Sunday, July 14, 2024

 I heard The Lord say to me  -

                                             "Pleasures beyond measure"

My spirit began to leap within me! I began to rejoice.  I immediately thought of Psalm 16:11  - (i could hear Marty Goetz singing "at Thy right hand are pleasures  - pleasures forevermore") Oh what a simple truth that my heart is so needy of  - "in Thy presence is fulness of joy". The more of Him i know (and the less of me), the more joyful i become. His presence is everything to me  - it's the difference between (eternal) life or death. Corporately too  - it makes all the difference between whether a fellowship lives or dies. I want to rejoice in, and take more pleasure in, His presence, than i do in sin. O Lord,  I want to "be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Your House" - I want to drink deep of the river of Thy pleasures. I believe the Holy Spirit is "The river of Your pleasures"  - I believe you quench my thirst and satisfy my soul and another i will not follow. In Your light shall we see light  - in man's light is darkness. 

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