Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Never-ending Story

How my breath is
taken away at the mere hint of the thought of You
and I together
forever, we’ll never
be apart it’s true
knowing this, Eternal bliss
is ours oh what Glory!
That You and I will always be a Never-ending Story!

Oh Jesus - my Father’s kiss
To You my heart’s been raptured!
You have forever captured
My love, My Lord, My God, My Groom
Each day is a thread that You weave on the loom
of Your love for me
I sigh, I cry to dwell with You on High
You stooped low, so I may go
To where You are among the stars
And this tainted, stinking earth will be
but a distant, faded memory
As forever together we’ll Glory
in our Never-Ending Story!


In the Hebrew language Grace is Chanan (khaw-nan), to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, with the intent that they can be brought high.

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