Birds are funny when they’re on the ground
Some kind of hobble or wobble around
Some dart or hop or flit
And a few just sit
But oh how different are they in my eyes
When they leap to the sky and they fly!
So graceful and free (like how I want to be)
Able to soar in Spirit to unreachable destinies
Not bound by this fleshly ground
But able to break free of sin’s gravity
That sometimes has such a hold on me
But with the wings of the Blood and my Testimony
I’m overcoming and I’m soaring above all that is fleshly
I’m making my nest in the Tree of Life
Cause religion strips souls of the ability to take flight
I saw a whole church of birds flappin’ their wings
And praising each other as they were admiring
How beautiful they were and that they could fly
but they never did no, they never did –
just sat there hoppin’ around in their pews
celebratin’ the good news
that Christ set them free to fly
Yet never stoppin’ to wonder why
They never do they never do
It’s like they all knew
What wings are for they’re for flying!
But they never got off the ground, never did soar
Oh my people there’s so much more!
An abundant life awaits, yet they’re dying.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wisdom is the principle thing
Remember this in all your getting
It’s much more valuable than gold or money
It’s sweet to the soul like the taste of fine honey
Wisdom will set you on Heaven’s path
And she will keep you from knowing God’s wrath
Wisdom will preserve you while so many fall
So hear and obey the spirit of Wisdom’s call
When she cries out to you from out in the street
Invite her to come in to your home and eat
Make her your most passionate lover
Give her place in your heart above others
She’ll make Grace your sister and Mercy your brother
And while these thoughts you’re readin’ and lovin’
Always remember –
Repentance and Righteousness are cousins!
When I pray for a nation, I will ask the Lord for insight as to what to pray. As I lifted England up to Him, this is what He told me – pray for them to receive Wisdom because really, no other prayers could be answered until this happens. Every nation has a soul that we can intercede for.
Remember this in all your getting
It’s much more valuable than gold or money
It’s sweet to the soul like the taste of fine honey
Wisdom will set you on Heaven’s path
And she will keep you from knowing God’s wrath
Wisdom will preserve you while so many fall
So hear and obey the spirit of Wisdom’s call
When she cries out to you from out in the street
Invite her to come in to your home and eat
Make her your most passionate lover
Give her place in your heart above others
She’ll make Grace your sister and Mercy your brother
And while these thoughts you’re readin’ and lovin’
Always remember –
Repentance and Righteousness are cousins!
When I pray for a nation, I will ask the Lord for insight as to what to pray. As I lifted England up to Him, this is what He told me – pray for them to receive Wisdom because really, no other prayers could be answered until this happens. Every nation has a soul that we can intercede for.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Let me make this perfectly clear
because I don’t want to be hazy
One thing I know to be true
God won’t bless the lazy
Guide the lowly, guard the weak
The welfare of others always seek
Feed the poor, for them provide
Pour out your blessings as the Tide
Keep the helpless, defend the meek
And teach us to turn the other cheek
Let us check our hearts each day
to be sure we are faithful to Your ways
“We are called to make the Invisible God, visible”
because I don’t want to be hazy
One thing I know to be true
God won’t bless the lazy
Guide the lowly, guard the weak
The welfare of others always seek
Feed the poor, for them provide
Pour out your blessings as the Tide
Keep the helpless, defend the meek
And teach us to turn the other cheek
Let us check our hearts each day
to be sure we are faithful to Your ways
“We are called to make the Invisible God, visible”
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My Epitaph
This grave isn’t mine – it’s only borrowed
For I won’t be here long
So when you think of me don’t sorrow
Rather sing with me this song –
Like my Lord who stayed
For only three days
Soon I’ll not be here
For I’ll be raised
I’ll forsake every earthly care
As I rise to meet Him in the air
So don’t mourn for me, don’t waste those tears
For in the end you’ll not find me here
So don’t cry for me, no don’t you weep
For I am ever in The Lord’s keep
My name is written on the Roll
But where, my friend, is your soul?
1 The:4:14 5:9&10
Well, I had such a good time yesterday on my birthday (or the 46th anniversary of my birthday I should say) that I forgot to do my blog! My wonderful family surprised me with a picnic/bbq out by a mountain stream in the beautiful mountains surrounding us here in South Korea. We went swimming in the stream, had some friends join us for cheese burgers, dogs and saugages and had a great time. So here I am making up for it. God Bless. PS Sorry to South Korea for losing last night in the World cup, you had a great run!
For I won’t be here long
So when you think of me don’t sorrow
Rather sing with me this song –
Like my Lord who stayed
For only three days
Soon I’ll not be here
For I’ll be raised
I’ll forsake every earthly care
As I rise to meet Him in the air
So don’t mourn for me, don’t waste those tears
For in the end you’ll not find me here
So don’t cry for me, no don’t you weep
For I am ever in The Lord’s keep
My name is written on the Roll
But where, my friend, is your soul?
1 The:4:14 5:9&10
Well, I had such a good time yesterday on my birthday (or the 46th anniversary of my birthday I should say) that I forgot to do my blog! My wonderful family surprised me with a picnic/bbq out by a mountain stream in the beautiful mountains surrounding us here in South Korea. We went swimming in the stream, had some friends join us for cheese burgers, dogs and saugages and had a great time. So here I am making up for it. God Bless. PS Sorry to South Korea for losing last night in the World cup, you had a great run!
They put their faith in their money
and money is a very poor god to serve
Naked we’re born into and naked we’ll leave this world
or haven’t you heard?
If money is still your god then,
there’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Everyone who clings to money will forever be filled with grief
To follow Christ we must sacrifice
all other god’s this world desires
Put out this notice as you read this twice –
“My heart isn’t for hire”
“I’ll not love money or any other pursuit
No, my heart won’t be set on getting more loot
No, my heart belongs to Jesus alone,
He’s the only One who makes me an Eternal Home”
Money can’t buy real estate in Heaven
So beware my people of the Pharisees leaven
Pride and greed for a while may fill your needs
But they will surely lead to an unwanted destiny
For you God Himself personally and deeply cares
He’s even numbered every one of your hairs
He notices when a small bird falls and dies
How much more does He pay attention to your hearts’ cries?
So set your heart on Him not money or sin
For if you do, when the race is through
You’ll not lose but win!
Mat:6:24 10:29&30
and money is a very poor god to serve
Naked we’re born into and naked we’ll leave this world
or haven’t you heard?
If money is still your god then,
there’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Everyone who clings to money will forever be filled with grief
To follow Christ we must sacrifice
all other god’s this world desires
Put out this notice as you read this twice –
“My heart isn’t for hire”
“I’ll not love money or any other pursuit
No, my heart won’t be set on getting more loot
No, my heart belongs to Jesus alone,
He’s the only One who makes me an Eternal Home”
Money can’t buy real estate in Heaven
So beware my people of the Pharisees leaven
Pride and greed for a while may fill your needs
But they will surely lead to an unwanted destiny
For you God Himself personally and deeply cares
He’s even numbered every one of your hairs
He notices when a small bird falls and dies
How much more does He pay attention to your hearts’ cries?
So set your heart on Him not money or sin
For if you do, when the race is through
You’ll not lose but win!
Mat:6:24 10:29&30
Friday, June 25, 2010
I gotta tell you something
I gotta tell you now
before we get much further
I’ve got to show you how
Oh my brother or sister, oh my friend
Let’s not pretend – eventually, I will offend
So when I do don’t start
to eject me from your heart
don’t shut me out deny me your love
take your pain and push and shove
me away, nay, but forgive me today
that in your heart I may stay (Phi:1:7)
I’ve met too many people
who say they are of Christ
I’ve met so many people
say Jesus is their sacrifice
But when it comes to loving
The way Jesus said to do
They just can’t do it, they just aren’t able to
One offence or two is all it takes
For their fellowship with me to break
My people these things ought not to be
We should love each other unconditionally
If this truth you cannot see
Your love will remain immature and tiny
Mat:6:14&15 18:21-35
I gotta tell you now
before we get much further
I’ve got to show you how
Oh my brother or sister, oh my friend
Let’s not pretend – eventually, I will offend
So when I do don’t start
to eject me from your heart
don’t shut me out deny me your love
take your pain and push and shove
me away, nay, but forgive me today
that in your heart I may stay (Phi:1:7)
I’ve met too many people
who say they are of Christ
I’ve met so many people
say Jesus is their sacrifice
But when it comes to loving
The way Jesus said to do
They just can’t do it, they just aren’t able to
One offence or two is all it takes
For their fellowship with me to break
My people these things ought not to be
We should love each other unconditionally
If this truth you cannot see
Your love will remain immature and tiny
Mat:6:14&15 18:21-35
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ (Phi:2:5)
Though He was Lord of all He came to sacrifice
And give His life away not cling to it selfishly
Our Master became our Servant King (Phi:2:7)
So now He is exalted in everything (Phi:2:10&11)
Lord on High, Lord of all,
Because He obeyed His Father’s call
We too have been exalted on High (Eph:2:6)
Yet we too must obey our Father’s cry
And we too must to ourselves die (1 Cor:15:31)
And esteem one another more highly (Phi:2:3)
And serve one another and not Lord
And so perfectly keep God’s Word,
“Love one another….”
Though He was Lord of all He came to sacrifice
And give His life away not cling to it selfishly
Our Master became our Servant King (Phi:2:7)
So now He is exalted in everything (Phi:2:10&11)
Lord on High, Lord of all,
Because He obeyed His Father’s call
We too have been exalted on High (Eph:2:6)
Yet we too must obey our Father’s cry
And we too must to ourselves die (1 Cor:15:31)
And esteem one another more highly (Phi:2:3)
And serve one another and not Lord
And so perfectly keep God’s Word,
“Love one another….”
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I gave the Word and the Word was given
It’s up to you whether you’ll start livin’
Now the Word is between God and you
It’s up to you what you will do
The Word is Spirit, The Word is Life
The Word I gave it came from Christ
If you believe it and apply your faith
It will bear fruit - just you wait
But if your attitude is so what?
The Word will profit you not
The Word will profit you not
The Fruit of it won’t ripen but rot
Your heart is the soil in which it’s planted
Don’t let satan rob you and supplant it
Apply your faith then watch it grow
Till your life is full of what God’s sown
Faith comes by hearing God’s spoken Word
Even the written must be spoken in order to be heard
It’s meant to go from our hearts to our mouths
When we prophecy, we rebuke the lie and the Truth will always win out
So don’t only hear prophecy but speak it today
And every time you speak God’s Mind
Satan’s kingdom you will slay
It’s up to you whether you’ll start livin’
Now the Word is between God and you
It’s up to you what you will do
The Word is Spirit, The Word is Life
The Word I gave it came from Christ
If you believe it and apply your faith
It will bear fruit - just you wait
But if your attitude is so what?
The Word will profit you not
The Word will profit you not
The Fruit of it won’t ripen but rot
Your heart is the soil in which it’s planted
Don’t let satan rob you and supplant it
Apply your faith then watch it grow
Till your life is full of what God’s sown
Faith comes by hearing God’s spoken Word
Even the written must be spoken in order to be heard
It’s meant to go from our hearts to our mouths
When we prophecy, we rebuke the lie and the Truth will always win out
So don’t only hear prophecy but speak it today
And every time you speak God’s Mind
Satan’s kingdom you will slay
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Because I have you in my heart
When my body hurts I attend unto my pain
Nothing else matters until I’m whole again
You my brother you my sister
are my very own body and blood
For you my God has shed in my heart
His very own wonderful love
And this I’ve come to learn - I must be able to discern
When and where my body is hurting
That I may obey what the Lord says today
What The Holy Spirit is asserting –
Stop all I do to tend to you
To touch your pain you I must not disdain
but like the good Samaritan,
love and treat your wound as if it were my very own
and when you are healthy you may return the love I’ve sown
We will mutually esteem each other more highly than ourselves
And by so doing we’ll always insure the other is whole and well
The Love of God for one another I’ll always impart
because my brother, because my sister
I have you in my heart
Heb:10:33&34, 13:3
1 Pet:1:11, 4:13, 5:1
It is in love that the Body edifies and heals itself.
Nothing else matters until I’m whole again
You my brother you my sister
are my very own body and blood
For you my God has shed in my heart
His very own wonderful love
And this I’ve come to learn - I must be able to discern
When and where my body is hurting
That I may obey what the Lord says today
What The Holy Spirit is asserting –
Stop all I do to tend to you
To touch your pain you I must not disdain
but like the good Samaritan,
love and treat your wound as if it were my very own
and when you are healthy you may return the love I’ve sown
We will mutually esteem each other more highly than ourselves
And by so doing we’ll always insure the other is whole and well
The Love of God for one another I’ll always impart
because my brother, because my sister
I have you in my heart
Heb:10:33&34, 13:3
1 Pet:1:11, 4:13, 5:1
It is in love that the Body edifies and heals itself.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Hugs & Kisses
I Hugs
A hug is a time for intimate embrace
Heart to heart and face to face
The Words we speak are the threads God seeks
To knit our hearts together with
As we draw near one to another
As each heart ponders the other
Let this prayer be answered
Each and every time we hug
“Oh let your heart now
be knit together with mine in love”
II Kisses
A kiss is an expression of Love’s intent
That our lips would only bless
The one for whom the kiss is meant
All that passes through our lips
All words and all speech
Will only bless, edify and nourish
The one who’s ears they reach
As our hearts are knit together
Make this prayer your goal –
“Oh may my words be as a kiss upon your soul”
“Nothing I say will taste bitter in your heart
but sweet water only will my tongue impart”
Remember now this saying found in Holy Writ –
“Let us greet one another brethren,
with a Holy Kiss…” Jam:3:11
A hug is a time for intimate embrace
Heart to heart and face to face
The Words we speak are the threads God seeks
To knit our hearts together with
As we draw near one to another
As each heart ponders the other
Let this prayer be answered
Each and every time we hug
“Oh let your heart now
be knit together with mine in love”
II Kisses
A kiss is an expression of Love’s intent
That our lips would only bless
The one for whom the kiss is meant
All that passes through our lips
All words and all speech
Will only bless, edify and nourish
The one who’s ears they reach
As our hearts are knit together
Make this prayer your goal –
“Oh may my words be as a kiss upon your soul”
“Nothing I say will taste bitter in your heart
but sweet water only will my tongue impart”
Remember now this saying found in Holy Writ –
“Let us greet one another brethren,
with a Holy Kiss…” Jam:3:11
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To see their need and not lend a hand
To hear their cry and not take a stand
To feel their pain and not answer the call
To know their shame and do nothing at all
Oh this is the ministry of the Pharisee
It’s alive and well in the world today
So guard your heart carefully
Make sure it’s Jesus who is ministering
To put burdens on men that they can’t bear
Void of love yet to God you swear
To prevent men from entering in
And leave them suffering in their sin
Oh this is the ministry of the Pharisee
It’s alive and well in the Church today
So guard your heart carefully
Make sure it’s Jesus you are ministering
Religious spirit – constantly pointing out the faults of others
Yet never able to see your own
Consistently keeping men from approaching His Throne
Oh my friend put down your stone
And go home.
To hear their cry and not take a stand
To feel their pain and not answer the call
To know their shame and do nothing at all
Oh this is the ministry of the Pharisee
It’s alive and well in the world today
So guard your heart carefully
Make sure it’s Jesus who is ministering
To put burdens on men that they can’t bear
Void of love yet to God you swear
To prevent men from entering in
And leave them suffering in their sin
Oh this is the ministry of the Pharisee
It’s alive and well in the Church today
So guard your heart carefully
Make sure it’s Jesus you are ministering
Religious spirit – constantly pointing out the faults of others
Yet never able to see your own
Consistently keeping men from approaching His Throne
Oh my friend put down your stone
And go home.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Preventive Medicine
Don’t wait till I sneeze to bless me
Don’t wait till I bleed to tend to my wounds
Don’t wait till I’m dead to resurrect me
Must I fall sick for a visit from you?
Must there be an emergency?
Must there be some urgency for your love to shine through?
Can’t I have your visit when there’s no reason to visit at all?
Can’t love compel our friendship to go beyond those in the fall?
Can’t I have your friendship without having to call?
Preventive Spiritual Medicine
Is what the Body needs
To esteem the other more highly
And each other’s souls to feed
To Love unfeigned – Love fervently
This is our Joy – this is our key
To prevent sickness and disunity
From destroying the Body
The other’s burdens we carry
Too often we wait till it’s almost too late
And our brother’s fallen away
Let us look to the other
Let us love one another
That the Body will no longer know shame
2 Cor:6:6
Don’t wait till I bleed to tend to my wounds
Don’t wait till I’m dead to resurrect me
Must I fall sick for a visit from you?
Must there be an emergency?
Must there be some urgency for your love to shine through?
Can’t I have your visit when there’s no reason to visit at all?
Can’t love compel our friendship to go beyond those in the fall?
Can’t I have your friendship without having to call?
Preventive Spiritual Medicine
Is what the Body needs
To esteem the other more highly
And each other’s souls to feed
To Love unfeigned – Love fervently
This is our Joy – this is our key
To prevent sickness and disunity
From destroying the Body
The other’s burdens we carry
Too often we wait till it’s almost too late
And our brother’s fallen away
Let us look to the other
Let us love one another
That the Body will no longer know shame
2 Cor:6:6
Friday, June 18, 2010
We’re in the end time Battle of magnificent proportions
We’re finished with the enemy’s distortions
Mighty victory over Babylon is our portion
The hour of Babylon’s fall is near
Rejoice you Holy Apostles and Prophets
And all those who hear
Rejoice you Saints – born of God
All those who fear
The God of Eternity delivers us and sets us completely free
The cleansing of this world I see I see
God of Mercy, God of Grace,
Bring us nearer face to face
One with You in Holiness
All our sins we do confess
Free us all from Babylon
Your Kingdom, Yahweh, alone goes on
and on
and on
We’re finished with the enemy’s distortions
Mighty victory over Babylon is our portion
The hour of Babylon’s fall is near
Rejoice you Holy Apostles and Prophets
And all those who hear
Rejoice you Saints – born of God
All those who fear
The God of Eternity delivers us and sets us completely free
The cleansing of this world I see I see
God of Mercy, God of Grace,
Bring us nearer face to face
One with You in Holiness
All our sins we do confess
Free us all from Babylon
Your Kingdom, Yahweh, alone goes on
and on
and on
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Wonder outweighs the weariness
The Joy outlasts the pain
If we don’t give in and we don’t give up
Heaven will be our gain
We’re safely in His Name
Daily we must pay the price
Daily we must sacrifice
If daily we want to live the life
Of Victory in Christ
Give your heart to Jesus, every day
Serve Him and please Him in every way
And as you travel through,
This I would ask –
Is Jesus pleased with you?
1 Cor:15:31
I am so ashamed to complain
about all the trivial things
that I consider worthy of Your Name
When so many saints
the world over have true complaints
So many have truly suffered pain
While I’m upset if my lunch is cold or late
Or I didn’t get a good enough parking space
I have no idea what suffering means
but You do, Lord
May I be privileged someday to join in suffering for Your Word
Suffering for You
I’m so spoiled
while so many of my brethren
the world over are seemingly the enemies spoils
but I know Lord, their reward is great
Let me join in the fellowship of Your sufferings before it’s too late
For when I suffer for You
Then I am comforted too
By You, Jesus, by You
May I leave the comfort of the ninety-nine
To rescue just one lost brother of mine
The Joy outlasts the pain
If we don’t give in and we don’t give up
Heaven will be our gain
We’re safely in His Name
Daily we must pay the price
Daily we must sacrifice
If daily we want to live the life
Of Victory in Christ
Give your heart to Jesus, every day
Serve Him and please Him in every way
And as you travel through,
This I would ask –
Is Jesus pleased with you?
1 Cor:15:31
I am so ashamed to complain
about all the trivial things
that I consider worthy of Your Name
When so many saints
the world over have true complaints
So many have truly suffered pain
While I’m upset if my lunch is cold or late
Or I didn’t get a good enough parking space
I have no idea what suffering means
but You do, Lord
May I be privileged someday to join in suffering for Your Word
Suffering for You
I’m so spoiled
while so many of my brethren
the world over are seemingly the enemies spoils
but I know Lord, their reward is great
Let me join in the fellowship of Your sufferings before it’s too late
For when I suffer for You
Then I am comforted too
By You, Jesus, by You
May I leave the comfort of the ninety-nine
To rescue just one lost brother of mine
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ungodly ambitions
preventing transitions
Unwarranted competitions
Sinful repetitions
Keeping Holy renditions
From God’s proposition
To give us a mission
To start us a fishin’
No longer just wishin’
But occupying a new position
Though satan may be hissin’
Forever he’ll be missin’
Every soul God’s hitchin’
To His prophetic predictions
So make your decision
To obey God’s vision
For all that He’s given
So you’ll be livin’
And all will be rivin’
That keeps us hidden
From the keys to our prison.
He created the Cross on which He was hung
He created every Nation, Tribe and Tongue
He created you and I and everyone
All so the Father could give pleasure to the Son
preventing transitions
Unwarranted competitions
Sinful repetitions
Keeping Holy renditions
From God’s proposition
To give us a mission
To start us a fishin’
No longer just wishin’
But occupying a new position
Though satan may be hissin’
Forever he’ll be missin’
Every soul God’s hitchin’
To His prophetic predictions
So make your decision
To obey God’s vision
For all that He’s given
So you’ll be livin’
And all will be rivin’
That keeps us hidden
From the keys to our prison.
He created the Cross on which He was hung
He created every Nation, Tribe and Tongue
He created you and I and everyone
All so the Father could give pleasure to the Son
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
And This Love,...
Praise The Lord, The Lord on High
For He is Gracious, our hearts cry
This is the portion of those who are wise –
To shine forever as the stars in the skies
For all things that are
Are for God’s pleasure made
And all that is born of and continues in Love, will never fade
To spare none the Love that our God has shown us
Is our duty, is our privilege, is our sacred Trust
And this Love
Will overcome all the evil ones
And this Love
Will outlast all that the enemy’s done
And this Love
When our broken hearts are humbled enough to receive it
Will bind us together in Christ forever
No we will never have to leave it
How could love not go and prepare a place for us?
How could love not fully extend His Grace to us?
How could love not give us all He had to give?
That He might reach us, that He might teach us, how to truly live?
The Love of The Father is the only love totally pure and true
The Love of Our Father is what Jesus shed
When the Cross turned that crimson hue
The Love of The Father has brought these words
At this very moment to you
And this Love…
For He is Gracious, our hearts cry
This is the portion of those who are wise –
To shine forever as the stars in the skies
For all things that are
Are for God’s pleasure made
And all that is born of and continues in Love, will never fade
To spare none the Love that our God has shown us
Is our duty, is our privilege, is our sacred Trust
And this Love
Will overcome all the evil ones
And this Love
Will outlast all that the enemy’s done
And this Love
When our broken hearts are humbled enough to receive it
Will bind us together in Christ forever
No we will never have to leave it
How could love not go and prepare a place for us?
How could love not fully extend His Grace to us?
How could love not give us all He had to give?
That He might reach us, that He might teach us, how to truly live?
The Love of The Father is the only love totally pure and true
The Love of Our Father is what Jesus shed
When the Cross turned that crimson hue
The Love of The Father has brought these words
At this very moment to you
And this Love…
Monday, June 14, 2010
Oh my fellow Saints in the Army of God most High
Know you of a Truth – you are on the winning side!
Yet you must hear by the Spirit the sound of the Trumpet’s cry
And when you hear it blowing this fact you should be knowing
Oh my people – it’s time to get going!
Don’t sit still when it’s time to march forth
Advance. Go forward. Stay the Course.
Always you have but one simple choice –
Say yea or nay when you hear His voice.
Go my people – rise up from your beds
Obey what the Captain of the Host says
You are the only ones on earth Spirit led
And you are the ones that fill My enemies with dread!
Arise and be doing!
Arise and sing!
Go forth and conquer! Take flight, take wing!
Stand tall! Shine bright!
You are mighty in My sight!
My Holy Warrior Bride!
For you I am filled with Pride!
Quickly now come to My side!
Mar :16 :15
Jos :1 :9
1 Chr :22 :19
Know you of a Truth – you are on the winning side!
Yet you must hear by the Spirit the sound of the Trumpet’s cry
And when you hear it blowing this fact you should be knowing
Oh my people – it’s time to get going!
Don’t sit still when it’s time to march forth
Advance. Go forward. Stay the Course.
Always you have but one simple choice –
Say yea or nay when you hear His voice.
Go my people – rise up from your beds
Obey what the Captain of the Host says
You are the only ones on earth Spirit led
And you are the ones that fill My enemies with dread!
Arise and be doing!
Arise and sing!
Go forth and conquer! Take flight, take wing!
Stand tall! Shine bright!
You are mighty in My sight!
My Holy Warrior Bride!
For you I am filled with Pride!
Quickly now come to My side!
Mar :16 :15
Jos :1 :9
1 Chr :22 :19
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Tomb became a Womb
They lay the Crown upon His head
For me His brow bled
They nailed the nails into His hands
For me He died the Son of Man
They nailed the nail into His feet
For me His heart ceased to beat
They took the spear and pierced His side
Blood and water flowed for me His Bride
They lay His body in a tomb
For me the tomb became a womb!
Oh the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now made room for me!
Now life is in full bloom for me!
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
What once was a place of darkness
Has become a place of light
What once was a place of death
Has become a place of life
What was once a place of blindness
Has become a place of sight
All that was wrong has now been made right!
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now a room in me!
Now life is in full bloom in me
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
I became a new creation that night in the Tomb
That night He was raised, I was raised too
Let men rejoice, oh let them see –
The power of His Resurrection lives in me!
So don’t look for my Lord in the tomb
And don’t look for Him on the tree
If you’re looking for Him look no further
For by His Spirit He dwells in me!
I will praise Thee oh my God!
I will worship You this Day!
For truly I am fearfully
And wonderfully I am made!
For within that Body, within that Tomb
Wherein my Salvation lay
Was found all that I am
And ever will be –
My spiritual DNA!
Thank You Lord, for without You I could not even be made!
Thank You that the Tomb became a Womb for me!
There is nothing You wouldn’t do for me
When You raised Jesus, you raised me
That night the tomb became a womb for me.
Oh what Joy!
The Day has finally come!
Oh what Joy!
Our travailing is done!
He is here at last!
The wickedness is past!
We waited for the trumpet sound
But He was nowhere to be found
We longed for His return
Oh how our hearts burned!
Oh what Joy! What Joy!
Our Lord has returned,
Just as He said –
Now every believer is raised from the dead!
We are caught up to meet Him in the air
Just as He promised He’d meet us there!
Never again to know sorrow or despair
Eternal life is our tomorrow
The antithesis of the poem from May 2nd .
For me His brow bled
They nailed the nails into His hands
For me He died the Son of Man
They nailed the nail into His feet
For me His heart ceased to beat
They took the spear and pierced His side
Blood and water flowed for me His Bride
They lay His body in a tomb
For me the tomb became a womb!
Oh the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now made room for me!
Now life is in full bloom for me!
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
What once was a place of darkness
Has become a place of light
What once was a place of death
Has become a place of life
What was once a place of blindness
Has become a place of sight
All that was wrong has now been made right!
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now a room in me!
Now life is in full bloom in me
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
I became a new creation that night in the Tomb
That night He was raised, I was raised too
Let men rejoice, oh let them see –
The power of His Resurrection lives in me!
So don’t look for my Lord in the tomb
And don’t look for Him on the tree
If you’re looking for Him look no further
For by His Spirit He dwells in me!
I will praise Thee oh my God!
I will worship You this Day!
For truly I am fearfully
And wonderfully I am made!
For within that Body, within that Tomb
Wherein my Salvation lay
Was found all that I am
And ever will be –
My spiritual DNA!
Thank You Lord, for without You I could not even be made!
Thank You that the Tomb became a Womb for me!
There is nothing You wouldn’t do for me
When You raised Jesus, you raised me
That night the tomb became a womb for me.
Oh what Joy!
The Day has finally come!
Oh what Joy!
Our travailing is done!
He is here at last!
The wickedness is past!
We waited for the trumpet sound
But He was nowhere to be found
We longed for His return
Oh how our hearts burned!
Oh what Joy! What Joy!
Our Lord has returned,
Just as He said –
Now every believer is raised from the dead!
We are caught up to meet Him in the air
Just as He promised He’d meet us there!
Never again to know sorrow or despair
Eternal life is our tomorrow
The antithesis of the poem from May 2nd .
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Heart to know God
You have a heart to know God
You are tender to His love
So many times you’ve tried to hide it
but it’s Him you’re thinking of
You have a heart full of Love
You have a heart that’s touched by Heaven above
And though your words they can’t express it
You’re not sure how to address it
With God you are in love
You take care for your brother
You seek the needs of others
Now receive His gift of love
Jesus Christ – sent from above
To redeem you from sin
That forever you may live with Him
His blood was shed for you
There is no other way, nothing else will do
Be born-again this hour
And by His Spirit you’ll know power
You have a heart to know God
So tender a heart to know God
Don’t let your mind keep you apart
Just let go and follow your heart
Your heart to know God…
You are tender to His love
So many times you’ve tried to hide it
but it’s Him you’re thinking of
You have a heart full of Love
You have a heart that’s touched by Heaven above
And though your words they can’t express it
You’re not sure how to address it
With God you are in love
You take care for your brother
You seek the needs of others
Now receive His gift of love
Jesus Christ – sent from above
To redeem you from sin
That forever you may live with Him
His blood was shed for you
There is no other way, nothing else will do
Be born-again this hour
And by His Spirit you’ll know power
You have a heart to know God
So tender a heart to know God
Don’t let your mind keep you apart
Just let go and follow your heart
Your heart to know God…
Friday, June 11, 2010
Don’t lock up your hurts deep inside
From your peers don’t try to hide
God sees your pain through these eyes
Don’t think that no one understands
God lived this life even as a man
And He touches still through these hands
Don’t disbelieve a brand new start
For His life to you God now imparts
And He loves you friend through my heart
Don’t cry in the night and think no one hears
Don’t ever think no one counts your tears
God is listening even now through these ears
From your peers don’t try to hide
God sees your pain through these eyes
Don’t think that no one understands
God lived this life even as a man
And He touches still through these hands
Don’t disbelieve a brand new start
For His life to you God now imparts
And He loves you friend through my heart
Don’t cry in the night and think no one hears
Don’t ever think no one counts your tears
God is listening even now through these ears
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Heart of Mine
The movements of my heart
are directed by my God
pulling my heart-strings
in the direction He wants me to love
The people He wants me to meet
The places He wants me to go
All will pass by my door
as I’m swept on by His life-giving flow
The River gets deeper
as these days grow old
cleansing us, healing us, helping us
to know –
It will be alright
at the end of time
because His love never grows cold
oh heart of mine
His love never grows cold
oh heart of mine,
heart of mine.
are directed by my God
pulling my heart-strings
in the direction He wants me to love
The people He wants me to meet
The places He wants me to go
All will pass by my door
as I’m swept on by His life-giving flow
The River gets deeper
as these days grow old
cleansing us, healing us, helping us
to know –
It will be alright
at the end of time
because His love never grows cold
oh heart of mine
His love never grows cold
oh heart of mine,
heart of mine.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Love will catch you (when you fall)
Ever since Adam’s heart first beat
Your love for man – it’s been so sweet.
Truly You love us.
You desired to create our human race still
Though You knew men would with hate be filled.
Truly You love us!
Christ Jesus, our precious connection
To our Holy Father – such wonderful affection
has reached farther than love has ever reached before.
One day You arrived at a strange and distant shore,
to rescue us, to be to us an open door,
to prove to Your world though we’ve forsook You one and all,
that yes Lord, You are Love and
You have caught us in our fall.
So my desire Jesus, is by Your Spirit to conceive
With Your seed Lord, planted deeply within me
but first I must trust and in this I must believe –
Truly You love me!
Now come oh my Lord, You are my pursuit!
Let me bear Your seed that Your house I may fill with fruit
Fruit of Your Spirit, full of Your sweet juice
Oh Father that Your Kingdom may echo anew
With the sound of Your children rejoicing in You!
Truly Lord, we love You!
In the cool of the day,
In a thousand tiny ways,
May Thy second Adam’s seed,
The souls that You have freed,
Serve You in Word and in Deed.
May those lonely garden paths
Know the weight of many feet
Daily as we walk with You
Daily as we talk with You,
In us may Your Joy be complete.
Have Your way once again,
You have caught us dearest Friend,
You have caught us in our fall,
Love has won after all.
Your love for man – it’s been so sweet.
Truly You love us.
You desired to create our human race still
Though You knew men would with hate be filled.
Truly You love us!
Christ Jesus, our precious connection
To our Holy Father – such wonderful affection
has reached farther than love has ever reached before.
One day You arrived at a strange and distant shore,
to rescue us, to be to us an open door,
to prove to Your world though we’ve forsook You one and all,
that yes Lord, You are Love and
You have caught us in our fall.
So my desire Jesus, is by Your Spirit to conceive
With Your seed Lord, planted deeply within me
but first I must trust and in this I must believe –
Truly You love me!
Now come oh my Lord, You are my pursuit!
Let me bear Your seed that Your house I may fill with fruit
Fruit of Your Spirit, full of Your sweet juice
Oh Father that Your Kingdom may echo anew
With the sound of Your children rejoicing in You!
Truly Lord, we love You!
In the cool of the day,
In a thousand tiny ways,
May Thy second Adam’s seed,
The souls that You have freed,
Serve You in Word and in Deed.
May those lonely garden paths
Know the weight of many feet
Daily as we walk with You
Daily as we talk with You,
In us may Your Joy be complete.
Have Your way once again,
You have caught us dearest Friend,
You have caught us in our fall,
Love has won after all.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Higher Cause
Some lives can be so selfishly
spent on mediocrity
How unkind to spend my time
on me, myself and I
If we look back
When our Life’s through
And find we’ve lacked
This simple Truth –
That it is better to give than to receive
Affects how we’ll spend Eternity
But if we’ll give our lives away
We’ll get them back again one day
Don’t wait till it’s too late
To decide your fate
Decide right now to take pause
And give the rest of your life to
A Higher Cause
The Cause of Christ – the way of the Cross
To count in this life all things as lost
That you might gain Eternity
With Christ our Lord (and me)
spent on mediocrity
How unkind to spend my time
on me, myself and I
If we look back
When our Life’s through
And find we’ve lacked
This simple Truth –
That it is better to give than to receive
Affects how we’ll spend Eternity
But if we’ll give our lives away
We’ll get them back again one day
Don’t wait till it’s too late
To decide your fate
Decide right now to take pause
And give the rest of your life to
A Higher Cause
The Cause of Christ – the way of the Cross
To count in this life all things as lost
That you might gain Eternity
With Christ our Lord (and me)
Monday, June 7, 2010
When the storms of life arise
and the wind seems set to resist you
There are trials and tribulations
that you must persist through
Set your heart and mind to be steadfast at all times
Banish all thoughts of turning aside
And then
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem
Yes, let nothing come between you
and the Destiny God has called you to
To forever dwell with Him
in the New Jerusalem
When all seems hopeless, when all seems lost –
remember you’ve already counted the cost
And nothing in this world compares
to the Glory you’ll taste when you get there
Well you know that God is your best friend
So endure this race until the end
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem
As Jesus went to the old Jerusalem (representing the flesh, the old man), to die, so are we going to the New Jerusalem (representing the Spirit, the new man), to live!
and the wind seems set to resist you
There are trials and tribulations
that you must persist through
Set your heart and mind to be steadfast at all times
Banish all thoughts of turning aside
And then
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem
Yes, let nothing come between you
and the Destiny God has called you to
To forever dwell with Him
in the New Jerusalem
When all seems hopeless, when all seems lost –
remember you’ve already counted the cost
And nothing in this world compares
to the Glory you’ll taste when you get there
Well you know that God is your best friend
So endure this race until the end
Set your face like flint
Toward the New Jerusalem
As Jesus went to the old Jerusalem (representing the flesh, the old man), to die, so are we going to the New Jerusalem (representing the Spirit, the new man), to live!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Live for The Lord
and not for yourself
Like a kernel of wheat
must break forth from it’s shell
Die to the Lie
then drink deep from the Well
of His Presence
springing up within you
Then others that thirst
may drink deeply, too
Then you will be
a source of Peace in troubled times
And as the stars in the Heavens
Forever you will shine…
“If you say you are better than someone else, you become worse than they are”
and not for yourself
Like a kernel of wheat
must break forth from it’s shell
Die to the Lie
then drink deep from the Well
of His Presence
springing up within you
Then others that thirst
may drink deeply, too
Then you will be
a source of Peace in troubled times
And as the stars in the Heavens
Forever you will shine…
“If you say you are better than someone else, you become worse than they are”
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Love Makes Room
Thanksgiving found a lonely man
Far from home – his native land
A former Muslim his entire life
He had recently embraced Christ
He had no friends or family
His wife left him because he believed
But when I asked them to invite him to our Thanksgiving table
The answer was no, we’re just not able
We’re not able to share our hearts and our home
On this Thanksgiving you’ll remain alone
It’s just too crowded at our house you see
We just can’t fit one more mouth to feed
Thank God in Heaven He’s not the same way
There’s always room at His Table for those who seek Him today
Unlike those who by self are consumed
Love forever and always makes room
Love makes Room! Oh Yes! LOVE MAKES ROOM!
There’s never a time or moment when He’s not there for you
Behold I go and a place I prepare for you
And I will prepare you for this place,
To meet Me face to face – Love makes Room!
Oh yes! Love makes room!
You can count on Him to let you in
And free you forever from the bondage of sin
Just in case you’re wondering – God’s given you His best!
Love makes room (we’re no longer homeless)
Love makes room (come to Jesus and find your rest)
Love makes room (oh we are so blessed)
Love makes room, oh yes, Love makes Room!
“Be careful to entertain strangers”
“Some people go through life
while others, life goes through them”
Father, I’m Your son
From You I’ll no longer run
I’m tired of this pig swill
My belly, my heart long to be filled
With the food found only at Your table
If I be but a servant in Your stable
Please Father, take me in again
Deliver me from my so called “friends”
I no longer wish the path of sin
As I approach You from afar off, what’s this I see?
Oh Father, Oh Father, You are running to me?
Oh thank You Father, thank You! Forgive my insanity
It’s with You my Father I wish to be.
Far from home – his native land
A former Muslim his entire life
He had recently embraced Christ
He had no friends or family
His wife left him because he believed
But when I asked them to invite him to our Thanksgiving table
The answer was no, we’re just not able
We’re not able to share our hearts and our home
On this Thanksgiving you’ll remain alone
It’s just too crowded at our house you see
We just can’t fit one more mouth to feed
Thank God in Heaven He’s not the same way
There’s always room at His Table for those who seek Him today
Unlike those who by self are consumed
Love forever and always makes room
Love makes Room! Oh Yes! LOVE MAKES ROOM!
There’s never a time or moment when He’s not there for you
Behold I go and a place I prepare for you
And I will prepare you for this place,
To meet Me face to face – Love makes Room!
Oh yes! Love makes room!
You can count on Him to let you in
And free you forever from the bondage of sin
Just in case you’re wondering – God’s given you His best!
Love makes room (we’re no longer homeless)
Love makes room (come to Jesus and find your rest)
Love makes room (oh we are so blessed)
Love makes room, oh yes, Love makes Room!
“Be careful to entertain strangers”
“Some people go through life
while others, life goes through them”
Father, I’m Your son
From You I’ll no longer run
I’m tired of this pig swill
My belly, my heart long to be filled
With the food found only at Your table
If I be but a servant in Your stable
Please Father, take me in again
Deliver me from my so called “friends”
I no longer wish the path of sin
As I approach You from afar off, what’s this I see?
Oh Father, Oh Father, You are running to me?
Oh thank You Father, thank You! Forgive my insanity
It’s with You my Father I wish to be.
Friday, June 4, 2010
We are wanted, we are pursued
We are loved our whole lives through
We are desired, we are sought
If we’ll humble ourselves then we’ll be caught
Then all our sin will come to naught
For it would become us (one and all)
To let Love overcome us (hear His call)
Hear His cry oh hear His plea
Open the eyes of your heart and see
God loves you and He loves me
And He wants us to become family
And be close to Him through Eternity
God’s heart has always desired a family. He’s a family man! He loves and blesses families and wants us all to be a part of His family forever. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God! As Jesus proudly declared Himself to be the “Son of Man” so may we now declare ourselves to be “Sons of God”!
We are loved our whole lives through
We are desired, we are sought
If we’ll humble ourselves then we’ll be caught
Then all our sin will come to naught
For it would become us (one and all)
To let Love overcome us (hear His call)
Hear His cry oh hear His plea
Open the eyes of your heart and see
God loves you and He loves me
And He wants us to become family
And be close to Him through Eternity
God’s heart has always desired a family. He’s a family man! He loves and blesses families and wants us all to be a part of His family forever. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God! As Jesus proudly declared Himself to be the “Son of Man” so may we now declare ourselves to be “Sons of God”!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Blessing in Disguise
Sometimes if you’ll look through God’s eyes
You might just find a Blessing in Disguise
Yes if you’ll look with your heart and not your eyes
You just might realize a blessing in disguise.
There we were on the road to Emmaus
We were hurting and thinking our God had betrayed us
But a wonderful thing happened to us on that road
As a stranger joined us – He began to lighten our load
Our hearts burned within us as He began to speak
And He shared with us about the Christ in whom we’d come to believe
(of whom our hearts did seek)
But it wasn’t until we had supped with Him
And we had broken bread
That we realized He was our Lord – Risen from the dead!
So Jesus showed us a simple Truth
In which we’ve come to trust –
That when all is said, that when all is done
This is why He came and died and why He lives today –
To walk with us and to talk with us in loving harmony
So if you feel your heart burning deep inside
It just might be, The Lord you see, A BLESSING IN DISGUISE!
For some of us, Jesus will appear to us in a form we don’t recognize. If we’re a Baptist, he might come to us in the form of a Pentecostal. If we’re a Pentecostal, He might appear as a Baptist. Or as a Jew. If we don’t believe in Apostles or Prophets today, He might just appear as one of these. In any case, we must be willing to sup with each other in order to see the Christ in one another. We must be willing to walk and talk together or we won’t be able to “discern the Body”, a primary goal of communion.
You might just find a Blessing in Disguise
Yes if you’ll look with your heart and not your eyes
You just might realize a blessing in disguise.
There we were on the road to Emmaus
We were hurting and thinking our God had betrayed us
But a wonderful thing happened to us on that road
As a stranger joined us – He began to lighten our load
Our hearts burned within us as He began to speak
And He shared with us about the Christ in whom we’d come to believe
(of whom our hearts did seek)
But it wasn’t until we had supped with Him
And we had broken bread
That we realized He was our Lord – Risen from the dead!
So Jesus showed us a simple Truth
In which we’ve come to trust –
That when all is said, that when all is done
This is why He came and died and why He lives today –
To walk with us and to talk with us in loving harmony
So if you feel your heart burning deep inside
It just might be, The Lord you see, A BLESSING IN DISGUISE!
For some of us, Jesus will appear to us in a form we don’t recognize. If we’re a Baptist, he might come to us in the form of a Pentecostal. If we’re a Pentecostal, He might appear as a Baptist. Or as a Jew. If we don’t believe in Apostles or Prophets today, He might just appear as one of these. In any case, we must be willing to sup with each other in order to see the Christ in one another. We must be willing to walk and talk together or we won’t be able to “discern the Body”, a primary goal of communion.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
You're a Miracle
O you’re a Miracle of great worth!
You have been ever since your birth –
A Miracle of great worth!
For a Miracle is something that only God can do
and a Miracle is what He performed when He created you!
For you He did pre-destinate
For you He did foreknew
For you He took such loving care
When He formed you in the womb
You are a Miracle – designed by God in intimate detail
And I know the plans that He has for you will never, ever fail
You are not just here by chance
Your life is not just happenstance
God wouldn’t waste His time and the effort that He gave
In seeing you so beautifully and so wonderfully made
Only to lose you now to death, hell and the grave
No, He hasn’t abandoned nor forsaken you
No His plans for you are great!
For in the end they will have taken you
All the way home to the pearly gate
To a mansion made for you in the New Jerusalem
For you are A Miracle of great worth
You have been ever since your birth –
PS: Happy Birthday TJ! Heb:13:5
You have been ever since your birth –
A Miracle of great worth!
For a Miracle is something that only God can do
and a Miracle is what He performed when He created you!
For you He did pre-destinate
For you He did foreknew
For you He took such loving care
When He formed you in the womb
You are a Miracle – designed by God in intimate detail
And I know the plans that He has for you will never, ever fail
You are not just here by chance
Your life is not just happenstance
God wouldn’t waste His time and the effort that He gave
In seeing you so beautifully and so wonderfully made
Only to lose you now to death, hell and the grave
No, He hasn’t abandoned nor forsaken you
No His plans for you are great!
For in the end they will have taken you
All the way home to the pearly gate
To a mansion made for you in the New Jerusalem
For you are A Miracle of great worth
You have been ever since your birth –
PS: Happy Birthday TJ! Heb:13:5
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Beleaguered, battered and broken and torn
Scattered and shattered, ridiculed and scorned
Attacked and berated and wanting our death
Though all forsake us, still we will confess –
You my Father are Faithful and True
You my Father will carry me through
Though I’m imperfect and fail time after time
You’ll never stop holding this weak heart of mine
Forever our hearts will be intertwined
You’ll love me and keep me though no one else will
I’ll rest in my knowledge of You
and be still….
2 Cor:12:15
When God says “Be still and know that I am God” it’s sometimes because He has us on an operating table – the altar of His Will, and during surgery we must be very still…. At other times it’s because He’s invited us to abide under His shadow, beneath His skirts (see Eze:16:8), as His lover, like Boaz covered Ruth when she lay still before him. Be still and know me as a wife knows her husband. If we don’t enter into this place of intimacy with Him, He’ll one day say “depart from Me, I never knew you”. He “Knows” all of us with His head but does He know us, does He have us, in His heart? Are we intimate with Him? This is why He speaks to us with a “still, small voice”, a whisper in other words, because we can only hear a whisper by being close to the one who is whispering!
Scattered and shattered, ridiculed and scorned
Attacked and berated and wanting our death
Though all forsake us, still we will confess –
You my Father are Faithful and True
You my Father will carry me through
Though I’m imperfect and fail time after time
You’ll never stop holding this weak heart of mine
Forever our hearts will be intertwined
You’ll love me and keep me though no one else will
I’ll rest in my knowledge of You
and be still….
2 Cor:12:15
When God says “Be still and know that I am God” it’s sometimes because He has us on an operating table – the altar of His Will, and during surgery we must be very still…. At other times it’s because He’s invited us to abide under His shadow, beneath His skirts (see Eze:16:8), as His lover, like Boaz covered Ruth when she lay still before him. Be still and know me as a wife knows her husband. If we don’t enter into this place of intimacy with Him, He’ll one day say “depart from Me, I never knew you”. He “Knows” all of us with His head but does He know us, does He have us, in His heart? Are we intimate with Him? This is why He speaks to us with a “still, small voice”, a whisper in other words, because we can only hear a whisper by being close to the one who is whispering!
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Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches? Answer: Because they don't believe in them...
The following is based on the original 1971 movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" - MANY are about to find their "G...
Ever since Adam’s heart first beat Your love for man – it’s been so sweet. Truly You love us. You desired to create our human race still Tho...
I don't want to be famous on earth. I do want to be famous in Heaven. I want my Jesus to be famous on earth for something other than be...