Thursday, August 1, 2024

 The rich man could see
     the poor man in Paradise 
                     and he realized 

he'd spent his life
                      being so unwise
   ignoring the plight
       of those less fortunate than he
He'd lived so selfishly. 

Too late for regrets
     He cried out  -
Warn those who haven't died yet!
  And The Lord took pity
       and in His great mercy
       he recorded his story
       in Scripture for all to read.

yet still   - the rich
     live to fulfill 
         their own will

They choose to ignore
   the plight of the poor
      God brings to their door

They take advantage of
 with hearts lacking love
   the poor who lack enough 
     And who would you rather be   -
     a poor man in this world,
      but rich in eternity,
       Or a rich man
         in this world's wealth
        doomed to spend
           forever in Hell?

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