The little boy approached with tears in his eyes
and as he began to sob, to heavily cry
he said "yes momma, I took the candy from the store
but momma, I won't do it no more"
And as his tears fell upon his shirt
his momma realized - The truth hurts
A husband bowed his head in obvious pain
for his heart was heavy and full of shame
He told his wife "yes, I committed adultery
but honey it's the worst thing to ever happen to me.
I'm sorry that I sometimes flirt"
and the look on her face told him - the truth hurts
The Saviour willingly carried a heavy cross
thinking not of himself but of the souls he'd lost
His bruised and bleeding body testified to all
he was willing to go anywhere the Father called
For upon him the Father laid our sins, our very worst
the most blessed of all became the most cursed
And as they nailed him to that cross in agony
it was easy to see -
The Truth hurt
He hurt for you and me
He hurt, for all humanity
He suffered and he died
For every little boy that cries
For every husband caught in adultery
The Truth hurt and suffered painfully
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
There are times when the issues of the human heart transcend all denominational boundaries and cause us to come together, united in the Blood shed at the cross of Christ. Some needs are taller than the walls of comfort and carnality we erect to shut ourselves in or others out. Some times require the kind of unity that only great anguish or great joy can bring. This is such a time. Cry out! Call out to Him who has overcome the flesh, who looks beyond all fleshly boundaries to the heart. Cry out and do not cease until His mighty hand and heart are moved on our behalf. It won’t be long.
Should we choose to love than that choice mandates that we put hands and feet to that most worthy of goals. Lifestyle as well as words, together add up to something tangible, taken from our spirits and presented in the flesh. Those who are spiritually deaf and blind could not know it’s reality otherwise. We must unite for this common cause – reaching souls for Christ, not for ourselves but for His great Name’s sake, wooing souls for His Kingdom, not one of our own devising. Let us love Him by loving one another, esteeming each other more highly than ourselves. May His death not be in vain! For God so loved the world that He continues to send His Son through us! We are the salt of the earth! Let us fall on the Rock and be broken. Let the only bond we submit to be that of Love. Let us discern the whole Body, wherever we are found, whatever name lies upon the door of our sanctuary. The only label we will put on one another is “Brother” and “Sister”.
This is indeed the time for the saints of God to arise in perfect unity achievable only when the Holy Spirit is given His proper place. Holy Spirit, we honour you, we love you and welcome you this day. Have your way with us for only you can lead us to the Father, reveal to us the Son, and plant in us the fruit that will cause us to win the day! Now we will quit ourselves like men. Now we will fully submit to your desire that we be one as you are one. Now we will see the reality that we are One Body, One Spirit, with One Hope and One Lord. One Faith and one Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Amen.
Should we choose to love than that choice mandates that we put hands and feet to that most worthy of goals. Lifestyle as well as words, together add up to something tangible, taken from our spirits and presented in the flesh. Those who are spiritually deaf and blind could not know it’s reality otherwise. We must unite for this common cause – reaching souls for Christ, not for ourselves but for His great Name’s sake, wooing souls for His Kingdom, not one of our own devising. Let us love Him by loving one another, esteeming each other more highly than ourselves. May His death not be in vain! For God so loved the world that He continues to send His Son through us! We are the salt of the earth! Let us fall on the Rock and be broken. Let the only bond we submit to be that of Love. Let us discern the whole Body, wherever we are found, whatever name lies upon the door of our sanctuary. The only label we will put on one another is “Brother” and “Sister”.
This is indeed the time for the saints of God to arise in perfect unity achievable only when the Holy Spirit is given His proper place. Holy Spirit, we honour you, we love you and welcome you this day. Have your way with us for only you can lead us to the Father, reveal to us the Son, and plant in us the fruit that will cause us to win the day! Now we will quit ourselves like men. Now we will fully submit to your desire that we be one as you are one. Now we will see the reality that we are One Body, One Spirit, with One Hope and One Lord. One Faith and one Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Amen.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Prophetic Word continued
I've included the following personal word to a lovely Irish lady named Gwyneth because I want you to get a feel for how the Lord speaks to his own, so tenderly and with such great love. I want you to learn to recognize his voice...This took place on the same amazing evening the preceding prophetic word took place.
Gwyneth’s Word
“Your heart has been crying out for this. Your heart has been longing for this. Even My kiss, says the Lord. Even My kiss. Oh Lord, thank You, oh, oh. And I will not leave you or forsake you but I will partake of you. Oh you are not just an observer in My kingdom, you are not just an observer any longer, My daughter. You will not just observe others as they walk into intimacy. You will not just observe My Spirit upon others, even rejoice for them but oh My daughter My Spirit is upon you! You will experience all that you have dreamed of. You will experience all that you have seen in others. You will no longer compare yourself with anyone else. You are acceptable to Me, hallelujah!”
“I don’t know who you are, I’ve never met you before. I just see the Lord saying that, what I’m seeing is that sister – there is very little that the Lord has to adjust in you. My sister, I really see the Lord, just, there’s just some minor tweaking, ok? Very minor. You’re not the major case that people think you are or that others have said. You’re not that major job that God has to spend the rest of your life getting you to a place of perfection, you’re very close to it now. Your heart is so close to the Lord, you’ve just needed some minor adjustments. I hear the Lord saying there will be some adjustments but they’re very minor, my sister. They’re very minor. You’re nothing like people have said you are, Ha! even men that have said they were of Me, that said they were of Me do not have My word in their mouth, did not speak My words. Oh they wanted you to be in bondage to them. Ha. They wanted you for themselves. But I will not share you with another. I’m jealous over you, My daughter, I’m jealous for you. I won’t share you with anyone else. You belong to Me, oh you’re Mine, You’re Mine. You’re sealed, signed, sealed and delivered.”
“And the word came for dancing. And the Lord said feet on fire, He’s gonna put fire in people’s feet and He was talking about men but it’s for everyone but it’s just that men are often, it’s a lot harder for them to get up and dance but when the Lord began to show me, I’m going to go ahead and say this to you guys, judge it, but what I believe the Lord began to show me was that your dancing reflects where your heart is – it shows your heart, it shows where your heart is. If you can get up and you can dance exuberantly, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but you just, your heart’s in it and you just worship with your dance, River dance. A guy was talking about River dance and he said at the beginning one guy comes out and He’s just dancing. Then two, then like five more and then more and more till soon the whole stage is filled and He’s saying that’s what’s going to happen with men in particular but also with women is the zeal of the Lord’s going to come on them and they’re going to lose all inhibitions and they’re going to worship with their whole heart. If you’re worshipping with your whole heart, the Lord says love Me with all your heart, all your mind, all your, we quote that, if that’s true, if you love Him with all Your heart, you’re going to be dancing, at some point, you can’t help but, because your body will follow wherever your heart is, so if your heart’s full of Him, your body will be fully to Him, see that? That’s it! So, when you go to a church and no one can dance, literally they can’t, the Lord was showing me sometimes their hearts don’t belong to Him or their hearts are so heavy laden that their hearts are dragging their bodies down to the floor. They can’t move, literally. See, their hearts aren’t being ministered to, they’re sitting there and their hearts are breaking inside. They go to church and here’s what happens – Hi! How ya doin? Fine! Ok, good bye. It’s all feigned, it’s all fake, we go and put on our nice mask. It’s because we know in most churches if you allow that pain to come out it’s not going to be dealt with, it’s not going to be ministered to and healed, it’s just going to get worse and they’re going to talk about you, they’re going to point their finger at you and they’re going to say, look at her, she’s not perfect! She’s got problems! But if they know if they show that pain, that’s all that’s gonna happen. Instead of being nurtured and touched and healed so everybody hides it, oh I’ve been hurt too, many times. And so they just put on the mask and you go to church and God’s heart is breaking cause He wants to touch hearts. Hallelujah! He wants to touch hearts. Thank You Father.”
Gwyneth’s Word
“Your heart has been crying out for this. Your heart has been longing for this. Even My kiss, says the Lord. Even My kiss. Oh Lord, thank You, oh, oh. And I will not leave you or forsake you but I will partake of you. Oh you are not just an observer in My kingdom, you are not just an observer any longer, My daughter. You will not just observe others as they walk into intimacy. You will not just observe My Spirit upon others, even rejoice for them but oh My daughter My Spirit is upon you! You will experience all that you have dreamed of. You will experience all that you have seen in others. You will no longer compare yourself with anyone else. You are acceptable to Me, hallelujah!”
“I don’t know who you are, I’ve never met you before. I just see the Lord saying that, what I’m seeing is that sister – there is very little that the Lord has to adjust in you. My sister, I really see the Lord, just, there’s just some minor tweaking, ok? Very minor. You’re not the major case that people think you are or that others have said. You’re not that major job that God has to spend the rest of your life getting you to a place of perfection, you’re very close to it now. Your heart is so close to the Lord, you’ve just needed some minor adjustments. I hear the Lord saying there will be some adjustments but they’re very minor, my sister. They’re very minor. You’re nothing like people have said you are, Ha! even men that have said they were of Me, that said they were of Me do not have My word in their mouth, did not speak My words. Oh they wanted you to be in bondage to them. Ha. They wanted you for themselves. But I will not share you with another. I’m jealous over you, My daughter, I’m jealous for you. I won’t share you with anyone else. You belong to Me, oh you’re Mine, You’re Mine. You’re sealed, signed, sealed and delivered.”
“And the word came for dancing. And the Lord said feet on fire, He’s gonna put fire in people’s feet and He was talking about men but it’s for everyone but it’s just that men are often, it’s a lot harder for them to get up and dance but when the Lord began to show me, I’m going to go ahead and say this to you guys, judge it, but what I believe the Lord began to show me was that your dancing reflects where your heart is – it shows your heart, it shows where your heart is. If you can get up and you can dance exuberantly, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but you just, your heart’s in it and you just worship with your dance, River dance. A guy was talking about River dance and he said at the beginning one guy comes out and He’s just dancing. Then two, then like five more and then more and more till soon the whole stage is filled and He’s saying that’s what’s going to happen with men in particular but also with women is the zeal of the Lord’s going to come on them and they’re going to lose all inhibitions and they’re going to worship with their whole heart. If you’re worshipping with your whole heart, the Lord says love Me with all your heart, all your mind, all your, we quote that, if that’s true, if you love Him with all Your heart, you’re going to be dancing, at some point, you can’t help but, because your body will follow wherever your heart is, so if your heart’s full of Him, your body will be fully to Him, see that? That’s it! So, when you go to a church and no one can dance, literally they can’t, the Lord was showing me sometimes their hearts don’t belong to Him or their hearts are so heavy laden that their hearts are dragging their bodies down to the floor. They can’t move, literally. See, their hearts aren’t being ministered to, they’re sitting there and their hearts are breaking inside. They go to church and here’s what happens – Hi! How ya doin? Fine! Ok, good bye. It’s all feigned, it’s all fake, we go and put on our nice mask. It’s because we know in most churches if you allow that pain to come out it’s not going to be dealt with, it’s not going to be ministered to and healed, it’s just going to get worse and they’re going to talk about you, they’re going to point their finger at you and they’re going to say, look at her, she’s not perfect! She’s got problems! But if they know if they show that pain, that’s all that’s gonna happen. Instead of being nurtured and touched and healed so everybody hides it, oh I’ve been hurt too, many times. And so they just put on the mask and you go to church and God’s heart is breaking cause He wants to touch hearts. Hallelujah! He wants to touch hearts. Thank You Father.”
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Prophetic Word continued
“Father, I thank You for the hearts on fire sitting in churches around the land and the world and Father I pray tonight – do not let the flames die out, do not let the Spirit be quenched. When He said quench not the Spirit He’s talking about the Spirit in each other. He’s talking about the Spirit in one another, we’re not to quench the Spirit in one another, we’re to allow the Holy Spirit in each other to gush forth, to love, to rise up and blow upon each other, that’s where we receive life is when we quench not the Spirit in each other and in our own selves. Oh Father, that’s what You’re saying – quench not the Spirit in one another and too many Pastors stand there and the Spirit’s not on him! The Spirit is not even in Him and He’s on members of the congregation, the church and he won’t allow them, he won’t let them, he quenches them. He quenches them. He despises them. He despises them. Despise not prophecy. Prophecy comes from the spirit when it’s not quenched. Prophecy will always be a natural result of the Holy Spirit’s presence within us. When the Holy Spirit meets flesh, prophecy results. Always prophecy. They despise the prophecy, they despise the Holy Spirit in the people. Oh Father, they despise You! Oh, I knew it was bad, Father, I never saw that, though, that they actually despise You, Father, in the form of the Holy Spirit. Oh they stand there and despise You and if You, if You move, if You speak, if You, if You touch, they despise You and they cast You from their presence just as the Pharisees cast Jesus from their presence. Oh mercy, Father! We even pray for those Pastors that are quenching Your Spirit in the people that they are ruling over, oh! There’s pastors that are quenching You in their own people, Father, oh they need to humble themselves, oh Father. We pray for them also, Father and we pray for Your bride and we lift her up to You, Father – have Mercy! Have Mercy Father! Have mercy we pray Father, deliver. Deliver Your people. We call the Moses’ to rise up Father – they will not stop till Your people are delivered. They won’t be satisfied with the third or the fourth or the fifth plague and yet compromise. They won’t compromise, they will continue until they see Your people delivered. Oh Father! There’s a zeal in the hearts of men and women today that will not be satisfied till His people are delivered. There’s a zeal that He’s placed in His people. They will be strengthened, they will be sent forth, Ha, Ha! prepared for the day of battle!”
“I just hear the Father saying My people are not being prepared oh they’re not being prepared for battle. They’re not being prepared for battle, they’re being spoon fed. They’re being force fed too. The Apostles and Prophets have to stop force feeding, they have to stop so that the bride will become desperate, hungry, oh they have to stop it, stop the books, stop the videos, stop the DVD’s, stop until the people are hungry. Right now they’re so fat the can’t even move. They just receive it and sit there and get fatter and fatter. They don’t know how to take it and use it to effect change in the earth, oh they just sit there and get fatter and fatter. They’re not exercising their faith. Thank You Father, thank You Lord. Teach them to exercise their faith.”
“I just hear the Father saying My people are not being prepared oh they’re not being prepared for battle. They’re not being prepared for battle, they’re being spoon fed. They’re being force fed too. The Apostles and Prophets have to stop force feeding, they have to stop so that the bride will become desperate, hungry, oh they have to stop it, stop the books, stop the videos, stop the DVD’s, stop until the people are hungry. Right now they’re so fat the can’t even move. They just receive it and sit there and get fatter and fatter. They don’t know how to take it and use it to effect change in the earth, oh they just sit there and get fatter and fatter. They’re not exercising their faith. Thank You Father, thank You Lord. Teach them to exercise their faith.”
Friday, November 26, 2010
Prophetic Word continued:
“You know what I see? I see the bride standing before Jesus and He’s looking her in the eye and you can see the anticipation, the anticipation of being intimate with her forever and He’s excited and I see her reflecting Him in every way. He says she has doves eyes, she doesn’t look to another, only Him but see He has those same eyes - He looks to her and no one else, He will never look anywhere else, He’s faithful and every aspect of her came from Him. He has the pre-eminence among us, He’s the first born among many brethren. He’s the blue-print, He’s the model, it all came from Him and she’s the perfect reflection of Him in every way including the ability to choose, He has a choice. Jesus is saying tonight, He has a choice, He has a choice still, He can choose her or He can deny her. He still has a choice. It’s not set in a way that it could not, you know, just as He said in the garden, if I so choose now I could call legions of angels to rescue Me and it would be done. He still had a choice then. See, it wasn’t set in stone. It was foretold, it was prophesied but He had to obey the prophecy. He had to obey still in order for it to come to pass and He’s saying He still has that choice today to reject His bride, to reject and yet still today He chooses her just as He did back then. He’s still choosing her, He’s still choosing her. In all her imperfections, in all her flaws – He’s choosing her. She’s as a wounded young girl that’s been wounded. She’s got wounds all over her body and she’s been cut and she’s been slapped and she’s been abused, she’s been raped and she’s been hurt and she’s been so, oh, oh and yet He still chooses her and He will bind her wounds and He will heal each one of her wounds. She will be perfect when she is prepared, when she is presented she’ll be perfect. She will not even remember the wounds anymore, oh I just hear the wounds of My people, the wounds of My people ah and I see her and she’s been so abused, so hurt and yet He still chooses her. Oh that’s love! That’s love! He’s in love! You see it – He’s in love! Oh! Love won’t be denied. Love won’t look at us and say – you’re not good enough, you’ve been too hurt, you are ugly, you aren’t able to satisfy Me cause you’re in such a wounded condition. Love doesn’t even think those things, love doesn’t even let the remotest thought come in that I might not receive you. Oh Your love is beyond any love we would ever receive from anyone else Father! There is no love, really, besides Yours. All other love is false, it’s just, all other love Father besides Yours is just false, it’s emptiness. Oh, oh. Your love alone Father will do. There is no other love. It’s a lie. It’s a lie. Any other love is a lie to try to win our hearts away from You. We will not put our hearts on the world, even on each other. We will love one another, Father, oh yes we will but that love that we have for one another comes from You and goes back to You. We love because You’re in each other Father, You’re in each other. For truly Lord, only You could love the world. You told us to love not the world or the things that are in it but You said You love the world, that’s because, oh Lord, You’re the only one that can love the world and remain pure. You’re the only one that can do that. You’re the only one that can help the world. We can love the world through You. Oh thank You Father!”
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Prophetic Word continued:
“And the Lord’s even saying right now how many of My people I would turn their hearts towards Israel and they would not, they would not, they will not. Oh, oh God. I just see the Lord grieving because He wants to raise up a people who will love His people Israel even as He loves her. He wants His church to reflect His heart for Israel. He wants His people to reflect His heart, His great heart, oh hallelujah. He wants them to love Israel. He wants them to be an instrument of salvation in His hands for the Jews just as He used the Jews as an instrument of salvation in His hands for the gentiles.”
“Thank you Father, thank you Father. But what a tragedy it is for a man to stand in a pulpit and present nothing, present nothing of Me, of My Spirit and to pretend that He’s heard from Me, to pretend that he’s received from Me and to, oh and they’re going to other men for inspiration, they’re so desperate for inspiration they’re going to other men. They’re doing everything but consecrating themselves before Me and waiting on Me for revelation, instead they’re looking to man and they’re presenting people with an empty, in fact it’s junk food. They’re presenting junk food to people. It’s food that doesn’t accomplish good nourishment and they’re standing in the pulpit feeding junk food out and people love it because it tastes so good but it doesn’t do anything for them, they have no faith because of it. It’s not raising up faithful warriors, oh, full of faith, full of the fire of the Lord, full of the Spirit of God, instead and sitting in the pews I have raised up hearts on fire for Me. And the Holy Spirit is using Apostles and Prophets. I see Him walking through the land and these hearts on fire are being rescued, they’re being taken out of a place where the fire’s being quenched. In fact My church often quenches My fire and My presence in the hearts of My people and quenches it and causes those hearts to dim and fade, causes those hearts to, to, to fail. Oh. And no longer beat for Me. Oh. And they die when that happens, they die. When a heart ceases to beat for Me, says the Lord, they’re dead. They’re just an empty shell walking around, that’s why they’re fit only to be burned. That’s why I can only cast them into the fire in the end because they’re an empty shell just fit only to be burned, there’s nothing there for Me to redeem anymore.”
“And in churches across the land there’s hearts on fire and all My Apostles and Prophets will gather these hearts together, oh they will redeem them. I sent My Apostles for the poor. I sent My Apostles for the poor, the poor and the needy not the rich and the greedy. Oh I sent them for the poor in spirit, those who hunger and thirst for Me, for Righteousness, for I am your righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, oh they seek My kingdom and My righteousness. Oh too many are seeking My kingdom without My righteousness and those that are hungering and thirsting for righteousness, those are the ones I’m sending My Apostles and Prophets to. Oh for they seek Me. They seek Me. They want Righteousness and I, oh I give it, I give righteousness. I make them right. I make them right so that they can stand before My Father forever. And knowing that they can stand before My Father forever brings Peace, oh they have Peace with Me. They have Peace with My Father. Jesus is saying right now that I’ve been sent as a Peace-Maker between My people and My Father and I am establishing peace and I have, I’m offering a Peace-treaty and I’m extending peace to all of My people, for those who will have ears to hear and will receive I will make Peace between them and My Father. And once they’ve made peace with My Father they receive Joy, oh everlasting Joy. Oh joy can only come after Peace has been established and they’ve been made right. Oh the Joy of being right and peace, oh having peace, that will strengthen us through any trial, that will strengthen us through any trial, knowing that we are right before our Father and knowing we have peace with Him. Oh Father, oh Father. And I heard the Spirit saying, the Spirit said Will you be made whole? Oh He’s crying out to His people will you be made whole? Many of them have been lying in their sick beds of their denominations for 38 years and He’s still saying to them, He’s giving them an opportunity after all this time, will you be made whole? Oh My people, will you be made whole? Oh will you be made whole? Oh I will make you whole! I will bind you up, I will bind your wounds, I will dress your wounds, for I am the good Samaritan, I will dress your wounds, I will cleanse your wounds, I will carry you Myself to My Father’s house of healing and I have paid the price for you to remain in My Father’s house of healing until you are whole and I will do this for everyone who cries out for it, everyone who will receive it, oh I just long for you to ask for it, that’s all, just ask for it, just ask for it. Just ask to be whole, just desire to be whole, there’s so many desiring but not to be made whole, oh they desire but not for what I can do in their heart, they desire for what I can do for them in this world, they’re not thinking of the next world, they’re groaning in this world but they’re wanting what I can do for them in this world only. They’re wanting for what I can do for them now and they’re not thinking of the next one, I want to prepare them for the next, I want to prepare them for the New Jerusalem, oh I want them ready, I want them prepared with grace oh I want to present them to My Father, I want to present My bride to My Father, for even I go to My Father for His permission for the hand of My bride, even I go to My Father and present her to Him and I bow before Him and I say “Father, may I have her hand in marriage”, oh. She must receive His approval, oh thank You Father for My Bride, thank You for My Bride, thank You. She’s beautiful. Oh, oh she has dove’s eyes!”
“Thank you Father, thank you Father. But what a tragedy it is for a man to stand in a pulpit and present nothing, present nothing of Me, of My Spirit and to pretend that He’s heard from Me, to pretend that he’s received from Me and to, oh and they’re going to other men for inspiration, they’re so desperate for inspiration they’re going to other men. They’re doing everything but consecrating themselves before Me and waiting on Me for revelation, instead they’re looking to man and they’re presenting people with an empty, in fact it’s junk food. They’re presenting junk food to people. It’s food that doesn’t accomplish good nourishment and they’re standing in the pulpit feeding junk food out and people love it because it tastes so good but it doesn’t do anything for them, they have no faith because of it. It’s not raising up faithful warriors, oh, full of faith, full of the fire of the Lord, full of the Spirit of God, instead and sitting in the pews I have raised up hearts on fire for Me. And the Holy Spirit is using Apostles and Prophets. I see Him walking through the land and these hearts on fire are being rescued, they’re being taken out of a place where the fire’s being quenched. In fact My church often quenches My fire and My presence in the hearts of My people and quenches it and causes those hearts to dim and fade, causes those hearts to, to, to fail. Oh. And no longer beat for Me. Oh. And they die when that happens, they die. When a heart ceases to beat for Me, says the Lord, they’re dead. They’re just an empty shell walking around, that’s why they’re fit only to be burned. That’s why I can only cast them into the fire in the end because they’re an empty shell just fit only to be burned, there’s nothing there for Me to redeem anymore.”
“And in churches across the land there’s hearts on fire and all My Apostles and Prophets will gather these hearts together, oh they will redeem them. I sent My Apostles for the poor. I sent My Apostles for the poor, the poor and the needy not the rich and the greedy. Oh I sent them for the poor in spirit, those who hunger and thirst for Me, for Righteousness, for I am your righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, oh they seek My kingdom and My righteousness. Oh too many are seeking My kingdom without My righteousness and those that are hungering and thirsting for righteousness, those are the ones I’m sending My Apostles and Prophets to. Oh for they seek Me. They seek Me. They want Righteousness and I, oh I give it, I give righteousness. I make them right. I make them right so that they can stand before My Father forever. And knowing that they can stand before My Father forever brings Peace, oh they have Peace with Me. They have Peace with My Father. Jesus is saying right now that I’ve been sent as a Peace-Maker between My people and My Father and I am establishing peace and I have, I’m offering a Peace-treaty and I’m extending peace to all of My people, for those who will have ears to hear and will receive I will make Peace between them and My Father. And once they’ve made peace with My Father they receive Joy, oh everlasting Joy. Oh joy can only come after Peace has been established and they’ve been made right. Oh the Joy of being right and peace, oh having peace, that will strengthen us through any trial, that will strengthen us through any trial, knowing that we are right before our Father and knowing we have peace with Him. Oh Father, oh Father. And I heard the Spirit saying, the Spirit said Will you be made whole? Oh He’s crying out to His people will you be made whole? Many of them have been lying in their sick beds of their denominations for 38 years and He’s still saying to them, He’s giving them an opportunity after all this time, will you be made whole? Oh My people, will you be made whole? Oh will you be made whole? Oh I will make you whole! I will bind you up, I will bind your wounds, I will dress your wounds, for I am the good Samaritan, I will dress your wounds, I will cleanse your wounds, I will carry you Myself to My Father’s house of healing and I have paid the price for you to remain in My Father’s house of healing until you are whole and I will do this for everyone who cries out for it, everyone who will receive it, oh I just long for you to ask for it, that’s all, just ask for it, just ask for it. Just ask to be whole, just desire to be whole, there’s so many desiring but not to be made whole, oh they desire but not for what I can do in their heart, they desire for what I can do for them in this world, they’re not thinking of the next world, they’re groaning in this world but they’re wanting what I can do for them in this world only. They’re wanting for what I can do for them now and they’re not thinking of the next one, I want to prepare them for the next, I want to prepare them for the New Jerusalem, oh I want them ready, I want them prepared with grace oh I want to present them to My Father, I want to present My bride to My Father, for even I go to My Father for His permission for the hand of My bride, even I go to My Father and present her to Him and I bow before Him and I say “Father, may I have her hand in marriage”, oh. She must receive His approval, oh thank You Father for My Bride, thank You for My Bride, thank You. She’s beautiful. Oh, oh she has dove’s eyes!”
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It's the least I could do
Hi everyone,
I'm going to take a break from the prophetic word we've been reviewing because I have it on a memory stick and it seems to have broken! Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I just wrote this poem to remind us all to be as generous as possible to those less fortunate -
The widowed bride sat forlornly on the sidewalk
reduced to begging, her shame was outweighed only by her hunger
she had never in her lifetime thought she'd be caught
begging to strangers who most often shunned her
Older now and weaker, she could no longer work
the only hope she had left was the kindness of others
the pain that wracked her half-crippled body lurked
just beneath the thin blanket she used for cover
So it was that her hopes swelled within her as the rich man near her paused
only to have them cruelly dashed as the hunger gnawed and gnawed
for the rich man dropped only two coins in her basket
as he smiled at her, not seeing it was tragic
she looked at him and said "Sir, thank you"
and he replied "why don't mention it, it's the least I could do"
The orphaned boy cried himself to sleep most every night
losing both his parents left him aching for their love again
The orphanage he lived in tried their best to do things right
But his broken heart was a difficult thing to mend
He watched as the other children went to homes one by one
while he sat staring out the window - no one's son
Till the rich man arrived in his nice shiny car
and hope rose within the child with the soul scars
When the rich man paused before him, the boy looked up expectantly
and as the rich man handed him a baloon he cried "Is it for me?"
"Why yes" the rich man smiled "it is for you"
and as he turned to leave he said "It's the least I could do"
The rich man stood before Jesus for the first and last time in his life
He looked at the goats on his left and the sheep on his right
and as he was led to the goats by the Angel of the Lord's might,
He screamed "have mercy on this poor man!
Give me what I know I don't deserve!
Give me a place in the other herd!"
But the Lord just sadly shook his head,
pointing to Hell as he said -
"There is a place prepared for all who are like you,
and it shall be your eternal home
After all, it's the least I could do
for all shall reap what they have sown"
I'm going to take a break from the prophetic word we've been reviewing because I have it on a memory stick and it seems to have broken! Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I just wrote this poem to remind us all to be as generous as possible to those less fortunate -
The widowed bride sat forlornly on the sidewalk
reduced to begging, her shame was outweighed only by her hunger
she had never in her lifetime thought she'd be caught
begging to strangers who most often shunned her
Older now and weaker, she could no longer work
the only hope she had left was the kindness of others
the pain that wracked her half-crippled body lurked
just beneath the thin blanket she used for cover
So it was that her hopes swelled within her as the rich man near her paused
only to have them cruelly dashed as the hunger gnawed and gnawed
for the rich man dropped only two coins in her basket
as he smiled at her, not seeing it was tragic
she looked at him and said "Sir, thank you"
and he replied "why don't mention it, it's the least I could do"
The orphaned boy cried himself to sleep most every night
losing both his parents left him aching for their love again
The orphanage he lived in tried their best to do things right
But his broken heart was a difficult thing to mend
He watched as the other children went to homes one by one
while he sat staring out the window - no one's son
Till the rich man arrived in his nice shiny car
and hope rose within the child with the soul scars
When the rich man paused before him, the boy looked up expectantly
and as the rich man handed him a baloon he cried "Is it for me?"
"Why yes" the rich man smiled "it is for you"
and as he turned to leave he said "It's the least I could do"
The rich man stood before Jesus for the first and last time in his life
He looked at the goats on his left and the sheep on his right
and as he was led to the goats by the Angel of the Lord's might,
He screamed "have mercy on this poor man!
Give me what I know I don't deserve!
Give me a place in the other herd!"
But the Lord just sadly shook his head,
pointing to Hell as he said -
"There is a place prepared for all who are like you,
and it shall be your eternal home
After all, it's the least I could do
for all shall reap what they have sown"
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Prophetic Word continued:
“We have to be vessels of honour that will contain the richness of the Spirit, the food that people need to live! And when the famine comes, which it will, we need to be ready to give it away, that they might live forever. We need the Words stored up in us so that at the right time, because, oh this is what the Lord’s saying, oh, oh, He made them hungry, He made them so hungry, He made them so hungry that they were forced to come to Joseph to live, for food and there will come a time where those that are fat on the things of this world that do not care for the things of My Spirit says the Lord – I will make them so desperate and so hungry that they have no choice but to come to My Apostles and Prophets and receive the Words of Life and so live forever. I put My word in the mouths of My Apostles and Prophets and My church has rejected their word, which is My word and they rejected Me but there will come a day where they will have no other choice but to come to those I have selected to receive the words of Life that they might live forever. If they do not they will not make it. My Apostles and Prophets will be like Joseph, they will be Joseph’s. There will be no one higher in the Kingdom beside Me and they will sit at My right hand. Oh, oh, no one will have greater Authority. I speak wisdom on God’s Apostle’s and Prophet’s today, I speak wisdom for them all over the earth, wisdom oh God. Do not let them be led astray. Do not let them be led astray, Father. Oh. But let them store knowledge, let them store the words to be given out when people receive them. Do not let them give that precious, precious food to people that will trod on it and spit on it and not receive it ah God! Oh I just see right now there’s Apostles and Prophets that are trying so hard to give out the riches I’ve placed in them, they’re trying so hard. They’re looking for churches, they’re looking for crowds, they’re looking for people, they’re so excited at the richness of the revelations, they want to share them and it’s not time yet, it’s not time. The people aren’t hungry, the people aren’t hungry. Ah, they’re wasting it. They’re presenting this buffet before people that are already stuffed, full of everything but Me says the Lord. They’re stuffed with everything but Me, says the Lord. Ah, they’re full of the things of this world and when they’re full of the things of this world they can’t eat of Me, oh. And I just saw the Lord saying that if they do not eat My flesh and drink My blood they will end up eating their own flesh and drinking their own blood and thereby destroying themselves. Oh, oh, oh. They must either eat of Me or they will eat themselves, even as the children of Israel ate their own children, oh, oh God, oh God protect Your Apostles and Prophets. Oh God, let them be content Lord to consume the Revelation You give and let it remain within them for the proper time. Let them not seek to, force feed is what I’m hearing, force feed God’s people. They’re trying to force feed His people and they’re wasting so much of it. It’s so precious and they’re wasting it. Oh Father, don’t let Your Apostles and Prophets waste Your words, Lord. The Lord says there’s a reason there was 400 silent years, there’s a reason there was 400 silent years before Jesus was born and it’s because the hearts of the people were so hardened and obstinate, God.”
Monday, November 22, 2010
Prophetic utterance continued:
“I see angels going forth tonight, angels that have been reserved by the Father for this moment . I see angels that have never been released, they’ve been waiting! They’ve looked and they’ve seen and they’ve said let us go! Let us go! And the Father said no! Not yet. Until tonight. These are special angels, there’s something special about them, there’s an assignment they have that’s unique, there’s something about these angels that’s unique, ah! And they’re going tonight! They’ve been waiting, ha! Oh, one of them is covered in gold, there’s golden angels full of gold. Can we dance in a circle holding the mantle? Just dance in a circle.
We’re stirring up the anointing! It’s not just stagnant, it’s a moving anointing, it’s a moving mantle. It’s billowing with the wind of the Spirit. It’s magnificent! It does not sit still. This is a flowing mantle, a going mantle and a knowing mantle! Father! Thank you Father! Yes! Yes! Movement! Always movement Father! Oh there’s movement! The Lord says tonight, I’ve called you to be still but the anointing in you will not be still oh! It will flow and go! Even as you be still and know Me the anointing will flow, Ha! Just because you’re still doesn’t mean the anointing will be still, it’s not stagnant, ah hallelujah, the wind of the Spirit is billowing the mantle! Thank You Father! Oh Father, oh Lord, Yes! Yes! Hallelujah! Glory to You tonight!”
“Ah, oh! I just see the anointing, I see the mantle of Elijah and he said to Elisha, if you see the mantle, if you see it, you will receive the double portion. And tonight oh we have seen it, hallelujah! So tonight we receive the double portion oh Father for the double portion is not for us but it’s for Your people oh Lord. Oh not for us but for Your people. Father we’ll take the double portion to break the strong yoke here. Oh it will take a double portion anointing to break the yoke on this nation. Thank You Father. But we will bear it Father, oh we will bear it Father before You. We will, we will remain, Father. Oh we will remain. Oh we will not, we will not lay this down, Father, oh no, oh no. We will stand. We will see Your purposes come to pass. Oh Father. Oh Father. It’s for Your son, oh Father. It’s not good for Him to be alone. Oh thank You Father. Oh Father. And it wasn’t until You breathed into her that she became alive and we cannot live unless You breathe upon us, unless Your breath is in us, unless You Holy Spirit are our breath, You are our breath, Holy Spirit. We cannot live, we cannot live without You. We must have You, Holy Spirit, we must breathe You in and out every day, Holy Spirit, we cannot abide without You, we cannot live without You! Holy Spirit we honour You tonight. We give honour to You. We are so grateful that You obeyed Your Father and came and You remain and You see it all, You see all of the sin, You see it all, You know it all and out of Love You stay. You remain. And let us be ones who breathe You in, breathe You out again on this fallen world, Lord. On Your Bride, on Your people, she cannot live without You, she must have You. She must. Just as we can’t live without breath, we cannot remain with You forever without You, Holy Spirit. Oh Holy Spirit! We honour You tonight. We thank You for remaining. We thank You for remaining here. Even Jesus got to go back to the Father, that’s where You long to be. You long to return to the Father. You long for Him but You remain, to teach us and lead us to the Father. You want us to go with You, You want us to go with You. Holy Spirit we love You tonight. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. Oh! Your bride is trying to breathe without You. Oh that’s why You said let the dead bury their dead. Oh without You Holy Spirit, they’re dead. Oh, oh, Holy Spirit. We love You. Oh.”
We’re stirring up the anointing! It’s not just stagnant, it’s a moving anointing, it’s a moving mantle. It’s billowing with the wind of the Spirit. It’s magnificent! It does not sit still. This is a flowing mantle, a going mantle and a knowing mantle! Father! Thank you Father! Yes! Yes! Movement! Always movement Father! Oh there’s movement! The Lord says tonight, I’ve called you to be still but the anointing in you will not be still oh! It will flow and go! Even as you be still and know Me the anointing will flow, Ha! Just because you’re still doesn’t mean the anointing will be still, it’s not stagnant, ah hallelujah, the wind of the Spirit is billowing the mantle! Thank You Father! Oh Father, oh Lord, Yes! Yes! Hallelujah! Glory to You tonight!”
“Ah, oh! I just see the anointing, I see the mantle of Elijah and he said to Elisha, if you see the mantle, if you see it, you will receive the double portion. And tonight oh we have seen it, hallelujah! So tonight we receive the double portion oh Father for the double portion is not for us but it’s for Your people oh Lord. Oh not for us but for Your people. Father we’ll take the double portion to break the strong yoke here. Oh it will take a double portion anointing to break the yoke on this nation. Thank You Father. But we will bear it Father, oh we will bear it Father before You. We will, we will remain, Father. Oh we will remain. Oh we will not, we will not lay this down, Father, oh no, oh no. We will stand. We will see Your purposes come to pass. Oh Father. Oh Father. It’s for Your son, oh Father. It’s not good for Him to be alone. Oh thank You Father. Oh Father. And it wasn’t until You breathed into her that she became alive and we cannot live unless You breathe upon us, unless Your breath is in us, unless You Holy Spirit are our breath, You are our breath, Holy Spirit. We cannot live, we cannot live without You. We must have You, Holy Spirit, we must breathe You in and out every day, Holy Spirit, we cannot abide without You, we cannot live without You! Holy Spirit we honour You tonight. We give honour to You. We are so grateful that You obeyed Your Father and came and You remain and You see it all, You see all of the sin, You see it all, You know it all and out of Love You stay. You remain. And let us be ones who breathe You in, breathe You out again on this fallen world, Lord. On Your Bride, on Your people, she cannot live without You, she must have You. She must. Just as we can’t live without breath, we cannot remain with You forever without You, Holy Spirit. Oh Holy Spirit! We honour You tonight. We thank You for remaining. We thank You for remaining here. Even Jesus got to go back to the Father, that’s where You long to be. You long to return to the Father. You long for Him but You remain, to teach us and lead us to the Father. You want us to go with You, You want us to go with You. Holy Spirit we love You tonight. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. Oh! Your bride is trying to breathe without You. Oh that’s why You said let the dead bury their dead. Oh without You Holy Spirit, they’re dead. Oh, oh, Holy Spirit. We love You. Oh.”
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Prophetic Word continued
“Oh Father, tonight, the oil of joy, the oil of gladness, the oil that breaks the yoke, Father. Oh Lord, thank you. And we call forth tonight relationships between relationships between your Apostles and Prophets and your prophetic people from all four corners of this land, every part of this land will come together as one mantle, as one mantle oh Hallelujah! Hallelujah, oh Lord Father! And I hear God saying Israel was the original mantle that He put upon the earth. They were the first mantle that He wove and created. So to the Jew first and then to the Greek and so this mantle that You chose to put as a prophecy over this nation is an Israeli prayer shawl and that is very prophetic because, ah hallelujah, because this nation will honour Israel, Hallelujah! And Israel, the anointing that He put into the mantle on Israel will abide here also, hallelujah, because He wanted the anointing that He put in Israel to cover the gentiles, that’s what He said. He’s always wanted it to do that and they took it and selfishly, they, they did not obey and cover the gentiles but tonight it is a reestablishment of God’s heart for the anointing that He put in Israel that it would be shared with the gentiles and would cover the gentile nations. Israel is meant by God today to be a cover, a mantle over the nations, hallelujah, and the nations are struggling with it, they refuse to accept this mantle that God has placed upon them and this Apostolic and Prophetic mantle contains the seed that was in the mantle of Israel. It’s the, it’s, hallelujah, in fact it’s the fullness of that which Israel started! Yes! Hallelujah! It’s the fullness of that which Israel began which God began with Israel, Ha! It’s the call to intimacy! Ha! He always meant for Israel to lead the gentiles into a place of intimacy with Him and they would not! And today My church is doing the same thing. I’ve called My church to lead those who are lost, those who are without Me into an intimate relationship with Me and instead they themselves are not entering into intimacy and they’re preventing others from doing so, Oh! Oh! Oh!”
“No more will My house be a house of merchants but it will be a place of intimacy and if they will not abide in this intimacy they will not remain in My house, says the Lord. They will not remain says the Lord. I will have a Holy Bride who will desire Me, who will desire Me. Any man who has a Bride that does not desire him will put her away. Am I any different in the sense that I desire intimacy with My bride? I will have intimacy, if she will not desire Me, oh, I will have a passionate Bride, I will have a passionate Bride oh she will be so passionate for Me she will forget herself, she will be beside herself with passion, she will not even, she will lose her elegance, she’ll become wild with passion for Me. She’ll lose even her, all thought for herself and she’ll lose even sight of herself in My presence, she will be so consumed with Me, she will be so in love with Me that she will stop at nothing till she has Me, she will not wait, she will not stop, she will not stop, she will not stop at the door, she will not stop until she has Me. Until she has ME! She will not accept a substitute, she will not accept a lesser, she will not allow herself to be sold into slavery anymore as a harlot, she will not allow it, she will please no man but she will please Me, says the Lord. She will please Me and Me alone, ah!”
“No more will My house be a house of merchants but it will be a place of intimacy and if they will not abide in this intimacy they will not remain in My house, says the Lord. They will not remain says the Lord. I will have a Holy Bride who will desire Me, who will desire Me. Any man who has a Bride that does not desire him will put her away. Am I any different in the sense that I desire intimacy with My bride? I will have intimacy, if she will not desire Me, oh, I will have a passionate Bride, I will have a passionate Bride oh she will be so passionate for Me she will forget herself, she will be beside herself with passion, she will not even, she will lose her elegance, she’ll become wild with passion for Me. She’ll lose even her, all thought for herself and she’ll lose even sight of herself in My presence, she will be so consumed with Me, she will be so in love with Me that she will stop at nothing till she has Me, she will not wait, she will not stop, she will not stop, she will not stop at the door, she will not stop until she has Me. Until she has ME! She will not accept a substitute, she will not accept a lesser, she will not allow herself to be sold into slavery anymore as a harlot, she will not allow it, she will please no man but she will please Me, says the Lord. She will please Me and Me alone, ah!”
Saturday, November 20, 2010
More of the prophetic word the Lord shared with us in Ireland a few years back -
“From this night forth we declare the full Apostolic and Prophetic mantle over this nation will be maintained and held up and will not fall but all corners of this nation, the Apostolic and Prophetic ministries You have ordained and set in place, Father, will stand in unity together, in unity across this nation so that the mantle You’ve placed over this nation will remain before You because when You look down on this nation Father and You see this Apostolic and Prophetic mantle that causes You to turn and bless this people and bless this nation and pour out Your blessings because You said on this foundation You will build Your Bride – the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Thank You Father for establishing Your mantle over this nation Father, before Your face oh Father, thank You that there are Pastors from every corner of this nation who have received them and there are noble women around this nation who have received Your Apostles and Prophets and have made room for them, thank You Father, have given them sustenance as they travel this land so that they may continue to do Your Will and Your work, Father. Thank You Father, oh thank You for the faithfulness of Your saints, Father who support the Apostolic and Prophetic even as the Apostolic and Prophetic is there to serve them. They are serving You by serving them, it’s a mutual servant hood, hallelujah! No one lording over but serving, esteeming the other more highly then themselves, Father. Thank You Father. No more will one church exalt itself over another, no more, Father, no more. But churches will esteem others more highly than themselves and will rejoice to see other churches succeed because they will be so grateful that the souls in those churches are being ministered to and matured and nurtured and they will cry out for joy that Your people are being fed and blessed and clothed and they will not in any way let flesh hinder who they are before You, instead of grieving You by being jealous and envious and clinging to Your sheep and holding them and trying to divide them and even when You draw them to another pasture, when You put them in another pasture, they curse them and they say they are cursed, Father we no longer will tolerate these curses of Your people. Your people are free. They are like the wind and the wind cannot be controlled by man. The wind blows where You send it Father, where You send it. And Your people go where You send them, not where any man sends them. They are no longer in bondage to man, Father. Thank You that the Pastors of this nation Father, will humble themselves and thank You Father that they will rejoice to see each other blessed. They will lift their brother up in prayer, in finances, in support and they will break bread together, Father, hallelujah! Thank You Father. And the Lord says tonight they will either break the bread together or I will break them. They will break bread, share it with one another or I will break them says the Lord. Thank You Father. This is Kingdom business here tonight, Kingdom business.”
“And you will even circle this city, says the Lord and you will see the unclean come down in this city. The walls that hold Me out and uncleanness in will come down. Oh Lord. And the Lord will silence the voice of man. Man was not allowed to speak when they surrounded the walls of Jericho and so shall it be today. No longer will man’s voice speak but only when I say will the trumpet sound and the wall will come down. No more the voice of man, Father. Your tent’s being enlarged, Father. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Oh Father, we kiss you tonight, lest You be angry and we perish from the way. We kiss You tonight. We give you the intimacy you deserve and demand. We will not be a barren fig tree that looks like it should be bearing fruit but it will not bear fruit, no Father, we will bear You fruit. Oh Father, when you looked at, Oh when You looked at Adam and you said it is not good for man to be alone, Adam was a type of Jesus and You were saying to Your Son, Jesus, it is not good for YOU to be alone! Thank You Father! You said to Jesus it’s not good for you to be alone, You turned to Your Son and You said it isn’t good for you to be alone and out of Jesus came His Bride! Yes! Out of your side blood and water flowed, yes your bride came from your side just as Adam’s bride did. You took the bride out of His side, Father, hallelujah! Jesus, we say to you tonight, it is not good for You to be alone! Let us be your helpmeet, oh let us fulfil you, let us fulfil every desire of your heart, let us be the ones to fulfil you Lord, let us even stand in that place of intimacy until our brothers and sisters come to that place. We’re never coming out, we’ll be, we’ll be there Father in that place of intimacy. We’ll abide under Your shadow in that secret place and Father we do pray that others would join us there. I just sense we should have a time of dancing, hallelujah!”
“From this night forth we declare the full Apostolic and Prophetic mantle over this nation will be maintained and held up and will not fall but all corners of this nation, the Apostolic and Prophetic ministries You have ordained and set in place, Father, will stand in unity together, in unity across this nation so that the mantle You’ve placed over this nation will remain before You because when You look down on this nation Father and You see this Apostolic and Prophetic mantle that causes You to turn and bless this people and bless this nation and pour out Your blessings because You said on this foundation You will build Your Bride – the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Thank You Father for establishing Your mantle over this nation Father, before Your face oh Father, thank You that there are Pastors from every corner of this nation who have received them and there are noble women around this nation who have received Your Apostles and Prophets and have made room for them, thank You Father, have given them sustenance as they travel this land so that they may continue to do Your Will and Your work, Father. Thank You Father, oh thank You for the faithfulness of Your saints, Father who support the Apostolic and Prophetic even as the Apostolic and Prophetic is there to serve them. They are serving You by serving them, it’s a mutual servant hood, hallelujah! No one lording over but serving, esteeming the other more highly then themselves, Father. Thank You Father. No more will one church exalt itself over another, no more, Father, no more. But churches will esteem others more highly than themselves and will rejoice to see other churches succeed because they will be so grateful that the souls in those churches are being ministered to and matured and nurtured and they will cry out for joy that Your people are being fed and blessed and clothed and they will not in any way let flesh hinder who they are before You, instead of grieving You by being jealous and envious and clinging to Your sheep and holding them and trying to divide them and even when You draw them to another pasture, when You put them in another pasture, they curse them and they say they are cursed, Father we no longer will tolerate these curses of Your people. Your people are free. They are like the wind and the wind cannot be controlled by man. The wind blows where You send it Father, where You send it. And Your people go where You send them, not where any man sends them. They are no longer in bondage to man, Father. Thank You that the Pastors of this nation Father, will humble themselves and thank You Father that they will rejoice to see each other blessed. They will lift their brother up in prayer, in finances, in support and they will break bread together, Father, hallelujah! Thank You Father. And the Lord says tonight they will either break the bread together or I will break them. They will break bread, share it with one another or I will break them says the Lord. Thank You Father. This is Kingdom business here tonight, Kingdom business.”
“And you will even circle this city, says the Lord and you will see the unclean come down in this city. The walls that hold Me out and uncleanness in will come down. Oh Lord. And the Lord will silence the voice of man. Man was not allowed to speak when they surrounded the walls of Jericho and so shall it be today. No longer will man’s voice speak but only when I say will the trumpet sound and the wall will come down. No more the voice of man, Father. Your tent’s being enlarged, Father. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Oh Father, we kiss you tonight, lest You be angry and we perish from the way. We kiss You tonight. We give you the intimacy you deserve and demand. We will not be a barren fig tree that looks like it should be bearing fruit but it will not bear fruit, no Father, we will bear You fruit. Oh Father, when you looked at, Oh when You looked at Adam and you said it is not good for man to be alone, Adam was a type of Jesus and You were saying to Your Son, Jesus, it is not good for YOU to be alone! Thank You Father! You said to Jesus it’s not good for you to be alone, You turned to Your Son and You said it isn’t good for you to be alone and out of Jesus came His Bride! Yes! Out of your side blood and water flowed, yes your bride came from your side just as Adam’s bride did. You took the bride out of His side, Father, hallelujah! Jesus, we say to you tonight, it is not good for You to be alone! Let us be your helpmeet, oh let us fulfil you, let us fulfil every desire of your heart, let us be the ones to fulfil you Lord, let us even stand in that place of intimacy until our brothers and sisters come to that place. We’re never coming out, we’ll be, we’ll be there Father in that place of intimacy. We’ll abide under Your shadow in that secret place and Father we do pray that others would join us there. I just sense we should have a time of dancing, hallelujah!”
Friday, November 19, 2010
Continueing with a prophetic utterance the Lord shared with us in Ireland a few years back -
“What the Lord is raising up is Eunuchs to attend to His Bride. Eunuchs who will not touch her in any way unclean or take advantage of her anymore. I see Eunuchs being raised up, Pastors who will be Eunuchs in the Spirit. You see, Eunuchs were the one’s who attended to Esther and that prepared her to be with the King. Everyone of them was a Eunuch. Not one of them had any inclination to posses her or take her for themselves and God is going to deliver His Bride from men, from Pastors, from leadership who are trying to take of her for themselves, that are trying to get from her for themselves, for their own pleasure, for their own kingdoms, for their own houses and not mine, says the Lord. I am now going to allow Eunuchs only to touch My Bride, only men and women, leadership who have no other agenda, who have no hidden, selfish motives to touch My Bride in a way that is unclean, that has unclean motivations, hallelujah!”
“Three times the Lord has given me Isaiah 56:4 and I thought it was for Chris here and I thought this does not fit, this does not fit, this does not fit! And I believe since you spoke there now, yes it does fit and it says here, For thus says the Lord, the Eunuchs who keep my Sabbath and choose to please Me and hold fast to My Covenant!”
“Oh God! Yes! Yes God! Father, yes send the Eunuchs forth Lord! Only let Eunuchs minister to Your Bride, hallelujah! God, release the Eunuchs Father, oh, the ones that have no motives or agendas, that will not rape your Bride, oh, oh Father, thank You for the Eunuchs oh, oh God, men Lord, who do not desire Your Bride, men who do not desire her, oh God men who do not want your Bride to fulfil their own flesh or their own agendas or ambitions, God but have no other heart but to prepare her to be with You. To prepare her to be intimate with You, oh God, thank You for, oh God thank You for Eunuch Pastors, Eunuch Prophets, Father, Eunuch Apostles, Father, Eunuch Teachers, oh Father, oh God, oh God, oh we cry out for your Bride oh God let her be touched now Father by those with the Anointing, oh let only the Anointing, the fragrant oils and spices and the Anointing touch Your Bride from now on for she is being prepared to be with you forever, oh Father! She’s being prepared at this time Father, for intimacy with You, we’re friends of the Groom preparing the Bride for intimacy, intimacy, oh friends of the Groom preparing the Bride for intimacy, oh God! Oh God, thank You oh Lord, we cry out now, Lord, Hallelujah, we cry out now oh God, oh God EUNUCHS,
COME FORTH! EUNUCHS COME FORTH! And it was the Eunuchs that cast down Jezebel. Hallelujah! It was the Eunuchs that cast her down. That’s why Pastors can’t get rid of Jezebel, they don’t have a Eunuch anointing, that’s why they can’t get rid of her, that’s why she’s able to hang around churches and do such damage, as long as they don’t have a Eunuch’s heart they’re not gonna be able to get rid of her. It was only the Eunuchs who touched her and were able to lay hands on her and cast her down. Hallelujah! Pastors who have a Eunuch anointing do not have a Jezebel, hallelujah!”
(To be continued)
“What the Lord is raising up is Eunuchs to attend to His Bride. Eunuchs who will not touch her in any way unclean or take advantage of her anymore. I see Eunuchs being raised up, Pastors who will be Eunuchs in the Spirit. You see, Eunuchs were the one’s who attended to Esther and that prepared her to be with the King. Everyone of them was a Eunuch. Not one of them had any inclination to posses her or take her for themselves and God is going to deliver His Bride from men, from Pastors, from leadership who are trying to take of her for themselves, that are trying to get from her for themselves, for their own pleasure, for their own kingdoms, for their own houses and not mine, says the Lord. I am now going to allow Eunuchs only to touch My Bride, only men and women, leadership who have no other agenda, who have no hidden, selfish motives to touch My Bride in a way that is unclean, that has unclean motivations, hallelujah!”
“Three times the Lord has given me Isaiah 56:4 and I thought it was for Chris here and I thought this does not fit, this does not fit, this does not fit! And I believe since you spoke there now, yes it does fit and it says here, For thus says the Lord, the Eunuchs who keep my Sabbath and choose to please Me and hold fast to My Covenant!”
“Oh God! Yes! Yes God! Father, yes send the Eunuchs forth Lord! Only let Eunuchs minister to Your Bride, hallelujah! God, release the Eunuchs Father, oh, the ones that have no motives or agendas, that will not rape your Bride, oh, oh Father, thank You for the Eunuchs oh, oh God, men Lord, who do not desire Your Bride, men who do not desire her, oh God men who do not want your Bride to fulfil their own flesh or their own agendas or ambitions, God but have no other heart but to prepare her to be with You. To prepare her to be intimate with You, oh God, thank You for, oh God thank You for Eunuch Pastors, Eunuch Prophets, Father, Eunuch Apostles, Father, Eunuch Teachers, oh Father, oh God, oh God, oh we cry out for your Bride oh God let her be touched now Father by those with the Anointing, oh let only the Anointing, the fragrant oils and spices and the Anointing touch Your Bride from now on for she is being prepared to be with you forever, oh Father! She’s being prepared at this time Father, for intimacy with You, we’re friends of the Groom preparing the Bride for intimacy, intimacy, oh friends of the Groom preparing the Bride for intimacy, oh God! Oh God, thank You oh Lord, we cry out now, Lord, Hallelujah, we cry out now oh God, oh God EUNUCHS,
COME FORTH! EUNUCHS COME FORTH! And it was the Eunuchs that cast down Jezebel. Hallelujah! It was the Eunuchs that cast her down. That’s why Pastors can’t get rid of Jezebel, they don’t have a Eunuch anointing, that’s why they can’t get rid of her, that’s why she’s able to hang around churches and do such damage, as long as they don’t have a Eunuch’s heart they’re not gonna be able to get rid of her. It was only the Eunuchs who touched her and were able to lay hands on her and cast her down. Hallelujah! Pastors who have a Eunuch anointing do not have a Jezebel, hallelujah!”
(To be continued)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Well, today marks exactly one year since I started this blog. So to celebrate, I'm going to deviate from the normal prophetic poetry and share a few words the Lord has shared with me, over the next week or so. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed hearing them. God Bless you from South Korea, Chris
God told me to “tell My people there are giants in the land. And these giants are mighty. Many of them are so powerful, they cannot be defeated. They are so strong and stubborn, they will not be moved”
He then told me to tell you, His people, that the giants He is referring to are YOU, His people! He said you must learn to look at yourself the way He sees you. In His eyes you are a giant, in the enemies’ eyes you are a giant, the only one who does not see you as a giant is YOU! The enemy should be a grasshopper in YOUR eyes and believe me, he fears YOU! He will flee from you when you resist him, from the third heaven, from the heavenly place in Christ Jesus! From there, you can’t lose! From there, satan is truly under your feet. Study Ephesians one and two again. See your self from God’s perspective. In fact, learn to see everything from His perspective. I hope this book has been as much a blessing to you reading it as it has been to me writing it. I hope you have encountered your God in a more meaningful way as a result and I hope it has inspired you to seek him with your whole heart. I love each and every one of you and I am so grateful you have spent time with me, through the pages of this book, in pursuit of Dad’s presence, of which there is nothing more satisfying in this life and the life to come.
In Christ, forever,
Christopher Michael Waxman
God told me to “tell My people there are giants in the land. And these giants are mighty. Many of them are so powerful, they cannot be defeated. They are so strong and stubborn, they will not be moved”
He then told me to tell you, His people, that the giants He is referring to are YOU, His people! He said you must learn to look at yourself the way He sees you. In His eyes you are a giant, in the enemies’ eyes you are a giant, the only one who does not see you as a giant is YOU! The enemy should be a grasshopper in YOUR eyes and believe me, he fears YOU! He will flee from you when you resist him, from the third heaven, from the heavenly place in Christ Jesus! From there, you can’t lose! From there, satan is truly under your feet. Study Ephesians one and two again. See your self from God’s perspective. In fact, learn to see everything from His perspective. I hope this book has been as much a blessing to you reading it as it has been to me writing it. I hope you have encountered your God in a more meaningful way as a result and I hope it has inspired you to seek him with your whole heart. I love each and every one of you and I am so grateful you have spent time with me, through the pages of this book, in pursuit of Dad’s presence, of which there is nothing more satisfying in this life and the life to come.
In Christ, forever,
Christopher Michael Waxman
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Would it be alright if I said I loved you?
Would it be alright if I said I cared?
Through Your pain You did gain
My love forever
of His Love
the shore of your bitterness
and anger till it is
all eroded away and
His embrace
The flow of the River of His Spirit
will soften the hardest of hearts
continually exposed to Him
Would it be alright if I said I cared?
Through Your pain You did gain
My love forever
of His Love
the shore of your bitterness
and anger till it is
all eroded away and
His embrace
The flow of the River of His Spirit
will soften the hardest of hearts
continually exposed to Him
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The woman found Jesus at the Well
Then Jesus found the Well in the woman
And the whole town came to see
The man who spoke so bluntly
While the Disciples were in town
(Food for their bodies was their goal)
He was giving Eternal food to feed their Eternal souls
What we need to hear
Is the Truth about ourselves
Not “all is well” when really
We’re on the way to Hell
What we need to taste
Is a meeting with Jesus face to face
We need to think with what our hearts drink (not our minds)
Jesus will offend our minds to reveal what’s in our hearts
Though we try to impress each other with how we’re really smart
At the end of our minds is where our salvation starts
So let Jesus dig up the Well that is in you
Let all that is of your flesh be dug up and removed
That the Spirit full of living water from your heart,
out of your belly, may flow through,
John 4
Hearts on fire
With Godly desires
Hearts ablaze
With the glorious pursuit
Of the Truth
(not fazed by the devil’s loot)
but pursuing our God
our wonderful Yahweh
needing Him and Him only
Then Jesus found the Well in the woman
And the whole town came to see
The man who spoke so bluntly
While the Disciples were in town
(Food for their bodies was their goal)
He was giving Eternal food to feed their Eternal souls
What we need to hear
Is the Truth about ourselves
Not “all is well” when really
We’re on the way to Hell
What we need to taste
Is a meeting with Jesus face to face
We need to think with what our hearts drink (not our minds)
Jesus will offend our minds to reveal what’s in our hearts
Though we try to impress each other with how we’re really smart
At the end of our minds is where our salvation starts
So let Jesus dig up the Well that is in you
Let all that is of your flesh be dug up and removed
That the Spirit full of living water from your heart,
out of your belly, may flow through,
John 4
Hearts on fire
With Godly desires
Hearts ablaze
With the glorious pursuit
Of the Truth
(not fazed by the devil’s loot)
but pursuing our God
our wonderful Yahweh
needing Him and Him only
Monday, November 15, 2010
Weeping endures for a night
But Joy comes in the mourning
Our heart’s eyes are given sight
As Love comes adorning
Our souls with the Peace
That comes only through grief
Suffering and sorrows
Can cleanse our tomorrows
Because only through our pain and hurt
Can we know Him as The God of all comfort
So know this one fact
To be perfectly real
Whom The Lord wounds
He also heals.
But Joy comes in the mourning
Our heart’s eyes are given sight
As Love comes adorning
Our souls with the Peace
That comes only through grief
Suffering and sorrows
Can cleanse our tomorrows
Because only through our pain and hurt
Can we know Him as The God of all comfort
So know this one fact
To be perfectly real
Whom The Lord wounds
He also heals.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What has become of you, sittin’ in that pew?
Even though to man you are the least
To God you are a King and a Priest!
You are Holy and Anointed with
Authority in the natural and in the Spirit -
A Priest and a King, hear this refrain
You are born to rule and to Reign
How dare we you disdain!
No Honour and respect given to who you are
Made to sit when God’s brought you so far
Rise up now, rise up Holy One!
Rise up forerunner, rise up and run
Be free of all bondage, all that is of man
Soar high above this fallen land
Going as far as you possibly can
Through the strength and Anointing
Of God, not man
Even though to man you are the least
To God you are a King and a Priest!
You are Holy and Anointed with
Authority in the natural and in the Spirit -
A Priest and a King, hear this refrain
You are born to rule and to Reign
How dare we you disdain!
No Honour and respect given to who you are
Made to sit when God’s brought you so far
Rise up now, rise up Holy One!
Rise up forerunner, rise up and run
Be free of all bondage, all that is of man
Soar high above this fallen land
Going as far as you possibly can
Through the strength and Anointing
Of God, not man
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Eternal, Eternal, Holy Inferno
I cannot escape fire, oh
We’ll all be baptized in flames
Either of The Holy Spirit or of Hell
May I be cleansed and consumed
by the conqueror of my tomb
Freed now, in freedom reside
Through Him who was crucified
Loved and loosed to be bound to You
Bound and found perfected, tried and true
Eternal, Eternal, Holy Inferno
No part of me untouched by You, oh
Holy, Holy, Holy One of Israel
Able to keep me through every trial
Whether lion, bear or giant,
All will fall before the Great I Am
My heart is Yours for You I cry oh
Holy Lover to whom forever I cleave oh
From You my Lover I’ll never leave oh
Or forsake You oh oh oh
I cannot escape fire, oh
We’ll all be baptized in flames
Either of The Holy Spirit or of Hell
May I be cleansed and consumed
by the conqueror of my tomb
Freed now, in freedom reside
Through Him who was crucified
Loved and loosed to be bound to You
Bound and found perfected, tried and true
Eternal, Eternal, Holy Inferno
No part of me untouched by You, oh
Holy, Holy, Holy One of Israel
Able to keep me through every trial
Whether lion, bear or giant,
All will fall before the Great I Am
My heart is Yours for You I cry oh
Holy Lover to whom forever I cleave oh
From You my Lover I’ll never leave oh
Or forsake You oh oh oh
Friday, November 12, 2010
Do you really want to know
Why God put on human form
And lived in the flesh of a man?
It wasn’t just to die outside of Jerusalem,
It was so we could touch Him,
So He could hold us, love us, in a way we can stand
He so longs to be near to us,
He humbled Himself to make clear to us –
His Love is so Grand!
God The Father, God The Spirit,
Together touching us through Jesus’ hands
And they’re touching us still
Much deeper than before
Through Holy Spirit
Our hearts are an open door
That forever we’ll know Him
Not just as our Saviour and Lord
No, forever we’ll be the Bride of The Son
His Holy chosen One
And it’s The Father’s good pleasure, it is,
To give us the Kingdom as our wedding gift!
Why God put on human form
And lived in the flesh of a man?
It wasn’t just to die outside of Jerusalem,
It was so we could touch Him,
So He could hold us, love us, in a way we can stand
He so longs to be near to us,
He humbled Himself to make clear to us –
His Love is so Grand!
God The Father, God The Spirit,
Together touching us through Jesus’ hands
And they’re touching us still
Much deeper than before
Through Holy Spirit
Our hearts are an open door
That forever we’ll know Him
Not just as our Saviour and Lord
No, forever we’ll be the Bride of The Son
His Holy chosen One
And it’s The Father’s good pleasure, it is,
To give us the Kingdom as our wedding gift!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
As the River flows to the Sea
So Your Love flows faithfully
And Lord, I know I’ll always be
As the deer pants for the water
I cry out to You Holy Father
Then Your sweet voice helps me not to falter
And I’m
Comforted – in times of trial
Because You’re with me all the while
Comforted in times of need
Because You always hear my pleas
And oh my God You comfort me
As the moth’s drawn to the flame
I can’t resist crying out Your Name
Jesus, Yeshua,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow just the same
Healing, Blessing, Comforting.
2 Cor:1:3&4
So Your Love flows faithfully
And Lord, I know I’ll always be
As the deer pants for the water
I cry out to You Holy Father
Then Your sweet voice helps me not to falter
And I’m
Comforted – in times of trial
Because You’re with me all the while
Comforted in times of need
Because You always hear my pleas
And oh my God You comfort me
As the moth’s drawn to the flame
I can’t resist crying out Your Name
Jesus, Yeshua,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow just the same
Healing, Blessing, Comforting.
2 Cor:1:3&4
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Awake O sleeper, rise from your sleep
God shines on you like the morning star
Awake O sleeper, time for you to reap
God says you’re more than who you think you are
You’re His Holy Bride
Called to His side
To forever abide
Free of Religious pride
Knowing Truth in the inward part
God will posses your entire heart
Awake O keeper of your brother’s life
Called by God to bear your brother’s faults
Arise O weeper from this world’s strife
In God’s plan you are the earth’s salt –
Spread His Love around
From you His Love abounds
His Light shines through you
So men may know Truth
Awake! Get out of bed!
Let God’s thoughts now fill your head
Awake! Don’t keep your peace
Shout from the rooftops
Our God Reigns! Supreme!
There is something that we can say
That no religion on earth can claim
Our God Reigns!
Our God Reigns!
Oh our God has chosen to let us
Know Him by His first Name
Our Jesus Reigns!
Our Jesus Reigns!
Our God Reigns! Hallelujah!
Our God Reigns! Only He!
Our God Reigns! And you must
Oh follow and Believe!
Oh our God endured the Cross
Oh He endured the shame
For us our God He suffered
He went through such pain!
Our God Reigns! Hallelujah!
Our God Reigns! Only He!
Our God Reigns! And you must
Oh follow and Believe!
God please open all ears
To hear this sweet refrain –
Our God Reigns!
To You we’ll forever be near
And this fact we will always proclaim -
Our God Reigns!
God shines on you like the morning star
Awake O sleeper, time for you to reap
God says you’re more than who you think you are
You’re His Holy Bride
Called to His side
To forever abide
Free of Religious pride
Knowing Truth in the inward part
God will posses your entire heart
Awake O keeper of your brother’s life
Called by God to bear your brother’s faults
Arise O weeper from this world’s strife
In God’s plan you are the earth’s salt –
Spread His Love around
From you His Love abounds
His Light shines through you
So men may know Truth
Awake! Get out of bed!
Let God’s thoughts now fill your head
Awake! Don’t keep your peace
Shout from the rooftops
Our God Reigns! Supreme!
There is something that we can say
That no religion on earth can claim
Our God Reigns!
Our God Reigns!
Oh our God has chosen to let us
Know Him by His first Name
Our Jesus Reigns!
Our Jesus Reigns!
Our God Reigns! Hallelujah!
Our God Reigns! Only He!
Our God Reigns! And you must
Oh follow and Believe!
Oh our God endured the Cross
Oh He endured the shame
For us our God He suffered
He went through such pain!
Our God Reigns! Hallelujah!
Our God Reigns! Only He!
Our God Reigns! And you must
Oh follow and Believe!
God please open all ears
To hear this sweet refrain –
Our God Reigns!
To You we’ll forever be near
And this fact we will always proclaim -
Our God Reigns!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
We often run from the times
when pain fills our eyes
and we try and we try and we try
not to cry
Yet what I’ve found,
strange as it sounds
is that as the tears flow
there’s a cleansing that comes to my soul
Let them go, let them go,
Embrace them to know
Times of sorrow and grief
Can strengthen our belief
That through pain and tears
God, to our heart draws near
“Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted” Mat:5:4
“He was a man of sorrows and well acquainted with grief” Isa:53:3
“Jesus wept” Joh:11:35
My simple, easy to follow, 5 step plan for a successful life –
1. Hear and Obey The Lord
2. Hear and Obey The Lord
3. Hear and Obey The Lord
4. Thank and Praise and Worship The Lord
5. Hear and Obey The Lord
You have my permission to publish and share this plan with anyone you wish. It is the culmination of many years of walking with The Lord. It alone is worth the price of this book, for which you probably paid too little.
We’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes
To see to it our generation
Awakes, Awakes, Awakes
Shake them, slap them, lay in their path,
Talk with them, walk with them,
Shout out loud, whisper a prayer
Show every soul that you really do care
Love them awake, do whatever it takes
Don’t waste, don’t waste, don’t waste
Another second – reach them now!
It’s all we live for anyhow
Saving souls, then making them whole –
This is our God-given goal
Do not wait until it’s too late
Call this generation to
Awake, Awake, Awake!
when pain fills our eyes
and we try and we try and we try
not to cry
Yet what I’ve found,
strange as it sounds
is that as the tears flow
there’s a cleansing that comes to my soul
Let them go, let them go,
Embrace them to know
Times of sorrow and grief
Can strengthen our belief
That through pain and tears
God, to our heart draws near
“Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted” Mat:5:4
“He was a man of sorrows and well acquainted with grief” Isa:53:3
“Jesus wept” Joh:11:35
My simple, easy to follow, 5 step plan for a successful life –
1. Hear and Obey The Lord
2. Hear and Obey The Lord
3. Hear and Obey The Lord
4. Thank and Praise and Worship The Lord
5. Hear and Obey The Lord
You have my permission to publish and share this plan with anyone you wish. It is the culmination of many years of walking with The Lord. It alone is worth the price of this book, for which you probably paid too little.
We’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes
To see to it our generation
Awakes, Awakes, Awakes
Shake them, slap them, lay in their path,
Talk with them, walk with them,
Shout out loud, whisper a prayer
Show every soul that you really do care
Love them awake, do whatever it takes
Don’t waste, don’t waste, don’t waste
Another second – reach them now!
It’s all we live for anyhow
Saving souls, then making them whole –
This is our God-given goal
Do not wait until it’s too late
Call this generation to
Awake, Awake, Awake!
Monday, November 8, 2010
You're Different
You’re different – you know you are
You’re not like the rest of the cookies in the jar
You stand out in a crowd
You’re goin’ upstream while they’re all goin’ down
It’s lonely being you - at times it hurts
but you’ll always stand out from those in the world
See, you’re crazy in love with God above
Most days, most times it’s Him you’re thinkin’ of
Narrow is the path you’ve chosen to walk
Wide is the path on which the world’s been caught
So take comfort in the One who comforts you
For the lost to stand a chance you really have to
Stand and not compromise – be a witness to all
That God is real and He really can rescue everyone from the Fall
You’re different from the rest –
Different questions, different answers, different tests
You’re laughin’ when they’re sad
You’re cryin’ when they’re glad
You’re good when they’re bad
You’re livin’ while they’re chaff
And the Wind that blows them all away
Will be the Wind that brings you home to stay
Welcome Home! Faithful one, welcome Home!
Because here, you see, you’re no different than Me!
- Jesus
1 Pet:2:11
The whole purpose and destiny of Israel, and therefore of all of us, is to show the world that God “Is Real”
You’re not like the rest of the cookies in the jar
You stand out in a crowd
You’re goin’ upstream while they’re all goin’ down
It’s lonely being you - at times it hurts
but you’ll always stand out from those in the world
See, you’re crazy in love with God above
Most days, most times it’s Him you’re thinkin’ of
Narrow is the path you’ve chosen to walk
Wide is the path on which the world’s been caught
So take comfort in the One who comforts you
For the lost to stand a chance you really have to
Stand and not compromise – be a witness to all
That God is real and He really can rescue everyone from the Fall
You’re different from the rest –
Different questions, different answers, different tests
You’re laughin’ when they’re sad
You’re cryin’ when they’re glad
You’re good when they’re bad
You’re livin’ while they’re chaff
And the Wind that blows them all away
Will be the Wind that brings you home to stay
Welcome Home! Faithful one, welcome Home!
Because here, you see, you’re no different than Me!
- Jesus
1 Pet:2:11
The whole purpose and destiny of Israel, and therefore of all of us, is to show the world that God “Is Real”
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Banana Bread
½ cup of oil (or butter melted)
1 cup of honey
2 eggs
1 cup of milk
2 cups whole wheat flour – sifted
2 ½ tspns baking powder
½ tspn salt
2 tspns cinnamon
1 cup of mashed, ripe bananas
½ to 1 cup of walnuts (optional)
½ cup of raisons (optional)
mix oil with honey
then add two eggs and beat well
add one cup of milk
and the rest of the ingredients
mix well and put in an oiled bread pan
bake @ 375* degrees for 50-65 minutes
add hunger
Pro:15:13 23:5
What can I say? If home made banana bread, hot out of the oven, doesn’t brighten up your day, what will? Yum, yum. This recipe is sheer poetry to my mouth!
1 cup of honey
2 eggs
1 cup of milk
2 cups whole wheat flour – sifted
2 ½ tspns baking powder
½ tspn salt
2 tspns cinnamon
1 cup of mashed, ripe bananas
½ to 1 cup of walnuts (optional)
½ cup of raisons (optional)
mix oil with honey
then add two eggs and beat well
add one cup of milk
and the rest of the ingredients
mix well and put in an oiled bread pan
bake @ 375* degrees for 50-65 minutes
add hunger
Pro:15:13 23:5
What can I say? If home made banana bread, hot out of the oven, doesn’t brighten up your day, what will? Yum, yum. This recipe is sheer poetry to my mouth!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
You’re leaving a legacy – know it or not
As you’re passin’ through this world.
It’s either better or it’s worse,
It’s either blessed or it’s cursed,
Nothing’s static, nothing’s standing still.
You leave this world either a little more healed or a little more ill
You have an effect no matter what you do or don’t
You’re leaving a legacy whether you will or won’t
The choices you make, small though they may be
all add up to form a life-times legacy
When you look back from the foot of God’s Judgment throne
Don’t regret your life and say “I wish I had known”
Cause buddy you read it right here in the lines of this poem!
So ultimately aim your life at saving souls
And after they’re in the Kingdom – seek to help them grow
But don’t neglect or forget to save your own
You want Heaven and not Hell to be your lasting home
As you’re passin’ through this world.
It’s either better or it’s worse,
It’s either blessed or it’s cursed,
Nothing’s static, nothing’s standing still.
You leave this world either a little more healed or a little more ill
You have an effect no matter what you do or don’t
You’re leaving a legacy whether you will or won’t
The choices you make, small though they may be
all add up to form a life-times legacy
When you look back from the foot of God’s Judgment throne
Don’t regret your life and say “I wish I had known”
Cause buddy you read it right here in the lines of this poem!
So ultimately aim your life at saving souls
And after they’re in the Kingdom – seek to help them grow
But don’t neglect or forget to save your own
You want Heaven and not Hell to be your lasting home
Friday, November 5, 2010
Look, I completely understand, it cannot be easy hearing
that something you’ve believed so strongly all of your life
is not something God taught or desired in His wife
There are times when the deception you’ve walked in
will leave you flat out astonished
but better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king
who will no longer be admonished!
Really, it’s much better to humble yourself
than to have God do it for you
Give up your resistance to the occupation of the Holy Spirit inside
Give up your preoccupation with all that is a lie
Give up all that comes from pride
Let the Holy Spirit examine all you’ve received and believed
And let Him prune from your existence all that has you deceived
May you be delivered at God’s insistence
From all that is of the devil or man
(the two work hand in hand)
May you be cleansed and renewed in the spirit of your mind
May clarity and purity of doctrine be yours time after time
As The Lord began to open the eyes of my understanding, He showed me many churches and denominations haven’t been built on the proper foundation, haven’t been built by Him. He wanted me to be moved with compassion for ministers and ministries He is judging, weighing in the balances and found wanting. So He gave me a dream. In it, I was standing against the wall on the second floor of a very large room. I was there to observe what was happening. The floor was one big jig saw puzzle. Many people were panicking and running to and fro with no sense of order at all because the pieces were falling out of it, creating gaping holes. Some were trying to fit pieces where they didn’t belong, creating more panic and confusion. It was quickly becoming a huge mess and more and more dangerous and unstable. This is a picture of churches trying to hold themselves together even as God is tearing them apart. Remember Jeremiah’s call, he had to tear down and uproot before he could build and plant. If you have been walking in another spirit, if you have been growing up crooked, God will do whatever it takes to set you straight but it will be painful. And those of us God is using to help and heal those who need to be corrected must always be motivated by love and compassion. There are many currently in ministry that shouldn’t be and there are many that are not that should be.
that something you’ve believed so strongly all of your life
is not something God taught or desired in His wife
There are times when the deception you’ve walked in
will leave you flat out astonished
but better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king
who will no longer be admonished!
Really, it’s much better to humble yourself
than to have God do it for you
Give up your resistance to the occupation of the Holy Spirit inside
Give up your preoccupation with all that is a lie
Give up all that comes from pride
Let the Holy Spirit examine all you’ve received and believed
And let Him prune from your existence all that has you deceived
May you be delivered at God’s insistence
From all that is of the devil or man
(the two work hand in hand)
May you be cleansed and renewed in the spirit of your mind
May clarity and purity of doctrine be yours time after time
As The Lord began to open the eyes of my understanding, He showed me many churches and denominations haven’t been built on the proper foundation, haven’t been built by Him. He wanted me to be moved with compassion for ministers and ministries He is judging, weighing in the balances and found wanting. So He gave me a dream. In it, I was standing against the wall on the second floor of a very large room. I was there to observe what was happening. The floor was one big jig saw puzzle. Many people were panicking and running to and fro with no sense of order at all because the pieces were falling out of it, creating gaping holes. Some were trying to fit pieces where they didn’t belong, creating more panic and confusion. It was quickly becoming a huge mess and more and more dangerous and unstable. This is a picture of churches trying to hold themselves together even as God is tearing them apart. Remember Jeremiah’s call, he had to tear down and uproot before he could build and plant. If you have been walking in another spirit, if you have been growing up crooked, God will do whatever it takes to set you straight but it will be painful. And those of us God is using to help and heal those who need to be corrected must always be motivated by love and compassion. There are many currently in ministry that shouldn’t be and there are many that are not that should be.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I know enough to know I don’t know enough
Which is why I always write my theology down in pencil
I have to be continually corrected
As I’m being perfected
I’ll need The Lord to erase
What’s in place
By Pride and not Grace
Someone said I have a “Blind spot”
but I just can’t see it
Sometimes it is hard for us to clearly see
The true reflection of you or me
Which is why we must most carefully
Examine ourselves (not others) daily
We must look at ourselves in exactly the same way
We look at others each and every day
And if we’ll (love) look at our neighbours
As we (love) look at ourselves
Then in all things we will excel
1 Cor:11:28
2 Cor:13:5
“We must become as offended with our own sin as we are with anyone else’s. Then, everyone else’s won’t seem as bad.”
Which is why I always write my theology down in pencil
I have to be continually corrected
As I’m being perfected
I’ll need The Lord to erase
What’s in place
By Pride and not Grace
Someone said I have a “Blind spot”
but I just can’t see it
Sometimes it is hard for us to clearly see
The true reflection of you or me
Which is why we must most carefully
Examine ourselves (not others) daily
We must look at ourselves in exactly the same way
We look at others each and every day
And if we’ll (love) look at our neighbours
As we (love) look at ourselves
Then in all things we will excel
1 Cor:11:28
2 Cor:13:5
“We must become as offended with our own sin as we are with anyone else’s. Then, everyone else’s won’t seem as bad.”
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
felt more than heard
often the ache of a heart is reflected in the eyes
Turning yet another corner
These cold city streets
Nothing but hardness. Cement
Nowhere to repent
Wisdom lost her way in these streets
got lost
been looking
Church. not here
Rancid, roach infested room not here
pretended to find it at Joe’s corner pub
ah, but the cost
leave your soul at the door
for everyone to walk on
wipe their feet on
can the body but follow?
lost, these city streets
full of lost souls
comforted by other lost souls
hey, we’re all in this together
can’t be that bad
crowd mentality, so being lost is normal
Hell might not be so bad with so much company
Let the crowd take me where it will
We’re all sheep without a shepherd
And the wolves are full
fat no shortage of sheep here
keeps us here
heart lamentations no examinations no real intimacy
God, can you hear me?
Lam:3:2-19 Isa:40:6-8
often the ache of a heart is reflected in the eyes
Turning yet another corner
These cold city streets
Nothing but hardness. Cement
Nowhere to repent
Wisdom lost her way in these streets
got lost
been looking
Church. not here
Rancid, roach infested room not here
pretended to find it at Joe’s corner pub
ah, but the cost
leave your soul at the door
for everyone to walk on
wipe their feet on
can the body but follow?
lost, these city streets
full of lost souls
comforted by other lost souls
hey, we’re all in this together
can’t be that bad
crowd mentality, so being lost is normal
Hell might not be so bad with so much company
Let the crowd take me where it will
We’re all sheep without a shepherd
And the wolves are full
fat no shortage of sheep here
keeps us here
heart lamentations no examinations no real intimacy
God, can you hear me?
Lam:3:2-19 Isa:40:6-8
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Cafeteria Christianity
You pick and choose
what’s good to you
Some Scriptures you are for
While others you ignore
You lean to your own understanding
Not what The Lord’s commanding
You reason away
Providing excuses today
For why you won’t obey
Some of what The Lord has to say
Stop resisting and start submitting
To all He tells you to do
And let Him teach you
And let Him take you
Far beyond what you ever knew
Our God is an all or nothing God
So stop cheating and start eating!
2 Tim:3:16
When God commanded the Pass Over Lamb to be sacrificed, He told us to eat all of it and what was left was to be burned. So we see all of it was consumed, either by the people or by the flames. Even so, Jesus, our Pass Over Lamb must be completely consumed by us, no part of Him, no part of the Word, is to be left uneaten. All His teaching, all His flesh, no matter how distasteful to our own flesh, is healthy!
what’s good to you
Some Scriptures you are for
While others you ignore
You lean to your own understanding
Not what The Lord’s commanding
You reason away
Providing excuses today
For why you won’t obey
Some of what The Lord has to say
Stop resisting and start submitting
To all He tells you to do
And let Him teach you
And let Him take you
Far beyond what you ever knew
Our God is an all or nothing God
So stop cheating and start eating!
2 Tim:3:16
When God commanded the Pass Over Lamb to be sacrificed, He told us to eat all of it and what was left was to be burned. So we see all of it was consumed, either by the people or by the flames. Even so, Jesus, our Pass Over Lamb must be completely consumed by us, no part of Him, no part of the Word, is to be left uneaten. All His teaching, all His flesh, no matter how distasteful to our own flesh, is healthy!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Beware of Saviours bearing no scars
For we bear this Treasure in earthen jars
For to walk the walk that Jesus did
Is to allow oneself to be wounded
Love bears the scars of rejection and hate
Love believes all things, hopes all things, shows no restraint
But continues to hurt, to pay the cost,
For those who are still so lost
Beware of perfect people preaching perfect sermons
Never showing flaws
Never dropping the façade
Seeking our applause
How can they show us how to be real
If the Truth from us they continue to conceal?
The Truth that they’re hired hands,
Seeking the approval of man?
Running from the enemy as fast as they can?
Or worse yet, working with him, hand in hand?
2 Cor:4:7
For we bear this Treasure in earthen jars
For to walk the walk that Jesus did
Is to allow oneself to be wounded
Love bears the scars of rejection and hate
Love believes all things, hopes all things, shows no restraint
But continues to hurt, to pay the cost,
For those who are still so lost
Beware of perfect people preaching perfect sermons
Never showing flaws
Never dropping the façade
Seeking our applause
How can they show us how to be real
If the Truth from us they continue to conceal?
The Truth that they’re hired hands,
Seeking the approval of man?
Running from the enemy as fast as they can?
Or worse yet, working with him, hand in hand?
2 Cor:4:7
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