You can love and be thankful for whatever spiritual heritage you grew up in but you MUST BE WILLING TO FORSAKE ALL to follow him. You must be like the apostles who, when Jesus said simply "follow me"(Jn:1:43), dropped everything, left father and mother and wife and children and followed. Built into the heart of every apostle is a burning desire to follow Jesus wherever he may lead, even forsaking their spiritual households if that is what Jesus requires. Like Abraham, we must all be willing to leave our place of familiarity, the land of our birth, our people, our home, and journey to a "land we do not know". Like children in the natural, it is unhealthy to remain in the homes they grew up in after a certain stage of maturity. They'll never fulfill their own destinies to start their own families if they don't leave and cleave. But realize, if you leave your church and denomination at God's insistence, "a man's foes shall be members of his own household" Mt:10:36. Yes, be prepared, for you will be ostracized, criticized, called all manner of ugly things, rebellious, can't submit to authority, etc. Some churches, or church leadership specifically, will even curse you if you leave them, or call you cursed by God.
Dear one, this is not God's way and is a clear sign you should have left to begin with. God does not cut off his love for those who leave him. He even loves his enemies (thank God for we all start out as his enemy). Any church or fellowship that curses it's members when they leave is not displaying God's heart for them. Apostles and prophets today are walking in the same uncompromising spirit of confrontational truth that Jesus walked in. Many churches could use instruction and wisdom on how to receive an apostle or prophet. The first truth they must embrace is that they exist today and they should be welcomed. Unfortunately, the enemy has sent many false apostles and prophets to the point that most pastors fear to let the real in. Pastor, you can't have a couterfeit 50 dollar bill without a real one.
Fear should never be our motivation for anything, anyway, except fear of God. Please understand, God is restoring the ministries of the apostle and prophet to the local churches, if they will receive them, but if leadership in the local church will not receive proper, God given authority to submit to, God will go over their heads and start a work that will honor and obey him and him alone. Apostles and prophets have governmental authority in the Kingdom of God, not pastors. Pastors are meant to be under their leadership and covering but not so the apostle can lord it over them but rather so he can serve them. The apostle is the head but the pastor is the heart. A head without a heart is dead just as a heart without a head is dead. Both are necessary just as both a mother and a father are necessary to raise a healthy child, though the father is the head of the household.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Will you be made whole? part two
If he (God) wants you to come out of your local church, get out! If you're not sure he wants you out, stay until you are sure. Not all churches are in Babylon and there certainly are pastors after his heart. Some churches are in varying degrees of bondage to Babylon. Some are freer than others but still bound in some ways. If you're not sure your church is in Babylon or the New Jerusalem, ask the Lord. Jesus did not shy away from confrontational truth. He said "think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be members of his own household. He that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me" Mt:10:35-37.
Reader, Jesus is not just speaking of natural families here. He is also referring to spiritual families. Whatever church or denomination you were born again into is your spiritual mother and father. Notice that Jesus says he will set at variance a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, not mother against daughter or father against son. See, he's trying to tell us something. He's saying you must be willing to be set at variance with your spiritual father or mother, if Jesus leads you in a direction they will not go. Adam said "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh" Gen"2"24 and spiritually we are all called to do the same, we are called to leave our father and mother and cleave to Jesus, to be one spirit with him, to be married to him forever. If Jesus tells you to speak in tongues, for example, and your mother or father, your church or denomination tells you no to, if Jesus leads you in a direction they will not go you must make a choice. Become a follower of Christ or a follower of man. Who's disciple will you become? Who's disciple are you now?
Many in churches today are like the laborers Jesus spoke of in Mathew 20. In verse three he saw "others standing idle in the market place". Many saints today are working their daily jobs never realizing they too are called to the ministry as surely as their pastor is, it's just that their flock is those they meet and do business with on a daily basis. This is the true church - impacting the world around them, daily, not wrapped in special buildings or garb or language that says to everyone, look, I'm religious but rather look, God is real in our every day lives and activities. God is asking many in the Body today - "Why stand ye here all the day idle?" Mt:20:6. Listen to their answer - "Because we have no man to hire us" Mt:20:7. Christian, if you are waiting for pastor or elder or any other man to hire you, to choose to work in the Lord's vineyard, this fallen world, you might wait for the rest of your life. Hear Jesus say to you now "Go ye also into the vineyard" Mt:20:7. Your commission is from God himself and no man. He is calling each of us to co-labor with him. Do not wait for your pastor's approval if God tells you to GO. Yes, we need to submit to our covering as long as our covering's primary purpose is to prepare us to GO and Do all he commands us to do! When God calls you he will take the time to prepare you but if your leadership refuses to acknowledge you are called then christian, you follow God. You are called to far more than the ushering ministry, believe me. Works of service are great but they are only outward ministries in the natural. You are also invited by the Father to receive the gifts of the Spirit, you are invited to participate in all of the Holy Spirit's ministry in the earth today just as surely as Benny Hinn and anyone else you can think of, including your beloved pastor. Do not compare yourself to anyone else's ministry anyway. You are unique to God and NO ONE CAN EVER REPLACE YOU.
Reader, Jesus is not just speaking of natural families here. He is also referring to spiritual families. Whatever church or denomination you were born again into is your spiritual mother and father. Notice that Jesus says he will set at variance a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, not mother against daughter or father against son. See, he's trying to tell us something. He's saying you must be willing to be set at variance with your spiritual father or mother, if Jesus leads you in a direction they will not go. Adam said "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh" Gen"2"24 and spiritually we are all called to do the same, we are called to leave our father and mother and cleave to Jesus, to be one spirit with him, to be married to him forever. If Jesus tells you to speak in tongues, for example, and your mother or father, your church or denomination tells you no to, if Jesus leads you in a direction they will not go you must make a choice. Become a follower of Christ or a follower of man. Who's disciple will you become? Who's disciple are you now?
Many in churches today are like the laborers Jesus spoke of in Mathew 20. In verse three he saw "others standing idle in the market place". Many saints today are working their daily jobs never realizing they too are called to the ministry as surely as their pastor is, it's just that their flock is those they meet and do business with on a daily basis. This is the true church - impacting the world around them, daily, not wrapped in special buildings or garb or language that says to everyone, look, I'm religious but rather look, God is real in our every day lives and activities. God is asking many in the Body today - "Why stand ye here all the day idle?" Mt:20:6. Listen to their answer - "Because we have no man to hire us" Mt:20:7. Christian, if you are waiting for pastor or elder or any other man to hire you, to choose to work in the Lord's vineyard, this fallen world, you might wait for the rest of your life. Hear Jesus say to you now "Go ye also into the vineyard" Mt:20:7. Your commission is from God himself and no man. He is calling each of us to co-labor with him. Do not wait for your pastor's approval if God tells you to GO. Yes, we need to submit to our covering as long as our covering's primary purpose is to prepare us to GO and Do all he commands us to do! When God calls you he will take the time to prepare you but if your leadership refuses to acknowledge you are called then christian, you follow God. You are called to far more than the ushering ministry, believe me. Works of service are great but they are only outward ministries in the natural. You are also invited by the Father to receive the gifts of the Spirit, you are invited to participate in all of the Holy Spirit's ministry in the earth today just as surely as Benny Hinn and anyone else you can think of, including your beloved pastor. Do not compare yourself to anyone else's ministry anyway. You are unique to God and NO ONE CAN EVER REPLACE YOU.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Will you be made whole?
The story of Jesus' encounter with the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda illustrates once again how we can become dependent on man, put our faith and hope in man and how when we do so WE NEVER COME TO THE PLACE OF HEALING GOD WOULD BRING US TO. This man had been sick for thirty eight years and when Jesus found him, he asked him a very important question, one he is asking every christian on earth today - "Will you be made whole?" John 5:6. Now pay close attention to the man's reply - "Sir, I have NO MAN to put me into the pool" John 5:7. See, his faith and hope was in man, and reader, man had let him down for 38 years! Probably his whole life! What was the answer for the crippled man with crippled faith at the pool of Bethesda? The same answer, the only answer available to us today - a personal encounter with Jesus! This is and has always been the only any of us can ever change, can ever be made whole. We must, each one of us, ask Jesus to come to us (when we are too weak to go to him) and by faith let him touch us wherever we hurt. For most of us, our souls are sick from living in this fallen world but whether our bodies, souls or spirits are sick, his touch can heal us and make us whole, if we're willing.
Christian, do you desire freedom from bondage to man, through Satan's religious trap or do you wish to remain spiritually lame, deaf or blind? By now, through this blog, truth should have deeply pierced your heart; deep has been calling out to deep. You have been eating meat which I hope you've been mature enough to chew. The Holy Spirit has been wooing you away from all that keeps you apart from him - hope fulfilled makes the heart well! You are about to have yours and God's deepest longing come to pass, you are entering into, nay, becoming the New Jerusalem, God's dwelling place with man, God's bride forever. Give voice to the cry of your heart, say to him, in your own words, My God, deliver me! Set me free! I want no more of Babylon, I want You! When he says to you, will you be made whole, say YES! YES! YES! Father, do whatever it takes to bring me to you and you alone. I will do whatever you say and go wherever you lead, no matter what.
Christian, do you desire freedom from bondage to man, through Satan's religious trap or do you wish to remain spiritually lame, deaf or blind? By now, through this blog, truth should have deeply pierced your heart; deep has been calling out to deep. You have been eating meat which I hope you've been mature enough to chew. The Holy Spirit has been wooing you away from all that keeps you apart from him - hope fulfilled makes the heart well! You are about to have yours and God's deepest longing come to pass, you are entering into, nay, becoming the New Jerusalem, God's dwelling place with man, God's bride forever. Give voice to the cry of your heart, say to him, in your own words, My God, deliver me! Set me free! I want no more of Babylon, I want You! When he says to you, will you be made whole, say YES! YES! YES! Father, do whatever it takes to bring me to you and you alone. I will do whatever you say and go wherever you lead, no matter what.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord part two
So why was God's anger kindled against Uzzah? Don't you think we should know so we don't kindle his anger against us? Uzzah was seemingly just trying to steady the Ark as the oxen stumbled. I believe God is showing us here, though I've humbled myself to live among you, though I've stooped low so you may come to know me and co-labor with me, even become one with me in spirit and in truth, make no mistake, I DO NOT NEED MAN'S STRENGTH OR WISDOM ADDED TO MY OWN. Uzzah's name means "strength, boldness" and if we try to "help God out" by putting forth our hand, by adding our strength to him, to his ministry on earth, it will destroy us, destroys our usefulness to him. How many ministries have fallen because of this very sin? How many ministries started off well but became too familiar with him and committed the sin of familiarity?
This is also a hallmark of Babylon for a root word for Babylon is mixture and when we try to add our ways, our thoughts, our strength to his, we end up with Religion. We end up mixing the Holy with the profane, for we must always acknowledge before him, as Jesus did, NO MAN IS GOOD. We can't add anything to him only receive from him (except our love and adoration). He is and has always been complete and perfect, lacking nothing, long before we came on the scene. The lord is our Righteousness, we are not his. We must continually decrease so that he may increase in us. We want every effort on our part to usurp him, every hidden thought or intent of the heart to take any credit for what only he can take credit for to be pruned from us completely. What have we that we did not receive?
So we see then that we must guard ourselves, especially after we become intimate with the Lord, against exalting ourselves to a place where we can "help him out" through our own strength or wisdom. After walking with God in such a mighty way, in such an intimate way for a long time, Paul had this to say - "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" Heb:10:31 (assuming Paul wrote Hebrews). We must all walk in the revelation that God is to be feared. Yes I said FEAR HIM. Uzzah formerly had the ark in his home and his home was mightily blessed as a result but he became too familiar with the Ark of the Presence of God, he became too comfortable. Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. We should never take for granted the incredible place of intimacy he has called us to, we should never become too flippant or casual about it. I met some young believers who were comparing the Holy Spirit to smoking a joint and I think that's too irreverent. Esther was married to the king, still she approached his throne with fear and trembling, still she gave respect and honor to her king, though he was her husband. Contrast her with queen Vashti who became too comfortable and familiar with her husband, the king and refused to come to him when he bid her to. Are you a queen Esther or a queen Vashti? Are you available to God whenever he bids you come? Do you give him the proper honor and respect he deserves without denying him intimacy?
This is the lesson the High priest taught us when he went into the Holy of Holies once a year. If his heart wasn't right, if he didn't obey God's instructions exactly, he was struck dead. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, not the end result but it is the foundation stone of our walk with him. We do go on to be his friends and lovers but we do not ever forget to fear and reverence him. There is a fake fear and reverence for God that religious churches display and this is an affront to God because it denies him intimacy with us. Do not confuse the true with the false, for everything God's Spirit wants to impart to us, there is a false, copy cat spirit that wants to give us the same thing, only false. If God wants to give us peace, this false spirit will offer us peace. If God wants to teach us humility, this false spirit will teach us fake humility (that doesn't involve the heart). If God wants to teach us to love, this false spirit will teach us feigned love, and so on and so on. This false spirit will preach, evangelize, pastor, do all the things God wishes to do to and through us. The best way to tell the difference is by it's fruit. The fruit of the Spirit of God is genuine love, joy, peace, longsuffering, etc. and it produces true intimacy with God and with fellow saints. The false spirit produces death, discord among the brethren, gossip, strife, lust, causes offense, is easily offended, judges everyone but cannot judge itself, and so on and so forth. If we can "taste that the Lord is gracious" 1 Pet:2:3, we can also taste that a false spirit masquerading as the Lord is ungracious, proud, unkind, unloving, etc.
This is also a hallmark of Babylon for a root word for Babylon is mixture and when we try to add our ways, our thoughts, our strength to his, we end up with Religion. We end up mixing the Holy with the profane, for we must always acknowledge before him, as Jesus did, NO MAN IS GOOD. We can't add anything to him only receive from him (except our love and adoration). He is and has always been complete and perfect, lacking nothing, long before we came on the scene. The lord is our Righteousness, we are not his. We must continually decrease so that he may increase in us. We want every effort on our part to usurp him, every hidden thought or intent of the heart to take any credit for what only he can take credit for to be pruned from us completely. What have we that we did not receive?
So we see then that we must guard ourselves, especially after we become intimate with the Lord, against exalting ourselves to a place where we can "help him out" through our own strength or wisdom. After walking with God in such a mighty way, in such an intimate way for a long time, Paul had this to say - "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" Heb:10:31 (assuming Paul wrote Hebrews). We must all walk in the revelation that God is to be feared. Yes I said FEAR HIM. Uzzah formerly had the ark in his home and his home was mightily blessed as a result but he became too familiar with the Ark of the Presence of God, he became too comfortable. Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. We should never take for granted the incredible place of intimacy he has called us to, we should never become too flippant or casual about it. I met some young believers who were comparing the Holy Spirit to smoking a joint and I think that's too irreverent. Esther was married to the king, still she approached his throne with fear and trembling, still she gave respect and honor to her king, though he was her husband. Contrast her with queen Vashti who became too comfortable and familiar with her husband, the king and refused to come to him when he bid her to. Are you a queen Esther or a queen Vashti? Are you available to God whenever he bids you come? Do you give him the proper honor and respect he deserves without denying him intimacy?
This is the lesson the High priest taught us when he went into the Holy of Holies once a year. If his heart wasn't right, if he didn't obey God's instructions exactly, he was struck dead. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, not the end result but it is the foundation stone of our walk with him. We do go on to be his friends and lovers but we do not ever forget to fear and reverence him. There is a fake fear and reverence for God that religious churches display and this is an affront to God because it denies him intimacy with us. Do not confuse the true with the false, for everything God's Spirit wants to impart to us, there is a false, copy cat spirit that wants to give us the same thing, only false. If God wants to give us peace, this false spirit will offer us peace. If God wants to teach us humility, this false spirit will teach us fake humility (that doesn't involve the heart). If God wants to teach us to love, this false spirit will teach us feigned love, and so on and so on. This false spirit will preach, evangelize, pastor, do all the things God wishes to do to and through us. The best way to tell the difference is by it's fruit. The fruit of the Spirit of God is genuine love, joy, peace, longsuffering, etc. and it produces true intimacy with God and with fellow saints. The false spirit produces death, discord among the brethren, gossip, strife, lust, causes offense, is easily offended, judges everyone but cannot judge itself, and so on and so forth. If we can "taste that the Lord is gracious" 1 Pet:2:3, we can also taste that a false spirit masquerading as the Lord is ungracious, proud, unkind, unloving, etc.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord
In Second Samuel chapter six we see a very clear warning from God. Whenever we see God do something in scripture that doesn't fit in to our understanding of him, it's we who must align ourselves with Him, not the other way around. Everything God reveals about himself in scripture is for our benefit, for our instruction, that we might know him, not what man says about him. In religious churches (those bound by the spirit of religion), they are forever trying to make God into their image, rather than wanting to become perfect reflections of Christ. Ultimately, we will all become made into the image of Christ (restored to our original state in the garden) or the image of the beast. We will all be Christ-like or beast-like, anti-christ like. There is no middle ground.
But I digress, "And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and he died by the Ark of God" 2 Sam:6:6&7. We do not often hear mentioned the anger of the Lord, or the wrath of God, yet they are an integral part of who he is. In another place he says "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord" Rom:12:19. Make no mistake, God does get revenge, it's just that he's the only one who truly has a right to exact revenge because He's the only one who is and has always been sinless. We cannot take vengeance because we are as guilty before God as the person we hate. We sin by taking revenge but God never does. His wrath is being poured into a cup and that cup is nearly full, "and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came to remembrance before God, to give unto her THE CUP OF THE WINE OF THE FIERCENESS OF HIS WRATH" Rev:16:19.
Yes, those that drink the "wine of her fornication" Rev:17:2, will find that very wine turned into the "the wine of the fierceness of his wrath" and the whole world will tremble when it is poured out. Could it be happening now, what with the numerous earthquakes, aids etc. and the bird and fish deaths recently reported? We misunderstand mercy and grace for they are only given to broken and repentant hearts. Man thinks, because of God's long suffering, because he doesn't react right away, that man's sins and atrocities are going unnoticed - yet God sees every last detail of every sin ever committed. God pronounced Judgment on the Ammonites yet waited over three hundred years to carry it out. He gave them plenty of time to repent and turn from their wicked ways yet they would not. Did he not say "that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment" Mt:12:36? We belong to a very personal God who takes notice of every detail of our lives, for our lives, our very existence is meant to be enjoyed by him, to bring him great pleasure, in much the same way we enjoy our own children's presence in our lives. He wants each one of us to walk with him and talk with him in the garden in the cool of the day.
to be continued...
But I digress, "And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and he died by the Ark of God" 2 Sam:6:6&7. We do not often hear mentioned the anger of the Lord, or the wrath of God, yet they are an integral part of who he is. In another place he says "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord" Rom:12:19. Make no mistake, God does get revenge, it's just that he's the only one who truly has a right to exact revenge because He's the only one who is and has always been sinless. We cannot take vengeance because we are as guilty before God as the person we hate. We sin by taking revenge but God never does. His wrath is being poured into a cup and that cup is nearly full, "and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came to remembrance before God, to give unto her THE CUP OF THE WINE OF THE FIERCENESS OF HIS WRATH" Rev:16:19.
Yes, those that drink the "wine of her fornication" Rev:17:2, will find that very wine turned into the "the wine of the fierceness of his wrath" and the whole world will tremble when it is poured out. Could it be happening now, what with the numerous earthquakes, aids etc. and the bird and fish deaths recently reported? We misunderstand mercy and grace for they are only given to broken and repentant hearts. Man thinks, because of God's long suffering, because he doesn't react right away, that man's sins and atrocities are going unnoticed - yet God sees every last detail of every sin ever committed. God pronounced Judgment on the Ammonites yet waited over three hundred years to carry it out. He gave them plenty of time to repent and turn from their wicked ways yet they would not. Did he not say "that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment" Mt:12:36? We belong to a very personal God who takes notice of every detail of our lives, for our lives, our very existence is meant to be enjoyed by him, to bring him great pleasure, in much the same way we enjoy our own children's presence in our lives. He wants each one of us to walk with him and talk with him in the garden in the cool of the day.
to be continued...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Savour not the things of man part four
By the revelation knowledge revealed in this blog, you are well on your way to freedom. Use the comment section or email to let us know how this blog has impacted you. If there is no where to fellowship in your area that is free, we might be able to link you with other believers in your area who have come out of Babylon and if there aren't any in your area we can help establish your home as a center for freedom and deliverance for the saints God is ministering to in your area. If there is no where else that is free, MAKE YOUR HOME A BASTION OF FREEDOM, even as you heart has become a bastion of freedom. "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" 2 Cor:3:17. Embrace the destiny God has prepared for you since the foundation of the world and the suffering that comes with it. The Church was a "home delivery" from the very start and that is where we will find her at his second coming. House groups are springing up all over the world today and they are a true work of the Holy Spirit and should never be belittled or quenched. This is not to say every one of them is born of God, for Satan is always quick to counterfeit what he sees God doing, but certainly we should not ever over react to what Satan is doing and call the truth false because of it. If possible, oversight should be provided by apostles and prophets but they are there to esteem the saints more highly than themselves and to serve them. Apostles are given to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry of Jesus on the earth today, not lord it over them, smothering or dominating any anointing they might be walking in with our own. Rather, leadership should nurture and mature the anointing given to each saint in their care.
Oh what has become of you
sittin' in that pew?
Even though to man you are the least
to God you are a King and a Priest.
You are Holy and Anointed with
authority in the natural and in the Spirit
So Priest and King, hear this refrain -
How dare we you disdain!
No honor and respect given to who you are
made to sit when God's brought you so far...
Rise up now, rise up Holy One!
Rise up forerunner, rise up and run,
Be free of all bondage, all that is of man,
soar high above this fallen land,
going as far as you possibly can,
through the strength and Anointing of God, not man.
Oh what has become of you
sittin' in that pew?
Even though to man you are the least
to God you are a King and a Priest.
You are Holy and Anointed with
authority in the natural and in the Spirit
So Priest and King, hear this refrain -
How dare we you disdain!
No honor and respect given to who you are
made to sit when God's brought you so far...
Rise up now, rise up Holy One!
Rise up forerunner, rise up and run,
Be free of all bondage, all that is of man,
soar high above this fallen land,
going as far as you possibly can,
through the strength and Anointing of God, not man.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Savour not the things of man part three
Jesus warned us all to "take heed that no man deceive you" Mt:24:4. He didn't say take heed that Satan doesn't deceive you, "for many shall come in my name (not Satan's) saying I am (of) Christ and shall deceive MANY" Mt:24:5. Remember, Satan is as a wolf disguised in sheeps clothing. He comes to us as an angel of light so we must beware that the light that is in us is not darkness (Mt:6:23), or put another way, we must beware that we have not been deceived by an angel of darkness disguised as an angel of light into thinking we are in God's kingdom, following Christ, when in reality we are in Babylon, following Satan, who tells us "I am Christ", or "I am of Christ". For those in darkness, he will appear as Light (revelation knowledge from God) but for those in the true kingdom of Light he will appear as darkness.
As I live and breathe, I am very careful, whenever I receive praise, in my heart and often with my lips, I defer to the only one who truly deserves praise, my Lord and God, Jesus the true Christ of God. When I am told I am a mighty man of God I reply no, I serve the mighty God of man.
If we are followers of men, we will end up in deception. Who after all, are the ones who teach "doctrines of devils" in the Church? It is men. God warns us not to follow "after the commandments and doctrines of men" Col: 2:22. Satan has his ambassadors just as Jesus does. Everything Satan does in fact is a copy of God's kingdom. He will even offer to heal us after he's wounded us. Believer, you will know them by their fruit. Do they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? Is your church powerless to effect real change in your community, change in the hearts of people? Real godliness will always powerfully change hearts, not just minds or at least it will confront hearts with Truth, exposing them, showing all who they really belong to.
If you're caught in Satan's trap, the revelation of it is the first step to freedom. If the eyes of your understanding have been opened by the words of this blog, rejoice! Jesus is still performing his ministry on earth today and in your heart he is still "preaching deliverance to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised" Lk:4:18. He hasn't given up on you or the millions of others caught in Satan's trap, no he is even now raising up mighty apostles and prophets and pastors of the faith that are blowing the Shofar of freedom among their people. Even now the jail of religious bondage to man is being shaken and destroyed as the captives hear the voice of the apostle in their midst. And many former jailors, pastors and leaders who were working for Satan, are crying out "what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30, and they and their houses (churches) are being saved and coming to real salvation in Christ for the first time in their lives. HalleluJAH! Do not despair for the dead religous churches captive in Babylon but BELIEVE GOD can and will rescue them in these final dark hours before the dawn, for "where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound" Rom:5:30.
to be continued...
As I live and breathe, I am very careful, whenever I receive praise, in my heart and often with my lips, I defer to the only one who truly deserves praise, my Lord and God, Jesus the true Christ of God. When I am told I am a mighty man of God I reply no, I serve the mighty God of man.
If we are followers of men, we will end up in deception. Who after all, are the ones who teach "doctrines of devils" in the Church? It is men. God warns us not to follow "after the commandments and doctrines of men" Col: 2:22. Satan has his ambassadors just as Jesus does. Everything Satan does in fact is a copy of God's kingdom. He will even offer to heal us after he's wounded us. Believer, you will know them by their fruit. Do they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? Is your church powerless to effect real change in your community, change in the hearts of people? Real godliness will always powerfully change hearts, not just minds or at least it will confront hearts with Truth, exposing them, showing all who they really belong to.
If you're caught in Satan's trap, the revelation of it is the first step to freedom. If the eyes of your understanding have been opened by the words of this blog, rejoice! Jesus is still performing his ministry on earth today and in your heart he is still "preaching deliverance to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised" Lk:4:18. He hasn't given up on you or the millions of others caught in Satan's trap, no he is even now raising up mighty apostles and prophets and pastors of the faith that are blowing the Shofar of freedom among their people. Even now the jail of religious bondage to man is being shaken and destroyed as the captives hear the voice of the apostle in their midst. And many former jailors, pastors and leaders who were working for Satan, are crying out "what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30, and they and their houses (churches) are being saved and coming to real salvation in Christ for the first time in their lives. HalleluJAH! Do not despair for the dead religous churches captive in Babylon but BELIEVE GOD can and will rescue them in these final dark hours before the dawn, for "where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound" Rom:5:30.
to be continued...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Savour not the things of man part two
Jesus taught us that we should pray to THE FATHER to give us this day our DAILY BREAD for he knew that if we don't eat from the Father's table, daily, Satan will be quick to offer us food from his table to satisfy our spiritual hunger. Our Father will prepare us a table in the presence of our enemies if we trust Him to do so. Do not give in to Satan's offer to care for you, no matter how good the food looks and no matter how many of your fellow saints are enjoying it, no, "come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you be not partakers of her plagues, for her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath GLORIFIED HERSELF, AND LIVED DELICIOUSLY, so much torment and sorrow give her, for she saith IN HER HEART, I SIT A QUEEN and am no widow AND SHALL SEE NO SORROW" Rev:18:4-7.
Study Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 and you will see they are companion chapters to Revelation 17 and 18, for everything happens TO THE JEW FIRST and then to the greek, to the rest of humanity. I will expound on these chapters later in the year.
All who live in Babylon are glorifying themselves, not Jesus and their hearts are so full of pride that they "SIT A QUEEN", but the throne they sit on as a queen is Satan's though they believe it is God's. They are so blinded they truly believe they shall SEE NO SORROW, in other words, they won't end up in Hell. Many churches teach a gospel that has had all suffering removed, all sorrow. They cry peace, peace when there is no peace, with God. "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day (the great and fearful DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD) death, and mourning and famine and shall be utterly burned with fire (in the lake of fire) for strong is the Lord who judgeth her" Rev:18:8.
Satan's table, his offerings to us, his sins, are pleasurable for a season, but the end result is always death. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death" Prov:14:12. This is the way of Babylon, of the religions of man. In Babylon, every man does "that which is right in his own eyes" Jud:21:25. Do not be partakers of her sins but flee from the midst of her, my people. Remember Daniel, speaking of the Anti-Christ, says "by peace shall he destroy many" Dan:8:25, and "many shall cleave to them with FLATTERIES" Dan:11:34, and "but he shall come in peaceably and shall obtain the Kingdom by flatteries" Dan:11:21.
All who are in the Church who are carnally minded and who walk after the flesh and not in the Spirit will be deceived and will firmly believe the Anti-Christ is THE CHRIST and through pride will be destroyed along with Satan and his kingdom, the kingdom of pride on earth today, Babylon. How does Satan seduce us? By flattering us! By puffing us up with knowledge and telling us how wonderful we are and how much we deserve to rule and reign with him, then setting us right next to his throne! By telling us that Jesus (through the Holy Spirit) has no business telling us what to do, we're Pharisees after all! We're the ones telling everyone else what to do, we're the ones God's chosen to use on the earth today, so anyone who isn't a part of us cannot be of God.
to be continued...
Study Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 and you will see they are companion chapters to Revelation 17 and 18, for everything happens TO THE JEW FIRST and then to the greek, to the rest of humanity. I will expound on these chapters later in the year.
All who live in Babylon are glorifying themselves, not Jesus and their hearts are so full of pride that they "SIT A QUEEN", but the throne they sit on as a queen is Satan's though they believe it is God's. They are so blinded they truly believe they shall SEE NO SORROW, in other words, they won't end up in Hell. Many churches teach a gospel that has had all suffering removed, all sorrow. They cry peace, peace when there is no peace, with God. "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day (the great and fearful DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD) death, and mourning and famine and shall be utterly burned with fire (in the lake of fire) for strong is the Lord who judgeth her" Rev:18:8.
Satan's table, his offerings to us, his sins, are pleasurable for a season, but the end result is always death. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death" Prov:14:12. This is the way of Babylon, of the religions of man. In Babylon, every man does "that which is right in his own eyes" Jud:21:25. Do not be partakers of her sins but flee from the midst of her, my people. Remember Daniel, speaking of the Anti-Christ, says "by peace shall he destroy many" Dan:8:25, and "many shall cleave to them with FLATTERIES" Dan:11:34, and "but he shall come in peaceably and shall obtain the Kingdom by flatteries" Dan:11:21.
All who are in the Church who are carnally minded and who walk after the flesh and not in the Spirit will be deceived and will firmly believe the Anti-Christ is THE CHRIST and through pride will be destroyed along with Satan and his kingdom, the kingdom of pride on earth today, Babylon. How does Satan seduce us? By flattering us! By puffing us up with knowledge and telling us how wonderful we are and how much we deserve to rule and reign with him, then setting us right next to his throne! By telling us that Jesus (through the Holy Spirit) has no business telling us what to do, we're Pharisees after all! We're the ones telling everyone else what to do, we're the ones God's chosen to use on the earth today, so anyone who isn't a part of us cannot be of God.
to be continued...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Savour not the things of man
When Jesus rebuked Peter, or the voice of Satan in Peter, pay close attention to what he said - "Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offence to me, for thou SAVOUREST NOT THE THINGS THAT BE OF GOD BUT THOSE THAT BE OF MAN" Mt:16:23.
Here, we clearly see Satan's strategy for enslaving and defeating all of mankind. It isn't by destroying man physically but rather spiritually by appealing to Man's pride, by exalting th things "that be of man", by honoring man. Verse 24 reveals another stamp on our ticket out of Babylon, Satan's kingdom on earth - "If any man will come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF and take up his cross and FOLLOW ME" Mt:16:24. Man must be denied! Not only was Jesus going to the cross but all of mankind with him. This is the way out of Babylon for Babylon exalts the things of man and resists the things that be of God.
Jeremiah was the prophet God used in his day against Babylon more than any other by far and the last chapter of Jeremiah reveals Satan's secret end time strategy to defeat the Church. Just as he offered Jesus power and authority so he is doing today to christians everywhere. As man gave up his authority and place of blessing with God in the garden by heeding Satan's voice so is Satan now seeking to replace God's voice in our lives and he's offering to share with us the very authority he usurped from man to begin with! Satan hasn't changed his ways in all this time.
"And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, the Evilmerodach, king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, and BROUGHT HIM FORTH OUT OF PRISON AND SPAKE KINDLY UNTO HIM AND SET HIS THRONE ABOVE THE THRONE OF THE KINGS THAT WERE WITH HIM IN BABYLON. AND CHANGED HIS PRISON GARMENTS AND HE DID CONTINUALLY EAT BREAD BEFORE HIM ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE. AND FOR HIS DIET, THERE WAS A CONTINUAL DIET GIVEN HIM OF THE KING OF BABYLON EVERY DAY A PORTION UNTIL THE DAY OF HIS DEATH, ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE" Jer:52:31-34.
After oppressing and attacking and harassing the saints, imprisoning them if he's allowed to, wounding us when he can, SATAN'S FINAL END TIME STRATEGY is to turn to the very ones he's placed in bondage and suffering or tried to and offer them peace, to exalt them by putting them on a throne above all in his kingdom but his, right next to him, just as the Father has sat us at the right hand of Jesus. Satan's offer is to care for and feed us everyday from his table till the day we die. We are clearly warned by God not to eat at the table of devils in Corinthians so it is clear many christians were doing so.
Daniel had godly wisdom and an upright heart and unlike King Jehoiachin, "purposed in his heart that he WOULD NOT DEFILE HIMSELF WITH THE PORTION OF THE KING'S (of Babylon) meat, nor with the wine he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself" Dan:1:8. Remember Revelation 17:1&2 speaks of spiritual Babylon as a great whore (for she leaves her first love, our precious God and lies with Satan, producing his fruit. Like him, she is full of lies and deceptions). "Come hither I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (she is found among all nations and peoples, just like the bride of Christ) with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication" Rev:18:4-7, her fornication of communing with any other spirit but God's. Daniel would not drink this wine and neither should we. But the kings of the earth (leaders) and it's inhabitants (followers) would. These are the same kings mentioned in Jeremiah 50, the kings that were with him, Evilmerodach, IN BABYLON. All of us have been made kings and priests by our God in service to Him, Yahweh, but if we leave his service and go into captivity into Babylon and we choose to eat of Satan's table and accept his hospitality and authority, we are then known to God as a GREAT WHORE.
to be continued...
Here, we clearly see Satan's strategy for enslaving and defeating all of mankind. It isn't by destroying man physically but rather spiritually by appealing to Man's pride, by exalting th things "that be of man", by honoring man. Verse 24 reveals another stamp on our ticket out of Babylon, Satan's kingdom on earth - "If any man will come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF and take up his cross and FOLLOW ME" Mt:16:24. Man must be denied! Not only was Jesus going to the cross but all of mankind with him. This is the way out of Babylon for Babylon exalts the things of man and resists the things that be of God.
Jeremiah was the prophet God used in his day against Babylon more than any other by far and the last chapter of Jeremiah reveals Satan's secret end time strategy to defeat the Church. Just as he offered Jesus power and authority so he is doing today to christians everywhere. As man gave up his authority and place of blessing with God in the garden by heeding Satan's voice so is Satan now seeking to replace God's voice in our lives and he's offering to share with us the very authority he usurped from man to begin with! Satan hasn't changed his ways in all this time.
"And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, the Evilmerodach, king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, and BROUGHT HIM FORTH OUT OF PRISON AND SPAKE KINDLY UNTO HIM AND SET HIS THRONE ABOVE THE THRONE OF THE KINGS THAT WERE WITH HIM IN BABYLON. AND CHANGED HIS PRISON GARMENTS AND HE DID CONTINUALLY EAT BREAD BEFORE HIM ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE. AND FOR HIS DIET, THERE WAS A CONTINUAL DIET GIVEN HIM OF THE KING OF BABYLON EVERY DAY A PORTION UNTIL THE DAY OF HIS DEATH, ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE" Jer:52:31-34.
After oppressing and attacking and harassing the saints, imprisoning them if he's allowed to, wounding us when he can, SATAN'S FINAL END TIME STRATEGY is to turn to the very ones he's placed in bondage and suffering or tried to and offer them peace, to exalt them by putting them on a throne above all in his kingdom but his, right next to him, just as the Father has sat us at the right hand of Jesus. Satan's offer is to care for and feed us everyday from his table till the day we die. We are clearly warned by God not to eat at the table of devils in Corinthians so it is clear many christians were doing so.
Daniel had godly wisdom and an upright heart and unlike King Jehoiachin, "purposed in his heart that he WOULD NOT DEFILE HIMSELF WITH THE PORTION OF THE KING'S (of Babylon) meat, nor with the wine he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself" Dan:1:8. Remember Revelation 17:1&2 speaks of spiritual Babylon as a great whore (for she leaves her first love, our precious God and lies with Satan, producing his fruit. Like him, she is full of lies and deceptions). "Come hither I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (she is found among all nations and peoples, just like the bride of Christ) with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication" Rev:18:4-7, her fornication of communing with any other spirit but God's. Daniel would not drink this wine and neither should we. But the kings of the earth (leaders) and it's inhabitants (followers) would. These are the same kings mentioned in Jeremiah 50, the kings that were with him, Evilmerodach, IN BABYLON. All of us have been made kings and priests by our God in service to Him, Yahweh, but if we leave his service and go into captivity into Babylon and we choose to eat of Satan's table and accept his hospitality and authority, we are then known to God as a GREAT WHORE.
to be continued...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Doctrinally centered or Christ centered? part three
Religious saints are forever wanting to know - what church do you go to? This is so they can immediately decide with their minds whether you are someone they can fellowship with and love in a religious, soulish, way, completely ignoring Jesus' command to love one another. See, they cannot have true fellowship with and knit their hearts together with, yours in love for their hearts aren't knit together with God's in love, they love Him only with their minds, like the Pharisees. How sad.
When God looks at a city, he only sees his blood. If we have the blood of Jesus on us, we belong to him. If not, we don't. He doesn't see all the labels that come from the curse of Babylon, Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc., etc., all cities started by Cain and his descendants. All labels of man will burn in the end, only Christ will remain. Question yourself - why do you find it so necessary to cling to your church or denomination, to identify with them even over Christ? For many, they are a (fill in the blank) first, and a Christian second.
But even more insidious is a counter move of Satan, responding to the world wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 70's, freeing many from the spirit of religion. Satan has actually sent out a spirit that is telling christians to become free of religion by following him! Incredible as it may sound, we know of a fellowship that is completely bound up by Satan, serving him and not God and this fellowship is full of pride in the fact that they aren't religious! They are so arrogant in their rebellion they are praying against the religious spirit they themselves are serving! God recently told us their Pastor is a "Nabal" to him. Nabal means "Stupid, wicked dolt", or "fool". God compared David, in the story found in 1 Sam: 25 to our ministry and he compared this Pastor to Nabal. Pastors, do not resist or rebel against true, godly authority for God sends them only to bless you. The rod of correction is given to sons and daughters he loves. They are meant to gather his people under his wings, as a hen would her chicks. True apostolic and prophetic ministry is a great blessing from God, meant to be an extension of his love for his people. If they have a rebuke for you, given in love, take this as you would from a loving father. In some churches, the Pastor is actually an Apostle, only he or his denomination do not realize it because they do not accept the ministry of Apostle in the earth today because of erroneous, demonic teaching.
When Eldad and Medad went running through the camp prophesying, Joshua showed the attitude of many Pastors today - "My Lord, Moses, forbid them" (Num:11:28), whereas Moses had a true, godly heart and therefore response - "Enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them! (Num:11:29). In Hebrew, the words Eldad and Medad mean "God has loved" and "Loving, affectionate". This reveals God's heart for the prophetic ministry, to reveal his affection and love for his people. Every time you receive personal prophetic ministry you should come away with the sense God has just wrapped his arms around you and given you a big hug. Even when giving a rebuke, I have always known God to do it in a loving way, without embarassing the one being rebuked. And we see that Moses wasn't intimidated or jealous at all by some one else with the prophetic anointing, with someone else anointed to minister in his congregation, but rather he had a Father's heart in rejoicing to see his children growing up. All leadership in the Body today should display this same heart. Today, we have many teachers but not many fathers, unfortunately.
When God looks at a city, he only sees his blood. If we have the blood of Jesus on us, we belong to him. If not, we don't. He doesn't see all the labels that come from the curse of Babylon, Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc., etc., all cities started by Cain and his descendants. All labels of man will burn in the end, only Christ will remain. Question yourself - why do you find it so necessary to cling to your church or denomination, to identify with them even over Christ? For many, they are a (fill in the blank) first, and a Christian second.
But even more insidious is a counter move of Satan, responding to the world wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 70's, freeing many from the spirit of religion. Satan has actually sent out a spirit that is telling christians to become free of religion by following him! Incredible as it may sound, we know of a fellowship that is completely bound up by Satan, serving him and not God and this fellowship is full of pride in the fact that they aren't religious! They are so arrogant in their rebellion they are praying against the religious spirit they themselves are serving! God recently told us their Pastor is a "Nabal" to him. Nabal means "Stupid, wicked dolt", or "fool". God compared David, in the story found in 1 Sam: 25 to our ministry and he compared this Pastor to Nabal. Pastors, do not resist or rebel against true, godly authority for God sends them only to bless you. The rod of correction is given to sons and daughters he loves. They are meant to gather his people under his wings, as a hen would her chicks. True apostolic and prophetic ministry is a great blessing from God, meant to be an extension of his love for his people. If they have a rebuke for you, given in love, take this as you would from a loving father. In some churches, the Pastor is actually an Apostle, only he or his denomination do not realize it because they do not accept the ministry of Apostle in the earth today because of erroneous, demonic teaching.
When Eldad and Medad went running through the camp prophesying, Joshua showed the attitude of many Pastors today - "My Lord, Moses, forbid them" (Num:11:28), whereas Moses had a true, godly heart and therefore response - "Enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them! (Num:11:29). In Hebrew, the words Eldad and Medad mean "God has loved" and "Loving, affectionate". This reveals God's heart for the prophetic ministry, to reveal his affection and love for his people. Every time you receive personal prophetic ministry you should come away with the sense God has just wrapped his arms around you and given you a big hug. Even when giving a rebuke, I have always known God to do it in a loving way, without embarassing the one being rebuked. And we see that Moses wasn't intimidated or jealous at all by some one else with the prophetic anointing, with someone else anointed to minister in his congregation, but rather he had a Father's heart in rejoicing to see his children growing up. All leadership in the Body today should display this same heart. Today, we have many teachers but not many fathers, unfortunately.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Doctrinally centered or Christ centered? part two
Jesus would have us camp around him, even as the Israelites had the Tabernacle at the center of their camp. This is a model for us today for we should all fellowship around our risen Savior - "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". We are meant to fellowship around him for he is our only true source of Life and Godliness and healing we will ever know. The problem for today's denominational christian is poignant. I used to attend denominational services and most of the time I noticed Christ was no where to be found. I asked the Lord about it - "Lord, you said when we gather together in your name you are in our midst, so where are you?" He told me they (denominational christians) are not gathering in my name, rather they are gathering in the name of their church or denomination. Have you ever noticed that almost all denominations do not have his name in their title?
He said their identity is with their respective church, not with Jesus himself. Does this mean that you can't ever find Jesus in a denominational church? Of course not because God is extremely compassionate and merciful. Many churches are a mixture of wheat and tares and he will meet with the wheat and he will touch and heal and save as he is able to because he loves those in Babylon so very much BUT HIS PRESENCE IN A DENOMINATIONAL SERVICE DOES NOT MEAN HE IS GIVING THEM HIS STAMP OF APPROVAL. Further more, the enemy is able to mimic the Holy Spirit and pretend to be the Holy Spirit, leading many astray. Any time a church claims to have an experience with the Holy Spirit but says he leads them to stay in their denominational church, it was not the Holy Spirit they were experiencing. The Holy Spirit will always lead us out of Babylon, out of Bondage.
Most who claim to be christian really are not, anyway. They are walking in deception because most denominations reject or resist the person of the Holy Spirit. The word "christian" means "little Christ", or a smaller version of Christ himself. Believers in the Bible never called themselves "christian". They were called "christians" by unbelievers around them because their lives so exemplified the light and love that Jesus walked in that unbelievers immediately recognized it. Their words and deeds were very christ like. But if you insist on calling your self "christian" it means you are identifying yourself with Christ. The word "Christ" means "Messiah". This means "the anointed one of God". How was Jesus anointed? WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!! So to be a christian means to also be anointed and sent by the Holy Spirit! By this definition, 90 percent of churches on earth are not "christian" because the Holy Spirit is not welcome in their services. He is not honored and respected. He is not worshipped and submitted to. He might be allowed to visit from time to time but he'd better not try to take over the service! Trust me, I've seen it happen time and again. He will show up, powerfully, attracted by the worship, but when he tries to speak or move in any way, he is shut down quickly. Sad but true. Biblically, whenever he shows up, tongues or prophecy or both always occur. When was the last time you heard either at your service? I thought so.
to be continued...
He said their identity is with their respective church, not with Jesus himself. Does this mean that you can't ever find Jesus in a denominational church? Of course not because God is extremely compassionate and merciful. Many churches are a mixture of wheat and tares and he will meet with the wheat and he will touch and heal and save as he is able to because he loves those in Babylon so very much BUT HIS PRESENCE IN A DENOMINATIONAL SERVICE DOES NOT MEAN HE IS GIVING THEM HIS STAMP OF APPROVAL. Further more, the enemy is able to mimic the Holy Spirit and pretend to be the Holy Spirit, leading many astray. Any time a church claims to have an experience with the Holy Spirit but says he leads them to stay in their denominational church, it was not the Holy Spirit they were experiencing. The Holy Spirit will always lead us out of Babylon, out of Bondage.
Most who claim to be christian really are not, anyway. They are walking in deception because most denominations reject or resist the person of the Holy Spirit. The word "christian" means "little Christ", or a smaller version of Christ himself. Believers in the Bible never called themselves "christian". They were called "christians" by unbelievers around them because their lives so exemplified the light and love that Jesus walked in that unbelievers immediately recognized it. Their words and deeds were very christ like. But if you insist on calling your self "christian" it means you are identifying yourself with Christ. The word "Christ" means "Messiah". This means "the anointed one of God". How was Jesus anointed? WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!! So to be a christian means to also be anointed and sent by the Holy Spirit! By this definition, 90 percent of churches on earth are not "christian" because the Holy Spirit is not welcome in their services. He is not honored and respected. He is not worshipped and submitted to. He might be allowed to visit from time to time but he'd better not try to take over the service! Trust me, I've seen it happen time and again. He will show up, powerfully, attracted by the worship, but when he tries to speak or move in any way, he is shut down quickly. Sad but true. Biblically, whenever he shows up, tongues or prophecy or both always occur. When was the last time you heard either at your service? I thought so.
to be continued...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Doctrinally centered or Christ centered?
Another clear result of belonging to Babylon, of abiding therein, is that our hearts become hardened to God and His Spirit, therefore our "Christianity" becomes purely an intellectual excercise. We don't go on to "know him", that is, become deeply intimate with him, we only know about him. We can even seek him with tears (emotionally) and not know him in our hearts (spiritually). We can ever seek him and not find him. We can be ever learning but never arriving at the Truth, the person of Jesus himself.
Churches and fellowships that know God only with the mind and not the heart become doctrinally centered and not Christ centered. They meet and camp around a set of doctrines, eventually exalting their doctrines (knowledge about him) over Christ himself, just as the Pharisees did. When confronted with the "Word made Flesh", they denied him and chose their doctrines instead, because they were walking in pride, for pride is the root of exalting self over God.
According to the Pharisees, Jesus broke the Law, not of God but of man, laws they had added to the Word over the centuries by misinterpreting, by misunderstanding the Word of God. Jesus would not submit to or be controlled by them in any way. The same voice that challenged Jesus - "who is he that gave thee this authority?" (Luke 20:2) is still challenging true authority in the Body today. They are really accusing Jesus of not being submitted to them, under their authority and control and they really believed they were God's representatives on earth. To them he was a "loose cannon" in rebellion because he was in rebellion to them. They could not accept anyone with true authority from God because they had none.
Likewise, many leaders today are intimidated by anyone who shows up who has been given true authority by God, who raises up whom he wills and sends them forth. These leaders behave just like Saul when David shows up, they get jealous and envious and end up trying to kill the David's of the Body. Leadership set in place by man will always try to kill those sent by God, as Herod did when Jesus was born. "But as then he that was born of the flesh persecuted he that was born of the Sprit, EVEN SO IT IS NOW" (Gal:4:20).
Jesus said of His apostles, "He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me" (Luke 10:16). This is still true today. Leadership that seeks to please men, that seeks honor from man, that is set in place by man, will despise and reject those who seek only to please God. Jesus said "I receive not honor from men. How can ye believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?" (John 5:41&44).
The Pharisees had not the Word abiding in their hearts, only in their minds. Today, many churches focus so much on doctrine and teaching because they are unable to do the Word, to simply love one another. Many times what people really need is a good hug and a listening ear and all the church can do is preach to them. Correct doctrine becomes the focus of their fellowship and sadly, because they are not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the very thing they pride themselves on, correct doctrine, is often missing for the Holy Spirit is the only one who can correctly interpret the Word and teach the doctrines of Christ.
to be continued...
Churches and fellowships that know God only with the mind and not the heart become doctrinally centered and not Christ centered. They meet and camp around a set of doctrines, eventually exalting their doctrines (knowledge about him) over Christ himself, just as the Pharisees did. When confronted with the "Word made Flesh", they denied him and chose their doctrines instead, because they were walking in pride, for pride is the root of exalting self over God.
According to the Pharisees, Jesus broke the Law, not of God but of man, laws they had added to the Word over the centuries by misinterpreting, by misunderstanding the Word of God. Jesus would not submit to or be controlled by them in any way. The same voice that challenged Jesus - "who is he that gave thee this authority?" (Luke 20:2) is still challenging true authority in the Body today. They are really accusing Jesus of not being submitted to them, under their authority and control and they really believed they were God's representatives on earth. To them he was a "loose cannon" in rebellion because he was in rebellion to them. They could not accept anyone with true authority from God because they had none.
Likewise, many leaders today are intimidated by anyone who shows up who has been given true authority by God, who raises up whom he wills and sends them forth. These leaders behave just like Saul when David shows up, they get jealous and envious and end up trying to kill the David's of the Body. Leadership set in place by man will always try to kill those sent by God, as Herod did when Jesus was born. "But as then he that was born of the flesh persecuted he that was born of the Sprit, EVEN SO IT IS NOW" (Gal:4:20).
Jesus said of His apostles, "He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me" (Luke 10:16). This is still true today. Leadership that seeks to please men, that seeks honor from man, that is set in place by man, will despise and reject those who seek only to please God. Jesus said "I receive not honor from men. How can ye believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?" (John 5:41&44).
The Pharisees had not the Word abiding in their hearts, only in their minds. Today, many churches focus so much on doctrine and teaching because they are unable to do the Word, to simply love one another. Many times what people really need is a good hug and a listening ear and all the church can do is preach to them. Correct doctrine becomes the focus of their fellowship and sadly, because they are not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the very thing they pride themselves on, correct doctrine, is often missing for the Holy Spirit is the only one who can correctly interpret the Word and teach the doctrines of Christ.
to be continued...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cease from your own labors
"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when NO MAN CAN WORK. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world". John 9:4&5
Since Jesus departed this earth in his physical form, he now works through us by his Holy Spirit, but for us to do his works, the works of the Father we must cease from our own. The night Jesus referred to is here. We are in a time when no man can work, or should work, the works of man. Rather we should be doing the works of God. We are in essence in a prolonged Sabbath day, spiritually. The Sabbath is all about resting from our own labors and when we enter his kingdom, when we abide in Him, when we are filled with his Spirit, we must cease from our own works. Religion is full of the works of man. WE MUST REST FROM ALL THAT COMES FROM US, from our own labors, apart from him. "For he that is entered into HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his" Heb:4:10.
We must labor to enter into that kind of rest. Unbelief produces a christianity that says "you must do everything yourself" because God isn't able to do anything through you and cannot do anything apart from you where as the truth is we cannot do anything apart from him. Christianity as a religion espouses a God who is dependent on man whereas Christianity as a relationship espouses a man who is totally dependent on God. Unbelief compels christians to do good works in order to please God because they cannot believe God could be pleased with them solely based on what Jesus did. They feel they must add something to the finished work on the cross, hence religion is full of do's and dont's. They have been trained up in the carnal, fleshly way of the world, which is the opposite of God's way, which says you must earn my love by your behaviour.
Jesus pointedly said that to do the work of God, all WE must do is believe him. Our belief in him enables him to do as he pleases with us. A true believer becomes a true conceiver of what the Holy Spirit wants to birth and do in any given city or country. Our belief in him is from him anyway, as it is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us and it is Jesus who reveals the Father to us. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. So our "work" is of the Spirit entirely and comes out of our spirits entirely yielded to him. not out of our flesh. Our flesh will manifest whoever our spirit is yielded to. If the Holy Spirit does not have the preeminence among us, then flesh will exalt itself, causing Religion to result, all of which is rooted in pride, all of which is dung. Relgion stinks! Jesus! We clothed the poor, visited the sick, prophesied in your name! Yet Jesus' reply to them was - you did it all apart from me. I never knew you. Seemingly "good works" apart from him, inspired by and done by us, cannot truly be good for he alone is good. Jesus himself did only what he saw the Father doing and spoke what he heard the Father speak, and so must we honor the Father in this way.
Jesus only healed one man at the pool of Bethesda. We would have wanted to heal everyone there. Yet Jesus only touched one. At other times he did heal everyone, why not then? Because Jesus was completely submitted to his Father, and he only did what his Father instructed him to do. Apart from him, "good works" declare to God that we can decide what is "good" and what is "evil". They show God that we are still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather than from the Tree of Life. It is all of Babylon, exalting man, declaring to God "look God, see how good we are! We really don't need you, only your name, to legitimize all we do". Clearly Jesus stated "NONE IS GOOD" Mt:19:17. The whole family tree of mankind has become so corrupt that when man claims to be good, he is actually claiming to be god. When man try's to prove it by doing "good", this is an affront to God, a slap in his face, an insult, basically saying to God - "why did you waste your time dying on that cross? We're good enough don't you know?" As Christians, fully submitted to the Holy Spirit, our good works glorify our Father before men. Why? Because we are doing HIS works and not our own! Our sanctified, laid down, humbled hearts will give him complete glory and honor for any good that comes from us BECAUSE HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND NOT WE OURSELVES.
Since Jesus departed this earth in his physical form, he now works through us by his Holy Spirit, but for us to do his works, the works of the Father we must cease from our own. The night Jesus referred to is here. We are in a time when no man can work, or should work, the works of man. Rather we should be doing the works of God. We are in essence in a prolonged Sabbath day, spiritually. The Sabbath is all about resting from our own labors and when we enter his kingdom, when we abide in Him, when we are filled with his Spirit, we must cease from our own works. Religion is full of the works of man. WE MUST REST FROM ALL THAT COMES FROM US, from our own labors, apart from him. "For he that is entered into HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his" Heb:4:10.
We must labor to enter into that kind of rest. Unbelief produces a christianity that says "you must do everything yourself" because God isn't able to do anything through you and cannot do anything apart from you where as the truth is we cannot do anything apart from him. Christianity as a religion espouses a God who is dependent on man whereas Christianity as a relationship espouses a man who is totally dependent on God. Unbelief compels christians to do good works in order to please God because they cannot believe God could be pleased with them solely based on what Jesus did. They feel they must add something to the finished work on the cross, hence religion is full of do's and dont's. They have been trained up in the carnal, fleshly way of the world, which is the opposite of God's way, which says you must earn my love by your behaviour.
Jesus pointedly said that to do the work of God, all WE must do is believe him. Our belief in him enables him to do as he pleases with us. A true believer becomes a true conceiver of what the Holy Spirit wants to birth and do in any given city or country. Our belief in him is from him anyway, as it is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us and it is Jesus who reveals the Father to us. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. So our "work" is of the Spirit entirely and comes out of our spirits entirely yielded to him. not out of our flesh. Our flesh will manifest whoever our spirit is yielded to. If the Holy Spirit does not have the preeminence among us, then flesh will exalt itself, causing Religion to result, all of which is rooted in pride, all of which is dung. Relgion stinks! Jesus! We clothed the poor, visited the sick, prophesied in your name! Yet Jesus' reply to them was - you did it all apart from me. I never knew you. Seemingly "good works" apart from him, inspired by and done by us, cannot truly be good for he alone is good. Jesus himself did only what he saw the Father doing and spoke what he heard the Father speak, and so must we honor the Father in this way.
Jesus only healed one man at the pool of Bethesda. We would have wanted to heal everyone there. Yet Jesus only touched one. At other times he did heal everyone, why not then? Because Jesus was completely submitted to his Father, and he only did what his Father instructed him to do. Apart from him, "good works" declare to God that we can decide what is "good" and what is "evil". They show God that we are still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather than from the Tree of Life. It is all of Babylon, exalting man, declaring to God "look God, see how good we are! We really don't need you, only your name, to legitimize all we do". Clearly Jesus stated "NONE IS GOOD" Mt:19:17. The whole family tree of mankind has become so corrupt that when man claims to be good, he is actually claiming to be god. When man try's to prove it by doing "good", this is an affront to God, a slap in his face, an insult, basically saying to God - "why did you waste your time dying on that cross? We're good enough don't you know?" As Christians, fully submitted to the Holy Spirit, our good works glorify our Father before men. Why? Because we are doing HIS works and not our own! Our sanctified, laid down, humbled hearts will give him complete glory and honor for any good that comes from us BECAUSE HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND NOT WE OURSELVES.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts part two
In the end, all that we produce on our own, all that is man-made, will be shaken and removed from this earth. All we do that brings honor to us, will bear us no fruit in eternity. The Pharisees gave out of their excess, many wealthy individuals do the same today. Jesus wasn't impressed with this kind of giving. He was impressed with the widow who gave her all.
Notice Heb:12:2 and the nugget hidden therein - "And this Word, yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as OF THINGS THAT ARE MADE, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain". Satan's kingdom on earth, Babylon, is all predicated on man, on man's authority, on that which is MADE, that is, made by man, coming out of man's wisdom and strength. When the dust settles, all that remains will be that which is of God who alone is eternal, unmovable, unshakeable.
Is your faith in God or man? If your faith can be shaken, if it can be moved, if it can falter at the slightest adversity or shifting wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, then your faith is in man, not God himself, for faith in and of God is mighty, mountain moving faith. With this kind of faith, men laid low kingdoms, raised the dead, healed the sick and performed extraordinary signs and wonders and miracles. In short, nothing was impossible for them. All who declare independence from God (through their actions if not words) and rely on themselves or the arm of the flesh will be put far from Him because this is what they are declaring to God every day of their lives - we can do this without you! We choose to live now (and therefor forever) apart from you! At the final Judgment, God will simply give everyone what they've desired all along. Those who long to be with Him forever He will gather as a hen gathers her chicks. Those who desire to be apart from Him he will cast away from him forever. If we do not come out and be separate from Babylon, then we too will forever remain out of and separate from the New Jerusalem. The two cannot mix. We're either in the kingdom of light or we're forever in darkness. Make your choice if you haven't already.
If you desire God and his kingdom, cry out to him from your heart, as did the jailor in Acts 16 - "What must I do to be saved?" Like so many who only know Religion, he thought he could be saved by DOING SOMETHING> He thought he could be saved through his own works or efforts. Yet the only "work" God calls us to, in concern to our salvation, is to believe on him whom he sent, Jesus the Christ. Cry out to him now, from the depths of your heart, "God, oh Father, deliver me from Babylon, free me from all bondage and influence of the flesh, whether my own or anyone else's. Make me as free as you are, as free as the Holy Spirit, who follows and obeys you alone Father. Give me covering who care for me as you do for you, though you were the master of all, became the servant of all, therefore I know that leadership in my life is put there by you to serve me. Purge and cleanse me of all that is of Babylon. Amen.
Notice Heb:12:2 and the nugget hidden therein - "And this Word, yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as OF THINGS THAT ARE MADE, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain". Satan's kingdom on earth, Babylon, is all predicated on man, on man's authority, on that which is MADE, that is, made by man, coming out of man's wisdom and strength. When the dust settles, all that remains will be that which is of God who alone is eternal, unmovable, unshakeable.
Is your faith in God or man? If your faith can be shaken, if it can be moved, if it can falter at the slightest adversity or shifting wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, then your faith is in man, not God himself, for faith in and of God is mighty, mountain moving faith. With this kind of faith, men laid low kingdoms, raised the dead, healed the sick and performed extraordinary signs and wonders and miracles. In short, nothing was impossible for them. All who declare independence from God (through their actions if not words) and rely on themselves or the arm of the flesh will be put far from Him because this is what they are declaring to God every day of their lives - we can do this without you! We choose to live now (and therefor forever) apart from you! At the final Judgment, God will simply give everyone what they've desired all along. Those who long to be with Him forever He will gather as a hen gathers her chicks. Those who desire to be apart from Him he will cast away from him forever. If we do not come out and be separate from Babylon, then we too will forever remain out of and separate from the New Jerusalem. The two cannot mix. We're either in the kingdom of light or we're forever in darkness. Make your choice if you haven't already.
If you desire God and his kingdom, cry out to him from your heart, as did the jailor in Acts 16 - "What must I do to be saved?" Like so many who only know Religion, he thought he could be saved by DOING SOMETHING> He thought he could be saved through his own works or efforts. Yet the only "work" God calls us to, in concern to our salvation, is to believe on him whom he sent, Jesus the Christ. Cry out to him now, from the depths of your heart, "God, oh Father, deliver me from Babylon, free me from all bondage and influence of the flesh, whether my own or anyone else's. Make me as free as you are, as free as the Holy Spirit, who follows and obeys you alone Father. Give me covering who care for me as you do for you, though you were the master of all, became the servant of all, therefore I know that leadership in my life is put there by you to serve me. Purge and cleanse me of all that is of Babylon. Amen.
Monday, January 17, 2011
By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts
Ultimately, nothing of worth and value in the kingdom of God is done through our own might or power, our own intellectual prowess, apart from God. Our flesh can not produce his righteousness! No, every good gift comes from above, from the Father of lights, through his spirit. Zecharia 4:6 states - "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying this is the Word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying, not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts".
Zerubbabel in hebrew means "Descended of Babylon". All of us have "descended of Babylon" spiritually, and all of us must humble ourselves and realize, we must acknowledge, apart from him (Holy Spirit) we can do nothing FOR HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONLY ONE FREE OF BABYLON ON THE EARTH TODAY. This is a key stamp on the ticket out of Babylon, a key turn on the path to freedom. We must all lose our dependence on man, including the man that is us.
In Deuteronomy 8 Moses shares a very clear warning to us all - "and thou say in thine heart, mine power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth, but thou shalt remember the lord thy God for it is he that giveth thee the power to get wealth THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT". The real challenge to any nation or individual is not poverty but affluence, not slavery but freedom. The real test of a nation is not can it survive a crisis but can it survive the lack of a crisis. Can we as individuals stay strong in our faith during times of ease and plenty? Can our nation survive times of power and prestige?
The Hebrew word Zakehor (remember) resonates throughout Deuteronomy, it is the central theme of the book. Three things will prevent us from falling into the sin of forgetting it is the Lord who gives us the blessing of wealth, it is the Lord through whom all proper blessings flow, by his Spirit. We must remember where we came from, where we are going and who we are accountable to. The prelude to disaster for any nation or person is "My power and the strength of my hand have produced this wealth for me". This is the way of Babylon (remember Nimrod?) "we can make our own way, apart from God, we don't need him, we can make it on our own". We must also remember, the purpose of wealth is so we can fulfill our covenant with him. Then he required animal sacrafices, this took wealth. Now he requires that we give of ourselves, our wealth, on behalf of the poor and this too requires wealth. His covenant is a covenant of love, a covenant of giving. If we will follow him, we will become such generous givers, we will make the world "jealous with our generosity".
Zerubbabel in hebrew means "Descended of Babylon". All of us have "descended of Babylon" spiritually, and all of us must humble ourselves and realize, we must acknowledge, apart from him (Holy Spirit) we can do nothing FOR HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONLY ONE FREE OF BABYLON ON THE EARTH TODAY. This is a key stamp on the ticket out of Babylon, a key turn on the path to freedom. We must all lose our dependence on man, including the man that is us.
In Deuteronomy 8 Moses shares a very clear warning to us all - "and thou say in thine heart, mine power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth, but thou shalt remember the lord thy God for it is he that giveth thee the power to get wealth THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT". The real challenge to any nation or individual is not poverty but affluence, not slavery but freedom. The real test of a nation is not can it survive a crisis but can it survive the lack of a crisis. Can we as individuals stay strong in our faith during times of ease and plenty? Can our nation survive times of power and prestige?
The Hebrew word Zakehor (remember) resonates throughout Deuteronomy, it is the central theme of the book. Three things will prevent us from falling into the sin of forgetting it is the Lord who gives us the blessing of wealth, it is the Lord through whom all proper blessings flow, by his Spirit. We must remember where we came from, where we are going and who we are accountable to. The prelude to disaster for any nation or person is "My power and the strength of my hand have produced this wealth for me". This is the way of Babylon (remember Nimrod?) "we can make our own way, apart from God, we don't need him, we can make it on our own". We must also remember, the purpose of wealth is so we can fulfill our covenant with him. Then he required animal sacrafices, this took wealth. Now he requires that we give of ourselves, our wealth, on behalf of the poor and this too requires wealth. His covenant is a covenant of love, a covenant of giving. If we will follow him, we will become such generous givers, we will make the world "jealous with our generosity".
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Lean not unto thine own understanding part two
To reinforce and reiterate the fact that this message of being free from the influence and bondage of man, while becoming totally dependent on God is central to God's heart for us, simply look at the verse found in the exact center of the Bible. Yes, if you took every verse in the Bible, counted them all then divided them up, you would find that Psalm 118 verse 8 is the exact center and it says "IT IS BETTER TO TRUST IN THE LORD THAN TO PUT CONFIDENCE IN MAN". Why? As we've seen, trusting in man, in the arm of the flesh, puts us under a curse. Yet each time man has failed us, God has come through and faithfully kept his covenant with us. Because HE is our shepherd and not man, we shall not want EVER! We lived in Ireland for almost four years completely by faith and God never let us down, not for one minute of one day. It is so much better to trust Him and not some church's board of trustees. The Lord sternly warned us not to look to man for our support but to Him alone for as he put it "I have personally invited you to this nation, stop looking to man for your support".
We pray for every pastor or individual who has failed to keep their word to us and we are not bitter because of it. We forgive each and every one of them. Indeed, how often have we failed one another or the Lord? We can not even put confidence in ourselves, our own hearts, for they are wicked and decietful (apart from Him) and they will fail us. Our only real alternative is to arrive at the same conclusion Paul did, and believe it with all our hearts - that we should "worship God in thhe Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH" Ph:3:3, for after the flesh Paul, more than most, had much to brag about but he concluded it all wasn't worth a pile of dung and it's the same for us, exactly the same. Nothing we can produce in ourselves, of our flesh, in our own strength, can produce one iota of righteousness, which is why we must eat of the Tree of Life, Jesus' flesh and blood, for our own flesh and blood is corrupt and will fail us.
Remember the words of Jesus found in 2 Corinthians 12:9, for they are the key to freedom from dependence on flesh, on our own strength, "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE, FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS". It is only by becoming weak that his strength can save us. This is why Jesus said in Psalm 8:2 - "OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES AND SUCKLINGS THOU HAST ORDAINED STRENGTH", for babes and sucklings are weak in the flesh, totally dependent on someone else's love to survive. In exactly the same way, we are totally helpless to survive spiritually both now and forever without God's love and grace and mercy for us, both his words and his deeds. No wonder, in Mathew 21:16, Jesus changes the word strength to Praise! For that is the only appropriate response to such a generous and loving God, heart felt, sincere Praise!
One last note to bring balance to this chapter. I must say that for everyone that has failed us, we have met just as many precious and dear pastor's and saints that have exemplified the honor and integrity that only the Holy Spirit can impart. All across Ireland, north and south, we have met many wonderful people that have accepted and loved us and they more than make up for the false, religious ones we have encountered. A major thrust of our ministry, any way, is to confront the religious spirit wherever we go, so we must meet and deal with the bad and the ugly as well as the good. No matter who lifts us up or puts us down, through it all we will continue to follow the Holy Spirit wherever he may lead for he is the source of our strength and not man. His strength and love will carry us through any trial.
We pray for every pastor or individual who has failed to keep their word to us and we are not bitter because of it. We forgive each and every one of them. Indeed, how often have we failed one another or the Lord? We can not even put confidence in ourselves, our own hearts, for they are wicked and decietful (apart from Him) and they will fail us. Our only real alternative is to arrive at the same conclusion Paul did, and believe it with all our hearts - that we should "worship God in thhe Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH" Ph:3:3, for after the flesh Paul, more than most, had much to brag about but he concluded it all wasn't worth a pile of dung and it's the same for us, exactly the same. Nothing we can produce in ourselves, of our flesh, in our own strength, can produce one iota of righteousness, which is why we must eat of the Tree of Life, Jesus' flesh and blood, for our own flesh and blood is corrupt and will fail us.
Remember the words of Jesus found in 2 Corinthians 12:9, for they are the key to freedom from dependence on flesh, on our own strength, "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE, FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS". It is only by becoming weak that his strength can save us. This is why Jesus said in Psalm 8:2 - "OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES AND SUCKLINGS THOU HAST ORDAINED STRENGTH", for babes and sucklings are weak in the flesh, totally dependent on someone else's love to survive. In exactly the same way, we are totally helpless to survive spiritually both now and forever without God's love and grace and mercy for us, both his words and his deeds. No wonder, in Mathew 21:16, Jesus changes the word strength to Praise! For that is the only appropriate response to such a generous and loving God, heart felt, sincere Praise!
One last note to bring balance to this chapter. I must say that for everyone that has failed us, we have met just as many precious and dear pastor's and saints that have exemplified the honor and integrity that only the Holy Spirit can impart. All across Ireland, north and south, we have met many wonderful people that have accepted and loved us and they more than make up for the false, religious ones we have encountered. A major thrust of our ministry, any way, is to confront the religious spirit wherever we go, so we must meet and deal with the bad and the ugly as well as the good. No matter who lifts us up or puts us down, through it all we will continue to follow the Holy Spirit wherever he may lead for he is the source of our strength and not man. His strength and love will carry us through any trial.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Lean not unto thine own understanding
"Thus saith The Lord, cursed is the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from The Lord".
In Scripture, every great man of God , everyone used by God to bring Glory to His name, came to the end of their own strength and learned to "lean not unto thine own understanding", exalting man above God, man's will over God's will which is the very heart of Babylon. This scripture, Jer:17:5, clearly shows that we are cursed when we remain in Babylon, in Religous pride for this causes our hearts to depart from the Lord. We then end up in a place where we honor Him with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.
Another aspect of this curse is that when we trust in Man or our own flesh to save or deliver us, we will continuously be let down. In our ministry, About Our Fathers Buisness, we have had many ministers, Pastors and saints pledge to help us financially that have not kept their word. We have seen precious fellow saints openly receive us only to turn on us when we began to confront Babylon in their lives. If our dependance was on man, we would have quit the ministry long ago. The sad truth is, if they treat The Lord with disrespect, can we expect any different? They do not realize or do not care that what they have done to us they have done to The Lord. Many have honored us with their lips but their hearts are far from us.Indeed, this is why most relationships fail, whether in the Body or out of it. It is because their hearts aren't knit together, only their minds. They give lip service to a Covenant their hearts cannot keep. They are hearers of the Word only. We must keep our focus on Jesus and by stead fastly beholding Him we will see the Father and we will be changed into His image and likeness.
This is a primary function of the Apostolic ministry, to behold Him, to be pure winesses of Him and to do this we must abide in intimacy with Him. The closer to the River's source we are, the more pure the water's flow is. The further we get from the source, the more polluted the flow becomes. Many are offering God's flock a polluted drink from the River of God flowing through them because they aren't as intimate with the Father as they should be. The Father is the source of the Holy Spirit's flow in our lives and the closer we are to him, the purer the flow will be.
The antithesis of Jer:17:5 is found in Isaiah 51:5- "My Righteousness is near, My Salvation is gone forth, and My Arms shall judge the people, the isles shall wait upon Me AND ON MY ARM SHALL THEY TRUST". We must all trust and lean on the Lord's mighty right arm. No one else can save us. No one else can redeem us. No one else is as faithful and dependable as He. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is completley trustworthy. Love never fails, thank God. His mercies are renewed every morning, praise God. His Salvation shall be from everlasting to everlasting and of His Righteous Kingdom there is no end.
In Scripture, every great man of God , everyone used by God to bring Glory to His name, came to the end of their own strength and learned to "lean not unto thine own understanding", exalting man above God, man's will over God's will which is the very heart of Babylon. This scripture, Jer:17:5, clearly shows that we are cursed when we remain in Babylon, in Religous pride for this causes our hearts to depart from the Lord. We then end up in a place where we honor Him with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.
Another aspect of this curse is that when we trust in Man or our own flesh to save or deliver us, we will continuously be let down. In our ministry, About Our Fathers Buisness, we have had many ministers, Pastors and saints pledge to help us financially that have not kept their word. We have seen precious fellow saints openly receive us only to turn on us when we began to confront Babylon in their lives. If our dependance was on man, we would have quit the ministry long ago. The sad truth is, if they treat The Lord with disrespect, can we expect any different? They do not realize or do not care that what they have done to us they have done to The Lord. Many have honored us with their lips but their hearts are far from us.Indeed, this is why most relationships fail, whether in the Body or out of it. It is because their hearts aren't knit together, only their minds. They give lip service to a Covenant their hearts cannot keep. They are hearers of the Word only. We must keep our focus on Jesus and by stead fastly beholding Him we will see the Father and we will be changed into His image and likeness.
This is a primary function of the Apostolic ministry, to behold Him, to be pure winesses of Him and to do this we must abide in intimacy with Him. The closer to the River's source we are, the more pure the water's flow is. The further we get from the source, the more polluted the flow becomes. Many are offering God's flock a polluted drink from the River of God flowing through them because they aren't as intimate with the Father as they should be. The Father is the source of the Holy Spirit's flow in our lives and the closer we are to him, the purer the flow will be.
The antithesis of Jer:17:5 is found in Isaiah 51:5- "My Righteousness is near, My Salvation is gone forth, and My Arms shall judge the people, the isles shall wait upon Me AND ON MY ARM SHALL THEY TRUST". We must all trust and lean on the Lord's mighty right arm. No one else can save us. No one else can redeem us. No one else is as faithful and dependable as He. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is completley trustworthy. Love never fails, thank God. His mercies are renewed every morning, praise God. His Salvation shall be from everlasting to everlasting and of His Righteous Kingdom there is no end.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Rend your heart not your clothes
"Then the High Priest rent his clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemy, what further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death" Mt: 25:65&66.
The High Priest rent his clothes, not his heart. He must not have read Joel 2:13. Religion will always remain outward, outside us, but never change our hearts. Religion rends our outer garments but does not rend our hearts. Religion is play acting; it is putting on a show before men who can only look on the outward appearance while ignoring the one who looks on the heart. The High Priest became very emotional. Many christians are taken in by highly emotional sermons that are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. These sermons are soulish not spiritual, they appeal to the souls of men. I am not speaking against emotional sermons here, only those not inspired by God, designed to fool carnal people into believing the emotionalism is the Anointing, when it isn't that at all.
Notice the High priest asked the crowd - what think ye? Religious christian leadership will often care more about what man thinks than what God thinks. They are man pleasers instead of God pleasers. They will look to man for his wisdom and opinion because in Babylon, man is in charge and not God. They receive and give honor to man. To honor man is to dishonor God. And what does religious man think of the Anointed One and all who later come from him, who are sent by him, who are truly anointed and come from God? He (they) is worthy of death. The only pure man, the only true Holy Man that ever lived, in and of himself holy, they put to death. When man is in charge he will put to death all that is of God to exalt all that is of man. He will kill the truth to embrace the lie. This has been man's goal since the expulsion from the garden of Eden, which is a reflection of Satan's goal and desire - dethrone God, kill him, and sit on his throne in his place. He couldn't dethrone him in Heaven so he's seeking to do it here on earth.
Where on earth is God enthroned? In the hearts of his people! So where does Satan seek to rule from? Our very own hearts! This is Babylon for Babylon is to Satan what the New Jerusalem is to Jesus - his bride. And unless we come out of her and be not partakers of her sins, we will end up married to Satan forever. It is our destiny to be either Yahweh's bride or Satan's bride forever. How horrible to end up as Satan's forever.
Come out from among her my people, come out. Flee from the midst of her. She looks good on the outside but is totally corrupt within. Religious christians (or religious whoevers) are the same way, all dressed up with no where to go. Like the pharisees, they make a show of dressing up nice in front of people, of showing off their knowledge and understanding of God's Word, but inwardly their hearts are far from him. We must all be baptized with fire, either the fire of the Holy Spirit, which will purge us and cleanse us of all desire to committ iniquity, or the fire of Hell, which will keep us burning in our iniquity forever. The choice is ours. What think ye?
Authors note: The blood of Jesus removes our sin record from before the face of God, it does not remove the desire to sin, this is done through a daily communing with the Holy Spirit, who teaches us his ways, which are holy and pure. He steadily woos us away from the life of sin and death we are so used to before we meet him.
The High Priest rent his clothes, not his heart. He must not have read Joel 2:13. Religion will always remain outward, outside us, but never change our hearts. Religion rends our outer garments but does not rend our hearts. Religion is play acting; it is putting on a show before men who can only look on the outward appearance while ignoring the one who looks on the heart. The High Priest became very emotional. Many christians are taken in by highly emotional sermons that are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. These sermons are soulish not spiritual, they appeal to the souls of men. I am not speaking against emotional sermons here, only those not inspired by God, designed to fool carnal people into believing the emotionalism is the Anointing, when it isn't that at all.
Notice the High priest asked the crowd - what think ye? Religious christian leadership will often care more about what man thinks than what God thinks. They are man pleasers instead of God pleasers. They will look to man for his wisdom and opinion because in Babylon, man is in charge and not God. They receive and give honor to man. To honor man is to dishonor God. And what does religious man think of the Anointed One and all who later come from him, who are sent by him, who are truly anointed and come from God? He (they) is worthy of death. The only pure man, the only true Holy Man that ever lived, in and of himself holy, they put to death. When man is in charge he will put to death all that is of God to exalt all that is of man. He will kill the truth to embrace the lie. This has been man's goal since the expulsion from the garden of Eden, which is a reflection of Satan's goal and desire - dethrone God, kill him, and sit on his throne in his place. He couldn't dethrone him in Heaven so he's seeking to do it here on earth.
Where on earth is God enthroned? In the hearts of his people! So where does Satan seek to rule from? Our very own hearts! This is Babylon for Babylon is to Satan what the New Jerusalem is to Jesus - his bride. And unless we come out of her and be not partakers of her sins, we will end up married to Satan forever. It is our destiny to be either Yahweh's bride or Satan's bride forever. How horrible to end up as Satan's forever.
Come out from among her my people, come out. Flee from the midst of her. She looks good on the outside but is totally corrupt within. Religious christians (or religious whoevers) are the same way, all dressed up with no where to go. Like the pharisees, they make a show of dressing up nice in front of people, of showing off their knowledge and understanding of God's Word, but inwardly their hearts are far from him. We must all be baptized with fire, either the fire of the Holy Spirit, which will purge us and cleanse us of all desire to committ iniquity, or the fire of Hell, which will keep us burning in our iniquity forever. The choice is ours. What think ye?
Authors note: The blood of Jesus removes our sin record from before the face of God, it does not remove the desire to sin, this is done through a daily communing with the Holy Spirit, who teaches us his ways, which are holy and pure. He steadily woos us away from the life of sin and death we are so used to before we meet him.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
They saw no man anymore part two
We must not possis him in pride through flesh, in a soulish way but we must become one with him in Spirit, ruling over our flesh, over our soulish, carnal minds. His Spirit is holy and his is the most humble spirit on earth. He is meek, gentle, contrite, all the things our flesh is not. To hear America tell it, she is a Christian nation and yet she is the largest exporter of pornography in the world. More babies are aborted there than any where else on earth. Homosexuals are more and more welcome and accepted as normal and to stand up to them and declare they are committing an abomination before God is to be labeled intolerant. Muslims call the U.S. the "Great Satan" and no wonder, if all that is what we call a "Christian nation". No wonder they want nothing to do with us but convert us to what they believe is holy. Don't get me wrong, muslims are no more holy or righteous than anyone else caught in religion, they are as sincerely deceived as anyone else who isn't born again through the very blood Jesus shed on Calvary's cross but if we are provoked by them to hold the U.S.A. up to a mirror to examine ourselves, it can all turn our for our good!
As long as man is the head of God's people, "Christianity" as we know it will remain a mess, a far cry from the kingdom of God Jesus preached and demonstrated. We are, prophetically speaking, in the day when we will suddenly look round about and SEE NO MAN anymore, save Jesus only and when we are all beholding Him alone and no man, we will then come into "the unity of faith in Him, the knowledge of Him (not the knowledge of good and evil but of him, personally) the perfect man" (Eph:5:13). And when we see Jesus only, beholding him, we will all become like him, hallelujah! He is the "New Man" we are to put on! And let us not grieve the Holy Spirit of promise, with whom we are sealed unto the day of Redemption, for he is the perfect image of the Father spiritually just as Jesus is bodily. Let us receive him and all whom he sends. Let us gladly welcome the Apostles and Prophets he is raising up and sending forth into the earth today. Let us esteem them more highly than ourselves, for by doing so we are esteeming him more highly than ourselves and when we receive him whom Jesus sends, we receive the Father who sent Jesus! And let us praise God for the day when his people will become so excited about meeting with HIM that they lose all sight of man. No longer will they run to conferences and meetings to hear a man, or men but they will run to meetings where he is present and indeed not have to run anywhere because he is so alive and present in their very midst. He will be present because he is alive and present in THEM, that is in every attendee and they will be communing and fellowshipping with the Christ in each other, not just in one man or a few speakers. Their hearts will be totally focused on meeting with HIM! Hey, who's the guest speaker at the meeting? Why, the HOLY SPIRIT himself will be speaking! THE FATHER has been present at every meeting! JESUS touches someone every time we get together!!!
As long as man is the head of God's people, "Christianity" as we know it will remain a mess, a far cry from the kingdom of God Jesus preached and demonstrated. We are, prophetically speaking, in the day when we will suddenly look round about and SEE NO MAN anymore, save Jesus only and when we are all beholding Him alone and no man, we will then come into "the unity of faith in Him, the knowledge of Him (not the knowledge of good and evil but of him, personally) the perfect man" (Eph:5:13). And when we see Jesus only, beholding him, we will all become like him, hallelujah! He is the "New Man" we are to put on! And let us not grieve the Holy Spirit of promise, with whom we are sealed unto the day of Redemption, for he is the perfect image of the Father spiritually just as Jesus is bodily. Let us receive him and all whom he sends. Let us gladly welcome the Apostles and Prophets he is raising up and sending forth into the earth today. Let us esteem them more highly than ourselves, for by doing so we are esteeming him more highly than ourselves and when we receive him whom Jesus sends, we receive the Father who sent Jesus! And let us praise God for the day when his people will become so excited about meeting with HIM that they lose all sight of man. No longer will they run to conferences and meetings to hear a man, or men but they will run to meetings where he is present and indeed not have to run anywhere because he is so alive and present in their very midst. He will be present because he is alive and present in THEM, that is in every attendee and they will be communing and fellowshipping with the Christ in each other, not just in one man or a few speakers. Their hearts will be totally focused on meeting with HIM! Hey, who's the guest speaker at the meeting? Why, the HOLY SPIRIT himself will be speaking! THE FATHER has been present at every meeting! JESUS touches someone every time we get together!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
They saw no man anymore
"And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw NO MAN ANYMORE SAVE JESUS ONLY". "And suddenly, when they had looked round about, THEY SAW NO MAN ANYMORE, save Jesus only with themselves". Mt:17:8 & Mark 9:8
These two scriptures are a prophecy for God's people today. Inherent in them is the truth that the law and the prophets only exist to point us to, to bring us to Jesus. He is the fulfillment of both the law and the prophets. On the mount of transfiguration, they had seen both Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the prophets). But suddenly (meaning in God's end time prophetic time table, this will all happen very quickly) they saw Jesus only, signifying that he is the goal of the Law and the Prophets, for Jesus said the goal of the Law and the prophets is love and God is love! After all, the Law came through a man, prophecy comes through select men, but his love must come through each and every one of us (the greatest of these is love, remember). Many use the Word that came from God through man and treat it as if it's a word from man through God. Many use the Word that came through them as a barrier between God and his people. Many know the word of the Lord but do not know the Lord of the word. Suffice it to say, we must all come to a place where we are beholding Jesus only, not men.
Jesus confronted those who used his own Word to deny him - "ye have neither heard his voice"(Jn:5:37), all they had ever heard was their own voice, the voice of man or Satan's voice "and you have not his word abiding in you, for whom he sent you believe not. Search the scriptures, FOR IN THEM YOU THINK YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE and they are they which testify of me" (Jn:5:38&39). See, the pharisees thought because they knew the written word of God they had eternal life and many christians today believe exactly the same way, because they posses a bible and can quote a few scriptures they have eternal life but they will not inherit eternal life if they reject him whom he has sent today - the Holy Spirit! And when they reject the Holy Spirit they also reject all those the Holy Spirit sends, including apostles and prophets. Am I saying it's possible millions of people who call themselves "Christian" won't make it in to heaven? YES! If they honor him in name only, with their lips but their hearts remain far from him. Narrow is the path to eternal life AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. Many are called but few are chosen.
part two tommorrow, God willing and I live.
These two scriptures are a prophecy for God's people today. Inherent in them is the truth that the law and the prophets only exist to point us to, to bring us to Jesus. He is the fulfillment of both the law and the prophets. On the mount of transfiguration, they had seen both Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the prophets). But suddenly (meaning in God's end time prophetic time table, this will all happen very quickly) they saw Jesus only, signifying that he is the goal of the Law and the Prophets, for Jesus said the goal of the Law and the prophets is love and God is love! After all, the Law came through a man, prophecy comes through select men, but his love must come through each and every one of us (the greatest of these is love, remember). Many use the Word that came from God through man and treat it as if it's a word from man through God. Many use the Word that came through them as a barrier between God and his people. Many know the word of the Lord but do not know the Lord of the word. Suffice it to say, we must all come to a place where we are beholding Jesus only, not men.
Jesus confronted those who used his own Word to deny him - "ye have neither heard his voice"(Jn:5:37), all they had ever heard was their own voice, the voice of man or Satan's voice "and you have not his word abiding in you, for whom he sent you believe not. Search the scriptures, FOR IN THEM YOU THINK YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE and they are they which testify of me" (Jn:5:38&39). See, the pharisees thought because they knew the written word of God they had eternal life and many christians today believe exactly the same way, because they posses a bible and can quote a few scriptures they have eternal life but they will not inherit eternal life if they reject him whom he has sent today - the Holy Spirit! And when they reject the Holy Spirit they also reject all those the Holy Spirit sends, including apostles and prophets. Am I saying it's possible millions of people who call themselves "Christian" won't make it in to heaven? YES! If they honor him in name only, with their lips but their hearts remain far from him. Narrow is the path to eternal life AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. Many are called but few are chosen.
part two tommorrow, God willing and I live.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Man's voice must be silenced
"And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, NEITHER SHALL ANY WORD PROCEED OUT OF YOUR MOUTH until the day I bid you shout, then shall ye shout" (Joshua 6:10)
For God to do his work, Man's voice must be silenced. For far too long, man's voice has been heard from pulpits across the land when what we've needed to hear is God's voice. For far too long the voice of the Prophet has been missing from church after church. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that PROCEEDS out of the mouth of God"(Mt:4:4), not proceeded. When man's voice is silenced, Satan will have no one to speak through and it is then we will have the victory, it is then the walls of wickedness and rebellion surrounding human hearts will come down. That which holds God out and uncleaness in will be destroyed.
"For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian (the enemy) be beaten down"(Is:30:30). Hallelujah! Through the VOICE OF THE LORD the enemy, Satan's voice, will be silenced forever. He will be defeated in every way forever. When God's voice is silent in any place, a vacuum is created which the enemy then fills with his voice. The only way a lie can be exposed for what it is is with the truth. Our words, the words of man, are of flesh and produce death but his words, the words of God are spirit and they are life. We live by what he is saying, what is proceeding out of his mouth. This is the true manna from Heaven that we live by. We don't even survive by what he said yesterday or in days of old but what is he saying to us today. We should each be earnestly seeking his voice with all our hearts every day.
Every written word in the Bible was spoken to man at some point, then written down. They started out as a rhema (spoken) word, then became a logos (written) word. Every word in scripture is eternal and good because they came from the one who is eternal and good but they are meant to be a stepping stone to him, to his rhema word. The logos and rhema are not in competition with each other but are in perfect agreement, indeed are one and the same, from an eternal perspective. One is not to be exalted over the other but we can use the logos to bear witness to the rhema, as to whether it is of God or not but we must not prefer one over the other, we need both just as we need both the Father and the Son and the Spirit. If we fail to enter into an intimate relationship with him, we'll become like the Pharisees who knew the written word better than most of us ever will but failed to recognize that same word made flesh. Today's pharasaical leadership fail to recognize that same word made spirit. They fail to admit the very one who spoke the written word they seem to so highly exalt into their fellowships. We do far too much talking in our fellowships and not nearly enough shouting anyway. Pastor, next time you have a service, announce to your congregation that for the next six meetings you are going to purge man's voice and influence from your fellowship by having meetings that will be completely silent for the entire meeting. No announcements, no singing, no message, etc. Then, during the seventh meeting, everyone shout loudly for over an hour. You might think this is crazy but seriously, how badly do you want breakthrough?
For God to do his work, Man's voice must be silenced. For far too long, man's voice has been heard from pulpits across the land when what we've needed to hear is God's voice. For far too long the voice of the Prophet has been missing from church after church. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that PROCEEDS out of the mouth of God"(Mt:4:4), not proceeded. When man's voice is silenced, Satan will have no one to speak through and it is then we will have the victory, it is then the walls of wickedness and rebellion surrounding human hearts will come down. That which holds God out and uncleaness in will be destroyed.
"For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian (the enemy) be beaten down"(Is:30:30). Hallelujah! Through the VOICE OF THE LORD the enemy, Satan's voice, will be silenced forever. He will be defeated in every way forever. When God's voice is silent in any place, a vacuum is created which the enemy then fills with his voice. The only way a lie can be exposed for what it is is with the truth. Our words, the words of man, are of flesh and produce death but his words, the words of God are spirit and they are life. We live by what he is saying, what is proceeding out of his mouth. This is the true manna from Heaven that we live by. We don't even survive by what he said yesterday or in days of old but what is he saying to us today. We should each be earnestly seeking his voice with all our hearts every day.
Every written word in the Bible was spoken to man at some point, then written down. They started out as a rhema (spoken) word, then became a logos (written) word. Every word in scripture is eternal and good because they came from the one who is eternal and good but they are meant to be a stepping stone to him, to his rhema word. The logos and rhema are not in competition with each other but are in perfect agreement, indeed are one and the same, from an eternal perspective. One is not to be exalted over the other but we can use the logos to bear witness to the rhema, as to whether it is of God or not but we must not prefer one over the other, we need both just as we need both the Father and the Son and the Spirit. If we fail to enter into an intimate relationship with him, we'll become like the Pharisees who knew the written word better than most of us ever will but failed to recognize that same word made flesh. Today's pharasaical leadership fail to recognize that same word made spirit. They fail to admit the very one who spoke the written word they seem to so highly exalt into their fellowships. We do far too much talking in our fellowships and not nearly enough shouting anyway. Pastor, next time you have a service, announce to your congregation that for the next six meetings you are going to purge man's voice and influence from your fellowship by having meetings that will be completely silent for the entire meeting. No announcements, no singing, no message, etc. Then, during the seventh meeting, everyone shout loudly for over an hour. You might think this is crazy but seriously, how badly do you want breakthrough?
Monday, January 10, 2011
His own received him not
"He came unto His own and His own received Him not. But as many as received him, to them GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME the sons of God, even to them, that believe on his name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of THE WILL OF MAN, but of God" (John 1:11-13)
One of the saddest scriptures in all the Bible is John 1:11. Yet sadly, it is still happening today. Today he comes to his own in the form of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, His ministry, his anointing; his voice is in large part being rejected by the majority of Churches calling themselves "Christian". We see here, not all of "His" truly remain his but those who receive him. Simply saying a prayer of repentance one day isn't enough, we must eat of him everyday of our lives. We must become intimate with him, totally dependent on him.
To us who believe HIM (not our churche's doctrines about him), he gives us power to become his sons. This means we are not automatically his by saying a "sinner's prayer" once, but by living in him, through him, to him. See, all are born of the flesh. All are born first of the will of man. The will of man is at the heart of Babylon. In Babylon, the will of man is exalted over the will of God. Jesus dealt with this once and for all time in the garden of Gethsemane when he declared to the Father "nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Thy will be done."(Mt:26:39). There have always been tares and wheat growing together, those born of, living for man and a remnant born of, living for God but we are all now living in the day of the last great harvest when God is beginning to harvest, to separate, the two and those who are born of God are "coming out and being separated", Hallelujah! Mathew 13:30 has begun!
My wife likes to say there are "wheat churches" and there are "tare churches". In the wheat churches, God is removing the tares that are growing there. In the tare churches, God is removing the wheat! If you find yourself alienated from the traditional, denominational churches in your area, rejoice! If you find you don't belong, not because of something wrong with you but BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING RIGHT WITH YOU, rejoice! If they cast you from their presence, if they speak evil of you because of Righteousness' sake, you are in good company. If you GO TO YOUR OWN AND YOUR OWN RECEIVE YOU NOT, you have been counted worthy to suffer for him. You are simply following in his footsteps. You are joining him in his sufferings. Again, I say rejoice!
One of the saddest scriptures in all the Bible is John 1:11. Yet sadly, it is still happening today. Today he comes to his own in the form of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, His ministry, his anointing; his voice is in large part being rejected by the majority of Churches calling themselves "Christian". We see here, not all of "His" truly remain his but those who receive him. Simply saying a prayer of repentance one day isn't enough, we must eat of him everyday of our lives. We must become intimate with him, totally dependent on him.
To us who believe HIM (not our churche's doctrines about him), he gives us power to become his sons. This means we are not automatically his by saying a "sinner's prayer" once, but by living in him, through him, to him. See, all are born of the flesh. All are born first of the will of man. The will of man is at the heart of Babylon. In Babylon, the will of man is exalted over the will of God. Jesus dealt with this once and for all time in the garden of Gethsemane when he declared to the Father "nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Thy will be done."(Mt:26:39). There have always been tares and wheat growing together, those born of, living for man and a remnant born of, living for God but we are all now living in the day of the last great harvest when God is beginning to harvest, to separate, the two and those who are born of God are "coming out and being separated", Hallelujah! Mathew 13:30 has begun!
My wife likes to say there are "wheat churches" and there are "tare churches". In the wheat churches, God is removing the tares that are growing there. In the tare churches, God is removing the wheat! If you find yourself alienated from the traditional, denominational churches in your area, rejoice! If you find you don't belong, not because of something wrong with you but BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING RIGHT WITH YOU, rejoice! If they cast you from their presence, if they speak evil of you because of Righteousness' sake, you are in good company. If you GO TO YOUR OWN AND YOUR OWN RECEIVE YOU NOT, you have been counted worthy to suffer for him. You are simply following in his footsteps. You are joining him in his sufferings. Again, I say rejoice!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Man must be dethroned part two
"And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone, for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it" Ex:20:35. Once again we see God separating us from that which is man-made, that which is of man. A tool is man-made. Our sacrafice to and worship of God becomes polluted when man comes between us and God. Every idol ever made is just that, MADE by man. Every false image of God comes from man's wisdom, ability, skill, etc., is man making God into his image and God is delivering HIS BRIDE from all of this. Many in churches rely on their own strength, wisdom and skill, believing the lie that they are "special", chosen by God above their peers because of something special about them, they are more humble than anyone else, for instance. I've discovered that the more mightily God uses us in the earth today, the weaker we become and the more dependent on him we become. Truly, apart from him, we can do nothing. We must come to the end of our own strength, wisdom and our very selves in order to be of any use to God. This is why God allowed Satan to sift Peter and it is why Daniel came to the point where "there remained no strength in me; for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I had no strength" Dan:10:8. Our own comliness must be turned within us into corruption or it will corrupt all that is of God within us. Our own beauty and strength and wisdom must be seen for what it is, empty and shallow and completely useless apart from him. We, that is all mankind, have a form of God, we are all exhibiting his form outwardly, in the natural, but not his likeness, to be like him inwardly, no, we are reflections of Satan inwardly. The saints of God, only the "called out ones", those called out of Babylon, those under the blood of the lamb, are being made into his image and likeness.
We must remember that God chose Israel not because there was anything special about them, in fact he called them a stubborn and a stiff-necked people (sounds like the Churches today). No, he chose them because of his promise to their father, Abraham, and it is for this exact same reason any of us who are born again have been chosen today, because of a promise God made to Abraham (and Jesus) that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Aren't you glad God isn't like man, who goes back on his word and doesn't keep it?
We must remember that God chose Israel not because there was anything special about them, in fact he called them a stubborn and a stiff-necked people (sounds like the Churches today). No, he chose them because of his promise to their father, Abraham, and it is for this exact same reason any of us who are born again have been chosen today, because of a promise God made to Abraham (and Jesus) that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Aren't you glad God isn't like man, who goes back on his word and doesn't keep it?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Man must be dethroned
This message you are reading, about freedom from Babylon, from exalting man over God, is found throughout scripture and is the predominant theme of all scripture, along with what we are being restored to, fellowship and right standing with our Holy, loving God.
"And he said, draw not nigh hither: Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground"(Ex:3:5). Why did God command Moses to remove his shoes? Haven't you ever wondered? It was because his shoes were MAN MADE and he wants NOTHING OF MAN to come between him and his prophets, between him and his people. Also, God, his holiness, his very presence must make contact with human flesh, with our flesh. We must personally be impacted by, touched by his holiness. The purpose of religion is to keep us apart from God, to not bring us in to contact with Him.
"And the Lord said unto him, what is that in thine hand? And he said, a Rod. And he said, cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent: and Moses fled from before it. And the Lord said unto Moses, put forth thine hand and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it and it became a rod in his hand" (Ex:4:2-4)
Up until this point, Moses had been walking in his own authority and strength, which the rod represents. Moses struck the Egyptian instead of speaking to him, just as later he struck the rock instead of speaking to it, as God commanded. Both times he had it in his heart to deliver his people, to be a blessing to them, but he tried to do it his way, through his own strength and wisdom, and his way ended in death, both times. The rod becoming a snake shows us the real authority behind man's efforts to use his own strength and authority and wisdom (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) - Satan. We should all react the same way Moses did when this is revealed to us, we should flee from it (flee and escape out of the land of Babylon)Jer:50:28. Then he picked it up by the tail and it became a rod again. This is showing Moses and us that we have authority over Satan because we now walk in God's authority. See, the rod Moses now holds is unique in all the earth for it is now the result of a miracle; it is now God made and not man made. Now, Moses is using, is walking in God's power and authority, not his own.
"And he said, draw not nigh hither: Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground"(Ex:3:5). Why did God command Moses to remove his shoes? Haven't you ever wondered? It was because his shoes were MAN MADE and he wants NOTHING OF MAN to come between him and his prophets, between him and his people. Also, God, his holiness, his very presence must make contact with human flesh, with our flesh. We must personally be impacted by, touched by his holiness. The purpose of religion is to keep us apart from God, to not bring us in to contact with Him.
"And the Lord said unto him, what is that in thine hand? And he said, a Rod. And he said, cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent: and Moses fled from before it. And the Lord said unto Moses, put forth thine hand and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it and it became a rod in his hand" (Ex:4:2-4)
Up until this point, Moses had been walking in his own authority and strength, which the rod represents. Moses struck the Egyptian instead of speaking to him, just as later he struck the rock instead of speaking to it, as God commanded. Both times he had it in his heart to deliver his people, to be a blessing to them, but he tried to do it his way, through his own strength and wisdom, and his way ended in death, both times. The rod becoming a snake shows us the real authority behind man's efforts to use his own strength and authority and wisdom (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) - Satan. We should all react the same way Moses did when this is revealed to us, we should flee from it (flee and escape out of the land of Babylon)Jer:50:28. Then he picked it up by the tail and it became a rod again. This is showing Moses and us that we have authority over Satan because we now walk in God's authority. See, the rod Moses now holds is unique in all the earth for it is now the result of a miracle; it is now God made and not man made. Now, Moses is using, is walking in God's power and authority, not his own.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The root of the problem of pride, of exalting self or man over God, can be found in Genesis chapter three where Satan, the father of lies, introduces the idea of questioning God's word, of independently deciding what to believe, of thinking perhaps God is holding back from us, not wanting us to know the truth, not wanting us to get knowledge or we could be like him, be as gods apart from him. See, WE ARE LIKE HIM, we are made in his image, originally and he has invited us all back into the garden to be so again. We are all now currently being made into HIS IMAGE again by his divine invitation. We are all actually invited to sit in Christ on his throne, where we are given true authority and power by our generous, loving God, who freely shares his kingdom with us just as he gave us the earth to subdue and rule over at the beginning. "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom".(Luke 12:32)
Yet Satan seduces us into thinking we can't obrtain position or power with God, that God is selfish, that only with Satan can we have power, prestige and wealth. The exact opposite is true. Satan is a spiritual power-broker, doling out authority and power to anyone who will accept it from him. Satan doesn't openly enslave us; he instead invites us to sit near his throne, to be like him. The difference between God's and Satan's offer to us is that God's is legitimate and with Satan we decide what is good or evil, independent of God, not through him, in submission to him. We are taught by Satan to rule and reign apart from God, on our own. Independence from God, separation from God, is the very heartbeat of Satan's kingdom, Babylon.
We see Adam and Eve sewing fig leaves together to cover their shame and nakedness. The fig leaves represent Religion, man's attempt to cover his shame and ease his guilt resulting from his sin, through his own strength and effort, and all religion can ever do is affect us outwardly, whereas our true, living God is the only one who can change us inwardly, that is change our hearts. Unless our hearts withing us are transformed by his presence, our Christianity will remain a religious exercise in ritual and tradition that has no power to change a flea, much less a human soul. They have an outward form of godliness, only with no power for inner transformation. Satan's ways appear good and right and pleasurable, but always end in death. Will you choose his path or God's path? There is a way that seems right to MAN but the end thereof is death. This way that seems right is the path of Religion. When the religious ones of Jesus' day were offered a choice between Jesus or Barabbas, they chose Barabbas, a rebel and murderer who incited an insurrection against Roman authority. He is a type of Satan. Will you choose him over Christ? Will you set him free in your heart and crucify Christ in you, all that is Holy and God? Or will you crucify the Barabbas of your heart, all that rebels against God, against true authority in your life and free Jesus to rule and reign in you?
Peter also touches on the difference between Religion (outer) and relationship (inner) based Christianity - "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning; of wearing gold or putting on apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart" (1 Peter 3:3&4). It is precisely this "Hidden man of the heart" that must bow before Christ and become totally submitted to him or all is lost. If our godliness is outward only, Christ will say to us one day, "Depart from me, I never knew you". Where does he come to know us? Where does he sup with us? It is within us, in our hearts.
Yet Satan seduces us into thinking we can't obrtain position or power with God, that God is selfish, that only with Satan can we have power, prestige and wealth. The exact opposite is true. Satan is a spiritual power-broker, doling out authority and power to anyone who will accept it from him. Satan doesn't openly enslave us; he instead invites us to sit near his throne, to be like him. The difference between God's and Satan's offer to us is that God's is legitimate and with Satan we decide what is good or evil, independent of God, not through him, in submission to him. We are taught by Satan to rule and reign apart from God, on our own. Independence from God, separation from God, is the very heartbeat of Satan's kingdom, Babylon.
We see Adam and Eve sewing fig leaves together to cover their shame and nakedness. The fig leaves represent Religion, man's attempt to cover his shame and ease his guilt resulting from his sin, through his own strength and effort, and all religion can ever do is affect us outwardly, whereas our true, living God is the only one who can change us inwardly, that is change our hearts. Unless our hearts withing us are transformed by his presence, our Christianity will remain a religious exercise in ritual and tradition that has no power to change a flea, much less a human soul. They have an outward form of godliness, only with no power for inner transformation. Satan's ways appear good and right and pleasurable, but always end in death. Will you choose his path or God's path? There is a way that seems right to MAN but the end thereof is death. This way that seems right is the path of Religion. When the religious ones of Jesus' day were offered a choice between Jesus or Barabbas, they chose Barabbas, a rebel and murderer who incited an insurrection against Roman authority. He is a type of Satan. Will you choose him over Christ? Will you set him free in your heart and crucify Christ in you, all that is Holy and God? Or will you crucify the Barabbas of your heart, all that rebels against God, against true authority in your life and free Jesus to rule and reign in you?
Peter also touches on the difference between Religion (outer) and relationship (inner) based Christianity - "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning; of wearing gold or putting on apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart" (1 Peter 3:3&4). It is precisely this "Hidden man of the heart" that must bow before Christ and become totally submitted to him or all is lost. If our godliness is outward only, Christ will say to us one day, "Depart from me, I never knew you". Where does he come to know us? Where does he sup with us? It is within us, in our hearts.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one continued
Nimrod also built the tower to get revenge on God for drowning his relatives! How arrogant and bold he is to say God can never drown us again, how ignorant too since God promised he wouldn't do it anyway. And to say it is cowardice to submit to God (this lie has morphed into the lie that it is cowardice to believe in God at all), yet billions of people since have embraced his spirit of rebellion towards God, of striving against God and are following in his spiritual footsteps, continuing to claim citizenship in that city, continuing to build that tower in their hearts, if not with their hands. Which tower are you building, the one on sand or the one on the rock? In which city do you have residence - Babylon or the New Jerusalem? Are you part of the multitude today "very ready to follow the determination of Satan"?
As we will see, this "striving against the Lord" is the very heart beat of Babylon and all who do so will find themselves outside the walls of the New Jerusalem, which spiritually is made up of all who live in peace and harmony with God, perfectly submitted to his will, forever. The twin towers were a modern type of the tower of Babel - monuments to man's pride and trust in himself, in Babylon's present age system of buying and selling, in a center of worldly trading. Study Revelation 18 and see how the merchants of the earth mourn when Babylon falls and see the collapse of the twin towers as a prophecy from God foreshadowing the coming judgment and collapse of the entire world wide economic system set up by Satan to entrap them to his will, to make them dependent on him and not God. God brought them low as He will bring low all who exalt themselves against him, for he always "resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 and Psalm 138:6).
Babylon is the total opposite of God's kingdom on earth. Babylon is rooted in pride; God's kingdom is rooted in humility. God's kingdom is Christ-centered, Satan's is self-centered. God is sick of it and her time of judgment has come. The Day of Judgment of our God will not wait, its appointed time has come and understanding this will help many of God's people to survive the coming judgments. He wants us to understand suffering and even martyrdom are part of his plan for his people and that the Kingdom is entered into through much tribulation. There is no higher honor than to be counted worthy to suffer for his name's sake.
To be continued...
As we will see, this "striving against the Lord" is the very heart beat of Babylon and all who do so will find themselves outside the walls of the New Jerusalem, which spiritually is made up of all who live in peace and harmony with God, perfectly submitted to his will, forever. The twin towers were a modern type of the tower of Babel - monuments to man's pride and trust in himself, in Babylon's present age system of buying and selling, in a center of worldly trading. Study Revelation 18 and see how the merchants of the earth mourn when Babylon falls and see the collapse of the twin towers as a prophecy from God foreshadowing the coming judgment and collapse of the entire world wide economic system set up by Satan to entrap them to his will, to make them dependent on him and not God. God brought them low as He will bring low all who exalt themselves against him, for he always "resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 and Psalm 138:6).
Babylon is the total opposite of God's kingdom on earth. Babylon is rooted in pride; God's kingdom is rooted in humility. God's kingdom is Christ-centered, Satan's is self-centered. God is sick of it and her time of judgment has come. The Day of Judgment of our God will not wait, its appointed time has come and understanding this will help many of God's people to survive the coming judgments. He wants us to understand suffering and even martyrdom are part of his plan for his people and that the Kingdom is entered into through much tribulation. There is no higher honor than to be counted worthy to suffer for his name's sake.
To be continued...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one continued
See, in the new testament, they sold all they had and laid the money at the feet of the apostles who used it to bless those who needed it, out of love for one another they freely gave and freely received. Love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith. They teach that "gain is godliness, from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain".(1 Tim:6:5&6) Babylon uses buying and selling (money, in other words) to great effect, even trafficking in the souls of men, causing such a dependence on the world's system of buying and selling that in the end many will receive the mark of the beast, aligning themselves with Satan forever, rather than not be able to buy or sell )Rev:14:17). The great tragedy of our age is the trap Satan has ensnared so many with, that is, the life long pursuit of wealth and material possesions. So, so many are stressed out and in poor health because they've given themselves over to this false god's choice of what to spend our precious short lives on. This lifestyle can never satisfy or replace what only true spiritual riches can give us, what we can only attain through an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. And at the end of the age, when all are required to take the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name, what will all the prosperity teachers teach when this happens? Ask yourself, if they told you today you must take a mark in your right hand or forehead in order to buy food to feed your family, what will you do? Anyone who hasn't truly given their lives to Jesus will lose their life to Satan forever. Money is not necessary in God's kingdom! Remember how Jesus sent out his apostles? "Take nothing for the journey, save staff only (representing authority) no scrip, no bread, NO MONEY IN THEIR PURSE". Mark 6:8
There is an unhealthy fixation on money in many western churches because they're under the influence of another spirit other than God's. We can not serve both God and money but we can serve God with our money. It's our choice but if we choose to spend our lives pursuing money for money's sake, we will accept the mark when it is demanded of us, convincing ourselves it is God who is offering it to us. Satan is disguised as an angel of light, as a Christian! He never reveals himself to us in his true form. He is a liar and a deceiver from the beginning and will be to the end. To be continued...
There is an unhealthy fixation on money in many western churches because they're under the influence of another spirit other than God's. We can not serve both God and money but we can serve God with our money. It's our choice but if we choose to spend our lives pursuing money for money's sake, we will accept the mark when it is demanded of us, convincing ourselves it is God who is offering it to us. Satan is disguised as an angel of light, as a Christian! He never reveals himself to us in his true form. He is a liar and a deceiver from the beginning and will be to the end. To be continued...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one continued
Incidentally, this whole scenario in Genesis is a prophetic picture of the last days. God will once again allow them to unite in their pride and pursuit of evil, under the leadership of the anti-christ just as they did under Nimrod. So at the end it shall be as it was at the beginning, only this time when God deals with them, it will be final, eternal. Josephus, the jewish historian who lived during the time that Christ walked the earth, has some interesting insights into Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, who is a type and foreshadow of the anti-christ. From Josephus - complete works, "Antiquities of the Jews", chapter four, page 30 -
"Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah - a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny - seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!
Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God and they built a tower...neither sparing any pains nor being in any degree negligent about the work and by reason of the multitude of hands employed by it, it grew vey high, sooner than anyone could expect but the thickness of it was so was built of burnt brick with mortar that it might not be able to admit water".
If you'd like a snapshot of the anti-christ's agenda and modus operandi, here it is. From this we see several hall marks of Satan's kingdom. Nimrod's dad, Canaan, was cursed by Noah for his father Ham's indiscretion when he discovered his father's nakedness. He probably developed a very real bitterness towards the God of his father and this was passed down to Nimrod, where it sprang up and defiled many. Like Nimrod, Satan seeks to cause people to believe it is through their own courage and strength that they can attain happiness and satisfaction in life, apart from God. He incites men to no longer fear God but despise Him. He also seeks to bring men "into a constant dependence on his power". This is why he came up with the concept of buying and selling, which isn't a part of God's kingdom, which is predicated on giving and receiving, through Holy covenant with God and with each other.
To be continued...
"Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah - a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny - seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!
Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God and they built a tower...neither sparing any pains nor being in any degree negligent about the work and by reason of the multitude of hands employed by it, it grew vey high, sooner than anyone could expect but the thickness of it was so was built of burnt brick with mortar that it might not be able to admit water".
If you'd like a snapshot of the anti-christ's agenda and modus operandi, here it is. From this we see several hall marks of Satan's kingdom. Nimrod's dad, Canaan, was cursed by Noah for his father Ham's indiscretion when he discovered his father's nakedness. He probably developed a very real bitterness towards the God of his father and this was passed down to Nimrod, where it sprang up and defiled many. Like Nimrod, Satan seeks to cause people to believe it is through their own courage and strength that they can attain happiness and satisfaction in life, apart from God. He incites men to no longer fear God but despise Him. He also seeks to bring men "into a constant dependence on his power". This is why he came up with the concept of buying and selling, which isn't a part of God's kingdom, which is predicated on giving and receiving, through Holy covenant with God and with each other.
To be continued...
Monday, January 3, 2011
"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one
Before we explore God's judgments against Babylon, perhaps it would be beneficial to examine its roots, both physical and spiritual. It began as a city on the Euphrates river in what is now known as Iraq by a man named Nimrod. The name Euphrates means "to break forth, rushing" and truly this city's founding spirit has broken forth and rushed upon the whole earth. Everywhere men went, it went too. When God judged them and scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth (the very thing they feared and were trying to prevent), they took the spirit of Babel with them, for there was no true repentance for their evil. Only real repentance can break a spirit's hold over a human heart. This is found in Genesis chapter 10 vs. 8-10 and in chapter 11. There we read about Babel, which eventually became known as Babylon. We see it's roots revealed here.
They were trying to build a city (a city is made up of people joined together) and a tower whose top may reach unto Heaven. They weren't physically trying to reach Heaven with this city and tower but rather spiritually, for Heaven is a spiritual place. They were using sorcery and witchcraft to do this. They were trying to usurp God on His Heavenly throne after usurping Him off the throne of their hearts. They were trying to attain His throne apart from Him, from His divine invitation. This is exactly what Satan did in Heaven, repeated by men on earth. Just as Satan was cast down, his kingdom scattered over the earth, so was man. The result of following any other spirit or spiritual discipline but God's is seen here - confusion and division, separation from one another. This is God's judgment on all who separate from Him - they will become separated from each other and will not be able to communicate with each other. We see this among Christians caught in Babylon, they separate from one another and can not communicate with each other.
To be continued...
Before we explore God's judgments against Babylon, perhaps it would be beneficial to examine its roots, both physical and spiritual. It began as a city on the Euphrates river in what is now known as Iraq by a man named Nimrod. The name Euphrates means "to break forth, rushing" and truly this city's founding spirit has broken forth and rushed upon the whole earth. Everywhere men went, it went too. When God judged them and scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth (the very thing they feared and were trying to prevent), they took the spirit of Babel with them, for there was no true repentance for their evil. Only real repentance can break a spirit's hold over a human heart. This is found in Genesis chapter 10 vs. 8-10 and in chapter 11. There we read about Babel, which eventually became known as Babylon. We see it's roots revealed here.
They were trying to build a city (a city is made up of people joined together) and a tower whose top may reach unto Heaven. They weren't physically trying to reach Heaven with this city and tower but rather spiritually, for Heaven is a spiritual place. They were using sorcery and witchcraft to do this. They were trying to usurp God on His Heavenly throne after usurping Him off the throne of their hearts. They were trying to attain His throne apart from Him, from His divine invitation. This is exactly what Satan did in Heaven, repeated by men on earth. Just as Satan was cast down, his kingdom scattered over the earth, so was man. The result of following any other spirit or spiritual discipline but God's is seen here - confusion and division, separation from one another. This is God's judgment on all who separate from Him - they will become separated from each other and will not be able to communicate with each other. We see this among Christians caught in Babylon, they separate from one another and can not communicate with each other.
To be continued...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Introduction to my book "Freedom from Babylon"
We are all currently living in a day when many are going through the motions of religious traditions, like hamsters in a cage on a wheel going around and around, making a lot of effort, expending a lot of energy but going nowhere. They are caught in a kind of spiritual "Ground Hog Day" like the movie where a man is doomed to repeat the same day over and over again. Many people are caught in religious bondage and are endlessly repeating the same ceremony everytime they meet but without the life and light of Christ present. The time has come for all God's people, wherever they may be found to be gloriously set free from religious bondage. We have come to a momentous time in the history of mankind on earth. Prophetically speaking, we are living in the very beginning of Revelations 17 & 18. We are embarking on the last chapter of man's story before the wedding supper of the Lamb! This chapter is the final judgment of Babylon. This book seeks to shed light on just what, or better put, who Babylon is today and what is the responsibility of every believer. I can not over estimate how important the truth contained in this book is to the freedom and spiritual health and well-being of every true Christian on earth today. Please chew this meat carefully, for once you have done so, IT MUST BE SWALLOWED AND NOT SPIT BACK OUT.
After having read this you will then be responsible for the revelation found herein. You will be responsible to flee from Babylon and warn as many as you can to do the same. Do not let fear keep you in bondage. God is even now raising up an end time army of mighty faith that will over come every evil this world has embraced. Jesus' bride will prosper and flourish as the world goes down in the flames of final judgment, much like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, and she will not even have the smell of smoke on her. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. This day, this Day of Judgment of our God, is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Though at times it may seem as if this is a message of doom and gloom it's really a message of faith, hope and love. Faith in the only One who can deliver us from Babylon, hope that all God's people who hear this message will obey God's call to "come out of her my people" and every word of it is written with love, love for God and the precious souls he died to save. Your soul, as a matter of fact. Let this year be your year of deliverance and freedom. The only ones who will see this message as one of doom and gloom will be those who refuse to embrace and fall in love with the truth. In Christ, Chris
After having read this you will then be responsible for the revelation found herein. You will be responsible to flee from Babylon and warn as many as you can to do the same. Do not let fear keep you in bondage. God is even now raising up an end time army of mighty faith that will over come every evil this world has embraced. Jesus' bride will prosper and flourish as the world goes down in the flames of final judgment, much like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, and she will not even have the smell of smoke on her. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. This day, this Day of Judgment of our God, is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Though at times it may seem as if this is a message of doom and gloom it's really a message of faith, hope and love. Faith in the only One who can deliver us from Babylon, hope that all God's people who hear this message will obey God's call to "come out of her my people" and every word of it is written with love, love for God and the precious souls he died to save. Your soul, as a matter of fact. Let this year be your year of deliverance and freedom. The only ones who will see this message as one of doom and gloom will be those who refuse to embrace and fall in love with the truth. In Christ, Chris
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Well, another year comes to a close as another exits the womb. What exciting developements will we experience in 2011? Exciting only if you are on the winning team. God gave me a tremendous revelation a few years back which I put in my book "Freedom from Babylon". It is one of the most important revelations you will ever hear. I have decided to publish it here in this blog, starting tommorrow. Take it to heart. Consider it carefully. There is much wisdom and insight in it. I spent three weeks shut up in my prayer closet with the Holy Spirit, who virtually dictated the book to me. Great freedom and deliverance is yours, starting tommorrow for "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Chris PS Happy New Year!
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