Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Last Call

So there I was in that run down bar
Hard to imagine I’d fallen so far
Just stickin’ my face in a bottle of Gin
Doin’ my best not to look within
There was Linda the barmaid just takin’ care of business
There was Leroy and Bob and a dog named Jes
There was a trucker with a name I can’t remember who
It don’t matter anyway, he was just passin’ through
There was a couple of guys shootin’ pool in the back
And there was a guy hittin’ on Linda said his name was Jack
There was a guy passed out, hey it was a quarter to three
There was two navy guys and, oh yea, there was me
Then I looked up and saw the strangest sight
There was a guy standin’ there dressed all in white
I said hey dude, I ain’t seen you in here tonight!
That’s when he said the words I’ll remember for the rest of my life - He said –

Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the Fall!
Last Call, people of earth,

He said there’s a wine that makes glad
Both the heart of God and man
It’s the blood of Jesus poured outside of Jerusalem
And this is your last chance to enter in
C’mon won’t you surrender, give up your sin?
He said –

Last Call! Last Call!
To enter into Life Eternal!
Last Call! Last Call!
For the Blood of the Lamb
To redeem you from the fall!
Repent or perish for this is

I made up my mind right there and then
No more puttin’ off such an important decision
I repent Lord of living in sin
If You’ll have me Lord, please live within
And right there, and right then, I was born-again
And how about you friend?
What if this was your last chance to enter in?
No man knows the day or the hour
He’ll have to face the Highest Power
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess
Him as Lord eventually, if this was your last call
What would your answer be?
What you decide now could haunt you for Eternity
Will you enter in or go home unclean?
Now is the time for your salvation
Don’t put it off another minute
This could be, oh hear it, your

Last Call! Last Call!
To enter Life Eternal!
To receive the Blood of Jesus
To rise up from the fall
Last Call, my friend, Last Call!

Post Script –

I lifted my head from that simple prayer
Only to see everyone’s stare
Linda, Leroy, didn’t ya’ll see him too?
The man dressed in white, he stood right next to you!
They only shook their heads like I was crazy
They’d seen no man in white a talkin’ to me
I was the only one that night who got set free
I was the only one who’s blind eyes now see
Crazy drunk they said, he’s only babbling…


Our Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.

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