Friday, April 30, 2010

I see men as trees walking
Some trees bear fruit and provide shade
While others never realize why they’re made
And when God comes to eat of them
He finds only brambles and thorns and then
They’re fit only to be burned
Forever burning, never learning,
They were made for His pleasure
To please Him is the only measure
We should define our lives with
Is He pleased, is God happy with you?
Is He glad and excited that He made you?
Ponder the answer now before your life is through…


Love is…
A song meant to be sung as a duet
Love is…
A journey meant to be taken together
Love is…
A treasure that only has value when shared
Love is…
The colour that paints our days
(and makes them worth living)

And love is the prize that makes our lives worth giving away
As another new day dawns
Life seems to go on and on and on
but my friend I’ll tell you this truth –
Life continues only for those who
Love the source of all life
That is, my friend, Jesus the Christ
If you truly, passionately, love to live
Pause this moment and wholeheartedly give
Jesus your heart – the very core of your being
Then the eyes of your understanding will start seeing
Each new day as a gift from above
Brought to you by God as an act of Love


It’s ok to be broken
Don’t give some cheap smile
Some useless token
While all the while
You have a heart
That’s pretending
Everything’s fine
How are you?
I’m cool
No problems here
When all along God is breaking us
Taking us
To school

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


You know, I sometimes think of Jesus
just lyin’ on that Cross and bleedin’
Makes me want to rage, shout, say
there’s somethin’ all of us are needin’
And that’s, that’s, ah that’s
Furious Freedom!
A freedom so passionate and raging
that resists all attempts at caging...
And I see, we need
A Freedom (a God) that bleeds
That hurts for you and me
So much so I ache, I hurt to see
All of us free
The Passionate God
The Passionate God
Is the One who pursues us wholeheartedly
The One who makes us free
I want to weep, shout, dance out loud
naked in the rain
won’t stop till every stain is long gone
I want to lie before You, my God
Naked as You were on the Cross
And pour out my soul into the dust
Take my beating heart and crush
all that hates You, God

I want to love You in Spirit and in Truth
Oh God, make some sense of this formless void
I call my soul. Bring light and love to make me whole
May I be as passionate for You daily as You are for me.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All who call on Him will be saved
All who ignore Him are depraved

His love compels Him to
continue to impel them to
Come to Him for Eternal Joy and Love
But one Day He’ll say “I’ve had enough”
After we meet Him in the earth
We’ll meet Him in the sky,
Face to face, eye to eye
When our flesh will become the new earth
Of which He spoke, of which He cried
And His Spirit will make all things new, fresh and clean
And sin and death will never again appear on the scene
Forever we’ll frolic and play
And sing and dance and pray
And live and love and rejoice for the wonderful Day
He has made and ordained
Oh our hearts will forever be unrestrained,
Unfettered, unhindered, unbound, unchained, free
to be His wholeheartedly
Oh HalleluJah! Oh for Joy!
Words cannot employ
Nor can they express
Your Eternal loveliness!


You are the focus of my existence
You are the reason why I live
You have been the most persistent
With the love You have to give

Oh God I want You, all of You
As You have held nothing back from me
Oh God let this prayer be true –
Take all I am, I give me to Thee

“Your home is your church and your church is your home”

Monday, April 26, 2010

Find Out

Your life is so full of so many agendas
You run to and fro where The Lord didn’t send ya
The altars you’ve built, they now lie in ruin
Have you stopped to consider just what it is you’re doin’?
Have you found out? Have you found out?
What pleases The Lord?
Have you found out, have you found out
what pleases The Lord?
You’ve heard it before that your life is not your own
But who is it really who’s on your heart’s throne?
Is it God? Is it man? Is it you? Is it He?
Just who is it are you trying to please?
And have you found out?
Have you found out, what pleases The Lord?
Have you found out, what pleases The Lord?
For all seek their own not the things that are Jesus Christ’s
Are you still in love with this world?
Have you truly laid down your life?
You love and you give as long as you get in return
But when, oh when will you finally learn
What it is, oh what it is that pleases The Lord?
What is it that pleases The Lord?

Our lives can be so fleeting like a vapour on a glass
And in the end it’s you The Lord will look to and ask –
Did you find out? Did you find out?
What’s pleasing to Me?
Did you hear and obey and agree?
What will, oh what will your answer be?
Did you find out what is pleasing to Me?

Eph:5:10 Phi:2:21

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Broken Toys

Ragged dolls, broken toys
Shattered girls and hurting boys
Often living lives
Far from God’s plan
Used and abused
By sinful, fallen man
Given over into satan’s hands

Oh may these, each one please,
Come to know
The God who bleeds
Oh may they each one
Be redeemed

Those who see war
Those who feel pain
Those who learn to hate
And themselves to disdain
May they all know today
The Truth, the Life and the Way
May each and every girl and boy
No longer be as broken toys
May each and every boy and girl
Be given the most beautiful of pearls
The knowledge of the only God
Who loves this stinking world
So much that He gave Himself for every hurt and pain
That in every little child only His love would remain...
Oh Lord, for so many –

How bereft of joy and beauty childhood has become
Born into pain or the innocent slain as the evil hungers on
The children swoon in the streets of the city
While the land of the free and the land of the brave takes no pity
Childhood is a time meant to know what it is to be loved
But for some children today it’s become a time to be pushed and shoved
And sold at the gates of Hell
Sacrificed on the altars of Molech and Baal

Oh God, please save our children
Suffer them to come unto me
When so many are hurt, abused and slain,
Let our church be a place of safety
May our church be a true sanctuary
Lord, may You know that You have a stronghold
Of spiritual cleanliness and purity
Let the parents and adults clearly see
How the children are seduced under our very scrutiny
Darkness given place in our children’s lives
And where there is darkness, unclean spirits hide
But oh My God, so many of us are blind
And In our pride, we strive to hide
The fullness of the Truth from our children’s minds
And our children suffer and our children die
Teach us the difference between the Holy and the profane
Lord when we stray from Your boundaries, let us feel Your pain
And no price or sacrifice is greater than the one You gave
So can’t we pay and give today so Your gift won’t be in vain?
Can’t we take seriously the war on our children for whom You did bleed?
Can’t we be sober and vigilant
And guard our children from every thought and intent
Satan has to kill, steal and destroy their lives?
Aren’t we responsible Lord, to be wise? To guard them with drawn sword?
Your Holy Word?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Average, seemingly looking, young carpenter’s son
Believing He is God’s Messiah? God’s Appointed One?
Crazy talk, young carpenter, crazy talk, I think
Dangerous talk too, according to the Pharisees
Every word He speaks though, they don’t fall to the ground
Freedom seems to come to my heart, lovingly unbound
Grips my thoughts, invades my sleep won’t
Hide my sin no more to keep me chained
I think, He is the One!
Jesus, Yeshua! He is God’s Son!
My first attempt at an acrostic poem.
“Just because you’re at the front, doesn’t mean you’re a leader”
- Tiffany, age 8

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Human race is a race you can’t win
without the Presence of Christ within

The finish line just can’t be attained
Until the Lamb’s Book of Life bears your name

What does it profit you to meet all your goals
and yet in the end lose your own soul?

So accept this simple Truth –
before your life is through –

Cast yourself upon The Lord
For He careth for you.

1 Pet:5:7

Thank You Jesus for food and drink
Thank You for good thoughts to think
Thank You for daddies with bouncy knees
Thank You for macaroni and cheese
Thank You for bedtime shows and prayers
Thank You for always being there
Thank You for ice cream with or without cones
Thank You for happy hearts and homes
Thank You for kitties and doggies and such
And for my family
Thank You very much!

By Daddy, Tiffany and Karianna

Thursday, April 22, 2010

God's to Keep

The love and hope of all mankind
Is just as much yours as He is mine

(Oh God, this is my goal of goals –
let my life be spent on winning souls)

Jesus is for you not against you
and if you’ll come He won’t prevent you
For He’s been called, yes He’s been sent to
accept you and love you and keep you from harm
to deliver you safely to your Father’s arms
(no He won’t resent you)

Surrender to Him even now
Ask the Holy Spirit and He’ll show you how –
Humble your heart even now in His sight
Repent of the darkness come into the Light
And this reward you will reap –
You will forever be
Yes, Eternally
God’s to keep!

You’re a Keeper!


The Holy Spirit is the only Spirit on earth completely submitted to the Father at all times. One of His most important duties is to teach us to also remain submitted to The Father’s Will at all times.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


When I communicate with you
I want you to know the Father of your soul

When I share with you my heart
What I’d really like to impart
Is the knowledge and presence of
The One who makes you smart

His great desire you see,
Is that you would know Him through me
His heart longs to be
(your life long goal)
The God who is forever the lover of your soul.


Your body and your spirit are by My design
Meant to keep you alive through all of time
So that forever you will be Mine

I love you more than you have the capacity to know
In Eternity your knowledge will grow
When nothing can come between us
Or interrupt the flow
Of My love for you, dear one
Completely, sweetly, I will never let you go.

1 Joh:3:1&2

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It is Good

The wind is the conductor
The trees his baton
Urging all creation
To sing His song

The birds join in quite joyfully
The flowers open for all to see
A glimpse of the God of Eternity
Revealed in nature’s glory

And as I beheld I knew that I should
Declare these words – oh it is good!
All You do and all You speak
Is always done because You seek
Our good - oh God, You are good!

Every animal, every plant
Even the rocks began to chant
It is good that we are here
For God made us to bring good cheer
to the heart and soul of man
For this we sing, oh we rejoice
For all God makes has a voice
Mountains, prairies, plains and woods
All declare that God is Good

All He does, He does well
The oceans ebb and the seas swell
And as I breathe oh I can tell
I am to be as all I see
I am to be good as God meant me to be
I am good as is His intent for me
Very good.
Luk:19:40 Gen:1:31

Monday, April 19, 2010


I’m livin’ my normal existence
but beneath it all is a nagging insistence
from the Divine call of God on my life
subtly making me realize
There’s so much

God graciously won’t leave me alone
ever calling me before His throne
Where Eternity swallows my mortality
humbly, enabling me, to see
There’s so much

Our so called normal lives
are scams designed to make us buy
The lie that we exist only for ourselves
To keep us from seeing both Heaven and hell
Guess what oh woman or man
Your very existence is just a sham
Unless the veil is removed from your mind
And you become One with the God of all Time
Then you’ll finally know the score
There’s so much more

Soooooooo Much MORE!

2 Cor:4:4

When you won’t obey
go your own way
Won’t listen to what
God has to say
Don’t be surprised
on the Judgement Day

Friday, April 16, 2010

He healed their bodies
each and every time

but it was their souls that He had
foremost on His mind

His love for them met
every need they had

But the greatest need
that made His heart most glad

Yes, His heart’s chief aim
and ultimate goal

Was to completely save their Eternal souls


“The gap between what you know and what you will become is what you do with what you know.”

Ever since Adam’s heart first beat
God’s love for man has been so sweet
Cherished love so pure, so free
Evermore abides in me
To my heart, Christ holds the key

O Come let us adore Him!
Please do not ignore Him
Give Him honour, what is His due
Then go ahead and give Him you
Please go ahead before your life is through

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice without fear!
Christ has brought our Father near
Rest, He’s mindful of every tear
No more yourself you need to hide
The Truth has put to shame every lie

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One day your life will be

Nothing but a faded memory

With the continued passage of Time

Your memory will fade

Far from men’s minds

You’ll be long forgotten

No one will care

That you once walked the earth

That you ever were here

No, the only way to keep your memory alive

Is to ensure that your name’s in

The Lamb’s Book of Life!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Love is…
Hate resistant

white blood cells
fightin’ hearts from hell

an alligator skin
repellin’ darts of sin


Can make the hate abate


Some subtle perfume
Love doesn’t presume
To take over a room

My heart responds to love
Like the tide responds to the moon above

Love is like the fuel in a rocket ship
And the ship is my soul
What a trip!

Love is altogether lovely.

1 Cor:13:4-7

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wedding Vows

One evening, our house meeting had a visitation from the Holy Spirit who told us to have a “wedding rehearsal” for our soon coming marriage to the Lamb! A lady had brought a wedding gown to the meeting and unbeknownst to her, another lady had brought a wedding item and I had brought a wedding song. The lady hosting the meeting was to put on the gown to portray the Bride of Christ. Oh, she said, it will never fit me. No, we said, just try it, you might be surprised. Sure enough, it fit almost perfectly. God told us, so it is with My Bride. She doesn’t think she’s ready for her marriage to Me but if she will just put on her wedding dress, I will make the necessary alterations. When I’m through, she’ll be perfect! This all led us to prepare our own “wedding vows”. I suggest you use them or write your own. Either way, the Lord will be excited to hear the cry of His Bride’s heart. By the way, if He’s telling us to have wedding rehearsals, can the actual wedding be very far off?

Wedding Vows

I, Christopher Michael Waxman
Do hereby pledge anew
Lord my love to You
I rededicate my heart
To be Your bedchamber
Where You and I
Continually come together as one
I have found Him whom my soul loves
And I will not let You go
I am chosen and accepted
By my Beloved God
And I will give You pleasure
All my remaining days
And through me
Your name will be made great
You’ve chosen me to be Your Bride
You’ve called me to forever abide
One with You, side by side
As you have pledged to me
I hereby pledge to You
O my Jesus
I will never leave or forsake You

S.O.S. 3:4

I wish all the earth
Would thank and Praise
Our God, our Creator
The Ancient of Days

I wish the hearts of all mankind
That are lower than the beasts
Would bow before The Lord
The Prince of Peace

Monday, April 12, 2010

A young couple asked me to bless their wedding ceremony –

I Do

With this ring I thee wed
And I’ll forever honour what I’ve said
I do, my love, to you, my love
My heart pledge
And with the Blood that Jesus shed
And with Jesus as our head
We, will be, Eternally
Holy Spirit led
I do pledge to love you alone
I do pledge to remain before God’s throne
And may in our marriage this truth be known –
You are the one chosen for me
Only together will we
Fulfil our destiny
I do rejoice for you my Groom
I am satisfied with you, my Bride
Together there’s nothing we can’t do
As long as Christ dwells with us inside
I will not, from you,
My heart hide
I do, with you
In Christ abide


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Love is a very narrow path
With no room on it for unforgiveness or wrath
Do I want God to love me only partially?
Then I should refuse to forgive those who sin against me
And once in awhile, with us, stay angry?
And not forgive us, get bitter and hold a grudge?
Then when you need to forgive another, refuse to budge
No, love your fellow man just the same way
You want God to love you today.
You don’t have a choice, you really don’t
If you don’t forgive others God won’t forgive you, He really won’t
So right now, forgive all who have ever harmed you
God is aware of their sin and you will free Him to
Deal with them as He sees fit
Just put them in His hands


A dear friend of mine, John Paul, offered this observation – when someone wounds or offends you, it means God is trusting you to carry their sin, their failure, their weakness, and give them forgiveness and Grace in return (exactly what God does for us). Isn’t that a lovely sentiment? He expects maturity from us! Those who are mature (in love) are to bear, train, teach those who are immature, by example, till they too have matured. This is exactly what parents are to do for children and it’s the same with spiritual parents and children. In fact, this is what Jesus is referring to when He says go and make disciples of all men, discipline them in My ways, My thoughts, discipline them in Love!
April 10

Love does not have to be returned but friendship does
We freely give to others our Grace, mercy and love
But our friendship, in order to be kept alive,
Must be returned to us or it will not survive
So friends are those who return the love we share
They are those who by example show that they care
And they can be from anywhere –
America, Europe or Africa
The Philippines, China, Russia or Australia
South America, Asia or an Island
From New York, London to Thailand
No matter where God’s voice will sound,
God’s people can be found.
And wherever they are, wherever they live –
Their homes and their hearts in friendship they’ll give.


I decree abundance and blessing to replace my lack
I refuse to succumb to this attack
I will go forward and not turn back
I receive all Father has decreed, now
For He has now delivered me
I decree my Jubilee!
As the clouds remain above the land
As I stay in God’s glory, not man’s
I’ll always rise above this body of death
For I will remain free of the lust of the flesh

As my Bible is made of the flesh of cows and the flesh of trees
In the same way may God use the flesh of me
To reveal His Word for all to see
(for my flesh is not my source of life)
So as I die to my flesh, my God produces Righteousness,
What is Right, what can only come from the God of Light
In conception, carrying, travailing and birthing –
Our flesh is used to produce life, not death
We travail to create an opening large enough for God’s Will,
For Heaven, to enter earth
Just as Jesus travailed in Gethsemane, and on the Cross
That through His Flesh and Blood we were birthed,
Our Eternal life came forth, entered our mortal realm,
And Jesus became our matrix through which we all must pass in order to live Eternally
And we become a matrix through which His life and presence enter the earth.

We overcome by the Blood of the lamb and the Word of our Testimony
The Blood of the Lamb is God inviting us into His Presence in Eternity
The Word of our Testimony is us inviting God into our presence now

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here’s something I thought of
just the other day
and I’m hoping you won’t mind
if I share what I have to say –
we need to replace our many struggles
with just as many warm and cosy snuggles

And as we snuggle,
There’s something I want you to know –
A snuggle
Is simply a hug
That will not let you go!


P.S. Heart snuggles are the best of all!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The littlest bean bag

I was alone, packing our families belongings for another move. As I explored the house, I came to my six year old daughter Karianna’s room and saw her old bean bag, sitting forlornly in the corner, sadly looking at me, with half it’s beans gone, as if to say “Are you too going to forget about me?” I sat down and wrote –

The littlest bean bag

The littlest bean bag felt very lonely indeed
For a long time now no one had the need
To sit on him, to use him, you see
He had lost or given away so many of his beans
Given away? You say?
Now why would he do that?
Now that is a tale to which you will tip your hat!
For when the bean bag first arrived
All stuffy and brand new,
Many people sat on him, most everyone it’s true
(including Aunt Sophie, who could’ve won a trophy
for being the biggest person we knew!)
Yes they’d sit on him when happy,
they’d sit on him when sad,
they’d sit on him when they were really, really mad at dad!
And when they would cry
The little bean bag would sigh
And say to himself –
“Self, what can you give to make them feel better?
Because all this crying’s getting me wetter and wetter!”
And then the bean bag thought
(now you’ll see this story’s theme)
The only thing I have to give is inside of me, it’s beans!
So from then on when Suzie or Billy came to cry
He’d give a tiny bean from somewhere deep inside
Yes, whenever they’d pout, a little bean would pop out!
So the lesson boys and girls that I want you to see,
Is that what people need the most from you and from me,
Is not toys or money or things and stuff
No, what they need comes from deep inside of us,
It comes from our hearts and we all need them,
Whether you’re a mister or a misses
And that is, of course,
Plenty of hugs and kisses!

2 Cor:4:7

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When God created the very first Golden Labrador retriever
He knew, He absolutely knew
That you would one day be a receiver
Of that dog’s descendant’s wagging tail,
Tongue licking your face,
Giving you a dogs unique embrace (unconditional love)
And it brought God joy to know
One day that dog would show you love

And each Tree and each Rock,
Each sunrise and sunset talked
To God as He knew one day
The earth you’d trod
He knew, yes He knew
One day you’d come to be
And you’d enjoy the God that is He
For all you see is a gift of love
From the God of Eternity
As you exist to give Him pleasure
So this earth exists to give you pleasure
Truly we cannot measure
God’s love
For the source is forever!


Gossip the Gospel!
April 6

Thank You Lord for simple things
Like Frisbees, bikes and rope swings
Fishing poles and summer breezes
Late sunshine through the leaves of treeses
Thank You Lord for happy children
Laughter must have been Your Will then
So if we’re made in Your likeness
You must like to laugh just like us
Thank You Lord for smiling faces
And that Your Spirit - our pain erases
I’m so grateful You love us as our Daddy
The thought of You makes my heart so gladdy
So as I sit and ponder Your Peace
I glimpse and taste of the world to come
I know all that is good will never cease
While all that is evil will soon be done
Soon be done
All that rebels against You we’ll shun
Darkness will flee
As forever we’ll be
Found in the light of the Son
Found in the light of the Son


P.S. Happy Birthday, Karianna!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Heart to Heart

I saw a romance just the other day
As far as movies go, it was ok
I've heard about Romeo and Juliet
but baby let's never forget -

We've got our own love story
thats about me for you and you for me
Better than any made up romance
is this love we share that has our heart's entranced

So let's keep writing our love's next chapter
Let's walk together into our happily ever after
Let's end each day on a lover's high
though we may not always see eye to eye

When all is said and when all is done, baby
You're the only one for me
and this I've known right from the start
we're meant to live, heart to heart

Romance fairy tales well, they come and they go
But the truth I'm stickin' to is all I know
When I'm with you Sheryl, my love's complete
You give my heart a reason to go ahead and beat

Monday, April 5, 2010


Why did God create girls?
Was it because they look better in curls? No?
Maybe it was because He wanted Adam to know
how much He loved him (and Adam was lonely, too)
So He took his rib and Adam became two
and there was Eve
and God said “Adam, I love you
She’s the very best I have to offer,
She’s your bones and your flesh
When she is at peace in you,
Your house will be surely blessed
Her loveliness reflects your beauty to Me,
and her qualities are like those
My Bride has, you’ll see
Treasure came from you
Like treasure came from Me
To follow in your Daddy’s footsteps,
That is your destiny”.
Love Father


A woman’s group invited me to come and speak. On the way, I asked The Lord for a poem for them. This is what He gave me. One of my heart’s great desires is to always see things from God’s perspective.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I appreciate peaceful neighbourhoods
where people are basically decent and good
I appreciate the cities of refuge
where my children are safe from the deluge
of evil being spewed into the earth,
the filthiness of sins resulting from the curse
of living apart from Him.
I appreciate God’s gracious, Holy spirit
Protecting and resurrecting lost souls across our land
Introducing them to the only redemption known to man
The blood of the Messiah – Jesus of Nazareth
given so all mankind might be blessed
with Eternal Joy and happiness
I appreciate the earth and the sky
the things that grow and the things that fly
but not all things seem good to me
(nasty, crawling things, insects and weeds, I’d rather not see)
But when it’s raining real good
or I’m walking deep in a country wood,
I appreciate the peace of not doing anything but communing with You
I appreciate Grace given to an entire Nation
and preventing us from destroying ourselves like a cancer
from within by those who desire sin not salvation
I thank God for the sword of the Word
Slaying every man, woman, boy and girl
Spare not one that not one can say
“I never heard the Gospel of God in my days”
I appreciate Your people filled with Your Spirit
Reflecting who You really are
instead of following the religious spirit that illegally presents
itself as being You when it’s an impostor and a liar
I appreciate freedom for those who are bound
I appreciate the lost being found
And those with garments of heaviness now making a joyful sound
I appreciate blind eyes and hearts seeing clearly
Who alone loves them so dearly
So much He gave His only begotten Son
That they may be forever loved by Him when all is said and done
I appreciate the fact that God appreciates me
and has birthed me into His family
and that our friendship has survived all of my rebelling
I appreciate a pen and some paper to write this poem with
and that books in Heaven are being written about this
I appreciate You, Lord, loving me forevermore
I only want to do the same – I adore You and I love Your Name
I appreciate Prophets and prophecy
and I do wish more Pastors would appreciate me
I thank You, Lord for my ministry
And all that You have called me to be
I want to be poured out just as You are
That I too will glorify my Heavenly Father
And that Your great Name will be lifted higher and farther
than it ever has before –
May every knee bow and every tongue confess –
Jesus is our Righteousness
Without whom no man can know true Holiness.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thank You God for the Trees
The Blue sky and cool breeze
Thank You Yahweh for grasshoppers,
Lightning bugs and snapping fingers
Thank You God for ladybugs and butterflys
And mouths and ears and eyes
Thank You God for feet to walk with
Arms to hug with and tongues to talk with
(and lips to kiss with)
Thank You for daddies and mommies
And sisters and brothers and friends
And poems that never end!

(Thank You Yahweh most of all for love) – Kari

2 Cor:9:15

Collectively written by Daddy, Tiffany (7) and Karianna (4)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Teen-agers, in between-agers,
Low self-esteem-agers
and sometimes I need to come clean-agers
(know what I mean-agers?)
oh Teen-agers, Teen-agers, sometimes extreme-agers,
wanting so much to fit in
so much to belong
wanting to do the right and not the wrong
wanting acceptance and to get along
Don’t you know
As you love, you’ll grow?
As you love, you’ll sow
A love God will return to you
All your life long?
So don’t despair
Cause you know God cares
Trust In Him and you’ll get there…


Thursday, April 1, 2010

I like the smell of banana bread in my nose
I like the feel of green grass between my toes
I like the wind and sunlight on my face
I like the warmth of the Holy Spirit’s embrace
I like you and I pray you like me too, I do

I like a brand new pair of sneakers on my feet
I like fruit when it tastes sweet
I like leather jackets and brand new CD’s
I like you and I hope you like me

I like brand new babies and
I like yes’s but I don’t like maybes
I like sunsets and sunrises
And I like to get as well as give surprises
I like you, won’t you like me too?

I like Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
And when God’s involved I like to dream
I like to make people laugh
(unless I’m the one they’re laughin’ at)

I like lakes and trees and flowers,
Not necessarily in that order
And I like to travel and see new borders
I like to write poetry and songs
And I like it when people get along
I like you, I think
And when I’m thirsty I like to drink
Something cool and wet
And one thing I don’t like is the T.V. set

I like boomerangs and Frisbees
Being outdoors is quite alright with me
I like a good laugh or a good cry
They both bless me, I don’t know why

I like dogs, I don’t like most cats
Unless it’s a cat in a hat come back
I won’t say a word about green eggs and ham
And I definitely won’t mention spam


A bit of frivolity to lighten your day.

Scripture seen on the wall of a nursery –
“We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed”

 The love of God        is so rich and so pure On His love I can depend        of this I am sure. The love with which        He rules from H...