Friday, May 24, 2024

The Prodigal Father

My son was so beautiful 
  the day he was born.
I loved him with all my heart
  on that wonderful morn.
I thought I'd always be there  to watch him grow
  and teach him all that he would need to know.
But the world began to call me away  -
  the lusts of my flesh led me astray.
Before I knew it  - there came a day,
   when I left my dear boy to go my own way.

I then took my fill of women and vice.
I drank and I smoked and I didn't think twice.
I had no end of parties and friends 
that is until I had no more money to spend. 
Then all of those women, and all I did know,
  quickly decided that I had to go.
Regret and lonliness became too much to bear,
 I thought of my son  - how I wished I was there!
I longed to return
to the life I had spurned....
Oh how difficult was the lesson I learned!
Oh how I yearned for the wife of my youth  -
and I longed for my son: I'm telling the truth!
Surely they've forgotten me long ago  -
But I ached for them so much I turned for home.
Thoughts of what to say to them raced through my brain.
What could I possibly say? How could I explain?
I'd tell them I'm sorry  - will you please forgive?
I've come to my senses  - now I want to live.
With you, my loved ones  - I'm so ashamed, 
for causing you sorrow, for causing you pain.

When I stepped on the road that led to their door  -
  I dared not hope that they'd love me once more. 

My son saw me first and somehow he knew  -
  He dropped his ball and yelled "DAD, IT'S YOU!"
He ran to me and fell on my neck,
 his tears flowed free, my heart was a wreck...
My tears mixed with his as I held him tight
then I looked up to see such a wonderful sight!
My wife stood there  - a big smile displayed:
"I never lost hope  - each day I prayed.
  I watched and I waited, so patiently, 
    for you to return and come back to me".

"Will you forgive "?
"I already have"
"Now come and live     as husband    and dad"

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