saul pastor, you are one who has had “Ichabod” written across the door of your heart, know that it is not too late for you, you may still repent and turn the sword, the Word of God, on yourself (as Saul eventually does) instead of against the David’s of this world. You can still repent and “you and your house may be saved”.
Prophetically speaking, the Church is currently somewhere in chapters 23-30 of first Samuel. We are in the wilderness, on the run from the apostate Saul church, the false form of God that denies His power, the religion called “Christianity”. “And Saul sought him every day but God delivered him not into his hand” (23:14).
Jonathan knows the truth. In 23:17, he says to David –“Thou shalt be king over Israel and I shall be next unto thee”. He doesn’t even desire the throne for himself! This is truly “esteeming his brother more highly than himself”. I’m convinced Jonathan has a high place of honor in God’s Eternal kingdom and I’d like to meet him someday. To me, he is one of the most impressive people in all the Bible. Truly humble, he is.
In verse 21, Saul meets some Ziphites and he greets them by saying “Blessed be ye of the Lord”. Those from whom God has departed often carry on as if nothing’s happened. They honor Him with their lips, giving out blessings they don’t have to give, using His Name, counting on the fact the false churches are full of carnal, ignorant, soulish Christians who know not, neither care for God’s true presence or will for their lives. There are churches and whole denominations full of these kind of “saints”, perfectly content in their pride and arrogance to continue till the day they die pretending they know God and are born of Him (some deny even this) when in truth they are far from Him. Yes there are true saints, wheat, inside the dead churches but I tell you the truth – they are being drawn out by the Holy Spirit himself and they are joining the David company of apostles and prophets, giving up comfort, willing to live in caves (we call them house fellowships). The wind is blowing away all that is chaff, all that is dead, out of our lives, including all doctrines and traditions that are of man that in the end, only that which is of Him will remain.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part eleven
In chapter 18 of 1 Samuel, David enters in to a season where he is submitted to the king who has lost his anointing, who has been rejected from the throne. For a season the wheat, God’s true saints, have been found among the tares, the Saul churches of our day but we will see that this relationship couldn’t last for eventually, the wheat and tares must become separated (at harvest time) Mt: 13:30.
Saul grows increasingly envious of David and tries to kill him. Religious, apostate leadership will try to kill those in their midst with the true anointing. Especially if the people recognize and praise the true -“Saul slayed his thousands and David his ten thousands”. The false will be “afraid of David, because the Lord was with him and was departed from Saul”. (One could say David got (aSAULted), sorry, I couldn’t resist that one). The Saul’s of today will attack us with lies and words that twist the truth, hoping to draw men away from us and to themselves. And the more you “behave wisely”, while submitted to a tare pastor or leader, the more he’ll hate and despise and fear you till “Saul became David’s enemy continually”(verse 29). Saul even gives his daughter Michal to David, not to bless him but that “she may be a snare to him” (verse 21). No, Saul’s heart has become wicked indeed. He doesn’t esteem David more highly than himself, he doesn’t rejoice to see his brother blessed, he doesn’t thank God David’s on my side, no, he tries to destroy him. This tragedy occurs often today when God sends an apostle or prophet to a church to be a blessing to them. Instead of being warmly received, they are despised and rejected or worse, completely ignored. Pastors are often jealous of their anointing or are unwilling to give up authority or control.
In chapter 19, David continues to bless Saul and refuses to rebel against his ungodly rule. An ungodly man would have staged a coup, slain Saul and took over through his own ingenuity and strength. But David cannot remain in Saul’s house. “So David fled and escaped and came to Samuel”. It is God’s apostles and prophets we should all be fleeing to today as we come out of Babylon. I hope that you can find an apostle or prophet you can join with when it’s time for you to flee.
Now begins David’s wilderness journey, time spent hiding from Saul, running like a dog, living in caves and woods and desert places. This is all a part of God’s plan for him and for us. Some of the greatest psalms were written during this time. Hard times, times of rejection by the establishment, times of loneliness when our seeming brothers and sisters in Christ turn on us, are just as important to us as good times. We press in to God and come to know Him as our deliverer and comforter. Jesus will some times say to us, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place”(Mark 6:31). He doesn’t do this to punish us but to bless us. We should mourn with those who mourn and not try to draw them out of the wilderness God’s put them in. “Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also (in adversity) in the Body. (Heb: 13:3). With Paul, we should all desire to “know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings”.
Like us, David even enters into doubt and unbelief during this time of testing. In 20:3, his faith is wavering. He’s not standing on Samuel’s prophecy years before that he’ll be king. But God, in his grace, sends David a comforter from the very loins of the one trying to kill him. Jonathan proves to be everything his father is not. David covenants with Jonathan not to “cut off thy kindness from my house forever” and David later fulfills this vow when he takes in and cares for Mephibosheth.
In verse 26, Saul thinks David “is not clean, surely he is not clean”. The deluded in the churches today who are themselves unclean will usually not recognize their own uncleanness and repent but will instead accuse the righteous of being unclean. In verse 27, he wonders why David hasn’t come before him to eat meat. Gee, Saul, could it have something to do with the fact you’ve tried to kill him twice? But many pastors really are so deluded that they genuinely wonder why people continually leave their church while all along they’ve been killing the people’s faith because they have none themselves.
Saul grows increasingly envious of David and tries to kill him. Religious, apostate leadership will try to kill those in their midst with the true anointing. Especially if the people recognize and praise the true -“Saul slayed his thousands and David his ten thousands”. The false will be “afraid of David, because the Lord was with him and was departed from Saul”. (One could say David got (aSAULted), sorry, I couldn’t resist that one). The Saul’s of today will attack us with lies and words that twist the truth, hoping to draw men away from us and to themselves. And the more you “behave wisely”, while submitted to a tare pastor or leader, the more he’ll hate and despise and fear you till “Saul became David’s enemy continually”(verse 29). Saul even gives his daughter Michal to David, not to bless him but that “she may be a snare to him” (verse 21). No, Saul’s heart has become wicked indeed. He doesn’t esteem David more highly than himself, he doesn’t rejoice to see his brother blessed, he doesn’t thank God David’s on my side, no, he tries to destroy him. This tragedy occurs often today when God sends an apostle or prophet to a church to be a blessing to them. Instead of being warmly received, they are despised and rejected or worse, completely ignored. Pastors are often jealous of their anointing or are unwilling to give up authority or control.
In chapter 19, David continues to bless Saul and refuses to rebel against his ungodly rule. An ungodly man would have staged a coup, slain Saul and took over through his own ingenuity and strength. But David cannot remain in Saul’s house. “So David fled and escaped and came to Samuel”. It is God’s apostles and prophets we should all be fleeing to today as we come out of Babylon. I hope that you can find an apostle or prophet you can join with when it’s time for you to flee.
Now begins David’s wilderness journey, time spent hiding from Saul, running like a dog, living in caves and woods and desert places. This is all a part of God’s plan for him and for us. Some of the greatest psalms were written during this time. Hard times, times of rejection by the establishment, times of loneliness when our seeming brothers and sisters in Christ turn on us, are just as important to us as good times. We press in to God and come to know Him as our deliverer and comforter. Jesus will some times say to us, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place”(Mark 6:31). He doesn’t do this to punish us but to bless us. We should mourn with those who mourn and not try to draw them out of the wilderness God’s put them in. “Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also (in adversity) in the Body. (Heb: 13:3). With Paul, we should all desire to “know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings”.
Like us, David even enters into doubt and unbelief during this time of testing. In 20:3, his faith is wavering. He’s not standing on Samuel’s prophecy years before that he’ll be king. But God, in his grace, sends David a comforter from the very loins of the one trying to kill him. Jonathan proves to be everything his father is not. David covenants with Jonathan not to “cut off thy kindness from my house forever” and David later fulfills this vow when he takes in and cares for Mephibosheth.
In verse 26, Saul thinks David “is not clean, surely he is not clean”. The deluded in the churches today who are themselves unclean will usually not recognize their own uncleanness and repent but will instead accuse the righteous of being unclean. In verse 27, he wonders why David hasn’t come before him to eat meat. Gee, Saul, could it have something to do with the fact you’ve tried to kill him twice? But many pastors really are so deluded that they genuinely wonder why people continually leave their church while all along they’ve been killing the people’s faith because they have none themselves.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part ten
In verse 43 (1 Samuel 17) Goliath mocks David, belittling him and in verse 44 he proves himself to be a false prophet. This is Satan’s time worn strategy in dealing with all God’s people. He will taunt and mock us, and try to get us to listen to his lies. Long before he slings his stone, David has defeated Goliath for he speaks the Word of God to him before which no devil on earth can stand. He uses the Name and then accurately prophecies Goliath’s defeat. All great victories we will win in our present age are preceded by prophecy. This is God’s way. He delights in fulfilling his own word but he cannot do it if we do not speak it.
David doesn’t flee, he doesn’t heed the voice of the enemy, but he speaks mighty words of faith. It’s always more about the size of who you put your faith and trust in than the size of your foe. If you’ve filled your heart with the Word of God, then when you’re challenged by the lying devils of this world, you’ll recognize the lies and you’ll respond with the Word of God, as Jesus did when confronted by Satan. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. David’s motivation is found in verse 46 and this should also be our’s today – “that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel”. Our primary focus today should not even be to show that God is in the church but in Israel! The church has been grafted into Israel and is now a part of the “common wealth of Israel” (Eph: 2:12). We serve and worship Israel’s God not the other way around. We often say to Jews, our God can become your God when we should be saying your God has become our God.
Recognize how odd it is for David to confront this giant with a stone and a sling and realize God will often use unconventional methods to grant us victory but it couldn’t have happened without the years spent in the wilderness, alone with his sheep, growing wise in the ways of the Holy Spirit. No matter how odd are his instructions to us, we should always obey Him. He knows what He’s doing. A woman was driving by a convenience store and God prompted her to stop and go inside. When she did, he told her to go over to the soda machine and stand on her head. You can be sure she was shocked and doubted for a second if she had heard correctly but she was so familiar with God’s voice that she knew it was him and she did it. The clerk behind the counter began to sob as he confessed that he was ready to commit suicide and had cried out to God, if you’re there and you can hear me, send someone in to stand on their head by the soda fountain! A life was saved that day because a woman was willing to obey God and become “even more undignified than this”.
Notice also that the stone was something God made and not man-made. The sword Saul offered to David was man-made. Enough of man’s solutions! Finally we see in verse 49 that David is a doer of the Word. If he had merely spoken to Goliath, though it was God’s word he spoke, if he had never entered into battle with him, Goliath would have won.
Fittingly, Goliath dies with his own weapon. See proverbs 28:10 and many other scriptures. Look at Haman – hung on his own gallows. Every time the enemy tries to defeat us he’s killed with his own weapon. Many times the scriptures describe armies that would come against Israel only to end up slaying themselves with their own weapons (Gideon comes to mind). Such is the fate of all who defy the one true living God and his army. So the rout is on. A great victory is won because of one man’s faith and obedience. Could you be that one man or woman in your city or country? Could you be the one who will stand up and be counted as faithful? Young apostle or prophet, young saint, wherever you are, you servant of the Most High God, you rise up in faith. Though every one is cowering in fear of the religious spirit, not daring to confront him, not daring to leave their prison, their place of bondage, you will rise up and do mighty exploits!
In verse 58 – Saul is so astounded by this young man, he doesn’t even recognize him as the one who played the harp for him, delivering him then from the evil spirit, and now from the philistines.
David doesn’t flee, he doesn’t heed the voice of the enemy, but he speaks mighty words of faith. It’s always more about the size of who you put your faith and trust in than the size of your foe. If you’ve filled your heart with the Word of God, then when you’re challenged by the lying devils of this world, you’ll recognize the lies and you’ll respond with the Word of God, as Jesus did when confronted by Satan. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. David’s motivation is found in verse 46 and this should also be our’s today – “that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel”. Our primary focus today should not even be to show that God is in the church but in Israel! The church has been grafted into Israel and is now a part of the “common wealth of Israel” (Eph: 2:12). We serve and worship Israel’s God not the other way around. We often say to Jews, our God can become your God when we should be saying your God has become our God.
Recognize how odd it is for David to confront this giant with a stone and a sling and realize God will often use unconventional methods to grant us victory but it couldn’t have happened without the years spent in the wilderness, alone with his sheep, growing wise in the ways of the Holy Spirit. No matter how odd are his instructions to us, we should always obey Him. He knows what He’s doing. A woman was driving by a convenience store and God prompted her to stop and go inside. When she did, he told her to go over to the soda machine and stand on her head. You can be sure she was shocked and doubted for a second if she had heard correctly but she was so familiar with God’s voice that she knew it was him and she did it. The clerk behind the counter began to sob as he confessed that he was ready to commit suicide and had cried out to God, if you’re there and you can hear me, send someone in to stand on their head by the soda fountain! A life was saved that day because a woman was willing to obey God and become “even more undignified than this”.
Notice also that the stone was something God made and not man-made. The sword Saul offered to David was man-made. Enough of man’s solutions! Finally we see in verse 49 that David is a doer of the Word. If he had merely spoken to Goliath, though it was God’s word he spoke, if he had never entered into battle with him, Goliath would have won.
Fittingly, Goliath dies with his own weapon. See proverbs 28:10 and many other scriptures. Look at Haman – hung on his own gallows. Every time the enemy tries to defeat us he’s killed with his own weapon. Many times the scriptures describe armies that would come against Israel only to end up slaying themselves with their own weapons (Gideon comes to mind). Such is the fate of all who defy the one true living God and his army. So the rout is on. A great victory is won because of one man’s faith and obedience. Could you be that one man or woman in your city or country? Could you be the one who will stand up and be counted as faithful? Young apostle or prophet, young saint, wherever you are, you servant of the Most High God, you rise up in faith. Though every one is cowering in fear of the religious spirit, not daring to confront him, not daring to leave their prison, their place of bondage, you will rise up and do mighty exploits!
In verse 58 – Saul is so astounded by this young man, he doesn’t even recognize him as the one who played the harp for him, delivering him then from the evil spirit, and now from the philistines.
Monday, May 16, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part nine
From 1 Samuel 17 - David represents this generation, one that will challenge the Goliaths of our day and win, one that will seek God with all their hearts and obey Him. David represents the present day apostolic and prophetic people God is raising up. David goes to Saul, who will not fight Goliath and offers to fight him. Saul’s response? “Thou art not able to go against philistine to fight with them for you are but a youth”. Often today church leadership will offer doubt and unbelief to the young believers God raises up to bless us all with great victories. Often, they will despise the youth among them “thou art not able”, keeping them from going on to great spiritual victories while doing nothing themselves. Paul warned Timothy – “let no man despise your youth” and don’t you, young believer, let them do it to you. Yes, our young ones must add knowledge to their zeal but I’ll tell you something worse than zeal without knowledge and that’s knowledge without zeal. “Better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who will no longer be admonished”. Young one, you must heed godly counsel and wisdom but if an elder or pastor tells you to do the opposite of God’s will for you, obey God and not man. Often they won’t oppose you but they won’t support you either, thinking if you are of God, you’ll prosper and if not you’ll fail, not realizing their wickedness in that parents are always supposed to support their children in any way they can.
Here, David convinces Saul he is worthy to challenge Goliath – hey, while you’ve been out here “playing church” I’ve slain a lion and a bear. I’ve been in spiritual boot camp, being prepared by God for just such a time as this. Saul’s next mistake, out of pride this time, is to put his armor on David. This is religion. You can’t make it without my blessing and protection, is the attitude of many a pastor. Charles Wesley, or Martin Luther, etc. was used by God once, so put on his mantle and do things exactly the way he did. Copy us exactly and you’ll be ok. Our way must be the right way because God did use us mightily once, 40 years ago. Most denominational churches are like franchises, exact copies of one another, with men building on another man’s foundation, doing everything exactly the way they saw some other man minister. They never dare to deviate from the norm. God’s ways are the opposite.
He’s infinitely creative. Look at the earth, with millions of living creatures, all different in some way. Look at the billions of people alive on earth, yet each one, barring twins, different and unique. His Body is the same way. We aren’t meant to be exact replicas of one another, copying some man who was anointed long ago, or even some man who is anointed now. We aren’t to be followers of men at all! Any true apostle or prophet will rebuke this, if he sees people exalting him above due measure. In 1 Cor: 3:4 Paul says “For while one saith, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal?” Look at the previous verse and see if it doesn’t describe modern day denominationalism – “For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men?”. Verse 7 – “So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase”.
Like David, today’s modern day warrior Bride will rise up and throw off the rusty old armor of the Saul’s of this world, those ruling with no anointing, who fear man and not God. So be yourself, be unique, be who God’s made you to be and pattern yourself after no man. The way you’ll be identical to others in the Body is in the fruit that you bear. We all have the same love, joy, peace, longsuffering for one another. Do learn from the godly example of mature men and women set before you, as any child would from their parents, but when you grow up, you fulfill God’s destiny for you, not even what your parents desire if it’s something other than God’s plan for your life.
So David took the armor and “put them off him”. From here on out, Body of Christ, let’s do it God’s way. His way will always be miraculous, a way that can only be done with His help. Religion says all things can be done through man’s strength and wisdom and we don’t need God at all. Often, to prove how mighty He is, and how we shouldn’t lean on the arm of the flesh, God will send us into battle, by man’s standards, seemingly ill-equipped or out-numbered. He did it with Gideon and he does it here. David goes into battle with only his staff, five smooth stones in a shepherd’s bag and a sling shot. It says he took
“smooth stones out of the brook”. These stones had spent a lot of time in the river, and so must we spend a lot of time in the river of God’s presence, in His Spirit, till our rough edges are smoothed out, till our sinful ways are removed, before we can be used by God to defeat our enemies. David was much like these smooth stones – prepared by God by spending time in His presence (as the many psalms he wrote testify) letting the wonderful flow of the Holy Spirit’s presence wash over him, cleansing him, refreshing him. No wonder he was full of faith and ready to confront Goliath.
Here, David convinces Saul he is worthy to challenge Goliath – hey, while you’ve been out here “playing church” I’ve slain a lion and a bear. I’ve been in spiritual boot camp, being prepared by God for just such a time as this. Saul’s next mistake, out of pride this time, is to put his armor on David. This is religion. You can’t make it without my blessing and protection, is the attitude of many a pastor. Charles Wesley, or Martin Luther, etc. was used by God once, so put on his mantle and do things exactly the way he did. Copy us exactly and you’ll be ok. Our way must be the right way because God did use us mightily once, 40 years ago. Most denominational churches are like franchises, exact copies of one another, with men building on another man’s foundation, doing everything exactly the way they saw some other man minister. They never dare to deviate from the norm. God’s ways are the opposite.
He’s infinitely creative. Look at the earth, with millions of living creatures, all different in some way. Look at the billions of people alive on earth, yet each one, barring twins, different and unique. His Body is the same way. We aren’t meant to be exact replicas of one another, copying some man who was anointed long ago, or even some man who is anointed now. We aren’t to be followers of men at all! Any true apostle or prophet will rebuke this, if he sees people exalting him above due measure. In 1 Cor: 3:4 Paul says “For while one saith, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal?” Look at the previous verse and see if it doesn’t describe modern day denominationalism – “For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men?”. Verse 7 – “So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase”.
Like David, today’s modern day warrior Bride will rise up and throw off the rusty old armor of the Saul’s of this world, those ruling with no anointing, who fear man and not God. So be yourself, be unique, be who God’s made you to be and pattern yourself after no man. The way you’ll be identical to others in the Body is in the fruit that you bear. We all have the same love, joy, peace, longsuffering for one another. Do learn from the godly example of mature men and women set before you, as any child would from their parents, but when you grow up, you fulfill God’s destiny for you, not even what your parents desire if it’s something other than God’s plan for your life.
So David took the armor and “put them off him”. From here on out, Body of Christ, let’s do it God’s way. His way will always be miraculous, a way that can only be done with His help. Religion says all things can be done through man’s strength and wisdom and we don’t need God at all. Often, to prove how mighty He is, and how we shouldn’t lean on the arm of the flesh, God will send us into battle, by man’s standards, seemingly ill-equipped or out-numbered. He did it with Gideon and he does it here. David goes into battle with only his staff, five smooth stones in a shepherd’s bag and a sling shot. It says he took
“smooth stones out of the brook”. These stones had spent a lot of time in the river, and so must we spend a lot of time in the river of God’s presence, in His Spirit, till our rough edges are smoothed out, till our sinful ways are removed, before we can be used by God to defeat our enemies. David was much like these smooth stones – prepared by God by spending time in His presence (as the many psalms he wrote testify) letting the wonderful flow of the Holy Spirit’s presence wash over him, cleansing him, refreshing him. No wonder he was full of faith and ready to confront Goliath.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part eight
Chapter 17 1 Samuel
In this chapter, we see God’s people gathered together in Shochoh, in Judah. They are camped in Praise (Judah means praise). They have come to “set the battle in array against the Philistines”. In verse three, we see the philistines stood on a mountain on one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other and there was a valley between them – this is a picture of what many today call “having church”. They come together in praise and worship, posturing themselves as if they’re going to confront, do battle with and defeat the enemy, yet they never do. They say he’s under their feet but they never put him there. We all have a Goliath to face, every person, every church. Goliath means “to strip, to denude, to exile, to shame and disgrace” and if we do not defeat him, this will be our fate. Physical Israel was confronted by a physical goliath. Spiritual Israel, (the church) is confronted by a spiritual goliath. He mocks and taunts us today and challenges us to a duel. The devil assigned to you can only prevail through intimidation. If you refuse to believe his lies or listen to his barbs, if you trust wholeheartedly instead in God’s word to you, you will win. Like Goliath, in verse ten, Satan says to the saints today – “I defy the Body of Christ” and like then, many today are “dismayed and greatly afraid”.
How often today do I hear doubt and unbelief from the mouths of God’s people? How often do I hear fear? And they don’t even realize what spirit they are of. When God sends me on an assignment, I often have to guard my heart and rebuke words of unbelief and fear sent from the enemy through my very own brothers and sisters in Christ. But praise God – there is a man in Israel who reflects God’s own heart!
In verse 15, we see that David, while the others are “having church”, is tending to his father’s sheep – exactly what he’ll do later as king, tend to his (heavenly) father’s sheep. He’s spending his time growing intimate with God (this is after God’s spirit came upon him). We also, in order to grow in intimacy with God must “wait for the promise of the Father”, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, before we can receive power and become effective witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. And do you know what is the greatest power we will ever receive from the Holy Spirit? The ability to love as Jesus does. His love shed abroad in our hearts is the greatest gift we will ever receive from him. Another fact we see here in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is that though David was anointed to be king, he waited for God’s timing. He went right on being an obedient son to his father knowing this was pleasing to his Father.
He is sent to provide sustenance for his brothers. Whether they receive it or not, our heavenly Father will often send us to provide spiritual food for our brothers playing church. But we are also to provide sustenance to those who really are on the front lines, battling the enemy. Please give, as God leads, to missionaries and others out confronting the enemy. Yet in our scenario here, they’re making a lot of noise, they “shouted for the battle” but no one’s confronting Goliath, no one’s actually fighting. All the men of Israel, when they “saw the man, fled from him and were sore afraid”. Our response should be “I will not fear what man can do to me”, any man, even Goliath. (Ps:118:6)
Now, when David responds to Goliath from a godly, faith filled heart, his own brother rebukes him and chastises him. God’s anointed will always have to endure jealous, envious brethren and those who walk in fear of the enemy and not in faith toward God. Secretly, Eliah is thinking, God picked him and he should have picked me, after all, I’m the eldest! God often seems foolish in his choice of who he will use. He does this to confound the wise of this world. He often chooses the younger over the older, he did it with Jacob and Esau and He’ll do it today. In fact, He is today rejecting the older generation that “set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God” (Ps:78:7), and is instead choosing a generation that will “set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep His commandments”.
In this chapter, we see God’s people gathered together in Shochoh, in Judah. They are camped in Praise (Judah means praise). They have come to “set the battle in array against the Philistines”. In verse three, we see the philistines stood on a mountain on one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other and there was a valley between them – this is a picture of what many today call “having church”. They come together in praise and worship, posturing themselves as if they’re going to confront, do battle with and defeat the enemy, yet they never do. They say he’s under their feet but they never put him there. We all have a Goliath to face, every person, every church. Goliath means “to strip, to denude, to exile, to shame and disgrace” and if we do not defeat him, this will be our fate. Physical Israel was confronted by a physical goliath. Spiritual Israel, (the church) is confronted by a spiritual goliath. He mocks and taunts us today and challenges us to a duel. The devil assigned to you can only prevail through intimidation. If you refuse to believe his lies or listen to his barbs, if you trust wholeheartedly instead in God’s word to you, you will win. Like Goliath, in verse ten, Satan says to the saints today – “I defy the Body of Christ” and like then, many today are “dismayed and greatly afraid”.
How often today do I hear doubt and unbelief from the mouths of God’s people? How often do I hear fear? And they don’t even realize what spirit they are of. When God sends me on an assignment, I often have to guard my heart and rebuke words of unbelief and fear sent from the enemy through my very own brothers and sisters in Christ. But praise God – there is a man in Israel who reflects God’s own heart!
In verse 15, we see that David, while the others are “having church”, is tending to his father’s sheep – exactly what he’ll do later as king, tend to his (heavenly) father’s sheep. He’s spending his time growing intimate with God (this is after God’s spirit came upon him). We also, in order to grow in intimacy with God must “wait for the promise of the Father”, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, before we can receive power and become effective witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. And do you know what is the greatest power we will ever receive from the Holy Spirit? The ability to love as Jesus does. His love shed abroad in our hearts is the greatest gift we will ever receive from him. Another fact we see here in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is that though David was anointed to be king, he waited for God’s timing. He went right on being an obedient son to his father knowing this was pleasing to his Father.
He is sent to provide sustenance for his brothers. Whether they receive it or not, our heavenly Father will often send us to provide spiritual food for our brothers playing church. But we are also to provide sustenance to those who really are on the front lines, battling the enemy. Please give, as God leads, to missionaries and others out confronting the enemy. Yet in our scenario here, they’re making a lot of noise, they “shouted for the battle” but no one’s confronting Goliath, no one’s actually fighting. All the men of Israel, when they “saw the man, fled from him and were sore afraid”. Our response should be “I will not fear what man can do to me”, any man, even Goliath. (Ps:118:6)
Now, when David responds to Goliath from a godly, faith filled heart, his own brother rebukes him and chastises him. God’s anointed will always have to endure jealous, envious brethren and those who walk in fear of the enemy and not in faith toward God. Secretly, Eliah is thinking, God picked him and he should have picked me, after all, I’m the eldest! God often seems foolish in his choice of who he will use. He does this to confound the wise of this world. He often chooses the younger over the older, he did it with Jacob and Esau and He’ll do it today. In fact, He is today rejecting the older generation that “set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God” (Ps:78:7), and is instead choosing a generation that will “set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep His commandments”.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part seven
In 1 Samuel, chapter 16, we see Samuel living in fear for his life from Saul. Ungodly leaders, rejected by God, will try to kill those whom God favors. Witness Cain and Abel, Pharoah and Israel, Herod and Jesus, and on and on. Gal: 4:29 – “But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now”. But God has an assignment for Samuel. He’s going to provide him a king from the sons of Jesse. Here we see an important function of apostles and prophets – God uses them to recognize and ordain his leadership in the Body of Christ. The oil represents the Holy Spirit of which apostles and prophets are full of, in close contact with, walking in. Another great truth is found in verse seven – God’s true children are those who’s hearts belong to him. In the false religious churches they are going by the outward appearance, look at our beautiful building! The pastor and leadership team are always dressed immaculately, are often very handsome – looking good to man! But where are their hearts? God knows it’s easy to fool carnal saints by looking and sounding good outwardly but we can’t fool God. God’s sign that a man (or woman) belongs to Him is found in verse 13 – the Spirit of the Lord is on him and these days, in him. I care for no other credentials. Either the Holy Spirit witnesses to my spirit that you are his (Rom:8:16), either you manifest his fruit and his gifts to me or I will not receive you as being of Christ. Even the most immature and baby of Christians has the scent of the Holy Spirit about them. If you are faking it, I trust God I will see right through your religious garb, at least within a few times of meeting you. Discerning the false from the real is a very important gift we each need in this day of great deception we are living in.
In verse 14, God replaces his Spirit on Saul with an evil spirit. Now your theology might not be willing to accept that God will send evil spirits to torment people but did he not sanction, or allow, Satan to torment Job? And did not Jesus warn us in a parable (Mt: 18) that he would deliver the wicked servant to the tormentors? And will he not one day turn over all the wicked ones to be tormented forever in Hell? Everything, evil spirits included, work for God to accomplish his purposes on the earth today, to bring about good for His people, amen. Interestingly, God sends the future king to minister to the one he’s replacing. The one who had the anointing is now comforted by the one who now has it. This is God’s mercy, trying to show Saul his true condition and that his hand is now on David. God will use his anointed today, his apostles and prophets to comfort the false leaders of the apostate church. He will demonstrate his might and power, the moving of his Spirit to them, as a sign or a wonder. Even Jesus said (John :5:36) that his works testified that he was sent by God. Our works will show that we have God’s favor, though they alone are not what we are to judge one another by. Yet for all this, Saul did not repent but tried to kill the one sent by God to bless him.
In verse 14, God replaces his Spirit on Saul with an evil spirit. Now your theology might not be willing to accept that God will send evil spirits to torment people but did he not sanction, or allow, Satan to torment Job? And did not Jesus warn us in a parable (Mt: 18) that he would deliver the wicked servant to the tormentors? And will he not one day turn over all the wicked ones to be tormented forever in Hell? Everything, evil spirits included, work for God to accomplish his purposes on the earth today, to bring about good for His people, amen. Interestingly, God sends the future king to minister to the one he’s replacing. The one who had the anointing is now comforted by the one who now has it. This is God’s mercy, trying to show Saul his true condition and that his hand is now on David. God will use his anointed today, his apostles and prophets to comfort the false leaders of the apostate church. He will demonstrate his might and power, the moving of his Spirit to them, as a sign or a wonder. Even Jesus said (John :5:36) that his works testified that he was sent by God. Our works will show that we have God’s favor, though they alone are not what we are to judge one another by. Yet for all this, Saul did not repent but tried to kill the one sent by God to bless him.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part six
In verse 25, we see Saul asking for his sin to be pardoned yet he still hasn’t repented! How true of many of our churches today! So many are being taught “God will pardon you” but they aren’t being taught how to repent. Saul wants the prophet to approve of him and validate him by worshipping with him and I have seen this too, today. I have seen churches that are unclean before God yet “prophets” will come into their midst and do nothing but speak well of them and prophecy blessings. And everybody pats each other on the back, “hey, did we have church tonight!”
They become "bless me clubs" and some of these false prophets are happy to go around from church to church and prophecy only good things, telling them how wonderful they are when in reality they are often grieving God. Keep in mind, like in Revelation, many churches can be pleasing to God in some areas and grieving him in others all at the same time. Yet, though I have heard much prophecy directed to congregations, I rarely hear a word of correction or rebuke. This is so sad, because our loving God will always correct us when we need it because he loves us so much. Granted, some correction will be done privately with church leadership but some needs to be done publicly, during service yet I have rarely seen it done.
On the flip side of the coin, I have also seen so called prophets come in with the wrong spirit, a critical spirit, with nothing nice to say at all, often harshly rebuking individuals or congregations with a voice that is definitely not the Lord's. This too is a sin and can harm a church just as much as a kind word not from God can harm them. The point is, we need to hear God's voice each time a prophet speaks, then, rebuke or encouragement, it will result in life and love for the ones being ministerd to.
When Samuel turns from him, his mantle is torn and this is a prophetic sign in the natural that Saul’s kingdom has been rent from him. Sadly, in verse 30, he’s still concerned about his image before men – “honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel”. HE STILL WANTS TO BE SEEN AS HONORABLE BEFORE MEN. This will keep many, many leaders from truly repenting before God because they cannot show weakness to their people. In short – they’re full of pride. “And the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel”.
They become "bless me clubs" and some of these false prophets are happy to go around from church to church and prophecy only good things, telling them how wonderful they are when in reality they are often grieving God. Keep in mind, like in Revelation, many churches can be pleasing to God in some areas and grieving him in others all at the same time. Yet, though I have heard much prophecy directed to congregations, I rarely hear a word of correction or rebuke. This is so sad, because our loving God will always correct us when we need it because he loves us so much. Granted, some correction will be done privately with church leadership but some needs to be done publicly, during service yet I have rarely seen it done.
On the flip side of the coin, I have also seen so called prophets come in with the wrong spirit, a critical spirit, with nothing nice to say at all, often harshly rebuking individuals or congregations with a voice that is definitely not the Lord's. This too is a sin and can harm a church just as much as a kind word not from God can harm them. The point is, we need to hear God's voice each time a prophet speaks, then, rebuke or encouragement, it will result in life and love for the ones being ministerd to.
When Samuel turns from him, his mantle is torn and this is a prophetic sign in the natural that Saul’s kingdom has been rent from him. Sadly, in verse 30, he’s still concerned about his image before men – “honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel”. HE STILL WANTS TO BE SEEN AS HONORABLE BEFORE MEN. This will keep many, many leaders from truly repenting before God because they cannot show weakness to their people. In short – they’re full of pride. “And the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel”.
Monday, May 9, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part five
In verse 44 (of 1 Samuel 14) we do in fact see Saul curse his own son, the one God used to deliver the people, with death. He also does this later with David (tries to kill him, the one God used to defeat Goliath). Some pastors and leaders do this today. When someone from their own church becomes more anointed and successful than they are, is accomplishing more, they will try to “kill them” by cursing them, renouncing them before the people, or by giving them tasks meant to destroy their zeal and faith. When Saul later tells David he’ll give him his daughter for 100 Philistine foreskins, it’s because he’s hoping David will die in the attempt. David had already earned his daughters hand in marriage by defeating Goliath but we see that Saul isn’t honest and upright in his dealings with David and neither are pastors who become jealous or envious of people in their midst.
Notice that through all of this God is using Saul’s enemies to expose the folly of his heart and he’ll do this to us also. The battles we fight will show outwardly what is in us inwardly. If Christ is ruling and reigning in our hearts this will show when we face adversity. We will defeat our enemies (lust, greed, pride, anger) every time if we are submitted to Jesus. If not, we’ll end up like Saul – defeated.
In chapter fifteen, Saul’s fate is sealed. Though God has said to Saul “thy kingdom shall not continue”, he still sends his prophet to give him instruction. God is still dealing with him for the sake of his people. God will still deal with denominational, religious churches, though they are in rebellion to him, out of love for the people. If this message finds it’s way into the hands of anyone in bondage to Religion, than that is a sign of God’s mercy on them. In verse three, God commands Saul to “go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass”, but we see Saul’s wickedness in again disobeying God’s command in verses nine. Verse eleven echoes Gen:6:6, but as we see that God has repented of his call on disobedient, rebellious pastors and churches, like Samuel, we should grieve over them before God. We should never rejoice to see our brethren fall.
We see the depth’s of Saul’s deception in verse 13 – “And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have performed the commandment of the Lord”. Those in bondage to the religious spirit of Babylon really believe they are pleasing to God and are in obedience to Him as they go about their traditions and rituals that have a form of godliness but deny his power in their midst. In verse 15, Saul tries to shift blame to the people, saying they have brought the animals and he tries to placate Samuel “to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God” – this is religion in a nutshell. It’s ok to disobey God as long as you throw Him a bone, as long as you do something in His name, like a sacrifice, or how about Vacation Bible School, or a street outreach, etc.?
Verse 17 shows us the truth that God exalts the humble and as we’ll shortly see, He abases the proud. In verse 20, Saul still cannot see his own wickedness, he still believes he’s ok with God! God uses his prophet to expose Saul’s true heart condition and He still does this today (and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Eph:2:20), which is why apostles and prophets are not so well loved (2 Cor:12:15) and are usually stoned (today, with words).
Again, in verse 21, Saul again blames the people but he was the one in charge, he was the one responsible for their actions. They did it with his consent. Verse 22 is famous as is verse 23 and they provide a very serious truth for us today for God is even now speaking by His Spirit through me and saying to many pastors today “he hath rejected thee from being king”. In verse 24, Saul finally repents but it’s too late. In a moment of clarity, he sees the truth – “I feared the people and obeyed their voice”. This is a dire warning to all who are in leadership today – follow the apostle’s example and say (Acts 5:29) “we ought to obey God rather then men”. Saint, don’t you submit to anyone who cares for man’s honor and acceptance more then they do God’s, whose faith in man and not God. This is why Paul was careful to point out that “my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”.
Notice that through all of this God is using Saul’s enemies to expose the folly of his heart and he’ll do this to us also. The battles we fight will show outwardly what is in us inwardly. If Christ is ruling and reigning in our hearts this will show when we face adversity. We will defeat our enemies (lust, greed, pride, anger) every time if we are submitted to Jesus. If not, we’ll end up like Saul – defeated.
In chapter fifteen, Saul’s fate is sealed. Though God has said to Saul “thy kingdom shall not continue”, he still sends his prophet to give him instruction. God is still dealing with him for the sake of his people. God will still deal with denominational, religious churches, though they are in rebellion to him, out of love for the people. If this message finds it’s way into the hands of anyone in bondage to Religion, than that is a sign of God’s mercy on them. In verse three, God commands Saul to “go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass”, but we see Saul’s wickedness in again disobeying God’s command in verses nine. Verse eleven echoes Gen:6:6, but as we see that God has repented of his call on disobedient, rebellious pastors and churches, like Samuel, we should grieve over them before God. We should never rejoice to see our brethren fall.
We see the depth’s of Saul’s deception in verse 13 – “And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have performed the commandment of the Lord”. Those in bondage to the religious spirit of Babylon really believe they are pleasing to God and are in obedience to Him as they go about their traditions and rituals that have a form of godliness but deny his power in their midst. In verse 15, Saul tries to shift blame to the people, saying they have brought the animals and he tries to placate Samuel “to sacrifice unto the Lord thy God” – this is religion in a nutshell. It’s ok to disobey God as long as you throw Him a bone, as long as you do something in His name, like a sacrifice, or how about Vacation Bible School, or a street outreach, etc.?
Verse 17 shows us the truth that God exalts the humble and as we’ll shortly see, He abases the proud. In verse 20, Saul still cannot see his own wickedness, he still believes he’s ok with God! God uses his prophet to expose Saul’s true heart condition and He still does this today (and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Eph:2:20), which is why apostles and prophets are not so well loved (2 Cor:12:15) and are usually stoned (today, with words).
Again, in verse 21, Saul again blames the people but he was the one in charge, he was the one responsible for their actions. They did it with his consent. Verse 22 is famous as is verse 23 and they provide a very serious truth for us today for God is even now speaking by His Spirit through me and saying to many pastors today “he hath rejected thee from being king”. In verse 24, Saul finally repents but it’s too late. In a moment of clarity, he sees the truth – “I feared the people and obeyed their voice”. This is a dire warning to all who are in leadership today – follow the apostle’s example and say (Acts 5:29) “we ought to obey God rather then men”. Saint, don’t you submit to anyone who cares for man’s honor and acceptance more then they do God’s, whose faith in man and not God. This is why Paul was careful to point out that “my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”.
Friday, May 6, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part four
In chapter thirteen of 1 Samuel, we see the seeds of destruction in Saul’s character which lead to his downfall – he feared the people and wanted their respect and honor instead of God’s so he lies in verse four and says “Saul had smitten a garrison of the philistines” when it was actually Jonathan who had done it. Saul wanted the credit for it to look good in the eyes of the people and this same attitude has destroyed many a Pastor and has led to today’s denominational form of religious Christianity. Many have had their ministries go the way of Saul, with the Glory departing from them, because of pride and fear of man. In verse six, we see a snapshot of what is happening today – many of God’s people are “distressed and hiding in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks and in high places and in pits”. Many today are spiritually in this same condition, living in fear and hiding from the enemy instead of confronting him. In verse 11, Saul disobeys God “because I saw that the people were scattered from me”. Oh how many pastors have chosen to disobey God because by doing so they would lose members! How many look to the people, trying to please them and not God! The result of his disobedience is found in verse 14 “thy kingdom shall not continue, the Lord hath sought Him a man after his own heart” and God is doing this today. He is replacing pastors who fear man more than God with leadership after His own heart. David’s are even now arising all across this world!
From here on out, Saul does what all pastors and churches do after God rebukes them and withdraws from them – they keep right on doing what they always do, with or without God’s blessing. Saul kept right on ruling as king, with no repentance at all.
In chapter 14, we see an example of true faith set by Jonathan – Saul’s son. Listen to him in verse six “come and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will work for us: for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few”. He goes on to defeat a whole garrison by himself (with his armor bearer). Folks, if you get a hold of the faith of Jesus Christ – by yourself you can route whole legions of the enemy! Jonathan here is a type of David and I believe he would have inherited the kingdom if not for his father’s foolishness. In verse 20, we see the fruit of being under Satan’s dominion “every man’s sword was against his fellow and there was a very great discomfiture”. This is an accurate picture of religious Christianity; every man’s sword is against his fellow. Just put ten “Christians” from ten different denominations in a room together and ask them to agree with each other and work together and love one another and they’ll soon pull out their doctrinal swords and start stabbing each other. Yet because of two men’s obedience the whole nation was saved (just as through one man’s obedience the whole world was saved). In verse 24, we see Saul cursing the people and starving them. This too is a fact of life in many religious churches today. The leadership will curse their own flock. How many times have I heard a pastor rebuke his flock nothing because nothing ever spiritual happens and they keep losing people. They never look to themselves to find fault, all the while starving the people for true spiritual manna that only the Holy Spirit can bring. Saul’s own son eats, not knowing about the curse and this could be why his life becomes forfeit later.
In verse 27 he eats of a honeycomb and “his eyes were enlightened”. He then sees the truth about his own father – “my father hath troubled the land”. Many children born into dead, denominational churches with ungodly leadership are beginning to see this – my father, my church, my pastor or denomination has troubled the land. They’re beginning to see, to become enlightened and they’re recognizing Babylon as opposed to the New Jerusalem. They’re discerning the tares from the wheat, those who are of “the synagogue of satan”. In verse 31 we see the fruit of Saul’s leadership, of his doctrine – “and the people were very faint” they were in no condition to do battle with the enemy and this describes most churches today, the people are too weak to fight. In verse 35 we see the first time Saul builds an altar to the Lord. He should have done this long before but he waits until after a victory. Learn this lesson well – do not wait until God works a mighty victory in your life to Praise and thank Him, rather do it when things look bleak and hopeless. This will please Him no end. If the Israelites had praised God on the other side of the Red Sea, before He defeated the entire Egyptian army for them, if they had praised Him with as much exuberance when things looked hopeless, they would not have spent 40 years in the wilderness perishing because of their lack of faith and unbelief.
From here on out, Saul does what all pastors and churches do after God rebukes them and withdraws from them – they keep right on doing what they always do, with or without God’s blessing. Saul kept right on ruling as king, with no repentance at all.
In chapter 14, we see an example of true faith set by Jonathan – Saul’s son. Listen to him in verse six “come and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will work for us: for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few”. He goes on to defeat a whole garrison by himself (with his armor bearer). Folks, if you get a hold of the faith of Jesus Christ – by yourself you can route whole legions of the enemy! Jonathan here is a type of David and I believe he would have inherited the kingdom if not for his father’s foolishness. In verse 20, we see the fruit of being under Satan’s dominion “every man’s sword was against his fellow and there was a very great discomfiture”. This is an accurate picture of religious Christianity; every man’s sword is against his fellow. Just put ten “Christians” from ten different denominations in a room together and ask them to agree with each other and work together and love one another and they’ll soon pull out their doctrinal swords and start stabbing each other. Yet because of two men’s obedience the whole nation was saved (just as through one man’s obedience the whole world was saved). In verse 24, we see Saul cursing the people and starving them. This too is a fact of life in many religious churches today. The leadership will curse their own flock. How many times have I heard a pastor rebuke his flock nothing because nothing ever spiritual happens and they keep losing people. They never look to themselves to find fault, all the while starving the people for true spiritual manna that only the Holy Spirit can bring. Saul’s own son eats, not knowing about the curse and this could be why his life becomes forfeit later.
In verse 27 he eats of a honeycomb and “his eyes were enlightened”. He then sees the truth about his own father – “my father hath troubled the land”. Many children born into dead, denominational churches with ungodly leadership are beginning to see this – my father, my church, my pastor or denomination has troubled the land. They’re beginning to see, to become enlightened and they’re recognizing Babylon as opposed to the New Jerusalem. They’re discerning the tares from the wheat, those who are of “the synagogue of satan”. In verse 31 we see the fruit of Saul’s leadership, of his doctrine – “and the people were very faint” they were in no condition to do battle with the enemy and this describes most churches today, the people are too weak to fight. In verse 35 we see the first time Saul builds an altar to the Lord. He should have done this long before but he waits until after a victory. Learn this lesson well – do not wait until God works a mighty victory in your life to Praise and thank Him, rather do it when things look bleak and hopeless. This will please Him no end. If the Israelites had praised God on the other side of the Red Sea, before He defeated the entire Egyptian army for them, if they had praised Him with as much exuberance when things looked hopeless, they would not have spent 40 years in the wilderness perishing because of their lack of faith and unbelief.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part three
In chapter twelve (of 1 Samuel), Samuel testifies to the fact that he hasn’t taken advantage of the people – “whom have I defrauded or oppressed” (sounds like Paul in 2 Cor:7:2). God’s true prophetic and apostolic leadership will never take advantage of the people and fleece them of their money. The people can give to them, but they don’t initiate it. Any offerings we are to receive today are to be “freewill” offerings prompted by and led by the Holy Spirit, not us. Here, Samuel is pointedly comparing himself to their coming king. What a difference between true prophetic leadership anointed by God and the king demanded by men!
Please understand how wicked the current system most churches follow is before God, where the pastor rules over the people. Most churches have become almost cult-like in their slavish devotion to one man who makes all the important decisions, teaches all doctrine and usually cannot be disputed or confronted in any meaningful way, without the one questioning his leadership being labeled as rebellious or out of order. The pastor’s a king, in other words. Please know I’m not advocating a spirit of rebellion against authority, just ungodly authority. Even then, the spirit in which you approach your leadership must be one of meekness and humility. Usually even then, if you question your leaderships teachings or decisions, even with a loving, humble approach, you will be rebuked or told politely to mind your own business.
God reiterates for the third or fourth time in chapter twelve how wicked all this is, this desire for a man to rule over them (see 12:12). In His great mercy, God still reaches out to them (12:20-22) and He is still doing so “today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke…with whom was He grieved? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief” (Heb:3:15-19). Don’t harden your heart as you read this word, rather repent and be fully baptized in His Spirit, who is the only one who can keep you and preserve you blameless in this wicked generation. Jesus alone should be our king, the one to whom we make obeisance and bow our hearts to. For of a truth, all of us in His kingdom are kings! But in most churches, the people sure aren’t treated as such but are made to serve and obey their pastor and leaders when indeed, leadership that is of God should be serving them, not lording it over them. Take heart, for all those caught up in denominational Christianity, following the religious spirit, can still be saved and delivered if they repent. Verse 23 shows the correct heart all true apostolic and prophetic people should have – “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and right way”.
We, all of us free from religious bondage, should continue in love and prayer for all who call on the name of Christ. We too, should want to “preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”. This all perfectly describes the effects of the religion called “Christianity” on a human heart and soul. They end up poor, lacking the true spiritual riches Jesus has provided to all of us, the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit, the knowledge that surpasses all understanding. They end up broken hearted, captive to false doctrines of men and devils, they end up blind and bruised, but in these last hours, before the end shall come, many, many will be set free by our glorious God.
Please understand how wicked the current system most churches follow is before God, where the pastor rules over the people. Most churches have become almost cult-like in their slavish devotion to one man who makes all the important decisions, teaches all doctrine and usually cannot be disputed or confronted in any meaningful way, without the one questioning his leadership being labeled as rebellious or out of order. The pastor’s a king, in other words. Please know I’m not advocating a spirit of rebellion against authority, just ungodly authority. Even then, the spirit in which you approach your leadership must be one of meekness and humility. Usually even then, if you question your leaderships teachings or decisions, even with a loving, humble approach, you will be rebuked or told politely to mind your own business.
God reiterates for the third or fourth time in chapter twelve how wicked all this is, this desire for a man to rule over them (see 12:12). In His great mercy, God still reaches out to them (12:20-22) and He is still doing so “today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke…with whom was He grieved? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief” (Heb:3:15-19). Don’t harden your heart as you read this word, rather repent and be fully baptized in His Spirit, who is the only one who can keep you and preserve you blameless in this wicked generation. Jesus alone should be our king, the one to whom we make obeisance and bow our hearts to. For of a truth, all of us in His kingdom are kings! But in most churches, the people sure aren’t treated as such but are made to serve and obey their pastor and leaders when indeed, leadership that is of God should be serving them, not lording it over them. Take heart, for all those caught up in denominational Christianity, following the religious spirit, can still be saved and delivered if they repent. Verse 23 shows the correct heart all true apostolic and prophetic people should have – “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and right way”.
We, all of us free from religious bondage, should continue in love and prayer for all who call on the name of Christ. We too, should want to “preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”. This all perfectly describes the effects of the religion called “Christianity” on a human heart and soul. They end up poor, lacking the true spiritual riches Jesus has provided to all of us, the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit, the knowledge that surpasses all understanding. They end up broken hearted, captive to false doctrines of men and devils, they end up blind and bruised, but in these last hours, before the end shall come, many, many will be set free by our glorious God.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part two
But at the first, Saul has desirable qualities. For instance, we see he is an obedient son. When told by his father to go out and look for his missing asses, he immediately obeys. He thinks he’s on a mundane task but God has other plans. We see in verse sixteen God has sent him to Samuel for a Divine appointment. When we are followers of Christ, our footsteps truly are ordered of the Lord. Sometimes a seeming annoyance or attack of the enemy is really God setting us up for a blessing. When Samuel informs Saul of his coming kingship ((9:20), he responds with real humility (9:21) and as we well know, God delights in exalting the humble.
In chapter ten, we see one of the pre-requisites for leadership in God’s kingdom, that is, the gift of prophecy. In verse nine, God gives him another heart and in verse ten, when he meets a company of prophets, the Spirit of God (the author of all prophecy), comes on him and he prophecies. Just like in Acts and just like today. So, if God didn’t have a prophet to rule them, he at least has a king that prophecies. In verse nineteen, Samuel reminds the people of the fact that they have rejected God AND STILL THEY WANT A KING! Don’t be too amazed at their obstinance and hard hearted rebellion for the church today has committed exactly the same sin. When they go to find Saul, he’s missing. Here we see a root-problem with Saul that eventually leads to his down fall – fear of man. This same problem plagues all churches where man is in charge. They heed and respect man’s voice and desires more than they do God’s. Saul should have echoed Gideon and said “the Lord shall rule over you” but instead, he over comes his shyness and accepts his place as king.
God did indeed choose him and we see in verses 26 & 27 a fact we must all deal with today – some will join with us, whose hearts God has touched, but the children of Belial will despise us (Acts 17:32 for example). We also see another fact in verse eleven, that when God’s people join together as one, under His anointed leadership, we can route our common enemy. Also, in verse thirteen, Saul forgives his enemies among the people, though those who were for him wanted to slay them. So far, things are going well. God has chosen him and is with him. For a season, God did work through denominations, He was found among them, but as we shall see, from this allegory, that moment has passed.
In chapter ten, we see one of the pre-requisites for leadership in God’s kingdom, that is, the gift of prophecy. In verse nine, God gives him another heart and in verse ten, when he meets a company of prophets, the Spirit of God (the author of all prophecy), comes on him and he prophecies. Just like in Acts and just like today. So, if God didn’t have a prophet to rule them, he at least has a king that prophecies. In verse nineteen, Samuel reminds the people of the fact that they have rejected God AND STILL THEY WANT A KING! Don’t be too amazed at their obstinance and hard hearted rebellion for the church today has committed exactly the same sin. When they go to find Saul, he’s missing. Here we see a root-problem with Saul that eventually leads to his down fall – fear of man. This same problem plagues all churches where man is in charge. They heed and respect man’s voice and desires more than they do God’s. Saul should have echoed Gideon and said “the Lord shall rule over you” but instead, he over comes his shyness and accepts his place as king.
God did indeed choose him and we see in verses 26 & 27 a fact we must all deal with today – some will join with us, whose hearts God has touched, but the children of Belial will despise us (Acts 17:32 for example). We also see another fact in verse eleven, that when God’s people join together as one, under His anointed leadership, we can route our common enemy. Also, in verse thirteen, Saul forgives his enemies among the people, though those who were for him wanted to slay them. So far, things are going well. God has chosen him and is with him. For a season, God did work through denominations, He was found among them, but as we shall see, from this allegory, that moment has passed.
Monday, May 2, 2011
A Tale of Two Kings part one
The tragic story of King Saul has great ramifications for us today, for it is a prophetic allegory of a modern day tragedy – that of the Apostate Church, the tares among the wheat.
The genesis of Saul’s story is found in 1 Samuel 8:5 when the people demanded a king – “Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations”. A desire to emulate and copy the world has led to a corruption of God’s desire for His people. In His government, He rules His people primarily through Apostles and Prophets. In our story here, the king they desire represents the modern day Pastoral system of Church. By rejecting Apostles and Prophets and making Pastors or priests their kings, they have walked in the footsteps of Israel with the same result (8:7) – “For they have not rejected thee (Samuel the Prophet) but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them”.
God goes on to warn them of all the hardships they’ll endure, of how much they’ll suffer because of their desire for a king (8:11-18). “Nevertheless, the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel (they refused the prophetic ministry of their day) and they said nay, but WE WILL HAVE A KING OVER US, THAT WE MAY BE LIKE ALL THE NATIONS and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles”.
In today’s ungodly pastoral, denominational system, it’s just the same. The people employ their pastor to judge them, to decide what is acceptable in their fellowship or not, to decide what is sound doctrine and to “fight our battles”. The people are too lazy or immature to learn to do effective spiritual warfare but would rather their pastor do all the work – in essence, removing their obligation before God to grow and mature, instead remaining co-dependent on their pastor their whole lives. Pastors today are often nothing more than glorified nurse maids, milking the babies in the nursery, changing their diapers, but never teaching them how to “grow up into him in all things” (Eph:5:15) and truly making disciples of them. And “my people love to have it so” (Jer:5:31).
Still, God gave them their desire, doesn’t He always give us the desire of our hearts? If we desire to be free of Him, to follow man instead, to put self on the throne of our hearts, He’ll give that to us, though it will damn us forever. If we desire Him then He will give us Himself forever. In chapter Nine, we meet Saul, of whom it is said “and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he” (9:2). He starts out well! Many denominations and churches start out well also, but as we shall see, accepting a man led, man ordained system of being God’s people leads to destruction.
The genesis of Saul’s story is found in 1 Samuel 8:5 when the people demanded a king – “Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations”. A desire to emulate and copy the world has led to a corruption of God’s desire for His people. In His government, He rules His people primarily through Apostles and Prophets. In our story here, the king they desire represents the modern day Pastoral system of Church. By rejecting Apostles and Prophets and making Pastors or priests their kings, they have walked in the footsteps of Israel with the same result (8:7) – “For they have not rejected thee (Samuel the Prophet) but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them”.
God goes on to warn them of all the hardships they’ll endure, of how much they’ll suffer because of their desire for a king (8:11-18). “Nevertheless, the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel (they refused the prophetic ministry of their day) and they said nay, but WE WILL HAVE A KING OVER US, THAT WE MAY BE LIKE ALL THE NATIONS and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles”.
In today’s ungodly pastoral, denominational system, it’s just the same. The people employ their pastor to judge them, to decide what is acceptable in their fellowship or not, to decide what is sound doctrine and to “fight our battles”. The people are too lazy or immature to learn to do effective spiritual warfare but would rather their pastor do all the work – in essence, removing their obligation before God to grow and mature, instead remaining co-dependent on their pastor their whole lives. Pastors today are often nothing more than glorified nurse maids, milking the babies in the nursery, changing their diapers, but never teaching them how to “grow up into him in all things” (Eph:5:15) and truly making disciples of them. And “my people love to have it so” (Jer:5:31).
Still, God gave them their desire, doesn’t He always give us the desire of our hearts? If we desire to be free of Him, to follow man instead, to put self on the throne of our hearts, He’ll give that to us, though it will damn us forever. If we desire Him then He will give us Himself forever. In chapter Nine, we meet Saul, of whom it is said “and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he” (9:2). He starts out well! Many denominations and churches start out well also, but as we shall see, accepting a man led, man ordained system of being God’s people leads to destruction.
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