Sunday, January 22, 2023

 Part two

Every denomination,  indeed every church,  believes their doctrines are correct.  Some beliefs are common to all but even these, if declared from a place of pride,  avail them little, indeed will blind them to The Truth, because once they've declared they know - they can't be taught anymore on any given subject, and if the Truth disagrees with what they believe is the truth, they'll call the Truth a lie and cast it out of their understanding  -  refusing to fellowship with, commune with, the truth, instead casting it out from their presence and ultimately crucifying it. And if true disciples of truth, followers of truth, try to speak truth to them -  they'll stone them, with their words, casting fiery darts at them, hoping to put the truth to death yet again. 

Where is the hope? The path for those who desire to know The Truth, Jesus himself? Not what we desire to be true, in our own "eyes of the understanding", no, we cast all we think is right or good at his feet and we declare we are bereft of goodness, of righteousness,  of understanding  -  and we put all our faith in Him -  our Lord and Savior-  OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.  We say to the Father -  by our very lives, our deeds, not only our words -  

                                     Jesus is my righteousness-  may i have entrance into Your presence Father because Jesus, Yeshua, has invited me there. I am not good. I am not holy, without my Jesus. His righteousness is mine and my sin is His and another i will not follow. I love you Father as Jesus loves you and i welcome your Holy Spirit's fellowship both now and forever.

Our "statement of beliefs" is constantly expanding as our understanding deepens. Not changing, but deepening.  We are never limited to what we believe now, no more than a baby is. If a five year old were to declare in a written statement "this is what i know and believe about this (fill in the blank) subject" and he sealed it and refused to add to it as he grows, that would be ludicrous. Yes, what we believe at five may be true -  from a five year old's perspective,  but as he grows his perspective grows with him, hopefully.  Yet, people get some understanding and dance around it, sing about it, camp around it -  celebrate it -  and build an entire denomination around it -  refusing to hear anyone else teach "truth", including the Holy Spirit.  Why? In a word -  Pride. If truth is a person than to know truth, with our hearts not just minds, we must know Him. And follow Him. And love Him. And obey Him. Truth is absolute.  Unwavering,  unchangeable-  but our understanding may change as our relationship with him changes, grows, matures. WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I SPAKE AS A CHILD, I UNDERSTOOD AS A CHILD, I THOUGHT AS A CHILD: BUT WHEN I BECAME A MAN I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS". 

I put away childish thinking and understanding.  I rejoice in knowing Him -  " rather rejoice that your names are written in Heaven" i do not have wisdom and understanding- i have the Spirit of wisdom and understanding dwelling in me. It is not of me, it is of Him. He gives me words to say and deeds to do in the moment they're needed, all to please the Father. And the Father loves people. This is what it means to come out from under and in the spirit of this world -  pride does not have anything more to do with us. We do not decide what is right or wrong any longer, we look to Christ, we eat of him, not each other. When we eat of him, we eat knowledge and understanding, we eat maturity, we eat miracles.  All we do that is in any way good comes from Him - therefore he shall forever receive all the glory and honor for it. So then, Amen. Selah, friends.

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