“The people living in darkness have seen a great Light; in the shadow of Death, Light has dawned”
The Nations of men lie in darkness deep
tending their dreams in the midst of their sleep
the god of this world their souls does keep
in bondage to his will,
will anyone die for them still?
Heed the Call oh children of Light
Send forth this song into the night
Arise children, arise and sing –
Call the dead to the Awakening!
Pour forth the power of His Resurrection and see
Men from the fear of Death will flee
Through the narrow gate to the Eternal City
Into His everlasting arms of safety.
Oh Death, where is thy sting?
You cannot halt the Victory He brings!
You cannot stop them from Awakening!
But not without the war being fought
Not without the Righteous being taught
To rise up and take our Heavenly seat
To lay all His enemies at the very feet
Of Him who has to do with us
Beyond all might and power
Of Him who has called each one of us
To rise up in this hour
To live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, Christ
To call the dead to Eternal Life
To prepare our God an Eternal Wife
To end all war, to end all strife.
To him who overcomes I give a new name only he and I know
And to him who overcomes I grant to sit with Me on My throne
And I will make him a pillar in the Temple of My God in the New Jerusalem
He shall be blessed who feeds his soul on My words
For with them he binds himself with a cord
Stronger than death to life forevermore
And he shall be, yes he shall be
Like a tree, like a tree
Planted by the River of Water
That flows from the Throne of his Heavenly Father
And the lonely and the broken
Those with prayers yet unspoken
Shall find rest in His shade
Shall take Peace as their sin is laid
On the Cross of Calvary
Those in darkness will finally see
His love, through us, oh believe…
1 Cor:5:34
Rom:13:11 16:20
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
If you’re waiting for His permission
To go and fulfil the great commission
Wait no longer, friend, go ahead and start fishin’
Use your life as bait
Oh I can hardly wait
For the Church to fulfil
The cry of Christ’s heart
For the redeemed to lay down our lives
And start reaching and touching the lost
At any price, at any cost
Oh He longs to make them whole
Oh He longs for them to know
Oh His Eternal goal
Is to write their names upon the Roll
On the list that names every soul
That is purchased by the Blood of The Lamb
Rise up Church and take a stand
Make every effort to get with God’s plan
To take back the land
To win back the souls of men
Yes, there’s a God in Heaven
Who weeps and cries
His love for them is so great
Please let them realize
He is life, everlasting
With prayers and with fastings
We’ll do whatever it takes
To reach them before it’s too late…
To go and fulfil the great commission
Wait no longer, friend, go ahead and start fishin’
Use your life as bait
Oh I can hardly wait
For the Church to fulfil
The cry of Christ’s heart
For the redeemed to lay down our lives
And start reaching and touching the lost
At any price, at any cost
Oh He longs to make them whole
Oh He longs for them to know
Oh His Eternal goal
Is to write their names upon the Roll
On the list that names every soul
That is purchased by the Blood of The Lamb
Rise up Church and take a stand
Make every effort to get with God’s plan
To take back the land
To win back the souls of men
Yes, there’s a God in Heaven
Who weeps and cries
His love for them is so great
Please let them realize
He is life, everlasting
With prayers and with fastings
We’ll do whatever it takes
To reach them before it’s too late…
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sometimes when it’s late at night and
Sometimes when it rains just right
The line between right and wrong
Like the line on the road I’m on
Becomes hard to see, a little bit blurry –
That’s when I lack the Light of Your Word
Gotta get back to what I once heard
(Jesus loves me) that (this I know)
You are love (for the Bible tells me so)
Given from above
Sometimes when it seems I’m lost
Sometimes when I haven’t counted the cost
The thoughts that keep me bound
Flee far away at the wonderful sound
Of Your words, ringin’ in my ears,
That’s when I hear -
“Leave it all quietly to God, my soul
My rescue comes from Him alone
My shelter, my salvation,
He is all to me,
Never shall I be,
He is yours and you are His
So please my friend, remember this –
Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so… Isa:30:15 Mat:11:29 Act:3:19
Sometimes when it rains just right
The line between right and wrong
Like the line on the road I’m on
Becomes hard to see, a little bit blurry –
That’s when I lack the Light of Your Word
Gotta get back to what I once heard
(Jesus loves me) that (this I know)
You are love (for the Bible tells me so)
Given from above
Sometimes when it seems I’m lost
Sometimes when I haven’t counted the cost
The thoughts that keep me bound
Flee far away at the wonderful sound
Of Your words, ringin’ in my ears,
That’s when I hear -
“Leave it all quietly to God, my soul
My rescue comes from Him alone
My shelter, my salvation,
He is all to me,
Never shall I be,
He is yours and you are His
So please my friend, remember this –
Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so… Isa:30:15 Mat:11:29 Act:3:19
Monday, December 28, 2009
How are you spending your life on this earth?
Are you giving it value, meaning and worth?
Or are you wasting it on selfish, godless living?
Squandering the gift God has given?
When your life is through, what will you do?
When you look God in the eye, it’s too late to lie,
When you meet Him face to face,
Will He offer you Grace?
Or will He tell you to spend Eternity
The way you spent your life –
Divorced from Him, separated, never to be His wife?
Are you giving it value, meaning and worth?
Or are you wasting it on selfish, godless living?
Squandering the gift God has given?
When your life is through, what will you do?
When you look God in the eye, it’s too late to lie,
When you meet Him face to face,
Will He offer you Grace?
Or will He tell you to spend Eternity
The way you spent your life –
Divorced from Him, separated, never to be His wife?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Be Thou my vision, Lord, be Thou my Hope
Be Thou the one through whom I may now cope
Be Thou my life and lifestyle, Amen
Be Thou the One who yet now moves my pen.
Be Thou the Bread and the Wine I consume
May Thou in my Father’s house make me room
Thou did not love Thy life unto the death
But for me gave up Your lips final breath.
So now I give You my heart for this cause
Now I will praise You and for You I pause
To now give thanks for all that You have done
And celebrate the news – my soul You’ve won!
Be Thou my purpose and reason to live
Be Thou the One to whom my heart I give
Be Thou the first and the last love I know
Be Thou the bridge to my soul’s final home.
Jesus I love You and praise You this day
For to our Father You’ve now made a way
And sent Thy Spirit to guide us all home
Forever we’ll love You and we’ll not roam.
We are Yours now, Lord and forever more
Oh what great wonders for us have been stored!
Our lips will never cease to give You Praise
Your banner of Love forever we’ll raise.
My version of the lovely Irish Hymn, “Be Thou my Vision”
Be Thou the one through whom I may now cope
Be Thou my life and lifestyle, Amen
Be Thou the One who yet now moves my pen.
Be Thou the Bread and the Wine I consume
May Thou in my Father’s house make me room
Thou did not love Thy life unto the death
But for me gave up Your lips final breath.
So now I give You my heart for this cause
Now I will praise You and for You I pause
To now give thanks for all that You have done
And celebrate the news – my soul You’ve won!
Be Thou my purpose and reason to live
Be Thou the One to whom my heart I give
Be Thou the first and the last love I know
Be Thou the bridge to my soul’s final home.
Jesus I love You and praise You this day
For to our Father You’ve now made a way
And sent Thy Spirit to guide us all home
Forever we’ll love You and we’ll not roam.
We are Yours now, Lord and forever more
Oh what great wonders for us have been stored!
Our lips will never cease to give You Praise
Your banner of Love forever we’ll raise.
My version of the lovely Irish Hymn, “Be Thou my Vision”
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The first Noel that I ever did hear
was sung by angels as they drew near
As I heard their loud cry
My heart was lifted high
With wonder and joy
As they appeared in the sky
But the message they sang of
Filled me with love
Peace on earth, good will toward men,
From your God being born in Bethlehem!
Oh we rejoiced in this Truth!
And we knew what we had to do –
then, we shepherds of sheep
raced to find the Shepherd of men.
And it was just as the angel’s said,
We found Him there in that manger bed,
The King of kings lay there –
The servant of all
humbly sleeping in that lowly stall
And from that moment on
We watched Him grow
Into the Saviour we’ve come to know
As I watch Him now
Bleeding on that Tree
I remember Him as a tiny baby
And I see
Oh my God,
You are suffering for me!
Truly, the words of the angels You’ve fulfilled!
To all of us now Peace and Good Will…
A Baby born
On Christmas morn
Caused all our hearts
to leap and soar
with Joy unsurpassed
that forever will last
We rejoice in the One
Known as God’s perfect Son
Born unto men
To remove sin
To bring God and man
Together again
Jesus Emmanuel
Thank You
For making us well
Happy Birthday!
We know of a certainty that Jesus was not born on December 25th. For one thing, it was too cold in Israel at that time of year for the shepherds to abide by night with their sheep. We know that many traditions and customs that have become associated with Christmas are pagan in origin, including the date. Yet, I still rejoice that there is a day set aside, recognized the world over, to celebrate His birth. I care not what the pagans do on this day, I worship and celebrate The Christ. I will not give the devil one single day to call his own, no, everyday is the day the Lord has made and I will give each day to Him. I believe there is a strong anointing from the Lord on Christmas, it is a wonderful time to share Him with the lost and what better way to celebrate the greatest gift ever given then by giving gifts! And some of the Christmas carols are among the most beautiful songs ever written. So I say celebrate Christmas, while leaving out the pagan trappings. Amen.
was sung by angels as they drew near
As I heard their loud cry
My heart was lifted high
With wonder and joy
As they appeared in the sky
But the message they sang of
Filled me with love
Peace on earth, good will toward men,
From your God being born in Bethlehem!
Oh we rejoiced in this Truth!
And we knew what we had to do –
then, we shepherds of sheep
raced to find the Shepherd of men.
And it was just as the angel’s said,
We found Him there in that manger bed,
The King of kings lay there –
The servant of all
humbly sleeping in that lowly stall
And from that moment on
We watched Him grow
Into the Saviour we’ve come to know
As I watch Him now
Bleeding on that Tree
I remember Him as a tiny baby
And I see
Oh my God,
You are suffering for me!
Truly, the words of the angels You’ve fulfilled!
To all of us now Peace and Good Will…
A Baby born
On Christmas morn
Caused all our hearts
to leap and soar
with Joy unsurpassed
that forever will last
We rejoice in the One
Known as God’s perfect Son
Born unto men
To remove sin
To bring God and man
Together again
Jesus Emmanuel
Thank You
For making us well
Happy Birthday!
We know of a certainty that Jesus was not born on December 25th. For one thing, it was too cold in Israel at that time of year for the shepherds to abide by night with their sheep. We know that many traditions and customs that have become associated with Christmas are pagan in origin, including the date. Yet, I still rejoice that there is a day set aside, recognized the world over, to celebrate His birth. I care not what the pagans do on this day, I worship and celebrate The Christ. I will not give the devil one single day to call his own, no, everyday is the day the Lord has made and I will give each day to Him. I believe there is a strong anointing from the Lord on Christmas, it is a wonderful time to share Him with the lost and what better way to celebrate the greatest gift ever given then by giving gifts! And some of the Christmas carols are among the most beautiful songs ever written. So I say celebrate Christmas, while leaving out the pagan trappings. Amen.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Light Hearted
Oh be light hearted!
Oh light as a kite hearted!
Oh Jesus takes hearts and makes them His own
And He carefully
And He tenderly treasures them and makes them to know
Be Light hearted, Right hearted,
Let your spirit take flight hearted!
Not spite hearted, night hearted,
always wanting to pick a fight-hearted!
But light-hearted! Bright hearted!
God given sight-hearted!
Seeing by the light of Christ within –
Seeing with eyes that are beholding Him!
For those who shall see God
are those with a rest assured heart, pure heart,
found the right cure heart, not a worry in the world heart.
So be Light-hearted!
Not full of fears or frights hearted
but you can know Jesus tonight-hearted!
Through the power of His Might-hearted!
Oh be Light-hearted!
White hearted!
Meek and contrite hearted!
Achieving new heights hearted!
Oh light as a kite hearted!
Oh Jesus takes hearts and makes them His own
And He carefully
And He tenderly treasures them and makes them to know
Be Light hearted, Right hearted,
Let your spirit take flight hearted!
Not spite hearted, night hearted,
always wanting to pick a fight-hearted!
But light-hearted! Bright hearted!
God given sight-hearted!
Seeing by the light of Christ within –
Seeing with eyes that are beholding Him!
For those who shall see God
are those with a rest assured heart, pure heart,
found the right cure heart, not a worry in the world heart.
So be Light-hearted!
Not full of fears or frights hearted
but you can know Jesus tonight-hearted!
Through the power of His Might-hearted!
Oh be Light-hearted!
White hearted!
Meek and contrite hearted!
Achieving new heights hearted!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
There’s a king and a foolish one
In the heart of every mother’s son
Each competing for the tongue
There’s wisdom and foolishness
Bound within the very same breast
One to curse and the other to bless
And unless the fool lays down and dies
His lies will continue to pollute the wise
Lord have Your way – rule in me
Crucify the fool in me
Teach my tongue to always be
Your humbled slave
That this flesh may one day be
An empty grave
New Wine, New Wine,
Oh My people it is the time
For New Wine to be found within
But first I must prepare a new wine-skin
And how do you receive this new wine of which I said?
Oh My people, a new wine skin, is one that is freshly dead!
Behold, I die daily, I carry my cross each day
Over me the power of death holds no sway
But death is my servant for it keeps self at bay
For it’s to self I die daily
That the life of Christ may be
Alive in me
That I may live in Christ Eternally
Oh death, where is thy sting?
On the cross Christ took the penalty of sin!
Blotting out the hand writing of ordinances against us –
that death may no longer destroy us
Of this I rejoice, of this I sing,
Death, Hell and the Grave,
He has conquered Thee!
In the heart of every mother’s son
Each competing for the tongue
There’s wisdom and foolishness
Bound within the very same breast
One to curse and the other to bless
And unless the fool lays down and dies
His lies will continue to pollute the wise
Lord have Your way – rule in me
Crucify the fool in me
Teach my tongue to always be
Your humbled slave
That this flesh may one day be
An empty grave
New Wine, New Wine,
Oh My people it is the time
For New Wine to be found within
But first I must prepare a new wine-skin
And how do you receive this new wine of which I said?
Oh My people, a new wine skin, is one that is freshly dead!
Behold, I die daily, I carry my cross each day
Over me the power of death holds no sway
But death is my servant for it keeps self at bay
For it’s to self I die daily
That the life of Christ may be
Alive in me
That I may live in Christ Eternally
Oh death, where is thy sting?
On the cross Christ took the penalty of sin!
Blotting out the hand writing of ordinances against us –
that death may no longer destroy us
Of this I rejoice, of this I sing,
Death, Hell and the Grave,
He has conquered Thee!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Maker of Babies
Oh Lord, I’ve known You in so many ways
My Father, my Saviour, the Ancient of my days
The Overseer of my soul, the One to whom I offer Praise
My Healer, my Deliverer, the Author of my faith
But there is a way I have never known You –
A way I’m just beginning to see,
O Lord, Great and precious God –
You are The Maker of Babies!
Oh source of all life – it’s You I adore
There is so much I could thank and praise You for –
But of all that is and of all that will be,
To me,
You’re the Maker of Babies! (my babies)
You’re the Maker of Babies! (I can see)
You’re the Maker of Babies! (my Kari)
And the Maker of my Tiffany!
Oh how wonderfully, sweetly,
A grand way to know Thee!
My God – the Maker of Babies!
Isa:44:2 49:1
My Father, my Saviour, the Ancient of my days
The Overseer of my soul, the One to whom I offer Praise
My Healer, my Deliverer, the Author of my faith
But there is a way I have never known You –
A way I’m just beginning to see,
O Lord, Great and precious God –
You are The Maker of Babies!
Oh source of all life – it’s You I adore
There is so much I could thank and praise You for –
But of all that is and of all that will be,
To me,
You’re the Maker of Babies! (my babies)
You’re the Maker of Babies! (I can see)
You’re the Maker of Babies! (my Kari)
And the Maker of my Tiffany!
Oh how wonderfully, sweetly,
A grand way to know Thee!
My God – the Maker of Babies!
Isa:44:2 49:1
Monday, December 21, 2009
Aren't ya Glad?
Aren’t you glad that cats have tails,
that elephants have long, skinny noses,
and there’s shells on snails?
Aren’t you glad there’s a great big world God made for you and me?
Aren’t you glad we’ll all be with Him, Eternally?
Aren’t you glad that rivers flow
like there’s somewhere that they have to go?
Aren’t you glad that birds have wings
and God’s filled this world with so many things?
Aren’t you glad there’s sea shells on a sandy beach
and sand gets between your toes as you feel the sun’s heat?
Aren’t ya glad Pizza is so neat
and cakes and pies taste so sweet?
Aren’t ya glad God made you and me
and He made us each so different to give variety?
What a boring world this would be if everyone in it looked just like me!
And Heaven’s the same way, spiritually,
Like the world is naturally, a place for us to live Eternally
and it’s full of endless beauty
for you and I to see
cause the most beautiful place of all
is wherever Christ be!
Psa:9:2 34:2 69:32 104:15
For Kari –
To that clever and patient guardian Angel of mine,
You must be exhausted from working overtime!
I’ve scraped my knee, stubbed my toe
and sometimes I do fall,
but I’m sure you’ve kept me from worse than these
cause you’re always on the call.
So please be patient with me,
I’m tryin’ my best to obey my mommy and daddy
but if I do get in trouble again –
I know I have an invisible friend,
My guardian angel watching over me
Keeping me always in peace and safety.
that elephants have long, skinny noses,
and there’s shells on snails?
Aren’t you glad there’s a great big world God made for you and me?
Aren’t you glad we’ll all be with Him, Eternally?
Aren’t you glad that rivers flow
like there’s somewhere that they have to go?
Aren’t you glad that birds have wings
and God’s filled this world with so many things?
Aren’t you glad there’s sea shells on a sandy beach
and sand gets between your toes as you feel the sun’s heat?
Aren’t ya glad Pizza is so neat
and cakes and pies taste so sweet?
Aren’t ya glad God made you and me
and He made us each so different to give variety?
What a boring world this would be if everyone in it looked just like me!
And Heaven’s the same way, spiritually,
Like the world is naturally, a place for us to live Eternally
and it’s full of endless beauty
for you and I to see
cause the most beautiful place of all
is wherever Christ be!
Psa:9:2 34:2 69:32 104:15
For Kari –
To that clever and patient guardian Angel of mine,
You must be exhausted from working overtime!
I’ve scraped my knee, stubbed my toe
and sometimes I do fall,
but I’m sure you’ve kept me from worse than these
cause you’re always on the call.
So please be patient with me,
I’m tryin’ my best to obey my mommy and daddy
but if I do get in trouble again –
I know I have an invisible friend,
My guardian angel watching over me
Keeping me always in peace and safety.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Barney's Swan Song
Oh I love you and you love Me
and we’re a happy family
but I’s gots ta say –
It don’t come from Barney!
If you want the Love
The Love that’s Holy,
You gots ta be free
And if you want to be free
To love wholly
Ya gots ta know Me
Some call Me Jesus
and others call Me Christ
some don’t call Me nothin’ at all
and some they aren’t too nice
but if ya wanna know Love
let Love know you
there’s just one simple thing
you’s gots ta do –
Believe Me What I’m sayin’s true
Believe Me I’ll be real to you
Believe Me I love you
Come to Me with your heart aches
For for you My heart aches
Believe Me when I tell you - I will give you Rest
There’s no other source for Peace, Joy and Righteousness
There’s no other recourse – in Me you will be Blessed
Yes, I love you and you love Me
Hey, we’re a happy family!
But do yourself a favour –
Forget about Barney, just come to Me.
- Jesus
- Joh:6:29
and we’re a happy family
but I’s gots ta say –
It don’t come from Barney!
If you want the Love
The Love that’s Holy,
You gots ta be free
And if you want to be free
To love wholly
Ya gots ta know Me
Some call Me Jesus
and others call Me Christ
some don’t call Me nothin’ at all
and some they aren’t too nice
but if ya wanna know Love
let Love know you
there’s just one simple thing
you’s gots ta do –
Believe Me What I’m sayin’s true
Believe Me I’ll be real to you
Believe Me I love you
Come to Me with your heart aches
For for you My heart aches
Believe Me when I tell you - I will give you Rest
There’s no other source for Peace, Joy and Righteousness
There’s no other recourse – in Me you will be Blessed
Yes, I love you and you love Me
Hey, we’re a happy family!
But do yourself a favour –
Forget about Barney, just come to Me.
- Jesus
- Joh:6:29
Saturday, December 19, 2009
True repentance is so hard to find these days
Someone who really wants to change their ways
People havin’ too much fun with the games they play
Gonna keep on keepin’ on no matter what I say
But there are some who aren’t havin’ fun
tired of livin’ life on the run
tired O’ their hearts fallin’ apart
lookin’ and a searchin’ for a brand new start
These are the ones I’m writin’ to
The heartbroken, sad and lonely few
Who realize their lives are incomplete
Come to the Wedding feast and take a seat
The world is so full of so many philosophies
You can serve just about any ol’ god you please
but you won’t find Hope or Joy and you sure won’t find no peace,
till you bow to the One who hung at Calvary
The One that bled and died for you and me
The One who inhabits Paradise Eternally
Now you can choose to sing the blues
Or you can get down on your knees
Cause if you want to know the truth
Jesus says simply “Follow Me”
Mat:9:9 4:19 8:22 19:21
Luk:5:27 9:59-62
Joh:1:43 21:22
Someone who really wants to change their ways
People havin’ too much fun with the games they play
Gonna keep on keepin’ on no matter what I say
But there are some who aren’t havin’ fun
tired of livin’ life on the run
tired O’ their hearts fallin’ apart
lookin’ and a searchin’ for a brand new start
These are the ones I’m writin’ to
The heartbroken, sad and lonely few
Who realize their lives are incomplete
Come to the Wedding feast and take a seat
The world is so full of so many philosophies
You can serve just about any ol’ god you please
but you won’t find Hope or Joy and you sure won’t find no peace,
till you bow to the One who hung at Calvary
The One that bled and died for you and me
The One who inhabits Paradise Eternally
Now you can choose to sing the blues
Or you can get down on your knees
Cause if you want to know the truth
Jesus says simply “Follow Me”
Mat:9:9 4:19 8:22 19:21
Luk:5:27 9:59-62
Joh:1:43 21:22
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Now my flesh becomes the Word and dwells in Heaven. For His flesh is my flesh. I am bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. His flesh is risen and will never again taste death, therefore I also am risen and will never see the second death. O death, where is thy sting? It is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God who lives in me. His victory is mine and it is complete and perfect and lacking nothing. No good thing, nothing pertaining to Eternal Life and godliness has been withheld from me. All that I am is found in Him.
Mighty Warrior! Warrior of Warriors! Come and redeem Your own! Come and replenish the earth. Come and walk this earth once again in communion with men! May all rebellion, sin and death be put far from us. There is none in Heaven beside Thee, oh Lord, let there be none beside Thee on earth! Come, let the watchmen cry out! All creation groans! No more cruel bondage! The dark one and his servants are cast out forever. Come people of God! Cry out and rest not until all things are accomplished according to His Will. Be vigilant. Watch for His return. Pray that we will escape the final damnation of this world. Pray – those who endure to the end will be saved.
Faint not. Look to one another. Strengthen the feeble hands that hang down. Love one another and by so doing cover a multitude of sins. Rejoice! Marvel not at the trials and tribulations you are going through as if it were a strange thing. Rejoice! You have been counted worthy to suffer for My Name’s sake! All those who will live Godly lives in Me will suffer persecution because the world hates you as they hated Me. Nothing’s changed! They crucified Me and what will they do to you? Fear not – for I have overcome the world. All these things must come to pass before the end will come. The cup is full of the wrath of My Father and it shall soon be poured out and when it happens – come with Me and hide with Me in the cleft of the Rock until His anger is appeased. You have heard it said that your enemy goes about as a lion seeking whom he can devour but I say to you that men who devour evil will themselves be devoured, for the eyes of The Lord run to and fro throughout the earth beholding both good and evil and woe to them who commit evil and not good. Woe to them who call evil, good and good, evil. Do not blaspheme My Spirit any longer! Do not resist Him for He only desires your good. It is not My Will that any should perish but if you who choose darkness instead of light do not repent quickly behold I come with a double-edged sword.
There is no one who can stand in My Presence without the seal of My Father upon their forehead, for their minds have been sanctified and every evil thought has been cast down and in them is no guile. They are My beloved brethren and they are loved by My Father and the world is not worthy of them. Behold! Their blood cries out to Me from the ground and they shall not go unavenged for vengeance is Mine says The Lord. Do not let your hearts become hard, haughty or cold because iniquity will continue to abound more and more as the end draws near but even more so will My Grace abound to you. Fear not I say – I have overcome many evils and I will overcome until the end. Abide in Me and I will abide in you: and you will endure to the end because you are the fruit of My Father – in you is the seed He will use to replenish the new Heavens and the new earth in that day that My Father presents Me with My long awaited for Bride. In that day her beauty will radiate throughout the Heavens and the old heavens and the old earth shall be put away as garments not worthy of My Bride. The new Heavens and the new earth shall be My Father’s endowment to her.
In My Father’s house are many mansions and I am even now preparing a place for you, My love. Look to Me and not to another for love. Remain faithful until the end. Put your Hope and Trust in Me and where I am you will be also. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the practices of sinners nor sits in the seat of mockers but this man rather, delights in Me. My power and My Glory will be known to him and others will see and many will repent and be baptized and he will repair the breach and restore the paths to dwell in and My people will perish from lack of knowledge, from lack of knowing Me no longer and I will give them shepherds who will guide them with My heart, who will feed them with knowledge and understanding and guard them with My Word and who will even be willing to lay down their lives for My sheep, who will no longer flee when danger comes, who will no longer seek to preserve their own life but will seek to preserve the lives of My people. These men will be shepherds after My own heart. They will care for My people as I do. Tenderly and with great compassion will they lead My people. When was the last time you saw a shepherd weep for the wounds of My people? I ever live to make intercession for you, and I still weep for you and My Father has saved My tears and you will see them one day. Fear not – put on the bond of perfection which is love, which is My engagement ring to you and all those who are properly clothed will not be turned away. I love you.
- Yeshua Emmanuel
love perfected
1 Cor:4:8
Mighty Warrior! Warrior of Warriors! Come and redeem Your own! Come and replenish the earth. Come and walk this earth once again in communion with men! May all rebellion, sin and death be put far from us. There is none in Heaven beside Thee, oh Lord, let there be none beside Thee on earth! Come, let the watchmen cry out! All creation groans! No more cruel bondage! The dark one and his servants are cast out forever. Come people of God! Cry out and rest not until all things are accomplished according to His Will. Be vigilant. Watch for His return. Pray that we will escape the final damnation of this world. Pray – those who endure to the end will be saved.
Faint not. Look to one another. Strengthen the feeble hands that hang down. Love one another and by so doing cover a multitude of sins. Rejoice! Marvel not at the trials and tribulations you are going through as if it were a strange thing. Rejoice! You have been counted worthy to suffer for My Name’s sake! All those who will live Godly lives in Me will suffer persecution because the world hates you as they hated Me. Nothing’s changed! They crucified Me and what will they do to you? Fear not – for I have overcome the world. All these things must come to pass before the end will come. The cup is full of the wrath of My Father and it shall soon be poured out and when it happens – come with Me and hide with Me in the cleft of the Rock until His anger is appeased. You have heard it said that your enemy goes about as a lion seeking whom he can devour but I say to you that men who devour evil will themselves be devoured, for the eyes of The Lord run to and fro throughout the earth beholding both good and evil and woe to them who commit evil and not good. Woe to them who call evil, good and good, evil. Do not blaspheme My Spirit any longer! Do not resist Him for He only desires your good. It is not My Will that any should perish but if you who choose darkness instead of light do not repent quickly behold I come with a double-edged sword.
There is no one who can stand in My Presence without the seal of My Father upon their forehead, for their minds have been sanctified and every evil thought has been cast down and in them is no guile. They are My beloved brethren and they are loved by My Father and the world is not worthy of them. Behold! Their blood cries out to Me from the ground and they shall not go unavenged for vengeance is Mine says The Lord. Do not let your hearts become hard, haughty or cold because iniquity will continue to abound more and more as the end draws near but even more so will My Grace abound to you. Fear not I say – I have overcome many evils and I will overcome until the end. Abide in Me and I will abide in you: and you will endure to the end because you are the fruit of My Father – in you is the seed He will use to replenish the new Heavens and the new earth in that day that My Father presents Me with My long awaited for Bride. In that day her beauty will radiate throughout the Heavens and the old heavens and the old earth shall be put away as garments not worthy of My Bride. The new Heavens and the new earth shall be My Father’s endowment to her.
In My Father’s house are many mansions and I am even now preparing a place for you, My love. Look to Me and not to another for love. Remain faithful until the end. Put your Hope and Trust in Me and where I am you will be also. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the practices of sinners nor sits in the seat of mockers but this man rather, delights in Me. My power and My Glory will be known to him and others will see and many will repent and be baptized and he will repair the breach and restore the paths to dwell in and My people will perish from lack of knowledge, from lack of knowing Me no longer and I will give them shepherds who will guide them with My heart, who will feed them with knowledge and understanding and guard them with My Word and who will even be willing to lay down their lives for My sheep, who will no longer flee when danger comes, who will no longer seek to preserve their own life but will seek to preserve the lives of My people. These men will be shepherds after My own heart. They will care for My people as I do. Tenderly and with great compassion will they lead My people. When was the last time you saw a shepherd weep for the wounds of My people? I ever live to make intercession for you, and I still weep for you and My Father has saved My tears and you will see them one day. Fear not – put on the bond of perfection which is love, which is My engagement ring to you and all those who are properly clothed will not be turned away. I love you.
- Yeshua Emmanuel
love perfected
1 Cor:4:8
Thursday, December 17, 2009
One day, The Lord took me for a walk in His vineyard. As I looked around, I noticed much of the fruit was rotting on the vine. I asked The Lord, what’s happening to Your vineyard? He said the rotting fruit represents people who are sitting in churches and never being allowed to minister to each other. We must all get back to 1 Cor:14:26!
I saw the fruit – it was rotting on the vine
it represented souls that aren’t allowed to shine
and the Holy Spirit is grieved, time after time
when He visits churches across the world only to find
The Fruit of The Lord’s vineyard – rotting on the vine
Too much Religion, with too little Faith
Too many churches have become a place
Where souls are herded into the sheep pen of tradition
Where they’re dying as they’re kept in a weakened condition
We are to make Disciples of all men
We are to teach them and care for them
Showing them how to walk in The Spirit of our God
Not sticking them in a pew and leaving them there to rot
Doing works of service are all well and good
But we must also grow in spiritual gifts and callings
To arrive at spiritual adulthood
Let us go on to purity and maturity, leadership, lead your people
And release them and let them go
Don’t stand idly by refusing to let them grow
If so
You are a hireling and not a true shepherd
Working for what you can get, not what you can give
Not entering yourself and preventing others from entering in
I saw the fruit – it was rotting on the vine
it represented souls that aren’t allowed to shine
and the Holy Spirit is grieved, time after time
when He visits churches across the world only to find
The Fruit of The Lord’s vineyard – rotting on the vine
Too much Religion, with too little Faith
Too many churches have become a place
Where souls are herded into the sheep pen of tradition
Where they’re dying as they’re kept in a weakened condition
We are to make Disciples of all men
We are to teach them and care for them
Showing them how to walk in The Spirit of our God
Not sticking them in a pew and leaving them there to rot
Doing works of service are all well and good
But we must also grow in spiritual gifts and callings
To arrive at spiritual adulthood
Let us go on to purity and maturity, leadership, lead your people
And release them and let them go
Don’t stand idly by refusing to let them grow
If so
You are a hireling and not a true shepherd
Working for what you can get, not what you can give
Not entering yourself and preventing others from entering in
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh Lord let us burn brightly in these dark days
May we burn with Holy Fire – set us ablaze
Let us shine more and more brightly at the end of this present Age
May we, Your Holy War, shun not to wage
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against spiritual wickedness in high places
But we enter into battle knowing our sin Your Blood erases
We have the knowledge of The Holy One
We have the knowledge of the Just
To the intimate knowledge of knowing Christ
Our lives we fully entrust
Keep us, oh Father from the Pride of life and lust
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes,
And as we remain humbly broken before You,
Always, we realize –
apart from You we can do nothing
apart from You we are nothing
Nothing but puffed up bags of flesh
Full of rotting bones and death
Our hearts apart from Him are as the beasts of the field
Full of wickedness, refusing to yield
Without Christ, divorce rates rise, drug use is up, homosexuals lie,
Abortion on demand, alcoholism and suicide,
Murders and rapes at an all time high.
A rebellious and wayward generation honour Me with their lips
But their hearts are far, far from Me – you hypocrites!
How long will I suffer you? The blood of Innocents – I hear their cries!
How long will My Truth you continue to deny?
How long will My Holiness you despise?
You are a perverse generation who do err continually in your hearts,
You cry to Me with lips of flattery
But My Spirit from you departs
Do you care that you call good evil, and evil good?
Oh My ways are not your ways,
Though you could learn My ways but you would not. 1 Joh:2:16
May we burn with Holy Fire – set us ablaze
Let us shine more and more brightly at the end of this present Age
May we, Your Holy War, shun not to wage
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against spiritual wickedness in high places
But we enter into battle knowing our sin Your Blood erases
We have the knowledge of The Holy One
We have the knowledge of the Just
To the intimate knowledge of knowing Christ
Our lives we fully entrust
Keep us, oh Father from the Pride of life and lust
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes,
And as we remain humbly broken before You,
Always, we realize –
apart from You we can do nothing
apart from You we are nothing
Nothing but puffed up bags of flesh
Full of rotting bones and death
Our hearts apart from Him are as the beasts of the field
Full of wickedness, refusing to yield
Without Christ, divorce rates rise, drug use is up, homosexuals lie,
Abortion on demand, alcoholism and suicide,
Murders and rapes at an all time high.
A rebellious and wayward generation honour Me with their lips
But their hearts are far, far from Me – you hypocrites!
How long will I suffer you? The blood of Innocents – I hear their cries!
How long will My Truth you continue to deny?
How long will My Holiness you despise?
You are a perverse generation who do err continually in your hearts,
You cry to Me with lips of flattery
But My Spirit from you departs
Do you care that you call good evil, and evil good?
Oh My ways are not your ways,
Though you could learn My ways but you would not. 1 Joh:2:16
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Feelings have ceilings and ceilings have walls
and walls are meant to hide behind
out of sight out of mind
Truth to tell hidden well,
Never the Light to find
but if we see beyond deceit
but if we reach deep unto deep
then we will free our hearts to be
healing begins deep within
with the wise touch of hands scarred by sin
not afraid to look inside
these are the hands of Jesus, Christ
the soil of a broken heart
is where the fruit of intimacy starts
to grow
for in our heartbrokenness, meekness and humility,
we come to know
we can’t go on in our own strength, wisdom or ability
And only with a humble heart may we approach our King
And in His presence may we abide
With only such a state inside
Our hearts humbled and contrite
Who said where you can’t go?
Who said what you can’t know?
Who said who you can’t be?
Who shapes your destiny?
Who thinks your thoughts for you?
Who says what you can do?
Who says how you should dress?
Who determines your happiness?
Whether you’ll be a success?
and walls are meant to hide behind
out of sight out of mind
Truth to tell hidden well,
Never the Light to find
but if we see beyond deceit
but if we reach deep unto deep
then we will free our hearts to be
healing begins deep within
with the wise touch of hands scarred by sin
not afraid to look inside
these are the hands of Jesus, Christ
the soil of a broken heart
is where the fruit of intimacy starts
to grow
for in our heartbrokenness, meekness and humility,
we come to know
we can’t go on in our own strength, wisdom or ability
And only with a humble heart may we approach our King
And in His presence may we abide
With only such a state inside
Our hearts humbled and contrite
Who said where you can’t go?
Who said what you can’t know?
Who said who you can’t be?
Who shapes your destiny?
Who thinks your thoughts for you?
Who says what you can do?
Who says how you should dress?
Who determines your happiness?
Whether you’ll be a success?
Monday, December 14, 2009
He bears my grief, He carries my sorrows
He’s already walked through all my tomorrows
and when despair and hopelessness O’er my heart roll –
His compassion and tenderness are sweet to my soul.
Jesus – Master of all that is and has ever lived,
You took the form of a Servant and gave all You had to give
You poured out Your life as a sacrifice;
For mankind You paid the highest price
You purchased us with Your Blood
You’ve redeemed us with Your Love
Now we humbly receive
We take our pain
We take our grief and lay them now at Your feet
And we humbly receive
As we bow before Your Throne of Grace
We seek to know You face to face
As we humbly receive - Your Glory is our covering
Our tongues in Praise our gift will bring
We sing –
Honour to our God most High!
The One who hears our cries
To us oh God draw nigh, draw nigh!
Your Presence is all we seek
You approach the lowly and meek
Be near us now for we are weak…
In Your Glory cloud we cannot rely on our own senses
And we must lay aside all false pretences
He’s already walked through all my tomorrows
and when despair and hopelessness O’er my heart roll –
His compassion and tenderness are sweet to my soul.
Jesus – Master of all that is and has ever lived,
You took the form of a Servant and gave all You had to give
You poured out Your life as a sacrifice;
For mankind You paid the highest price
You purchased us with Your Blood
You’ve redeemed us with Your Love
Now we humbly receive
We take our pain
We take our grief and lay them now at Your feet
And we humbly receive
As we bow before Your Throne of Grace
We seek to know You face to face
As we humbly receive - Your Glory is our covering
Our tongues in Praise our gift will bring
We sing –
Honour to our God most High!
The One who hears our cries
To us oh God draw nigh, draw nigh!
Your Presence is all we seek
You approach the lowly and meek
Be near us now for we are weak…
In Your Glory cloud we cannot rely on our own senses
And we must lay aside all false pretences
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Family Tree
When you are Born-Again, You’re born into the family of Life When you are One with God’s Spirit, You become a member of the Body of Christ Now that you’re grafted in, Why look at your family’s Acumen! To know who you’re to be,Why look at your Family Tree!
There’s Noah – without whom the whole human race wouldn’t be here(so the next time someone complains about Jews or Christians, tell them they wouldn’t be here to complain if not for a covenant keeping people).
There’s Abraham and clan – now there’s a family man! The Father of our Faith whom God calls a friend -Your family’s roots flow through him Take heart, this aint just talk – you come from pretty good stock!
There’s Moses, a man of Destiny - Your direct descendant, spiritually So listen to me –He was the greatest leader of God’s people the world had ever seen because he was also the one with the greatest humility So humble yourself and God will use you too, mightily!(you’ll bear fruit on this tree)
There’s Joshua and Samson and King David too There's Solomon and a Prophet or two So don’t reject the Prophet’s today –Listen to what they have to say,They’ve left a lot of footprints in the sands of Time And without them you wouldn’t have the Word as your guide and God loves them dearly, besides
There’s Peter and John and the rest of the Apostles Hey, listen they’re not just a bunch of fossils They’re pillars of the Faith we embrace today –They are your descendants, your family Along with all the Saints – they’re part of your Destiny Hey your family tree’s alive! It’s living, it’s never died! The family tree you’re a branch of is the very Tree of Life!
So when men come to eat of it’s fruit – that fruit is you!When the nations come for healing,It’s to you they are appealing! The sacrifice of Jesus, Christ Has relevance today when you lay down your life You are the salt of the earth,You give His sacrifice meaning and worth, In you Christ is Himself revealing, How good it is to be A part of God’s Family Tree!
There’s Noah – without whom the whole human race wouldn’t be here(so the next time someone complains about Jews or Christians, tell them they wouldn’t be here to complain if not for a covenant keeping people).
There’s Abraham and clan – now there’s a family man! The Father of our Faith whom God calls a friend -Your family’s roots flow through him Take heart, this aint just talk – you come from pretty good stock!
There’s Moses, a man of Destiny - Your direct descendant, spiritually So listen to me –He was the greatest leader of God’s people the world had ever seen because he was also the one with the greatest humility So humble yourself and God will use you too, mightily!(you’ll bear fruit on this tree)
There’s Joshua and Samson and King David too There's Solomon and a Prophet or two So don’t reject the Prophet’s today –Listen to what they have to say,They’ve left a lot of footprints in the sands of Time And without them you wouldn’t have the Word as your guide and God loves them dearly, besides
There’s Peter and John and the rest of the Apostles Hey, listen they’re not just a bunch of fossils They’re pillars of the Faith we embrace today –They are your descendants, your family Along with all the Saints – they’re part of your Destiny Hey your family tree’s alive! It’s living, it’s never died! The family tree you’re a branch of is the very Tree of Life!
So when men come to eat of it’s fruit – that fruit is you!When the nations come for healing,It’s to you they are appealing! The sacrifice of Jesus, Christ Has relevance today when you lay down your life You are the salt of the earth,You give His sacrifice meaning and worth, In you Christ is Himself revealing, How good it is to be A part of God’s Family Tree!
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Lord goes before us in everything we do
He is our example in all He’s called us to
Before you loved Me – I first loved you
And My love for you is perfect, Just and true
For I love you with all My heart,
All My mind, My soul, My strength
I love you with a perfect love
The width and breadth and length
You cannot measure – it has no end
If you now love Me, to this degree,
It will pay Eternal dividends
For our love will last for Eternity
Truly Lord, You have the pre-eminence among us
We’ve been loved by Your Grace
We’ve been graced by Your Love
He is our example in all He’s called us to
Before you loved Me – I first loved you
And My love for you is perfect, Just and true
For I love you with all My heart,
All My mind, My soul, My strength
I love you with a perfect love
The width and breadth and length
You cannot measure – it has no end
If you now love Me, to this degree,
It will pay Eternal dividends
For our love will last for Eternity
Truly Lord, You have the pre-eminence among us
We’ve been loved by Your Grace
We’ve been graced by Your Love
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Driven by forces beyond my control
I struggle to maintain a touchable soul
Here in the midst of my deepest thought
I sense that I am still being sought
I am sought
Who is it that seeks to know me?
Oh my God can it be? Can it be?
After all my failings? My sins? My frailties?
Do not my repentings make You weary?
And yet You would still
know me?
Will the Son of man find faith the second time around?
In what condition will your heart be found, be found,
the second time around?
God’s Spirit is brooding still over the water’s of this earth –
Bringing forth new life through the wonder of new birth.
Darkness is fleeing still from the Glory of His Light
The devil and his kingdom is still being put to flight
God is still creating man in His own likeness
Through the Lord Jesus Christ who alone is righteous
Can you still believe?
The mountains cast into the sea,
The Life of God is yours for free
With the faith as a mustard seed,
Oh can you still believe?
Yea, can you still believe?
I struggle to maintain a touchable soul
Here in the midst of my deepest thought
I sense that I am still being sought
I am sought
Who is it that seeks to know me?
Oh my God can it be? Can it be?
After all my failings? My sins? My frailties?
Do not my repentings make You weary?
And yet You would still
know me?
Will the Son of man find faith the second time around?
In what condition will your heart be found, be found,
the second time around?
God’s Spirit is brooding still over the water’s of this earth –
Bringing forth new life through the wonder of new birth.
Darkness is fleeing still from the Glory of His Light
The devil and his kingdom is still being put to flight
God is still creating man in His own likeness
Through the Lord Jesus Christ who alone is righteous
Can you still believe?
The mountains cast into the sea,
The Life of God is yours for free
With the faith as a mustard seed,
Oh can you still believe?
Yea, can you still believe?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Living Bread
As we recline at this Communion Table
Let us set aside every hindrance, every label,
Every division, every fear,
Let only Divine Love be present here
For like His, our flesh is a living sacrifice
Our bodies, His bread, are broken by Christ
As we lay down our lives on the Altar of His Will,
All His dreams our lives will fulfil
We become living bread
Manna sent by God
To cause the hungry to be nourished and fed
With the love of the One who rose from the dead
And bring them to life that they may wed
Our Lord, our Lover, the One who bled,
Our Groom,
With whom,
We’ll forever commune
Joh:6:48-51 “Satan makes mountains out of molehills. I make molehills out of mountains.” - God
Let us set aside every hindrance, every label,
Every division, every fear,
Let only Divine Love be present here
For like His, our flesh is a living sacrifice
Our bodies, His bread, are broken by Christ
As we lay down our lives on the Altar of His Will,
All His dreams our lives will fulfil
We become living bread
Manna sent by God
To cause the hungry to be nourished and fed
With the love of the One who rose from the dead
And bring them to life that they may wed
Our Lord, our Lover, the One who bled,
Our Groom,
With whom,
We’ll forever commune
Joh:6:48-51 “Satan makes mountains out of molehills. I make molehills out of mountains.” - God
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Trivial Pursuits
Oh your soul becomes the devil’s loot
when you spend your life on Trivial pursuits –
What is it you’re spending your life on?
What is it that makes you tick?
When all is said and done and gone
What will you have to show for it?
Oh with the devil you’re in cahoots
When you spend your life on Trivial pursuits.
When you stand before the Judgment seat of Christ
That’s not the time for you to make things right
I don’t want the last thing you ever hear
To be Jesus saying “man, get out of here!”
Some spend their lives on Baseball cards
Or Barbie dolls or fancy cars
Some can tell you all you need to know
About every home run McGuire hit and how far did they go
Now some will play their golf today
In lightning, snow or pouring rain
And other’s can’t seem to turn away
From what their TV or the internet has to say ok
So how many touchdowns did Marino throw?
And who won the Series in ’49 – I gotta know!
And any one of a thousand things
Can keep our minds turned away from Him
If we can stay distracted just long enough
Fillin’ up our lives with a bunch of stuff
Now I’m not tryin’ to get you blue
But if you don’t know Jesus what will you do?
When it’s over and your life is through?
The answer might be a little tough
But maybe this poem will give you a clue –
Don’t spend your life on Trivial Pursuits!
It’s just the fruit of the flesh
It’ll turn your life into a mess
Please don’t try to second guess
These words – just confess
And give up your pursuit of trivial things
Set your heart to pursue the only worthy fling
Let your passion for God take you far beyond this world
With it’s alluring distractions and cheap imitations
And accept your God’s Divine Invitation,
Don’t give in to that urge for hesitation
But join in the Eternal Celebration
Of Jesus – the Joy of your Salvation!
So don’t believe this poem is moot –
Give up your life of Trivial Pursuits!
when you spend your life on Trivial pursuits –
What is it you’re spending your life on?
What is it that makes you tick?
When all is said and done and gone
What will you have to show for it?
Oh with the devil you’re in cahoots
When you spend your life on Trivial pursuits.
When you stand before the Judgment seat of Christ
That’s not the time for you to make things right
I don’t want the last thing you ever hear
To be Jesus saying “man, get out of here!”
Some spend their lives on Baseball cards
Or Barbie dolls or fancy cars
Some can tell you all you need to know
About every home run McGuire hit and how far did they go
Now some will play their golf today
In lightning, snow or pouring rain
And other’s can’t seem to turn away
From what their TV or the internet has to say ok
So how many touchdowns did Marino throw?
And who won the Series in ’49 – I gotta know!
And any one of a thousand things
Can keep our minds turned away from Him
If we can stay distracted just long enough
Fillin’ up our lives with a bunch of stuff
Now I’m not tryin’ to get you blue
But if you don’t know Jesus what will you do?
When it’s over and your life is through?
The answer might be a little tough
But maybe this poem will give you a clue –
Don’t spend your life on Trivial Pursuits!
It’s just the fruit of the flesh
It’ll turn your life into a mess
Please don’t try to second guess
These words – just confess
And give up your pursuit of trivial things
Set your heart to pursue the only worthy fling
Let your passion for God take you far beyond this world
With it’s alluring distractions and cheap imitations
And accept your God’s Divine Invitation,
Don’t give in to that urge for hesitation
But join in the Eternal Celebration
Of Jesus – the Joy of your Salvation!
So don’t believe this poem is moot –
Give up your life of Trivial Pursuits!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I don’t want to write words
Simply because I want to hear them spoken
I don’t want to impart the wisdom of man
Some boastful yet proud and useless token
I never want to waste your time
With some cleverly-worded or witty rhyme
Only at the end to find
You haven’t been touched by Eternity
Something lasting by His Spirit imparted to Thee –
Something warm,
Something living,
Something deep,
Something giving,
that touches your soul
Something of Him who makes you whole
So if by the end of these words that I write
The eyes of your understanding haven’t been given sight
If to this fact your soul does not bend –
That the Glory of knowledge is in knowing Him,
If the fruit of these words is glory to me,
Than I will have failed quite miserably.
So please my friend, benefactor of my script,
Do not to me this disservice –
Do not dwell upon the vessel,
The messenger, the scribe,
but instead give your praise to the Treasurer inside
Give credit to whom credit is due –
It is not I but God you should give Glory to.
What have I that isn’t given from above?
It is not within me to walk circumspectly –
Only by His Love!
So I will boast only of the Cross of my Jesus, Christ,
For by His Blood, oh rejoice! My name is written in
His Book of Life!
So when you consider these words
And these thoughts that I share,
I hope you see His Hand guiding mine with care.
Simply because I want to hear them spoken
I don’t want to impart the wisdom of man
Some boastful yet proud and useless token
I never want to waste your time
With some cleverly-worded or witty rhyme
Only at the end to find
You haven’t been touched by Eternity
Something lasting by His Spirit imparted to Thee –
Something warm,
Something living,
Something deep,
Something giving,
that touches your soul
Something of Him who makes you whole
So if by the end of these words that I write
The eyes of your understanding haven’t been given sight
If to this fact your soul does not bend –
That the Glory of knowledge is in knowing Him,
If the fruit of these words is glory to me,
Than I will have failed quite miserably.
So please my friend, benefactor of my script,
Do not to me this disservice –
Do not dwell upon the vessel,
The messenger, the scribe,
but instead give your praise to the Treasurer inside
Give credit to whom credit is due –
It is not I but God you should give Glory to.
What have I that isn’t given from above?
It is not within me to walk circumspectly –
Only by His Love!
So I will boast only of the Cross of my Jesus, Christ,
For by His Blood, oh rejoice! My name is written in
His Book of Life!
So when you consider these words
And these thoughts that I share,
I hope you see His Hand guiding mine with care.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Darkness enters through the light of your TV
and I hear you say
Lord, just a closer walk with Thee
Who speaks into your soul
plays such an important role
in who you are to be
Is it___________ or is it the world speaking through your TV?
Love not the world nor things that are in the world
Why have communion with the sons of Belial?
Why continue in this habit of denial?
Why not shut out the voice of the world –
Is it such a trial?
I long for your heart and love
all the while…
2 Cor:6:14-18
Yes we are to boldly approach Your Throne of Grace
But we should do it on our knees or on our face
We do not forsake with each other our assembling
But as we do, we do so with reverence, fear and trembling
You are The God that put on human form
You are The God that can be touched
You are The God that reigns forevermore
And You O God are the One we love much
Yes we love You with all we are, not part
Not superficially with our lips and not our hearts
Yes we love You imperfectly it’s true
But in Christ we are perfected in our love for You
We’re no longer just sinners saved by Grace
But Saints who know You face to face
Holy Spirit, thank You for patiently abiding with us
Applying the Blood of our risen Lamb whenever You must
Teaching us to yield our members to Him
That in this flesh we can be free from sin
Show us the way out of every temptation
May Holiness and purity be our destination
Jesus, You showed us a man can live in this flesh
And yet dwell in Righteousness
You, O Jesus, broke the power of sin and death
By fulfilling the law completely, You’ve forever paid the penalty
By Your example we will learn to live free
With The Holy Spirit’s guidance and leading
Your sacrifice, Your given life, Your dying and bleeding
Won’t be in vain, won’t be disdained
Instead, Power, Glory and Honour
Will forever belong, in Word and Song
From our lips to Your Name!
and I hear you say
Lord, just a closer walk with Thee
Who speaks into your soul
plays such an important role
in who you are to be
Is it___________ or is it the world speaking through your TV?
Love not the world nor things that are in the world
Why have communion with the sons of Belial?
Why continue in this habit of denial?
Why not shut out the voice of the world –
Is it such a trial?
I long for your heart and love
all the while…
2 Cor:6:14-18
Yes we are to boldly approach Your Throne of Grace
But we should do it on our knees or on our face
We do not forsake with each other our assembling
But as we do, we do so with reverence, fear and trembling
You are The God that put on human form
You are The God that can be touched
You are The God that reigns forevermore
And You O God are the One we love much
Yes we love You with all we are, not part
Not superficially with our lips and not our hearts
Yes we love You imperfectly it’s true
But in Christ we are perfected in our love for You
We’re no longer just sinners saved by Grace
But Saints who know You face to face
Holy Spirit, thank You for patiently abiding with us
Applying the Blood of our risen Lamb whenever You must
Teaching us to yield our members to Him
That in this flesh we can be free from sin
Show us the way out of every temptation
May Holiness and purity be our destination
Jesus, You showed us a man can live in this flesh
And yet dwell in Righteousness
You, O Jesus, broke the power of sin and death
By fulfilling the law completely, You’ve forever paid the penalty
By Your example we will learn to live free
With The Holy Spirit’s guidance and leading
Your sacrifice, Your given life, Your dying and bleeding
Won’t be in vain, won’t be disdained
Instead, Power, Glory and Honour
Will forever belong, in Word and Song
From our lips to Your Name!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Are you Cain or are you Abel?
Do you disdain The Lord’s Table?
Is your offering received?
Or are you deceived?
Does your gift have God’s favour?
Does God enjoy your offerings flavour?
For yes God favours one offering over another
And if you see that God favours your brother
Will you hate him within your breast?
Or will you rejoice to see your brother blessed?
Will the sin crouching at your door,
Consume you till you are no more?
Or when God rejects your offering,
Will you go off and pout and do your own thing?
Start your own denomination,
As you choose the path that causes separation?
The curse of Cain lives on today –
Division and disunity
Because of pride and hate
Do you disdain The Lord’s Table?
Is your offering received?
Or are you deceived?
Does your gift have God’s favour?
Does God enjoy your offerings flavour?
For yes God favours one offering over another
And if you see that God favours your brother
Will you hate him within your breast?
Or will you rejoice to see your brother blessed?
Will the sin crouching at your door,
Consume you till you are no more?
Or when God rejects your offering,
Will you go off and pout and do your own thing?
Start your own denomination,
As you choose the path that causes separation?
The curse of Cain lives on today –
Division and disunity
Because of pride and hate
Friday, December 4, 2009
No matter what kinda love
You can love in this life
From one brother to another
From a man to his wife
From a mother to her baby
From a father to a son
There’s only one place
That it all comes from –
It’s God! The source of all Love!
Yea, God! Who IS Love!
And He’s better than anything
You can think of,
Yeah, the only way to love
The way love ought a be
Is to love the way that God
Loves you and me
(who were once His enemies)
No matter what you look like
No matter where you’re at in life
You got to swallow your pride
Cause this is true and tried –
Aint no lie –
God is the source of all Love and all Life!
You can love in this life
From one brother to another
From a man to his wife
From a mother to her baby
From a father to a son
There’s only one place
That it all comes from –
It’s God! The source of all Love!
Yea, God! Who IS Love!
And He’s better than anything
You can think of,
Yeah, the only way to love
The way love ought a be
Is to love the way that God
Loves you and me
(who were once His enemies)
No matter what you look like
No matter where you’re at in life
You got to swallow your pride
Cause this is true and tried –
Aint no lie –
God is the source of all Love and all Life!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
As the sun shines through the leaves
So you catch a partial glimpse of Me
As the Wind blows through the field
So like wheat your soul bends to yield
As the soil drinks in the fresh rain
So your spirit soaks up this sweet refrain –
Ah, Lord, Love is Yours
Oh, God, You I Sought
Ah, Jesus, More oh More
Abba, Father, I You Caught
As the fire consumes the wood
As the hen warms her brood
As the mountains kiss the sky
To My Spirit your soul draws nigh
Ah, Lord, Love is Yours
Oh, God, I You Sought
Ah, Jesus, More oh More
Abba, Father, You I Caught
As the Cross bore My flesh
So do you bear My death
And as I, emptied, received new life
So do you, resurrected, rise.
So you catch a partial glimpse of Me
As the Wind blows through the field
So like wheat your soul bends to yield
As the soil drinks in the fresh rain
So your spirit soaks up this sweet refrain –
Ah, Lord, Love is Yours
Oh, God, You I Sought
Ah, Jesus, More oh More
Abba, Father, I You Caught
As the fire consumes the wood
As the hen warms her brood
As the mountains kiss the sky
To My Spirit your soul draws nigh
Ah, Lord, Love is Yours
Oh, God, I You Sought
Ah, Jesus, More oh More
Abba, Father, You I Caught
As the Cross bore My flesh
So do you bear My death
And as I, emptied, received new life
So do you, resurrected, rise.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Dear One,
I am thy part and thine inheritance
I am thy reward and recompense
When the world forsakes you – take heart
My love for you will never depart
Whom have I in Heaven but Thee?
And there is none greater on Earth
With whom I desire to be
My flesh and my heart fail
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever
I am thy part and thine inheritance
I am thy reward and recompense
When the world forsakes you – take heart
My love for you will never depart
Whom have I in Heaven but Thee?
And there is none greater on Earth
With whom I desire to be
My flesh and my heart fail
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I’m trying my best not to offend
I’m trying my best not to pretend
When I’m loving my fellow men
There’s a sincere love God plants in our hearts
Want some more? Got to let it depart
Practice on others the love God shares with you
Then you’ll see this prayer come true –
“Love one another even as I have loved you”
See, He wouldn’t tell us to love if He didn’t show us how
In the soil of your heart He put His hand to the plow
He broke you and woke you and made you His own
Now your will is His will, You’re no longer alone
"Make me strong, not to be superior to my brothers - but to fight my greatest enemy, myself" - Sioiux Chief Yellowlark, 1883
I’m trying my best not to pretend
When I’m loving my fellow men
There’s a sincere love God plants in our hearts
Want some more? Got to let it depart
Practice on others the love God shares with you
Then you’ll see this prayer come true –
“Love one another even as I have loved you”
See, He wouldn’t tell us to love if He didn’t show us how
In the soil of your heart He put His hand to the plow
He broke you and woke you and made you His own
Now your will is His will, You’re no longer alone
"Make me strong, not to be superior to my brothers - but to fight my greatest enemy, myself" - Sioiux Chief Yellowlark, 1883
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