Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 Why can't I believe in what God can do as easily as I believe in what man can do? I take my diabetes medication every day  - twice a day -  really trusting and believing  it can keep my blood sugar level down  - I believe without even thinking about it- it's automatic  - I just accept it and trust in man's ability to heal  - but I cannot or do not believe God will heal me  - how absurd is that? Isn't God infinitely better than man? Are not His ways and His abilities,  far above man's? I should,  as an act of faith, throw away my glasses. I'm extremely near-sighted. I can see less than six inches in front of my face. If I got rid of my glasses,  i couldn't drive or work, cook, lots of other things, unless, of course, God heals me. 

So very many Christians i know  - when they get sick - their first response is: see a doctor. See a man (or woman). Trust in them for healing.  Often, God isn't even considered.  If He is, it's as an afterthought  -  an insurance policy in case the doctor can't do the job. But always  - try the doctor or the hospital, first. Flesh always turns to flesh, for wisdom, for healing,  forvall our Spirit-God can provide  - if we fully submit our flesh to Him. If our spirit ruled over our flesh and not the other way around   - we would exalt God (who is a Spirit) over our flesh. Healing is my bread! It is a partvof the Covenant God made with me! My eye sight should have been healed years ago   - if not for my supreme lack of faith. Will the Son of Man find faith in MY earth when He returns?

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