The closer you get to the Messiah
The more you’ll become a Pariah
Very few friends, forsaken of men
You’ll have tribulations and persecution till the end
Can you pay this price?
To enjoy God’s fellowship in Paradise?
Then you’d better start to realize
The closer you get to Christ
The more you’ll be hated and despised.
So listen to this that I profess
You won’t win any popularity contests
Yet with Christ you’ll be Eternally blessed and
If the world is in your brethren in Christ
They too will be your enemies in this life
So don’t be surprised when they aren’t too nice
Remember –
The Lord’s sacrifice
In response to their hate
Is the one we must also make
Father, forgive them.
To truly follow Christ is to truly forsake and be forsaken by this world
and all who belong to it. When our own brothers cast us into a pit and
put us into bondage or worse, murder us (Cain) by hating us in their hearts,
we must remember – all things work together for our good and perhaps we
will be able to turn and bless the very ones who persecuted us (Joseph).
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hold on Jesus, hold on a bit longer
As the Love of our Father beats stronger and stronger
Soon He’ll release You and send You again
This time You’ll bring the final Judgment of men
You’ll separate the goats from the sheep
The souls You’ll cast away and the souls You’ll keep
You’ll destroy all rebellion against You in the lake of fire
Then with the new creation You’ll fulfil Your desire
For perfect companionship, for a perfect Bride
For perfect communion, forever we’ll abide
Loving You Lord, side by side
There’s something I’d like you to understand,
Do this one thing if you can –
From a young age obey all of God’s commands for
It is better to build a child than repair a man.
As the Love of our Father beats stronger and stronger
Soon He’ll release You and send You again
This time You’ll bring the final Judgment of men
You’ll separate the goats from the sheep
The souls You’ll cast away and the souls You’ll keep
You’ll destroy all rebellion against You in the lake of fire
Then with the new creation You’ll fulfil Your desire
For perfect companionship, for a perfect Bride
For perfect communion, forever we’ll abide
Loving You Lord, side by side
There’s something I’d like you to understand,
Do this one thing if you can –
From a young age obey all of God’s commands for
It is better to build a child than repair a man.
Friday, January 29, 2010
You are Magnificent You are Omnipotent
You are the perfect reflection of The Father’s perfection
You are the Resurrection, putting down all Insurrection
Bringing much needed correction
A demonstrator of God’s generator
An instigator of God’s plans and purposes
For this Nation His Creation An investigation
Into His intentions, inventions, pre-emption’s
You are the Beginning and the End
The One who ordains and sends
The worker of miracles and wonders
Who rides on the Wind and thunders
The One who divides asunder
The clean from the unclean
The wicked from the good
The seen from the unseen
till all is understood
You are the very blood in my veins
Yeshua (my Messiah) is Your name!
You are the perfect reflection of The Father’s perfection
You are the Resurrection, putting down all Insurrection
Bringing much needed correction
A demonstrator of God’s generator
An instigator of God’s plans and purposes
For this Nation His Creation An investigation
Into His intentions, inventions, pre-emption’s
You are the Beginning and the End
The One who ordains and sends
The worker of miracles and wonders
Who rides on the Wind and thunders
The One who divides asunder
The clean from the unclean
The wicked from the good
The seen from the unseen
till all is understood
You are the very blood in my veins
Yeshua (my Messiah) is Your name!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Never-ending Story
How my breath is
taken away at the mere hint of the thought of You
and I together
forever, we’ll never
be apart it’s true
knowing this, Eternal bliss
is ours oh what Glory!
That You and I will always be a Never-ending Story!
Oh Jesus - my Father’s kiss
To You my heart’s been raptured!
You have forever captured
My love, My Lord, My God, My Groom
Each day is a thread that You weave on the loom
of Your love for me
I sigh, I cry to dwell with You on High
You stooped low, so I may go
To where You are among the stars
And this tainted, stinking earth will be
but a distant, faded memory
As forever together we’ll Glory
in our Never-Ending Story!
In the Hebrew language Grace is Chanan (khaw-nan), to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, with the intent that they can be brought high.
taken away at the mere hint of the thought of You
and I together
forever, we’ll never
be apart it’s true
knowing this, Eternal bliss
is ours oh what Glory!
That You and I will always be a Never-ending Story!
Oh Jesus - my Father’s kiss
To You my heart’s been raptured!
You have forever captured
My love, My Lord, My God, My Groom
Each day is a thread that You weave on the loom
of Your love for me
I sigh, I cry to dwell with You on High
You stooped low, so I may go
To where You are among the stars
And this tainted, stinking earth will be
but a distant, faded memory
As forever together we’ll Glory
in our Never-Ending Story!
In the Hebrew language Grace is Chanan (khaw-nan), to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, with the intent that they can be brought high.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Jesus, Jesus, Breathe upon us
once anew once anew
Jesus, Jesus, Live we do
in You, in You
Breathe in, breathe in, the Breath of Life
Breathe out, breathe out the world, the strife
Holy Spirit please take our kiss
And bring it to our Father’s lips
Embrace us Lord and hold us close
this world can’t have us, we are Yours
once anew once anew
Jesus, Jesus, Live we do
in You, in You
Breathe in, breathe in, the Breath of Life
Breathe out, breathe out the world, the strife
Holy Spirit please take our kiss
And bring it to our Father’s lips
Embrace us Lord and hold us close
this world can’t have us, we are Yours
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
You’re the King of my Heart
And I still love You
You’re the King of my Heart
I bow before You
I come before Thee
humbly, humbly
Lord, I adore Thee
You’re the King of my Heart
And I still love You…
This lovely sentiment –
“Jesus You’re the King of my Heart and I still love you” was
written by my daughter Tiffany at the age of five.
You’re the King of my Heart
And I still love You
You’re the King of my Heart
I bow before You
I come before Thee
humbly, humbly
Lord, I adore Thee
You’re the King of my Heart
And I still love You…
This lovely sentiment –
“Jesus You’re the King of my Heart and I still love you” was
written by my daughter Tiffany at the age of five.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Heal Your people Oh God
Heal their wounds
Heal everyone still in their tombs
Heal those still wrapped in stinking grave clothes
Heal all who are Religious who think they know
Heal Your people, mature Your Bride
Set all of us free of Religious pride
Give Apostolic and Prophetic Revelation to all in famine
May every part of us be examined
To see if we are in the Faith
And may You alone be all we taste
“There is more inspiration in the Holy Prophetic Bible than in all the other books in the world combined”
I’ve lost so much
But I’ve so much to lose
I’ve learned so much
But I’ve so much to learn
Without Your touch
My leprosy returns
So I turn my heart away
From all my sinful ways
From lust, from adultery
From seeking pleasure instead of Thee
I lay my heart and it’s hardened shell
Oh my Father – keep me from Hell
Take all that in me rebels
And this prayer fulfil –
Demolish and shatter my will
To resist You and strive with You
I don’t ever again want to
Heal their wounds
Heal everyone still in their tombs
Heal those still wrapped in stinking grave clothes
Heal all who are Religious who think they know
Heal Your people, mature Your Bride
Set all of us free of Religious pride
Give Apostolic and Prophetic Revelation to all in famine
May every part of us be examined
To see if we are in the Faith
And may You alone be all we taste
“There is more inspiration in the Holy Prophetic Bible than in all the other books in the world combined”
I’ve lost so much
But I’ve so much to lose
I’ve learned so much
But I’ve so much to learn
Without Your touch
My leprosy returns
So I turn my heart away
From all my sinful ways
From lust, from adultery
From seeking pleasure instead of Thee
I lay my heart and it’s hardened shell
Oh my Father – keep me from Hell
Take all that in me rebels
And this prayer fulfil –
Demolish and shatter my will
To resist You and strive with You
I don’t ever again want to
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I gaze upon Thy wondrous views
My heart responds to such good news
All creation groans and it doth say
Oh my God oh I give You Praise!
For You are worthy of our hearts
So may our Praises now impart
Our love for You who knew no sin
Till You met us, our offering
You stooped to us, made Yourself low
That each of us may now go
To be with You Eternally
We are Your Bride, full of Your Glory!
Oh Praise Him now!
Oh Praise Him long!
Oh Praise Him loud
Through this simple song
May our hearts’ lone destiny be
to belong to God in humility
My heart responds to such good news
All creation groans and it doth say
Oh my God oh I give You Praise!
For You are worthy of our hearts
So may our Praises now impart
Our love for You who knew no sin
Till You met us, our offering
You stooped to us, made Yourself low
That each of us may now go
To be with You Eternally
We are Your Bride, full of Your Glory!
Oh Praise Him now!
Oh Praise Him long!
Oh Praise Him loud
Through this simple song
May our hearts’ lone destiny be
to belong to God in humility
Face to face. Heart to heart.
Here O God I won’t depart.
In Your Presence my joy starts, (when we’re)
Face to face and Heart to heart.
I will abide under the shadow of Your wings, Almighty
there You’ll whisper sweet and precious things to me
oh there is one chief Joy this Life brings
this is why I lift my voice, this is why I sing
Face to face and heart to heart
My Lord Jesus we’ll never part
Oh my joy, oh it starts
When we’re face to face and heart to heart.
When my heart clears as You draw near
When we face as I accept my proper place
Then I know Eternity is mine to behold You
And be held by You
My heart is Your Throne – there Your Glory is known
may it be crystal clear that the waters that flow here
may be pure as they leave my belly
let those who are thirsty be filled with Your Peace and Glory
The Cross I must pick up and follow You with
Is this flesh I daily must struggle with
as I walk in this flesh day after day
I follow You where only a spirit renewed
may be
Here O God I won’t depart.
In Your Presence my joy starts, (when we’re)
Face to face and Heart to heart.
I will abide under the shadow of Your wings, Almighty
there You’ll whisper sweet and precious things to me
oh there is one chief Joy this Life brings
this is why I lift my voice, this is why I sing
Face to face and heart to heart
My Lord Jesus we’ll never part
Oh my joy, oh it starts
When we’re face to face and heart to heart.
When my heart clears as You draw near
When we face as I accept my proper place
Then I know Eternity is mine to behold You
And be held by You
My heart is Your Throne – there Your Glory is known
may it be crystal clear that the waters that flow here
may be pure as they leave my belly
let those who are thirsty be filled with Your Peace and Glory
The Cross I must pick up and follow You with
Is this flesh I daily must struggle with
as I walk in this flesh day after day
I follow You where only a spirit renewed
may be
Friday, January 22, 2010
How many days left until I die?
How many tears left for me to cry?
How many songs left unsung?
How many deeds left undone?
oh Lord, I know I shouldn’t complain
You of all people should know about pain
and if each day seems incomplete
Jesus, I take them and lay them at Your feet
Hope can seem like such a fantasy
I don’t take into account I have an enemy
I don’t pray and read Your Word each day
and I wonder why I’m falling away
I won’t give up
I won’t quit
I was naked before You the day I was born again
So why should I hide from You now?
Where are you?
Your lonely call pierced my heart through
and this flimsy fig leaf will never do
Here I am God, naked, ashamed and unclean
Don’t worry, says Jesus
I will be your covering
I atone for all sin, present and past
I am The Lord your Righteousness
accept Me for who and what I am
If I can accept you in all your shame
Can’t you accept Me in My perfection?
Which is the greater miracle?
For Me, spotless, sinless, to take on your sin?
Or for you, sinful, to take on My righteousness?
You cannot accept one without the other
If you accept Me as the Atonement for your sin
then I accept you as the recipient of My Righteousness
Which is the greater miracle?
One without the other would be incomplete
Stop meeting Me half way
Accept My Righteousness – it’s yours today
Lord, what can I say?
I love You Lord, today
I accept Your gift. So be it.
May our Covenant last forever
My heart is Yours to treasure. Love, Chris
I’ve included this because I believe we all go through periods of darkness
and doubt, if we’re honest. And many of us have no problem with The Lord
taking on our sin but we struggle with us taking on His Righteousness. Both
are vital and necessary for us to successfully transition from earth to heaven,
from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. It’s a wonderful thing
that He took the penalty for our sin on the cross but it is just as wonderful
that He has provided us with His very own Righteousness! When we are in
Him and He is in us, we become righteous before Him by believing Him with
all our hearts. Amen!
How many tears left for me to cry?
How many songs left unsung?
How many deeds left undone?
oh Lord, I know I shouldn’t complain
You of all people should know about pain
and if each day seems incomplete
Jesus, I take them and lay them at Your feet
Hope can seem like such a fantasy
I don’t take into account I have an enemy
I don’t pray and read Your Word each day
and I wonder why I’m falling away
I won’t give up
I won’t quit
I was naked before You the day I was born again
So why should I hide from You now?
Where are you?
Your lonely call pierced my heart through
and this flimsy fig leaf will never do
Here I am God, naked, ashamed and unclean
Don’t worry, says Jesus
I will be your covering
I atone for all sin, present and past
I am The Lord your Righteousness
accept Me for who and what I am
If I can accept you in all your shame
Can’t you accept Me in My perfection?
Which is the greater miracle?
For Me, spotless, sinless, to take on your sin?
Or for you, sinful, to take on My righteousness?
You cannot accept one without the other
If you accept Me as the Atonement for your sin
then I accept you as the recipient of My Righteousness
Which is the greater miracle?
One without the other would be incomplete
Stop meeting Me half way
Accept My Righteousness – it’s yours today
Lord, what can I say?
I love You Lord, today
I accept Your gift. So be it.
May our Covenant last forever
My heart is Yours to treasure. Love, Chris
I’ve included this because I believe we all go through periods of darkness
and doubt, if we’re honest. And many of us have no problem with The Lord
taking on our sin but we struggle with us taking on His Righteousness. Both
are vital and necessary for us to successfully transition from earth to heaven,
from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. It’s a wonderful thing
that He took the penalty for our sin on the cross but it is just as wonderful
that He has provided us with His very own Righteousness! When we are in
Him and He is in us, we become righteous before Him by believing Him with
all our hearts. Amen!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I Hurt
i hurt
The Lord gave this poem to me one day and He told me to write it exactly
like this. What He told me was that this is very hard for many people to
express. So my hope is that this, my shortest poem will have the greatest
impact. If it is hard for you to admit you are hurting, I pray you can find
someone who won’t judge you but simply listen to you with unconditional
love. I hope you have someone that you can talk to and share your hurt
with openly and honestly. You can do this with The Lord but He encourages
us to become transparent with each other. This is a vital step on our path to
healing and wholeness. Confess your faults one to another….bear one another’s burdens…admit to someone, I’m hurting…
The Lord gave this poem to me one day and He told me to write it exactly
like this. What He told me was that this is very hard for many people to
express. So my hope is that this, my shortest poem will have the greatest
impact. If it is hard for you to admit you are hurting, I pray you can find
someone who won’t judge you but simply listen to you with unconditional
love. I hope you have someone that you can talk to and share your hurt
with openly and honestly. You can do this with The Lord but He encourages
us to become transparent with each other. This is a vital step on our path to
healing and wholeness. Confess your faults one to another….bear one another’s burdens…admit to someone, I’m hurting…
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Philosophy
Let me know, Lord, deep down inside
Let there be, Lord, nothing left to hide
Hear my heart’s desire, hear my heart’s cry
Oh my God, let all my sin
Teach me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your qualms
Bring me to the place where I write my own psalms
May I learn to be
So close to Thee
I walk uprightly
In the land of the living
Loving and forgiving
May obedience be
My philosophy
Let there be, Lord, nothing left to hide
Hear my heart’s desire, hear my heart’s cry
Oh my God, let all my sin
Teach me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your qualms
Bring me to the place where I write my own psalms
May I learn to be
So close to Thee
I walk uprightly
In the land of the living
Loving and forgiving
May obedience be
My philosophy
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Yes it’s true, we need You
Our hearts can’t bear to live without You
But as we need You
Desperately too, You need me
You can’t bear to live without me
You died when I lived separately
Oh the Tree,
the Tree
Showed Your great need
for me
This poem will be controversial for some. There is a school of thought that
says God doesn’t need us at all. In terms of existing and “being God”,
this is true but I do believe He so dearly loves us that He needs a companion
worthy of His Love, for all Eternity. If not need, one could say He deeply
desires us, longs for us, pants after us even as He desires us to pursue
Him the same way. He commands us to love Him with ALL our hearts,
souls, minds and strength because this is exactly how He loves us!
each breath is a gift from You
each heart beat begins anew
my love affair with You
be pleased My Lord
when this life is through
with all the works that You’ve called me to
In the midst of uncertain trials
You come to me Lord
And I can’t help but smile
With each new morning
Oh Lord You are adorning
My heart with the oil of joy and gladness
Removing all my sadness
It goes against the grain of my soul
This comfort my God, is supernatural
And though the world might call me crazy
My Father I will continue to Praise Thee
You never leave or forsake me
When I grieve
Through my tears you wake me
Our hearts can’t bear to live without You
But as we need You
Desperately too, You need me
You can’t bear to live without me
You died when I lived separately
Oh the Tree,
the Tree
Showed Your great need
for me
This poem will be controversial for some. There is a school of thought that
says God doesn’t need us at all. In terms of existing and “being God”,
this is true but I do believe He so dearly loves us that He needs a companion
worthy of His Love, for all Eternity. If not need, one could say He deeply
desires us, longs for us, pants after us even as He desires us to pursue
Him the same way. He commands us to love Him with ALL our hearts,
souls, minds and strength because this is exactly how He loves us!
each breath is a gift from You
each heart beat begins anew
my love affair with You
be pleased My Lord
when this life is through
with all the works that You’ve called me to
In the midst of uncertain trials
You come to me Lord
And I can’t help but smile
With each new morning
Oh Lord You are adorning
My heart with the oil of joy and gladness
Removing all my sadness
It goes against the grain of my soul
This comfort my God, is supernatural
And though the world might call me crazy
My Father I will continue to Praise Thee
You never leave or forsake me
When I grieve
Through my tears you wake me
Monday, January 18, 2010
As I watch The Lord
caring for the birds
Tis then I remember
what it is I once heard –
That a sparrow cannot fall to the ground and die
Without catching The Father’s eye
Now if my Father looks to the birds so very carefully
Will He not take even much better care for a child such as me?
And if He took such great care
in designing the flowers of the field
And yet made me so wonderfully
That with His love I’m sealed
How could I doubt such a great Love
For me everywhere revealed?
I can but bow
but lower my brow
and to my Saviour yield!
Oh what wonders
Hath wondrous Love
Wrought within the earth!
That everywhere I cast my stare
I’m reminded of my worth!
caring for the birds
Tis then I remember
what it is I once heard –
That a sparrow cannot fall to the ground and die
Without catching The Father’s eye
Now if my Father looks to the birds so very carefully
Will He not take even much better care for a child such as me?
And if He took such great care
in designing the flowers of the field
And yet made me so wonderfully
That with His love I’m sealed
How could I doubt such a great Love
For me everywhere revealed?
I can but bow
but lower my brow
and to my Saviour yield!
Oh what wonders
Hath wondrous Love
Wrought within the earth!
That everywhere I cast my stare
I’m reminded of my worth!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Some waves approach the beach
Tentatively, timidly, as if their reach
is no longer what it used to be
While others approach boldly, angrily,
As if they’re upset at coming to the end of their journey
Some children approach life
with zest, head on with passion
as if each day is brand new, newly fashioned
that never before was and never will be again
While others seem burdened beyond their years
Full of cares and nagging fears
Unable to fully laugh or fully cry
Bottling up their souls deep inside
(learning their selves to carefully hide)
To those waves of children who bear too many cares,
Tis for them my heart formulates this prayer –
“May God teach you to be wind, to be light
May adulthood’s trials and burdens
Be banished from your sight
And may your childhood be
As God’s intended from above –
May you grow as a beautiful flower
In His garden full of love”
1 Pet:5:7
Written on Kells beach, Ireland, August 20th 2007
Tentatively, timidly, as if their reach
is no longer what it used to be
While others approach boldly, angrily,
As if they’re upset at coming to the end of their journey
Some children approach life
with zest, head on with passion
as if each day is brand new, newly fashioned
that never before was and never will be again
While others seem burdened beyond their years
Full of cares and nagging fears
Unable to fully laugh or fully cry
Bottling up their souls deep inside
(learning their selves to carefully hide)
To those waves of children who bear too many cares,
Tis for them my heart formulates this prayer –
“May God teach you to be wind, to be light
May adulthood’s trials and burdens
Be banished from your sight
And may your childhood be
As God’s intended from above –
May you grow as a beautiful flower
In His garden full of love”
1 Pet:5:7
Written on Kells beach, Ireland, August 20th 2007
Saturday, January 16, 2010
“Glory to God” all creation sings
waiting for the Sons with unspeakable groanings
The earth innately knows that all is not right
Waiting for the Saints to rise in the power of His might
“Glory to God” all creation speaks –
“We will be the inheritance of the humble and the meek”
Those who love as God loves will not see the second death
But will always draw Eternal breath
Those who become steadfast and violent,
Reckless in their love for God and others
In response to the violent, passionate love
Jesus showed us at the Cross –
A love that will endure anything and not stop,
Will find their souls forever saved and not lost
For when we are manifested as who we should be
All creation will be restored to the integrity and dignity God means for you and me and death will flee
And we’ll be
As we were in the beginning for Eternity –
The wolf will lay with the lamb
The swords will be beaten into plowshares
God will forever take and bear
Every ache and every care
As He is so shall I find that in His plan
I’m the perfect image of the great I Am.
waiting for the Sons with unspeakable groanings
The earth innately knows that all is not right
Waiting for the Saints to rise in the power of His might
“Glory to God” all creation speaks –
“We will be the inheritance of the humble and the meek”
Those who love as God loves will not see the second death
But will always draw Eternal breath
Those who become steadfast and violent,
Reckless in their love for God and others
In response to the violent, passionate love
Jesus showed us at the Cross –
A love that will endure anything and not stop,
Will find their souls forever saved and not lost
For when we are manifested as who we should be
All creation will be restored to the integrity and dignity God means for you and me and death will flee
And we’ll be
As we were in the beginning for Eternity –
The wolf will lay with the lamb
The swords will be beaten into plowshares
God will forever take and bear
Every ache and every care
As He is so shall I find that in His plan
I’m the perfect image of the great I Am.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Daddy's Home!
There is a Truth I’d like to be known
A Truth I enjoy each time I get home
My daughters will run and shout through the house
Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home now!
They’re excited and happy to see me, you see
And they both love me unconditionally
The same thing will happen when our Lord returns –
For Him all creation longs for and yearns
To be free from the terrible bondage of man
To be restored to God’s original plan
So as we all rush to meet Him in the air
All of creation will give a great cheer
For with us, for Him, all creation groans
And will shout out loud –
Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home now!
1 The:4:17
God often teaches me wonderful Truth’s through my children. I’m sure
I’m learning as much from them as they are from me. Throughout this
Blog you too will share in the wisdom I’ve learned from them.
A Truth I enjoy each time I get home
My daughters will run and shout through the house
Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home now!
They’re excited and happy to see me, you see
And they both love me unconditionally
The same thing will happen when our Lord returns –
For Him all creation longs for and yearns
To be free from the terrible bondage of man
To be restored to God’s original plan
So as we all rush to meet Him in the air
All of creation will give a great cheer
For with us, for Him, all creation groans
And will shout out loud –
Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home! Daddy’s Home now!
1 The:4:17
God often teaches me wonderful Truth’s through my children. I’m sure
I’m learning as much from them as they are from me. Throughout this
Blog you too will share in the wisdom I’ve learned from them.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
God has a plan
To use His creation
To teach man
About Truth’s that are dear to His heart
So where should I start?
How about this –
Look at the elephant
And the whale
And you will not fail
To see this fact –
In God’s Kingdom
(remember this and you’ll go far)
the bigger you get
the more harmless you are!
Early on in my walk with The Lord, the Holy Spirit taught me something.
He showed me that if The Lord who created everything uses a part of that
Creation to illustrate something, it would be wise to study that animal or
plant for much wisdom was to be gained. For instance, God intimates that (S.O.S. 4:1) His love has dove’s eyes. As it turns out, a dove cannot look to
the right or left, only straight ahead. He’s saying, those truly in love
with Me, look to no other gods but Me. Imagine my excitement when I saw
Satan described as a dragon (Rev:20:2). I began to study the Kimodo dragons,
huge lizards that can grow in excess of ten feet. I saw that they are a perfect picture of Satan’s kingdom on earth. They will not attack a healthy human but if you are wounded, they will attack. So it is with Satan. He will not attack a healthy Christian, clothed in the full armour of God, walking in the power of His might. In fact, he will flee from such a one. But if we are wounded and weak, he will viciously attack. Also, the dragons are cannibalistic and will eat each other. Again, so will anyone under Satan’s dominion and authority. They will back bite and devour one another. Also, the dragons will follow pregnant goats around the island waiting for them to drop their young so they can immediately devour them. Exactly like Rev:12:4! So pay close attention whenever the Bible mentions plants or animals – examples abound throughout!
To use His creation
To teach man
About Truth’s that are dear to His heart
So where should I start?
How about this –
Look at the elephant
And the whale
And you will not fail
To see this fact –
In God’s Kingdom
(remember this and you’ll go far)
the bigger you get
the more harmless you are!
Early on in my walk with The Lord, the Holy Spirit taught me something.
He showed me that if The Lord who created everything uses a part of that
Creation to illustrate something, it would be wise to study that animal or
plant for much wisdom was to be gained. For instance, God intimates that (S.O.S. 4:1) His love has dove’s eyes. As it turns out, a dove cannot look to
the right or left, only straight ahead. He’s saying, those truly in love
with Me, look to no other gods but Me. Imagine my excitement when I saw
Satan described as a dragon (Rev:20:2). I began to study the Kimodo dragons,
huge lizards that can grow in excess of ten feet. I saw that they are a perfect picture of Satan’s kingdom on earth. They will not attack a healthy human but if you are wounded, they will attack. So it is with Satan. He will not attack a healthy Christian, clothed in the full armour of God, walking in the power of His might. In fact, he will flee from such a one. But if we are wounded and weak, he will viciously attack. Also, the dragons are cannibalistic and will eat each other. Again, so will anyone under Satan’s dominion and authority. They will back bite and devour one another. Also, the dragons will follow pregnant goats around the island waiting for them to drop their young so they can immediately devour them. Exactly like Rev:12:4! So pay close attention whenever the Bible mentions plants or animals – examples abound throughout!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Say, who holds the patent on the wind and the rain?
Who takes the credit for a flower’s sweet perfume?
After death, who can bring us back to life again?
Who designed the D.N.A. within me and you?
It’s my Lord Jesus Christ! The inventor of Life!
When a bird soars high and you marvel at it’s flight
Or when a baby’s smile makes you want to smile too
When the stars at dusk one by one begin to light
It’s time to drop on your knees and pay homage to
Our Lord Jesus, the Christ! The inventor of Life!
Man is creative – that’s as it should be
Why? We’re made in His image, Joyfully!
My poor attempt at a Shakespearian Sonnet.
Who takes the credit for a flower’s sweet perfume?
After death, who can bring us back to life again?
Who designed the D.N.A. within me and you?
It’s my Lord Jesus Christ! The inventor of Life!
When a bird soars high and you marvel at it’s flight
Or when a baby’s smile makes you want to smile too
When the stars at dusk one by one begin to light
It’s time to drop on your knees and pay homage to
Our Lord Jesus, the Christ! The inventor of Life!
Man is creative – that’s as it should be
Why? We’re made in His image, Joyfully!
My poor attempt at a Shakespearian Sonnet.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
This poem came about when the thought occurred to me one day – there must have been a first snow flake! And knowing that it didn’t rain on the earth till the flood (Gen:2:6), I began to think, perhaps Noah was the first to see it…
The First Snowflake
The first snowflake fell from the sky
And the angels hushed as they watched it go by
As it quietly and slowly approached the earth
I cannot deny, I must confess –
It came to rest on Noah’s breast!
Noah looked with joy and wonder
As more snow began to fall
And in the moonlight and the stillness
He heard the Spirit’s call –
“Noah, delight in being, delight in purity
Like the snow is clean, like the flakes fall so joyfully and free
So is My desire for all humanity. Noah, delight in Me!
For there in the snow falling, there for all to see
Is reflected My desire for all who will believe
(My creativity knows no boundaries)
For each tiny flake, though billions will fall
Is unique in all the Universe, a reminder to all
That though billions of babies will one day be born,
Yes, billions will come to be –
Each and every brand new baby is unique and full of beauty
Born from above, born of My love, each new baby is to be
And each one, Noah, is a reflection of Me”
So Noah took delight in that which filled his sight
A snow field of purest white. He would never forget that night
He would remember for the rest of his life
The first snowflake that ever took flight. Good night.
The First Snowflake
The first snowflake fell from the sky
And the angels hushed as they watched it go by
As it quietly and slowly approached the earth
I cannot deny, I must confess –
It came to rest on Noah’s breast!
Noah looked with joy and wonder
As more snow began to fall
And in the moonlight and the stillness
He heard the Spirit’s call –
“Noah, delight in being, delight in purity
Like the snow is clean, like the flakes fall so joyfully and free
So is My desire for all humanity. Noah, delight in Me!
For there in the snow falling, there for all to see
Is reflected My desire for all who will believe
(My creativity knows no boundaries)
For each tiny flake, though billions will fall
Is unique in all the Universe, a reminder to all
That though billions of babies will one day be born,
Yes, billions will come to be –
Each and every brand new baby is unique and full of beauty
Born from above, born of My love, each new baby is to be
And each one, Noah, is a reflection of Me”
So Noah took delight in that which filled his sight
A snow field of purest white. He would never forget that night
He would remember for the rest of his life
The first snowflake that ever took flight. Good night.
Monday, January 11, 2010
on the backs of butterfly’s wings
The Spirit of God is whispering
I Am
Oh yes, I Am
And each glorious sunset
And each baby’s first breath
All speak as loudly as this rock
I Am
Oh yes, I Am
You don’t have to look too hard to see Me,
Just look at My handiwork, My creation’s beauty
And from the stars to the ground
My voice resounds
And in My highest achievement –
Woman and man
I Am Oh yes I AM!
My wife Sheryl and I were with our young daughters, Tiffany and Karianna when we came across a TV program where some Christian
Scientist types were showing that they had discovered the entire English alphabet, one letter at a time, on the wings of butterflys! Amazing!
Not to mention the numbers one through nine and certain Hebrew letters! Only our God could know, thousands of years before it would happen, that the English language would one day become what it is and put it on butterflys! Just to laugh with us and show us how cool He is!
on the backs of butterfly’s wings
The Spirit of God is whispering
I Am
Oh yes, I Am
And each glorious sunset
And each baby’s first breath
All speak as loudly as this rock
I Am
Oh yes, I Am
You don’t have to look too hard to see Me,
Just look at My handiwork, My creation’s beauty
And from the stars to the ground
My voice resounds
And in My highest achievement –
Woman and man
I Am Oh yes I AM!
My wife Sheryl and I were with our young daughters, Tiffany and Karianna when we came across a TV program where some Christian
Scientist types were showing that they had discovered the entire English alphabet, one letter at a time, on the wings of butterflys! Amazing!
Not to mention the numbers one through nine and certain Hebrew letters! Only our God could know, thousands of years before it would happen, that the English language would one day become what it is and put it on butterflys! Just to laugh with us and show us how cool He is!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Like the days of Noah, so are these days
When many will not repent and turn from their wicked ways
Their hearts are consumed with pleasing only themselves
So many are dying and going to Hell
And you, man or woman, whoever you be
Like Noah I invite you into the Ark with me
The Ark that I speak of in this day and age
Is the Body and the Blood of Jesus who saves
Who alone has paid your sinful wage
You are welcome into this safe, Holy place
He has made room for you by His Covenant’s Grace
If you don’t enter in to the Body of Christ
Like their bodies in the flood of Noah’s day –
Your soul will be sacrificed
Forever damned in a Hell made for Satan and his like
If you are reading this and you’re a Believer, share this with
Someone who isn’t. Share the Gospel, then invite them to pray the
Sinner’s prayer. Acknowledge their sin. (repentance) Believe Jesus died on the cross for them. Confess Him as their Saviour and God. Decide to live the rest of their life in communion with Him, in obedience to Him.
When many will not repent and turn from their wicked ways
Their hearts are consumed with pleasing only themselves
So many are dying and going to Hell
And you, man or woman, whoever you be
Like Noah I invite you into the Ark with me
The Ark that I speak of in this day and age
Is the Body and the Blood of Jesus who saves
Who alone has paid your sinful wage
You are welcome into this safe, Holy place
He has made room for you by His Covenant’s Grace
If you don’t enter in to the Body of Christ
Like their bodies in the flood of Noah’s day –
Your soul will be sacrificed
Forever damned in a Hell made for Satan and his like
If you are reading this and you’re a Believer, share this with
Someone who isn’t. Share the Gospel, then invite them to pray the
Sinner’s prayer. Acknowledge their sin. (repentance) Believe Jesus died on the cross for them. Confess Him as their Saviour and God. Decide to live the rest of their life in communion with Him, in obedience to Him.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
No Other God
Have no other god before you
For no other god can restore you
No other god can love you like our God can
He is the only God who truly loves man
All other god’s are separate from Him
Therefore all they can do is hate
Our God alone is love
With whom alone we should mate
All other god’s will destroy you
So please let me implore you
Have no other god before you
Except the One that you He did create
To Jesus our Christ, The Father and Holy Spirit
Alone you should relate
Exo: 20:3 nuff said!
“The reason we read the Bible is not to understand God but to encounter Him”
For no other god can restore you
No other god can love you like our God can
He is the only God who truly loves man
All other god’s are separate from Him
Therefore all they can do is hate
Our God alone is love
With whom alone we should mate
All other god’s will destroy you
So please let me implore you
Have no other god before you
Except the One that you He did create
To Jesus our Christ, The Father and Holy Spirit
Alone you should relate
Exo: 20:3 nuff said!
“The reason we read the Bible is not to understand God but to encounter Him”
Friday, January 8, 2010
Excuse me, pardon me
but I couldn’t help but notice
your heart was heavy
Pardon me, excuse me
I know this isn’t easy
Cause really in your whole life
You’ve never known true intimacy
Excuse me, I don’t mean to pry
and normally I’d just walk on by
but I noticed a sort of spiritual, sigh
and I just wanted to know why
Can you share your heart with me?
Can you bare your soul over a cup of tea?
Can you go the distance without faltering?
Can you share your heart with me?
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”
but I couldn’t help but notice
your heart was heavy
Pardon me, excuse me
I know this isn’t easy
Cause really in your whole life
You’ve never known true intimacy
Excuse me, I don’t mean to pry
and normally I’d just walk on by
but I noticed a sort of spiritual, sigh
and I just wanted to know why
Can you share your heart with me?
Can you bare your soul over a cup of tea?
Can you go the distance without faltering?
Can you share your heart with me?
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Take, eat, this is my Body...
Jim was a janitor at the local High School
He’d shuffle around quietly a fiddlin’ with his tools
Most everyone thought he was just an old fool
Except the boys who quit the gangs cause Jim came to their rescue
He was like the father those boys never had
Yeah, to them he was just like a dad
Without him they’d a turned out real bad
And if you asked him why he’d look kinda surprised at you
And he’d say “why it’s just what Jesus would do”
Yes, Jim was a simple man in most people’s eyes
“a failure” said those that the world counted wise
ah but if they only knew Jesus, that He comes in disguise
if they could only look through the Holy Spirit’s eyes
then they would be in for quite a surprise
Oh if their empty souls and spirits only knew
The Bread of Life was broken and shared in that school
For Jesus walked those halls in Jim
And He’d point at Jim and say –
“Take, eat, this is My Body, given for you”
John spent his time in the bus station down town
Just to see him come walkin’ in would make the pimps frown
He’d say “hey, Bobby Ray why you lookin’ so down?
I got a bus ticket here says I’m Heaven bound!”
You see, John could spot a runaway as soon as they’d step off the bus
So could the pimps, that’s why it was an absolute must
That John be there to offer them a hand they could trust
Or their only choice then would be a life of prostitution and drugs
John worked for a ministry that took these girls off the street
And if by chance it was Jesus you were wantin’ to meet
He’d introduce you to John and say –
“This is My Body, take and eat”
Sarah was a nurse - it must a been her destiny
Cause she sure was good at it all the doctors and patients agreed
There was somethin’ about Sarah that put your mind at ease
And whenever she was near you’d feel a sense of peace
The doctors noticed most of Sarah’s patients would pull through just fine
What they didn’t know was that she’d spend hours
Praying over each one, one at a time
Sarah spent her life in prayer, for others she really cared
She invited many to come to The Lord’s table and dine
Where you could hear Jesus say with pride
“This Sarah, whose Life is poured out for others,
her body, the bread which you have partaken of
is Mine”
When The Lord took the bread in His hands, He broke it, then shared it with
His Disciples. Even so, when we completely surrender to Him, in His hands
We become broken, then, and only from a posture of brokenness, we are
shared with one another. The great gift of our God is the precious saints we
get to commune and fellowship with as we each journey back home.
He’d shuffle around quietly a fiddlin’ with his tools
Most everyone thought he was just an old fool
Except the boys who quit the gangs cause Jim came to their rescue
He was like the father those boys never had
Yeah, to them he was just like a dad
Without him they’d a turned out real bad
And if you asked him why he’d look kinda surprised at you
And he’d say “why it’s just what Jesus would do”
Yes, Jim was a simple man in most people’s eyes
“a failure” said those that the world counted wise
ah but if they only knew Jesus, that He comes in disguise
if they could only look through the Holy Spirit’s eyes
then they would be in for quite a surprise
Oh if their empty souls and spirits only knew
The Bread of Life was broken and shared in that school
For Jesus walked those halls in Jim
And He’d point at Jim and say –
“Take, eat, this is My Body, given for you”
John spent his time in the bus station down town
Just to see him come walkin’ in would make the pimps frown
He’d say “hey, Bobby Ray why you lookin’ so down?
I got a bus ticket here says I’m Heaven bound!”
You see, John could spot a runaway as soon as they’d step off the bus
So could the pimps, that’s why it was an absolute must
That John be there to offer them a hand they could trust
Or their only choice then would be a life of prostitution and drugs
John worked for a ministry that took these girls off the street
And if by chance it was Jesus you were wantin’ to meet
He’d introduce you to John and say –
“This is My Body, take and eat”
Sarah was a nurse - it must a been her destiny
Cause she sure was good at it all the doctors and patients agreed
There was somethin’ about Sarah that put your mind at ease
And whenever she was near you’d feel a sense of peace
The doctors noticed most of Sarah’s patients would pull through just fine
What they didn’t know was that she’d spend hours
Praying over each one, one at a time
Sarah spent her life in prayer, for others she really cared
She invited many to come to The Lord’s table and dine
Where you could hear Jesus say with pride
“This Sarah, whose Life is poured out for others,
her body, the bread which you have partaken of
is Mine”
When The Lord took the bread in His hands, He broke it, then shared it with
His Disciples. Even so, when we completely surrender to Him, in His hands
We become broken, then, and only from a posture of brokenness, we are
shared with one another. The great gift of our God is the precious saints we
get to commune and fellowship with as we each journey back home.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Last Call
So there I was in that run down bar
Hard to imagine I’d fallen so far
Just stickin’ my face in a bottle of Gin
Doin’ my best not to look within
There was Linda the barmaid just takin’ care of business
There was Leroy and Bob and a dog named Jes
There was a trucker with a name I can’t remember who
It don’t matter anyway, he was just passin’ through
There was a couple of guys shootin’ pool in the back
And there was a guy hittin’ on Linda said his name was Jack
There was a guy passed out, hey it was a quarter to three
There was two navy guys and, oh yea, there was me
Then I looked up and saw the strangest sight
There was a guy standin’ there dressed all in white
I said hey dude, I ain’t seen you in here tonight!
That’s when he said the words I’ll remember for the rest of my life - He said –
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the Fall!
Last Call, people of earth,
He said there’s a wine that makes glad
Both the heart of God and man
It’s the blood of Jesus poured outside of Jerusalem
And this is your last chance to enter in
C’mon won’t you surrender, give up your sin?
He said –
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter into Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the fall!
Repent or perish for this is
I made up my mind right there and then
No more puttin’ off such an important decision
I repent Lord of living in sin
If You’ll have me Lord, please live within
And right there, and right then, I was born-again
And how about you friend?
What if this was your last chance to enter in?
No man knows the day or the hour
He’ll have to face the Highest Power
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess
Him as Lord eventually, if this was your last call
What would your answer be?
What you decide now could haunt you for Eternity
Will you enter in or go home unclean?
Now is the time for your salvation
Don’t put it off another minute
This could be, oh hear it, your
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
To receive the Blood of Jesus
To rise up from the fall
Last Call, my friend, Last Call!
Post Script –
I lifted my head from that simple prayer
Only to see everyone’s stare
Linda, Leroy, didn’t ya’ll see him too?
The man dressed in white, he stood right next to you!
They only shook their heads like I was crazy
They’d seen no man in white a talkin’ to me
I was the only one that night who got set free
I was the only one who’s blind eyes now see
Crazy drunk they said, he’s only babbling…
Our Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.
Hard to imagine I’d fallen so far
Just stickin’ my face in a bottle of Gin
Doin’ my best not to look within
There was Linda the barmaid just takin’ care of business
There was Leroy and Bob and a dog named Jes
There was a trucker with a name I can’t remember who
It don’t matter anyway, he was just passin’ through
There was a couple of guys shootin’ pool in the back
And there was a guy hittin’ on Linda said his name was Jack
There was a guy passed out, hey it was a quarter to three
There was two navy guys and, oh yea, there was me
Then I looked up and saw the strangest sight
There was a guy standin’ there dressed all in white
I said hey dude, I ain’t seen you in here tonight!
That’s when he said the words I’ll remember for the rest of my life - He said –
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the Fall!
Last Call, people of earth,
He said there’s a wine that makes glad
Both the heart of God and man
It’s the blood of Jesus poured outside of Jerusalem
And this is your last chance to enter in
C’mon won’t you surrender, give up your sin?
He said –
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter into Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the fall!
Repent or perish for this is
I made up my mind right there and then
No more puttin’ off such an important decision
I repent Lord of living in sin
If You’ll have me Lord, please live within
And right there, and right then, I was born-again
And how about you friend?
What if this was your last chance to enter in?
No man knows the day or the hour
He’ll have to face the Highest Power
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess
Him as Lord eventually, if this was your last call
What would your answer be?
What you decide now could haunt you for Eternity
Will you enter in or go home unclean?
Now is the time for your salvation
Don’t put it off another minute
This could be, oh hear it, your
Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
To receive the Blood of Jesus
To rise up from the fall
Last Call, my friend, Last Call!
Post Script –
I lifted my head from that simple prayer
Only to see everyone’s stare
Linda, Leroy, didn’t ya’ll see him too?
The man dressed in white, he stood right next to you!
They only shook their heads like I was crazy
They’d seen no man in white a talkin’ to me
I was the only one that night who got set free
I was the only one who’s blind eyes now see
Crazy drunk they said, he’s only babbling…
Our Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jesus died for losers
Say ya find yourself down and out?
Say yer confused, wonderin’ what yer life’s about?
Well I can tell you without a doubt –
Stick around ya might just shout!
Say ya find yourself on the ropes?
Slippin’ and a slidin’ down life’s slope?
Not quite makin’ it? Givin’ up hope?
Don’t you worry none cause I got good news here –
When you’re surrounded by dopes and boozers,
Just remember – Jesus died for losers!
He came for the hurtin’, can’t help flirtin’,
closin’ the final curtain losers in life!
So when ya crawl back in your beer or
when you’re all alone sheddin’ some more o’ them tears,
when your life is full of fears,
when they tell you beggars can’t be choosers –
Just remember – Jesus died for losers!
So if you’re a hurtin’ down and out, heart achin’, skirt chasin’, welfare makin’, sick and tired of being sick and tired, dyin’ on the inside smilin’ on the outside life goin’ nowhere help me make it through another day I can’t go on like this didn’t get my raise LOSER –
Jesus died for You! Mat:11:28
Say yer confused, wonderin’ what yer life’s about?
Well I can tell you without a doubt –
Stick around ya might just shout!
Say ya find yourself on the ropes?
Slippin’ and a slidin’ down life’s slope?
Not quite makin’ it? Givin’ up hope?
Don’t you worry none cause I got good news here –
When you’re surrounded by dopes and boozers,
Just remember – Jesus died for losers!
He came for the hurtin’, can’t help flirtin’,
closin’ the final curtain losers in life!
So when ya crawl back in your beer or
when you’re all alone sheddin’ some more o’ them tears,
when your life is full of fears,
when they tell you beggars can’t be choosers –
Just remember – Jesus died for losers!
So if you’re a hurtin’ down and out, heart achin’, skirt chasin’, welfare makin’, sick and tired of being sick and tired, dyin’ on the inside smilin’ on the outside life goin’ nowhere help me make it through another day I can’t go on like this didn’t get my raise LOSER –
Jesus died for You! Mat:11:28
Monday, January 4, 2010
How can God answer a question
that you haven’t asked?
If you’ll humble yourself
He’s up to the task.
But for Him to deliver you
for Him to set you free -
You must first approach Him in humility.
For God to answer your cries
You must first cry out to Him.
It is then and only then,
He’ll deliver you from your sin.
And no longer will you abide in death
But death will flee forever at the coming of His breath!
The Holy Spirit in you is Eternal it’s True.
The Father’s breath will one day return to Him
And you along with it
Where forever you’ll breathe the sweet air of Heaven
How magnificent!
that you haven’t asked?
If you’ll humble yourself
He’s up to the task.
But for Him to deliver you
for Him to set you free -
You must first approach Him in humility.
For God to answer your cries
You must first cry out to Him.
It is then and only then,
He’ll deliver you from your sin.
And no longer will you abide in death
But death will flee forever at the coming of His breath!
The Holy Spirit in you is Eternal it’s True.
The Father’s breath will one day return to Him
And you along with it
Where forever you’ll breathe the sweet air of Heaven
How magnificent!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
All Tongues
You know, I preached the Gospel to a cow today
And that cow stopped to listen to what I had to say
He even mooed as if to cry “Amen!”
He seemed quite happy his ear to lend
And another time I preached to a whole herd
You might be thinking “Why that’s absurd!”
But you know, they stopped to listen to me
And they mooed quite appreciatively!
And it seemed they were quite happy to agree!
So don’t dismiss preaching to a cow
Remember –
“Every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow”
The Lord said to preach the Gospel to Every Creature
So cows and sheep and birds that fly
Will then in their own language, hue and cry
Preach the glorious Truth that now is known
For which all creation longs for and groans.
In my desire to obey The Lord, I’ve reached the point where I don’t care how silly or strange His instructions might seem to my natural, carnal mind. I heard a true story of a woman who was told by The Lord to go into a convenience store and stand on her head by the soda machine! She was just humble enough to obey! She then heard sobbing from the clerk who had been contemplating suicide and had told the Lord, if you love me, send someone in to stand on their head by the soda machine! So if He says, “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”, who am I to argue? Besides, here in Ireland, if you want to preach to a sheep or a cow, you’ll never lack for an audience! And it’s good practice! If you’re too shy to preach to people, start with a cow and work your way up!
And that cow stopped to listen to what I had to say
He even mooed as if to cry “Amen!”
He seemed quite happy his ear to lend
And another time I preached to a whole herd
You might be thinking “Why that’s absurd!”
But you know, they stopped to listen to me
And they mooed quite appreciatively!
And it seemed they were quite happy to agree!
So don’t dismiss preaching to a cow
Remember –
“Every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow”
The Lord said to preach the Gospel to Every Creature
So cows and sheep and birds that fly
Will then in their own language, hue and cry
Preach the glorious Truth that now is known
For which all creation longs for and groans.
In my desire to obey The Lord, I’ve reached the point where I don’t care how silly or strange His instructions might seem to my natural, carnal mind. I heard a true story of a woman who was told by The Lord to go into a convenience store and stand on her head by the soda machine! She was just humble enough to obey! She then heard sobbing from the clerk who had been contemplating suicide and had told the Lord, if you love me, send someone in to stand on their head by the soda machine! So if He says, “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”, who am I to argue? Besides, here in Ireland, if you want to preach to a sheep or a cow, you’ll never lack for an audience! And it’s good practice! If you’re too shy to preach to people, start with a cow and work your way up!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Jesus was a street preacher
that’s good enough for me
Just sittin’ on a pew
is not Christianity
In order to populate Heaven
just follow the example of John 3:7
Jesus ordered us to go
not just see how much we can know
We must go to where the people are
and that’s mostly clubs, pubs and bars
People are hungry and thirsty
for the God that loves them enough
to leave the comfort of Heaven
and go out where it’s hard and tough
We must also be willing
if it’s Heaven we want to be filling
to leave our comfort zones
to bring the lost sheep home.
The John 3:7 referred to here is not just the scripture but a group of evangelists from Dublin of which I have had the honour and privilege of knowing and working with. They are the most effective and anointed street evangelists I have ever seen. Just type in "John 3:7" to you tube and check them out.
that’s good enough for me
Just sittin’ on a pew
is not Christianity
In order to populate Heaven
just follow the example of John 3:7
Jesus ordered us to go
not just see how much we can know
We must go to where the people are
and that’s mostly clubs, pubs and bars
People are hungry and thirsty
for the God that loves them enough
to leave the comfort of Heaven
and go out where it’s hard and tough
We must also be willing
if it’s Heaven we want to be filling
to leave our comfort zones
to bring the lost sheep home.
The John 3:7 referred to here is not just the scripture but a group of evangelists from Dublin of which I have had the honour and privilege of knowing and working with. They are the most effective and anointed street evangelists I have ever seen. Just type in "John 3:7" to you tube and check them out.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Canaan Bound
The soft green hills of Canaan seeming
so close I can almost taste it's air
The golden sunsets, the stars are gleaming
Oh my love, I'll meet you there
All God's promised, He's not forgotten
The land of love where war is rare
He'll bring to fruit all He's begotten
And I know my love I'll meet you there
This land of strife
This land of war
This land of hate
will be no more
The strife of tongues
they will soon cease
As we fill our lungs
with the air of Peace
So rest my love, take my hand
as God leads us to our promised land
Where milk and honey they flow abundantly
And God forever loves you and me
Where God forever loves you and me,
Gen: 11:31, 12:1&5, EX: 3:8
so close I can almost taste it's air
The golden sunsets, the stars are gleaming
Oh my love, I'll meet you there
All God's promised, He's not forgotten
The land of love where war is rare
He'll bring to fruit all He's begotten
And I know my love I'll meet you there
This land of strife
This land of war
This land of hate
will be no more
The strife of tongues
they will soon cease
As we fill our lungs
with the air of Peace
So rest my love, take my hand
as God leads us to our promised land
Where milk and honey they flow abundantly
And God forever loves you and me
Where God forever loves you and me,
Gen: 11:31, 12:1&5, EX: 3:8
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