Friday, September 20, 2024

 Many pastors will only accept people into their congregation who they feel smarter than and who they have authority over. These pastors are never promoted by God because they will only work with people below them - not above. If God sends an Apostle or Prophet to them, or even just anyone with a different anointing and calling then theirs  - they reject them  - they reject the blessing God sent them.

Real humility is working with, accepting,  and rewarding people who are smarter or more anointed than us. We all have something to teach, and we all have, still, no matter our age or title, something to learn. Befriending and rewarding people God sends to us brings a reward back to us  - God's respect.  We should welcome and entertain strangers  - we should thank God for every opportunity to bless and be blessed. Our generosity unlocks the door to God's generosity. 

A plurality of elders is God's will for every fellowship.  It is His safety net to safeguard against the inevitable blunders we all make from time to time.  It is his way of helping us survive each fall  - with a minimum of bruises (bruised egos!).

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 Many pastors will only accept people into their congregation who they feel smarter than and who they have authority over. These pastors are...